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Jan. 12, 2022

F*cking Idiots From Ohio (FIFO)

***This episode is brought to you by Hydronique Hydration ***

"The wonderful thing is, imagination is universal all over the world, no matter what the language is.." - Roy Horn 

This week is a complete sh*t show, you're welcome! Bobby & Jim take a much needed escape to Las Vegas and hit the town running. they make new friends and they even get a huge upgrade at Caesars Palace. Bobby is very high and decides to take everything to the next level. You will most likely be horrified by Bobby's heavy breathing, using the words "now" and "ok", talking WAY TOO MUCH and being a complete and utter disaster. Poor Jim tries to keep it together. We have episodes like this every once in a while so hold on tight, they usually leave you laughing so hard your side hurts. 

Some things Discussed: 

  • Las Vegas 
  • Caesars Palace 
  • The Mirage 
  • Sigmund Freud 
  • Siegfried & Roy 
  • Chippendales 
  • Hustling 
  • New Friends 
  • Fun Hog Ranch 
  • Cann 
  • Cloth Napkins 
  • Dry Heat 
  • Domestic Dispute 
  • Manifesting 
  • Sexual Desires 
  • Catfishing 
  • Grindr 
  • Scruff
  • Pink Dicks 
  • Gingers 
  • Red Headed Men 
  • Basic White Guys 
  • Using "OK, K & OKAY" properly 
  • FIFO 
  • Michigan 
  • Cherry's 
  • Lisa Vanderpump 
  • Upgrade
  • Side view 
  • Too Many Mirrors 
  • Ohio 
  • Cleveland 
  • Columbus 
  • Cincinnati
  • Airplanes 
  • Southwest (SOUTHWORST) 
  • POS 
  • Cramped in an airplane 
  • Tall 
  • Big 
  • Bear 
  • Otter
  • Easy Cheese  

Things We learned about this episode:

Siegfried & Roy was a famous magician duo that enchanted their audience's minds, mainly with shows in Las Vegas, Nevada

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Freud was born to Galician Jewish parents in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austrian Empire.

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This week on not well,


the boys go to Vegas pink dicks manifesting she own cloth napkins drinkable weed catfishing new friends, and so much more. Hey Bobby, I'm just telling you like, I'm gonna bite her neck like is that the vampire? Does it sound Okay? Sounds fine already like sweet to like literally have it touching her bottom Jen fuck oh my god, girl. Oh yes baby Give it to me a little bit on my volume is to You're such a fucking diva hiney teeny just because you get an upgrade in Vegas doesn't mean you get all all everything you want. Is this better? Yeah. Okay, hi everyone. It's not Well, Jim is ready and Bobby is ready as well. And Bobby took a while to get ready. Bobby is on the struggle today. Bobby was just on the toilet for approximately 15 minutes and I don't know I'm I'm sure it's all the I think we do know the alcohol and drugs food that I have consumed in literally 24 hour period it's pretty far period we've had it's it's not got the amount of crab. I see amount of kind of say that really quick. Yeah, I think that's what started us off on a weird direction. Because I feel like so we went to Bucknell buffet at Caesars you know, they have like, the lobster claws, the crab legs, everything included in that seafood thing? I don't know I'm saying the buffet. Yeah, right above it. So it's like endless food. So of course endless like the endless crab legs. Like you got our money's worth. Yeah, you have to the crab legs want the monies. If you want to spend $80 on a buffet like you're gonna have to eat the expensive shit. And just the expensive shit. Yeah, like can't fill up on wagon wheel mac and cheese like we did. Oh my god or cheese tortellini. Like we really we really the wagon mills where they were like I'll have a plate of rice. They're like yeah, thanks cuz we just made a lot of profit. I mean, the big bang triples good. I can bang bang me bang bang my pussy.


Gay Oh my god. Yeah, it's gonna be one of those episodes because drinking can I'm personally consuming this and I'm hoping that this will make me feel human human again.


Yeah, exactly. is looking at you across the table swollen. You were swollen. You were sweaty. Sweaty, like Moist. Moist. I would say moist. Like, unlike I don't like that word. But it's under the head sweat. Yep, it sweat back sweat. And the final reason. Right? nausea, nausea. I really need to frown or Trazodone and I said that. Yeah, I don't know any medicine names. I just like I learned something. She has it down. No, cuz I've had this like motion sickness stuff before. What's it called? Oh, can't be hitting already.


No, it can. It can. Hi, gay. Gay. Hi, gay.


I'm sorry. I gotta consume more of this to get in the proper mode. I can hear that. Yeah, that's me shaking me so So we're here in Vegas. We're here at the Caesars. We're here the Caesars now. Can you tell the people how we got the upgrade? Yeah, manifesting. First of all, we did manifest we've actually said on the show. I think we were like we're getting VIP. We're getting we're getting car getting upgraded. And we like wait in line and she's like the lady at the front desk like so. Um, well, first, she come in on your jewelry and I feel like you felt like a jewelry gay for once. I am a jewelry guy. Yay. I'm not actually a fan. Sorry, you're a duly? Duly fan. A jewel. Now, is this the weed or is this just my body shutting? I like I don't think we're ready to record. Like mentally I think we are. I know this is where we got to be. This is episode babe. It's Vegas. We're fucking idiots from Ohio. It's fine. Feefo so we go to the front. So I get completed on my jury then she's trying to find my room. She's like we can't find your room. We just have a room for Bobby Griffith and I'm like at this point in panic and I'm pissed Bobby because he's ready to go to the buffet. He's like, I'm trying to get to the buffet it's 850 the buffet is at nine and then on top of this I let him like book the trips. I never trust other people and something of course this is what happens when you try to trust other people. It wasn't my fault well you're like Southwest vacation here we go and it was a deal it I'm just saying like it didn't seem to work out in the moment and then it did work out because she was like Sorry for wasting your time. We've upgraded you to the Octavius Tower pool view which the polls not open. So it's really it's really an upgrade. It's a view. I mean, I will say this we are on account right now. We do have a couch with couches. And normally when I say hotel room I don't have a couch. I barely have a bed.


Yeah, I mean this room is huge. This could be a studio apartment and this is bigger than a studio apartment in New York. It's bigger than one bedroom in New York. Yeah, like this is huge. And we got Jacuzzi tubs which I'm going to tub later which I have a you know a tub and while he hasn't touched in a while 1995 Oh, I mean, I don't know really that long, probably since I was in high school that you know how to treat yourself when your body doesn't really fit in a tub, and that's the tree with these legs, and that's why you bought a hot tub. Right? Because then I can feel in a deep hot tub with that. That's a deep because when I was going we were in hocking Hills we got in the hot tub. It was like shallow. No, it wasn't a deep hot shallow. They're cheap, so Oh, so anyway, we got upgraded. So here we are in the Octavia suite,


