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May 19, 2022

Did Mayans have chodes?

This week the boys are coming back together after Jim went on his Mexican rejuvenation in Tulum. Bobby is just getting high and really annoyed at people. Do mayans have chodes? What is copal? Trash cans for your shit paper? what is even happening! Find out Now!

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Some Topics Discussed: 

  • Global Entry 
  • Seattle 
  • Portland 
  • Mexico 
  • Tulum 
  • Weed 
  • Getting High 
  • Its a Tuesday 
  • Copal 
  • Treehouse 
  • Mayans 
  • Chodes 
  • Mexicans
  • Drugs 
  • Drug Cartel 
  • Mexican Pharmacy 
  • Outdoor Shower 
  • Shit Trash Can 
  • Glamping for the rich 
  • Copal everywhere 
  • Water Healing 
  • Office Behavior 
  • Tiks 
  • Heavy Breathing 
  • Being Annoying 
  • Sex
  • Dominating 
  • No Reciprocation hook ups 
  • Would be scared to hook up with someone new 
  • Palestine 
  • Israel 
  • War 
  • Problems 
  • End of Times 
  • Help 

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Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of not well on, Bobby. I'm Jim. I feel like we're reporting the news. And I'm reporting from Columbus Ohio. Reporting live we finally got Jim back to the States. I made it through security. I don't know how customs was a breeze with Global Entry. I highly recommend it. Oh, yeah. For a global Yeah, on the camera. I don't know if you're aware of this honey. aimbridge No, it was like $115 It was cheapest fuck at last five years. So well, I did go on a trip. Now. What have you been doing all week? Let's start with you. You wanna start with me? Yeah, cuz I'm boring. Um, I basically. Sure also, I'm boring. You're like, let's start with you. Because you're annoying. Let's start with you. Because it'd be quick. I just don't want to like do you need me to turn down the air conditioning? Oh, yeah, we've got a Tuesday. Let me turn that down.


We're still just working through the kinks this week. Because our I decided that the the brand new studio needs renovation already. I'm like literally did three episodes with them like Dalek chair, which I don't like


the chairs, honestly, a lot of years of reporting that that bright orange was hideous. It's horrible. And I really wanted to,


like paint it or something. But I was like, no, like, we just gotta get a couch on it. And there was a deal on Wayfair. And I was like, couch, they have just what you need. But now it's not getting there fast enough. Whereas it used to be here on Saturday.


But Saturday, but well, so this week, Michael has been in Seattle. I know. In Seattle, he's having a blast. He is having a great season doing a lot of things that we don't like to do like hiking, right? Let him fully let hike. packaway get it all out now because Oh, well. Yeah, he was. God love him. He's like, I was like, Yeah, I'm taking Jr. Public. Yeah, Monday, Tuesday. So Wednesday, Thursday, you can like bond with her whatever. And he's like, we can do fun stuff like hiking walk. Yeah, I can't. I don't think that's fun. He's gonna come back from a vacation where he was hiking and walking and he wants to hike and walk and walk more here. And you know what power to them for? You know, being at Flett. Ik or active active. That's the word I was looking for. I learned a phrase in Spanish this week. activo means top. So activo top and then like swipe pass EVO or something is passing the bottom. I didn't learn that. I didn't learn that one because it doesn't apply. Until you got fucked by Pablo. Oh, I'm not actually a fan. Wow. No, no. So this week for me has been very nonchalant boring. I really haven't done anything but get high which is shocking to the whole entire world. I know. I can't believe he did it. I know. I discussed it. I becoming so high. Like on a scale of one to it's a Tuesday.


So borderline Tuesday actually a couple of nights because I was like almost in a panic that's how heiwa Oh, I love when you get like a problem of you're like and when I say problem, I mean solution. I take now a whole one. Okay, and a nibble of another one.


So you're doing 15 milligrams at base so yeah, so basically I'm I've leveled up to 15 milligrams to feel anything or to fill everything and nothing at all. And then do you then Rios in a couple hours after that or her? Well, it depends on the evening, but I'm actually noticing lately now I'm getting high. Okay. And there's like a second round whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh. I think it's a whoosh like Oh, I gotta go to bed because I'm gonna have to like fall out. It's like a long process actually edibles are gonna give me a little initial high and I'm like, Yeah, cuz you're like, I feel it in an hour. Yeah, I think that's what like a goofy phase and then it hits me and I get like cotton mouth and like, dry and tired. And get Cheech and Chong level real quick, real fucking quick. And so that's your cue to go to bed though. Correct. And then okay, sometimes I get like so. super high. I always think there's ghosts falling me when I run up the stairs. Did you ever think that as a kid not while high but yes, I did as a kid I honestly still as an adult, I don't run up the stairs to run to the bathroom in the middle of the night. If I get out of bed and I'm like got to go the bathroom because I think there's someone under the bed grabbing my leg. Oh, it's grabbing. So I run and I don't in the hallway to I think there's someone coming up the stairs from below to come kill me up the stairs for me. It's like oh, the stairs are no, no. It's like we're not doing stairs at night. So I'm here alone. It's just different when you're alone and I hate being alone in a house. That's why you need to have a dog


that's true because she even though she's an idiot like and I love her. She would detect a ghost she would detect a human a ghost anything that's not right. Or an evil spirit. Which I've also Okay, so when I'm high though, I get on that weird figure like there's ghosts. There's ghosts like oh my god, I'm here alone. What if I like experience something? Nobody would believe me?


Why would we? I don't know. We're gonna be like you are Hi. And then you're like, No, Satan walked inside and I made a pact with him. I sold my soul to have a bigger dick. All I really want is a big dick and a good podcast. I'm gonna be like, prove it. I'm like, please. The pack didn't work. Yeah, obviously as you had neither of those literally neither.


So yeah, um, there's also I actually like this ties in a little bit. I wrote something down and I was going over my notes today and I thought wow Bobby This is a you've topped yourself what's the word


activo you've activated yourself okay,


it says hi idea lesbian sex toy strap on with clip stimulator and every time she rammed the strap on in the other woman the clip similar vibrates or the same intensity of the same intensity.


