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June 1, 2022

F.U.P.A. Phone Case

Happy Pride Month! Stock up on your favorite rainbow capitalism accessories and come listen to our latest episode. Bobby reads from his weed diary and has a MAJOR epiphany about his behavior. He also mentions how occasionally he misplaces his phone in his fupa. Jim on the other hand talks about Cole Escola, and how some people's teeth define who they are. He goes off about the current gun law situation and what we can do. We obviously all about pride and basically what we hate about it more than what we love about it. Its become so corporate and so much of it is a bunch of fake gays walking around acting united and now add the corporations but at the end of the day these same people don’t treat the other in the community right and the corporations end up donating to ANTI LGBTQIA+ Politicians. 

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Okay, I guess we're going are we going


hello everybody welcome to another episode of not Well, I'm Jim and I'm Bobby. Or Bob that Oh no, I'm


actually Karen. Karen Vaughn con.


Oh really? I'm Merrill. Okay, you're gonna I feel like I'm a Merrill


okay, I can see that. Yeah, I'm a professor all like What's your middle name though like Merrill Merrill Carol.


Carol Carol Carol like where did you get these off of us? Did you get these at Suburban moms Emporium


these yeah it's called Amazon honey that's where everything in this house is from that explains have given Jeff the quality the well now ma'am that was a little


a little so why are we wearing these? I


don't know. Oh yeah, I know why? Because it's Oh all right. Where's yours?


We're missing a prop everyone.


Oh my god capitalist show.


Cancel pride actually fuck it's gonna bring up a good point a point of personal privilege can we stop using gendered language?


Okay, so Happy Pride everybody it's pride season and


we're ready I'm so excited. I can't wait to be out there with all the corporations and all the gays you know all the corporation all the corporations. I heard that


if you show Chick fil A that you put your kid in concentration camp then you can you can


get free fries for the whole month of June. Yeah. So like it's June only you get discount if your kid if they do conversion therapy and it works. And you have to prove it. It works by the way. That means you have to look at ducks and knock it hard. Like you have to put up a little nudie calendar in your kitchen and see if they stare at it too long. And if they don't, then you get free fries,


free fries and you need to bring that gay child or ex gay child in so he can professed his faith for the Lord.


I love pride for that reason we get all these goodies.


I'm excited about pride this year because it's back. I'll just say that we have had a little month is a little stressful though.


A little it's terrible at all. I'm not ready. I'm my body's not ready. My mind is not ready. Shit.


All the streets start talking. Oh, I guess we have to have everything has to be rainbow now.


Where's the straight pride?


Right pride without straights? I mean guy.


It's just endless. It's like we have to exist in your world all the fucking time. And now we can't have one month not one. One fucking man out


now. So pride is very intense. For those of you who have never been there is


just so much so much going on drama. There's drama, sexual energy rugs, their drugs, even drugs. There's drugs and that's okay. Well, speaking of drugs, we did have to go into this. Oh, no. Last week, I noticed something about me about you. I saw a little baggie down in the kitchen filled with a white powder. And I was wondering what hot mean that could be you caught me. I was just getting ready for pride or where are you trying to lose weight?


I'm trying to lose weight. Clearly it's not about pride anymore. It's about getting thin for pride.


Now I did try the powder and it was just powdered sugar.


Yeah. And so that's all I can have on my diet. Like I just have to stick my finger on.


Just powders. Okay, I love that. It's called the powder diet. And honestly, it's like sweet, but it's not a lot. You know what I mean? It's perfect for that month before prime it is it's perfect for the month for powder is only powders only powders only ever had Kraft macaroni and cheese powder. Oh, honey, I'll open up an easy Mac just for the powder. Oh my god. FUCK THAT easy Mac I just see the powder.


I'm always drunk on eating out but that's neither


here nor there. For some reason. What could it be?


What else do we need to touch on? I'm probably because honestly this week is really we're like, I mean, we're about to go off. We're gonna have fun today.


One thing I can go off on about pride and make it what do you hate? Let me just make it about me. But what do you hate about pride? What I hate about pride is the fucking heat. It's like why do we have to pick a month that's the most humid hot month here. And then people like Well, what about August? August is worse. Fuck off,


because they want us to feel what units in the oven slash?


Oh, is


that why they're like put it in the hot in the camps. Put them in the hottest month don't sweat


and then it's always outdoors. It's always in the bright sun. It's always, you know, more like, Here you go. It's in a park. I'm like, can we have it indoors? Center and thunder. There's no like or, or that it's either storming or hottest spot and heaven forbid you want to get a little indoor air conditioning after pride because everywhere is packed, because everyone from all over the Midwest has to come here and try to enjoy that were popular. I mean, so that's what I hate about pride is the heat. The other thing I hate about pride and I wanted to bring this hot. Sorry. Yeah. Sucks. We'll tear pride is just why don't have hair, it's a choice choices. One thing I've been noticing with pride month approaching, and it's starting to bother me more and more, the fatter I get stuck with a number of gays who will use their body to make up for a lack of personality and a lack of face. I'm just gonna say it. I can't tell you how many muscle bodies I see. And then you go up, and then you go up above the shoulders and you're like, Babe, it would be better for you. If you just took two average, if you just look to average, because you're cancelling each other out right


now much emphasis on you. And you don't have enough. Like you're


drawing me in and then you're kicking me out.


