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July 4, 2022

Delivering For Our Future with Dr. Anita Somani

This episode is a bonus but also very important. Even if you don't live in Ohio this is a great interview if you are wanting to get more involved in local politics. This was a very great and informative interview with a determined strong woman. 

Anita Somani (Democratic Party) is running for election to the Ohio House of Representatives to represent District 11. Somani is on the ballot in the Democratic primary on August 2, 2022. 

Dr. Somani is a passionate advocate for quality healthcare, public education; a strong economy that lifts all.

Dr. Anita Somani, MD is a Obstetrics & Gynecology Specialist in Columbus, OH and has over 34 years of experience in the medical field. Dr. Somani has extensive experience in Gynecologic Conditions. She graduated from Ohio Medical College - Toledo medical school in 1988. She is affiliated with medical facilities Mount Carmel St. Ann's and Riverside Methodist Hospital.

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It's a hard act to follow when we got all these powerful women up here. I am Dr. Anita Somani. And I've been an OBGYN in the Central Ohio area for 30 years. And this weekend, my patients, all of you and myself woke up with less rights today than we did on Friday. And then we did 50 years ago. You heard that theme. Over the years, I have seen so many restrictions placed on women's health and their access to care. We all know, politics don't belong in the exam room. They don't belong in the uterus, and they certainly don't belong in our patients lives. As a doctor, we all take an oath to do no harm. But with these extreme laws banning abortion in Ohio, I will be forced to watch my patients die. Even when I know I can save them. Topic pregnancies make up one to 2% of all pregnancies. That means in this group here, one out of 100 of you or two out of 100 of you will face an ectopic pregnancy extreme laws banning abortion threaten the freedom of all Ohio families. Our technology today allows us to screen embryos prior to implantation or in vitro fertilization. It allows a family who desperately wants a baby to have the healthiest embryo available fit back into the uterus. Well, families now be accused of murder for discarding embryos with severe mutations or donating them to science. What about our high risk specialists? What about my colleagues who are high risk doctors, they are often the ones who find life threatening birth defects on ultrasound, will they be arrested if they recommend abortion to the patient is the safest decision? Well, my GYN cancer colleagues be arrested for recommending cancer treatment which involves aborting the pregnancy, the alternative will be to carry a pregnancy to term along with all of the risks that that involves, and then go through the agony of knowing that child will suffer die within hours of birth. Is this Pro UP TO ME pro life is more than pro fetus. It is about supporting women and supporting families. It is universal health care, paid maternity leave universal childcare, easy access to contraception and abortion and support for all people regardless of what kind of family they aspire to. My colleagues and I provide health care and that includes everything. It includes contraception, abortion, access to care. So now now is the time for all of us to get mad and take action. I want to represent all of you to prevent these horrible laws from the fact that overturning them, I'd like to overturn them. So we can no longer afford to be complacent. Let's get out there. And let's flip Ohio and let's do this together.


First question is how does one get into politics? Like, I don't understand how that happens. Like I mechanics of it. Yeah, just like what do you do? Like, okay, I'm gonna run, like, what happens? How, what do you do? You have to get like a group together. Like, how does that work?


That's a good, that's a great question. I want to start. Yes, that's an absolutely fabulous question. So I have been super involved. On the other side of politics. I've gone down to the statehouse and testified I've talked about bills I've gotten to know like my state representatives and senators. That is not something everybody has to do. But it's a way to get your voice out there. You know, when these bills are coming around, people are just like, oh my god, I can't believe this is happening. We'll call the Statehouse call your reps. There's if they don't make it easy, you have to go to ohio.gov. And you have to look up your you know, through your address. You look up who your representative is, and they don't get many phone calls. Most of the phone calls go to Congress. Yeah, most of them go you know, everybody thinks that everything is fixed at the federal level. But now with the Roe v. Wade thing with some of these supreme court hearings and changes that are happening like they got rid of gun restrictions in New York and they got rid of the clean water in West Virginia. So pollute the water and we can just environment all thanks to our Supreme Court, a little radical when she said


a little bit radical, a little bit just unelected lifetime appointees, and three of them were from President loss of power. Muller vote and was twice impeached, of course. So that's makes sense for lifetime appointments. But here we are.


So going back to your question, how do you get into politics? Depends on what you want to do. It depends on what you want to accomplish. If you want to start small, a lot of times people will run for city council or they'll run for school board in their community, you don't need as much money you don't need as many votes, it's a lot easier because you talk to your friends you talk to your neighbors for us, like we could talk to our patients if they live in our community. So you start there, this was not on my bucket list. You already know how old I am.


Senate shock and it's shocking seven.


It was not something on my bucket list like hey, I'm gonna wake up and run for state representative you know, that wasn't that wasn't in the plan in the plan was to give up OB do robotics for a while, you know, enjoy my life travel more COVID hit and a lot of that plan went out the window. But my good friend ran for state representative in 2018, when right after Trump was elected, and the Women's March happened, and she and I did some marches together. And we spoke at rallies to talk about the importance of the ACA. There were these like flat pack rallies back in 2017, which seems a lifetime I


know it does. 2020 happening and like I feel like every eye is just I don't know.


So she and I were speaking I would speak about women's health and contraception and why the ACA helped women get access to all this. She talked about it from a med peds perspective, that it allowed for people to get medications that allowed rural hospitals to stay open because they were now getting paid because these patients were insured under the ACA. And so she decided in 2017, that she would take the plunge and run for office. So I luckily she was my representative, and she was my representative through two terms. Wow. Now running for her third term. And yeah, yeah, that's awesome. And unfortunately, what happened was, if you guys again, everything seems like a lifetime ago. But in 2016, there was a constitutional amendment on the on the ballot that voters voted to stop gerrymandering and to represent what the voter breakdown is. So in Ohio, it's 46%, Democrat, 53% Republican and only about 1% undeclared or independent or other parties. But if you look at our state house, majority 99 There are 99 seats in the state house like 99 districts, and then each of those districts goes under one, Senator. So like Senator Coons, you might my senator, she had Allison Russo and backlist and under under like as representatives under her the Senate. So now fast forward, we have a super majority, the Republicans control everything in Ohio, which is just wrong, because what they did was when they started making the maps there, there were only two Democrats on the commission, five Republicans it should have been even and it wasn't, and the maps were drawn over and over again. The Ohio Supreme Court actually rejected the maps by a four to three vote. They said no, these are still gerrymandering. No, these are still gerrymandering. And they did it several times. They did it several times for Democrats


just recently, too. Oh, yeah. This was this is long. Yeah.


