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July 13, 2022

God Was a Backstabbing Bitch!!!

God Was a Backstabbing Bitch!!!

We decided we needed to start actually reading the constitution and the bible. So we do, but in the only way we know how, facetious, sassy and inappropriate. If you haven't checked out our youtube, you should, Bobby plays the characters of the first book in the bible, adam and eve, naked. Yes naked. Maybe if we had an only fans I could show the unedited but aint no one got time for that. We also recap our insane 4th of july weekend. This is one of those episodes so hold on for all the twists and turns, and for god sakes and for all, SHARE US! 


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Hi let's begin.


Let us begin.


Hello everybody welcome to another episode of not Well, I am body I am Jim and we have no topics today.


No we do have some but yeah you printed out something I printed out some old school Word doc


I literally was like did you use we don't have iPads here as well studios yet we're barely able to get the fucking lights to stay


and we're using our we're using our employers printers in order to That is correct.


And I'm at work typing my thoughts on Ave Eve and the Bill of Rights. So company


Adam Eve Atomy my Eve Adam a well, they are one apparently. or something.


Yeah. I will tell you once we read it because I think that what I realized is that, okay, and talking to Anita and just like our overall exploration over the past few years with like, we just always bring up the god topic. I'm like, I've never really read the Bible and I've never really read the Constitution that I have, but like, as an adult as a like seasoned adult. With you will you are well. Little, little, little wisdom a little season on that frying pan.


Well seared well seared catfish. Um, honey, you don't like catfish? Like Fash.


I'm not fishy enough, babe.


Now, as a well seasoned adult, you should know some of these things.


Well, I do know some of them. But I want to like I want to know, I want to be able to go up to somebody and be like, Oh, is that right? Because in Leviticus 8.5 points, two point 2.10. And I love that. And I want to be like, Oh, give me an article four of the Bill of Rights.


Oh, that way I


love right, which I don't. I'm looking


like what's an article? What's


the bill of light? Yeah, Bill. The bill of lights. I'm mixing God and G Well, and that's what I wanted both of these kind of, because I feel like you know, they're the same is the same. It's all controlled.


Yeah, it's all about controlling people. And lying to them lying


full lies. And women are the worst basically. And all you have


right wing queen, weighing.


Now I did find out a really interesting fact which we will go over because it's something that I don't know if you know this. Well anyway, what's going on with you? What's how you're working? You're slaving away?


I went to fireworks on Monday night? Yes. And one of the rich neighborhoods in town.


Oh, so you didn't see what were the countdown. This is really hitting. I don't know why I can't see girl. You didn't go to red, white and boom, you went to a rich boom. No, I


don't want to get shot. Actually, that's not a joke. So actually not a drill are getting shot at Fourth of July things now. Yeah. Small towns in Illinois. Yeah. Honestly, we didn't get to talk about that. No. And we will. Yeah. But I went to fireworks in a small neighborhood, Upper Arlington. And they were great. And it was enough for me. I like laid on someone's front yard. And then some girl walked up and like, this is my uncle's house. He's on vacation. And I was like, Okay, well, is it okay, if I lay here? Yeah, like, I'm sorry. And I had had a lot to drink. So I was like, I need to lay here. I have got to wait, was this on?


When did I see you? This was Sunday. Monday. This is on July 4. Okay, so we do need to talk about we need to rewind because we got drunk at Union on accident.


Oh, yeah. So Sunday. Oh, I say Sunday. I'm recovering from Saturday. Which did we talk about Saturday? Oh fuck.


or something and go Yeah, so you have so many topics. Wow, the topics just come out of your mouth now once you think about deck and weekends. Have you heard from us?


We record Saturday Saturday?


Oh shit I forgot I went on after that. Yeah, cuz then I was like, once I high Yeah. Per usual. Oh


my god. We went to Holy Trinity. We do a whole independent during the recording. Oh, yeah. It was like okay, so Saturday we record I leave you baby because you are you know, hi. I was gonna say and like you couldn't leave the house so no condition I was already like my eyes were like really dry crusted over. I was like, I just want to watch like Broad City and eat my sherbert and that's what I did. Um, nothing better than Broad City on the couch alone. I decided to meet up with a straight friend and his other friend and girlfriend so I meet up with these straights. We went to standard Hall which homophobic embarrassed? Yeah, like I walked in and I'm like, Okay, so a lot of people here are fakes. And then everyone else is less than 25. Now meanwhile, I'm 34. Okay, and that's already and I'm I'm queer. Okay, so are you are,


were you wearing your fab hat or? Yes, I


was. Alright, so I'm walking into standard Hall and everyone's like I said, 18 to 24 and drunk summers. They won't get out of the way. I'm like, can you You fucking move. Like I'm trying to get a drink. So I had to get an MC altra because that's what they had in bottles like it's standard haul. I mean, I don't know how to describe it other than it's terrible. It's really just not a place that you're gonna have fun at. No, it's like so straight that it's yeah, it's way too straight.


It's like the worst place you can go. If you are in the queer community, probably I would say there's nothing there for us. Well,


there's probably nothing but trouble, but like a beating. So I kind of tried to get to the middle ground where straights will still go. I said local bar. What about Loke gold bar? What are we worried about? We're still we're folk, I


just want to make sure we look like I can see we're in focus. So I'll be monitoring throughout the program. And so I don't have a director or producer yet. So I am like, I'm like,


Just it's gonna look good on the video and you're really great leaning and you're just gonna be like, looking like Mariah Carey sitting on the couch. And that's a little bit puffy. All I want for Christmas is okay, we're gonna be hearing that in two months anyway. I mean, literally, so I go, Hey, how about local bar? And they said, Yes. Okay.


So learn. Local bar is now the it's the midsection between the gays in the streets


it is and literally really, like standard and union and all that. Yeah, it's in the middle, literally. And it's like a very queer like, there's queer flags inside. There's like statements like the sign Bobby has in front of his house about love his love all that other bullshit science. Science is science. We believe in science in this home who, man so we went to local we did more drinks there. So at this point, I realized I had to do the trick that I've learned that you also kind of do where we don't finish our drink. Yeah, we think we finished now that's your move might


finish it then go out. And then I go home.