Like I do the opposite effect. They see my face like, Oh, he's cute. And they're like, Oh, well, he's a bear. And that's fine. And I get the chasers and all that but like


he belongs in a Tennessee State Park. It's about lying. I'm hot. In the core. Okay, hot to the core. You really I'm hot to the touch. You really are though. You know what I love that about you? Thank


you I feel like I'm smokin


Smokey Bear. Yeah, I just said like, seen it all over Instagram where it's like these posts like endless posts and like, the face is obscured or there's giant sunglasses or there's a hat pulled down. Or it's just like, a wear face


and you're like, also, I really don't like it when people decide to go on their soapbox during Pride, especially the ones that are fucking dickheads I love it or like, this is the time to come together in the community. And really, like whatever but no fats no fems no Asians, no blacks, no anything but me.


It's so true. Either. gotta hear there's people in Columbus and I'm like, Hey, like two months ago? This is not how you acted at the bar.


No, not at all you are and now you're like we need to all come together. Do we really need to come together or get more followers?


Yeah, you want to go from 179 to 180? Like I mean we get a we get it we all need the likes. We all need the follows need some respect? Yeah, and that's why elders which is me and that's why we're going to be body positive.


Bali positive.


After after I just face shamed people we're gonna be body positive this fucking


mob we are them. We are they are them. Were the hot ones that talk shit. And then all of a sudden, we're like, Guys, we got to really come together. This country is falling apart.


I have to say like, I don't know if I want to come together. Like if that's what we have to come together with. Maybe we just leave it. No,


I mean, I'll be honest with leave it I agree. Like nobody needs to come together. Don't fucking try to like, be nice to me. Because you think you have to be nice to a fat bear. I don't want to be nice to you because you have a six pack but an ugly face like I don't exactly that's care like cool. You're hot. Okay. You probably have a shriveled little ugly dick or my good looking but whatever.


Either way, just let him see and just let maybe taste it just to


check. Sometimes I want to take somebody just want to say honestly, if you try to clean my first Pride, that song tell me you're the one I like got sued.


Oh, Robin Thea alizarin. Fix son.


Yep. And I thought I was King. I was actually having a moment. The other day. I was like,


I love that. I'm actually feeling a little scary. That's one of my first prides, too. That's weird.


I think that's is that when I was in 13 Yeah, that's when I moved to Columbus. Right. That's when I came out. Well, I came out in 2012. But that was my first Pride after coming out. That's crazy. Yeah. So I went that I thought it was the greatest thing ever. And I was a drunk and I was hot them had fry saw titties. I was like, really big in the community. You were you were huge, big and?


Well, yeah, it was just fun. Like that's back when it wasn't good ol Park, right?


Yeah. So this is being gay was still taboo, then it became fine. And now it's going back to taboo.


Yeah, we've really gone on a roller coaster. I mean, honestly, all of it. All of it is we're all coming. We're all coming back down the coast or heading down the coaster and into the camps. Because I felt like before we got rights, we were in momentum to get right. Yeah, felt good. We're five years and now we're like, I'm like grabbing all countries. Hanging on it's last like, you were on the last live with one claw last life.


Like and it's not working out and the cat's gonna fall and we'll see what happened.


Oh, that was that was really, I feel bad for the cat. I feel bad for pissy sometimes. Like I just, I just hope that the young ones like having their 2013 moment like we did feel that same pride that we had, but it's like, I'm a little worried with the national narrative of where queer rights are going. Yeah, that they might also be as worried as we are. And it's like it's either that or they're so fucking oblivious because they've gotten everything they wanted that they don't even know what it's like I didn't even think about and they won't persecute themselves. That's the thing it sees. Oh, we gotta gotta get some of these people dead. You don't I mean, the dinosaurs have to die out because once those start dying the Gen Z does not give a fuck. It's true Gen Z does not give a fuck so i Okay. You're right you don't I mean, like so I don't need to be worried about them. I'm worried about them not taking it serious enough and being like, Oh, the first ones on the bus. They're there. Right? They're more worried about the actual like, they're worried about their 1990s jeans look and their influencer brand showing in a frame but like they don't right. Like I get it like cool. I'm glad that we paved the way for you even though I didn't really pave it. I paved. I pave on a I flatten. Oh, that's so so me. Like this couch. This couch at home. 700 Hon, on rated for seven hours. You're gaining some weight, we might be in trouble. And we are. Oh, no. Just in time for pride. Do we want to go into the serious subject or do we want to read my book first? I think I'm feeling ready.


Yeah, you ready to go? Ready to go off?


Yeah, let's go off, bit off and then we'll end fun. Yeah, well, I have a couple other things too.


Let's just go with so. So let's talk about the elephant in the room. And not


me. So this past week, we had yet another school shooting with 21 people dead children, children, elements and a couple of adults who tried to save them not police officers as you will know. I don't remember like, how did this come about? Or who I think honestly, my friend Galen told me I was like there's been another school shooting and I was like, I can't hear this right now. Like I'm Nam now though. Yeah, scary. Cuz I'm like, Oh, is there? Well, it's like, yeah, it's like oh, there's


been another one with Amber Heard. Well, you're constantly early the the narrative right now in this country. Like,


let's look at Johnny Depp's trial. We're


like, no, no guns and then like five minutes later, we're like, but did you see what she's on the stand?


Now like she should be mad like that's not what's important right now.


Warning. It's about to get ugly because I think we're about to get mad. I feel it like I'm mad,


too, and I just get more mad no matter


what is making you the most mad at this point. Like what else mad


is the same rhetoric dumb fucking rhetoric from the right when you have to listen to them go on and on about how Morgan's is the answer. They're like we need to arm the lunch lady. We need to arm the school nurse we need to arm we need to have secured door. Ted Ted Cruz said we need to have better doors or lock the doors we need higher fences we need FoxNews just endlessly list all these bullshit ideas that clearly would not change anything. And this was this school shooting gave us everything we need to dismiss all that because the cops showed up. They did nothing. The shooter was shooting outside for like 12 minutes before he went into school. They didn't do anything he posted on his Facebook. He was killing people he a security guard inside the school like left he posted pictures of AR whatever the fuck they are that he bought to him. Okay, so they're like laws don't prevent gun violence. While he waited until the day it was legal for him to buy those guns. So the law prevented him from buying it earlier. So I guess laws do prevent him from getting these guns right


but then then literally can walk in and go okay, I want to go on.