It happened within the last six months. Yeah. So the they got independent mapmakers they actually paid. So not only did we as taxpayers pay for these mapmakers, the Republicans rejected them. And then on the fifth try, of the Ohio Supreme Court held fast, you know, and that's another reason we got to talk about judges and we got to talk about who to get elected to the Supreme Court here in Ohio. So, so there were people who would have run in the district that were Democrats. So this was very, very precise and very deliberate. They created boundaries and lines that took those Democrats out of this district. This district is leans three in terms of Democrats, so it's predominantly a Democrat leaning district when for Biden by 56%. And by gerrymandering it by cutting out and if you look at the map, it's crazy the way they've cut in and out of Hilliard in Dublin. They divided Dublin or


seen the map it's like insane Yeah, they just like it's just like squiggles. And you're like yeah, it is it is,


how do we put these pieces together? And in Dublin, Dublin will now be represented by three or four different people. So depending on if you live in Dublin, Union County, Dublin Franklin County, and or Dublin like the east part of Dublin, breathalysed and still has part of Dublin and Barbara Lucas running for the Union County Dublin and then I have in my new district that was created will have the the rest of Dublin so when this happened, and Law Rose was very deliberate. He went to the federal court, and he got the federal court to pass the maps and say, Well, if the Supreme Court can't decide, we're taking these maps, we're done. We're going to take these. So Alison Russo called me and she said, you've been really active in politics. You're going to lose BAP as your representative, and we think you would be a strong voice in the house. Why don't you run? And I was like, no, no, not on my list of things. Oh, yeah. No, thanks. No, thanks. And so that's on Friday. And she said, Well, think about it and get back to me. And I was like, okay, so I talked to my kids. And I talked to my husband, because obviously it impacts you know, yeah, just me. X, all of us. And they were all like, you gotta go for it. Oh, that's awesome. I know. I know. I was like, really? So, so Monday, now, this is the amazing part. So I call back Monday, and I tell Allison, okay, Allison, I'm gonna I'll do it. I'll run. Am I going to have an opponent? She's like, No, you're the Democratic candidate. There's no primary. We're not backing anybody else. This is what you need to do. You need to get you need 50 signatures on a petition to be on a ballot. Okay, so you can get a petition. And you can say, and traditionally, it's been the petition has to be signed by people of your own party in your district, however, because law Rose was playing the game, he switched it and said you could get signatures from anywhere in in Franklin County, okay. And it didn't have to be Republican or Democrat. It could be anybody. So she said, Well, this is Monday evening. You have till Wednesday till Tuesday night to get signatures. And then we got to get it down to the franklin county board of elections. We have to submit your petition to be on the ballot, it has to be a 90 days before the primary. So remember that 90 days before the primary data is the line in the Ohio law. Okay,


so you have 24 hours to get 50 signatures I have


no I have 24 hours to get at least 75 to 100 signatures. And I like so how do we do this? So you can make multiple copies of the petition. And so everybody was like, okay, we can strategize. I have well, to the GYN oncologist at Riverside. We're like, we're gonna get all the doctors to sign just give us copies. There's an Upper Arlington progressive group. One of the OBGYN says on that quote, he goes, just get someone at the library, and I'll have people come down to the library and science awesome. And then Jordan Hawkins, who's part of the Ohio Democratic Party, he took him down to Hilliard and there was another guy in Hilliard, and the two of them walked around during during election day and got signatures my husband went to Starbucks and Mike sweet green and Dublin. Yeah, so this was a very like, Okay, we are getting this done. We're


gonna get them. We're getting it.


But it's like, Okay, that's interesting. Yeah, normally, you have lots of time. Right. But you were like, okay, there were like it was kind of a last minute like decision for you.


It was a last one. It was a last minute decision to as a last minute decision, because of the gerrymandering and creating this problem where we had to have two primaries, because all the congressional office primaries were in May. And they took out so it's an extra 25 million for all of you taxpayers, including me $25 million have been spent have the second primary in August.


Yeah, have you driven on


specialists? Yeah, right. Right. Right, sweet. 25 the absurdity of trying to force the will of a party on a state?


Well, that's the problem is like, the Ohio people, including Republicans voted on this constitutional amendment to prevent gerrymandering, but then the people in power, the Republicans said, No, we're gonna do it anyways. Yeah, and found a way to do it. How many? Think about that I all Ohio voters, including Republicans didn't want this. And then they did it anyways. And turns out rainy 5 million and it's costing us money $25 million to create on top of all the legal like delays and fees, and I mean, attorneys. It's just, yeah,


I'm like, I don't know why I'm in shock. I feel like it's like insane, did it that's insane about holding on


to power. It's desperate to power. Wow. Yeah. So we got the signatures. And we got them in in time and the Board of Elections said, Sure, you've got the signatures, you're good to go. Then there's now it's not just me, there's six people involved. Frankly, Rose comes out and says, Oh, no, no, no. You can't be on the ballot because you didn't get your petition in in March in time for the May primary.


That what,


so I should have had a crystal ball. I should have been able to know enlarge what the district lines are going to be. And then I was going to run for


i k can't stand these? I just it is so rigidly does it is it's like made up. Nevermind, we're gonna do this instead so that you don't have


even a chance.


Oh, so all six people were Democrats, of course and it affected five different counties. So the Ohio Democratic Party said, You know what, screw you that's not in the Constitution. We're going to sue in court and get these people on the ballot. They asked for an expedited hearing, they took it to the Ohio Supreme Court, they're like, you know, the Ohio Supreme Court appears to because he basically flaunted his power over them and went to federal court federal court. He just said, I don't I don't like what you're telling me. So I'm out of here. And so they said that. So when I was talking to Democratic leadership, they're like, yeah, they probably have a bone to pick, I bet you'll win your case. And I said, well, first of all, how can anybody know that they're going to run in March when the district lines were drawn? You didn't


even have a district to run it didn't have a district to run in?


How signatures for that?