and we're recording I'm recording live from the Octavia suite live from the Octavia suite. It's Bobby and Jim or Jim and Bobby, I like that fucking good soap fucking good supper. So given you were serving commercial or serving looks. Okay, so there's a few things that we do need to discuss. We have several I have a lot actually. Well, do you want to just tell the story we just share with you got a little rowdy when we didn't really mean to? I don't think we didn't mean to. But we did. You were like, well, first of all. First of all, I know you're a little chatty Cathy on the streets. Now. I'm sorry, what? You're the type of person when you go on vacation with you. It's like a little nerve wracking because you're gonna go talk to the weird Mickey Mouse's and the Elmos if I am a talkative person like that's why I've you don't I have here right? Like, if one person asked you for something, you just go, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you what I'm like, keep walking. About the shipping Street. Like keep on I'm sorry. I just like to see the humanity and everyone and so I don't want to deny them that when we can have a conversation and connect. Yeah, so the guy with a shirtless six pack abs you really, really want to connect. Yeah. And that was all about his humanity. Right? Exactly. You got to I mean, he's working. He's working the street. Oh, I told him I was like, You look like you spent a lot of time in Jimmy's like, Thanks, bro. And then and from that moment forward, I knew I was paying for whatever you took them for you. I was like, we're getting hustled. I was so mortified, you know, hustled, I'm like, you can't hustle a hustler. That's right, babe. Just like you can't if you want to fuck a big guy, you better act like a big guy. Oh, oh, does that or man story? It does. We'll get there. Okay, we're getting back in. So first we had to stop it though. Like so we got Dale's amazing pictures with Chippendale they were like, We're We're fans of the BGL pupae, a T there's a lot of queer BGT here and we love your glasses. We love the pluses. And honestly, it's not that pack. So you'll get a lot of attention. I'm like, here, we're like, we're not going but thank you for the whole Please Stop touching me. And Jim's like, touch me. And I'm like, Hey, wouldn't touch me. And he was all over me. And I'm like, I wanted to choke me. But honestly, I thought at one point he was gonna, like, beat our asses and steal my phone. He did grab your phone and walk away. I'm like, so that's just like, That's me on the street. Yeah. Then I'm also running into people and chatting with them. Yeah, like anybody we run into. You're like Sal, no, but that's how we met our two new friends. We have two new friends Sean and Matt, Sean and Matt out of San Diego, California hillside or crest Hill crest. Hillcrest. That's where I stayed last time. I was there in November. Oh, yeah. That's what you were saying. That's


what kind of connected like Hillcrest, Wyatt. So these two bears were just hanging out on the corner of Treasure Island leaving drag brunch and we were getting hammered on IPA beer that we bought it CBS Yeah,


in the beer to be San Diego modern, modern times. The brewery. That's like, that's what connected that's kind of like, what cuz I looked I said modern time out of manifestation. I know. And a lot of manifestation stuff.


A lot of manifest. A lot of manifestaciones have been happening. So we're on the corner. And we were talking about going to the fun hog ranch and the guys behind us who are Matt and Shawn were like, oh, yeah, the fun hog ranch. That's fun. We were there last night. And I was like, Cool. And then he's like, Oh, come


on down. They were like, we can go and we're like, okay, so we go to the fun fun. Have fun. Oh my god. Oh my god. The fun hog ranch. Oh my god your words right now. I love how struggling it's very like right now. I'm on the you're giving me? Hi gay is giving me I don't know what it's giving giving me like it's giving me Are you about to pass out? Are we screaming right now? No. Are you sure? Yeah. No, we're definitely not. We're not screaming. Oh, this is okay. We just had to listen to it. Domestic violence. Well, that's what I'm gonna ask you to play. Okay, I will play this. You can send it to me and I can play it. Yeah. But yeah, so anyway. So Matt and Shawn, take us to the fun hog ranch. You got to find hog we have I have a gin and tonic. Because that wasn't a bad idea. You say a gin and tonic and they were like, here's a free card for another drink. And we're like, every time you buy a drink at Fun hug Ranch, they give you a coupon and it's good for another drink of whatever right and you're like what she's like, so I got a $7 Gin and Tonic and I have to have another and I did so it's a you know, it's a gay bar like and that's what you did. And you had a third which was another coupon The problem was that we met Thomas now he didn't mean now I don't really want to like this was happening. Now I don't really want to know I really don't want to shit on people. But I don't want to scab but I want to do say this. What's happening? Oh my god, it's the game. had a stroke. I think it's the cam. But I want to say what I want to say what I'm gonna say, honey. I did have that fucking dumb episode ever. Honestly, it might be going that direction where I'm just it is just it is getting worse I'm drinking. So it's gonna get like real stupid here in about four or five seconds Okay, gonna lose so we see Thomas and of course a year the Jazz is like oh yeah, I went over there I went to the bathroom and then I like came out of the bathroom because you love to talk to people. There's a cute guy across the bar signing us. I didn't go back to Bobby I went to the cute guy and just sat down next summer with Thomas. Hi. Hi gay. Don't spill on the roof. Hi gay. And like, Hey, what's up? And I was just like, Oh, do you come here a lot. He's like, no only 36 times. He literally said like, only 36 times like, I'm 35 We're like a, a like, See, you've been here five times a year to 18 I can't do math, but I can either but a lot of visits a lot. And um, and I think he like knew what he was looking for. Because he saw you and he was like, baby boy. And that goes to the saying if you want to make boy if you want to fucking don't even talk to a big boy. Maybe you got to be big man. And by that I mean act like a fucking gentlemen as right. I don't need you to text me back things like okay, okay, it's not a response. Can we go over that real quick? We can go over that. Our listeners if you say okay, okay. It's not as bad as K but it's still bad. Like, if I see something like like, okay with four letters is still not great. Okay, not good. K is the worst. And it's also with the context. Like if you're like I'm on the way down, you can say okay, if you're sending me a sultry photo of yourself laying out on a bed, taking up the entire bed with your hairy naked body. Then I need more than okay.


Yeah, like it's not like you're just sending me like I sent a fax you set a flag like veins like banks, and you were fluffed. I didn't show any pain. Oh, wait, what? I was a bit shot.


Wow, it was like laying on the bed like, me mean like a little, little slotty. Vegas baby. So then I'm like, he's like, Well, he's like fun hog ranch. And I was like, I'm naked in the Caesar's Palace. Like, no, I'm currently waiting. I need to stuff my whole I know. And it wasn't me stuffing a hole. And honestly, I don't want to give a handy just to lay I just wanna go handy. Honestly, I really find it clean now. It sucks. It sucks because there's not really that many good decks here. And that's the other conversation we need to have. What there are a lot of here now. Now, I know I did. We also like to shout out other new friends from Australia and New Zealand. Yes. Don't remember that concern. That sir. And sailor? Oh, no. Well, I wasn't I don't know. I know him as QE Baron Aussie bear. So that's how I so kiwi and Aussie baby. That's how I'd like to shout out our friends that we met way too late in the day to remember anything about be honest with you. All I remember is they didn't look like the photos they said. I don't know at all gonna be able to say, well, I can they're not listening. I say fuck them. They're not listening. But they're really not. Oh, and I also got another photo update just now that was like see connecting the dots and he sent a picture on the hat and it doesn't look like him in that. It doesn't look like the same person still. Am I like found a picture of this catfish person he found and like found another photo of him. I'm like, it's like his friend at home. He's like, can you send another now don't get me wrong. They're very nice. Very kind. Very cool. I


really liked them a lot. And I don't hang out with them again. I just I for me. It's a little it's a little then that's an it's not even them. There's a lot of people here like that. Okay, like don't put intros


Whoa, girl, fake ass house. Sorry, it's Vegas Vegas. Everyone's a Vegas out here as we're in an upgraded room. We're gonna upgrade room all along here. Honestly, if these show girls come to me again with those dirty ass paintings on those tights they work for five straight days. I know people are trying to be there. Listen Lumbee ass I don't want to photo and listen here. Lartey Did you see that one? Yeah, I'm not fat shaming. I'm just saying I'm not passionate about it. You if you were to smell the crotch of those things. They're walking. Well imagine the summer the showgirls are walking around right cool 110 degree heat sweat Oh, this is disgusting. Makeup running down their faces feathers wilted the feathers will be well two feathers are wilted like there's nothing nothing cute about that photo.


