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Jan. 19, 2022

Full and Loaded

***This episode is brought to you by Hydronique Hydration ***

“My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there were three other people.” – Orson Welles

This week on Not Well, Bobby & Jim are feeling like talking a little shit. Bobby has a health coach now and he is not thrilled about it. Jim is in physical therapy and somehow turning it sexual (shocker). Jim also tells us about his vivid dreams and in one of them Bobby is a skinny attractive woman singer and Jim is her backup dancer. I mean what?  Also, both the boys admit something that is sacrilegious in the queer community. 


This week we talk about: 

  •  Quick Vegas Recap 
  • Rona 
  • New Podcasts 
  • Call Her Daddy 
  • Comedy 
  • Soundboards 
  • No Shower 
  • Polly Pocket 
  • Mad Max 
  • Hooking Up 
  • Grindr 
  • Scruff
  • Growlr 
  • Daddy Bear 
  • Health Coaching
  • Pre Diabetes 
  • Smoking 
  • Bald Guys with Hats 
  • Gingers 
  • Chick-fil-A Confessions 
  • Parenthood 
  • Straights 
  • Physical Therapy 
  • Hot Physical Therapist 
  • Herniated Disk 
  • China Problem 
  • Homegoods 
  • At home 
  • USA is full of stuff we don't need
  • Store of Pillows and nasty looking table and chairs 
  • World Market 
  • Burn Out Feeling 
  •  Obesity Belt 
  • Bible Belt is not Obesity belt 
  • Parenthood Sounds Awful
  • Head fat 
  • Pock marks 
  • Public rimming 
  • Dreams 
  • Sex
  • Anal 
  • rim
  • Rimming 
  • Public rimming 
  • Finger
  • Poop Finger 
  • Nostalgic Music 
  • Outkast 
  • Bombs over Baghdad 

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This week on not well supine herniated discs World Market stop touching the soundboard burnout feeling. Obesity belt public brimming dreams head fat, you know, the usual. I'm like


100% gay.


No, I have to keep it open but we got to run on full power.


We are full and loaded. Hello.


Hi and welcome to not Well, I'm Bobby.


I'm your Bushi friend Jim.


He's your little buzzy pussy, honey. Oh, period soundboard now. Well, I heard you have our normal soundboard.


Oh, yeah, it was like we have one but now you're clicking things on the screen. Yeah, no,


I have a bonus. soundboards moving. I'm pretty busy over here. Okay, like


I spent four hours on the soundboard. I was like what


I kind of did. I was like, I'm here. tinkering around yada, yada. Last week, I noticed there was a lot of breath for me. I was like, so keep an eye out. My


mouth was like so now No, I kept it out my mouth too. And you can hear it. Very nasal when I was editing was like, Yeah, you did sound a little. Oh, I kept the round. I didn't know. Now.


Do you have Rona?


I don't. I don't either. uncared.


I don't think we ever had it. But I thought I heard that in Vegas after we figured that episode. breathy. I still feel breathy though. I wore the 95 to the weed store just now. And


I love that and stay safe. I can breathe. Are you wearing your new Spanx?


No. I think Oh, my fairing tie.


You have Phasma asthma? Yeah.


Oh my god. Yes, I do. I knew it. What did you take? Oh my God. Listen, this is the sound effect I made though. I was gonna play this and freak you out. Okay. Well Wow, thank you sounded straight from heaven straight from hell.


Mostly actually. Hell yeah.


Like literally from


demons are singing that one. Now?


How do we feel this week? How was your week?


I had a rough like transition. I would say back from Vegas. Yeah. Because I had to work like that night after the day after we got back. Yeah, I was like, very tired. You


had the morning to rest. I had to work that day. I don't know how you did that. You just wake up wake up. Go to work. You wake up flawless.


Right? No, we're probably sitting there waiting for your violin. Oh.


Oh, I cut big potatoes out.




can I just do chili? Oh my god, the Chile is actually only like 6.8 waters know about this? Now. So I haven't had to actually learn a new era. I don't know in a new era. So I haven't done potato and probably since before, like just slightly Thanksgiving ish. Yeah,


I've been trying to cut back my Oh, now if


I would just get the fucking big potato. You might be fuller. Later. I just got the big potato but I always get more. Big Potato Chili Cheese. No, I usually get the Okay. croutons, chili cheese, baked potato and a chicken sandwich. So I would just get the potato. Yeah, man if it was all jazzed up, right, honey, honey for jostled up.


You are a jostled your pajamas. Oh, pussy jostled honey. On the lips on time. Well, I don't know what's happening. Nothing. Okay, that you pause there.


I'm just like taking it all in right now. Let's


just take it all in. There's a really loud so I'll be interested to see how your decision to not eat potatoes anymore. Well, honey, it is what it is. Now there's things that I need to say like little quick beekeeper beekeepers.


Like, why do I have some beekeepers for you? That Honey, honey, honey, give me that honey. Oh, like I'm gonna talk shit about another other podcast right now just for like, one moment. I love talking shit. So there's so there's a formula where you like follow all fellow in like other Instagram podcasts, right? Yeah. So you're like, Oh, I'm gonna follow these podcasts. Lala, this group of people I won't mention their names which I don't even remember their name to be honest. So irrelevant. Yeah. Sorry. You just


went there. You have


those buttons? Oh, yes baby. Give it to me. I just did baby you got the power. Give me that honey honey. So what I think is really funny though, is that when you go to listen like so we all do it right? Like when we first count rather. That's funny clips. And that's like everybody should did it. Now I just need to say, now I've been noticing like a lot of males and females. Like they're like, they call these like they're trying to be edgy sexually. Yeah. And they're all annoying. They're like,


Oh my God, my fucking pussy. Or like do you know I'm saying like my pussy sometimes doesn't open up. I'm getting fucked or I don't even if they open


anything they slur I don't know slurp over. Slurp onto something.


I'm not on the appendage.


I don't know. Now that's a finger dick.


But have you ever noticed like, do you ever listen to other podcasts like ever randomly like just Salter on they're like,


oh my god, I'm Melanie.


I was gonna finger top call you call her call you daddy.


Call her daddy is I've got that covered. There's a genre. They've got that I got it covered like we don't need we don't need Becky down the street. No, I'm


not getting now you know, and people can say the same thing about a comedy podcast. Oh, but we also have a little flavor. You have a touch of gay touch a trans we got a lot of flavor here. We got a lot of flavor. There's a lot to work with. There's a lot to work with. Avi


hasn't showered in a long time. Now.


I have I didn't shower yet though. Today. The I can tell. I can kind of tell you have any other.


You smell like Thomas Okay. Oh, so I'm bringing that back. Wow, you smell like Thomas.


I do not so like Thomas verslo


little crusty. Maybe. So I really stink. No. Okay. Oh my god. I was just kidding.


I know. But then I don't really do stank.


You would know. Nasty patch. You're a nasty pill. Yeah, they're just like all like it's so similar. It is a lot of similarities. It's like,


I don't know. That's why I'm trying with our show to like, continue to like, keep trying to change. The Straits. Shouldn't do podcasts, especially like straight girls who are single and think they're edgy because you're not sweetheart. Most people are single. And that's why you're single.


Oh my God. I want him to D and like Ronnie touched me in the theater. Okay.


Listen, Clara Clara. Funny like no, we don't care. Nobody does. I think it's funny though. Cuz I Ronnie didn't call back. Like he taught me he laughed Ronald. Ronald was like pass. Hard pass. Now have you ever been hard passed?


I think I think I probably I have on Grindr but not this week.