Okay, you're right. So this is just my move where I like walk into the bathroom, definitely just really pour it out. Or I just like put it on the bar and be like, Oh, someone took it? Oh, no, or hide it behind the post that's on the noticing if you're drinking. Right, exactly. So like because when you know you're getting fucked up, you either gotta go full into it, or you and so I wasn't with anyone close, like I was with straight friends. So it might want to have a problem. Like, I've never been out with any of them before these three people I was with so I can't go out with three people I don't know and get Liddie Leti like, I have to stay a little refined. So we go to local and then one of the streets goes let's go to union. Wait, so it was his idea. Yeah, not mine at all. So I'm like straight question mark. We go there. Well, they're not stupid. They're gonna get drunk there. That's why he wanted to go drinking or darling islands. So I had to finish Long Island say we're watching and I'm at a gay bar. So it's appropriate. I have to so we go to Long Island. What happens next week.


So we got a Long Island. Okay, we're following the beauty of editing. That's basically like what it felt like it feels like you go to Long Island. You're like where am


I? I mean, I was fucked up at Union so fucked up that I thought wouldn't it be a great idea if we went to a wall so I brought straight people to a wall


so today is kind of like the eagle a wall is very seedy in ways I mean, it can be nice and normal. There's a lot of events with just jock straps on but you have to cover your asshole there. Which is weird you actually


don't but there was an event like that on this Saturday when I brought straight people there. It was jock night so we go about so we walk in and I'm paying the cover for them because I brought them and the guy like taking the cards because just so you guys know you look like you've never been here before there could be people having sex on the dance floor. And don't be surprised don't don't act surprised and I was like Oh Don't Ask Don't Tell Don't Ask Don't Tell don't touch or touch. Touch but we won't tell honestly the people there would die to have a stroke I touch them. So we go onto the back patio and there's just hole everywhere yeah. Holding Selbyville he'll go fuck in the other room other places called the barracks that's where it's a little darker and there's louder music and you can easily CD you can do things in there that you that you do it the eagle versa. Yeah, remember our Eagle episode? Oh, yeah. Brothers dicks everywhere. You're like, take out. Yeah. So I walked out on the patio with the straights, get a drink. And immediately a friend of mine who saw me he runs up and starts making out with me. Cool. I say like, Hey, this is Adam blah, blah. He walks away. Then five minutes later, another friend Greg walks up and starts making out with me and grabbing me and putting his hand maybe down my pants possibly, maybe not. And so I'm just like, I turned to the streets after that. And I'm like, sorry, it's not this is what happens. I was like, this is a wall


but did you act like it was uncomfortable? I'm sorry. This isn't usually happened.


I just told you like, well, we're at a wall. I forgot. It's jock night. Like everyone was in a job and it's


a holiday weekend. It's


Oh, yeah. People are in town. It was fucked up because it's Saturday and you will have two days left to ISIS. So many people like tweaking on various substances I saw like little bit of okay and a little bit of methamphetamine little twink boys doing powders on the dance floor, passing around a bullet and just like, I'm like, god dammit. Do you realize the communities You're ruining in central South America? Like, what are we doing? Right now? Why are we doing cocaine in Columbus, Ohio on a weekend? Yeah. And also like Columbus, Ohio, and you're doing cocaine At what age? It's just not cute. It's not cute anymore. And I hate to tell people that but it's not. Now do you think it's not cute? Because we're old? No, I think it's not cute because cartels, cartels control the entire production of it. And entire towns are ruined and poor people have to work for them to make any money in these other countries. Like it's like you're growing cocaine in your backyard. It's not legal in the US. If we can cook in the bathtub now Matthew can make believe we can make luckily, you only ruin an entire house when it blows up. If


you mess up. You imagine the Ohio local brew like the Columbus logo who would be low? Oh my god, I can't hear it. That's straight up from the bathtub that's straight from where it's so weird. It's like Drano and robots. Do not


like you. Why are you doing like another thing? Like, why are people doing? Oh, yeah, let's talk about I'm not trying to shame people for drug use. Like if you want to use drugs, great, but just consider their impact on other people. Like for me, the drugs that I use, they give people jobs all around the country and right world literally. Yeah, like literally like, let's try to do those. Anyways. So that's what happened Saturday, and it was just ridiculous. Finally, the straight people were like, we're gonna go get pizza and they laughed. And then I stayed behind and made some bad decisions on the dance floor.


Now, is that something you wanted to discuss? Or is it something you want to leave the audience probably


imagine, let's just say at times you're looking around to make sure there's not a camera watching will occur.


But um, and I actually noticed they have a little sign that says no marijuana smoking. I'm like,


why? Yeah, but they allow every powder. Right? I'm like, okay, so dumb. No, I'm our community. Our world readjust our country are everything. So that was Saturday, and then Sunday, I'm out getting a late brunch because I was hungover


and me and Michael decide to go to a wall. So we went to AOL how to drink and I was like, this is boring as fuck, there's three people. Were at the bar and it's silent. There's no background music. sauce in the front window. Here because the night before sucking dick on the floor. So I was like, why don't we go to like, union out of nowhere. So that's why I proceeded to draw we started driving over there. I'm looking at my stories and I see Oh, look who's down and Short North. It's Jim having his partner having a little bit of the pearl.


And why did I go there? Because I wanted the fucking tater tots. Literally, have you ever had


no idea that you need them? I just don't know how you don't get the cornbread. Like I just don't know how you did for a pie. Oh,


I didn't have room for pie. I know


you never do. But that's like crack pie. They


make sugar pie or something? You're like, it's called cracker rack. We're


like, Okay, I'm done with um,


we're not talking about Coke or cracking. Okay, we did that last night. So you're just like, hey, wherever union and I'm like, wow, that's rare. The hair of the dog to bid you. Yeah. So


then also, he was like, oh, and then he's like, oh, we'll come up there. I'm like, okay. Okay, so so we had to come to the bar with our funding partners. And you know, we talked about on our show about our partners, Journey our wave guys. There they are, you hear all about on but they're there.


