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March 30, 2020

Gay Dancing Shark Featuring Anthony Villiotti

Gay Dancing Shark Featuring Anthony Villiotti

In this weeks episode we start our Virtual Happy hour series with Anthony Villiotti. The New York ex Stand up comedian and creator of Miz the Podcast joins us via Zoom. We discuss pornhub, New York, Alcohol delivery, subways, trashy bars and much much more. This episode is full of unexpected turns and twists that should leave you highly entertained and laughing. We had so much fun doing this!!

Check Out Anthony Villiotti



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spk_1:   0:00
welcome to She's not doing so well. It's a pot. I'm Bobby. What is this? In fact, you're free to come with. Tongue is my comings in my throat and I did it. Try to limit the box to 10. Love it, honey. I'm just so awkward at this. God, hello,

spk_2:   0:31
everybody, and welcome to she's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. Please make sure you subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Spotify or whatever platform that you use. You can also go to. She's not doing small dot com for exclusive content or just pictures are just whatever. How's your week? I'm sure you're wondering why the cheesy background music, but guess what people are about to fucking snap. So I decided, Why not open in this episode with a little tranquil listening music? This episode is actually very incredible. We have New York's finest Anthony Velayati, owner, CEO and creator of Miss the Podcast. Also ex stand up comedian. We'll talk about that. Please check out his podcast, M i z the podcast on all your listening platforms. We talked about all kinds of stuff in this episode. Actually, although this is tranquil now, it gets a little rowdy. We had our first virtual happy hour with Anthony. And at first I thought, This is gonna be fucking awkward because, you know, you're talking to somebody you don't know. Be a zoom. If you don't have a zoom, I highly recommend to download it. It's nice. It's a good way to connect, and you can have everybody on the screen and blah, blah, blah. But we sat and we had a conversation and it was amazing. And actually, I felt like I was making a friend, which is I don't know if it is a sign of the times or what's going on, but it was like a really fun happy hour. We got a witness, Miss. I call him Is He's like, You don't know my name like, I know your name bets Anthony, but I calm is it was just good conversation. It was something that I actually didn't expect, and it was amazing. So I can't wait to play this for you also just want to check in on everybody's mental health at this point. I know I talked about it just a little bit ago, but make sure you're calling your friends your family your older relatives, your neighbors make sure you're staying connected because this will pass because we're badass and we'll get through this. But you also need to make sure people in your life are still being taken care of. And you know, everything is smooth as it possibly can be for others. I know we're supporting local. We love seventh son here at She's not doing so Well. It's a burglary here in Columbus, Ohio, they deliver the beer. So if you're in Columbus, go to their website and order the beer, they deliver it for free. If you're not in Columbus and you're somewhere else, make sure you're supporting your local breweries, restaurants, shops. It's really important in these times, anyway. But not for the motivational speaking. We're about to get to business here. I'm letting this track kind of fade itself out, but we're trying to do some exciting things here, and by that I mean as much to be can via Internet. So again, if you know somebody who has an interesting story if you know someone famous, if you yourself want to be on the show, please at least have a subject to talk about. But right now, we're just trying to do whatever we can to meet people, laugh and not really give a fuck about what's going on. Even though it is serious and something we need to be paying attention to. We also need to remember that laughter is the best medicine. Thank you. Also, I guess I'll give my Netflix, um, update of the week watch Tiger King. It's fucking insane. I'm still not done yet, but it's I can't I don't really I mean, I don't know how to describe it at this point. I'm sure if you've seen it, you understand my bizarre response to it because it's just I mean, out of this world, out his world fucking bat shit crazy. So if you're looking for some entertainment, there's seven episodes, and that'll get you through well, half a day. But, hey, it's better than nothing makes you're going outside. Make sure you're still getting your steps. And even though that's advice I need to take, but it's really important to continue to try to move around, laugh Hell, even cry if you have to. You don't. I mean, like, right now, it's sort of one of those things that it's important to just feel alive. Like, for example, yesterday we went to Lowe's and we bought ferns and I wore gloves and had a mask, just in case. There's a lot of social distancing, but with my gloves about stuff to do stuff in the yard. So make sure you're staying busy. Stay creative. Hell, make a podcast anyway, without further ado, the song's over. So let's hear the interview with Anthony Ville Yadi a k a. What? I like to call him Mrs

spk_0:   5:24
Hello. Oh,

spk_1:   5:26
my God. She's alive.

spk_0:   5:28
I'm barely alive. How are you? Uh, it's a Corona. Yeah, across the lake. But the corona light, Thank God. Yeah, it's a Colonel. I I have a first mark on the way, so I'm gonna have to get up and, like, running the door, open the door about for someone. But no

spk_1:   5:46
way you can get marks delivered.

spk_0:   5:48
Yeah, it's a New York. Like we can get frozen mark deliver So they come in This ready is an empty one from the day days ago.

spk_1:   5:57
That's a good size 32. That's huge. She's gonna be asleep.

spk_0:   6:01
I have been, like waiting. I've been on you. Asked me if I zoom like I've just been on Zoom all Can I literally ready to die. I'm about

spk_1:   6:12
I'm like, Yeah, he's, um you're like, Yeah, I'm like, Oh, I just figured it out because I'm fucking 35.

spk_0:   6:18
Dude, I've been between Skype for

spk_1:   6:20
business. Yes. So you were auditing. What's that all about?

spk_0:   6:25
Uh um, it's BU. Basically, you have, like, clients who issue financial statements and like where The ones who would make sure they're right before they go out. So one of my clients is finally now admits of all this bullshit, and it's like sec like regular like there's like there's like and they're very slick. It a victory where they give, like, release. So obviously, Krone virus doesn't cut it. Apparently, I know. I heard you did a drive by Bobby with your microphone.

spk_1:   6:55
Yeah, I did well, and then I actually went inside and had a beer. But, I

spk_0:   6:59
mean, not accident, like, you know,

spk_1:   7:01
I mean, it was just access essential. That doesn't sound like social distancing. Now he's like, we're breaking the rules and, like, Well,

spk_0:   7:09
I know they're gonna come shut you down.

spk_1:   7:11
I know it's been Well, it's not as bad here, is it? Is there

spk_0:   7:14
Yeah, around streets day and, like, get like a salad and it just like what's the bed? And it was really weird, but I kind of love so weird, like that is so I prefer it this way to be on. It's like I'm like, like being out there in the street. So, like like no one out there are my like It just really underscored how annoying it usually has all these fucking people.

spk_1:   7:35
Because every time in New York, it's like, Oh, my God, how did these people even live like this? There's people everywhere now

spk_0:   7:40
in facts. But wait. And remember your trip to New York when you avoided me like the plague?

spk_1:   7:44
Yeah, I had seniority had Corona so

spk_0:   7:47
already had Corona. Like, I already have a name from the inn, like January 2020.

spk_1:   7:53
Well, I was really drunk the first night, and you're going out later. It was your birthday, and

spk_0:   7:57
I was

spk_1:   7:57
like, Well, I'm tired and

spk_0:   7:59
yeah, I didn't Didn't you, like, wake up a pizza on your something like that?

spk_1:   8:03
Yeah. No, I mean, probably not. There was pizza involved, for sure.

spk_0:   8:08
Wait Where did you guys get going? Get in your trip to New York on my

spk_1:   8:11
God. We just did were basic as fuck. We were in Hell's kitchen a lot. We stayed late, actually. Will. Never will never stay at Times Square. Go.

spk_0:   8:19
Okay. Yeah. Hold on. My mark. It's here.

spk_1:   8:24
Yeah. Oh, my God. I feel like I need to get a refill. Yeah, Go get a refill. I'm gonna get a refill. The guy walking up Thio. I cannot wait to see this way. Leaving.