Oh, such a slut this week. i You're just blossoming. I'm going Polly here my little poly pal


Polly Pocket.


Okay loved Polly Pocket. Don't worry about it. We pretended to love Madmax but what we really liked was Polly Polly Pocket my sister I think had one did you have one? I had one your mom got it for you. No, I had the metal so it's like a boy version? Yeah, like had like alligators stole your sister's probably one was a cobra that would open up and like in the Cobra were little it was but I would play how


dumb is that toy thing. Polly Pocket


we did in


Polly Pocket was like a song.


I have no idea was there. There should have been a show and be glued together and she's wobbling around


Polly Pocket. That sounds like actually a drag name next to me. Oh, yeah. And now to the stage Polly Pocket.


She comes out of a shell. Yeah, like a clam. Ah, that's your undecided thing.


I'm gonna start a drag career.


Oh my god. Yeah. So anyway,


I thought that was very interesting, too. Like, you're going through other podcasts. You're like, this is just like, No, and I'm not like a critic and I'm not professional. But like, just I hear the same. It's like this whiny girl like sexual sounding. I'm raw and real. But really, Samantha you're not real. You got all A's. Okay, this semester. You didn't fuck anybody. But you're going to talk on the mic. Like you're some horror that goes out. Some horror is like what? We're not


like the other guys whore. What did you take? You took 10 milligram. Yeah, I don't you said.


I don't know why. Yeah. Like, okay, we hear you now. Now. We hear you.


We heard you.


We heard you the first time batch. Whoa, girl. So usually sometimes when I do like something where it's like you disagree. This is my move. Ready? I'm not actually a fan. You're a little. You gotta throw that I'm not actually fan when you don't like Agoura


board. Tickler. I kind of love soundboards I can tell ya. It's your new hobby. Yeah,


you know what's weird? I was watching another situation. And the guy was like, What's your hobby? It's another podcast. I didn't want to say it out


loud. Trouble. Oh, okay. How about oh,


sorry. I mean, we were before out and bow just FYI, out and about we were there getting so much clout and so much tension right now, but we were the originals and I don't go fuck, but anyway, I do the camera and they were talking around. They're like, what's your hobby? Like? What is your hobby? Okay, and the camera. It used to be this but now I get paid for this. And I was like, Oh no. How scary. If your hobby does become professional, then what? Then you have nothing to do and what is your outlet? Non masturbation.


That's probably Yeah, that's an unstable sexual health. Oh, that's


my Why are you being unstable? I feel like I am a little bit I'm kind of worried. Read Now did you get any pussy or deck in Vegas?


Exactly. That's the problem.


Oh, you didn't we're not actually a fan. Oh, no, I


didn't, you didn't get any and get a single thing. Not even a finger. I didn't either. And I had a past touch. We just wasted our time there, I would have to say, we spent a lot of time recovering. And honestly, it was our fault. And now, the truth coming out everyone. No,


it's a trip was a bust. It was like, No, it wasn't a bust. It just was. We weren't really fucking hard on Friday too hard. Like we start drinking at 10 I didn't stop until one. And in between, we took a nap. That's 10am I drank 35 milligrams worth of weed that day. So like, I literally put my body through hell and then woke up the next day. Like why do I feel weird?


You're like I have COVID I'm sweating it shitty. Now,


my hangover was a little bit like COVID but I guess that kind of is what a COVID COVID is like a hangover kinda.


It's just like a hangover. That's it. Think about it. Headache, headache. Check. Check


coughing because acid reflux chat. Oh, which PS before I started drinking today, which is this is my first one before you got here. I took a which you're not supposed to take it unless you're eating but I took it anyway. A dairy pill, a lactose intolerant pill? Just to do it when you're like actually eating something. I thought I didn't need to cut my stomach. And then I was like, now but it's only for lactose, right? So then I'm like, Well, I had mac and cheese. So I'm like let me just dump this but you're supposed to do it as you're eating I guess it could could do a little late. I'm late. So then I was like, well,


also I need to take like another acid reflux medicine on top of my like, yes. So you take your ppi and now you're taking Pepcid on top of it. Yes. We've entered a new realm. Well, it's


only sometime when I'm drinking right drink anymore.


Oh my god. I'm not actually a fan. Oh, you


aren't a fan?


No. Wow, girl. I can't leave you can't drink anymore. What are we gonna do?


I mean


all these fucking things.


I just was like, What is this now?


It says alert.


I feel like we need to talk shit. I feel like we've started in down this path. Okay, so


let's just talk shit today. Sit well, I need you to read something because you said you had some things you want. I do. I have tons. I wrote down a time. Okay. Okay. Now well, first thing on here is health coach for insurance is mortifying. Now


did you have to get a health coach? Coach


I in that category, I knew it. This is the first year of being health coach, so I wasn't really sure what it was all about. But this bitch right so first of all, I've been trying to get


Yeah, she's making money off you. You're her workhorse


Oh, honey. He's


like, he'll never get skinny. I can coach him every year.


I'm like, Okay, so anyway, I was trying to get a hold of them. For the longest time I finally was like, can you just email me because I can't get a hold of me. Like I have to work during the day. And we have the same business hours though like


Graham a lot. You're like, email me and so


it's like, you know me so the pitch reaches out no offense to her because I'm sure she's skinny and hot. For but she she was like, Hi, Robert. I'm gonna be your health coach. Stephanie, do you want to? Do you want to talk about diabetes? pre diabetes, weight loss. There's like all this other shit in mental health care, or calling you out. She literally was like, it's called. I was like, so you basically just read my problem.


I saw your BMI. Anything you want to talk about?


Exercise in life changes.


Hey, fat, fuck, Bob. Yeah,


I'm like, okay, so I had a bad day with my bloodwork. Okay. Also, I just found out that I've been taking b 12, which I know I've known I have been, Oh, but I got a blood test for my sleeping and my D 12. was high. Just a little bit. And my ferritin was high.


Oh, that's a sign of inflammation.


I think it's my lungs. Maybe have lung cancer. Why I used to be a smoker.


I forget. I keep forgetting that. Yeah, but you didn't smoke very long. Yeah, but it was enough. So ferritin is high. This health coach, does she see all this lab work? Or is she just like, What is she going off of like check in?


Yeah, it's like my we have a website that it goes to and they're like, You need help. And it's like, oh, yeah, I know. I've known that for a decade. And they're like, and so I have to do these health coaching to get my insurance back down. Oh, I was like, I just got a doctor's note. Because I know plenty.


Like I'm actually uncoachable so I'm just not a coach material. I don't


put me in coach. I'm ready to play. So anyway, I was mortified because then I was like, This is so fucking embarrassing because yeah, there's other people in here they're doing it but like, I'm like, here I am in my office, like trying to plan my health coaching. And I said, Let's talk pre diabetes. I said, let's talk about it. Let's figure it out. Honey. Stephanie Stephanie's like, she's like this fat fuck,


I don't even know why that progress to diabetes is what she wanted to call my God. We can't have


that. I know. I'm actually like, really? Have a diabetic friend though. I know. Embarrassing. Yeah, it's enough to have a bald friend now. You'll Oh, wait. Oh, that's my Okay. Got it. That's your burden. You have a fat friend and I have a bald friend


I know that's not that's the thing bald is hot. It can be but it can also no bald people look so good and hats. Really do there's something that is now it's a thing it not only is a covering up your bare head but it's also it's the way it sits on your head is hot. I don't know what it is. There's no hair coming down. So like just looks perfect. You don't often a little kid. Yeah, I send everyone on a hat and you look like I'm like, Are you playing baseball in the fifth grade? Like You look terrible? Yeah, true. This T ball practice. Yeah, so


like nine times out of 10 bald guys that wear hats are hot.