Yeah. And they're like in two of them too. Oh, yeah. I wonder why


you trouble looking teenager would want to ar 15 is whatever its money.


Then he texted his this acquaintance in Germany that he was gonna go shoot up a school and he did and he told her I shot my grandma on the head. So 12 minutes outside the school or no one's stopping him. He goes in the school. He's in there for up to 15 minutes. It's really unclear this time too long. All the police are just outside fighting parents fighting parents from going in. So you got all these cops wearing body armor helmets, they've got semi automatic rifles. They are a trained SWAT team. They've got like a $6 million budget in that town. They've got 40% of the town budget. That's how big the police budget is there and they didn't and there, they've got a SWAT team, a SWAT team, and they did nothing. They stood outside while parents were like I'm going in. Now when I say nothing. I should say that some of the cops went in to get their children. And then that was it. They got their children they got out and then that's it. They even they tased a dad and forced him out of the ground. They put him one mom in cuffs. Gomez, she then got out of cuffs, ran into the school, got her kids and came out. She jumped the fence. She goes by the fall these parents were like so if the cops aren't doing anything, we'll go do something something Yeah, like, give us a gun we'll go in one of us is gonna hit him. He wasn't wearing body armor. Like some even when they got inside. They had to have someone from the school open a door because they couldn't open an unlocked door or a locked door. They couldn't get it open. So they had someone else come in to like get a key and unlock it. But let's go. Let's fund the police fund the police more on how to police their goals. They're not going to save us they're not affecting. Oh my God, these children died. They were alive that whole time violently. No one went in the cops would not go in because they're afraid of getting shot they said which that's their job. I get


it. That's their job right getting shot too. So why aren't we regulating gun more


children have died in school shootings and police have died in the line of duty Let that sink in. So these police who deserve our utmost respect and get billions of dollars federally and on the state level, what are they doing? Just


don't think it's working. And I'm not saying like, listen, there are plenty of great police officers out there there. Oh, yeah, that's true thing out there. But the fact of the matter is that we're still continuing on allowing these things to just happen. Again, going back to Oh, Amber Heard or Oh, going to what we got a baseball game later. So


why think we're all just like, we're all pissed because most Americans support common sense gun reforms. Like Beto, O'Rourke went and stood in front of the governor and Ted Cruz and all of these cowards on stage Get away from here you political Montt? Yeah. And they're like, Well, what are you going to do about it? And he gave for example, like, it's like, that's so simple. And the vast majority 60% plus of Americans agree with it. It's


anything they said 90% of Americans. Nine what is the fucking problem here? And our system appoint our friend Amber made a really good point in our face. Amber changed my life. Okay, by that, I mean, the way that I looked at it, it's just like, we don't allow kids to just like get in a car at 16 and just drive into the sunset without testing them, including a lot of states that require driver's ed a certain amount of hours, yadda yadda hours on the road. Yeah, you know, street test, parking tests, all this stuff. Because you're concerned that they're gonna go out there and hurt people with this vehicle on accident, obviously, but like, you're gonna kill people. So you're so concerned about that. But then this is a kid that turns 18 Years day after he can go buy an AR 15 goes and buys two AR so much ammo and nobody's like, that's weird. Why do you need that? Right? Like, why


are you doing that? Oh, you're going hunting tomorrow? Like it's one thing to be a hunter go.


I'm not saying honestly, like, I don't think we can get rid of guns. And I'm not saying no, no.


I mean, there's very few people who think that that's a real and dangerous narrative. They want to spend the other side there later like they're trying to stay another night. I


don't want it to be your guns. Honestly.


Go ahead, go hunting by handgun. Well, you don't need semi automatic rifles. They're so afraid. Like you don't need it. No. And they're so afraid because they know that potentially they might not pass the background check. Exactly so huh, maybe because that domestic violence charge Yeah, but now you're a goer now. So you've been Jesus forgave me. Jesus forgave me other goddamn thing. I have four DUIs, but Jesus forgave me it's like, um, there was a these people not


Christian scare me. I'm not gonna lie like the Christian people. If you're Christian, that's fucking great. I don't really give a fuck what you are what you believe in. But do not listen.


Christians have hacked the system because because you can commit the worst fucking sin in the world. You can rape a 16 year old and be the pastor of the church. Then boom, all you have to do Jesus forgave me. I've been forgiven my lord pastor, we love you, Pastor. He just called a system hack. Literally,


there's actually there's another video and I watched the longer version and it's


let's see, this is what the Christians and this is the thing with the thoughts and prayers they think that that's actually valuable. It's not like it's not going to bring back the children it's not going to prevent the next shooting we don't need your thoughts and prayers. I mean, we don't need


them you know the lady come Yeah, we don't need your fucking thoughts and prayers you know later that said like, about women's health fair like Well, if she's supposed to die, then that's the Lord's will. So as the Lord's will to come jump into this elementary school and kill a bunch of kids. You're gonna say that too on camera? Because if you are,


I'd love to all the way off. I love to see what would happen with the parents and you in a room. Why don't you walk in a room with the parents of dead children and say that let's see interesting because there's parents out there, like I can. What's the one in fucking Florida? The park or parkland? Yeah, the dad is a Republican. Yeah. And he totally like I think still Republican, which is fine. But his gun situation Yeah, done. And it's like, Why does it take your child getting murdered though to break to realize this is the this doesn't happen anywhere else in the world? No, there's only one difference. Mental health is just as prevalent in all these other countries Australia, Europe, it's not mental health, it's the access to guns we have more guns than anywhere else in the world. And we also have for well for nothing.