Oh well harder for us is harder vibrate? Why that is not that's a great idea doesn't mean like this is for our lesbian listeners Bobby has a solution for our three lesbian listeners. I don't know if that exists so if it does let me know but I feel like it doesn't because I feel like lesbian strap on with a vibrator button I don't believe reverse like a yeah like so that guy's a little brighter and then this is the part when your fuck when the top is fucking okay, then that that top can also feel the pleasure in her pussy as she's fucking harder like, oh the clip simulators for the top. Yes, I thought it was like pointing outward for the bottom. Now this is for the top. We can have two stimulators like one on the outside one on the inside. Oh, I get it now. Yeah. And it could even have a butterfly like a butterfly. Or they called a butterfly. ladies. Ladies help us out a lot of pie. A rabbit what does that don't they have like this little thing where it's like companions that like there's a butterfly. We're gonna look it up. It's gonna be posted right here. A butterfly butterfly in the sky. I can come twice as hard. I can't I can't either. It's kind of it's kind of getting I can come half as hard. That's something that happens after 30 Yeah, after 35 No, that's why in the fall, you're like fuck Oh, honey, that you just brought that up to me. And I'm like, I'm going to be in the after 35 crowd. Finally then. And because you are younger than me, but it feels like you're a lot younger than me. Fuck, but you're really not I'm not ready. You're like three and a half years younger than me. But I'm in a different category A I'm ready for you to be in the over 40 and I'm still under 40 That's where I that's when it just rushes by. I will feel be oh no, it does though. This is how it rushes back because you're like, Oh no, I'm going to be 40 Oh no, I'm gonna be 50 Oh no, I'm gonna be 60 Oh no, I'm gonna be dead. Oh, I'm done. So you might as well touch the decks and buy the cars and do everything you need to do now. Buy the couches, return the chairs and take out a business loan and travel around in an RV oh my god ways. Did you do that? That little? Oh, honey, fuck me. Honey. Really nice. We don't even have to bend over anymore. Now I'm gonna I gotta cancel the couch. Cancel the couch. Let's keep the counter. All we need is a counter and maybe an outdoor situation. Yeah, we're gonna be very we're gonna be recording. Oh, oh, not with my back. You know, I have that disk. I thought it was getting better. It's gone. The disk must have reabsorbed or something or it fell out completely melted. That'd be cool. What if I just couldn't feel my right leg? Hi, guys. So you got really high you thought there was a girl wasn't there?


No. But what's really freaky though is that that's that's what plants into my head. And then I'm like, Oh my God. I've got to run up the not even run. It's just like, it freaks me out to get the chills and then like puts weird things in my head when I'm high. Then I really start going to left field then I'll be in the shower going. I think I heard something. It's like it just like builds and builds and builds. I get really paranoid What am I?


I think that happens to a lot of people when they get high. And I feel like paranoia is one of those things we think it is and honestly like remember that one Tuesday? Yes. That's what we meant by it's a Tuesday Bobby had that moment where on a Tuesday. Early on in his exploration with weed he got extremely high. And in trouble he did get yelled at by his partner Michael said it's a Tuesday. And you were just like sitting on the stairs or something. And like I was at the top of the stairs going Mike Mike Mike my heart my heart. I think having a heart attack Mike please. I can't breathe. And he's like looking at me. Like, what is fucking Tuesday? I was like, I took a puff of this on accident. I'm like now you would take 10 puffs and be like, Oh my oops, oops. Oops, I took 25 That's like girl fog it's been hitting me a little harder lately. So I've been kinda like a little love that your brain is so fried it just works better yeah, like once you know it's making so exactly it's so nice how it works better now. I mean, it's like when someone drinks too much and gets cirrhosis and then like it just takes a little bit of alcohol to feel it Yeah, is that really what happens cuz your liver camp I don't know I made that up probably just hurts like I feel like now I want to say something you fucking bitch. I knew this was coming. Oh, it's not bad. It's the it's the fact that I did a good deed. And I don't nobody else really Oh Jackie saw it. Now They do say when you do a good deed, it's best if you don't tell anyone about it. But I really


I really well, I think it's a really important story to tell. And I think it's something that everybody needs to realize in the times that we're in that so when we're in the low so first of all mean Jackie, go to Lowe's, and we walk around, it's raining bubble, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, we get into line. There's this. I would say rather good looking fellow in front of me. Biltz, very tall, slender, but like muscling, and he's into home improvement, Home Improvement, and he was probably like, 20. So, I was in line and he's buying the stuff and he goes, I hear him like, panicked because he had a gift card. And he went $7 over on the gift card. And he panicked. He like literally panic. So then the late he was like, Can I like, stop the transaction and like, come back, and I go, how much is it? I'm like, seven bucks. Yeah, and I paid for him. Oh, actually, I love that I but to me in the old lady was like, I'm gonna cry. I was like, It's really weird. Because I to me, it wasn't like a thing. You're like, I'm gonna come Why can't I give him the guy? $7 So he's not yet I've been there before. Oh, and a fully Hanoch you're like scraping penalties.


Like if he can't Yeah, if he can't even afford $7 over a gift card. That's when you're like, Okay, right. There before one. Maybe you have a job. Maybe this is your first like, trying to get a job. Maybe they're flipping a house. And like if they don't do this today, right, they can't sell the house that address some grass. And so and now, so I just wanted to like I don't even mean what it means. Some grass grow grass and yard and the dark. Is that what they're buying? Like you didn't? Yeah, sorry. Details. So I'm like, maybe they've got to grow some grounds. Yeah, like your home improvement. It's


like grass eating that like carpet thing. You can lay down that like, yeah. Because the reason why I was watching was because I was looking at the thing going, Jackie, that's what we need for our backyards fully because we can't figure out how to fucking see our backyard for the life of us. astroturf. I know they're getting new Ashtoreth puppy camp I just found out today I was like, oh, and I tried to like


he didn't listen, I just need to know so I don't ever have to cut the grass.


Now, enough about me. I feel like well, here's the thing about you. I feel like you know, targets a stinky one for you is that you don't ever burp like that. You're just you're just like one of those Mexicans now.


I'm not sure how that I was trying to transition into Gen X ago. So you were like you stink like a Mexican man. Speaking of stinky Mexicans, Jim was in Mexico. I'm literally like, how does that apply to a stinky burp? And I mean, their Mexicans are well known for their burping skills for that throat. And I feel like they have chosen. Actually, I feel good. That's interesting. Because yes, I feel like Mexicans have chose like, I'm not even kidding. Like, you know, like, wow, I think uncut chose thicker. They're thicker insurance. So weird that you say that because that's what I encountered. Well, we have a lot to talk about. So tell us about your your you went to Mexico. Literally, you turned around from Austin, you work for a week and then you went right to Mexico? Yeah. So we did our little Austin foray, which everyone can listen to. And then I worked seven days in a row. Hell absolute hell. I didn't even want to think of the trip because I was like, I have to fucking pack I have to get ready to go. And I wasn't excited about the trip. Right? I lost all excitement because of the anticipate like and you know me, you know you. And you know, you know, God. He's the Savior Allah. Fuck, yes. Amen. So, you know, I'm flying by myself, which I love. Because I love traveling alone. There's less anxiety, just like go with the flow.