I love that. You said that with like, that's data nine times out of 10


Well, you didn't believe me about pink. And now look at the data. The data is spoken for itself. Pink tick is real. I joined a ginger blonde like Instagram so it's constantly like all strawberry blonde. Paying on a pink pink. Pink Panther. I want that pink panther baby.


BB pay that now is there? No. Now, nine out of 10 Boardman's are hot.


I'm gonna say I think it really is. Because I'm attracted to bald


men now and I don't now with the now


well you came in saying I was laughing so hard about the now and then I'm like no, now like now it's gonna be a thing for a second. Sorry.


Oh my god, I cannot so we were talking about pre diabetes. Right so as a health coach, that was my like, one thing I wrote down that's horrifying. No, yeah, it was pretty mortifying, like I actually don't want to coach like commando had a really talk on the phone. Hi. Yeah. Stephanie. Hi. She's like, what's she's like, have you eaten your Big Mac today?


Have you had any food? What do you have Robert? It's like Oh, no.


Have you had your Big Mac today yet?


Did you have


keep it to one oh my god.


I Sandy's I send you did send this week again.


What you had a chicken biscuit but guess where? Chick Fil lay? Oh my god. You went to Chick fil A?


Here's the problem. Okay, kind of say something. I'm trying to help the queers at work there. Okay, so you got to go there. Like it's better out here. But also good to go.


Are there we're strapped?


Have you ever been fucking Chick fil A every guy that did have a great day, sweetheart. You're like, girl. Well, girl fuck. Wow.


Wait. Is there like a plan? I don't know. But have people have queers infiltrated Chick fil A were taken aback. So we're, we've snorting we're gonna take it. We snuck in this is a revolutionary game. But they don't know like the overlords don't know they but they


graduated new queer every year because the teenager that was working there in the liberal


habit have a blast the jacket,


my mouth, how dry it is to it's like, cotton mill. It's cotton off gang.


So okay, so you went to Chick fil A that's really evil. Sorry, I do have to admit something as well since we're, since we're admitting it something so I was at the grocery store a couple months back, and I saw the Chick fil A sauce on the shell. And you gotta buy that we're gonna because I've never had it but there's also I've never had it now. I'm like, I'll dip my vegan chicken nuggets in it. But it's a good sauce. It's like a honey barbecue and it's hard and then a little Yeah, yeah, the Chick fil A saw. Yeah. Now don't talk about what the points but now have you had the Polynesian sauce? No, honey changed my life.


So I also have been to the store at some point and I might have gotten that also.


I have today I do. I have Polynesian


sauce downstairs.


Oh, give me a spoonful


spoonful of sugar.


It probably is


sugar. It's actually French dressing and honey. That's it. There's some other little coffee what is there's


some little clumps of it anti LGBT.


Now Chick fil A is from the south.


That makes sense. No fuck. So all the words take comes Yeah,


so like they're like this is an oriental but like to them down there. They're like, Oh, does that mean that Polynesia? Why is it cuz you're


correct. That's what they would say.


Oh my god, I went back into the southern you went back to southern mode like those fucking queer Orientals.


Oriental Korean. Whoa whoa, girl. So we have two sins to admit. Yeah, we really are in the check. I don't know where I was going with that. But I was just saying I love that you're a sinner. You chicken biscuit eating whore. Okay, I grew up on him. I didn't know. I grew up on him. I kicked him up, ma'am. He used to bring him chicken biscuits from Chick fil A


Oh my god. That's like a trans parent saying like, I've just always known you my whole life is Billy. It's true. It's true. And then they're like, I can't do it. And then I'm like, always


going to Chick fil A and always be Billy to me. It's like, fuck you.


It's like Billy's hotter than you mom. Yep. Cuz that's usually what happens folks. That's the T and that's the T


Dec capital T Tina. That's Tina. And that's the Tina. We're gonna party. So I in a similar vein to your health scare.


Oh, no. Did you have a scare?


I had a health moment. So remember that back pain we were talking about last week? Yeah. And how I said it was gone after I took ibuprofen. Yeah, it's back. Wow, girl all week. I've had it a lot. It's not like to the point where I take medicine but it's present. Like right now you're uncomfortable? No right now I'm fine. Which is shocking. Cuz you have Oh, truly? Oh, yeah. Just one sip. A truly


one super truly does the trick baby. One ship ship surely.


Okay, so this is the embarrassing part. 34 I went to physical therapy.


Oh, honey, I got in there too.


Unfortunately, physical tell us about therapy. So I walk in you know, there's like three or 480 year old gets a grip. Oh, that's a blessed Okay, well just read.


On abled bodied. Yeah, someone it's called. Unable by disabled on abled, no disabled disabled. Yeah,


but there weren't any disabled people there were just over a year disabled. Okay. Bitch, so I walk and there's like four eight year olds doing their thing you know, bending over just doing the basics. I'm like, is this gonna be me? It is it's me right now. No, honey, it's you it's like me now. So I get this like hot therapist named Brian course they're always hot. How you had to be lesbian or hot. I would have taken that. Put that on God and put that on the data nine out of 10 called men. The lesbians are high


nine out of 10 women physical therapists or lesbian sorry that's actually true because I'm really into fitness Yeah, they were like they want to be a PE teacher but they wanted to make a little more money


you're right you're onto something. So Brian has a tucked in polo long khakis you can just picture you know when I'm you know what I mean by that right and even under shirt you know like that type of situation. So he's very helpful very kind but he's like bend over so to me why you're interrupting things with your shitty soundboard because it went with that did not go with that. Yes


it did you'll say hot day you'll see this bad I'm just telling you right now you want to Vegas honey I'm actually a fan Vegas is here so we are I guess is here to still bright lights need to be put on this fat. Oh my god. Crop right here then God? Yeah, I


was like your leg is out like you


look like I write down. Last Man. Speaking of lesbian ova fucking Are you a physical therapy? My name is Pat.


Never know if she's this or that.


It's Pat. You can do the voice.


Yeah, we'll do. Okay, so listen, rising. Brian tells me Can I just say one thing? Brian tells me to bend over. So I bend over. I can barely get past my knees with my hands because it hurts my back my low back. Like what the fuck? Which I never realized cuz I never bend over that way. Like I don't stretch bottoming because I haven't been bottoming recently as you just lay but I haven't been bottoming for four years. So I haven't been Tober in that long. And Brian's like standing behind me massaging me.


He lays standing behind you will get to assess. Okay.


I felt something.


No, you did fucking not. Not Ah,


no. I felt pain in my low back. So then he lays me down on the table. And I'm like,


Oh my God. Now are you prone or on prone? Or


I'm unprompted the


other word because Danny Tanner was on my way. Who's Danny Tanner? Bob Saget died. Oh, I don't know he died last time we were on the air or not whatever


Danny Tanner died. I'm like Danny Tanner


and that's what made me think of it anyway back to you


got sci fi means you're on your back. Right


so Damian


died in a movie here in the show like Danny Tanner die. Yes. Now


he does in the show. They have to they have to they have to do something.


My god, wow, girl. Okay, so Danny Tanner is dead. But yeah, I was supine. And he's like making adjustment adjustments.