spk_0:   8:36
Inhale. Marguerite. What kind of beer they are? You guys drinking? Right now,

spk_1:   8:41
we're tryingto like the local. Got a view of the brewery's air Delivering your Yeah, It's nice. It's really

spk_0:   8:51
good, But so what is that? Like a local?

spk_1:   8:54
It's called Kitty Claw. Yeah, it's delicious. It's like a seltzer type thing. So then this place isn't just a margarita. Places like a restaurant. That's

spk_0:   9:08
a full blown Mexican restaurant. And they, like, make This is amazing. So here it is. Ready? Here's unveil of the mark.

spk_1:   9:16
I love how much is in there.

spk_0:   9:21
It's a whole court.

spk_1:   9:24
Wait. How much is that in New York?

spk_0:   9:25
It's like 25 bucks Oh, yeah, yeah, I know,

spk_1:   9:32
but it's a Mercury. It's delivered

spk_0:   9:34
right? And usually when I go out for Mars like that's like, Well, I I'd like a 27 ounce market. My favorite restaurant for like $2022 is actually pretty in terms of like, cost per like, relatively a good deal. Oh my God! Like Communist Discussed Yom looks amazing. Oh my God, It's amazing how it's also very strong. Like I like I didn't really It's how strong it was when I got it. So it's like you got to go down. I don't get it, too. I shouldn't start getting Thio Troops are getting too. But no, I never would have stronger was once accepted down. And I was like, on my food Tanovic blackout And I was like,

spk_1:   10:22
Oh my God, I want that margarita so bad Check it out. That is huge eyes it like strong Or is it like well,

spk_0:   10:28
like strong as I was saying, like, I didn't realize it would be strong, but then I, like, sucked it all down like I think I got one and then I was like, Oh my God, it's like black and I was like the best swarming around. Like what the fuck out? Drinking kitty Par. What?

spk_1:   10:44
Yeah, I just finished my way. Can

spk_0:   10:46
you describe Kitty Palm? I don't think I've ever encountered Kitty Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat. It sounds. It sounds like the preferred beer of the games. To be honest,

spk_1:   10:56
I don't see like this one's a key lime guava. There's no extracts, additives or back sweeteners. There is no back sweep fruit. I don't know if they're like, tryingto, I don't know club.

spk_0:   11:11
Yeah, like local. Wait, calm comes like

spk_1:   11:16
I think that's what it is.

spk_0:   11:18
Yeah, I like that vegan key lime guava. That's very interesting.

spk_1:   11:22
It's really good. I just like I don't know. I don't like this. And

spk_0:   11:25
yeah, I don't really feel we are guava much for Mike. I gotta have a reason not to.

spk_1:   11:31
Right? And these times you got to try new things. You know, it's

spk_0:   11:33
exactly right. Like in these times, like you just kind of just world with you, just roll over. Is your workday done like guests? And no, I just got an e mail, but I'm not Friday, so, like, it's kind of

spk_1:   11:49
like it should be done

spk_0:   11:50
with the marks here, So just

spk_1:   11:53
just f y I did You know that Pornhub is like premium right now? Everyone

spk_0:   11:57
way I like. Okay, So actually had some cards. It's about the skin today because I realized like I used really like weird corn websites. I think about it. Let's just unpacked. That's like I have, like, a couple of things that bookmarked on my phone. Hey, first of all, everyone watch porn on their phone.

spk_1:   12:20
Um oh, well, he doesn't have an eye, Max. So excuse me, I have a Mac book pro. Do you deem watch

spk_0:   12:27
porn on your Mac or pro or not?

spk_1:   12:29
Yeah. Yeah. And I think the phone is more accessible. I know everywhere have bad.

spk_0:   12:37
I you can't see the phone screen. Well, dick

spk_1:   12:41
be a bit a little bit bigger way all say, Oh,

spk_0:   12:45
Okay, I got you.

spk_1:   12:46
But what do you have a bookmark?

spk_0:   12:48
So I have this once. I called gay male tube dot com. Oh, that seems to be like my go to the reason why it's relevant because I realized I'm never on port. It's like, why don't you?

spk_1:   13:02
Yeah, you should.

spk_0:   13:03
And then I have was a lot, and then I have this other one bookmarked because he looks like Chris Brown. So I was like, Okay, I just have that. But

spk_1:   13:12
you could go to risk around. I'm like video, but

spk_0:   13:15
yeah, I have his selfie, His or not. I haven't

spk_1:   13:21
seen that, Bobby. I feel like I have. Oh, it's pretty good. I always look at every celebrity's dick time it comes out. You

spk_0:   13:28
know, like the baby on Christmas Eve. His dick pic was like circulating, and it was like

spk_1:   13:34
a baby isn't to Bobby's into delivery porn. So, like the mark, Yes, brought we I would have answered the door naked and you're like, Oh, leave elaborate. It's like I'm I'm really into, like, when you like. You're the point of view, the person answering the door. And so the delivery guy is there, you know, power. And you're like, oops, my towel and then you like that. I'm always imagine like, oh, shit, something's gonna happen. It is. Sometimes it's, uh, I it's really wanna be the guy showing your day.

spk_0:   14:04
That was my question. Who are you in?

spk_1:   14:07
I'm the fly on the wall. I mean, I just like watching

spk_0:   14:13
you got involved in the trade. Well, your job the one

spk_1:   14:16
that's flashing. If I guess if I don't work, I'm a peasant,

spk_0:   14:21
Right? You're not like a delivery. All right,

spk_1:   14:25
give it well, but for now, right? Pretty soon that's gonna be the top job to get. Well,

spk_0:   14:31
seriously, I was like all these people bringing in Marv's Mike. You're not like you're driving like you're welcome. Okay, so So it is a genre important that you like, watch frequently,

spk_1:   14:44
so I like anonymous. Born to like where? It's like anonymous walk ins, like in hotels. And, like, why married men?

spk_0:   14:50
Oh, my God. I feel like you've formed your

spk_1:   14:54
like I like Dick. And I'm like, Well, here's what I like. Way set the tone for you

spk_0:   14:58
away. I'm obsessed. Okay, So you like anonymous corn, Please? A lot We have. And then we have to foot back. Thio delivery. Yes.

spk_1:   15:07
Okay, So I want to talk about anonymous is like when you like, have your hotel door cracked and you're laying there with face down, right? As you blindfolded. No talking. Sure. And it's usually a married guy. That's like on his lunch break. Fuck the guy and then leave. No word said nothing. So,

spk_0:   15:31
like disguises laying face down like ass spread out of hotel bag with the dork Dept. You know what? I don't know. Some guy just comes in, sticks it in. And is that like, Yeah, that's it. That's very who are you in the situation?

spk_1:   15:50
Hold it on the bed. Spread out. Yeah, that's what I'm like next.

spk_0:   15:55
Just like anyone. Anyone in this motel? Six with cleaning lady keeping. Yeah. And clean this whole delivery porn with anonymous corn with your another one or, um was like, Oh, my

spk_1:   16:12
God, To keep you were tearing me apart right now. But I do like car porn. To what? You saw a car. Oh, yeah, Yeah, that car. So what a car. Some of the scenarios air like straight guy gets in my car bubble or uber driver gives me a handy or give them somebody, they recover handy. Well, here's a scene that there's like, Yeah, I'd be giving it, but there's like, one and 50 uber drivers are hot,

spk_0:   16:37
right? Right. It's

spk_1:   16:39
not gonna happen.

spk_0:   16:39
I know. That's the worst. That's the worst. When you come across the whole uber driver, you're like I wish I could make this happen. And like so I've been banned from multiple ride sharing app. So I really like No, I really can't, like, play around with.