Well, and I'm your new travel buddy. Sort of like truly with you. But you don't have to worry about like me panicking about the you can get the window seat if you want. If you want because I'm not like you always get like shit. You have to sit bitch.


I'm like, Yes, in the middle. Like, I don't care about that. Actually, that's fine, because we put our armrests up and then we have more room god okay, but I traveled first class this time anyways, so it was running. Trust me like, babe. I had plenty of room in my seat as one day, and Delta was very generous with the drinks. I will say that I would say at least three drinks per flight. Yeah, it was bad. Well, first class. It's so easy. I was giggling Oh, yeah. I'll have a cover. It's covered and they make doubles. And then don't you go. We were stared out from giggling too much though on the return flight due to alcohol consumption. So we were allowed a little giggly but now a little giggly. And it was the afternoons I didn't care so it wasn't like people should be sleeping anyways. I love when Jim gets to the point where he doesn't care. It's scary. It's yeah, things happen then that's when things magic happened to do the library cuts I can't it's the afternoon. Yeah, my one friends like so. I went with two friends. Okay, so I'm going to Cancun. I met up with the one friend Sabrine She's incredible. My bestie without testes and And Well, that's the qualifier. So, we go to Playa Del Carmen. And she's gonna say we're like right on the beach but we're also renting this Fifth Avenue, which is where all these shops are. Okay. Let me just paint the picture. So basically, every time you walked on the street, they're shoving menus in front of your face. They're going like, Who do we tend to eat food? And you're just like, No, no, I'm not. I'm just walking. I'm just walking. If you glance in someone's direction, they take that as a cue to come harass you. And it's not just like, like we have these pretty things are like do you like you have to buy this will you


know the feeling as well as in Costa Rica. Do you want massage? Massage? And I'm like, No, I don't want to massage. You. You asked for what her name was like like Denise or something like Rand. Yeah, you're like


What? No, no, that's what really bothers me want to get high wanna get high ecstasy? Molly weed okay, I would have been looking. You want to get high you want to get high you want to get high. I got asked if I wanted to get high like five times. I finally realized if you just say I brought my own they stop harassing you. So I would say I brought my own brought my own. I brought my school of pharmacy and like order I walked into that pharmacy to look for after sun lotion. Okay, mind you. The after sun lotion was 23 US dollars. So I put it back for a bottle this size. Toothpaste was $5 for one of the little travel. Oh, so I'm like, You know what, like, actually maybe I just don't brush my teeth but they were selling Ativan Viagra, Cialis, Tramadol, for pain the you can buy Tramadol, just like that Percocet. They can buy it Molly Percocet, Molly Percocet, hydrocodone, you can buy it. Anything you want. The Cartel will set you kind of scares me all of the pharmacies are owned by the cartel. By the way, I learned that from a local who lived there. Because every 15 feet, there's a fucking pharmacy. You like are walking down the street. And it's like, that's how they make their money. And you see the same stores around yeah, they sell these and that's my little drum America hates the Mexicans are bringing drugs here. It's like, no, the real problem is all the Americans go to Mexico to buy this shit because Mexicans have to have a prescription. But if Americans walk in, and they're like for your aim, Hey, can I get that oxycodone? They'll sell it to you? Because you haven't because the Americans the ones who want to build the wall are going down there to stock up on their Percocet. That's what's fucked up, and then coming home, right and then saying, fuck those meds? No, no, you're creating the demand. The demand is coming from you and your heroin addicted cousins. I'm just gonna say it like I'm tired on it. Because I realized the locals were telling me they're like, no, like, we don't buy that. So we have to have a prescription. I'm like, That's interesting. Right? So you think oh, anything goes in Mexico? It's like, yeah, for people with money for white people. Yeah, like it's all about the money you can do? Scary. The cartels, fucking they run all the pharmacies, everything about Mexico just going up and down. I'm like, Well, this is everywhere. So you're in this Fifth Avenue asking to get menus and drugs, and yeah, all kinds of stuff. So one thing I noticed immediately upon arriving in Playa Del Carmen is that there is nothing really truly indoors. And what I mean by that, and you would get this and I was looking for you to be there, because I'm like, I need a little help. I went to every restaurant I went to was on a fucking porch or patio, or it would have three walls, but then the front's open. So you can imagine what the air feels like, stuffy and hot. Every restaurant, every shop, every thing you go into is outside. And it's 90 degrees. Okay. There's bugs. I got bit by mosquitoes immediately. Now everyone's mosquitoes here. I'm like, that's fair. That's fair. And actually you are when you're eating dinner you normally inside. And I'm what? You're a little more sensitive to the mosquitoes. Love that what's happening in Austin. I'm not getting bad at all. And that's what Sabrine wasn't getting bit. So I just noticed I was like, you know, I'm looking for a little, you know, maybe air conditioning other than the room like I was trying to become you. And finally what it was voted on by the end of the week was I was the bobby of this trip. Sabrina Mina voted that I haven't bought this trip now. So there's that. And I don't know I don't know if they meant that as an insult. I think it is an insult. Proud and lazy. I felt proud. I was like I want to be inside. I want to be in my room laying on the bed. Sometimes I want to have my computer open jerking off with a fan going, don't you? It's just it's too hot outside. It's I don't want to do 90 degree heat all day and I'm sorry. So okay, so I'm in Playa Del Carmen. We go across on a ferry beautiful ferry on the water. We go diving in Cosmo, I've never been diving before. So you're on the couch super high. I'm underwater. I'm literally for the first time and just underwater breathing. IMSC my dive instructor said I'm a natural. I could tell. She said you're a fish. I would die with you every day. She literally was like I would die with you everyday. You are just a fish and I was like she's making that up. And then Sabrine I heard them talking like on their own. And she was telling Sabrina like he's incredible. Sabrine he's absolutely amazing. Like You're a natural diver. I'm a natural diver. I just fell in the water


I could see you being good at that though. I don't know why maybe because of the amount of water I like to drink or like the amount you take in I don't know like some about the way you breathe a big cock in your mouth. So I feel like you can breathe underwater with a little mask.