Now, when you say adjustments, what exactly is he doing when you're supine? So


your dick is up. Right? So we're saying? Yeah, that's always and that's a problem. That's always a problem when hands are around your waist and unintentional wiener. bloodflow. Exactly. And completely unintentional. So then we did this stretch where I'm laying on my back, and I put my leg up. Okay, that sounds really sexual. So he starts, so my one leg is up. My ass is like out you in shorts? Yes. Auto. He's putting his chest on my chest to help with the stretch. And also my hand is touching his chest. I'm sorry. What? Literally, I was like, yeah, it was bad. It was really awkward. And he and then he just starts casually talking to me while he does this.


I can put you guys like face to face. nose to nose. Yeah, he's on top of you. You like that, like so?


So we're up around here? No, literally, that's what we were talking about. I'm like, Well, I guess like,


oh my That's fucking awkward.


So in the end, no, I did feel better. And I really appreciate physical therapists and I love Brian. Yeah, I can't wait to go back. And so did it help though. It did help. Okay, and he gave me stretches to do. I'll do them with you. I got the ball. I feel so like, old and also rejuvenated.


So I did this at 24. And story. Were thrusting the embassy. I was dressing the pocket pussy and I sprained my butt or herniated my desk, your herniated disk. Now. Have we been to the doctor? The orthopedic doctor? I don't know. I don't know what that is. Okay, so orthopedic doctors like the one that looks at your back? Your spine? Okay. Orthopedic, right. Yes, yeah. So anyway, that's the next step for you though.


I feel I don't want to do it. I know. That's why I went to physical therapy. I was like, I don't want to take a medicine. I don't want to go do that.


When I got my MRI though. It was validating Invicta vindictive, that.


It probably wasn't vindictive, but yes, that's a word vindicated.


You felt vindicated? Yes. Because the whole time you know me, I




that's what I that's how I got the Taking Back Sunday.


Okay, thank you for that performance. So you got an MRI. I don't Yeah,


it can. You could see the herniated disk. And so I was like, I was like, Look, guys, look, everybody. Here's my hernia disc, just in case you decided to doubt me the past three years of this fucking pain. Like all my haters. It's true. But believe me, I was being hypochondriac. Oh, you're fine. I'm like, I literally can't get out of bed.


Okay, now that might be an exaggeration. No, that may have been


my cousin get out of bed hasn't had to pick me up off the site.


So how did your cousin pick you up?


Well, no, I was standing.


I live in a family of giants. No. Oh


my god. That's the worst pain though ever. I'm thinking about right now. I don't want to think about it. But I was driving to go pick her up. Okay. And my back fucked up. I had physical therapy that day. So I blamed it on physical therapy like somebody. Oh, no, they probably thought I was I was like, I need drugs now. Oh, yeah. They thought you're so anyway, I was like, I was picking my cousin at the airport. She was gonna look for a house that weekend and I was gonna start picking her up and I had to pull over because I was like, I gotta stretch my back. My back is hurting. I got to get out of this cars. I was in traffic for a long time leave. So I get out of the car. I can't get back in the car. Like I can't physically my body will not allow me couldn't fold up now. I could not sit like I could not it was like the scariest thing I've ever heard. It was such a tight feeling. So I had to then go can I cab you to where I'm at on the interstate to then drive my big fucking truck. My family cab truck. You were gonna lay in the bed of the truck. I jumped in the backseat and she had a drive this huge truck through Atlanta traffic in the middle of like in her first time like coming and visiting to like look for play much anxiety about this. Like she didn't drive me all the way home now. And I'm laying in the backseat screaming at the doctor, and the physical therapists like


I did drugs,


and they gave them to me. That's the only way I could get up. This is before the opioid epidemic. No, this was during like, this is primetime. Baby. I had so many pills to take care of. And if you don't, I mean, I used to give him so much I'd have like extras just from like, not. Yeah, in case just in case from ankle to a couple of times. I didn't use to like on purpose.


Like I used to sprained my ankle. You mean when you were moving more?


Playing basketball? Yeah,


it's not small. Anyway, now, no doubt on that.


How do we go down on it, honey, simple. Now, I don't even know how we got to where we're at. A run up a mountain. Now we just hit the top and we're like, okay, so how do we do that? Like,


how do we we went on a health kick. Yeah, it just went into Leila. I think we're worried about our health. I think we're worried about our health. There's some other things I'm worried about what else I had this thought. So I am looking for a coffee table and tables and a rug. And so I made the rounds of some of the stores and I figured out a solution to one of our China problem. If we want to become less reliant on China, we really need to close down places like at home. Have you been to the store at home? Yes, there's five aisles of pillows. There's 18 aisles of nasty looking tables. It's all junk is one now. And now there are vases that are five feet tall, like leopard, but red, red leopard. There's ugly as shit all over that store. Now, so if we just in there, it's all from China. Like if we want to be less reliant like why do we have stores like this? Right? So can we get real furniture please? Oh wait, that takes nine months to get a couch. Hey,


also people here won't get paid what they could to live so why would you build furniture trow? But we could build factories hair like


it's too expensive to make in America like Is it because you're paying minimum wage?


Let's not let's not do food stamps and let's not do that but okay,


I'm just like I would hate mad walking around at home like this the whole show I didn't buy anything because like it's all junk.


I have gotten stuff from there and it's actually now in this house. So I'm not actually a fan at home. It's called


at home no sorry. I'm


thinking home goods.


I haven't been there yet. At home yeah, that is okay at home with the process size of like for Walmart is it's massive and I just like pushed a cart around and was like staring down the aisles like oh my god, none of this went through the artwork. There's some good ones though. Baby. There was some stuff but most of it was like mirrors everything has like mirror backs, like hot glued, mirrors, shaped mirrors and like every year it looks like it's made with hot glue. I'm like why is this being sold? I really don't know. So they Yeah, side lamps with like, mosaic stuff on it


now Chris check it out though. And Halloween shoe check it out. Save all that knick knack paddywhack knickknacks Knick Knack wide packs Why don't pack package Max oh


my god oh




God. God stopper Oh


my god.


Yeah, I was horrified. I


just like didn't know if anyone else out there has ever been to these stores and just thought the same thing but like we have so much junk in this country. Like that's unnecessary. There's so many stores like that. I even went to World Market and I'm not bashing on because they have a lot of nice stuff they do. But they also have aisles of just stuff we don't Yeah, stuff you do not need. No one should need.


It's called America.


I know. I'm just I'm like but who I'm like I want to meet the people who are buying this stuff and what are they where are they putting it so because I could not imagine it and any home at all like and maybe a fun? I


mean, I think that Zebra is from home


okay, and that's why it's in here.


Well yeah.


But it's not out where like everyone's gonna see it and that's the point like no room where everyone can see it. I would not put that zebra Yeah, you're right. I'm not sorry. I'm not in Africa. Oh girl. And that's on God that's on God period. i Sorry. I just I was like I need a rant about this because I was so pissed while I was there.


Let's take a quick break.


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They are offering a $10 discount coupon at checkout for the next week. hydronic hydration on amazon.com. Period. Okay, are we ready?


We're ready. Bam.