And we did. And we get there. And there's a beautiful woman behind the bar serving us. And I wish


I knew her name. I do too. Like I don't want her on the show to be like she's


fine. Adi is sitting at the bar. I'm already having coffee on his pen, just puffing away. And I believe you already had a slushy before.


There's these blue. So I discovered the slushies. And she's like so first of all, what she didn't say so I get there. And she's like, I don't know if it's that strong. And she pours a little bit extra on. I'm like, okay, that's fine. You get there. Then she pours you on that's strong. I know and then does it again to me and doesn't she and we're like drinking


basically four shots within a slushie that's already alcoholic and it's such a good slushy. It was it was really


tart. Who is the one that's more about me.


You did tell me something concerning that. I did not realize about these bars. Where's the alcohol? Oh, right. I just want to know if our listeners know about this. They don't. It's all fake lie because I see rows and rows of Smirnoff and like three olives and other like brands that you're like, Okay, I could drink that. Bobby tells me that that alcohol is from Cancun.


So the bar so what they do is they have all those lined up, that's an even top shelf that's mid shelf that's like gay top shelf, but that's like mid shelf in real life. So you have those mid shelf ones. You have the top shelf and you're like Oh, it's Long Island night. I want to have a Long Island. Okay? They don't tell you what they're doing. They're going under the bar. But I've seen with my own eyes. And actually, I think I talked to somebody about it one time, they get this really cheap alcohol from like, it'd be like the equivalent of like pop off or like, Oh, fun. Yeah. So they get really, really cheap alcohol, and they pour that. But you're thinking, Oh, it's probably Smirnoff, or it's probably like, we'll be fine. We'll be fine. No, you're drinking like literally like rubbing alcohol with a little bit of pineapples scent, flavor,


scent, or flavor and flavor a little spritz a little. Like, okay, so sometimes tastes like that to the point where you're like, This isn't good. You're like, but you get really fucked up and you get really hung over. And you will notice, like, one time I went there, and I was like, I'll have a Hendrix and tonic, and it was like, at least it was like, $10 there, but we just don't feel sick. But I feel sick. And I wonder what it is. I have the best drunk times when


I'm drinking hundreds. And I do. Like I just don't talk about that. Yeah, I think it's because it's a higher quality alcohol. So


don't me.


I feel I mean, we still get fucked up. It's just different doesn't feel. Yeah, no, no, as you're chugging a Sprite Zero.


I'm still recovering. I need to hydrate. So we had that funnel time on Sunday, but it means you have a week I got drunk. I was drunk and pumped up and high. I looked over at your partner and Michael's like, I've got to take him home. Yeah, I


got in trouble because I was getting warmed up. He's


got, he's got to go. I was like, I


know. I can tell. I was being like, I was on one second away from ruining my entire life that night because I was like, in that zone of like, I'm gonna wreak havoc like I'm gonna do it. And I did. For a minute.


What could you have said nothing said but


like, I I just don't want to get those fun moods. And I'm like, ready to go that then like, that's the nights that like, let's just say we see straight guys dicks at the urinal and we chase them to their house. And like that kind of shit. That's the mode I was in. I was like, This is not good.


I always forget that story until you bring it up. Sorry.


Why? Oh, my


God, why did we talk about that? What how many years ago was that? It was like three. So like, like, right before we started the podcast before? Yeah. Before COVID The year before? 2019? Yeah,


it was before. It was right before I started podcast. Okay, so in 2019. That's what I think why we started the bus. We were telling them we were gonna start a podcast we'd already started like, the pre.


Pre. And, by the way, we did not chase them there. They


sounds bad. But what I'm saying is like, it's that's what it feels like. I'm like, we're gonna go with them. And then I was sitting there. You left and I was talking to the other guy. And we're watching like, some weird show. And I was like, I gotta I don't even know if you're even the one I wanted to, like, hang out with here. My friends gone.


I walked home. I was like, I'm walking home. We were in trouble. 4am And we had just seemed like, too hot. So and I was hitting their pen. Do


you remember that? Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's




I remember actually, I didn't even go to bed that night, because I didn't want to go because he was on call and it at work. I think he had to go into work, I think what did you do? So I slept in the basement. Sorry.


Like 5am on Fourth of July. And you're just like, didn't?


I think I probably tried to woke up at like, 3pm. Actually, it's weird. I wish but like, I usually get up at like, 10 on those days. And I'm like, Oh, I've had six hours. It's fine.


Yeah. Can you have a daughter? Well, now you have a CPAP. So maybe you could sleep longer,


except for when it drips on my face, which it has been doing lately. Yeah, like, I'll wake up and it's like, there's like a puddle right here. And I'm like, and I know and I also noticed, like, I'll,


it's like nose water.


It's like, it's I think it's my mouth. I think it's like me going like drooling in the middle of night. But also it is a humidifier so it could get there's moisture. So if it's warmer in the room, I'm like, Honey, I'm just telling facts.


I know you're telling facts, but like, we want you to come across as hot on the show. And it's not looking hot.


I would like to do a poll. Let's do a straw poll. Um, I don't know what that means.


Well, I think you pull straws. Yeah, like, I love that you didn't know what it meant. But then I agreed or you're telling me bitch, I'm looking at straws. Like you pull straws. You idiot. So Fourth of July was wonderful. And then the fireworks happened. It was like relaxing. However, I did have to work that day. Oh.


You worked and then you went to fireworks and you work the next morning? Yeah. Now what time do they start? Because I was in bed when they started shooting.


We they didn't start till 945 No. And I'm like, I was like, I took my like melatonin before we laughed because I was like, I'm going to bed as soon as they're over like, wow, wait, and I didn't want to go but I got yelled at bowling bullied anyway, hold


on, though. Because at the beginning of the story, you said that you were drunk. And it was so dinner on so literally you went out to dinner, got drunk at dinner and went to fireworks. It's basically you're saying well, yes. Okay. Just in a little bit of melatonin.