Yeah, you know I can get air around a giant dick in my mouth and I can get air through a regulator. Yeah, you could do it but you're not allowed to breathe through your nose and just tell you that all SB three mouth breather baby and we do go into tight spaces so there is no there's that they're like, Jim is a fish and Bobby's a whale. He needs the open water you're more you're better at skimming the surface. Oh my god the coolest thing though about diving other than the fact that you're like, under the sea you look up and you don't realize like I went over okay, like I don't know if I'm allowed to say this legally. Why can it won't get I didn't mention any names. I think you're only supposed to go to like 30 feet when you're not certified like me. But because I was so good even on the first time if my dive instructor Blanca took me to over 50 feet So Sabrina was in shock because she was like So How deep did you guys go and she's like we went over 50 And she's like I stopped submarine went to over 90 Because she certified but I was only I guess legally allowed to go to 30 but I you when you look up that well you don't realize you're that deep and then you look up and you see the surface and it's so far away. You know like if something goes wrong I have to get up there quickly. Oh no, that's why you can't get it because you'll get the bands like The nitrogen oxide 18 Oh my cousin had that happen in the Bahamas. Fuck he was they were their divers they dive please ski they dive they now said why? Well not Yeah, you're like right there with a with all the other day. I'm going to Monaco Oh, she's going to Monaco now how much money are you gonna be spending on these trips? Credit card debt honey, when is Monaco because we got to plan another trip. I'm not going to Monaco I'm just teasing. That was like a fancy thing like diving and skiing to Montgomery maybe but not Monaco. Okay, I'm not gonna you do want that barbecue. I know you do. Montgomery scares me Alabama. I'm not going there. I'm sorry. Alabama. Sorry to our listeners. All negative five of them there. So my listeners in Alabama I saw a giant turtle with a missing arm and I thought perseverance I just kept thinking that it was 50 years old turtle Just Keep Swimming literally didn't have a fucking arm. They're just paddling like this. It's like a symbol of the United States right still going but mortally wounded one more paddle gone. Worse one more paddle gone. And you're going in circles. I mean, I literally you're gonna swim in circles and that's basically the entire working class in America. So why here folks you heard it here first we get off the boat I get up we go across Cozumel. And then the next day we go to here we go. Here we go to loom to loom. Where's the mic called it Zama and that means you know place with a good view look out over the ocean so I went to the ruins and to loom I went to this and notice I really took it all in I did a sound bath I did a massage I did all of these amazing things that were very peaceful. I did water healing Yeah, I haven't even shown you those nouns have I? Oh yeah, you did because they dumped you under and I was like that's gonna give me water I mean we'll go into details about this but Tim is basically where to I think maybe we should just yeah we'll post we got to post some videos yeah, we'll post some videos now people may have heard of to loom it's kind of where the the wealthy and the people who want to be seen go Yeah, the rich people go there to celebrities jimoh video that was like from shits Creek and the girls like if you're not going to to loom Where are you going to Mexico or like some like bougie I shit. So it's true. It's bougie. It's bougie like campy, but glam pee? Yeah. And that's kind of my issue is once again, it's like is anything truly inside? No. So we say that No, ma de or it looks like nomad. And this resort is owned by the son of the President of Argentina. And they have several locations. So it's like, you know, it's just well to do people all around the league, the one the elite open these places, the elite traveled to these places, the elite, elite Elite elite. It's insane. I want to be elite. Meanwhile, it's staffed by the people of Tulum, Mexico who may live in a shanty town and are probably ran by the cartel. Like you have no idea well, because one thing I noticed when you get there you can buy drugs off people who are like certified to be on the resort. They come up they're like weed, cocaine, Mali, and I'm like, why are you you're walking around zani but everyone who works there ignores them like they know they're there because they're coming up to the restaurant like kind of planted on purpose. Like they are paid probably to be there or allowed to be there and they give their sales. So we didn't obviously buy anything off them. Like why would you write you're supporting a terrible we're gonna system but like when? It's I don't know what I was gonna say. I'm just gonna say some Hi. Kinda like when you buy a Big Mac at McDonald's. I don't know why that's what I was gonna say. No, that's true because it's a bad system. Yeah, it's delicious. But there's like a gestural food system that we use to make that big mac cheap right it's Tara taxes I'm going to pay for the planet is for the environment for the animal. I mean, it's less like it's not less goes for your body. That's always the last thing but like that should be the first block your body like what about the what about the world? I'm really good about my body but all my body this hog, there's like tits. I'm actually looking really cute. You look really cute today. I didn't know if you had on like a shape body shaper. I'm just sucking in really hard right now. We've got to do something. Yeah. To like, kind of sit up and like, but anyway, so you're so describe your your room. I was in a tree house. And you can Hi gay. Yeah, like it's literally a tree house. It's made of sticks. And I'm in the sky and I have to go up three flights of stairs. I showered outside and I had to also use the restroom outside. Because the inside of my room is where the bed is. And the lights are and there's air conditioning in there. There is a God God, I would not have stayed there. Oh, yeah. You definitely have the bobby of the I would have left the beach and gotten into town to stay at the Holiday Inn Express. Like I had to have the I have to have something at night. Same with a fan and air conditioner. Like I could not have done it. Do they have a ceiling fan? Yes. Oh my god. I turned it. Oh, yeah. You wouldn't see that's where like you would survive and fine. But I would have had to take a lot of intermissions or I would actually been a lot of edibles for you. The problem is I've been in edibles, and like, is there a pool there? There's a pool. So that'd be in the pool. That's beautiful. I was too I was in the water as soon as I could get in it right like that. As we warm though, it was cold. Really wonderful. Not here to pour ice and pour ice for the rich people. The rich people swim cold like main waters. So here's how showering outside is. You immediately start to sweat again. When you're done showering, see it's run inside. And when you're going to the bathroom outside. You think that there's gonna be a bug landing on your butthole and you're gonna jump off the toilet. That's actually one of the biggest fears. I kept. When I looked underneath I was like something biting me. Oh, is there? Okay, there's no bugs I can sit now. Can you explain to us the shower situation? Like where could you see people and they can't see you or? No, I believe they could still probably see a little bit if you looked up at the right angle. I could see the path below me. Like I could. I saw people walking by with my deck out like I'm showering. I'm looking down. I'm like, if they look up, they see me naked. And that's fine, but it's very well hidden because it's like in a jungle. Like if you look up Nomad on Instagram, you'll see like, it's surrounded by tree. It's a tree house. But like, if you were actually I posted a picture of Yeah, like you can see this whole episodes gonna be just pictures of Jed has to be. Now the bathroom situation in Mexico is concerning. And here's why. You can't put toilet paper ahead. Sorry. You can't put toilet paper in the toilet. Yes. So no. You so you just did a number two. And it's obviously splattering because it's it's Mexico, and I didn't realize you weren't allowed to drink the water. And so I drink water from the sink and paid for that for two days. Yes, because I didn't have water in the room. So I'm like, Oh, you must be able to drink the water here. Not even at this fancy ass resort where it's like, you know, $800 a night $900 A night. You can't drink the water. So that's so annoying to me. You can't though you cannot put toilet paper in the toilet bowl. You have to put it in a little trashcan. That's next year. Absolutely. So someone is coming around to pick up your poopy toilet paper wads every day now we're seeing all of that is you probably get like a hole. You're pooping in a swale it with water and you flush it with water and it goes away fine, but like you can't put toilet paper in because I don't think their sewage system is handling. Yeah, they don't put the chemicals in the water like we do so. Yeah. Wow. That to me, okay, that's horrifying. Absolutely. It was an episode of Broad City. I was like that's like that. And so Sabrina tells me like that's what a lot of places in the world you can't put the toilet paper in the toilet. I'm like, where else she's like, pretty much everywhere. I'm like, Wait, really? So to our listeners abroad, please share. Can you flush toilet paper where you live? Yeah, like we're in it. And she clarified she goes well, we have the days back home and so you do the day and then you don't but I'm like well then you're not having poopy toilet paper.