Wow. All right Question of the Week. I'm 33 and currently in burnout mode anyone else in that slump? Yes, Mitch. Okay. I feel like I'm just floating through not really feeling anything. I have been bartending part time for the last six years while also being a flight attendant for the last three COVID has changed my love for both my jobs into and lately I'm just feeling lost. A big part of me wants to go back to school for radiology or school to be a pilot. I'm just so lost at how I can do anything besides being stuck in my current jobs. I can't move back home because my family lives in the state of the sticks of Iowa and there is no schooling for either nearby Have any of you managed to go back to school in your 30s while still supporting yourself? I feel like this time is supposed to be my happy go lucky fly by the seat of my pants time in life but I'm just burnt out why quit playing with the fucking soundboard


oh that's gonna be so gold oh my god that's gold that's the promo honey I


am like more persons like I'm feeling burnout you're like looking at like wow


fuck yeah


our listeners question


is feel like it's a multiple questions and I don't know if we're at the capacity to answer all six of them. We are okay so he's saying Does anybody else feel like they're in a slump? Bobby's been in your slots we are in your 30s


I'm 33 and in burnout mode kind of thing get used to it yeah like yeah this is you have 30 seconds isn't burnout mode this is mode this is mode this is mode and what's sad is this is the mode this mode you're going to be because as you age in the mode gets mode here gets fucking turned off. Oh, your light starts to dim and you die. Yeah, it is kind of like I don't know I feel like I'm I'm 34 You bet. Quit play with your mental soundboard


and that's odd period.


Yeah. 33 you're gonna feel burnout but I think we've all felt burnout lately. We have it with everything.


I think that's really a big part of it too.


You look at your life and you're just like, is this it? Am I gonna do anything else like but bartending and a flight attendant like you're getting a lot of Dick lots of lots of dick I mean you got hey what time to get off your shift and then the flight attendant every time you go in it's a brand new grinder so like hodl Oh, I have some flight attendants are the biggest horse can we just stay for like I mean, and I'm not kidding when we're more shaming but yeah, they're all over because it's my layover messaging me and I Okay, I'm in for what do they call these five or like, I'm just here for I'm


deadheading tomorrow. deadheading? Isn't it called like that? There's some public ed heading or deadheading. deadheading is when you end stop at a destination. So I'm deadheading back to Atlanta. And that means that's where they're going and then they're back on the deadhead was like, that's where they like could throw them in even like the flight attendant seats.


I've never heard of that. Okay, are you okay? Yes. Okay.


I mean, maybe God wanted Vegas baby.


But this person wants to go back to school for radiology or school to be a pilot. I mean, these are these are these are time consumer 33 year old this is your the middle 40 You want to be a radiologist that's like what med school and then residency after? And we're talking eight to 10 years? Yes, depending on Yeah, and then a pilot, you have to like fly for eight airliners. And then you have to get your miles in.


Like when you say pilot do you mean for delta or for like a private jet or on your own for fun your own for fun as a hobby.


I feel like they want a job. It's gonna be hard to become a radiologist or a pilot. I


feel like let's not put all of our worth into our jobs and our careers, but I feel stuck in their job. So


they want to move. I think a lot of people feel stuck.


So get a new job feel stuck. It's either you don't like your job. You don't like your city, but one of them's bothering you and you need to figure that out. And then


they ask Do you know anyone who's managed to go back to school in your 30s? I do not.


I did become an adult learner for a second. But


then you went to Yale for one class online. Let's be honest here. Like you took one online course at Yale. You fucking bitch. You're like, Girl, I became an adult learner. I'm like, what did you learn to read? You learn to say one new word this week.


I passed the calculus daily. You did not do I swear to God when 2014 15 I was in school babe.


Why did you have to pass calculus? I was gonna get your GED. Oh,


that I have some you know on the on the things over there like some college. That's right. Bam.


Oh my god I didn't know that was a thing.


Yeah some college it's a status are the ones that are not


Yeah, it's sad in some college. So I think that's a good question though feeling stuck and yeah, I think we feel stuck I think you hold on tight because we're all we're all feeling and Bobby is stuck in that chair and literally my acid is so fucking lewd. I can't move and it's fine. This is like him on the side of the highway


this is where I lay


where he wants to lay down but can't my can we lay down your smile? I'm so




unpopular opinion from the internet. Ah, ping from the internet.


You hate the internet, Bart.


I know. I'm like why does it have to be everything from the internet? Why would


Jesus oh my god, do I sound like a like a, like a boomer from the internet. Yeah,


obviously. It's all your Okay,


now. Ranch Dressing is disgusting. And people who put on everything are savages. Why? The profil oh my god, I can't say that word. A prophylactic. Why the prolific cation? I can't say that word right now.


proliferation. Why the proliferation of random proliferation? Yeah, I


can't say that fucking word. Some college. That's, that's some




I really, I think it's my state of mind that New York state of mind or whatever. Now you're in New York ranch dressing is everywhere. Yeah, it used to be just limited to salads, where some where people would dump copious amounts on it. To the extent that it was just ranch dressing with some lettuce and now it comes with pizza or worse on pizza chicken wings breadsticks mac and cheese. Just the sight and smell that makes me gag. Someone should open a ranch dressing with everything restaurant, they will be millionaires. So that's an unpopular opinion in my opinion. My opinion because we all love ranch baby. Everybody loves ranch.


I think I don't know a single person who doesn't. And I and we are from Ohio. So let's be real here. Obviously, everyone in Ohio loves ranch. I


mean, we're fat as fuck we I mean anybody in the south Blake's ranch. Well, not so basically the whole United


States the obesity belt. The obesity belt loves ranch, and that's fine. It used to be the Bible Belt. It's not any more it's just the obesity. Christianity leads


to the side God


Jesus saves you you get sick.


That's right because you don't have to worry about anything because the Lord it's got to their heart My Lord got me God my ever fearing God.


I can't but ranch especially Yes. Ranch.


I mean, really? We're going to do I would like to have a oh my god. There's like a ranch. Like there's a ranch contest. I agree. Like there's some really good ranch in the city.


Columbus is a ranch capital.


I want to say it. Because nobody ever really brings out like the generic. No,


we don't do and if we do. It's gonna be hidden now. Don't


worry. Yeah, the Northeast though not ranch people. Really? It's bad. Ranch. Sick. Yeah. Sounds like Southern ranch. Oh, that


sounds like that bottom. water mill culture. Kind of ranch to that.


I think I can't burp because of my medications that I took.


Well, that's a good point. Did you ever get that medicine you can't pronounce for nausea?


No, I only have one left ear like I need the I have the Janessa quoi.


What is it? For lamb? Po for Lana.


Oh Fran.


Yeah, yeah,


that's what I have in the bathroom. I've one tab left for an emergency. That's my emergency pill.


For when I'm puking up my lunch. Like


the only like bridge. The only reason why you're gonna ever need it. It's because you do it to yourself, Okay, either overeat or you drink too much like, I do all the stuff that hurts me, to me on purpose.


I'm no sense God. Period. You really do. Like


if you really think about that. You're like, damn it. You're like, I just want to get fucked up and have a good time. That's how I


felt Saturday in Vegas. I was like, Well, this is all my Oh, not you. Right? I felt same. Yeah, I was like, Well, I better go to brunch. But I feel like shit.


I mean, it was like, I tried to look so bad. It was so bad. Everything. I was just not feeling good. But we did record the episode that day, which is fucked up because I was like, I was really high there. And you were great. And oh,


I'm not great now. No, cuz you're now and to be honest. If you want to be with a big man, you got to act like a big man. That's


right. And that's God. And that's the unpopular opinion of the week. I'm gonna play my theme song one last time on popular opinion. Internet. Oh, I'm also chatty on the internet. I'm not gonna embarrass


myself here. You're such a boomer. I am adorable.