There's nothing cute about Vegas really like either true and the thing is is either you're really rich or you're really poor and mostly and there's there's people in the middle obviously but it's what you notice is the really rich or the really poor you don't notice the people in between so we're like kind of like where the tweeners but like you notice when they're like really rich person walks by you like


when you go to like mirage or you go somewhere where now the Mirage now that used to be prestigious area when six four Was there Freud and Freud think freedom Freud. Yeah. Galileo Freud, where they're like, what's a Sigmund


one that got


mauled by the tiger like Sigmund Freud noticed Sigmund Freud is the real name. That's what he thought of that. Sigmund Freud. Yeah, he's only got bit and died. Not from, like a German psychologist. Oh, right. Right, right, Roy. Yeah. It's the title of Sigmund Freud. So out now when you go to the Mirage, you're like, Oh, this is a nice place like we have a little planetarium and you know, it's a very kind and welcoming atmosphere. But when you watch Star shows on the Sealy garden, I think he'd be like arboretum or something. But he said, planets area and Alboreto. So we walk in there, and when you're playing hoody in the world was fried and creaky and creepy. And you look around the clientele that don't have masks on. None of them dead. They're not drinking. No, I'm walking around. You're like, yeah, and you're noticing the hills or wait rocks, no offense to wear crocs, but like you're noticing some of the like, I'm sorry, when your feet can't fit in anything other than crocs like you need to work on your feet and your life. Listen, if you want to upgrade maybe you get glare ups. Okay, you don't wear crocs because flare ups or wear tight layup sisters. That's right. And then why we have the Okay, so we just went off track and it's fine. So we're gonna cut that part out but why buy it? That's great. I know you will I trust so yeah, the clientele could be very different. Some are very poor, mostly poor. But staying everybody stinks because they keep the rich ones in those private rooms where you can't really go in right? Like those high roller tables. They don't let people like Like look at look at where we're at though. Sure. like nobody's down here and so very quiet Tower This is where the rich go. This is the rich tower. This is where they're not bothered because nobody comes this far down because there's nothing here but bro. This right I think but rooms. Nothing but sultry couches and rounds that are actually identical and it's really annoying to me are very, they're exact same exact same photos. Like can we get a little caesars? Can we talk about this real quick? Because I just put$100 in your fucking shameless a little bit went away. Real quick. So you got $200 in like two minutes from me. So can you upgrade your breadsticks aren't hot I'm returning them. Exactly. Little Caesars looking here.


Look at and look in here. Looky here, honey. So you have some things you want to discuss. Let's like you're trying to get some structure here when Jim is running early and I'm like we've really he's like so embarrassed by this recording right now. Like this is bad. Are you texting me on the side? Tell me let's stop recording. Oh, this is the domestic violence series


now, ma'am, wow, that was just me like, Bro you just so weird that we're in the quiet area. Nothing but rooms. Except that was me in the hallway yesterday on the way to your room. And I hear just literally abusing his family. I came to Bobby's bathroom phone security, because my phone the regular not figured out your regular phone, but I could figure out the bathroom phone. Right? And thank God I did I saved a life or two. How to Save live. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo so so yeah, domestic violence is real. It's not real. It's very real. I feel like real. That was like But but you call the security and they came and said, Well, he's he was working out. I was like, No, he wasn't working out. He will. And here's a video. And I played the video for him. And he was like, I guess he's saying he was working out. I was like Jesus Christ, like his kids were in the way so you can't protect people because the wife came out and he's like, get over here, honey, get over your honey. And she's like, oh, sorry. The kids are just in the shower. They're loud. Like that's not the know. I have video video proof. Honey, I'm going to court it's called What's that little What's that girl investigator? Carmen San Diego. No, little Sue. Harriet the Spy? No, it's like everybody used to read a little Sue now. He drew little Susan. I was like little Sue Nancy. DREW. I mean I'm not actually a fan. I'm so bad at this. Nancy. DREW. Nancy. You are playing Nancy Drew on the hallway. Oh and Oh. Oh my god. That's your drag named Nancy Sue. I'm investigator Nancy Drew investigate this. This hole. It does need a mosquito there's some mine. Yours needs a bath bomb. We need to bath bombs for that. We need a sanitary bomb bath of bleach. Dip you in it and my assholes bleached. Oh and but double bonus. Oh, you're talking in Vegas terms Baden get a double bonus. That is I don't know, either. So one big topic that we need to talk about. Yeah. And then we'll do our sundries at the end. sundry think it's like a little thing or something? I'm not sure. You know, people have said that to me. Like the sundries in meanings. Okay, and now for the sundries or something. I feel like you're just on crack right now. What century Okay, last night now. Now. i Okay, I first have to issue a formal apology to Robert Griffith Jr. There is a topic we need to bring up that in the past we've had some disagreements on Oh, no. Are you putting a bomb on me right now? I am. Yes, you're like finished finish that drink sweetheart. Because it's gonna be a long one. This is gonna be a long one. So the formal apology is that I am sorry for not recognizing pink deck. Because I always thought it wasn't a thing. I was like, What are you talking about? Like, that's not real. Like there is no pink deck. Because like now that can't be right. But as Bobby has shown me on this trip, there is a lot of pink deck. Now explain to them what a pink tick is. For those that don't know, a pink tick is like the fairest affair men. You know, you're looking at the ball sack apart. First of all to describe the pink ticks. I've


never really know. I don't know if you've noticed, but as your pigmentation changes, so does the particular areas of private areas, right? So like, if you have a darker pigmentation, you're going to have a darker, darker colored sack


true. Okay, this is true. And that line that goes in the middle of the malls all the way back to the asshole correct that that's where I feel like our gods sodas up. Yeah, he did. So is that there's that's, that's the stitch. That's the that's the husband stitch. And they call that something like when their husband said, yeah, it's a joke. Like it's one of one of the call.


And they're like, Yeah, let's see. And you put in a husband such as an extra. It's a really disgusting, man kind of thing. Yeah. I heard something on my. That's someplace. We're straight guys.


Yeah, back to pink tech. I don't want to think of ourselves like and it actually it does go for women as well. The lips of reality. Yes, they get pink.


So the fair the skin that pinker privates. That's the way I like it. But the outside Yeah, like the so like our balls would be there, labia, right. So they're labia will be Pinker, if they are fair skinned, okay, as they get darker. So if we go to like a Mexican, okay, they're gonna have a darker situation in those areas. And as you


go, as you go, so there are different colors. And so when I noticed the pink dick though, I am always guys. I get you're like, This guy's hot to me. And I'm like, Why do you really want to know, pink tick? How do I know? Because you're with a pink tech.


Well, I am with a big tech but also I mean, it is my weakness to like if you have a big tech, like semi pecs, but also, I look at their neck and their ears. Oh, that's one of my secret was a little flappy area. So if you're in the back of their neck, kind of see a real like their skin. I don't know what to how to describe what I see. But then if you look at the ear, if it's like redder, they're gonna have a pinker situation. Oh my god. It's all about pigmentation. Babe, I can't do this. It's a science and now you know it because now we've been playing the pink game out on the street.