You're like you imagine like if I had one of those shits I mean like again like what can I imagine? I did and then you're like I did where you just like want to crawl up into a little ball and die because you know where you get in the shower afterwards? You're like, yeah, and then and then what happens is you still then then you're done with shiny like I'm not done yet. You have to sit back down and


it's so bad. It was so bad. And that was all week Rob like so we can't do so I have to like fold it up and then you want to cover you want it you wanted to die. You double it up. You cover that up because you're like I don't want my poopy toilet paper like visible. And then you're putting it in this little trash can you lift it up and you're just like what if the smell comes out? And it does because it's sitting outside in the heat all day. Oh so the other You're thinking about luxurious. Well, so as you know, we're in a jungle in Mexico. So we'd already talked about mosquito bites earlier. I think I found what they do to get rid of the mosquitoes. It's called Copal. And it's a bark of a tree. I believe that they burn and it creates a smoke that smells mildly pleasant, but mainly annoying. And yes, it's everywhere. It's fucking everywhere you're walking around and there's just a haze Your eyes are burning your nose is burning your lung. That's to do with coughing. Like I think I congested from Copal it they say it's, so the Mayans used it and they used it in a ceremony to like clear the air to like cleanse the environment. No, no, no. That wasn't like a controlled like ceremony. They just have it burning all around in bowls like in big stone bowls, or just you walk the paths through the resort. It's called power couple in the middle of the night when I we went to go listen to some club music being played in the restaurant at McDonald's cat Macondo. So we go to Macondo, and there's these two DJs and it's like dark that places like got Moroccan vibes, and they're just like, the lady singing like, I want to fuck you like an animal. Oh, there's a live singer. Oh, yeah, she was live singing, but it was like, on a trance music. So it's like trance music with a live singer. It was interesting. You got in the vibe quick like you want your pussy was wet quick. That whistle wet. Oh, honey. Then there's all these like, you know, bougie hippies and like those hats that we saw on like Austin and Aspen. And then literally weren't like flowy like potato sacks. So they're all dancing. Yeah, man, I want to be on LSD. But we had to leave because we're so much fucking Copal smoke it. I couldn't see five feet in front of me. I left I was like, we're going to bed. We have to go to bed. This is I can't do this. That really sucks. So I think it's a bug repellent. It has to be because like, there were no mosquitoes at those moments. But it's like, I think they killed them all. This might also be a weird moment. Okay. What if it's like they have to do that to ward off the Mayan spirits. And they should be angry. I mean, the main spirits are like, so if they have the Copal burning at night, they can only attack you at night. That could be Oh, no, sorry. He might not be there yet. And what if I have one like attached to my back right now and she's slowly chiseling away into my main blood vessel and then proceeded to become evil and like your mother, it's like Scottson hell like throw up. So there's that. So there's some other problems I have with the fancy Campion version now stuff that was there. Okay, real quick, though. Was there any other resorts or that had like the opposite of this, like air conditioning? Or are they all kind of like, no, they're all pretty much. They're all outside. glamping this is what I'm saying is everything is outside. They also don't commonly have chairs places like our resort for dinner. I sat on a cushion one night, a cushion. Okay, this is Oh my god, I was falling off it constantly. I was so on and too, though the way all the way down. Like, no, I can get it by God. I was like, finally I just said I'm gonna sit on the ground. Like I just sat on the ground. I was like, fuck it. Fuck it, and other like rugs under me. So it wasn't like the ground ground. But still, like, I mean, sounds? I don't. So I don't Yeah, I don't think you would survive this place. Well, I don't think it's really for me. But you know, there's so many wonderful moments and it's so much fun with Sabrina Mina. Right? It's just that there's the people that go there on a different level. And when it comes to money, like money is no object. So everything is just like someone I was an air with at some point told me. I don't discuss money. I don't like to discuss money. It bothers me because I have too much of it. Well, those are the undertones but it's like, I think it ruins the experience. If you bring up money now. We always bring up money when we're traveling. We split right? Yeah, that normal? I think most people would talk about money. Like I'm not gonna go I don't think you're with most people. I'm not gonna be like, are you covering dinner tonight? And then I order a $500 drink? Like, I want the best bourbon on your shelf. Yeah. And then it's like, Oh, you'll cover it. Like, it's your and I like no, I don't that doesn't make most people comfortable.


Yeah, money is an interesting thing. But like, it sounds to me. Like you said, there's like a bunch of hippies there that are just rich hippies. Just I don't really know what they're doing though. Like you just like hang out and do all these little like weird retreats. And what if there's like a Tantra class or