I am. Now I have a


question for you. Not from the internet. Not from a list from your head. Yes. I was thinking about this. I'm scared the other day. I'm like, if you could hibernate, would you? Yes. Yeah. Like, I mean for weeks at a time, I'm okay in hibernate for a day. I mean, like, couple weeks, maybe you're just gone and we're like, Where's Bobby? He's hibernating now. And he's just, you're fine. You're out in the room. That's it. And I get a table and you lose weight while you're like that cuz you're not eating. So you're just like out asleep. Two weeks gone are like that. And you wake up two weeks have passed. And that's that you're skinny and your waist skinnier. But you also miss two weeks of your life of your life. What if your mom dies in the middle of the two weeks? You're hibernating? You don't know.


Oh, that's fucked up. But he said yes. I said yes. Because I would also hibernate. I mean, it sounds amazing. It's like, we just do that for like a week. You know,


I want to because I felt I looked around. I'm like, It's cold out. There's nothing going on. Right? I don't want to go anywhere, right. So I could just lay down. This is hibernation Bay. But we don't lose the weight because right we gain heat. We're like, oh, oh, I'm


sorry, guys.


I pick up she's twice this week. Honey, I'm gonna have soup and grilled cheese. Why why? Boomer? I have some other thing I do to get to it, bitch.


Wait, did I say something already?




Oh my god. really fucked up. My next thing was everyone deserves to be alone sometimes. Oh, but like that's like hibernation, like it's what I mean. Like everything's Michaels leaving. Like


everyone deserves to be alone all deserve it. Your output June and puppy camp and you're gonna sleep it out.


But all day I was saying about somebody. I think so many like, who has kids? They're just never alone.


I couldn't do it.


I could never do it. Oh, I


need some quiet time.


You don't get quiet time you don't know what to do. Because all you're doing is think about what the fuck they're doing. I can't do it.


I can't imagine having kids. I'm just gonna say it. And that's one thing about good about being gay. There's very few things, right? There's the Dick's there's the Ask play that you hate. And then not having kids. That's such a good thing about being gay. And everyone's like, oh, there's some gay people with kids. Like, let's stop like why? They don't need them.


But I think it's a fun thing to do to share with somebody. I would like to have a kid


but really, you wouldn't do it with the kid. You have a very short temper. Well, it would change my entire life. You Yeah, it would we don't get rid of this. Oh, for sure. You'd be doing diapers all day. This would be the baby's room. This would be the baby's room. If it's a mass and then they're gonna grow up and assault someone.


Room. There's like a padded room the van well on the back.


I mean, girl kids are kids are a mess of having kids suck. Sorry. I'm not sorry. It's a fact. Do you know how many straight couples I'm like? Do you guys want to go like get a drink? Just grab one during we don't have a center only be gone for 45 minutes. We don't have a center. We've already used a center. This doesn't bother me. I'm still going. Do you know how many events we have to like create around work around the streets with kids. Always working around the fucking streets. They're like, well, can we make it? Wednesday night? instead? I'm like, No, Friday nights better because most people don't work Saturday. So it's like let's do Friday. We can't do Friday night. We don't have a setter. I'm like ask one of your parents. I know you have like four of them and all of them want to babysit Mom Mom won't come watch mom can't come down that day. And my sister's busy she has class it's like your fucking kids rule your life if you hit it I really


actually really panicked me because I'm like you don't even know who the fuck


you are you because you're involved not only the kid you have no life and then that's why your hobbies I don't have a Hobby Kids staying alive. I have to get the site I sleep in when I can. I have to go to the grocery store sneak away when I can. How do you even shower with a kid? If they're walking around touching things? Yeah, like sick and fingers and outlets on the wall. Like you're like chewing them up you to lock the bathroom door and put them in a cage while you shower, a playpen baby or if you have a baby and it just won't stop crying when you need to go to the bathroom and shower like


like the worst day of your life. And here you are like your baby's crying stuck in your head and you're like, do I share with the baby on it? Or told


me this story? He had awful diarrhea one day, it just hit him and they are walking around a Walmart and my stepson was like four years old, three or four years old. Awful diarrhea. Boom, he has to go. So he drops all the groceries leaves them in a cart and like an random aisle runs to the bathroom with my stepson asked to shut the bathroom door with my son in the bathroom with him because he can't leave them alone. Right? It's a wonder I forget stolen it's a Walmart and has diarrhea, terrible, terrible diarrhea and my stepson is just standing in the bathroom apparently going. Saying that over and over and over in the bathroom now. Majo here's a little kid screaming Ooh, Dad, it stinks. And that's when it came out. And that's when he knew he was gay. All gays have IDs that's Bravo. All gays have IDs like I mean, isn't this Yeah, kids are just they're just kids are annoying.


I love them. I love my nephew. They're


so cute. I love my niece and nephews but I don't want them in my house. Like, for more than tired half hour, literally so tiring. They they always want to play. They always want to do something that's like, can


you sit down?


We can just watch a movie maybe? Yeah, like but not the movie you wanna watch?


Like, we need to watch that six hour long cartoons so mom can sleep for six hours


on the couch. Oh, that took a nap. Yeah, Dad's about to kill himself. If he does get mad. It's fucking bad. Always make fun of dads for not doing enough like, Oh, he didn't take the kids anywhere. Do anything with them. It's like, yeah, he's trying to stay alive. Right? He's


actually yeah, Dad's trying to data just like mom is fighting for his life.


That's fighting.


He's fighting the good fight.


I can't believe I just went on a kid rant. I really can't with kids now now they're adorable. They're adorable. They're not you might have someone to take care of you in your old age. See that's where I'm going a little fearful I'm not will just be robot it'll be robot like nurses by the time we're in fucking literally at that point. It's going to be fine. We'll be on


Bobby alive they'll probably anti age and then we'll like imagine we take a pill that would make you younger again. Can you imagine?


I don't want to these those elevens in your forehead they're


not going away. Ah, that's rude because I really need to get them filled.


Yeah, we do need to fill we need to work on that. I


know. I feel like I look older you do?


Looks a little pocket


pockety there's some pockets like a pocket policy. That's just that's just head fat pockmarks.


I do have a pockmark. You have some pockmarks?


I got chickenpox late


in life. Oh, really? Eight quick Yes. You were that good.


I was so delayed. Yeah, I was we know so we can


tell so kids come back come back Um, wow. That's like a bold take.


Sorry. I know.


Sorry. straight sided. Sorry. But we love straights. We


respect you and honestly without stripes we wouldn't be here. Yeah. Thank you for your services.


I do we really want to be here. Like they need a holiday for thank you for for Mother's Day. Mother's and Father's Day. They already have a holiday. Facom


and that's what Easter Easter. That's what Easter is for? Yeah.


Hey, do you have something? Yeah, I


have I have two more things that I have excise something trying to think of like how I want to present this so really quickly grinder this week has been out of control. As we've said earlier, I think in that episode, my voice just like coming on to me and all this stuff now. You really do. I learned a new. Thank you. I love people don't think I'm


trackable. Oh, oh, wait, what did you say capable? Oh, okay. Yeah,


that's a lot of sample even with like six packs. They're like, I'm like, like a bear. And they're like, Oh, I fucking love a bear. They want like a Daddy Bear. So regardless, I've learned some things while browsing though. And here's the fact the third picture somebody has on their grinder is their real self. Oh, is that a thing? In my opinion, they put the first one is really good. So it doesn't really look like the how they react ish. Okay, then you have another one that's like hot but you're like look a little more relaxed. Okay. The third one is one. We're trying to be like candid. But that's the one. That's the one with the bad teeth come out. That's the one and no offense. I'm just saying like, that's one of the belly shots showing. Yeah, yeah, I noticed that there was like a trend. It's the teeth, but like Grindr it's like, you could think somebody's so hot in the first picture. You swipe, swipe your like,


and then it's like one more time you're like, Fuck no, or it's confirmed. He is hot. Or you have an instance erection. And then


you're like, Oh, shit. Oh, girl. Fuck yeah, so that's what I noticed. I just want to say that I


didn't realize I I need to update my Grindr because I put my third pic first and so that's maybe why that's probably why you're not getting attention that must be the reason that's why you're in the flight attendants bed. Oh my god. When you're


tunneling for about six hours you got to get quick money quick money. I'm not


charging this person. This was the robbery this Betsy is a ray. Oh, yes baby. Give


it to me go see you're getting those. Honey.