The amount of money just wasted. Yeah.


wasted wasted time. So then what did what happened? Did you go so


every week I'm like, calling the attorney. Have you heard Have you heard and he's like, he goes, I checked my email 50 times a day I have not heard. And about a week and a half into it. Two Republicans jumped on the suit. Because they in support, know when they're not in support, because they wanted to get on the ballot. They wanted to get on the bus now


that they're I've been sorry about the federal level, but the state level, it's obviously it's just as


nobody realizes how corrupt Oh, no, it's I mean, we always hear about other states. But Ohio's horrible, horrible, horrible in terms of politician, while not all politician, I'm not a politician. I'm a doctor.


Yeah, I was like you. Yeah,


I am doing this because I really think I can make a difference. So. So now we're on pins and needles. These two people add onto the lawsuit. Last Friday, I felt like I was on the biggest roller coaster of my life. I'm getting texted. Oh my god. Did you see what the Supreme Court just did? Did you hear what the Supreme Court just did? And I was like, Yeah, I go. Didn't you know it was coming? It's been coming. We saw the draft opinion that we saw the leak draft opinion. They've been talking about this for how many years? I got, I just didn't think it would happen because what are they gonna run on now? Yeah, right. Clearly,


all their energy was about being anti abortion. Go back to the gays. Yeah, back to the gays now know that. They literally


said it, Clarence Thomas. But notice how Clarence Thomas did not include in a


race. I didn't notice that


I was very interested or why that would be almost like he looks out for the people closest to him like his insurrectionist wife. Oh, oops. Oops, that's weird. Akeem Oh, weird. And he wanted to hide some documents from January 6 committee because his wife might be involved. Yeah. Oh, interesting. So scared lifetime appointment. Yeah, like, so you're getting all these texts? I'm


getting all these texts about Supreme Court. You know, it's been overruled. Oh my god, what can we do? Like, it's too little too late. There's


nothing we can do it.


I said, it's up to the states. Now. I said really, it falls back into the state hands. And if you look back in history, the whole reason to do this is racism. It's all about racism. If you think back to before the Civil War, you know, all of these laws were in state hands and states rights states rights. And so when the federal rights you know, all the different amendments after Lincoln and stuff gave more power to the federal level to the federal government, they worked hard to get it back to the States. Yeah. So in a way that's good for me because then I can help to fix Ohio and I can hopefully get abortion as a constitutional right now Ohio, and then we can work on all the other stuff that they're trying to take away which right we'll be happy to tell you guys all about. We have to play offense we


need to write we need to we try defense,


we've tried defense, we tried like we're gonna go high when they go Oh,


listen, Michelle, we can't do that. We tried literally we're dying out here like women are dying now because of this decision. So we can't like we're not going high anymore. We got to get dirty. Take it to the courts in the state level. Put it


on the ballot. Yeah, like it's wonderful to be a stand up citizen and be like, we're gonna do the right thing. The right thing is actually to fight this point because


of what Mitch McConnell did with no, they never played fair than the Mandarin. They don't play fair. Republicans are never going to and Democrats have always been high minded and, well, we got to we'll just support everything. No, no funny time to get dirty is common.


I saw that that was in an editorial where this guy goes? Yeah, think of this like a basketball game. One team is playing with their hand behind their back. The other team is taking foul shots and the referees are letting them.


Right. Right. That is actually Oh my


god. That's that's literally it. And we're in the stands going, what? What is happening? Wow. Yeah,


that's it. So it really is important. The state level is actually very important than it. Oh, yeah. I mean, always, but it just ever seems to get the attention though, because most


people don't know their local representative. And


most people don't. And, like, what district? Are you running for, like? And bet said the same thing that said, half the people don't know who I am in the district. It makes


me kind of sad, because I might be one of those people. Like, I don't know what, you know, I want to know, I want to be involved in this kind of I asked sort of that question, because I'm like, I don't know how to get involved. But also, like, I need to focus more on the state level than the federal I'm so concerned about federal level, but like, really, we don't directly affect it. Right. Well, right. Yeah.


So So do you guys know in 2019, Niki Antonio's put a bill together. The basically the Ohio Fairness Act was a Senate Bill. It was to clarify in Ohio law, that discrimination on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression is illegal. It has gotten zero hearings. I've never bill is just languishing at the Statehouse. This is something you all can do. You can say we want a hearing on SB 119. We want to have this, the cities and some of the smaller you know, like Hillier just did this, Dublin just did that they put a non discrimination clause into their city laws. My opponent and Hilliard voted against the only person on city council to vote against the non discrimination clause.


It's literally like 2020 to be like, we want to discriminate. Let's do it.


What is that about? Like, I don't get it. Can everybody just leave? Oh, my gosh, it's so weird.


I mean, you think of discrimination you think okay, on ethnicity. But it's more than that, like people are not protected, like gender, gender identity, gender expression. None of that is protected in Ohio. None of it is protected at the federal level. Because the era again, thanks to Republican Women didn't get passed, it had majority support, but they couldn't get enough to ratify it.


That's crazy. Well, I don't have legal equal footing still. Yeah, right.


So I'm freaked out.


I don't want what do we do? So we don't worry about we can't fix the court right now. We can't fix the Supreme Court unless Congress flipped. So for those of you who are like, why bother voting, my vote doesn't matter. I agree. You know, I feel that way too. I think why am I getting up and doing this? But if we so right now, you know, the way Senate 5050 Kamala Harris would be the deciding vote. But then we had two Democratic senators who decided we want to play by the rules and we want bipartisan legislation.


They're talking about the filibuster. Like it's sacred. I'm like, That's a rule that's also made up. It's not in the Constitution. You don't need to have a filibuster. You guys have just agreed on this to protect the southern states way back when let's start with racism. Our whole system is designed around race as our whole how do we protect the state's rights in the South slaveholders? Yes, oh, we'll have some rules like the senate. The senate sounds good. It'll have unequal they'll have outweighed majorities in there. There'll be the deliberative.


Oh, right. They're gonna think through and be very rational about this. No, right now they're not. No, they're not.


They're grasping on to power because they think they're being erased.


I want to be like, No, way. There's no fucking




You're allowed to say that. It's true.


I know. I know. I


like so it's just like,


I think my kids have heard me swear like twice and they're not it doesn't roll up I love


those two times must have been a doozy. Something must have been really


you know how politicians are speaking these days. You're really not one. Now we know. Now we know.