And we've really done West covered, like, and verified. We honestly should just bring a microphone and be like so can you tell us is your pink is your big? Pink? Is your pink is your Dicker pink or big? One of the pink one steak. I'm so excited. So you're apologizing? It's all yours. I'm apologizing because I didn't think it was a thing. And then like now that I've seen the people with their own dick pics. I'm like, oh, yeah, pink tick is real real. Now I'm not saying it's the best stick for me. It's not and it's not even that great. In fact, oh, now you hate pink. No, I


like it. In fact, though, Matt called me out yesterday when our new bear friend he goes, because I was looking at Thomas and I was like, yeah, he's kind of cute. And he's like, yeah, he he is he's like, Oh, no, but he's like, Oh, no, just like a basic white guy. And I was like, No, he has exactly. And he is and I know that that could come off as like


a preference or whatever the fuck a preference and racism. Right? But it's not. It's like literally that's just like something I'm attract. I don't know. I don't know how to stop it. I don't know how to stop it. It's almost like society has told us that lighter skinned people are better but


it's not because a lot of people don't like it, or actually, if you really think about a lot of people like tall, dark and handsome, I like pale chubby in pink and you really do, right? Not chubby though. Like,


Oh, you like little baby job. You like job? No, I really don't. Don't put words in my mouth honey. I'm gonna just say like, as we walked around the people you're like, oh yes, they're always chub. They're not like skinny. It's it's like a slender. I'm not saying they're fat fat. No, they're just like, not six pack, right? Or like normal stomach, right? Like this. Yeah, like 10 of your fat. Like your size, like and padding, which it's growing. And they have mirrors everywhere in this room. That's the other problem with these places are the mirrors. As you walk from brunch, to brunch, to lunch to dinner on these long hallways every $250 meal you go to, it's just there's mirrors everywhere and outside mirrors. It's not it's even in front of our bathtub. We have a sigh now. That's horrifying. I was like, I'm going to go brush my teeth and I about had a heart attack. It's horrifying what I'm wearing. I was naked, which is even worse, because I Well, that's I'm saying it's like I'm gonna brush my teeth and look over to the side. Oh, fuck, like, where's my dick? First of all? What is that? I can't find it. Second of all, I need to try. I mean, I have to trim. I


have hair. You notice the side hairs that come down and you're like you don't see it. When you're looking forward on. When you look on the side. You're like, oh, girl, on that sock. It's a lot of hair. It's not really for me, but I just can't do side view and I just look at myself in the mirror. And I think how do I have a pardon? How I thought that? Am I ever have I ever been touched? How have I ever bought them hot?


How will I ever be touched again? Again, if you want to be a big man, you got to act like a big man. Okay? That's like the phrase of the week. It honestly is. You're a big man. And I'm a big man. I have a man on me. I know you do. Hi, gay, gay. Okay, hi gay. So we have some other sundries. We have some things we need to discuss. I want to talk about back pain. What is it now? Why do we have it? Back pain? So I didn't know you were having pains by the way. I didn't know you were having pains. Yesterday, we had a moment where we both had the same pain. And it was probably the dehydration


and eggs. Oh, no. Wrong.


Oh, I'm a chrome you can cut that


which honestly, to say really quick that everybody wants to talk shit about us being in Vegas. I'm gonna go ahead and just say this right fucking now. Say my back say I am waxed and I am boosted and I'm doing everything that I'm supposed to be doing. And I'm tired of people who are not vaccinated and who are not waxy who are not boosted trying to make me feel guilty. So if you're not gonna wear mascara to get all your things done, then I can't help you.


Right? If you're not gonna get waxed, sorry. I'm gonna hack through that jungle. And the reality of the situation is we can't continue this situation anymore. Like we got to just get to need to live life. Sorry. And that's the fucking book. Well, honestly, I have reflux right now. So that's what's causing a lot of my cough. You just went on a rant. Now you're like, I'm coughing. I have terrible diarrhea. I smell anything. I can't sleep. I can't sleep. My back hurts but your back hurt back pain back Corrib so you have sciatica? I think I do and I got yelled at the other day. someone's like, it's not really sciatica. I was like what? Well, all I know is I have pain here. And it goes into my butt into my butt cheek. Yeah, that's sciatica but, but like see what you did there? She funny like that. Right? What did you do on your pussy right in my cheek? Brian that cheek? No, it does go into the bus. So I had a herniated disk back in the day. Why? Yeah. Because you were athletic. Right? I heard it in basketball, basketball. You had a herniated disc, so I'd heard him desk actually often really told the story before and I can actually admit something now. Okay. Were you a little dramatic? How did you really hurt me at your desk and I really want to know what you were taking Dec your I bet your ankles were behind your ears. So know what I was doing. I don't know. I was younger. I had a I was really drunk. I was 18 I think are 1920 21 I was 35 yesterday, and I got a pocket pussy. Okay, the first time I'm telling a story. Anybody this story? Oh my god. You bought me a drink honey. Give me a little roofie No, but I'm gonna give you another one of those. No, yes. Yeah. So I was masturbating and actually having phone sex with someone where you hand masturbating or fucking the pocket pussy with the


puppets and I was like going really hard and I I couldn't I was so drunk and couldn't really calm Yeah. So then I started like, like thrusting like yes, on my back. I was like, pushing my hips up in the air. Like holding that and then like, like holding it still and then thrusting like really like trying to come so I was like straining and I was like, it was just really awkward and they were on the phone to like that's like, it was like 4am


So it'd be young again, it'll be young


again be like, I gotta get my own. I gotta get I gotta come to my honey. For em. Like with my, there's like very much looking like fucking. I'll never come at four. Again. I'm doing a backbend, trying to masturbate. It's like, like, what are you doing? Why are we doing the Olympics in here? And we were and so I was like, Oh, that was weird. I felt a little pop. So that happened. And then the next day, I was like, my back hurts. And then I was like, weird. And then I was like, Maybe I pulled a hamstring because it was going down my leg. Oh, cuz I put in playing basketball and shit all the time. So like, maybe I did somebody playing basketball or something. I don't know. So I had that I had to go to doctor I had heard a jazz guide. I went to physical therapy. Then I went away, and I came back then I went away and I would go back to play basketball and circling shaping and they were happening again and then so anyway, I finally got an epidural and eventually went away.


Okay, I need that. But it also but here's the deal in the midst of this comeback when the pocket pussy came out, or were you done with a no the blog post? I never I never did that never actually when I cuz you know when you're trying to come in you like kind of tighten up like, calm. So did you? I was like, I wish I could actually maybe put it in the middle of some pillow. So it was held up. No, I was holding my hand but I just was like, I don't know how to describe what I was doing. It was very hard. I would say you go hard. It was a very young when you were young. Yeah. It's like a weird like, I was like stressing on the air for no reason and like, okay, that's the truth. So you herniated your disk from masturbation laceration, like, this is literally unheard of. This is actually the first time I've ever said it out loud. I'm proud of you. Thank you. Give us a clap. Thank you. Good job. Wow. That's not how I got so how'd you get yours? So let's talk about it. How'd you get your CV from the gay event last week? Oh, you know Lingus got you kind of Lincoln's got shoe Angelina scotchy sciatica good did it because I was sitting like that. Oh God Oh pop it happens now. Yes, I've learned over the years though that I don't really believe in back pain or sciatica. Here he goes. Here you go. Now you know my theories you know your bonkers spaced out theories. Yes. Yeah. I've been recording that long. Like 30 minutes. That's it feels like okay, I was gonna turn at it. So reading a book called How to fix your back pain or like fix your back pain now doctors, doctors out of the Sarno out of New York he's dead now. He's older that really sells it but there's a thing called TMS and basically a short story and a short way of saying that to say this basically your your subconscious is telling your outer conscious issue this was knocking you scared me? Yeah, it's that wife abuser he's coming to eat I heard


you tell the story. So basically, your subconscious is telling your otter conscious to have a pain because you're hurting on the inside about something they're stressed about something you are angry about something you something's going on that you have to deal with mentally, right what your subconscious does, it says I ain't doing this we're gonna bury this and on the meantime, I'm gonna have a pain shoot down your leg and or a back pain or any pain, honestly, they're rash. I'll give you a rash. I'm gonna there's many, I'm telling you like, fibromyalgia, fibromyalgia. Like that's, that's basically a mental disorder. It's not so. So that's what they say about back pain. Because then when I started saying,