And I took my leg that is a hell of an amazing dream. Oh, because


it doesn't make you fall it just gets you in this weird like, yeah, it's almost like being high without being high. If that makes sense. It kind of gets your brain quiet. Wow, thank you.


There's so many revelations, pharma Titian, I'm a pharmaceutical sales person still not the right word. I'm a salesperson in the pharmaceutical. I'm a pharmaceutical sales itself. So my aunt, my aunt was a pharmaceutical salesperson, she had a garage full of pens and magnets. And I went in the garage once and I'm like, what are all of these? And she's like, I was like, Can I have a patent that I have a ban? Because I was I was at the age range for everything like your paper. Yeah, I


got a pad of paper. Please bring paper like you have a fucking


she's like, why do you want to know like you can have it is weird. Why did we like paper assess with paper towel was that straights are flashlights?


I'm wondering maybe it's just a lot of things that maybe it's just something popped in my head. What? I don't want to keep switching the subject. For the July you saw the great fireworks. Is there anything else with that story that we need to address? Um, you were on somebody's random front porch or something?


I was in a front yard of an uncle who was on vacation and then like the nice walked up and was like, Yeah, my uncle's Yeah, dad. And I was like, Bitch, it's just not a problem. Or why are you telling me that? I don't care. You're like, I don't know why you're, like laying on a blanket like by I'm over it.


I hate everyone.


I was like, Is your front yard private? Now? I mean, people are listening are probably like, yes, yeah, likely it is. But listen, you're right by the library. You're across the street from the field where they were launched, like people are gonna lay on your yard. Yeah, like, we're like, it's 1520 miles.


So not an area with like a big field. It's like, rich houses like mansions around there. Why don't you go to your own house? It's


like, why don't you go to your own mansion. So. So I did that. And then I went to sleep immediately. And then yeah, I've been working overtime. What have you been up to? You had Monday off. You had July 4? July 4. Oh. Are you recovering from Sunday? Correct. Okay.


That was absolutely what was happening. I also like i i Jackie was making Brouwers Sam Cat came over to her house. We went into the pool first. I can't. And you were probably having a few white claws. That few white claws a few bumps the puffer and I was ready. I was in bed at night. You were back in the Sunday. I was in bed at nine o'clock. I love that. Yes. My week has been okay. I am going to be 100% honest with you. I've thought four times this week that I want to walk out of my job like walk out fully grab my little fucking Canvas poster of my dog and walk out and I thought of you. I was like I'm gonna talk about that's gonna go by.


I really wish you would I kind of think that's gonna be Beyonce said too. She didn't release your jobs. I some


hate some people at my office. And it actually is nobody but one person and everybody who works there knows exactly that fucking person. I've never been on the show probably knows that person. These


are strong choice where they are very,


I can't stand him. Oh, yeah, he's such an asshole connoisseur. Now.


Why? Because he's a boss, or why do we hate him? No, it's


not because he's a boss. I respect leadership. I'm a leader myself.


I respect who you are. I


respect my employees. If they have something they need to say they need to say it. We need to talk about it. We need to move on. He's the type of person that you say something and he will literally shut you down. Or it'll be like, oh, yeah, it'll be like, oh, yeah, well, no, that's why we came in. Just like it's just his overall demeanor and they talk shit about everybody.


Yeah, you can't be a leader. If you're gonna talk shit about and I'm tired of it. I'm


tired. I'm tired. I'm




I mean, today, I literally was like, What am I just walked out. And that's like, a it's been a reoccurring theme.


Like if you were suicidal, and you kept thinking about being suicidal, and just we'd have to help you. We would have to help you. So this is like your job, your job. I'm screaming for help, and you want to leave every day? Eventually, you're going to leave so we need to help you. Yeah,


I mean, I've been getting comments like smile, or once I was your facial expressions that can be makes me scared of this place. It's one of the newer employees. And I said, Well, your facial expressions I'll be like, scared of this place.


Yeah, cuz I'll,


I mean, I get my job. My job. It's all day long. It's just like dealing problems like there's an and then I also have other responsibilities included like to manage problems with the delivery problems with this problems with that this is wrong. I know everything too. I hate to say that but like I am the one that knows the program and all that kind of shit. So it's like, I am the one that part if you weren't there, and and that's why I gotta walk out like I know it would and that's why I gotta walk out. Yeah, because then I can watch it fall apart and be like, Oh, shit. Okay, so the only way to stay is if you're gone. Yeah, to be honest. And I'm and Anyway, anyway, I don't know why I'm saying that. But that was my week. My week spent a little bit you know, say


Shittim shuteye sure time.


I was trying to think there was something else I wanted to tell you but I can't remember now. Oh, which is great, because this is when we should discuss things like that.


Like that. Now Oh, let's see.


I'm trying to think of like, there was something else that's been going on that's like, other than losing our rights and people getting shot. There's gotta be something


other than shootings at July 4 parades, where there's just like fireworks going off in the background, and a band playing down the street as people run the opposite way. It's really like a horror film when you watch these clips, I know we live in a fucking like, every time you see it, and you watch these clips, you're like, it's almost like someone's making a movie. And it's like a horror movie about a country and it's our country. I'm gonna


play this video that really is like opening


something and then there's lot aliens chasing people down


there like so playing but like some of them have stopped here like it is


it's when that's America. But yeah, like and then of course, places like Fox News we're like oh, well this is what how Chicago Oh, get it was not insured. It was a white wealthy suburb. Like it was not Chicago downtown like oh, it's it's it ghetto in Chicago? And you know, the things you know, I do like no, these shootings are happening everywhere. I


know. You're stuck in Alabama, Texas, but like, Chicago is actually a really great place. And honestly,


this we have the data and states who have data states that have more gun control laws have less shootings, surprise, weird. That's weird, do you?


I can't I it's not even shocking anymore. I'm like, oh, okay, cool. Like okay, let's move on July 4, has happened and we were just like, Oh, it does make me really hate public events hates me like I hate it. I hate everything about this.