I love how FoxNews shows like, Guys this is like this is mental health problems and this is stuff that okay, well why do you think it's mental health problems in this country? Because the fact that your station newsagent Yeah, handles lies and makes fun of trans kids and break Beatty kids and black Ukraine and so many boogeyman never looked inside yourself. You have Kyle Rittenhouse on there as you know,


I'm afraid of most angry white men, young white men. They're the terrorists in this country. It's always angry white man was once I want to say they're also they also are the ones that are you in a sock, I'll probably get sucked and murdered. It could have read the line. I mean, it really could happen. It really could.


So the day in conclusion, like I


mean, let me put it this way. How many gay terrorists how many gay terrorists have there been? How many like angry gay terrorists have there been? I was bullied every day in school. Now did I go get a gun?


No, no, just Jeffrey Dahmer. Isn't he the one that eats people? Now like a terrorist and


Okay, well, you did think of someone Ari. Great. Oh gave Wayne Gacy jr. Is he gay? I think he was a serial killer. And he did like little boys.


What did he like? crossdresser something. That's the


turn. I think he was a clown. Yeah. crossdresser which is like so stupid. Okay, but anyways, my point is like, it's not meant


to do something. So go out and vote really is what we're trying to do. I mean, I don't want to do like a planning. This has got to be said, we have got to figure the fuck out. Because honestly, it's looking more and more like a simulation for me. It really is. And I'm not gonna go into it. But like it really like things are just so fucking wild. Yeah, so fucking extreme. That it's like, what the hell is going on?


I don't. I honestly am, like, so disillusioned our entire system needs an overhaul. Because right now you got 11% You got senators representing 11% of the country holding everyone else hostage because of this filibuster rules. You need 60 votes in the Senate to advance anything. That is a joke. That's some fucking bullshit. That's because of slavery. All of our system, the whole Senate, we should get rid of the Senate. We don't need the Senate. We do not need the Senate, it should be the House of Representatives alone. This is why these other countries like when Australia had a mass shooting back in I think 96. Boom, a majority of Parliament passed a law banning assault rifles, and they had to turn them in. And every household had to turn in whatever they had. And they were destroyed. And it worked. And they haven't had any sense. And then you go to Scotland, same thing. There was a drive everywhere else like the direct will of the people when enough people are angry, like if 90% of us want background checks. So we just had hacked or if we just had one house, one representative group, and we elected them all. And we were like, hey, like 90% of us want this so you guys better pass it. Instead in the Senate. There's places like West Virginia, who has you know, two senators for their what? How many 100,000 people would they get the same amount of data the same amount as Ohio. So that's why the Senate is preventing all this bullshit the Senate and then we have a Supreme Court, which is nine people on elected who served for life, nine people. And we had one president who didn't win the popular vote get 2.3 of them. That's where we talked. Do you see the problem here? One term president so our whole system needs an overhaul like enough people need to get angry to say like, Fuck this.


It's the system. It's this is really scary because I don't think the Founding Fathers they deny honestly, I don't think I'd really like them that much. No offense to our founding fathers, we


would not like them at all like your saw. They had Well, they'd hate Thomas Jefferson raped his slaves, like we would not like the founding fathers were not our normal people. They were crazy. That's why like this America, it's like, oh, God, they were horrible people who wrote horrible documents who set up a horrible system. And now we're just living in a system could work. It could if


it was done properly. And there's there's ways that we need tweaks tweaking, there


should not be a filibuster rule, a 60 vote thing in the Senate, that should be gone immediately. Yeah, the Supreme Court could work term limits term that really is the biggest one we're elected every but not appointed, elected. Fine. That's once every eight years we elect someone to the Supreme Court, fine, there you go.


They have to be elected to stay in like they have to have a certain percentage to stay in. If they have been fucking around and doing stupid shit. They'll


get voted out held accountable. I mean, it's not a bill. That's the word of it's not hard to imagine better systems because you look around the world and there are better systems, right? That's what it's like. And same with gun control. It's like you look around the world. You're like, they don't have mass shootings. We could do that. Look at their socialists. Yeah. Oh, they want to take away our rights.


I mean, do you think Russians are I mean, I know like the Ukraine, Russia war thing is a whole other situation. But do you think people look at us like we're the crazy ones? The whole world or the crazy ones? And we're like, there was a


BBC reporter asking, Ted Cruz just walks away to fucking he has no answer. They don't have any answer. That's what you watch Fox News. And they're like, more guns, arm the arm everything and put machine guns on top of the turrets of the school. And it's like, none of this is going to work is none of it. We tried. It hasn't worked for the past how many years and when we had an assault rifle ban in 94. Mass shootings went down and then when it lapsed in 2004 because Congress wouldn't renew it. Mass shootings went up. Well, it's pretty obvious like what goes on we know what to do with guns but they don't want to listen. And I'm because they're paid by the gun lobby. Right? Millions of dollars. Mitt Romney's gotten 12 million. You can see exactly how much the NRA has given them wrong.