Honey. Honey, honey, honey, honey. So I had a few a couple dreams this week that really like I still remember in detail. One of them I was in. I think it was you and me. But you were a swan. You're a skinny woman. You were a skinny woman. I think your name was so Bobby but with an eye and I just I just I Oh, wow. It's like sassy like woman, Bobby. And so we were doing like you were the singer. And I was kind of like a dancer with you. We were doing performances. So we were touring. And we were in some like small or town. But I'm a skinny woman. Right? Because that we were saying you were a skinny woman. You're the backup dancer. So like, I'm Gaga and you're and we were like doing things on the stage like performing is what I would say. And the audience was watching. They loved it. They're all facing us. We're on a stage. They're all face. Now. We're getting paid for this. What are getting paid for this? Oh, yeah, this was like a tour. Okay. And so some of the backup dancers, one of them started, like dancing with me on the stage and he was being very sensual. And this is all a dream. This is all a dream. And so he's been very sensual. He's touching me as we're moving. He's very slow, his hands are going down lower. So Basically his hands go down my pants as we still continue to dance. Okay, on my ass. Okay, so then middle fingers touching my whole, so. Okay, wow. So like we just keep dancing a little bit and I notice he keeps doing that. So finally he just like turns me around pushes me down and starts remind me on the stage this is a dream in the dream Yeah, why this is not real life


I keep thinking it's real life


well it felt like real life. So I'm getting rammed on stage in front of everyone in the audience. People are like some people are like,


whoa, like yeah, my now what am I doing at this moment? You remember? Singing?


You kept like, I'm just off like singing into the mic. Like I got a little quieter. Yeah, a little quieter. But you were like watching like, whoa. So this kept going on. And then I was like, Oh, he's using his hands again, not just his tongue. Okay, so then he fingers he puts two fingers in.


Okay, oh, no, you had a friend


day in front of this and on the stage. So, no, he pulls out his middle finger and there's a tiny little brown speck of poop on it. And I hand it girl like he didn't even he did not notice it. But I did. And I was like, oh, so I like who suddenly tried to like, turn it over onto my back was like, Okay, well, that was great. And everyone's clapping on in the audience because I thought it was over. Like, they thought that was the performance and I was just like, I gotta we gotta go. I gotta go, like grabbed his finger to like, try to poop. I mean, it was such a small speck. It wasn't like a chunk. But I had I had to get it off because I didn't want to ruin the experience. Oh, like I'm like killed never do this again to me. I was so worried.


That is an for some reason. I'm thinking as a woman who's skinny.


Yeah, you were beautiful. Oh, so we know it's a dream.


And you're right.


And I'm pooping on finger. Yeah, like it's like not a dream. Right. That's regular.


Have you ever pooped on a finger?


No. Thank God on a cock. Yes. Yeah,


I think we've all been there. Done that.


That was my first time. I had no idea what I was doing. No prep. I didn't like poop poop. But it was like, I was like, Oh, you get a towel? That is disgusting. Wipe the stick down. Like I'm not putting that in my mouth. Like no, not in this case. Oh, fuck. That's goddamn funny. So that was one dream. The other dream I had this strike. I was staying over at my house like he was visiting in town. I think it was like a friend of a friend. They didn't have a place to stay. So they stayed over my house. Yeah. And I like woke up in the morning to get ready for work. Go to work. I'm like brushing my teeth. I'm like, Oh, why is that like the lights on in his bedroom door shut up. But I like open the door and LinkedIn. Like, Hey, is everything okay? Like, are you still hanging out today? Like I might not see I'm going to work. When I get back. You might be gone. He's like, Oh, yeah, thanks, bro. Like, you know, like, like, did like this like a hug type thing like stood up wanted to hug. He's just wearing gym shorts shirtless? My Oh, wow. Okay, looks pretty good. And then like, so


if he was fat you would have


no, he was like not Oh, man. But he looked good. And so he like laid back on the bed. And then he was like, I noticed he was hard. And I was like, odd. I said, Did you have a good dream? And I'm like in a dream saying Did you have a good dream? Oh, my dreams are always like lucid. And I can say what I want to say in the dream too. So I'm like, did you have a good dream? And he's like, Yeah, I did. I did have a good dreams preludes that way. What am I Bill Cosby? Oh my God. So he pulls down his shorts a little bit. Oh, you see the top top. Now his dick was like 10 inches. Now it wasn't sick. No, but it was like thinner. I was just like, oh, wow, I'm like, damn, bro. So I like get on the back and start gagging on my dick and he's pushing my head down on it and I'm not choking and then let us come up on I'm not joking. I think I'm nervous about choking on a deck like actually gagging and vomiting on a day now. I am controversial when it comes to that but I don't really think that sucking dick you have to put it down your throat you don't like throat fucking No, I can get you off real quick. Not even really going that far down. Well, that's what I think I can I can do that too. But like I don't I want to try to throw fuck and I'm worried I'll throw up. I actually actually I have a friend that does this. She would lay on her bed backwards and then Yep, head over the edge and she loves it loves it. Only wants it. I need to try it. I just feel like that's just not for me. Cuz I'm already afraid of choking on thing. I think I'm gonna throw up though. I'm really like, I feel like if I've eaten or had anything to drink in the past, like, several hours, you're gonna hit somebody who's like, stomach's gonna go. I'm gonna come on. He's trying to throw like


that. Yeah, that sounds good. Sound Effect.


Yeah, I'm gonna burp on someone's dick.


Well, it might actually kind of feel good even though you warm sick.


So those were my couple dreams just from the


past few fingers. longtime Skoch Yep, gagging dragon knock gagging so anytime I like have an apnea moment, which is probably make sense. While I'm joking. I always feel like I'm choking. So like when I have nightmares and stuff, it's always me. I'll wake up and


like be choking. We really need your sleep study to happen. Oh, so I got approved.


I don't know. They're like we're gonna, once they send it out, you'll get it. You'll get it? I'm like, is this gonna be like a furniture piece is six months from now? Or is it like next week? Because I think it


should come in August. It comes in December like, well, that's how shirts are right now to what I have a shirt that I bought before Thanksgiving that has now been delayed till May I get a t shirt? Is it a certain color? Holy shit. Yeah. It was like that was the off colors, but whatever on that's why you don't pick those. But no, it's cute. It's a rustic do you well? Are we like good? We're good. I just need to say one more thing though. I have one more thing. But like I were so chatty. Is this bad? No. I mean, you don't have to I can save it for next week. It's not it? Well, I think it's a short thing but


mine short to like you do your so mine kind of actually goes to the listener who wrote in the question. Okay, so no, I was in the car. And I put on like random music, like from 2099. Like that area. So when I was in high school, that area, okay. And a song came on, and I felt good. And I felt ready to go and I had energy and I felt alive.


Oh my god, like you were a teenager and I are bombs over


Baghdad by outcast. What bombs over Baghdad. Now, that song,


I haven't heard that in decades.