spk_1:   16:52
Are you misbehaved? Like what happened?

spk_0:   16:54
Okay, so I got banned from uber on the fourth of July 2017 because my friend, like, took off her like, top in the car and just, like, jumped into the driver's seat with the driver and like, trying to get him like Lakers on my account. So then, yeah, So when I got banned and that her

spk_1:   17:11
life was for, like, a year

spk_0:   17:12
life Oh, they called me like it is like a time I'm like, Who is this? Like It's uber. And like we were your face you've been We can't allow you back on the map.

spk_1:   17:23
Oh, my God. I

spk_0:   17:25
know, I know. When I even bought a new phone number to try and register for uber again and they, like, found me out somehow, bitches. Fuck you.

spk_1:   17:33
Oh, my God! That's horrifying.

spk_0:   17:36
Yeah. So then I got banned from via because I threw up in Libya. You got havina?

spk_1:   17:41
No, we don't have God West. Yeah, I I threw up something you throw up in the right.

spk_0:   17:47
Right? So, luckily, I have not really

spk_1:   17:50
sick with mist. That's good

spk_0:   17:54
on left in New York City. But obviously, but yeah,

spk_1:   17:57
what's your love life like right now? Because

spk_0:   18:00
my near people Well, my love didn't exist before. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The last guy ever I hooked up with with in January, Okay? It's been like some months. That's it with an audience member of a show. I did in that way.

spk_1:   18:19
01 It was L A. That's what's gonna say. Yeah, I was in a

spk_0:   18:22
wire. Yeah. Please get me the New York City Men are like fucking garbage. I hate him. All right,

spk_1:   18:29
So you had a rendezvous in l A Did you mean about the abbey?

spk_0:   18:32
No. So I don't Okay. I went to a game only after I met him because I was there for work. And then I found out I was doing the show like, very last minute. So then I got trash at some bar, like in my hotel, and I think I should do the show. And I was there was exploding out bullshit. And then some guy in the audience and I, like, hit it off. And then and then he wouldn't fucking leave my hotel. I was like, Okay, I have to fly out of here to New York, like, can you get out? And he just stayed the night. I was like, This is the worst. You

spk_1:   19:06
know, my anonymous is where it's, uh

spk_0:   19:08
I will agree with that, Like, just fine. And then get out. Like that's exactly

spk_1:   19:15
it's cute until we get off. And then it's like, Okay, I need you to go

spk_0:   19:18
right. And then what do you want to stay in like, No, no way. I don't even know your name.

spk_1:   19:26
Whatever your name is, Eric or whatever,

spk_0:   19:27
right? Like last happened in August. I think I do know that I did my first and last grinder hook up in August from that team. I know. I hate crime. New. I know.

spk_1:   19:38
Yeah, I've never tried it.

spk_0:   19:40
It's like a wasted effort. You

spk_1:   19:43
just send it? Yeah,

spk_0:   19:46
and then they send you, like their location, a map, and you're like, OK, I'm close. And then they're like, OK, Mike, come in on, uh, one of my cash.

spk_1:   19:57
Choose from because I think here it's limited

spk_0:   20:00
together everywhere. Right out of school, literally. I haven't tried, like the whole get with someone during a corn team like thing, but yeah, I imagine it's not like a thriving market right now.

spk_1:   20:15
That's what I was thinking like. It would be horrifying to like, If this goes on for a while, it's going to be bad. No, not the

spk_0:   20:21
gays are going to go nuts. Like, I guess people have to buy the sex toy. It's if they don't have him already. Yeah,

spk_1:   20:28
but I mean, yeah, you better buy one. That's how about the chase for me, Like the

spk_0:   20:33
chaff. I'm changing with you. I'm with you. I, like, have some sex toys that I haven't liked dusted them off. And,

spk_1:   20:41
honey, it's about done yet. Well, he's in New York, so there are no, like, fast track to hell, right?

spk_0:   20:48
I know. I feel like I don't know when it's gonna not be no, like we're just gonna be I'm gonna be in a fucking apartment till I die. I guess

spk_1:   20:56
I will say, How do you feel about Daddy Cuomo? Because, like we're watching a

spk_0:   21:00
tatty Cuomo, I think He just needs, like, shut the fuck up. I think he just everyone much like, Yeah, it's not that I inherently disagree with what he's saying. I'm just like, Okay, just stop talking. Yeah.

spk_1:   21:13
It's like a bad power point, isn't

spk_0:   21:16
it? Like that team that went, like, 90 minutes over on the presentation. And you're like, Oh, my mom. Oh, my family. And I mean literally. I could not give her. Just give me back about your family. Just tell me what's happening and you get off the goddamn scream. His

spk_1:   21:35
brother's hot, though.

spk_0:   21:36
Who? I don't know anything about his brother. His brother.

spk_1:   21:39
He's seeing then, um, Chris Cuomo. Credit Chris, How old daughter. I was younger Chris

spk_0:   21:50
Cuomo. I didn't even know he, like, was the thing.

spk_1:   21:53
Yeah, he's way harder than his brother, E. I mean, he's a daddy.

spk_0:   21:59
I mean, he's a daddy for sure. I also don't usually go for a white guy, but okay, fine. I mean, it's that zones right now, but that's fine.

spk_1:   22:10
But you have on right now state or something. Is it really? You guys are so butch. I'm just No, bro.

spk_0:   22:19
I'm a jock. Total really have seventh grade. So, you know, again like a laundry cases are closed. I don't have a washer and dryer. A slim pickings in terms of

spk_1:   22:31
with it. Must be nice for you. Never wear stuff from seventh grade direction from last

spk_0:   22:38
week. Way larger, like I used to be like Like, Oh, be trouble ahead. Oh, yeah, I think 230 that really

spk_1:   22:48
pisses me off because you know what? Your trouble kids In high school, they get skinny and ha and then, like the like, decent people in high school get fat and ugly. Well, I didn't get ugly, but I got fat, you know? And this quarantine is not helping.

spk_0:   23:01
I was gonna say this quarantine, like although, if you heard of my most receptive podcast called fat bitch, but that I really related Thio sitting around eating for no reason. Like yesterday I was absolutely not hungry. All ordered a 12 piece chicken finger. So you failed Your fucking ate it like it was no big deal. Here we go, because I know, like, who do I have to look good for? Like I said, my friend and I might just be the dripping I just fucked myself like who cares?

spk_1:   23:36
Summer bodies are on hold,

spk_0:   23:38
everybody. We're all gonna come out of this quarantine and just be like Nass. And we're gonna be like,

spk_1:   23:44
Oh, no, it's so Mick Mast, Mick. But if we're all made of

spk_0:   23:50
nasty Yeah, I also haven't worked out since February 22nd. Granted the sing them happening until, like, mid march till I just, like, haven't worked out in over a month, and it's not looking like it's gonna happen.

spk_1:   24:04
Oh, no, everything's go. I should start walking. I mean, that's a start.

spk_0:   24:09
Yeah. Where could you go for a walk? I don't know. Just in the neighborhood I live in, like, a community. Or is it like, a sit now? Like ready. But I'm,

spk_1:   24:19
um Let me see if I can, like,

spk_0:   24:22
Wait, go on. Google maps. Like what? Town. What,

spk_1:   24:26
So look up. Columbus, Ohio.

spk_0:   24:28
OK, that's like a city rain.

spk_1:   24:30
It's a city. It's like number 13 or 14 in the country. So we're pretty big and

spk_0:   24:37
that you guys live in Columbus. I'll Yes. Now do you live in like, down is like a downtown

spk_1:   24:43
There is this New York Oh, Jesus is in a real town tone like, if you're like it's our NYC in l. A. Then we might be in trouble.