Mitt Romney is changing too. I think there's I mean, yeah, Republican branches out. Well, because Madison Cawthorn is really fucking pissed. He's like, there's a dark Magga coming up. Like they're still running on this Maga. Shit. It's like, these poor people. I can't like I can't even I really can't think about this too much. But other than the fact that like, we've got to make a stop like we can't. I'm not gonna I can't We can't. We can't. It's got to stop op


one thing is we all just need to call it out as soon as we hear it like, I've been calling it out. When I hear the bullshit, I'm gonna explain to you why it's bullshit. And honestly, I'm not gonna in my daily life, and I don't either. I'm like, listen, we don't need to talk anymore. I can see your set and your dumbass way


and honestly, you could be full fledged blood and I'm still saying the same thing. Oh,


I agree. There's no yeah, there's like if you started spouting stuff off which I know you never would I would be done but what I


love about Perl still no and I'm just gonna share it when I was growing up I wasn't allowed to play with CAP guns or in guns like the Oh hell no are bad guns are bad. But the same person that's telling you that guns are bad is our voting is voting for people that love guns so obsessed with guns? It's a death cult like interested in that thing. We've


got a death cult going on in this country.


We got problems, folks. We got some problems, folks. With an axe.


Okay. choices now. I do see that there is an ingenious idea courtesy of database out here. I did leave it this week. We don't have to search for it. Nope, we


don't have to search for it. And honestly, this week might be a little crazy. You might want to hold on to your fucking Matt my wig. Hold on to that wig, sweetie, because


you ready? Oh no. What have you done? Pizza is pizza to us. Okay,


what would a caveman pizza look like?




that's term number one. That's somebody so I think what I was trying to get out there was like how we easily just get pizza like oh, just get a pizza. Yeah, what's the caveman's? Just get a


blueberry Oh, just get whatever the fuck you can find that's exact just get a rotting wild boars head that's been left by a cave bearers had me bores had me that's where it started. Okay, they probably had maggots in it and they would eat it. I mean, the maggots there's, well actually they do that in Amazon. Well, yeah, cuz you have to eat anything. That's what I'm saying Bay, like pizza for them was probably roadkill for us. Yeah, so there's that. But I would point out they probably could not make pizza because they didn't have grain, right? I mean, they couldn't make it. Or they couldn't make dough. Or cheese because they didn't domesticate animals. So they didn't.


I don't mean it was being like very literal. Obviously it comes out. Like,


how dumb is he?


I learned what a rusty Bulldog is. Do you know what that is? No. You ready for this? Not yet. You throw up on the dick on your deck on their ass and fuck them. That's called the rusty Bulldog. I have no idea where I heard it. But I wrote it down. This I also wrote on becoming vintage.


What now I want to explain. I think I'm just feeling old. Yeah, it's happening and I think I was gonna say starting to get old like you're looking at. Oh, that's never been. I did discuss with my hairdresser just for man. Just for my beard because I'm not sure I would do it. Why do I gotta go straight up here but like, let's do it. Let's do it. So we're gonna get some just for man. I like that idea. Shampoo. She said it works really well. Oh, yeah, it does. Yeah. No.


So I'm feeling vintage though. I'm feeling my age. I'm feeling I had a moment I was like, Well, I am you know, 37. So like, I'm gonna start hurting and things are just gonna keep deteriorating from here.


But what makes you vintage and not just old. Vintage is like something we desire. And you're not really something we desire. You can speak for yourself, sweetie. Okay, well, I do remember Grindr and scruff were number one and two on your apps and your top paid apps which nobody's on there though. So are they do you have vintage listed in your profile? No, but


I'm noticing that I'm attracting those who like vintage. So


Oh, no. They're like, Oh, well, I have been craving twink recently. Oh no. Craving it's a real thing.


A craving is real.


I just don't understand why I'm gonna be because I don't want them to Yeah, I don't know. I just don't know why I don't get it cuz I don't in person. twinks are cute, but not interesting. appealing, I would say and I'm always worried I'm going to break them.


Yeah, and I would tell you I'm just gonna get bitched me out for some reason that I don't know why.


Well, I'm just afraid I'm gonna snap them like on it. No, like really? Some of those bird arms like Okay, everybody. Oh, yeah, you can snap anyone. Yeah, like I can snap anything.


Oh, car. Okay, this is a really funny one. I said it's hunting gay. The answer is yes. The real one that I want to discuss though is I have a problem with losing things and like losing my phone. So I wrote on here can't ever find my phone a FUPA phone case FUPA phone case days. It seems that my FUPA is the perfect container become a monster I'm laying down like could you put it underneath and I do have a little slot. that could it could happen if it like sort of like baggy clothes on and stuff like I always use my phone it ends up being like,


Oh, she could put it under the belly above the deck.


Yeah, easily.


Not easily but like the way he just like let that okay, but like you could I could put this right here and then it like it's stuck. See I love this. Okay, so the FUPA phone case. So basically what I'm trying to do is make a phone case that sits on your phone, but it's just like okay, I think we need to think this out more we need to run it by marketing and then we could sell


this and now this was the ingenious ideas courtesy of cannabis and Bobby


I really love these ideas. Now are you on cannabis currently because you did not seem to be actually an okay. You seem very not.


I'm a little bit of a pro. Yeah, it's


like 20 now up to dose. Okay,


I'm feeling floaty. Oh, I'm feeling we're not there yet, honey. Oh, SASS it up, sweetie.


Oh, did you have anything I needed to have a little thing I just needed to?


Is it a grind your gears? Or is it more like a question?


There are two things that I needed to talk about that I absolutely hate. And I really hope certain friends of mine don't hear. But there's one thing that really grinds my listen to our show here. There's one thing that really grinds my gears is and I see this a lot on Snapchat, Instagram, all the rest. People recording themselves singing I fucking hate it. Wait like singing like this, okay, I'm doing like this, like pretend selfie modes on and I'm like, and I just want to be the one for you. And I want to be the one and then they post it. And then they post it and then they do that again. And they do that every day. Or like every once every couple days, twice a week, three times a week. I don't want to see you singing unless you're a professional singer. And in which case I'm not watching you on my phone. I want to see a YouTube video. I don't want to see it on Snapchat. I don't want to see it on Instagram. Like why are you singing into your phones? While you record yourself?