Have you ever met someone not crazy? Who has fibromyalgia? Like really? No, you know, like when someone tells you they have Fibro you're like staring at them like, Aha. And there's all the elderberry I took as a child get enough zinc and like let these people sometimes they completely might call Cha meadow. Like Don't you know the essential oils or have akinesia here? There's literally I'm taking Tumeric coppers capsules. I'm just like, why what you want to talk about crazy. It's good for your whole it's like, yeah, like hurt. So I was going to Vegas for a weekend. You'll clear everything out. You really will. And that's the T and that's the T one T one T capital T. Oh, I did learn this from you that the capital T and a Grindr profile means math. Yeah. So there's methods which I'm like, what they're like looking to party now. Clouds. I have a group. Yeah, filthy cloud. Yeah, like I want to. I'm looking for clouds. Fill to party with a capital T. To part T. It's like Girl, girl. Listen. Whoa, I'm not doing girl. There is one thing I will never do in life. And that's math. These people like that might be the only thing. Honestly, I have never in my life. I'm like, I should try math. Right. Why would we want to know people who done math like I do? Um, let me tell you they never come back from it. No, I know they're like matter the same, never the same. Like they could be recovered but there's a chip I haven't used in four years and I'm like, right but I still don't want to do like I still don't like you. You're unstable. Right? And um that's not the method shame. I'm not meth shaming. I'm not math shaming. I'm not met Jamie anything. We are just getting axed and that's the fax no printer. So what do we do about your back pain? I say to Advil and it's gone. It's really yours. I don't believe in a leave. You're such a fucking dumbass. I don't believe believe in a leave. So you took her Advil and I feel better so good. I have a couple things I do need to talk about. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah, I really need a refill. Yeah, we need to have a moment. hydronic hydration founder. He working during the pandemic started developing constant headaches. That's why he created hydronic hydration sugar free keto friendly, plant based and oxidant rich electrolyte powder packets for daily use containing all the essential vitamins and minerals with refreshing taste.


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hydronic hydration on amazon.com They are offering a$10 discount coupon at checkout for the next week. hydronic hydration on amazon.com So okay, so you've been making a list. You've been really doing your research just keeping it nice. And I'm checking it twice. Mm hmm. One thing that I am absolutely exhausted by is being from Ohio because every time I come from Ohio we are Feefo there are so many people from Ohio and all the world's most popular places like anywhere you go they're like oh hi and when you say popular do you mean Trappy I mean like tourist trap disasters? Yeah. When I say popular I mean I mean killer with the the general public peasants. Popular with the pendants, P WP WP you will find Ohio because everywhere I go whether it's like pigeon for Disneyworld, or Disney World is Ohio, okay, Ohio and gays. But then we come here we're in the lobby in like 40 Ohio people are just standing away. Oh, ah, if you ever Oh, ah me. I'm I owe you honey. I'm an IO you're gonna owe me I owe you. I owe you. Oh, hi. Are you I owe so where are you found also that we're vivos? What do you just say? Please play that. I can't have a playback. You're like oh, we learned that from the girl from Michigan who got a C upgrade. Which that's shocking to people from Ohio. We got an upgrade from sunny from Michigan, right? Because we talked about were amazing charities. We looked at a special invite to a charity festival. You're welcome. Well, no to Lisa Vanderpump. Oh, yes. which prompted that that did prompt because that new menu was amazing. Like thank you to Lisa Vanderpump. We enjoyed it very much. Yeah, like I guess I got upgraded. It was like a thing and we're like okay, well, sure. Sure. Let's go we'll check it out. So that was also amazing, but I'm just done with being from Ohio because then you have to talk to people from Ohio and I don't like Ohioans is that rude. No, but Ohioans are just not you know, we explain Ohio real quick, a little bit better for people who are not from Ohio. Okay, because people actually look at us with cringe when we say I'm from Columbus, Ohio, and I'm reading it's the 13th. It's bigger than your, your site from literally Where are you from? Because we're the 13th biggest city in the country. We're from Kansas City like no, that doesn't count. That's not a real city. In real city. It's not even in the right state. It's in Missouri. Or case. I'm sorry. You have a city named Kansas City. It's in Kansas and Missouri, Missouri. It's on the line. It doesn't matter. It's happened Missouri or probably more than half Missouri City. Call it Missouri City. KCMO BAM now let's that Kansas City, Missouri KCMO. I mean, that sounds like a radio station. That's trash. Welcome to KCMO in the morning. No offense to Brandon who's from Missouri. Our listener Brando. We have a ton of listeners from probably Missouri and I was born there. I still hate it. Have you ever been against city though? What I'm not the words on Kansas City. Because this is how our show goes. I don't like been based I don't like barbecue. We just went from Ohio to Kansas City Ohio Oh hi hey, so like explaining people so like you have Cleveland which is full of like what would you describe one word for Cleveland said you say a trash Cleveland is also nicknamed the mistake on the lake so and it is kind of like honestly you go there you're like is this it? It's I would say it's all white rougher area. Yeah it's like Is there are there other neighborhoods to go to? It's like Detroit but not


it's just bad. If we're gonna be on it's gonna be on so you know, when people from Cleveland cuz they're usually a little more rowdy. They're a little OCAD Yeah, a lot. A lot of ethnic. Yeah, it's more it's more polish,


and Italian, Italian. And there's like, the groups were like they, they, you know, they have all greasy hair and like themselves off them necklaces. Not like yours. Like those chain ones. Oh, the gold golden. Yeah, that's like underneath and you just see on their neck and you're like, there's usually a saint on the end. It's like, do you even know who that is? Like, what Shane is that? It's my confirmation name. It's like okay, St. Thomas of what Aquarius? St. Thomas Aquarius. So then let's go south. Let's go to Cincinnati. Now. No, trash is the other word that comes to mind when it comes to Cincinnati as well. I'm thinking more maybe redneck word? Yeah, it's more like Southern because it's basically half in Kentucky. Right? So it's southern. It's like a very southern city like it's it has southern ties. It's just not everything's still a stake in the river. There's a little fake mistake on the river. And then there's Columbus. And we're just trapped in the man. We're in the middle. And nobody really wants to see us. They're like, Oh, Cleveland and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Cincinnati. Oh, but Columbus is where it's at. Remember, we had a lady last night she was like, so what will we do in Columbus? And I was like, we don't really have any landmark which we've discussed. So we don't but it's more of the overall experience. You can just go and eat and drink and read a book and be merry, eat and be merry. That's right. We also have professional soccer, hockey. We have Ohio State University, which is another sport there. There's baseball, but it's minor league. Honestly, I don't know. We're not selling it very well. But like we're way better than these other cities. Right? So it's just very interesting to me, though. But you're right about the Ohio thing. It's very it's like a badge of honor, but also a badge of disgrace. I like don't want to talk to other people from like, yeah, Ohio. Yeah, Ohio, right. And like, what are I'm like, why do we have to end up everywhere? epwp Like, I mean, girl last time I was in Vegas. We had a Jag off of the Cleveland couple of course of course like You're like we traveled all the way here to jack up with a Cleveland Cleveland couple that's like, Oh, we love going to exile. I'm like what? I'm like, you've got to be fucking kidding. These plane tickets. I've sat in a plane for for enough hours for Cleveland calm now. I mean, that's not worth it. I sound here for dry heat. Oh, dry heat. You are making me cry on the airplane. And I don't know if that was the animal didn't work. Or what's confining effect that? No, I like that. I don't like drinking it doesn't drinking effect. Don't get a little more drunk drinking. I think you just get more dehydrated probably. So you get drunk. I know. It tastes different because of the bubbles and your tongue is different at altitude. Really? Oh, yeah. They have to the Somalia for some of these Airlines has to pick out different wind. Somalia. Sorry, they're this for people in first class. I don't know. telling you about that. When you're in southwest. Everyone's in first class and last. That's why I fucking hate southwest. You can't pick a seat. Oh my god, you sit behind me Southwest is just it's the new spirit for me. If I get unlucky and have something in front of me back there seat up one more fucking time for four and a half hours Bobby was crumpled into this little position. I mean, he could not move at all.