Yeah. So So again, if you want to have equality in Ohio, let's work on getting this bill passed. Yeah, no, let's I mean, I would love to be down in the statehouse and be able to say, Hey, we got this done. You know,


like, Wouldn't it be nice if all the businesses we went to in June for pride and all the rainbows that were out if they had a petition more they had information on where to call about this bill? Would that be nice? Yeah. Because we were we saw so much support. But what does that translate to listen, it's over now


to take my watch off and yeah, it's


Yeah, I love it. I love your overdue This is ridiculous. Take this off. Yeah, absolutely. Oh, I love that. It really is that to me, like that would be a really good idea. Concrete simple ways that we could bring this up in the community.


So the other things that you you all need to think about in terms of this community, our community, I have so many friends that and my daughter and so many people, I know that this will affect them. The Ohio Fairness Act to the medical conscience clause, the medical conscience clause was one of those bills, which in the past would have been shut down very quickly. It is so that doctors can basically say, no, sorry, I don't want to treat you you're gay. I don't want to treat you you're transgender. I don't want to tweet you because I don't know. Like, I don't really like how you look. I don't like crazy your skin and met it commentable conscience clause. The only good thing that came out of it that I was cracking up about was Do you remember Joe Costello was telling me this? Do you remember in down in like, between Cincinnati and Dayton, there was a smaller hospital where this crazy woman was trying to force the ID doc there the ICU doc there to give her husband ivermectin. Oh, yes,


yeah, we read about this case, we talked about this. And she


got the courts to agree that her husband was going to have to get ivermectin they were forced the doctor. They were trying to force the doctor to give something that is not legitimately a treatment for COVID. And so the doctor turned this around, and he said, Oh, no, no, that's against my medical conscience. I cannot do that. Based on the laws are hearing Oh,


my gosh, I've never heard that. So was that doctor protected? Yes.


Yeah, that's awesome. That's great, though.




a doctor can say it's against my conscious to refuse an abortion. Because, yeah, a woman. I mean, I'm wondering, like, how can we use this?


So in Florida, the Jewish there's a Jewish community. I don't know if it's Defamation League, I don't know who the group is. But they are suing Florida because you're you're infringing on our religious, religiously, religiously Jew Judaism. And actually, I found out from some Muslim friends that even in Muslim law, up to 120 days, it's between the doctor and the patient as to whether they can have an abortion or not. Nobody else can get involved in that decision. And they should.


Do you hear that? Yeah, I hear a lot. And because what do we hear about religion? forbids abortion? No. Christian religion, supposedly. I mean, what Christian religion? Which ones? Well, yeah,


history again. Yeah, cuz I'm going to show my age again.


Oh, no, you don't? You guys are getting a history lesson. Sorry. Oh, she's 3227. What?


So um, back in the day, Pirate all these things. Catholic religion defined life, like when a child was considered alive by when the mother felt quickening. And for you all who have never been pregnant. Was sounds horrifying. quickening is when you felt the baby move. Oh, fetal movement usually is felt between 16 and 20 weeks, roughly your fourth to fifth month. So that was considered when a child had a soul and was alive because the mother felt movement. Fast forward to the Roe v. Wade being passed and the far right again the you know, because when Roe v. Wade passed, there was no there was none of this. The GOP was like, Yeah, we're on board. There were Reagan was like no choice. He was initially


Yeah. And then he checked. Yeah, that's the thing is like all their problems like okay,


yeah. And so was Trump. Trump as a Democrat? Oh, yeah.


Oh, yeah.


We know he's abortions like yes, absolutely.


Wouldn't you like to see that? I want to know the statistic between people who just was like, the receipt shows the receipts. I want to know how many Republicans have gotten abortions versus like Democrats or like pro choice Pro? Yeah. I'd be interested to see because I think


they're anti abortion till somebody in there, sir. Yeah, exactly.


And that's how they that's what they do. They're the people too. Yeah. So bad right now. I don't know why I'm just like, this is really so that's


funny that the court kind of picked up the viability and that's also when Catholics were saying quickening,


Catholics have said quick things. Yeah, I'll go to the political aspects. So evangelicals were very strong voting bloc. They they consistently voted. But they didn't consistently vote, the GOP policies in the 70s and there was a group that started and I don't know if you guys remember Phyllis Schlafly and how she took down the era. She actually took down the era amendment And then she worked with another woman who was on this right to life kick. And so this is when they started pushing this whole agenda of anti abortion, anti choice and slowly built to the point where Reagan when he comes into office is elected by a landslide because he's talking about being anti anti abortion being anti abortion. They get all the Evangelicals on board. So now we're 40 years later, and there's a whole generation of people who have grown up with the idea that what they're learning from politics and propaganda that life begins with the heartbeat.


Yeah, which there's not even a hard


Well, I literally took a jar down with a little pee in it. Yeah. And testified when the first time the heartbeat bill came around in Ohio. I said, if you're wondering what a six week fetus or embryo looks like, look at this jar, look at this P that is the size of a six week embryo, a p a p and if you think that he can live outside of it, good luck. The heartbeat has nothing to do with no, no, not at all. No brain cells, right? There is no long development. This matters if there's a heart beating.


I just it's just so mind boggling. Like it's just really, really think about it.


Like the politicians have picked this thing like, oh, how close can we get to conception? The heartbeat? That's something people think about alive the heartbeat? Yeah, it's like, cardiac activity.


So why on the other end of the spectrum, when you want to say that somebody should be taken off life support? It's not the heartbeat that defines a


right brain activity? brain activity? Exactly. Right, right.


I mean, there's two ends of the same spectrum. How do we define life with a heartbeat? But define death? Or living no


brain activity? Like how does that make sense that makes you can't force someone to become an organ donor, even though it could be life saving, like let's take a kidney actually need one. But you can't force someone to carry a pregnancy, like you have to put on mass,


you have control of my uterus, but I don't have control of your kidneys.


Right. That doesn't make sense.


And not not only you what you just said, in fact, the chant that you heard over and over again, from pro choice women was my body my choice? Yes, you started using that right? The anti Vax right acts are people, right? I really do you not see the hypocrisy of your word. Yeah,


the fact that guns are killing Oh, tons of kids. And it's like, you're not worried about that. Or you're worried about this?


Heaven forbid we do anything to try to address that anything.