Why don't we sing to our phones? How to vote or how to like yeah, there's like so


many other things. I'm like, This is not how to spend your time bitch like stop singing into your fucking phone. I do not see this a lot. You see it? I don't know how it doesn't grind your gears.


I think it does grind my gears a little bit.


I'm I'm so pissed about it. Just there must be so cramped. ticular though that like yes, there's several but it's like so crazy. I don't know, my friends. Yeah, you've probably blocked them.


I'm honestly I'm on a streak. Oh,


really? Yeah. Now I'm just like, don't go into pride. So yeah, sorry, I


forgot to be inclusive. I'd love everyone.


I was gonna say you have to unblock them all because they're all your friends because we're all queer. And we have to be accepting and we have to love that.


There's a few careers I punched in the face. And that's all I got. And here's looking at you Dustin that was absolutely amazing. Not


true. Not true. We love him. We love him. We really love him. And so there's something to remember about him. And it leads me into my next point. I'm not specifically him but just bitchy. Do you know? Call Escola I think that's how we say his name. Let me just find him. Comedian. I love cool. Grandfather. Or no? My I kiss my grandfather goodbye and that Rotunda that's the that's that's the one and he was on? Or they are I don't know what it's pronounced their pronouns are? I'm trying to look actually because I don't want to miss gender them. But honestly, they were gonna just deal with that.


It's just safer.


Like, I have no idea. They teeth. Do you remember the tea?


I remember. Yeah, there's like a really jaggedy one that like literally is gonna cut it can't open.


Yep. And I just I can't get out of my head. So I'm gonna I saw them like two weeks ago and I still every day I think about it. Sometimes. I wonder though. I


have certain people like that's your look. So then you get change it


I think it is. Yeah, like I don't hate it. I just can't stop thinking about them. Maybe Maybe it's like Madonna's gap.


Madonna has gotta go to Elizabeth comes in on her.


She comes she's on her 80th year reunion tour. And we're just like, wheeling around in a wheelchair.


You're hot.


I mean, actually, this is on point. Like, I


do look like Oh, good. Went on a while. And actually you and I hate this.


My teeth are growing apart too. Because I don't have a retainer. I like ate it or something.


I used to think I was gonna swallow my retainer.


I think I did. Like I chewed it so much. There were holes in it and we finally just threw it away. And it was like, You know what, if my teeth want to live their life live their life. That's


why I like my mouthguard because I at least know it's gonna go back to that position. Guard for the Glock Glock 2000 time, big time.


Those were the things that I like kind of use had to bring up because


like what do you want to do about it? Like does it make you hate him? No, I still love them. So for them


I still love them. It's just that I can't like I love them from the mouth up.


I love them but I wouldn't fuck them and that's that segment. I love them but I'm not gonna fuck them. That's a new segment.


Honestly, there's countless people we could throw in that category myself. I love myself.


Oh my god and who's really funny, but he's ugly as Bruce Willis. Oh, I'd fuck him. He's not ugly and well now Well, now I can't speak Wow,


you really just like have you seen you just think Blair lately? Who's that?


Some of Blair the witch project.


Some Oh Blair Witch Project.


Oh, like it was, um, I you know, some of fucking bleyer


Hiatt. I know, Salma Hayek. Is that married name? Blair.


No, no, no.


Well, now Now, this girl that looks more like her. She wasn't Legally Blonde. Yes, she was the recognizer. She was the she wanted to be Reese Witherspoon. Reese Witherspoon's boyfriends new girlfriend. Oh, yeah, I don't know. Well, she has


MS. And she's coming out about it and speaking out about it. But it's like really sad to I don't know why I was talking about this. I'm not sure why I'm bringing it up.


But we're having a high moment listener. We just wanted to sell more Blair's Ms. Have you ever heard of sama Blair? She has MS. And she's talking about


it. She was like, it sounds like like I even Googled, like the symptoms on my mass.


You thought you had it? Well, I was like, Oh my gosh, am I high? Or do I have a mess? And that's the new segment. That's your new segment every every night, Mike I haven't asked.


I can't talk about anything anymore. Like I think


you do think you have anything. Oh the for you. Personally or the world. Okay. Just the country, the world, the universe. So there is something embarrassing than I did. I've seen you shot yourself again. Something I want to call you out about first. Okay. We we went to get ready. Yeah. Yeah. Me tuck it in. Don't have any more drank. But hey, will you need one?


No. I mentioned my unless you're going to make a run. I can't get out.


Now. We're almost done. We're saying oh, we are. It's been 50 some minutes like, last lap. So


it was like 40 Yeah, sure. Um, what was I saying?


Where's my beer?


Where's my Joe rang?


Wait, where's my other drink?


Oh, sorry about you. We went to trivia where I also dabbled in some delta eight. But we'll get to that in a second. Jim made multiple comments about his taint. I did not remember this. You made multiple comments about your tank or like, Oh, my taint. She looked up my team. And then something else about a tank.


I'm like, what did she look at? I'm not sure who looked what on your tank, but I'm just I'm just saying I documented the fact that you said tank like six times at trivia. I did not say it six times your obsession with tank. I would never say tank. It depends to a person who would it be? Um, Trump. Yeah, I was gonna say like one of these politicians because probably Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz's beard.


Sometimes I think I would fuck Ted Cruz.


You probably would I'm not even lying in Cancun of all places. Oh my god. I had too many margaritas. This camo, camo.


For some reason. I felt like I would want to see his daddy deck. But


now you know that's a shrimp. Camarones Oh, yeah.


It's a thick hog.


Shrimp. Shrimp. See? That's how I like Donald's. Yeah, I I don't know obtained just I don't remember even talking about it. So it's hard for me to remember you. Huh? You said it. Maybe. Maybe you're making it up? I don't know. We'll have to let listeners decide.