Literally it was it was probably one of the worst. Yeah, cuz he didn't even mask on you or trap. You were like sweating. I can't move. My knees are literally filling edibles that were the edible didn't work. So I was like, I'm gonna take a little nap and I wake up. It was and we have a spill of some vodka. Now, Jim, fell. Maybe you need to lay off the vodka, honey. Okay. Now let's go and lay off the vodka.


Not soaking into the shirt. Yeah. Is it shirt made of plastic? Plastic? T Ara? plastique so. Oh, so yeah. I had a person in front of me who decided just back. Left overdrive. He completely. This is all out of order. We'll talk about Ethan batch. There is no order. This is our show. I know. I love it. It's basically we're just gonna go boop boop boop boop boop and then you edit it into perfect mess. Exactly. I had little music so the people know the queues are changing, honey. Honey. Okay, so here's my problem with Vegas. You know, I already went over my problem with Ohio but I'm no problem with Vegas. It's really not just Vegas. So it's it West all in the fucking West and every one of Southwest desert areas, these godforsaken empty deserts. They're like, it's a dry heat. Whenever you're like, you know, I'm actually really uncomfortable here like not actually a fan. It's 110 degrees. They're like, but it's a dry heat dry. And if I have to hear that from water One more person. I'm gonna cut their head off. I literally was crying on the plane. It's a dry heat. Like what do you mean? It's a dry heat, it's heat. I've soaked through my shirt and my underwear could be wrung out in the bathtub and dry. It's dry. Clear your throat. I'm like, What's the point of a dry heat? If it's that hot? Now, thankfully, right now when we're here, I didn't realize it would be this cold. It's only like the new season cold. I think it feels fucking amazing. Here. It does. And it does 60s Perfect. For me. That's like San Francisco temperature year round. It is it's California. But in the summer when I came last time, it's that dry. He's awful that dry. It's terrible. And then you see like, I'd rather have a wet heat, to be honest.


I'd rather just not have the heat. And that's fair. Now. If you go to Atlanta in the summer, he can swamp you literally run your air conditioning like it's your life. Well, I'm honestly in the middle of the summer, and honestly, your house will not cool down until 4am in the morning. What so it runs all day just to try to keep you at like 71 Even if you ever sit on 68 It's so hot.


I'm not going there. Yeah, so I can't do not actually a fan. Yeah, I just I can't do dry heat. I can't do wet heat. I just can't do heat. Well where do we move that? I don't understand San Francisco that's it Seattle. Is it always what wait well, they had they had melting cables this summer. Well right I think honestly, that climate change sorry I should actually go more north because it's gonna have to be like I mean, pretty soon the Arctic Circle will be 70 year round so it's like what a slip dealer saying like by 2030 like so Ford is going underwater and like will New Orleans will be like it's right people don't understand what's happening now. Well, they should it's like very easily available. Like every hour was right every other countries like hey, by the way, I never want to say about Al Gore. Al Gore man. Man, Al Gore man. Oh homie. Okay, so I have some other things that we need to bring up. Hmm I really like that you're carrying the load right now. I can always take the load carry that load. I would love to take a load right now how do I lay down and record that's what I look at you this bitch now now no make sure you don't click that mouse. Okay, you might have just stopped now we need blankets. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, where are the blankets for these fucking couch? I thought we were upgraded. This is not an upgrade man. Do you have a robe in there? No. Weird we should do we should I know cuz I was looking for one ma'am.


When you come in


right here oh my God tell this problem I have with a lot of the restaurants out here I've noticed and thankfully Ohio doesn't do this often. Cloth napkins I just coming out of left field cloth napkins and the reason I thought of this because we don't like them or you do absolutely hate them we were at Yardbird and I saw some poor kid trying to blow their nose into the cloth napkin like that was weird you can't blow your nose I was thinking OCD or something I was called yet what to rats or something to where I don't know what you're describing kept like wiping it was like an OCD OCD that's it let's focus on the cloth napkins and I was we're over with mental health No sir. Let me tell you about Dr. Sarno. Let me tell you about the you can meditate like he's dead yeah but kind of say some quick real quick oh boy that's scary. Oh don't act like a little boy you're 34 Honey you oh if you want to be with a big boy you got to be a big boy. If you're if you're gonna be with a big man if you're going with a big man you better be a big man. Or act like a big man put that on your T shirt. I should maybe Eric and the B if you want to talk to a big man you better act like a big man it's really hot. I love this for you know cloth napkins to me it's like they only have so much room on them to like wipe your mouth and like if somebody doesn't soak anything No And heaven forbid something spills on the table a cloth napkin will do not know why doesn't do any just sits there. It's like okay, he's actually kind of an interesting consequence. For me, I eat spicy food. My eyes five times. Spicy. Oh, no. Oh, honey, that vodka. I roofie to you, babe. I wish you would have I'm rooting myself because I'm laying you're laying on I'm like slobby Can I say something? Okay, but like, they don't clean up. Well, if I eat spicy, can I say the word right bye. Bye. See, if I hit my nose runs I'm not actually and that's great that's when you can ask for the cocktail napkin. Right? That's just come with a dream come with a cocktail thing God knows. I literally plan ahead at restaurants. When I see a cloth napkin, I'm like, How do I get a paper one without asking? So like, I get a martini, I'll go to the bathroom like all my pockets filled with secret that I did not know. I just hate cloth napkins, because then I imagine them going to the back and like looking at them and shaking them open and being like, and if you have to spit something out in your mouth like Grizzle or something nasty in their soul, you have to put it in a cloth napkin like are you kidding me? Someone in the back is going to open that napkin, glob of food falls on their shoe just chewed up for sure. And then like that's because of you. I can't do cloth. I won't do it. It is interesting, because it really is just like a false sense of security. It's not really an app. It's not an outcome, like napkins should be able to like clean up and be thrown away and never see them again, except at the landfill. But like that's it, but it's not clogging our chakras. Is this gonna affect climate change, though? If we do have paper napkins? i Yes. And that's a problem is you have to cut down the trees but are they renewable? Who knows? Are they like doing force now? And but like cloth, you do it to wash them? That's a lot of water. Yeah, it's like, what do you what's the catch here? Like, if you're gonna use energy and water on washing them? Or you're gonna energy that cloth is better? I feel like it would. It's probably more I think the napkins would just deteriorate kind of I guess every right they are biodegradable. So maybe maybe they need regular napkins and they should ask, let's ask. I think if everyone was provided, I just I'm uncomfortable with a cloth napkin restaurant. I don't like it. It's very interesting. It's also getting to ShamWow instead of a cop napkin. Oh, honey, for this demo, I'm talking about the you calling me shampoo. In this position, honey, honey, honey. All I gotta say is based on our clientele that we've seen around. I can lay like this all day long. So we the hottest one in the goddamn room. I'm the only one of the girls. That's right. He just called me the ugliest person. I mean, there's got to be a hot word. And there's got to be an ugly one. And well true. This is true. Most of the time. Neither one of us are ugly. And that's true. tweets have to find two ugly people. And then it balances out. Oh, we did last night. When we got catfished by the way, can we bring up the fact that we got catfished I did not think I would ever I don't look like a person who gets catfished first of all,