was a tantric connoisseur and I wanted to do it to open I did open up your chakras. When I did the water healing? Yeah, Delaware Water. So the water healing you work with this guy named Marciano. You really trust him in the video. You have to trust Him because you trusted Him He will put a nose clip on and then he you relax completely. And he does. He spins you he flips you He drags you through the water underwater. And you don't know like when you're coming up. He doesn't tell you like now 10 seconds, he just squeezes your arm. And that means take a breath and go cover your mouth and then he does these things to you. I at one point I thought I was in the womb. Like I was completely relaxed. I'm telling you is cool because you get so relaxed that your parasympathetic nervous system kicks in. And so your heart rate slows down. You don't need to breathe as often because your lungs all the blood goes your lungs because the water is cold. So All the blood stays in here. And so you don't need as many breaths. I was underwater for like a minute and I had no idea. I thought it was in the womb at one point. I thought it was a dolphin. And are you nobody see dolphins underwater and they're just like turned upside down and flooded but it was pretty wild because he like put you down on the heel like dragged you like a rake and you're like, we're like doing these like arm. I don't know, I cannot explain. But at the end, I was like on the ground on the edge. And I was like crying. Where did I feel either a tears coming down and I didn't realize I was crying. I'm like, Oh, I'm crying. Because I was totally just in a totally different place time. That's a visitation to me that that's what it's like you can go into like a total. That's what Oceania said that he's like, no, like, who's your forgive you? Well, back to the beginning. Yeah, he said, this sensation. When your eyes are closed, you're not you're just breathing and I'm doing everything in the cold water, your frontal lobe where you think shuts down and you go to the deeper parts of your brain but you have to so I lost track of thoughts and I just was new really but when you but your body? What is it called? Your conscious mind your Oh, my unconscious my subconscious your subconscious takes Oh, does. That's what he said, or your physical body knows, I guess feel like, but you didn't even have to think about it. Everything else took over and you just and it was like a therapy session because at the end, he came out and he's like, I want you to let go of everything that bothers you about sexuality, gender, I want you to let go of everything that blocks you. I mean, he was like opening me up and then he did some chakra things. He literally like pinched. I don't know what out of these two areas on my body that I was like, I just felt something. He was like, oh, yeah, that was the emotional shock. I'm like, oh, that's why I'm crying. Like, because I was like, Wait circling back. What did you do when you were like? And he's like, I mean, I literally felt complete. He said now the next two hours you're re downloading things. So you are going to start your brain is reprogramming right now. Energy is flowing. So you need to sit still for two hours don't drink he said don't drink alcohol. Don't do any anything like playing just relax. I was like, I can't drink for two hours. I'm on vacation. What am I gonna do? So I mean, that to me, that's actually a really special I'm glad to share that with you. There's activities there that like are worth visiting for. It's almost like you want to I almost would want to go to be seen. Yeah, go to like by myself reconnect to yourself. Is this a perfect place to do that? And do like, well Hiawatha, you can their ceremonies for that, too. He told me of them. He's like, Oh, I know where to take you if you want to do that. So I needed like, I needed that to be FDA approved. Well, that's fine. I was like, I'm a little I was so nervous doing these things like water healing. I'm like, am I gonna be okay? I mean, I can only imagine like some people brings up things and then they're sobbing for a day. I was like, I don't want to do that. Interesting. Yeah, I do. Well, it's a lot. It's heavy. It can be heavy. I wonder what mine would be like, mmm. And now you'd be crying. You think? Yeah, no drown? I think I would hate that. I'd be like you would love it. I mean, I like honey, and then we're back and you're back. And you are recovering from that. And then yes, thank God, honey. Now, what would you give to loom a one out of a 10? I would give it a solid eight. Okay, and then I thought it's very good. It just needs some upgrades. And by that I mean glass, more doors, more air conditioning, less smoke. Less smoke. That sounds that's that to me. Sounds like the worst part of it. Like just walking around and having smoke. You know how like a church incense or something. It's like that it smells like I don't ever need to smell that smell again. Oh, no, you might throw and then Sabrina is going oh, I use Copal in my house all the time. I'm like, you don't really need to. I'm good. I don't need it. I use it.


Why don't we need to look up and see what it really does. Like what it really mean we might start using it actually, like, we have to we might have to cleanse our souls now because you brought the Mayan goblin back on your back.


But what a contrast for me going to Austin and then doing this trip. I'm like, yeah, very different vibe. Very fucking different vibes. It was yeah, I'm kind of glad you did Austin first because I feel like if you came back from someone then now went to Austin. You might be a little too relaxed. I would not be ready for that. The type of Austin we did. Yeah. I wouldn't have gotten my dick wet. Now, that is something we need to talk about. Mental rapture refill. While regrets there's a lot that's happening. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. But I really haven't seen you in forever Kondo. It's been literally the whole week. It's been seven days or eight at this point eight. Oh, my God, that's evil.


I want to talk about something that has recently come up in my life. We just moved to a new location in my office. So I got my own. I got a new office.


God. It says the door lock. Yeah, on the outside. Yeah. They didn't know that. I had it. I was like, hi. You can lock me in here and then that my boss goes oh, I mean, we don't say you're in a closet. No, my room. Oh, yeah, that sounds like a closet. does have a window. Now. It's like you know when It's a closet. I don't know you It locks. It locks from the outside there's no window that's called a closet. Sorry to Wow. But I'm proud of your new office. That's wonderful for you. I'm going to put a picture up so that you guys can see it's not like the slight closet. I'm not going back in the closet. What I realized is let it out honey, office etiquette. And I know we've we've brushed on this before, but this is a whole new world, honey. Okay, let's talk about the toilet. Well, as I'm on the toilet, first of all, I will say this thank God because all the shorts at Queen's now can finally pee into the urinal cuz it's one of those that kind of comes out. Oh, I love the little are there. Yeah, like


get it under. Yeah, the one we were in before everybody just like spot, but that's okay. So start there. The urinal when somebody's pulling up their pubic hair and just like putting, and I'm like, first of all, why are we at that level?


First of all, why is your pubic hair five inches long? Like why is it second of all why every time you open your pants as a piece fall out? That's not i That never happens to me. Third, if you see your pubic hair because you know it's yours. Grab it. Literally don't leave it to not a paper towel and grab it and then wash your hands sick. I summer was my number one rule is that you do not leave a bathroom. Now, in your stocking do and you found it and people do all the time was like, yeah, when you walk into one that's really bad. You're like So is this just one person or is like all day people just don't care. It's all day people don't care don't care.


And honestly, like today, we there was no toilet paper. So of course, somebody didn't look at the toilet paper, but they use that they finished it. But guess what, they used a paper towel and guess what was in the fucking? And I was like, well, he doesn't even flush. Well, I forced her and I flushed a few times for that. I went because I was like, I don't want to. No, no, no, you don't have a problem. And it's probably documented now but I don't really care. I'm documenting it because so that's number one. Like it's the number one rule in the in the office is like bathroom etiquette is very big. I will say today the girls had to have a special meeting. Somebody flicked something on the wall.


What the fuck? I don't know. A tampon? No, uh, someone will get swapped booger. Oh, no, flicked something like a booger on the wall. A booger? What does that mean? I came. It's so hard for me to talk about this, but I really want to talk about it. It's so bad. There is does that. Okay, I wish to start I'm gonna have to be a Patreon exclusive because I'm literally just going to


theres an individual let's just say in my entire life. All my offices there's been there's one person that I have never in my motherfucking life ever seen anything


that tracks I had someone like that last office job ahead.