I didn't how many times I said taint during this episode zero. So I don't know. But I'm so interesting. I'm gonna have a fucking tank count. Now, we also tried Delta eight. And by we I mean me. I decided to buy him. I think there were like $25 Each because my bill was like, $70 from happy hour or whatever.


I know that to me. It's like you had like four drinks. Like how was it? $80. But that delta it made me giggly. I didn't notice you were quite elevated. But it wasn't like in my head. It was more like body. It was your you weren't doing a little of this head head slash thing. Yeah, it's interesting. Now I can't see. Oh. So delta eight is like so


I thought was cool. And guy and guys, everyone illegal. That's what's so weird. It's weird to choose it over your money. Oh, absolutely not. Which Speaking of which, there's a marijuana convention for all next weekend in Columbus. And we're going sorry, absolutely. I'll go I'll see you didn't get the check it out. You can learn the lingo and like the actual science behind it and explain to me when I'm how you'd like that's the cannabinoid that's combining with your atoms that are creating love the reaction Your pancreas but you have a bad pancreas. So it goes to your liver where your livers also failing.


No, I hope that's not how I sound but I know it is to you. Well to you, that's what you hear. You're like pancreas, liver.


Everything's just falling apart. I made a number. Well no, I'm not okay, I'm having a problem again.


Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You're smitten who


I don't want to talk about it like really? But I hadn't you seem to say something I told this person. Quote. I told Michael you would protect me if there was a shooting. Literally, I like set to this. Now that first of all, then I wrote first of all, cringe Second of all, like bad flirting awkward and like, what are you doing? I don't know. So I keep reflecting on my behavior. And also with one of the people that came to trivia with you straight.


So you have problems we have some problems and that we're obsessed with straight straight guys are never ever, ever. I'm not getting over it. This is for life. Like I know like one of those. I'm gonna be in the nursing home like you want me to change your diaper, baby. I want me to change your diaper and accidentally go up a little 6060 in a nursing home at 60. That's a little young to be in a nursing home. True. True. True. True. Okay, I hope I'm still like able, I know you won't be able to you'll be at a nursing home at 60. But I won't be. You've got six years left before the home. Max. You'll love it three hot meals a day brought to you in bed hot meals in bed. You honestly would love a nursing home like this could be a vibe like you could play Playstation all day. If you go down to your exercises when you sit in the chair and do this well. Pass the ball you I mean you get to go hang out with people at cocktail hour. Yeah, just go back to better and they go to bed early. They go to bed so


early. Have marijuana card. So be like, Oh my Madison guide Oh, you would love a nursing home. That's what we're gonna start doing. And there's a lot of straight men around.


And Catty, old women anyway,


I just feel like you just feel


like you're very Monica at this point. What exactly did you do? That was problematic?


Nothing. I just am so I get like butterflies now. Yeah, I


agree. I know. Same. Why do you think I've been obsessed with people like, plan but it's


not even. It's really bizarre though. Because I don't even think it's like, I don't want to be with this person. I don't want to like you just want


to write a friend. I really want also breaks down to and this is gonna sit under a blanket with you. Right? Like it's


almost like straight validation, I think. And, yeah, like, I want to be supportive. Like I supported them. I don't feel like I feel like I missed out on that male supportive moment in my life. And I'm still obviously


I got issues. You got him to hurt me like in your eye.


Island. I am the best don't try to deflect Oh, but I just was reflecting on my behavior. And I'm thinking you're like why my son


does straight guys. Right? Because you've never touched by one. One ever got to huddle up in the football team and get chest


like get smacked on the bear ass in the shower. Right? Like, why didn't I get you never


got to jerk off on the opposing team got to jerk off logo, right? Yeah, there's because actually that did happen in my high school. Oh, one of the football players just had a flashback. One of the football players told me that they took a seat cushion from the opposing team, like you know, with a logo, like their letter and they're like logo on it, took it into the locker room, took it in the showers. And they all jerked off on it, like on it or in it on it. Like they put it on the ground and jerked off. And when I heard that, that was my epiphany. It was also like, that's when I was like, I'm gay. I think it was a senior. And I was like, absolutely. I was like, Why do I want to be the cushion? I wanted to be the cushion in the shower. And take like 20 loads at once. Oh,


once I knew I wanted to take a load. I'm from that team.


I'm from that team. I'm on that other team. Oh, that's fine. Oh my god. Wait, wait.


I agree.


You agree that you were on that team?


What I will. Oh,


what I regret you have Ms. Now. Exactly. You do them as you look like with that hair. You have a mess.


With this, this fucking thing? No, that's the wig. But yeah, so I just like had to reflect for a moment. Like, I don't want anything to happen. I don't want to ruin a life. I don't want him to do something that he didn't want to do. But what if he but if he did say he wanted to do well then I'm okay with it. But it's something I don't want to lose a friendship over and I don't want to lose respect over but I just have to say this person is really just so nice and so hot and your holes always open and it's always available. So if you hear this, you know where to go. And if even if you have to get permission,


even if you have to ask a wife to watch, I will be available 24/7 I love that. You're so giving your So giving him such a gift. I think it's his pride and you're just really feeling like you, you want to get back to the community, you know, the Gay Street Community, the men who have sex with men community. Yeah. And honestly, there are a lot of men who have sex with men who don't want to shame them. Somebody


tried to tell me on Facebook, I was like, so of course, I had to go off on the fact that the monkey pox is now just fully being blown into a gay crisis. And I'm like, what? So what about like men who sleep with men, but they're like, oh, like that's called on the DL. I'm like, listen, Becky, I don't need to know your exact terminology or whatever the fuck you think, you know, sitting behind your little keyboard. I can't like I did DL. I'm gonna be like, Honey, Becky. It's not your husband's computer.