spk_0:   24:55
Like what is it? Downtown column with Ohio? Just looking up. What? Being a destructive that offender.

spk_1:   25:02
That's fun. Bobby still in there? Yeah. I like walking down the German village. Oh, it's like old brick houses. Creek couple's

spk_0:   25:15
ties. What's Italian Village like? Cleaning up? Is there like a gay area of Columbus?

spk_1:   25:26
Oh, yeah. What's going on, honey? Short North

spk_0:   25:29
short. Northway. I just saw that.

spk_1:   25:31
This this is really gay, actually. Okay. Yeah. What

spk_0:   25:37
is the Union Cafe? Gable Way. Got it. Is fun guy.

spk_1:   25:43
No, it's amazing. You would love it. I was going to compare it to Austin, but Austin was

spk_0:   25:49
like, I never was awesome. I Oh, my God, No, It is a cluster cluster, Austin. Okay, fine. Austin as a city. Whatever. It's fine, but Austin Bergstrom International Airport is a fucking shit hole, and they can't get a flight off the ground. And I'm so mad at him still

spk_1:   26:07
Well, they don't have direct flights. A lot of places to it was the direction York, I'm sure you are. New

spk_0:   26:15
York. Yeah, we had a flight, but granted, it took me three days to get on it. So, like

spk_1:   26:21
it's just a shit show there. It's so high. It's like they don't have a perimeter to go around the city. So it's just north. And now this is I was not a

spk_0:   26:29
fan, and it's hanging out on like, the U T campus at, like no alarms called Arab Cowboy. And then I went to a gay bar alone and okay, so ready. So you tomorrow? Yeah, it's like it's like you shape, right? Okay, I'm on one end over here, like, alone with my head from them, like no one is next to me. The other sides of you are like cat, and I'm just like sitting there just like, just like, absolutely being like avoided. And I'm, like, one big number sense. So then I went to a straight bar, and that was a huge mistake and that

spk_1:   27:06
Oh, they was I get older.

spk_0:   27:09
I know. I know. Them.

spk_1:   27:11
We go to gas works in Okay, hang out. With what? Point to your gas Jim Warren category. Because this is one of Bobby's favorites as well. Oh, wait. It's basically a lot of undergrad. Like you can get in if you're 18. This in Columbus? Yeah. There's a bunch of places like this.

spk_0:   27:34
Is it gasworks spelled with an E. T o. I think this is where you,

spk_1:   27:45
like, get really black out, and you end up a gasworks, like trying to hit on straight boys. And I'm like, let me see your like I was going to see your dick, and it

spk_0:   27:51
works. Okay? I miss being a description real quick, and then I want to get up. Dive into Let me see your dick. Okay. Ah, garage themed watering hole with multiple bars and drink specials. Is that accurate? It's a garage themed watering hole.

spk_1:   28:12
I never thought of that, but yeah, that is how it is. Well, they didn't update, though, so but that's still a graduate.

spk_0:   28:19
Garage seemed watering hole where you ask underage straight man to whip out their decks Well, under

spk_1:   28:26
well under age. So let's not get crazy. Also legal,

spk_0:   28:31
legal, legal. Fine, Fine.

spk_1:   28:33
I swear. God, people probably I'm such a fucking I'm always like young guys. They're like e t. I have always liked justify over 18.

spk_0:   28:40
Fair enough. Fair enough. So let's discuss what a typical night at gas works with E. Looks like

spk_1:   28:48
you, you walk in and there's always hot cops like patting you down and looking up and down. There's like a dancing shark on the patio. What excited like one of those like Wait, what are those called way? Actually, the name of that. It's like a mechanical bull, but it's actually a shark, and you can ride it and you can write it. Write it into the sunset thing. You go in and it instantly smells like urine. Okay, Gotta gotta gotta. And it's just and the drinks. It's like $3 for a beer, man. Maybe two. Yeah, bump them. And Bobby, that's geo. And then I just end up. So I'm 65 Little dominant. Walk up to these, like, straight guys. They're like, Hey, man, did you? Just after, like, a hockey hockey hockey gear? Yeah, wear a lot of hockey. Oh, yeah, Well, like jurors will like hoodies and jerseys. But wait. So what if I go to the game? What's your favorite hockey team? The Columbus Blue Jackets? Yeah, they play New York. I mean,

spk_0:   30:05
I don't even know what your team's fault

spk_1:   30:07
Rangers and Islanders. Um, anyway, Wow. So I walk in. I'm like, Yeah, good game, guys. And, well, I kind of like all their girlfriends will be like, Oh, my God. These guys are so fucking fine. And I'm like, Okay, eventually it turns into let me see your dick, and I don't know

spk_0:   30:24
how. How did we get there? That I think eventually doesn't do it justice? Like, what's like that? Like, what's the bridge between good game guys and let me see your back.

spk_1:   30:33
Usually the urinals in the bathroom.

spk_0:   30:35
Okay. Sure. Yeah. So your dare like taking a piss? Good. Gail, let me see your deck slap. Do you, like, sneak a little peek? And then they like,

spk_1:   30:46
Well, it'll be like that. They're always straight. Guys want to show their

spk_0:   30:52
day? Yeah, I agree with that. I

spk_1:   30:55
just gotta ask him. And they're like, it's not agree. And like, it's fine to me. Todo standard. Yeah. Listen, you're like, this is fine folders. Find any. Let me see your I d. Let me see your I d in your bag.

spk_0:   31:10
Oh, my God. Wait. I'm actually super jealous. I've never even attempted to do anything like that.

spk_1:   31:16
Yeah, you might have to come to Columbia sometime because it's really ah experience. I think it's not like a

spk_0:   31:20
dying to step foot in gas works with me. I am todo like most I know that. But after this zoom conference, I very much so need to go to gas

spk_1:   31:34
and we're gonna get you on the shark. So you have a dancing shirt. I'm still very

spk_0:   31:40
like I feel like a bull is like, how? With a shark, Like, I don't know, whatever fun outside the search outside. It's like, What do you do in the winter? Or is it like you falling snow homecoming

spk_1:   31:55
this cold? You don't really do that. Don't do the shark in the winter. Really? Oh, happened like once it gets, like 50. That's what you're open for. Business. Yeah, it's open. It's raring to go. So

spk_0:   32:07
that's so that's like, but that's what it gave are correct. No cry. So what is a gay bar in Columbus? I'm gonna look it up.

spk_1:   32:15
Okay. Well, I fit in more at a wall like that's more. More. Yeah, that's for my I shine and you shine okay. Yeah. Yeah, like I work in the union. I get looks. So what kind of looks like weirdo old too fat. You know, old, that fem that send them old. Yeah, basically. I mean, over 25 them. And you're considered old at union? Yeah, there's like, young young they're bitches were close toe Ohio State. So, like those young cunts from up on campus come down And like, all thirsty Thursdays. And I'm like, why don't you get a job?

spk_0:   32:57
Yeah. Bitch. Did you guys go to school in Columbus

spk_1:   32:59
Way? Didn't know. I'm sorry.

spk_0:   33:04
You guys both fucking sometime.

spk_1:   33:05
Bobby, I'm from Atlanta. Uh, t o in Atlanta along George, our school, Atlanta. I mean, I grew up in Georgia. I don't sound country works. We'll just We can't say that way. I did it, but I'm telling you, like I can

spk_0:   33:34
Why? I feel like everyone hates where I'm at the school, so I feel like I don't like her. Where'd you go? Boston University. It? I hate it.

spk_1:   33:46
Is it the eagles or something of that

spk_0:   33:47
beat? That's Boston College.

spk_1:   33:49
Oh, bu terriers. Oh, that seems pretty appropriate. You in

spk_0:   33:54
sacks? I had to be.