Yep. Anything like there is no regard to anybody around Oh, hell no, literally, there's no regard. We're doing things at our desk that like you would do at home on the couch, like watch TV. There's just these things that I'm really confused about. So, so this whole time I've my office has been away from the group. Yeah, thank God, and they would complain about this person. And they would be like, she's loud. I'm like, What do you mean? She's


loud. She's just loud. I'm like, I'm paying weird whatever. I was like, whatever. That's a little strange. She literally is so loud. She does this thing where she goes oh my god, she's a dog sniffing and then she'll blow her nose that just drove me and so I was like, Is he done? Is he done? Is he done? So I my first day there I was like, what is that fucking sound? And I go oh, this is what everybody was talking about. Oh my god, I would I would lose my mind. I mean, something has to be said you just need to be like you need to watch the noise you generate. Oh, she does this thing where she goes and I'm telling you it's it's not like like all mumbled remember? Like that's God damn. It's like I Oh, you have to leave like this is sound sign. And so I'm like, I mean, always how do you tell somebody that like hey, can you pipe the fuck down? I would just be like, you know, we hear a lot of noises like Is everything okay? Or is that just are you getting angry at something? Are you worked up? Wow. Yeah, so that's like right by your office. So now right by your closet. These part of a medical condition like do you have chronic sinus issues? Or just like do you need to use a neti pot before you come in? Every day I see you need to get hurt is that your nose and throat like someone give her Zyrtec like something's up. I just can't I just can't. And I don't know what to do. And so every day I just like think and then people are like saying stuff to me like told you And that's so embarrassing. Your adults were not even like fresh and even if you were fresh out of college, why are you flicking bugs on the wall? While you're looking you're like I don't It's terrible. Yeah, I don't know about this job oh fuck me. Oh, we can give like low classes and job classes with Bobby and Jim. Now I'm really getting into it. I I have some techniques I'm trying to like practice on but no blow jobs actually. Oh bass. Hold the bass and then just focus on the tip. Like literally just the head, right? It's all it is. I'm trying to tell everybody that stopped deepthroating me it doesn't feel good. It does not suck on my head. Hot even sock like just lick and then use your fingers like in a loop and just like go on the head and like go over over and over the head just like this. What's that? Put it on your palm? Yeah. Oh. Okay, that's tips with Bobby and Jim. Speaking of sacks, we need to talk about how we are sexually lazy. And I don't even know if that's right word. It might be a whole orientation. Because I did discover I did discover this. There's this under the asexuality umbrella. Oh, no. Yes. Yeah, it is actually it's like loves dirty raunchy scenes. And, like, this is called limb vanno sexual. So there's I learned about this thing. Here's how I learned about this because it's the opposite of what I learned about on Instagram called place your sexuality. I don't know if that was like Spanish speaking. Literally, like I do say words tower. I'm like that is the Spanish. Is that the edible? Or is that your sexuality? And I was like, why am I saying it's like that. I was like, okay, it'll take a while. So that is where you like to give, or you'd like to give sexual pleasure to people but don't like to receive it. We are called Alam vanno sexual, which is wanting to have sexual actions done on you but not on others. It's the opposite of please do sexual. So there are a lot of times there's actually a lot of people rather would rather just lay there. Honestly, like I want you to be naked. I want to be like oh yeah, I want to play around a little but I'm not there to please you You're there to please me. Yeah, exactly. I don't sorry. And that any with a body like this you don't need to with a hog body like this honey. This is this is dealt with. This is the top peak. This is definitely the these are the peak mean, top of I can't even speak Himalayas, honey, honey, these are the times these are the peaks of Mount Olympus. But then I also was thinking to myself, this is where I don't know if you're just lazy or if you're actually like if I if I got a real true green light. Okay, like sales Polly. Alright. I'm gonna start I don't think I could date again. I don't think I could like it's really really hard. No, but like, even like the like, about to hook up would freak me out. I don't want I don't know why I was even on the way home. I was like, oh my god, I used to be such a poor and now I feel like I did for me in the beginning. And then it just became so much. It's so much fun, like back to the room with no expectations of being like, Oh, I have to date this person to find my forever partner. And if the sex isn't good, they won't want to join me and they won't want to stay with me. I just you know, remember that. Like there is that's gone. So you're just kind of like, Alright, I'm gonna fuck you. And then it's either good or it's bad if you don't. Yeah, like if you like it, we'll do it again sometime in the future. If you don't, I'll just go to Austin and get I don't know. You fucking bitch. No, but literally, that's why it's so wonderful. So that's where I'm like you don't have today like you can just be no no but you can just be open but even even open like even if it was like it came right down to it and someone was like, I want to look fuck around with you. I mean, I guess it depends on the view. We'd love it. But I also really nervous Well, that's normal with any first time but that means you take that nervous energy and one time you take that nervous energy and you turn it into fun energy through and then you become one with your shot this whole like to live water. Yeah, this rebaptism I was baptized into Mother Earth. Pachamama is the water mother. Pachamama. I kept hearing that phrase, and I think that's what it means, but I haven't looked it up. There were a lot of phrases I learned that I was like WhatsApp, can you say that again? Oh, nevermind. I mean, this trip this trip, I feel like you are just on a roll. Right? And like, what kind of a oh, I don't know. Aren't you one last question. I am going to Naples and Marco Island at the end of June with my family when anxiety and of course it always follows or falls right on Pride. Yeah. So I get to go to the most homophobic state in the country other than Texas, if that's your more noise, and well, it's like my fucking Family and every year they're like, Oh, well this could be grandpa's last trip because he's like a seven or so. This could be grandpa's last trip. They've been saying that for over five years. I have been to Naples my whole life on rides on am I going to do for pride with how are we supposed to support our show? We are a gay upon can literally well, I might fly. Maybe I could just fly home early. Oh, like just come for the Saturday. I am coming home on Saturday. But I have a wedding the afternoon at 9am who's getting married on Pride? My homophobic cousin. I can't literally all of it is homophobic. Like the whole trip the family it's always the family like they want to attack us on our celebratory month or week or day even Okay, don't wait, what day is the pride day? I don't really care about going out on a you know, I mean, we need to record that day. We need to record right we need to like get out there and like suck some dick talk to some of these people. I already right while you just gave me the amount of FOMO that I just felt is so bad. Because I realized all my potential fuck buddies are going to be out on pride. And I'm going to be in a Marco Island town like people come from out of town because it's a huge pride. Yeah, so it's coming soon honey. It's coming down the mountain. And I'm better than roll up I'm gonna throw up actually I'm not firing ever. No you're not though I've seen pictures. And that's facts. Facts, facts. Yeah, I guess the I don't really know maybe next time we'll have a couch we're sitting on maybe we'll be here maybe in the park. I don't know. I want to be an umpire to like a ball. I think it'd be fun of the bartenders let us like put the camera next Saturday. We should go to a bar and they work but they like walk in from the camera sometimes, but like almost like you're like we're at the bar. holy. Holy Trinity in the corner by the window. Done. Electricity, friends, family family. God, Jason. sundries Andres. What are