I like it's not really the download when anyone can find out about it. This is why I wrote is hunting


gay. Because I really feel like men do things gay as fuck. And you think of Brokeback Mountain. You think of all these things? Which PS I have something to tell you later.


Hey, did you jerk off to Brokeback Mountain?


Oh, probably back in the day.


I was gonna say in 2005. Absolutely. Now No, I have in the theater. Yes. Now, I have not ventured off into theater. We can't answer that legally.


Like I never like Well, we've talked about fingerbang ation, and theater. I never did that. And God. There's just things that I wish I would have done though. Like, sorry to skip back to the high school thing. My friends used to masturbate and I wouldn't do it with them.


I'm sorry. What? Yeah, wait, no rewind. They were like


joking. We were in like seventh grade and they would watch the Discovery Channel. Like it was like, tribes or whatever. Were you to their tits.


Oh, you look so scary. Because I used to watch that show. Have you seen those tips? I know. I didn't think they were like jerky. They're not jerky station. They're


like, Oh, this is.


So wait a minute, though. Please, detail. Here's


the reason why though, because I was insecure of my sexuality. That goes to my point that I tell all this right. You


know, you would come in 20 seconds. No, I?


Well, you wouldn't. And I knew it would confirm what I already knew. Which was that I love dick. It would also just to me, it would be a way for them to out me somehow. And for whatever reason I feel. I guess maybe this could Oh my god. Oh my god. I'm not having to break through. Because of my trauma. I feel like no matter what the situation is, it's my fault. I'm having a moment. I'm having I'm having a moment. That's a problem right there.


Like in the truck, too. You thought in the truck that that was your fault. Yeah. Well, I think we're talking everything is my fault. And I guess that's called the shame that homosexuals feel.


Well, you don't really talk about it openly. Okay, I do. Oh, yeah. No, definitely. Yeah. No, that's a yes or no. Oh, sorry. Definitely. Like, I don't know what the answer was there.


Let me have my heavenly I cannot have my moment my way. I just don't talk about my epiphanies. Well, maybe you should. This is an open forum, honey. I think I keep them internal. It's true. Do you think they ever get escape in other ways? Absolutely. The rage and maybe your eating disorder? Wow, wow. Wow. See, honey. She had a moment and then she went back into the Dark Hole depression.


Let's just do one more. I feel like we're on a roll. I just feel like anyway, it's over an hour. I know, honey, we're fine. I had to say this one thing and this goes back to like all of that. And I wrote this today. Okay. bulkhead shore. Okay. We know jersey shore. The shore is an actual place.


Thanks for confirming that. I knew that Bama shore. Okay, that sounds like Florida and Alabama. There's the beach. Okay. There's a Buckhead shore. And where is this in Atlanta? Yes. Atlanta.


The Atlanta the Chattahoochee River.


So there's a shore and they call it a shore? No.


They have a show on MTV. Now that's called Buckhead shore and no, now listen, this is what I wrote. There is no short and Buckhead What the fuck is going on? This makes me think life is like not real and that my mind controls everything and everything somehow comes back to me. Is that narcissistic or unlocking the universe, narcissistic or unlock in the universe? Because I feel like how the fuck is the place that I lived? You're unlocking your own universe. I'm saying like, why is there a Buckhead shore now? Well, I


never show but I've never even heard of it. That'd be like saying,


we're gonna do Grandview shore. Or where did you grow up? Over heights or whatever? Where did you grow up? Upper Arlington shore? And you'd be like, there's no shoring up. Indian like, Okay, what like, where am I? You understand? I'm saying and then like, Yeah, but you moved away from there and,


like, you should have stayed so you could be on the show necessarily, but it's


like you it's like it's I don't know, like it's it's a sign a sign of


what, I don't know. It's not a sign of prom. I'm telling you. This is the kind of things they're just finding these like, trashy southern cities to have these short shows on


buckets like they're working well. hills of the south and I'll be honest with you,


I did stay there because


Marlborough Hills is nice.


Yeah. Probably one of the South right I was like Beverly Hills is nice. Hollywood is normal trash. Where the fuck and when they're like we live in we have it's like, oh okay so you're so you're poor you're poor and you're ugly. Okay, but you have you're the ones with the good bodies you're ugly faces that's what's Hollywood Beverly Hills good body good face


if you're in West Hollywood please write in because I would like to know your your thoughts on opinions and thoughts and prayers on it?


Well, I'm glad you're manifesting your own universe and you're having breakthroughs and everything else and it's all gonna go back to normal tomorrow when you're sober. But we really had a trip today. We've had a trip and we've had it's hot because we have hot legs. I'm hot as hell. And you're wearing a poncho. Maybe we


should get sexy for the camera. This has been oh.


Oh god, that was salty. That was a tip moment and it was salty. Yes, okay. All right. Oh, that I've never felt your city like that. No, I just grabbed it. Yeah, I've never like bounced on it.


Yeah, bounce baby bounce. Bounce minds puffy


too. Oh my God. Where are we to sister? We're living our twin No, we're living are We are twins. I can't even do this properly for pride.


Yeah, you're well


I did it. I'm a star. Yeah, so


anyway, this is I feel like we just had our high school moment like we were bitching about not being one of the guys and we're like I felt your


teddy. Oh my god shove it in my say


this has been another episode of not Well, I'm Bobby I'm jam. See you next time where we might be dressed as 2010 people or hopefully nude in a hot tub. Oh, that'd be fun or in the park. The park is cruising man.


Okay, yes. Let's see. Yes for me. I got off by Bye. Oh my god, that was hot. It's hot. But I don't know how the drag queens do it.