So let's talk about the Supreme Court gutting gun restrictions in New York the day before they took away women's rights.


They're like, let's leave this to the States, but not gun control that can't be left to the states. What I like they're picking, picking and choosing, but it's been a 40 year campaign to do this. Yeah, that's what we're looking at.


Right? It's our lifetime, like my lifetime. your lifetime. This is. What's weird is like I Yeah, well,


some of them are what, like 50. They're not they're going to be on that court for 30 more years, and we have to grow up with well, but I'm already


grown up. Like I feel like yeah,


so Nan Whaley, who's running for governor. He's super pro choice. Yes. We all have to get elected. Yes. She said, she is only known Mike DeWine is a politician her entire life. He's been involved in Ohio. Yeah, politics since


the 80s. He's made a slow rise. I mean, he'd started Yeah, he's


been in Ohio politics for all of her life. And she's like, it's time for just we need


some new since the 80s. But you know, yeah, lifetime. That's what I'm like,


your lifetime, your lifetime, more than my lifetime. Yeah, yeah.


That's great. That is just just wonderful.


But you know, what, again, Supreme Court being the way they are, they allowed for dark money to be everywhere. So it's really hard for someone who doesn't have a lot of money who doesn't have connections to run for office?


Right, right. Right. Right. And, you know,


I was so amazed like when you look at AOC or you look at you know, some of these women that progressive women that have gotten in and how they've gotten in without having these you know, corporate and right wing or dark money or PACs like super PACs where you don't know who and where the money coming from, follow the money, follow the money.


Always the same people to have a rainbow logo because they're like, Yeah, I can't


and then they're like funding anti


LGBT politicians and you're like, so why we need to make sure because that's,


so I said the same thing. I'm like, Okay, now all these corporations are coming out like We will pay for our employees to go to the other states and have their abortions and stuff. Why were you funding the anti abortion court that we have now? Great, you know, because now you care. Now you care because Oh,


I get a lot of that's not gonna happen to people at work. I talked to the other side at worst times, and I'm like, you know, I'm not like gay marriage is gonna be next. Like, that won't happen. And I'm like, Well, this wasn't supposed to happen. And here we are, like, look at what's happened over the


past month. I'm like decisions we've gotten.


There have been so many things, overturn that have been around for 50 years. The EPA started in 1970. We all think of Nixon as a bad president. And I'm not saying he's a good president, but he had a lot of good ideas. Yeah, he started the EPA, he recognized the importance of the environment. He was the one who recognized that reproductive rights are what helped people get out of poverty. You know, it's all about holding women back. This is the goal like security, if you can plan when you have your children, if you can plan when you have your families. If you wanted to have a family, for example, and you said you know, I I'm going to have a child. Once I'm settled once I've gotten through


once I'm on a good career path once I have a home once I can afford everything. Yeah, not before.


Now. You can't it now that you don't have the option to control your reproductive freedom, you may not be able to do that. If you don't have access to contraception by the age of 20, you're like 12 to 15 times more likely to end up in poverty. And think about it. Think about that. And do the teenage boys ever take responsibility?


No, that's Yeah. Always always blame the woman. It's never like it's always well, you should have to raise but she shouldn't have done that. She shouldn't have done that. Well, if you're not ready to have a baby then don't have sex. So now sex is only for rich people.


No sex. Honestly, every every year


that what does that mean?


Every woman in the United States should just take a sex holiday. Yeah, they did that in a country in Europe that I can't remember right now. And boy took a break. Well, let's


quickly take a break. Actually, that is a great way about that, too.


Wasn't a sex break. It was actually a work break that they got every woman housewife working woman everybody to basically strike for a day. And they said, and the men are taking care of the kids and trying to go to work they're trying to you know, they're like literally trying to do everything. And after a day they recognize Oh yeah, we should maybe women should have some economic freedom and power.


Wow, we need to do it here. Yeah.


So what what should we there's another thing you can organize? I love that like how so what what would you recommend for us as people who are want to be involved, but like,


start out with simple things. If you see something in the news, like right now you've been seeing? I happen to show a speculum during a press conference and my husband had never seen a speculum. Mind you. He's been married to me for 35 years. Wow. And I've been an OBGYN For 30 years. Yeah, you're like, and he's I came


home every day use this. He was like,


I've never seen that. And I go, What do you mean, you've never seen this? And he goes, I have never seen a speculum and my daughter, who's also an OBGYN resident. She's like, Dad, how have you never seen a speculum?


Like your? I don't know if you


have have you? I think I know what it looks like. But isn't it like,


it's like a medieval torture?


Yeah. Yeah, the duckbill.


That's the we've seen it in certain videos, probably.


I don't know what's wrong. I don't even know. But yes, I have seen one.


So you remember your fancy GOP bill to impact one transgender athlete in the last year?


The focus is so misguided. They're like, I hear this all the time. Like Well, trans. Trans women are gonna dominate sports. I was like, Can you name another one? Can you name one other instance? Can you name any time you've ever watched women's swimming before? You have never you don't care about women's sports? Not at all. Not at all. Fairness, it's called.


It's called the the fairness and sports act or something. Some ridiculous name. Yeah. And so literally, you are going to make every person who doesn't look feminine and unknown, right? Well, that's what's Yes. Exam, a speculum exam. And now, well,


you're gonna I'm not letting my child get molested by some random weirdo who wants to check genitals, right children stop letting that happen. Exactly. So take them out of sports and then see what happens.


Well, so that's the problem, right? Yeah. Now you're telling girls they can participate in sports, or girls that are tomboyish and


it's anyone who used of it. So like if some girl is doing well on a team and the coach is putting her in and doing a lot and then the other girls jealous she tells her parents like I don't I've seen her in the locker room I don't know she's a girl. Yeah, and then that child has to be wonderful like this is anyone can accuse another child.


This is like a totally get any parent can hear that from saying so like say the state championship and they're like, there's the best girl. Let's go ahead and just Yes, yeah, not that That's mattered. That's weird. That's like the side of it.


But like, would that get into your head?


If you were Yeah, you can easily be like, we can get that one out of there. We'll just say she's, we think she's that's


not only that, but I look at it from a parent perspective. I would be like, mortified, whether my daughter no matter how she looks, the risk of having to have an exam like that would be enough to say, okay, maybe you shouldn't participate in sports. But that hurts women when you think that mental health, oh, gun violence is all about mental health. But we're going to impose sexual assault on girls because we want to make sure their girls,


it's like, what's the obsession?