I don't really want to go to public events. I really don't either. Even from a young No, same. I hated the fair like people take to big events. I went to a hockey once and had to leave I yeah, I hate the people there now. Generally. It's not they're not now when you went to the hockey game with me. Were you nervous? Not as nervous now, because I had a lot of beer. Oh, she had to drink your way through it. Oh, yeah. When I was a kid at the fair, we had to leave. I was like, I can't do this guys. Really? I was a kid though. But um, so you can go to like the dance for a while. And that is not as many people that's not hundreds of people.


Yeah, I guess it's the quantity Yeah, quantity. facility and there's nothing I'll be able to do.


Right. I can't get out. Now a while I know exactly where every building has four exits, like I know. And then the alley. There's two ways out of that patio and then so it's like, right you know the exits. You can even go up the stairs if you really wanted to run and jump off the roof. But yeah, like


what's sad? What's fucking sad? You know? You have


Yeah, literally everywhere I go. I'm like so how do I get out of here? If I had to


go out to jump on that roof? Would it cave in first of all,


right? Is it more than two storeys up? Okay. I always think if I jump out of it's gonna be weird. Probably crack a leg. Do you think I would I'd rather crack a leg and get shot inside the building? Well, yeah, at that


point you brother.


Yeah, um, yeah. Yeah. So that's basically what it's like to live in America. Now. You have to find your exit at all, at all time all find


your exit and make sure that I don't know not a gay or a woman.


Or you don't live in a big city and get blamed for crime. Also,


I really am so sick. I hate this country. I know. That's your thing. Like I hate your job. It's almost like I'm ready. Just in general. Yeah. In general. I'm just like, ready to be like, Okay, bye.


This has been fun. Yeah, like, I'm done. We did talk about potentially reading the Bible and in the Constitution, because I need a made you realize Anita, Anita


Somani, who need to be voting for August 2 in the local Ohio primary, right? Yeah. Oh, I know what I want to say. I literally did this week. We're starting a campaign. Yeah, we are. We are I'm not I'm done. We've got to make posters. See one other I don't know my honey. Like, we're gonna go to bars and like, we want you to hang this in place where people can see it. Where's especially because we need nobody knows. It's been there since 2020. I think 2020 the beginning 2020 I'm gonna I'm that Bill has been sitting there and they have to do hearings. So you have to like push them to do hearings, which, again, the more and more. It's like a Anita said, once you look you can't look away. And then it's like, once you know, you can't unknow Yeah, it's like realizing everything is fucking fake. Everything is set up to let everyone else fail. But the people who are in this position. It's scary. Yes. Scary.


Yeah. They know what's going on. They know how to do it. And then they're like, Oh, well, this law just we haven't been up for $25 million. To me, I still can't get over that like spend $25 million just have another primary because they can't follow the will of the Ohio voters to have non gerrymandered districts. So they wasted all this money in court to argue that their maps are very poor. They're clearly not the court, Supreme Court, our Ohio State Supreme Court. Wow, the word court really triggered you to because now, so the campaign is about SB 119. And basically What we're doing is we're spreading awareness of it because nobody knows about it so like we're making posters. I am going to start posting that thing like almost daily we got to start making some moves here folks, we've got to get this bill through committee so if you're in Ohio at least we can see how they vote so we know exactly like even if it doesn't pass it still need to know to know like SAS people are out there. It's about LGBTQ equality being protected in law that we can't be discriminated against


which is the level and approach is pretty similar. It's a pretty simple thing for now the city level we're protected right in the city council's past government is that you can always go to the next Yeah, like the closest level to you so that's why local is really actually kind of our and these local elections. Like it's more important than the federal Yes, the Federal is important, but like your local places your last ditch effort so like if they did something federally we can be protected by the state. If the state does something that we can do, we're talking about the city, so you need to like find your city if you're a queer like a you need to get we need to start getting some plans to get some bigger cities. Okay. Oh, okay. So if you're in Marion if you're if you're in Zanesville if you're in you know these other places I'm that's the extent of the cities I know. And I was trying to think Pulaski la Pataskala Wapakoneta walk up in that a walk up no Wapakoneta, Toledo maybe even I know there's a hamburger Mary's up there, which is weird. Anyway. Yeah, we've got to go. Yeah, we're going to do that campaign. I'm actually going to we'll have posts during the show. And yeah, and it'll be linked on our podcast page and everywhere because we want I feel like this is like I'm working. We've got to get involved. We're figuring Anita has inspired so Anita said to us, this is what we could do to start. Yes, is our start. So we're going to try to use our very large platform of all of you all 300 people to to go to this. And they're all in Ohio. Definitely. Yeah. So everybody needs to be in Ohio. But this is also the thing. You need to take a look at your local areas, though, because there might be a similar bill at your state house. So you need to we need to like start understanding what's going on. It's scary, like SB 119. Sounds so scary. Oh, my God, was it Senate bill or something like that? It's just a bill. It's really just like a number. But like you hear these people talk about you're like, oh, no, I can get into I don't even I don't even know what that scares me. It scares me, you will know what it is. Our posters is gonna have a QR code QR code, you literally just scan the QR code like you do any fucking menu at a restaurant, which we all know how to do now that you call your representative or you sign your name. Yeah. So what it does is it takes you to an actual form for equality, Ohio, that then, like we'll put your name and your address and like, confirms that you live in Ohio. Yeah. And then it creates an email for you to send to the to the I think it's like a committee that it goes to Oh, it's the actual committee that


would hear it. Do you


need a yawn? Do you need just like, get it out? I keep seeing you go. Now, let's get on some more important things. Like the story of Adam and Eve.


Do you need a yawn? Do you just need to get it out? No, I


cut out some spots. I haven't really got it down because we don't have time to read like all this, but we are going to read this King James Version. It's Google version. So I'm not really mu maybe my credibility is not Roman Catholics never really studied the Bible. At least identity. My mom said


we do go we did not but Well, that's the thing is you're supposed to go to a Catholic school because that's where you learn about and so we had theology and religion so you know all I had a religion class every day, for eight years, had to go to CCD. And I was like, god damn senior. No offense, Jesus was that every like, Sunday, Sunday. Every Sunday night at six o'clock, I'm like, What the fuck out of any Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Then


the Lord God formed a man from dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being the Lord


God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man you are free to eat from any tree in the garden, but you must not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, or when you eat from it, you will certainly die. But Lord God said, it is not good for the man to be alone I will make a helper suitable for him. But for Adam, no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. And while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man and he brought her to the man.