sundries like? What is What are the Sundays? What's something random mean? Anything you get off your chest just like a quick little one. Okay, let me think I did have some that came up throughout the week oh, I have a sundry and this is not a criticism of my friends who chose this location to travel to because I also wanted to go here. I realized I don't really want to go to non gay cities anymore. I'm at that age where I'm like, I gotta soak it all in now like I can't get to 80 and be like wouldn't have been great if I was in my heyday to go to that shitty with all the gay boys like Yeah, yeah, would have been great. Like you have to go now like so now when I go I'm like, I really want to go somewhere where there's a solid gay population where there's at least two or three gay bars maybe a club. Just so you know. Like there's going to be not we don't go to those clubs. Right? You know that they're good. People are going to you know that people aren't selling I went on Grindr and to loom and the nearest person was like four miles away. And hideous and owed. Well, I shouldn't say hideous just like indecipherable like I could not interpret what was going on with the picture is what I'm saying. It wasn't the pixels. It was the pixels on the flip phone. It was a whole it was the body face. Yada yada and I don't even know I don't have a type. So it's not like it doesn't have to be like pretty boy or whatever. But pretty boy, I just wanted to chico guapo. And it just I just there was no gay energy into loom. I thought I thought I saw two together that were gay. And then the wife showed up later that day well, and well in my defense, the one in the in the water. I was in the ocean of flooding around, blah, blah, blah. He saw me in my nails and I like tripped on the water. I was like, be careful boys. And these are like 50 year old like men, by the way, and they had like tattoos and they were muscled and it was so hot. And he was like, be careful, baby. He called me baby so I thought I was like horses a gay couple mean baby one more time than I see their wives like the next day. I'm like, oh, so they're just like you're ready to get them up to your four storey block up. If you guys don't mind stairs, you could fuck me in the trees. You don't mind bamboo made stairs and they did mine the stairs. They fucked me on the ground in the jungle. So, but then their wife showed up the next day and I was like, well, these people aren't gay. Like to be there just exploring. And honestly, that sounds like the greatest place to do it except for the fact that it's hot. So that's my Sunday of the day. Yeah, my sundries just I just can't do it anymore. I'm just really concerned about where my trajectory no just not yours. Okay, good. Looks like the entire world. Oh, yeah, we've had a bad two hands. We've had a bad three weeks. It's going on. I'm really scared. Like I'm really scared. Like, while we're gone. Sabrina and I are watching like this veteran journalist for Al Jazeera who is a Palestinian Christian. Let's point this out. Not a Muslim. Like everyone's like, Oh, it's the Muslims versus the Jews. Now. Israel just hates Palestinians period. Because they stole Palestinian land. When they created their country. They kicked Palestinians off their land out of the villages killed them. It's called the Nakba. It happened This past week, it's the anniversary of it's 74 years ago. So there's still people alive who are older than the state of Israel who were kicked off their land out of their villages to make way for these Jews from Europe, all these white Jews to come in and take over and they kicked out all the brown people. It's there's a lot of parallels to what white people have done everywhere. So currently, this journalist named Shireen, she got shot in the neck. She was wearing a helmet she was at a Palestinian refugee camp. And the Israeli forces a sniper shot her right below her helmet right by her ear, and just killed her like boom. Now on the helmet right below the helmet was target it was a target and they had no they said oh, we will it was a clash like Palestinians are people firing Well, it's all on video. There weren't any there was no firing. It was just a sniper took her out and it was Israel. Okay, so then fast forward to her funeral where even Muslims are like Palestinian Muslims are like she's a martyr like she died. She's always covered the Palestinian cause she's always showed up to people, she's, she holds space for people. She just wants people to be free. She wants people to live. Okay, so they kill her then for her funeral. They're carrying her body and how often in Israeli forces are beating the people carrying her coffin. Like, talk about a fuck you. So it's really just, it's an apartheid state. Really? That's what I found because Sabrina, my friend is Palestinian. And it's like, I had no idea. You know how the Western media will tell you like, oh, it's complicated. Well, they've always been fighting, they're always gonna fight. It's like, no, no, it's like Israel has one of the strongest militaries that we give billions of dollars to every year and they're attacking people who don't have a home don't have passports don't have a country because it was stolen from them and they're occupied they live in they constantly have Israeli military around them in tanks and cars with guns machine guns on top the soldiers walk around machine guns like at any point they can just kill you. Like Pat one Palestinian child is killed every three days by the Israeli military have a child and we need to have we need to have Sabrina and we wouldn't have like a special so we have not had a good few weeks and it's like it wasn't just the leak of the Roe v. Wade, decision coming down. That's my sundry work going through the past three weeks have been rough weird, really rough. Like something's off like we're all off kilter right now and I know like the mediums will say it's like the New Earth or whatever coming through but I don't know what the fuck it is. But we got to figure it out. We've got to get some clarity here because it's fucked up. I think Jad remember the one I talked about this really funny I think he's actually Palestinian cuz he posted that video. He probably I mean, it's really horrifying, like people in America are finally waking up to like, why do we support the Israeli military? It's not Jews are not bad Israeli people aren't all bad. It's what has been the State of Israel can still exist alongside Palestine, but like, get out of the Palestinian city, stop occupying them, go back to what the UN decided back in 1947, night free and we said, here's a country that we will give to all these European Jews and all over the world are coming here. We created a country we drew the lines of the borders and then Israel just decided no, no, we're gonna keep expanding and we're gonna go in here. And then there's settlers keep taking over Palestine. And that's what you know, it's like no, you can't do that. That's not what we as a world decided. What's crazy, though, is that that's always how the world keeps pushing. Oh, yeah. And scary to take it. It's always taking over something. So America right now is America kept pushing to take up pushing more and more West. That's what I'm like, who's going to take us China? They can't afford us. They can't afford these looks, honey. I mean, yeah. So anyway, I just want you to be nice to people like my good deed I was talking about earlier. Do something nice for somebody this week. Okay, even it's just like smile and say hello to somebody and be aware that people are going through it like right bold really are feeling things right now. And that simple act of me giving that guy seminars, the woman was like, I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna cry. And I'm like, you were like, to me it's seven darling. I just wanted to get I'm trying to get you being impatient. So then what does she does that and takes it does spread, right? It's I think she saw that and goes, You know what, I saw the course. And so that's why I think everybody everybody does a good deed this week. It can spread it can easily very easily just like gonorrhea. Mexican gonorrhea that's not going away fast. At least you can get a pill hasn't so far. Like oh, pharmacy. Oh, hi, gay. This has been another episode of not well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jen. Hopefully you get to see the new studio next time. If not, we will see you wherever the fuck we land, whatever, counteract whatever counter we're at. Oh, that sounds like a catch phrase. Whatever counter we're at. We'll catch you next time. Whatever counter we're at. Bye, bye. I mean, we're so good.


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