I feel really guilty for talking about them. Yeah, I mean, I think there's a ton of catfish is here. There's people who want to do Tina, there's people wanting to suck your cock dry. There's a guy that right there's one guy dry like a dry heat it dry caulk dry cough dry heat dry caulk and then he he then some guy wrote me and said love fat man.


And he was like, Hey, Daddy, do you want me to suck you off? I want to love lol You're so hot. I'm like, he only likes me cuz I'm fat. He's basically labeling me. He's a chubby chaser. He's a chaser. But I didn't I can't make sure I didn't notice everyone shortens chubby chaser to chase around these apps. The sex apps? Yeah, why did they just say I'm a chaser like chaser of what? Chase her jobs? Cute little men like me. No Chaser of jobs. Okay, it's only cute man. Like you aren't a chase man. Yeah, I'm too easy. You're easy cheese is honey you know these cheese right on the cracker. Bam. She's you don't have to cut it baby. Oh, the spread the spray. The spray. I was like a little taste. We see that right out of the tube.


So do you see the relation between a whore and easy cheese? Right out of the tube. Easy. Easy. That's easier than getting out a real piece of cheese and cutting it and putting in the other phrase that I've got my my best friend's my friend's mom, my he she said it to me once. She


She said she she she just was


saying we're talking about a girl. We're talking about a girl. This is when I was straight. Okay, and we're talking this girl that we both knew. And his mom was like, oh, so she easy cheese. And I was like, easy cheese. What the fuck? She's like, Yeah, easy cheese. Like, she's easy. And I was like, well, she encouraging her son to be with an easy cheese. No, but she's was we were older. At that point. We


were like 20 So like, oh, so she knew you were fucking Well, we were supposed to be right. I was. Well, oh, that's sad. I was just jacking off ticks on Craigslist. So hikes. It's kind of a rough go. You've really been through rough life. You've been through it. I have you really only been alive for seven years. Right? I why you're so immature and fat at life. I just am on full marijuana mode, and I'm just high all the time. Now. I'm like, Look, I'm like I'm 18


I'm processing chama


loco now you can drink up that's another amazing thing can is sold here so I can drink my marijuana and look like it's a cocktail and yes he does walk around the casino with it but in fact it's marijuana but in fact and apparently it goes in your gums and like absorbs really quickly. Yep so which I didn't know about but the box says that I guess and Jim read it. Yes that's true if the box as it's true.


You can put anything on a box baby like you missing on a milk carton.


Honey would need to be it needs to be to the gallon. Yeah. Have gone out that girl, Lonnie, this mug, this mug, this mug, kind of say one thing that I wrote that's like not a real thing. Yeah, it says put there this.


I think I said that. Maybe? Remember this? I don't remember why. Okay, so Bobby said put there this. We were at a restaurant last night where I'm out. I think we were at a bar or a restaurant last night. I can't remember. I'm trying to remember which one. And like you were talking about how this would do well in Ohio and Columbus. And you're like, well, they're there. If you put there this is gonna be great. And I was like, put there. Yeah. And at that time, I was like, that's the name of the apple sound. Yeah. Everything Everything that happens like that. I'm like, that's the name. It's never the name ever. There this that's it. I was like, Yeah, I think it's just a dumb thing you said cuz I'm dumb. To get that out of that, how'd you how'd you get them there this that. They're there. This now put there this your story? Because you saw the focus and I've got to focus. Let me let me set up. Let you sit up. Lay down. It feels good. It feels good. It feels great. I'm not gonna lie. Now. What's going on? All right. This happened just before our trip. It's almost as infuriating is cloth napkins. So you know, as one does I ordered ramen on? UberEATS? Because I'm like, Okay, I gotta have my ramen. It's cold out. I want hot soup. Perfect. So I like spicy food. spicy soup for me was to focus. Every time I tell a story, you fall apart. Sorry. Go ahead. Maybe you're a mom. So I ordered some spicy soup on UberEATS and I'm like, Oh, great. You know what? I'm gonna fucking do it. I'm gonna pay the 189 for priority because last time I didn't pay for priority and this fucking UberEATS driver had five different dropping do drop off. And so my soup came it was so cold the broth and yeah, I know. Everyone's gonna say just microwave it. Well, it's different. It's different once you have to microbead a different flavor in it. It does it like evaporate some of the water so anyways, etc, etc. I don't want to alter the flavor. So I wanted priority. I paid 29 for it. I go to my phone. I'm like, Oh, good. They're wrapping up. Okay, the person's picking up the food now. Okay, food has been picked up drivers on the way. Actually, it wasn't a fucking driver. I'm not actually a fan. He was on a bike. I paid for priority to have a bike rider bring me my hot soup now in 20 degree temperature. Was it electric? No, it was a regular bike when it showed up. I went outside. I was like, thanks. Why do I pay $1.89 for someone on the bike to bring it there's nothing priority about having a bike rider bring you food. But how long did it take? Oh forever. I mean, forever. That's sad to me, though, too, is trying to I need to call Uber and be like, you guys should not allow bike riders to do priority deliveries. Plain and simple. You should still allow them to do deliveries. I'm not trying to exclude bike riders. I feel like you're being an ableist when it comes to bike riding. I hate that I paid extra to get cold soup. I love how you're bitching about $1.87 on your Uber but you just paid $40 to stand with two men in the middle of fucking Vegas. Wow. Wow. You want to see my hole? No, but here's the problem. Here's the thing you're not getting. I just want to get what I pay for. So that's why those that do feel like you got what you paid for. Absolutely not. Oh, with those photos. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. I got to rub something that I didn't normally get to rub. No, they weren't cute. And actually they were on steroids. So but he had his nipples pierced. I mean, let's not shut on everyone. So shame. I mean, do you see what you're pulling? At this point for $40 I got that. You couldn't pay me $300 to like say okay to me and don't look like I mean, money. Yeah, I just So yeah, that's I just can't do it. I can't do I wire their bike rider delivery people. We're not in New York City, right. It's a place where like people don't have cars or it's like easier to get around and more spread out like New York City. It might be faster even to take a bike because it is because the traffic is a disaster. But not in Columbus, Ohio. I need to have a bath. Oh, that's Fun. We're gonna have a moment of use. Well, they had to use it tonight. I was planning tonight after a long day of partying. partying. Oh Hardy tea. Do you party? Yeah, so Vegas has been a shit show. We haven't seen our brew want to see like Justin. I messaged but I haven't messaged him on Snapchat. Am I? In Miami? Oh, sorry. I'm in Mia. missing an action. Oh, God bless her true. Oh god blossom pow. No, literally, God bless troops. Like no, honestly. My uncle was pow. So it was John McCain. What's the big deal? Hey, Dan. He did he did? He did. Yeah, he did. He didn't he said, and he's done. And he was called pissy by the, the. Yeah. By our ex President. Yes. So that's correct. Yeah. So we really appreciate all the hospitality in Vegas. Now we're gonna win our money tonight. So we'll be able to tell you better. We fucking better and I also want to get real quick comment, like, this isn't the wrap up?