The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman, for she was taken out of man,


like okay, they must work better in their ancient Aramaic or whatever the fuck. That is why a man leaves his father and mother is united to his wife and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked and they felt no shame. So now we go to another in the Garden of Eden. We just talked about the fact that to start with laying, we can break that down real quick, like, I'm just confused. Why do we have even number of ribs on both sides?


I'm a little confused by the whole situation like, like, so it didn't take one rep tonight. Chatam so what makes you get one ribs gonna make a woman is literally to basically say you are made from a man you are to your word to a man I had my hot takes and the next page, right okay, like, Okay, so we're in the Garden of Eden. Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God need.


He said to the woman did not really say you must not eat from any tree in the garden. The woman said to the serpent, We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden and you must not touch it or you will die.


Said the serpent to the woman, For God knows that when you eat from it, your eyes will be open and you will be like God knowing good and evil.


When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom. She took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband was with her and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were open, and they realized they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.


Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day. And they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, where are you


answered? I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. So I hit


and he said, and he said, Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that come I commanded you not eat from?


The man said the woman you put here with me. She gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it. And the Lord God said to the woman, what is this you have done? God said I will make your pains and childbearing very severe with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you to


Adam he said because he listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you you must not eat from it versus the ground because of you. through painful toil, you will eat food from it. All the days of your life will produce thorns and thistles for you and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until your turn to the ground since you since from it you were taken from dust you are and to dust you will return.


Adam named his wife eat because she will become the mother of all the living the Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and close them garments of skin. And the Lord God said the man has now become like one of us knowing good and evil, he must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever. So the Lord God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherub and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.


Now I did also do a little hot take care when Adam had lived to 130 years he had a son. After Seth was born, Adam lived 800 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether. Adam lived a total of 930 years and then he died. Now, my initial hot takes because I had read it. Yeah, the first thing I said is God is an asshole who wanted to control literally everything, including Adam and Eve knowing anything and gaining wisdom sounds like I was a narcissist who wanted to have a playground of humans and animals just to


fuck around with so you're gonna create beings with consciousness, unlike most animals, and then you're gonna not let them have wisdom. You're like, oh, well, if you ate this, you will firstly live you'll die. You'll die. You didn't die. No one died. Okay. Then he's saying, Well, I don't want you to know I want you to know good and evil. I don't want you to know anything. What do you want me to do? And then also, there's this other tree he mentioned where it's the tree of life and if you eat from it, you'll live forever. And then so after they like broke the rules, he doesn't want them to live forever, right? He tells them no, you're not gonna live forever, you're gonna die and you're gonna become dust into the ground. And yet Adam still live 930 years suppose me also live in that's forever in my mind. Because we all know, imagine a 930 year old Adam didn't you know, Mitch naira? 30 years was really quantifiable and going like, Yes, Adam lived 932 I


wrote that I was like, and then I said, evening made from Adam's rib is the biggest slap to women ever. And not to mention now that Eve is in trouble. She will have horrible time giving birth or God is an awesome God. Yeah. Like why would you make your people like what the fuck are you?


So then they make a mistake, mainly because I got tricked by a very crappy animal that he also made you through on Earth and you left them you left them and you've had them get tricked by one animal you made and then you get mad at them to the point where you want them to suffer right childbearing will be severe and painful and then you also want them to toil the fields and they're going to be in the fields they're going to eat from the ground and they're going to garden like what a vindictive bit just a that's the problem like this is not this loving God that we are all supposed to be Oh Correct. Thank you God.


This is what makes me think people haven't really read the Bible because now I am like really focusing on it because I've never done it before like I did. I read this Stories and other stories. Oh don't eat the apple blah blah This is fucking horrifying if this is the God that all of you don't want in your roles and shit about what the fuck is wrong with you right first of all here we have problems. I don't I don't even actually, it's oh my god.


Oh no you're gonna break it you're not even real.


Oh no because if there is a God and he really made you out of his image he's not going to punish you and like torture you for no fucking reason it makes no fucking sense none explain it to me. But guess what it does make sense for the story because guess who's gonna come save us all from our from our sin of eating the apple, Jesus and who made Jesus God fucking God again gotta add his fucking best is like well I'm gonna kill my son in front of everybody so that then you will be see the sacrifice that he's given he's the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


This is the best sermon I've ever heard. No, I'm


fucking pissed. Like, I think it's so dumb like I'm actually like, I'm scared about this new adventure we're on about reading the Bible because there's more stories like I started reading Cain and Abel and I was like,


What the fuck? Oh yeah,


we got to get into you have to have babies and or, like somebody's dead. I'm like, What the fuck are we talking about here?


Girl? Girl, this is fucked this. Yeah. So


what are your thoughts as a, you know, going to Catholic school? Like, how do you feel about all that? Like, did you not and Catholics will be like, what the or do you not? I don't feel like


I paid attention. So like, I got it very well. So reading this, I'm like, oh, yeah, I remember all of this. But it's just like, they try to tell you like it's an allegory. It's a story about this stuff it it might not be that it happened exactly like this. But the spirit of the story is that we are born with original sin, and we are all flawed. And we've strayed from God and blah blah blah but I will say have a robot fall in line real quick because here's the problem we're in the faster what everyone thinks because there's these Christians who believe this literally right? And that's what they use to subjugate women they say well it's this is in the Bible are supposed to be or some you are, you are serving me and then they also think that the world is only 6000 years old. And so these Oh 6000 years because Adam was not in 30 then Noah lived 1000 and bobble bubble, but when we trace it back the world's only so they think dinosaur fossils were put here to trick us. God wants to test us so if we for what, literally to live


eternally, even though he then planted this apple and planted the serpent to then trick us to then tell us no to then tells Yes. Now we gotta fight for it to get back into the it's like oh my god, you're dramatic. God was a fucking gay. Yeah, well, not a good guy either. Like one of the mean gays one of a bitch. doing shit on purpose


to cause drama. Oh, you you like to look at that. Oh, you're like, Oh, you want? You want to go talk to that serpent and see if you might want to eat it. Oh, no.