That's my question. What is the obsession with


their fucked in the head? Yeah,


maybe because they're the ones who are the pedophile? Yeah,


I think that's they're the groomers everyone's writing a bill talking about we have to examine children's genitals. Like think about that. Think about how


many churches have had sex scandals.


Oh, oh, the church. That's probably why they're pro life. Yeah,


you're right in there with Amy Coney Barrett going. We need more children so that


people can adopt domestic supply.


It's like it's running


short. We have 400,000 in the foster system that you don't give a fuck about.


And also meanwhile, when you do adopted kids like $30,000 I'm doing a


lot a 14 year old girl adopted child. No, she's not ready, but we can force her to carry a baby to term. Yeah, yeah, I was what like, yeah, sometimes they don't want to talk about it, though. They don't like begins at conception. I can't that's that's their that's it. Yeah. No thought process. That's well, that's what that is. It's God's will. It's infuriating. As well as


God, which I need. Yeah. And also, I don't think if I'm thinking about the same God that I learned when I was growing up, like, I don't think he's like this. It's like this like, like,


I stay pregnant. That's a good idea.


So do you think do you think in today's world Jesus would be accepted? He was no. Yeah. You know, or he took care of prostitutes and poor people. Imagine if


he was a socialist. Really? I mean, they would hate Oh, totally. He would be run out of the church. Oh, yeah. It's true. He won't he was


put on a cross. You can't even and I'm not Christian.


Yeah, exactly. Jesus would not be accepted today. Absolutely


not. Neither would bury because married be like, Oh, I got pregnant. But what?


No, you're a little they would call her right.


They would they would they call her that? Don't do. They did. Yeah, they did.


And this is the problem like nobody would, right. So it's like, but then that's what you believe. And


even if you did believe that, why does the rest of the country have to live by that? Yeah,


I don't give a shit what you believe.


So I think now that they're they, again, Supreme Court. Another wonderful thing to say. We don't believe in separation of church and state. We will allow prayer in schools. So now everybody that prays whether you're Muslim, or Hindu or Satan. So yeah, I This isn't my quote. But you know, if you're a devil worshiper, if you're a son, God, whatever, God, then you can all pray in church in school.


You think a Muslim getting down in the middle of the field? Doing just wait, you think that's gonna go over? Well, yes. Kansas. You know, what would happen that Oh, guns would be drawn? Oh, yeah. I mean, target. Schools. Right, exactly. I think prayer in school is we should do some Wiccan period. Let's get some candles, put them in a circle. See what happens. That's the place down maybe.


I mean, again, if you locally if you're like, Okay, we want prayer in schools, and let's all pray to whoever we believe in.


And I'll just take a little nap Lady Gaga, perhaps we'll pray to Lady Gaga Beyonce song


I mean, for real well, the only thing is like with I hope these cases with Jewish people going forward, like come to fruition I hope it works. Because it makes sense if you have religious liberty and you have to respect religion if you're allowed to have an abortion in that religion, we should be allowing that it's that's a very interesting angle. Very clear. It's in the Talmud. It's very clear,


it's very clear that


what again, we're based on I'm not making fun of anybody's religion or anything like that, but we're basing it on these documents from when and it's been passing translated to how many times like the Bible or whatever I know it's like so we're gonna listen to this but we're not gonna listen to like science or we're not gonna listen to you know what I'm saying? I think it's just so ridiculous


that if that's what it takes, that's my guess.


I don't care I'll play with


and that's where we go we're gonna play the game where we don't go high anymore. We go dirty down into


parents schools then all of it be it bring it all


the way to look at it just spinning back on them be like Okay, sounds great. Let's go on God. I'm gonna go do like a


weird Guess what? I'm Jewish for the day I'm getting an abortion. Bye bye. I just I just converted today my religious freedom. Like you walk in the you walk into the abortion clinic. You're like, well, I'm Jewish. Okay, here, come back here. I mean, literally, you can do that. If these if the courts uphold that that's All you have to do so Are you Jewish? Okay, well, we just got to think What's the proof of that and you've seen it. Okay, well, I just got to think differently. Yeah, outside the box thinking outside the box. Yeah. I like that. So there are definitely ways we can do this Bobby don't despair. I can tell by your I'm a little bit.


I you know what I've spent a week. So going back to my roller coaster story, how


you got the text back to the


back to the roller coaster story. I'm getting all these tags. Everybody's despairing. Everybody's like the world is ending tomorrow. And like, No, it's not ending tomorrow. But man, we got a lot of work to do. So about four o'clock that afternoon, the lawyer calls and says, you won your case. Like,


Oh, wow.


Wow. And for a second I was like, What What are you talking about? And he goes, the supreme court voted in your favor. And I was like, Oh, no.


Oh, got it. Got it. Oh, that whole thing.


entire day, you know, just sucked into Right? Like the row the row case that I couldn't think about anything. Oh, so then I was like, I'm gonna fight and I'm gonna get we


have to formula we have to and


I think it gets even worse if we don't well, full handmaid's.


I think it's gonna be whether it was a monarchy whether it was an oligarchy, whatever it was, people started a revolution right? Yeah. You know, you even America started under a revolution he retired of a monarchy and we're like yeah, we don't circle back around. Right so now we're having to deal with a different type of you know, monarchy I mean, it's I don't know I've heard a call to oligarchy of called cracy


corporations or people here so


talk about dark mode is so messed up when you really do start talking about it like it is so messed up our whole entire everything we really are gonna have to do we have to fight and yeah, we're gonna do well, I'm I'm fully on board. So yeah, maybe I'm not the leader of it. But I'll


know your rows back.


You know, every every every movie needs its chiefs and Indians. Yeah, like what's. So what's coming up next is there is a house bill right now that would make drumroll. Oh, no. contraception and IUDs. Illegal.


contraception and IUDs. Illegal. Bobby, sorry, I


got dropped on that. I was like, Oh, well, it's a Trump.


contraception and IUDs illegal


literally is a bill by the same woman who,


oh, the one who ran away and we talk about Yeah, I voted her error. That's the thing that you're like, right. Like, who are these crazy people?


So Oh, our neighbors and can we go back? Can we go back to voting? Right. So who votes in primaries?