There are things that we see on here. Oh, no, I just want to be very clear about some things. We are taking things to the extreme when we talk, but we love the troops. Right? We do. But do you see how we not just that that's the thing that you are? We're now uncle?


I'm like, Okay, no, but like, we'll make jokes like, Oh, I'll fuck the troop. And we'll make jokes like that's it's a joke. Like, it's not a joke. Well I would 100% on a joke, but like, I think it's funny that we can like, well, maybe I'm wrong, then maybe we're not lying. I'm trying to think of an example where we lied. I really do hate cloth napkins. No, but like we go we go we take things to the next level. That doesn't mean it's inaccurate. True. I guess that's but we still go extreme though. Does that make sense? No. Example? You're nervous about your catfishing people hearing you're nervous about Tom and co workers. co workers like last week's episode. Well, I mean, that's that's what that's true. It's still true like he would fuck your boss like That's funny. He's not he was was he was he's left he's leaving no. That's the update guys. Oh my god. Okay, and ending the update is though, is that beam my coworker is staying the one that I was like, so devastated. When we spent like 40 minutes to discussing how terrible how heartbreaking a and heartbreaking and I talked to him the Stang he talked he blew him into saying, and that's what I'm talking about right there. What that's example what is so he said owning blue Mustang and you didn't know. Oh, yeah, for the show. He did not do anything like that to keep to stay. No. Anyway, he's staying. I'm really excited and I'm happy. So if you're listening, thanks for staying. And I still stand where I stand within God's love under God's hand. Oh, I stand where I stand God and make sure you subscribe. Make sure you share with your friends. Make sure make sure you email because we didn't have a question of the week. Apparently we didn't because no one likes us. Well, I didn't really check because we've been on vacation yet so we'll bring that back next week. That song God no, there was another segment I wanted to do Damn it. Okay, then we'll do it really quick. Whoa, girl fuck. This is gonna be called the new segment of the week is called unpopular opinions from Reddit. Now say that again? unpopular opinions from Reddit. Yeah, Reddit. Okay. I'm gonna read the first one that I came across that I thought was very interesting. Okay, am I gonna read it I'm reading it


am I reading it? This is bad it goes so poorly. If you're perpetually single and don't want to hold on can you miss read the poor patch release that you need to just read a new you it's more fun for you to read because I've already read it. I've never you can read it. Okay, I can believe in if you're perpetually single and don't want to be it's 100% something about you read it is a cesspool of sad sacks glued to their computers complaining that they can't get a date or relationship in blaming it on everyone but themselves quote, women only want to chat with money looks who treats her like shit, unquote. Men quote or quote men, white men quote, men will look at you unless your size two with double D cups and no brain. No, sorry. But have you ever actually left your house and looked around?


Drew ugly, fat, poor, deformed, dumb, etc. People have deep fulfilling relationships all the time. Look at you. Lee, it's you specifically that no one wants. It's time to realize that there's something repelling we wait.


It's time to realize that there's something repelling potential partners know social skills, poor hygiene going for 10s When you're a five at best, shitty, self centered personality. Wherever you're falling, you need to admit it and work on it instead of deflecting. Wow, that's an awesome person is amazing, unpopular opinions from the internet. I can read another one too just for fun. That great now I'm gonna go this is one airplane seats shouldn't recline this is actually goes with that you gather more comfort at the expense of the person behind you it's a concept based on selfishness. Let everyone sit up straight. And then no one gets screwed over when Karen wants to lay back. This to me, to me. This to me is to me as a popular opinion, it is selfish as fuck to be to lay back speak your truth. I am I think it's bullshit. And people like you're fat and you're tall. So you deserve to get no,


I thought you were allowed to get an extra seat for free. I am. But you didn't on our flight. I know. Why didn't you do that? I thought you were allowed. I'm confused. I'm a little confused as well. Like, why didn't we do that I need to buy like two rows worth of people of size. Gather together all the people of size we


know we want to lay down so you get one side of the plane. I get the other we're just laying there like we are people of size. Bad make it a bad honestly, I could have used about only the Vegas because that was so tight. But anyway, that is definitely in particular that I'm pop up. Actually, I think you papa. Okay, that shouldn't be an unpopular opinion. Those should be popular opinion should be you should not be able to recline, a grade but a lot of people are dumb and selfish and pass. So to me it sounds like these opinions on the internet are all about how shitty people are and honestly, I can't disagree. You hate everyone just go the Mirage. That's who's flying on the airplane putting their shit back. Just I mean, no offense to those who arrived. So yeah. Anyway, unpopular opinions. We'll be coming back next week live from Columbus. So we'll do a question and that okay, that's my new like, thing.


I love that. So yeah, so make sure you tell your friends about us though, because honestly, that's the only way we're gonna actually get people to listen. It's really tough. So you really have to be honest here. We're not we we honestly need you to tell your friends. We really need to tell your friends because we do get good feedback. We know. And suffering or use. Oh, you're falling apart. So Jim's falling apart. So we're gonna end this episode. So much for listening. And thank you so much for being here, Bobby and recording with me it was really enjoyable. Are you basically saying I should have said that? No, no, I'm just thanking you for being here with me. It's so amazing to be grateful. You're welcome. And thank you for having me. Here. And thank you for holding me in the palm of your hand. Thank you for holding me in the palm of your hand on eagle's wings uncle's on Ingles wings. Kira tonight on eagles. Wait, sounds like a really bad like a show? Yeah. Like a spoof soap opera with eagle's wings. You just came up with something. Okay. Yeah. Shakira. I used to think she was hot. Like a woman got mad. But Gina Gina Oh, I can feel your body move


feel your body? Yes, baby.


Subscribe, like me on Twitter. If you have a pink tech, send your pictures. And actually, I'm going to Google pink duck after this and see what comes up. Yes, please. But yeah, so send us your pink dick pics and make sure you just have a great week and we are so appreciative and grateful that you even decided to listen to me. I'm appreciative of you being here to record with me and I'm appreciative of you being here to record with me, but I said it first. And that's fine. Okay, sometimes you should say at first. You You should be blast. He is up. I am manifestaciones we're gonna manifest that we're gonna win.$10,000 tonight. Okay, let's do it. How do you? How do you do that? I didn't meditate. Okay, let's go. We're gonna meditate. We're gonna take a break, meditate, masturbate and nap.


Meditate and masturbate and nap and or just watch like some shitty TV for 20 minutes and play on the internet. That's mostly what I'm saying. But I just need to have that moment of quiet laying on the bed. Alright, so thank you so much. And we'll see you next week. And girl. Don't forget to smash


your friends or ask your friends to listen. Just don't forget. Okay, let's look why are you saying Don't forget by I don't know why I'm saying Don't forget. Don't forget just Just don't forget me.


Don't forget the denial of death.


Don't forget man. Charlie. Charlie. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie buckets. Bam. What's your grandpa? Fucking out in the belly? Chuck? Yeah. The jacket. jacket you fucking them. imaginarily though, like four people in a bad weather feed in your face like girl. No. Girl. Have you seen the SNL clip? Okay, bye everybody everybody everybody, bye everybody