How stupid is that? Let's talk about like, I want everybody to think about this. Oh, I actually would really encourage everybody just read the first fucking couple pages of the Bible because you're gonna be listened to us reading it. Yeah, I'll have it edited. So it'll be smoother. But yeah, I thought oh my god, this is horrifying. So that's section one of our Bible reading and I'm telling you we're gonna break it down to the point where


we get worse and worse. I'm gonna get bad like literally wait till God murders everyone on the planet that's coming up. Yeah, they're not knowing his kids, but the rest of the planet destroyed. Okay, apparently


no, I live for a long time too. I'm sick of this bullshit now. So in that same vein, I decided let's go ahead and do our constitutional update. Don't don't we're gonna do the Bill of Rights. And of course, I want to talk about the second amendment because that's obviously a hotspot, we have shootings. We have shootings every day. I was like, when I'm like, what all the time? I'm like, where? Which one? Yeah. So I wanted to sort of go through the Bill of Rights really quick when we can we can we don't have to read all this verbatim, but I want to kind of let us know the gist. Yeah, but um, once you've gotten rid of the Second Amendment in


the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state the right of the people to keep in bear arms shall not be infringed. So I got


this information from like a Bill of Rights Society of like something like government, whatever, which also like do, I believe in? Their argument is, is that without guns, we wouldn't even be in America, because we want to be able to fight off the British or whatever. The problem is, is that we are in a different world. And yeah, here's a hot take, I don't think and that that statement in that time was very big because they needed the guns to survive.


And they were in militias. They were in groups of men from like a village they were fighting for their rights or a colony like the colony of Virginia would say, Okay, well, our militia has 500 men from all these different towns coming here training their youth they're learning how to use muskets so they are going to have these things in their musket Yeah, when they need guns. So that's the whole gist of it. That's really That's why it says a well regulated militia. Should the first line be necessary to the security of a free state in order? In other words, we want you to have guns in order to keep the tab Free State secure


not to just use them, you know, abused them. Nope. And nobody's in. Yeah. So anyway, so.


So that's why back then we needed this amendment. Now, I did want to here's why the British would prevent people from having guns, right. So it was a moment. So I went over


from English law into our like, over here, and they were like, Fuck this, we should be able to have guns and protect ourselves. Yeah, this is we're going to take this land from blah, blah.


So were there anyone who wasn't allowed to have a gun? Yes. Oh,


here's what I find. Very interesting. Now, I don't know if you know this, you probably do. But maybe not. I found out that slaves could never own them. And were allowed to use them only in special circumstances. Many colonies said women, the free blacks and Roman Catholics could not own them. Roman Catholics, Roman Catholics kick up our supreme court right now we have a lot of Roman Catholics. Oh, yeah. Hi. Hi. You were at one point I pressed Yeah. So I've


never covered you. So really, the Protestants are the assholes. Sounds like they used it well, because the Church of England hated Roman Catholics, because that's why the Church of England broke off from the Roman Catholic Church, because then the King of King Henry got divorced and wanted more wives. So the Church of England did not want Catholics to have guns, because there were attempts where Roman Catholics in England would try to bring back Catholicism to England, right. And that's what their kind of Parliament and all that


they were saying, like they didn't want the free black men to have it because they are afraid, they know, violent towards white landowners. And when I when I read this, and I heard this, I was like, you know, this is what I know. But also, yeah, it really, I really, this is what he learned. From the start. Oh, yeah. And then I'm gonna say, though, here he goes, Okay, I sent you that video today of Family Guy, I don't discuss what it is. Yes, I wish I could play it. But I see, I really believe that that is true. We are afraid of black men taking over, not me, not you. But like, the what I'm saying is, is that we're afraid that they're the, they're still afraid. That's why they're afraid of queer people, because they're afraid of people who are not different than them because of how long they've oppressed these people, that they're always gonna be looking over their shoulder,


they're always worried that they're going to be treated like they used to treat minority groups and go because they know it's terrible. Like if you ask them, if you ask these, these rich white Republicans and you're like, Would you be okay with living your life as a black person or a gay person? Oh, they wouldn't be No, but they think we have too many rights and we're treated special, but they would never want to be us. And that tells you everything they wouldn't want to be as because they know how we're really treated.


I just think it's quite interesting. I think it's a very interesting situation. I'm thinking this whole country is founded on a bunch of whites from the start that are scared as fuck, and little pussy acid bitches and all they want to do is control their little lives. Anybody with a different idea? A different look. A different language, different religion different. They're so fucking scared of them that they tried to take away their rights. And there's a reason because like you just said they don't want to be they don't want what happened to the


way we'll continue to rant in a minute. They don't want you we're having a YouTube moment right there now. And uh, you


tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. These were gonna be like what can we get podcasts? I can actually fucking speak like, hi, we don't speak well. But here we are with fucking microphones now. I anyway, I just thought I was very like, I think I'm really scared what I needed. Because I feel like now I'm like, totally looking at things in a different way. Like I'm white. I'm white guy. I'm privileged white. I'm Hawaii. I can hide being gay. Maybe? Well, not anymore. Now that I have a YouTube title with this palette. 100 million youth?


Oh my god. Yeah.


So anyway, that's our first week of Adam and Eve are of the Bible and of of the Battle of the Bill of Rights. Now going forward,


honey, a sundries sundries.


What do you what are you got? What do you got for me? I have a new coffee table. I have a new lights that show up.


So fix this. I did. But I also want to comment on that just totally falling apart. Now during our last run. I'm


wondering though, is this? This isn't that hot? I wonder if he got hot enough to like melt the glue. But it's something hot. It's pretty stable, folks.


It's not that hot. It's not that hot. Bobby and I are out at a bar on a Saturday night. It's not that hot. But we really are. We are like stars. I would just unfortunately. I'm trying to think of sundry any other sundries?