They it's always the extremes. It's always and that's why the extremes get put on the ballot. And then when Republicans were like, Well, I'm not voting for the Democrat. I guess I'll vote for this crazy Republican because he missed in the state of our true yeah.


So we so what can we do we show up for primary. So the primary is August 2, okay, August 2, August 2, I don't have an opponent. But there are a lot of places where there are opponents So get to know who's on the ballot for your district. Okay, go to ohio.gov Look up, you know, who is your state rep you can put in, in the franklin county board of elections, you can actually put your address and it'll show you what district you're in. Oh, it won't show you who your reps are, but it'll show you your district can go from there. So it's a two step process. I think they want to make it difficult for people of course.


No, they absolutely that's the whole Yeah, like you can't register online you have to sign a form and then send it in. I remember doing this in 26 I was like what's happening? Yeah, I have to send in a form paper form. I haven't printed a paper in years.


Yeah. So now I don't have a printer again trying to take away because Democrats did really well when it came to online or Oh, yeah, early voting early voting. They don't want so now they're trying to get rid of it in Iowa and make it more difficult and make it more difficult and restrict out


and is it a national holiday when we vote no, no. So if you're working good luck, I guess you have to get there very, very early or you have to try to early vote. Yeah, yeah, good luck doing that.


So the other thing is if you are not registered to vote, you have to get registered before July July fourth July 1


deadline Oh, we gotta go down to the red white and boom and sign people up right now. Yep.


Yeah, cuz HOLY SHIT July 5, if you did not vote in and I there's a couple of years. I mean, they're making it more strict that they've changed things but I'll purge the rolls. I'll purge the rolls. So you'll show up at your voting booth and there'll be like, you're not on you know, you're not registered to vote. So you can check your registration. It's super easy to do check registration, check registration, make sure you're registered. Look up your district. Get Started. If you're not by Yeah, please, please get and


if you've listened this long to this, you need to be registered to vote. I mean, honestly, what are you waiting for it already be? What are you waiting for it


this way when you say oh, it's not worth voting, it doesn't matter. My voice doesn't matter. If that was true, why are they working so hard to take away our voting rights?


Precisely? Right? They know exactly what can happen to them. If we all vote. Do you think that the average person walked I personally


think we need to get rid of the Electoral College? Oh, whoa, yeah, it's a waste of time. It's again back to the it's back. Why don't we do it? racism and white


power racism, white power? Oh, let's get West Virginia three and then California? Well, your voters won't be worth as much. Really, I mean, they have like three times a voting West Virginia or Wyoming compared to California voters


and three times and I'll choose to Santa to her state


3,300,000 people,


two senators, but that's what I think there has to be Revolution like this has got to change.


It is a systemic problem. You're right, right.


But, again, going back to local,


keep it local, local, its focus, keep it local, we're worried about the left side, barricade the streets yet, let's keep it local.


Well, I think that is where it starts I think we are too focused on the big we need to be closer to home that's the goal. If your goal here


in healthcare there was there was a group of er Doc's that started an organization called vote and across like vote plus car.org and you can go online and order I didn't bring my badge in but it has like a QR code that you can put on your badge and you I literally have asked patients do you know if you're registered to vote and it's a it's a nonpartisan site? So don't tell you so you you can you go there you get those they have lanyards they have QR codes and talking to patients. Again the AMA has recently come out saying voting is a health determinant because we know that when people vote they can help get access to care they can vote for universal health care they can our systems going bankrupt it's not it's not a sustainable system when insurance companies make millions of dollars that's a whole nother


that's a whole it's a whole other phone


let's let's get back to what can you do register to vote no know your district


primaries coming up primaries August 2 is coming up.


Oh the seconds coming up. Even if you have a ballot where you know there's only one Democrat on the ballot and you feel like you're in a safe district look at the other side because you can publican primary you can walk in and say I want to Republican ballot even


a lot of people didn't I did that last I didn't know that. I was like oh, well I already did. I did then vote for the less evil right I'm saying that evil we have to


minimize our losses Yeah,


stream the less extreme you know, and then or you can look at it another way you can go well, you know, you probably want to run against the craziest person on the other side but yeah, do you want


to risk that and Ohio? Yeah, you know, they're green depends what state you're in when you're doing that because if you're in Ohio like that person might get elected. Yeah. And then you're really screwed like at Georgia with Marjorie Taylor Greene right? You just like oh my


god. What's the separation of church? Like the church should be telling the government wants to excuse me?


Oh my gosh,


she literally tweeted the green New Deal is dead. And it's like, what are you talking about? It wasn't the green New Deal.


Yeah, what wasn't that that was never alive. But we're talking about her Yeah, right.


Because there you have it. She has sound bites and then everybody recognizes her name. Wow.


I so we have a lot we can do to come up you're gonna come up with some we're gonna come up with them for you. I'm gonna come up


with sound bites. You guys gotta help I can help you with that. I


really can't. I need sound bites and I need to go to like your Viva


la revolusi on a sound bite. Yeah, like my slogan is delivering for them. They're gonna be like she's a communist. That's not a good sound. Oh, delivering for our future. Yeah,


I like that. I like that. Yeah, name of the episode.


Because your deliver. I deliver baby. Okay, he just got the name of the episode delivering for our future. Yeah, that's a good name. Yeah. Okay, good. Oh, my God. I like that. Yes.


I feel like I could talk to you for like, probably four hours. But maybe yeah, I don't know. I just feel like I've learned a lot. I need to your mind is open it is I'm like, yeah. What's your thoughts on marijuana legalization? That's my question because it might why not?


The hell out of it. agree about it. I mean,


our roads could be fixed if we just we had a lot of


pot for potholes that for potholes.


I personally so again, showing my


let's say this You don't even drink soda. So we're not we're not asking about, we know you're not a user word. Bobby, Don't even ask.


I love good wine.


I like that. Where can we find you? Where can people find you? How do we put it in involved? Yeah, like on Twitter, do you?


I'm on Twitter. Okay, this Mani MD,


MD. It's posted to Facebook.


I have a Facebook site, Anita Somani, comma, MD. Apparently somebody has out there that I'm one of the leading doctors of the world. That is not my site. Maybe?


That could be some publicity today. Yeah.