I had a moment though. Where that I'm like, it's the wonder after like 30 You kind of die in sign because you really can't recreate that magic that music does for you when you're in your like teens in your late 20s. That's why you never can get away from that. So I was almost like, why do we Why is the social norm like I'm going deep and you're like playing with your moustache. It's freaking me out. I don't like felt like coming. You can't? Are you gonna really start doing that? Because it doesn't do it. Don't worry. You look like Ulysses S Grant. Such a bitch. I don't even know that


$50 Bill like fuck you. Oh, yeah. You're like, you're Abraham Lincoln on the penny. Fucking war. Yeah. Wow, trash. That's right. You know, the things I throw away cuz I don't want them. That's yo Whoa, girl. All right. So you can't recreate any happiness in


your life? No, but it's really scary because music really does something to you. But you lose the magic of music once you hit a certain age. So it's like your same shit recycled over and you'll never get it again. You will never get it again. Never ever, you might send me a divorce song or like something? Oh, that's a terrible losing.


Because there's no more big events in your life. Like with a soundtrack to it sort of.


I think maybe that is why that's maybe that is why but like music is just so much more impactful when you're a kid like you can put memories with songs and you're like,


I think because a lot of changes are happening. And then you feel like you hit an age where no changes have so like,


turn around 25 You start like like what? Okay, and then you start not understand the music that's coming out because you're like, This is not connecting with me because it's not supposed to. Because you're sealed up baby.


And it's like even a road trip. You're like there's no road trip music anymore. Because I hate road trips, right? I hate being in the car. I


think that's why I'm used to be like, Oh,


we're going on a trip. I know drive out on a trip and I had a soundtrack that I would listen to oh my God saying every time driving to Chicago and now it's like, I don't listen to that. And even right


now have you thought about going back and listening to someone? That's what I'm trying to tell everybody to do.


I can transport myself back to college undergrad. Right, right.


I think freshman year I can go transfer my myself back to some college.


Some college Shaq chuck here, it's weird. You can be transported back. I'm serious, like do it but the bad comes with the good like I can get transported back before it was like out before. And that's like it was like fine, but it was also a really bad time. And then I


feel alive. Like I feel fake. Like I feel like my


whole life was faked it was and that's how I feel. I'm looking back. I'm like No wonder I was such a like I'm seven years into my non fake life, which is really sad. It's short such a short time you think you'd have a soundtrack now that would transport well I do. There are some songs now when I first came out when I was a baby gay and that when they play I think of certain they used know everybody get up to like Robin Thicke. You know, you wanna you know, I wanna good girl and he was like, groping the girls on the side.


When he like, Melissa, Miley Cyrus, yeah, he did where


he was not good. Not good guy, but I'm glad it really defines a moment


for you, but it did like a debt but then now it's like, like Coldplay. Oh, the whole album is Michael. So that was like a defining moment when me and Mike were getting close to like midnight living together and being in the same city. Oh, it's a sky full of stars. I've


heard that. Wow, you really went with like a bad album for that. But that's okay. I'm


glad you know there's a line that said I'll just be I'm gonna be very transparent, very trans right now.


you're trans.


I'm being very trans. Are you gay? There was a thing that said, oh fuck, what's the line? I don't know. Basically about flying birds and like one day I want to fly with you is what it says. So the symbolization of that. Let's say, Shawn, is that I want to fly with Michael.


You're not getting off the ground.


An owl neither one of you get nothing. Oh, honey. He's like in shape now. Yeah, like, I'm not even kidding, honey. You didn't even know. I mean, last time you're here. You're trying to grab his dick. So


I was here was only two weeks ago. So like, have you seen his arms? Wow.


Maybe I need to feel him. You will be surprised such test. That's fine. Okay, remember? I'm


trying to go Polly. You're gonna have to let me suck that dick? Who's? I don't know anyone's. If you're gonna be open. You're gonna have to be open. You want to just like fully open your vagina. I just want to hand stuff anyways. There's no way Michael six is gonna fit my mouth. Such a tour. It's too big. Yeah, there's no I can't I'm so tired of you being blunt.


I'm really gonna Handys that's like, I know. I


know. So. Well. That's so cool. Okay, I know we're going but I really love giving hand jobs to people who aren't? I don't know. Yeah,


I was actually driving home thinking today. I was like, I think I like the because people on Grindr messaged me it's making me feel good, but I'm kind of like I think I just like


the what I call it and this can be the episode title new Dick energy. It's nd nd nd he is why drives me same. I feel like every new Dick every new location where I'm using that deck abusing that day, every place


I go I can find a new fucking janitor to want to like come over to the hotel every


new pink dick. That is how you keep your lifeforce. If you don't find a new deck every once in a while you're going to get drained. You're going to get slowed down. You're not going to want to do it. You're not gonna Oh, dang, it's really kind of music energy. Just rejuvenate your life. Like boom, you got that new Dick boom. Now the problem is now all the new decks eventually become old. Right? So you just got to keep but then new ways new places new people.


Multiple like Yeah. Then you can mix and


if you haven't another deck, it kind of feels new after a while have you been with only one deck for a while that that other deck that may be old to you really, but


it feels new. Now I like to take a deck that isn't as big. Oh, he would love it. I want to thin you could be


like Pat me so fucking hard. And it's just like, you're just like, taking it. It's fine. But they feel like they are a foe.


You can take it baby. Like yeah, I can. I can. Like the Holland Tunnel honey, it's cleared.


This feels like a prostate exam in my doctor's office. This is great. I


mean, this is easy. This is easy cheese. This is an easy catch. Easy cheese. That's crazy. I think I need to talk more about that. Yeah, let's


save Nick energy for another episode.


I think next week we're gonna talk about let's just write it down new Duke Energy and we want to I want to talk about how the chase what is like what is not love, but like why the thrill of what are relevant. The thrill of all of us such a big thrill. Thrill grinder the thrill of getting the attention the thrill of meetings. See whatever you're into thrill Yeah. Doesn't matter what you're looking for nail doesn't matter what sex you're looking fresh.


It's fresh, sexy marks gender. I don't know what well that's what we were going to talk about. Yeah, I can't say that for another episode. Yeah, and here we are. And here we are. Let's play with the soundboard just like one second just one little bored. Yeah, baby pussy. I forgot the eagle. That feels easily oh, I want to go I want to go


How do I stop? Oh my god.


I have no fucking I felt


like I was on like Space Mountain. It was just like, oh, that's sad.


Make sure you subscribe. Make sure you take a listen and give us a little gander


and share us with your friends because we really appreciate that


guys on a more serious note. We really appreciate you we do and we really need you and we need you to share with your friends to share because we're tired of all these basic ass hose telling he fingered me. Oh, I liked it. Oh, man, I went to the bar. You know what happens when I take tequila shots?


of tequila Amber, listen, my pussy was so wet for him.


Oh my god, this fucking pussy. I'm like, I can't so share with your fucking friends. Like let's get over this hump of all the straight women sharing everything on the gram The Tick Tock right. And the Spotify and the apple podcast. Um, come on. We don't folks, folks, folks with an X X folks with an X we don't need


it. We don't need it. Yeah, it's a send your questions she's not doing so well. gimana comm


we have content we have a lot of content. It's good. I have more than we even talk about I know we got Okay, so down for next week already. I have it.


Alright everybody. We love you. Bye. Have a good week.


Oh yes baby Give it to me.


Oh fuck me on a stage give me that poopy finger


that's horrifying


it was such a bad dream it was a nightmare


My heart broken too some Thursday Do you It's like my soul is set on fire oh I'm starting to feel tired because I can run but I know I can keep on is waiting for or can run