spk_1:   33:57
Is it Is it like a big. I don't I don't know if I've heard of it. It's like it's I've heard of Boston College like

spk_0:   34:05
it's like big, but like it's done. We don't have a football team. It's not really good for anything in particular. It's just like $70,000 a year for nothing

spk_1:   34:18
to be stranded in New York now for however long,

spk_0:   34:20
right? Exactly Like you got me a career that I fucking hate. Something's e. I ask another question. How is your mum pissed off? Hot line going. That's no sorry, people sock. People do know would agree. I would agree. But why? Why in this instance, two people

spk_1:   34:38
suck. Well, it's really hard for people to get toe, have people pick up the phone and the like. Are you gonna pick up like No, it's just a message. Just just

spk_0:   34:45
smell. Why would they want people to pick up? In fact, she was, like, more so, like, I want it to be a voice mail, right?

spk_1:   34:53
Like I'm not. I don't want I'm not picking up. It's not a hot line like I have a life. I Hey, I'm eating

spk_0:   34:58
a mixed How are you, like,

spk_1:   35:01
let me let me hit record. Why

spk_0:   35:03
you passed? No, I was very pleased to learn that it was a voice mail. Oh,

spk_1:   35:11
yeah. You left a good one. I'm still holding the 2nd 1

spk_0:   35:15
Oh, my God. I love to Oh, God,

spk_1:   35:18
You're like, I have fucking chicken nuggets. And you were talking about the sandwich?

spk_0:   35:22
I was eating a chicken sandwich. Yeah, that's you guys discuss with vegetarian here. One of you.

spk_1:   35:28
Oh, not cool. Clearly not me, honey. Bobby loves chicken sandwiches, like right away. He was getting

spk_0:   35:36
everywhere. Wait. Also, I saw some really amazing footage of, you know, you were like Adam Bar talking to someone like staining interesting conversation, wearing like a pink hoodie, maybe. Yeah, I write it with her lair. Right? I loved that. Was Jessica Jessica way. You act

spk_1:   36:04
more like What is Jessica? We were at the abbey. Yeah, that wasn't that I got a drink, but for me,

spk_0:   36:11
I heard the abbey. It was fun. I ended up going. Mickey's the

spk_1:   36:16
Oh, yeah. We're supposed to interview one of one of the fat drag queens there. She didn't decide. Yeah, and she is fat and fucker it miss, You need to grow a beard. I want t o.

spk_0:   36:31
Okay. I grew a beard for a week. Oh, also like like how you how many men I

spk_1:   36:38
know. I feel like I have to call you. Make you know, my name is

spk_0:   36:42
unclear is whether that you met him before you.

spk_1:   36:45
Do you go? Yeah. I've asked you what you went by.

spk_0:   36:49
I don't really go by, Tony. I know my answer. Him handles. Dumb bitch. Tony. But that's because it was rigatoni,

spk_1:   36:56
so it's better. But

spk_0:   36:57
now it's just dumb bitch. Tony. Okay, I don't know if you'll be able

spk_1:   36:59
to see this, but this is me with a beer. Todo you could grow a good one that was going. It was last week, but he's getting itchy. Wasn't know that Italian here.

spk_0:   37:10
Here's the reason I need. So when I like, take selfie that, like, do this thing with my face were like stick my tongue to my teeth and my cheek bones ago, right? If I have a beard, you can't see that. So then I was like, No, forget

spk_1:   37:23
what are my cheekbones? Went a long time ago. Tongue tricks. Not gonna work. Yeah, like I've been trying to do the tongue for it for years. Do the

spk_0:   37:32
trick. So I was taking selfies while they wait. Why don't I look like I normally do what? I alter my face too And what it doesn't look like. And it was because of the fucking beer. So I was like, Good bye. And I shaved that. It's gotta go. Gotta go now. I shave every day like I always have to take every day, but I What? I resumed ship.

spk_1:   37:52
You could you could probably grow. Ah, mean beard like you really could I can tell.

spk_0:   37:56
I know. I'm a pretty hairy, which is disgusting. Not AWOL. I got a gay Columbus and go AWOL after Not

spk_1:   38:08
Yeah, you should get on this. You should.

spk_0:   38:12
I'm very interested to go. Especially now that I know about gasworks. I feel like it's a big incentive to go to Congress.

spk_2:   38:21
You have to. I mean,

spk_0:   38:23
it's like I don't even know how to combat when I take a train. Right? Fly like Wow way have direct slides like trains. How did you get to New York?

spk_1:   38:36
Actually have to take uber So I guess you did you fly into Yeah. Yeah. Don't Tell me what you're doing, Gordon. Yeah, Except LaGuardia's a shit show. To look

spk_0:   38:50
already is worse. I always find a new work, which, but like

spk_1:   38:55
he's been. Yeah, that's Santa Monica. Yeah. Wait with your past trip. Yeah. When we went, he needed a book bag for all his.

spk_0:   39:02
You hadn't went to Santa Monica to Did you guys do like the boardwalk?

spk_1:   39:08
Yeah, but that sucks. Yeah. I hate saying it's trash. Appear. Reminds me our times Square.

spk_0:   39:15
Yeah, I think the exact same time square. Just like just a rash. Just like, you know, a place I hate a train station. I can't No, I did not go to the train station in Santa Monica.

spk_1:   39:29
Know of some on your

spk_0:   39:30
train station in New York?

spk_1:   39:33
No, I went. Is that a thing? What is that? Which one did you go? So, you know, I guess I'm at the subway. Sorry, I don't have you know,

spk_0:   39:40
I don't I don't.

spk_1:   39:43
Well, I'm surprised I didn't get Corona that weekend because honestly, subways filthy. Same. The

spk_0:   39:47
subway is absolute self. I never take it. I always walk. Uh,

spk_1:   39:52
really, as it's just crowded it or dirty or Well,

spk_0:   39:56
okay, So here's some contacts. One day I was on the subway, and there's, like, some crazy lady on it, Right? And she's nothing burning his notes and shit. Okay, Like this subway car sounds like a burst up in plants, and she's like, I need to get out here. So that's why I'm I don't

spk_1:   40:14
know. Psychos. Oh, my God. I need to see where you're at a nightmare. Honey, she is just slipping away. Oh, she needs another. Okay, While you were going, you guess what? How much that costs, Bobby gas. How many ounces is not be? It's 30 bucks.

spk_0:   40:38
I'll be okay. 32 times. It's 32 ounces. How much is what was your guts? Now

spk_1:   40:45
I'm still saying I'm saying, like, Bobby, 20 bucks. 25. Wow. 25. And then you have to do a delivery fee.

spk_0:   40:53
Yeah, And I also had to order this food. I'm not gonna eat because they're, like, making it so that, like you, they can't just deliver alcohol.

spk_1:   41:01
Gotcha. Uh, let's have rules during a pandemic.

spk_0:   41:04
Yeah, I don't like, so I ordered this dumb thing of chips.

spk_1:   41:09
You will you lead. I'm Don't worry. I

spk_0:   41:11
don't want to eat him because based on fat bitch, I'm a fat bitch. So I need not be Well,

spk_1:   41:16
looks like fat bitch two's coming out

spk_0:   41:18
tomorrow. That bitch part too probably will come out tomorrow. Honestly, because I should I have not changed anything about my lifestyle since and recorded that bitch,

spk_1:   41:29
right? Nobody has its so fucking horrifying. I need to tell you about being a rat in your next life or something. Like I'm looking at my nose.

spk_0:   41:36
You trick? No. Oh, yeah. You mean being a sewer, Ron? Yes. I mean, my friend, like, years ago decided that when we die, we're going to reincarnate into, like, sewer rats like Butley, specifically New York City sewer rods somewhere just like be in the sewer, like running the game. Just trash. Just absolute trust. They're on par with radioactivity Way are

spk_1:   42:03
like a ninja turtle style.