But that's on my site. So it's Anita Somani comm D if you're on Facebook, and learn more about my campaign, if you want to just email directly, it is Dr. Somani. For Ohio at Gmail


for Ohio. Okay, number four or FLR number four, number four, Dr. Smiling


on the screen for the video version.


Yeah, Doc, I'm in money for Ohio at Gmail. How can


people donate? Is there a place to do that? You if


you go to the Facebook site, or you go to Twitter? There are on my feed? There are links to donate. Okay, good. Yeah, money. It's gonna cost two to $300,000 to run a state campaign just in my little district of 100,000 people. I know Mike's dropping mic drop ah, like I didn't know you in class money, because I've heard in the past, but to think of that kind of money to run a local race where, like congressional races 1,000,002 million easily.


And then they're spending 25 I mean, Angel primary. Yeah, yeah.


Yeah, sounds that we got. I


mean, my voice is 2010. When


Here we go. Here we go. So this thanks, John Roberts. Oh, but you're moderate now. Right? Yeah.


So moderate. Yeah. Courts matter. So for Supreme Court in Ohio. There are three fabulous women running. Okay. One of them's already on the court. She's running for Chief Justice Jennifer Brunner. Okay. Terry Jamison, who's from this area? Franklin County area and Maryland. Zinus. Who's from the Cincinnati area all three fabulous women all three very progressive, you know, want to do the right thing on the court. Good or not gonna be


activist. Yeah, remember the good old days? Yeah.


Yeah, be nice because you never just fair. Right. You do realize the current governor's brother is on the Supreme Court. And I did


not know that. Yes. And he was he was


rated as unqualified by the bar in Ohio. Supreme Court.


This is the thing. Okay. We are about governor's brother. Give me a whole new show like Ohio. Like we've got qualified. We got to get up there


by the Ohio Bar Association gets to be a judge. Oh,


that makes decisions on our lives. No. Wow, this has been eye opening. And I'm honestly like, ready? Do you want to shut now?


You're ready to close your eyes.


Just close? Yes. You want to go back and you're open and below? Yeah, I want to wake up and have the world be rainbows and sunshine and I want it to


be Pride Month again and be June again.


No, I want it to be literally I literally want it to be like 19 Well, I don't know. I'd like to go 95 I'd like to go back to the Chad's. The hanging chads


was a good year the


other way Oh, Gore, Al


Gore one. And then he didn't concede and everyone believes in climate change.


Yes. Like the world I would like to live in. Yeah.




it would be so different right now they have a whole Supreme Court would be different. I mean, everything that's well.


And why does it matter what your gender identity is? What your sexual orientation is? When it comes to sports? When it comes to laws when it comes to making I mean, every bit


discrimination like why do you have to pick on people I'm not really sure.


I literally operate on people for a living and when I look inside them, they look exactly the same whether they're white on the outside or brown or black love everyone looks the same on the inside and it's not


pretty. I watch well, some are a little bit different than


there may be a little more fat. There's a little sometimes you can't


get through as easy but you keep trying.


But no tools. Everyone looks the same on the right. If I showed you pictures and said can you tell us this person black or white? You wouldn't know Oh, no.


And that's and that they want to focus on this little thing. They've made it so central.


So instead of us against them and and they you know you you can pit people against each other And then you end up in factions and they get everything done that they want. So coming over here, I heard a podcast that said during the insurrection riots, they got the Supreme Court to hear a case. Literally about dark money.


Yeah. During the riots


during the riots they got so once you get it, where the courts agree to hear it, then it's still almost a year yeah, actually gets to you know, where somebody's listening to it. So during the right and I'm like, Oh, so that's what Jenny that's what Clarence that's literally what Claire was at. Jenny was distracting everyone at the insurrection. Oh, and Clarence? Dark money? Yeah, let's get more dark money in politics. That was the Ted Cruz. Yeah, where you can take you can take campaign money. You can borrow and pay yourself back. Wow. Yeah. It's like literally under you're just making roll.


Yeah, this is what happened. Yeah. This is what happened.


It's corrupt. It's time. It's time. Viva.


So in, in in that same vein of crepiness. I'm asking for money so I can


run it. But if you're not a politician, so


sad. It's so sad. I honestly, I hate asking for money. Because I think it's a terrible way to run politics. Yeah. But I'm at the point in my life where I want to leave this world a better place. I want to be someone who stood up and said, This is unacceptable. Brian, and I've always post been on the you know, everybody knows where I stand kind of


right. And that, yeah, I can tell your natural leader, by the way that you said earlier. I don't remember what you said. But it was like I was like, Oh, she's a leader. Like, you're like, we got to fight. Like it was like, no, like, let me I'm going oh my gosh, like, what can I do? And you're behind we knew this was happening. It's time to fight. And I'm like, Oh, she's a leader.


She's a leader. Well,


I can't wait to follow your journey into politics. And we will help however we can. Honestly, we're gonna get people to register to vote by July 5, and be our first goal. Step one,


step one, get them to vote, get them to get three other people to vote with them or for others, to you know, and there are so many 18 to 25 year olds, like kids that are like just getting ready to vote. Talk to them, tell them how important it


they're very big, like organizing and stuff. So like if you can get into one one of their ears about something they'll all make it viral. So


they don't tick tock tock, I don't know.


I don't even have a downward trend. But we're trying the podcast is trying but it's not working. I'm having more success on YouTube, although I'm pulling Laura Piper, whatever her name is because we've been controversial to them because we were talking about drag queens, and why everybody is so mad that I'm reading books to children. I have people on there being like you're a groomer. And I'm like,


You know what I am? I am a groomer. I'm a groomer, because I want everybody to have equal rights. And I want kids to know that homosexual a heterosexuality, bisexuality, I don't eat purple, blue, whatever they may be. There's too many sexualities. They're all okay. And we need to teach kids about all of them. Yes, their sex education is not taught


that it Yeah, that's another


Ohio is at a point where we need good education.


Well, if you're not going to allow abortions, you might as well like, I mean, you're


gonna want to prevent some pregnancies.


No, you don't. You're gonna try to make that illegal, right? They're trying to make contraception. You just want us to be barefoot and pregnant. Yeah. And I'm back


in the kitchen. And I Oh, thank you so much. Thanks for coming. I love this. Like,


we needed this. You


could literally I know it's scary.


So much fun. And I'm like, they're probably tired. Oh, no, no,


no, we're not