Am I not? I mean, I kind of got my sundries out at the beginning when I'm at work. Like that's like my big problem. Yeah, middle of the summer. It's hot. It's hot as hell. Oh, well.


I have a Sunday. Okay, you're sundry Okay. Well, you can go first my sundry is I realized we are fully in the second half of the year and I had a little moment of crisis at work where I was like, Are you fucking kidding me? It's already over. I felt like oh, so we're on the downswing of summer now we've had the longest day of the year, and now we're going towards the shortest day of the year. Like it's already happening. hoodies are coming back, Babe and pretty hot. And that's the one good part, like I say in the fall when I'm looking at that, but I'm also not looking forward to another year passing. And I think it's your birthday faster and faster. I mean up and then my birthday is coming up right after that. It's all sudden we go another year. I


mean, we've been doing the podcast for three years. And next, you know, we're 40. And by that, I mean, I will be 40 soon. No, but this is what I this is how you're gonna feel what I feel. This is how I feel every day feeling like it's faster. And every day I wake up, and I even work as fast anymore. I'm like, work as fast. I'm like, Yeah, I'm sitting there. And literally I'm like, up an hour just went by like, I don't even know what I fuckin did this hour. I almost see I'm like, up the time is crazy. And this kind of brings me to my sundry Well, I did type of the Bible on word. Because that's productive. Fuck your job, what I really actually kind of want to talk about and it's this is a quick it's not really Sundry, but it's a comment. And you know, probably about the CERN machine scrn, they just restarted it. And every thought was going to open there's all this drama,


they already found the Higgs boson. And


now we're going to do it the energy up. Oh, they did like a couple years back. Yeah. So now they're trying to like create even more of a higher energy. Now, do you? Or do you believe this could be something more than just what they're doing? What do you believe? Like? Do you believe that there could be like a dimension they're opening? Or do you even believe in that kind of shit?


I don't think there is a dimension of magic. someone's like,


we have a hole that you can jump in here and different.


That'd be nice. But would you believe it? No, no, because the amount of energy that is needed just to like collide these particles, like there's no way that these are like atoms. So there's no way we could fit like a human through a portal. We don't have enough energy to do it. We're too fat or too big. We


have too much mass. You're not like we're not like out of any mass over here. Skin as close. So what were they bones? Like? What the fuck?


I don't know. I don't want it.


Luckily, Deke, or was it or were they perfect?


They were the first I bet Adam had a great COC. He had a great COC, he had to have a really big one, then the problem would be that it was uncut. So problem for some, not for me, but problem for some, especially back in the garden was a little bit laying in the dirt. He's from God from the Euphrates River and the Tigris. You're right, like no, actually, do you know that some Christians believe that the Garden of Eden is missing so maybe you got some maybe it's Mormons. Do they think that it's up or Alabama? No,


they think there's some questions. That's why it gets in No, not Salt Lake. No, but they're like they were like, well, the Earth was like if he turned and then if yes, I did see that too. We'll find out I'm gonna find out. That's a


fact check. Back chain fact check. Ding so that's a sundry Yeah.


So anyway, that I thought was just an interesting thought. We'll maybe touch on a little bit more if something happens, but like, I've been watching these tick tock errs, freak the fuck out about it. You think there's a portal opening? And there could be and they were talking about like this one girl in Ohio was like this lightning three and look at these dots. Look at these dots, these green lights. He's green. I'm like, that's a reflection of like the long ones. I think it'd be great. I'm ready to just expose everything. And also another sundry I stuck up for Polly people today on Reddit. Oh, yay. Yeah, I I appreciate that. I'm kind of realizing that. I think a big problem with our society is our social construct. And I think marriage no offense, because also Oh, monogamy. I think toxic. monogamy is a problem. It's a major problem, because it's actually holding us back from growing.


They think it's like it's the norm and it has to be that way. Yeah. And I'm like, No,


it remember when they said gay people shouldn't exist. Women shouldn't vote, we made it up. Right? So I'm like, maybe we should start breaking down some social constructs and like, and this is exactly why they I mean, it's crazy. That's why they hate gay people. We broke it. And now they're like, everyone should it's just a fad. No, it's not. He's not scared now. So people are being themselves you fucking


idiots. Like for some people, they don't want to be in a relationship with one person. I think I don't want to have sex with only one person for the rest of their life.


I think I agree. And that's what I mean, I was that crazy. And then I got a compliment. And he said, Thank you for not being abrasive or something that was like, there's no reason to like, I'm like, I just really think that like, there's a lot of problems in this world. And we're so worried about monogamy, but like, yeah, is everybody really? Like, it's like people were without trans women. They're not really women, right? It's just like, why are you folks? Like, all right? Or why are you so fucking worried about me? And my friends, go where the oligarchs and the corporations are doing to us? Like, look what they are doing? Yeah, like this is a distraction from what's really going on, which is they're literally just taking money and what I'm doing I


like to do social issues, because people love to argue about it, because it's my, it's not who I am.


I don't think any of us have rights. Really. I think you just need to earn your rights, to be honest. And that's on God. And that's on period. And that's our sundries. That's for centuries. And that's our show. Make sure you check us out on youtube if you're not on YouTube, and make sure you check us out on our podcasts if you just want to listen to us while you drive.


Shout out to my partner Matt, who does that? No. He also watches now to everyone who watched his loves of watching more. I know just saying I know


I thrive we I was devastated last week when we lost The video I'm really sorry that we've been delayed. I will the one Okay, so actually I do need to explain myself a little bit. The Handmaid's Tale episode we had a whole thing made it got erased. Yep, the last episode we recorded it was all blurry so that's why I'm a little bit nervous. So I'm hoping this will be back and better than ever. And I'm Jim. I'm Bobby Jim's done. He only goes about an hour until his clock we have to rewind him up and out of energy and when he's out of energy and working it's tough but we really appreciate him showing up and we really appreciate


you making sure we're not blurry this week.


Thank you. Goodbye.


Good food. What's this all not too bad you


I feel like I'm in outer space right now.


Oops. i What is it? She's like, Oh, goodbye. Oh yeah, it's goodbye.


Goodbye. Bye.