spk_0:   42:05
Yeah, And then, like other animals down there, I'm gonna bitch like we're gonna need Those bitches are like, you know, like, I feel like to

spk_1:   42:13
be horrifying. If that's what I come back as is a seraph

spk_0:   42:16
knows you're gonna come back with a normal right. You find yourself in the sewer, and I'm gonna be there, Like what the fuck? You know,

spk_1:   42:23
I'll be at the pet store, honey,

spk_0:   42:26
I'll be in like, a Manhattan seaward. Just like yeah,

spk_1:   42:29
like I'm gonna be a friend. She you would you Could

spk_0:   42:35
you give me a friend? She Bobby, you could be a pet store rat. Although you're probably disease. And then, lastly, a sewer rat. And just, like, invincible. So also, can we talk about the video? You Something earlier sakes. I'm pissed about

spk_1:   42:50
my God, Yes, I was laughing so hard. We're about coughing animals.

spk_0:   42:54
Way specials. Good. You look 10.

spk_1:   42:57
I know he uh

spk_0:   42:59
Oh, my God. I don't need that stuff. No tattoos. Yeah. I mean,

spk_1:   43:06
that's when you know, But what does it mean? It's music notes coming out of my body. You like needed coal? Yeah. No, I You sort of the radio station, and I make my own music sometimes as a hobby. Nothing like serious. But what did you do with the radio station? Which radio station? Um, it was called 99. X was on alternative Rock station and Atlanta

spk_0:   43:29
All Rock. Yeah, Not really. You're such a rock person. Like coming together

spk_1:   43:38
I look at all, actually, to be honest with you, Like you from honey, I'm waiting explanation on, you know? You know, all the geyser like it was a possible looking at our bodies. Really? What's that? No, I like to listen to anything I look at

spk_0:   43:57
all. Do you, like, maybe like rap? Yeah. She likes easy. Yeah. I

spk_1:   44:03
mean, Omari on. I see. No, I don't like a Mari on. Sorry, I don't use it to kill your rock.

spk_0:   44:11
Yes, he thank you. He he isn't it. I like

spk_1:   44:15
it all. I like I really like Demi Lovato. Pre jammy Summer is my old choice. Oh, Demi. Is she the one with one kidney, or is she the one addicted to think

spk_0:   44:28
she was addicted to things, right?

spk_1:   44:31
Kidney's the other one. The one that was with Justin Bieber. Selena got here. I can't stand her. Nobody likes him. I don't know why I don't like her, though. I just don't

spk_0:   44:41
want hater, the only gay like Stan person that I've like. It's Mariah.

spk_1:   44:46
Um, all right. I think she's a con. Just turned 50 today, right? Yeah. Yeah, she did. I mean,

spk_0:   44:52
well, her Wikipedia page. See the iPhone 50 or 51. Oh, last year's her Wikipedia page have said either 49 or 50. I'm 48 or 49. So she's chief in weird power. She's

spk_1:   45:13
gonna be She's gonna be dead soon. I mean, let's go.

spk_0:   45:16
One more. I kill myself like,

spk_1:   45:22
Yeah, let's hear. List. I

spk_0:   45:25
feel like I'm fully fine with that.

spk_1:   45:27
Um oh, I see a Murray. I'm Wait. Let me see your wall. I know. I see your wall. I just He just showed it. Oh, sorry. Blacked out

spk_0:   45:39
from one kitty. Yeah, that's easy. Okay, I don't want to rob us. Yeah, Rick Ross, then the mental like, Yeah, ludicrous Conti on a did the Dirty South rap. Yeah, from Atlanta. I only like dirty South rap. Yeah, I mean, I don't even know I like everything. Okay, you have a tattoo because you worked at All rock radio station

spk_1:   46:14
and I made music. And I like I love music. So I'm gonna get this

spk_0:   46:18
unique music. Yeah. Wait. Where where is the oh,

spk_1:   46:22
house of Breck Productions. If you looked up God, I'm not a lot like you Access. Oh, my God. I gotta soundcloud. You can type in late, my love. 10 point. 0 10 point. Oh, yeah. Like, spilled out. Okay, Philip,

spk_0:   46:44
please. These rewinds 10 point. Oh, getting

spk_1:   46:50
raped on the coals in this episode. Like, are you fucking kidding me?

spk_0:   46:54
I do. I type it out, Like in letters. Yes, it's horrified on. Then fall away with a p

spk_1:   47:05
B. I like Point

spk_0:   47:07
Bryce. Oh, Oh, I ee. I think I found you

spk_1:   47:20
way. I mean, it's just like, Wait, is it? I found? Oh, this is a bad one. Play different. I play the organ shop, then played shopping

spk_0:   47:31
or construct. Can we just also just read about how?

spk_1:   47:34
Okay, this was when I was, like, 22 or 24. I love you, Mama. You

spk_0:   47:40
mean O r k A S t a r a h. Okay. Okay. Strong organs. Okay. Here it is. It's dramatic already. It's Yeah, that something you're about to get

spk_1:   48:00
anonymously fucking the most about sex. It's really dramatic. Like I'm very dramatic. It gets going for where it gets like a B. I don't either bear thing. The worst thing I've ever experienced right now my ass thing doesn't work out

spk_0:   48:29
ways. It's cute. You can you? Can you discuss how you made that like that? Like I like Go on the computer? Yeah.

spk_1:   48:38
On the computer. Everything's in the computer keyboard. That's it.

spk_0:   48:41
Oh, my God. Hello is a Yamaha WR way

spk_1:   48:46
nectar with a K and a Z a r

spk_0:   48:49
and N E K and e k t a r.

spk_1:   48:53
Yeah. How you spell nectar. Really? No. See, Yeah, It's like a so much orchestra. I know you're on the caves, Those music people,

spk_0:   49:03
because you're you're creative. You're creating

spk_1:   49:06
creative. Well, I'm I'm always a type your I feel your creative too, though, because I'm always the type. That's, like reaching for something. I'm like a photographer. I'm a video. I wantto Oh, I got another thing. If you if you look if you look at my YouTube page, I, um you want a little John? I want a little John contest. Uh, music video contests, like, back in the day for a nice

spk_0:   49:28
excuse. Ex squeeze me, Please give me every last detail about white.

spk_1:   49:37
Yes. So this wasn't like YouTube First came out kind off like he was very early in the YouTube game, and I can't wait. That

spk_0:   49:43
was I born? Well,

spk_1:   49:45
I don't really know. It was probably like I mean, what do you like

spk_0:   49:48
18? Actually, not that young 20.

spk_1:   49:51
No. Yeah. You're definitely not that young, honey. Your past

spk_0:   49:55
my old and gross five fucking Coronas Half finished 30 once, Mark.

spk_1:   50:00
And you had a corner before. Like, honey, you're just drinking away

spk_0:   50:02
and I am refreshed. Like

spk_1:   50:05
how I got your sorry. Yeah, What is going on? You have a fridge right there? No,

spk_0:   50:09
I I always just like before, I think Sit down for a while. I think. Load up a couple corners. That's actually smart, you know, because I know you always drink thrown on. Oh, I'm a huge fan. Huge Chor fan, Mostly a Carmelite fan. I will drink a corner. Premier, have you had a corner? A premiere.

spk_1:   50:27
Now I want to throw

spk_0:   50:28
a corona light. Have to point. Yeah. Colonel Light have five grams of carbs. A corner. Premier has 2.6 scraps.

spk_1:   50:36
Oh, wait. That's your ticket out of what is What is KPA have zero. I don't know how. No carbs. They say zero, But like cannot be riel.

spk_0:   50:52
It's not zero public Pretty close.

spk_1:   50:55
It's actually really good too. That's the crazy part. Really? Taste better than white cloth, To be honest, the gasworks and seven son. I hate gasworks. Seventh son. He's gotta go to union. Yeah, we gotta take you.

spk_0:   51:06
I don't know any of those things except

spk_1:   51:09
you money. And then we go axes. That's like a dance club type drag show. Watch the drag queens drug. What? You don't have a drag name secretly hidden.

spk_0:   51:21
And I hate dryer. I hate report. Hell,

spk_1:   51:24
man, you are just look atyou. Rebellious gay. I I literally I'm in my jersey and I hate rude

spk_0:   51:31
hate RuPaul and and And I'm a huge Nicki Minaj family. I am obsessed making the same. I fucking hate the chief on RuPaul.

spk_1:   51:41
I know that was the first episode this season. She just showed up

spk_0:   51:45
because I also just hate neck knowledge of a judge in general, because jean matter when she was on American Idol in 2010 and she s horrifying with Mariah. And I was like, How are you gonna tell Mariah Carey who is like an 18 number one hit like What the fuck to do on American Idol? Especially in 2010. I was just coming up to look like a up and coming rapper of until Mariah Carey. How? It's a judge singing Buck. No,

spk_1:   52:12
no. Are you afraid you have to cut your own hair pretty soon?

spk_0:   52:15
Well, I'm not going to come out here. They were quite fade. How do that so

spk_1:   52:20
same. I get a pretty good fade, but I

spk_0:   52:23
think some barbers air open, though. Well,

spk_1:   52:25
not here. Oh,

spk_0:   52:26
it's a barbershop open. It's probably underground. Maybe three days. Really? Yeah. Also have a big, like a hat wearer. So I saw how on it and called it that

spk_1:   52:39
Usually Jim's a hat where I'm usually not,

spk_2:   52:41
but my hair look like shit. So look, I'm throwing a hat.

spk_0:   52:44
Yeah, but we were happy for the remainder of my time in quarantine. If I can't.

spk_1:   52:49
So what? Would you rather would you rather be in quarantine until December? December? Oh, hold on or go live in Austin for three

spk_0:   52:59
months? Um, probably living off.

spk_1:   53:05
Yeah, because you'll eventually find something to like.

spk_0:   53:07
Hey, I think I'll be okay and awesome for three months. I

spk_1:   53:11
don't know. I thought you were gonna That was going to end of you Honestly,

spk_0:   53:13
I can't do this for much longer. This'd not working out. I can put my father. You

spk_1:   53:20
don't have a barber like we've got. This is not good.

spk_0:   53:23
I don't have a barber. And also, I don't have laundries. Oh, we're gonna have to figure that out.

spk_1:   53:28
Wait, What? Oh, that's a New York problem.

spk_0:   53:31
I think there is no laundry like you, like, machine in mind daily in my builder. Oh,

spk_1:   53:39
my God. You're gonna hand wash your clothes. And like Tang, um,

spk_0:   53:42
I actually have done that pretty frequently with workout clothes because I used to be on a whole kick. Gonna work classes every day, sometimes twice a day. But then I stopped caring about what I looked like, and I got my gym clothes like my head's

spk_1:   53:56
Cooley. Shit. Wait. So where do you normally do laundry, though?

spk_0:   54:00
Do the washing fold. Yes, I

spk_1:   54:02
know the Washingtons. I mean, you washing your phone,

spk_0:   54:06
you drop off a bag of laundry at the they send it out, have it washed and folded in, and then you go pick it up.

spk_1:   54:16
Go. I need that. Here you have it. His name's Michael.

spk_0:   54:19
Also true. I have one in my build in my store front. Like not in that bowling bowling in my sport. Friends. I was just dropping off my way to work by if I Okay,

spk_1:   54:28
I love this idea. This is bad. So is there any But I thought laundry was essentially

spk_0:   54:34
laundromats are so okay.

spk_1:   54:36
So you can't actually go to work.

spk_0:   54:38
I'm not going to a fucking lawn from I'm gonna wear, like, random, Chef. I have in my heart

spk_1:   54:44
and free like yours. Yeah. I don't think it's really weird. Like not seeing people on this is like the new normal is like looking on video chat. Like, I think it's so weird.

spk_0:   54:51
It's so weird, but like it

spk_1:   54:55
because it was complaining. But I don't really I think I'm getting used to it, especially with me in the background. You let me make you look way better than you do so hot with you in the background. Yeah, like I'm sorry. Get back. Thank

spk_0:   55:11
you both. A great wonder. What? Oh, I'm such a fucking peach. It's honestly,

spk_1:   55:18
you're a good worker. You're good. You're a good person. Like we're really not paying the right picture here. Wait. I'm so if you are. You're funny as shit to me. I think I don't want your podcast thing. You have to keep doing

spk_0:   55:35
it. You don't see them too, right? Yeah. Our I didn't separate my podcast

spk_1:   55:43
in season. No, I mean, the thing is is you're very random. It seems like sporadic with your releases. And we're like, trying to be pretty. But now with the Corona, it's like, this is not organized and you suck, but e

spk_0:   55:58
I blow around like you, so

spk_1:   56:03
no. Yeah, I have my favorite song. You like typing or some of the background here. Like so, uh, I'm like, yeah, we were saying

spk_0:   56:13
I like So like, for instance, like, I don't have a microphone Like when I record an episode. Is this? Oh, right. This is why I found I'm just like yeah, Like like, you know.

spk_1:   56:23
So when you're walking down the street to have your earbuds in or do you like talking to

spk_0:   56:27
no earbuds? Make it sound horrible. I put them into the people, think I'm psycho and turn off my Bluetooth. And then I was like, screaming my phone because it was one time if you listen episode I forget what number it is. But the elite die episode I was on the subway and I was like, screaming. My friend was like, I'm thinking people are gonna think I'm on the phone. But I was, like, Wait, like, you don't have surface under here, so I feel

spk_1:   56:53
like a fucking break. But it's New York. So it's like, you're like, Oh, this is nothing like what I was

spk_0:   56:57
saying. It was like, I've seen so many people on the subway like screaming. I mean, crazy that now, at worst, I'm one of that

spk_1:   57:05
at worst. But it's not even that right there fucked up shit in the subway.

spk_0:   57:09
Okay, so I just raining and my phone Like, who really here. Like

spk_1:   57:15
what? Other questions Do you have? You have any question? So would you ever consider leaving with the quarantine like me? Because we're not on lock down to this extent. I don't think Are we, Robert? Yeah, I think we actually are Usually the same. Is your mom around? So if you crowd and

spk_0:   57:33
you leave New York, you have to be you quote unquote have to be quarantined for 14 days. Yeah. I mean, I would go home like my parents. Like? Pretty, Like, not healthy, so I don't even want expensive. So I'm seeing a P CIA. I actually promised my mom I'd facetime her at, like, 8 p.m. Smith from my activity for tonight.

spk_1:   57:54
Well, hopefully you make it with all the

spk_0:   57:57
ugly. I'm honestly, I'm not. Do you justice past my leg, back of brain while speaking like I think I might have to guess. I see four ounces of parts.

spk_1:   58:11
Hey, you didn't get one more talk of make it official. I mean, what does it matter if you're hung over? You just lay there tomorrow anyway.

spk_0:   58:17
You know, I have a meeting tomorrow at 9 a.m. I know where on Vilma

spk_1:   58:23
House. Um oh, my God. Your life is on zoom right now, and I'm like, Come on, Zoom. You're a fucking idiot. Like it's this new cool thing. Yeah, I fucking use it all day long.

spk_0:   58:33
We're big on for business, so I just came with

spk_1:   58:37
businesses. Still, like running like some things are still running behind the scenes in You're like, Okay,

spk_0:   58:44
I fucking hate it, but no. I mean, I also like my me leaving New York with me going to New Hampshire and, like, I want a woman doing New Hampshire. That's like any more exciting than I'm doing in my Manhattan apartment right now, so I might as well sit here. Where do you live? Parents, like, moved away from me. My mom, like, made my dad move out of my dad. So wanna work, Mama, they get the fuck out. So I'm like, If I go home, it's just me, my mom, my likeness. Wait permanently moved out how he moved out. And so, like, longs for a short. My dad runs like a nonprofit like Children's home, and so there's like an on site apartment for, like anyone who needs eso, he's looking. But they have, like a nightly date at Duncan. Oh, yeah, it's kind of

spk_1:   59:34
you. I'm sure it's like that New Hampshire vibe, right? Balls in the entrance, except for

spk_0:   59:38
like, not rescue in terms of like this eight breaking

spk_1:   59:42
compared to New York,

spk_0:   59:43
right? So it's like Jersey jerseys getting hit kind of hard. Um, I feel like it's kind

spk_1:   59:50
of it's okay, though that jersey needs to be

spk_2:   59:51
cleaned up a little bit, you

spk_0:   59:52
know, So like, if some people in Jersey die. I think most people won't complain.

spk_1:   1:0:00
That's what I was thinking. Honestly, not trying to be rude, but but leg, but like but like, are we being round? No, I'm told. Well, okay, so I'm gonna put

spk_0:   1:0:11
my ticket to Columbus, and we're you know, where the fuck is that called Gas work or whatever

spk_1:   1:0:17
you can look now for probably $25 round trip since Yeah, actually, I

spk_0:   1:0:22
love that for me.

spk_1:   1:0:23
You've got a book for, like, October and hope for the best

spk_0:   1:0:26
and help that we're not. Stone Corn, James.

spk_1:   1:0:27
Cycle Thio start in the fall is what I'm hoping that was like, such a Debbie Downer moment right there. Which is we all dead? That's when the second season changer zum named Tony speared. Yeah, for you, honey. Wait. His name is Tony.

spk_0:   1:0:44
Didn't realize you could change your zoom.

spk_1:   1:0:47
Oh, honey, I could change everything. Like the zoom expert. You think your business is all about this? I've known about Zoom for years. I just kissed my first time on it. Ever. I just want to know how to do a background. You son of a bitch. I'll show you when I come over illegally.

spk_0:   1:1:06
You're, like, all about Zoom. I can't even deal with that body. But is that like sesame bun in that background for Oh, edgy are honey. It's Aguilar south. Be fun with some kind of a Oh, Liam,

spk_1:   1:1:19
it's honestly Oh, that was a chicken sandwich, man. That's that's the bun for his chicken saying all. Yeah, I mean, chicken sandwiches like that's a pinwheel. Whatever. Who's in that? He put right up his whole I mean, my whole you? No, the name.

spk_0:   1:1:35
I put her right at my whole easily take a whole sesame bun wedge right up there.

spk_1:   1:1:43
No loom. All those Caesar. Oh, no, no, no. Well, thank you for an absolute This was actually fun. I I like we should have, like, a surprise. Oh, no. What? It was fun, E. I thought you were gonna show is a little surprise at the end of a surprise. Not me, honey. Hobby. So it's no surprise.

spk_0:   1:2:11
I'll be mine. Surprise. Thank you for sharing.

spk_1:   1:2:17
Yeah, thank you for coming on, and I'll definitely have to do it again. I think I mean honestly,

spk_0:   1:2:22
doing a about she thought doing small podcast of the best.

spk_1:   1:2:27
Yeah. You can definitely promote us at any point about them is

spk_0:   1:2:32
No. We don't need to discuss the men's goodbye.

spk_1:   1:2:35
Oh, I I don't know what is. No. Yeah. Tell us about your podcast. I mean, you basically said you were canceling it, but you're not. We know, you know.

spk_0:   1:2:43
I'm not cans in the podcast. I'm canceling standup comedy. Oh, yeah, I'm done with him. Comedy?

spk_1:   1:2:50
No, You're good, though. I know. I mean, actually, but like I'm done. No, you're not. You're not. Once this

spk_0:   1:2:56
question, I'm sick of like getting in front of an audience like trying to make him laugh. Like I just want to say what I want to say, and I don't really care how people react. So she on So jockey like and something in with the gay community. A in the comedy sector. Whatever. But you don't have to. I'm gonna order in our mark. You guys should probably fear our way to get yourself a more

spk_1:   1:3:20
Yeah, for sure. I'm

spk_2:   1:3:21
like I want a mark.

spk_0:   1:3:22
I think you need tomorrow. Do you have to kill your house?

spk_1:   1:3:25
No, but we can order it, I think.

spk_0:   1:3:27
Ok, Do you precisely where you are. No, Seriously. Using alcohol Ordering like that's how I got my tequila.

spk_1:   1:3:32
Well, hot. I'm so over New York. This is not fair. Well, once they're wiped off the planet, then what? Columbus will be the new New York. We're gonna die in the next month, come to gasworks seek

spk_0:   1:3:46
refuge. Okay, well, thank you so much for having on the sheets, not doing a podcast. I resonated highly with that. Since I'm not doing well at all.

spk_1:   1:3:57
She's not doing She's not know

spk_0:   1:4:00
she being me. It's not doing well at all concerned. I down to 31 from art. No, I think you're

spk_1:   1:4:06
doing great. To be honest, I think great. Not like just music. Corona. Yeah, He's gonna be asleep. Small bills, like Hello. I thought we had a meeting at eight. Wait, You guys

spk_0:   1:4:20
know what I have that real quick before I actually hang out and let you guys live your lives.

spk_1:   1:4:24
I listen to your show, you dumb bitch way have receipts and we're coming for you. I feel like I'm talking to you when I'm Well, listen, your show, you're like, Yeah, this sucks. I'm like I know

spk_0:   1:4:34
Well, I'm really glad I'm gonna I think I'm gonna do that episode tonight. Yeah, you should. I think I need to do fat bitch. Part two.

spk_1:   1:4:40
Yeah, you do. And you can blame us.

spk_0:   1:4:42
Something big going on these fucking people made me a cabbage.

spk_1:   1:4:45
These fat queers in the Midwest

spk_0:   1:4:47
today. I've been talking to some queers on that bus. And because of that, I'm a fat bitch. Exactly. All right. While having till next thing we can and

spk_1:   1:4:58
thank you tails stay, Stay and listen. God,

spk_2:   1:5:11
I'm so awkward at Oh, hey, Back to me live. Just getting that was our interview with Miss a K. Anthony Velayati. We hope you enjoyed it, even though, you know, audio is a little different now because it's Internet based. So some of the stuff didn't come and clear. But you know what? It's it's a start and say, Ah, process. And we're just gonna continue to work through it, and yeah, I mean, other than that, I feel like I really don't have much to say because, honestly, I'm stuck in the house. So what am I going to say? Please feel free to write us again. Please subscribe. and also like us. Five stars would be preferred and a comment would be great. Please join us on Instagram. Please join us on the show. Sign up on our website www dot she's not doing swell dot com, and with that being said, this has been another episode of she's not doing so Well. I'm Bobbie. Jim says Hello in quarantine, and we will catch you next time.

spk_0:   1:6:06
Bye. Thank you for listening to another episode of She's Not Doing So Well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669 to 074643 Don't forget to subscribe and check

spk_1:   1:6:22
out our links in the podcast description of this episode. Views, information or opinions expressed during she's not doing so well, podcast or silly, those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company. This has been a house of Brecht production