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Jan. 26, 2022

Golden Shower Ticket

“There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you’ll be free if you truly wish to be.”  -Willy Wonka 

This is the worst recording we've ever had. We're absolute disasters; the audio is not up to par and it's overall a complete disaster.

However, the show must go on and one of our goals in 2022 was to be as authentic as possible. Don't worry, there are plenty of good stories and conversations, just, it gets a little sloppy at times. Bobby talks about new D*ck Energy (NDE) , Jim has been breathing in carbon monoxide for 7 months and somehow we retell the story of Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. 

Here's to the good times, bad times, and everything in between.

Some things we Talk about: 

  • New Dick Energy 
  • Britney Spears 
  • Jamie Lynne 
  • Family Dollar 
  • Uber Eats 
  • New Dick Feel 
  • Gas 
  • Natural Gas 
  • Carbon Monoxide 
  • Willy Wonka
  • Golden Tickets 
  • Charlie Bucket 
  • Grandpa Joe is a lazy bitch 
  • Grampa Joe and Willy are Gay together
  • Good Day Sir 
  • YOU WON 
  • Natives
  • White People 
  • Pink Dicks 
  • Europe 
  • Gays 

***This episode is brought to you by Hydronique Hydration ***


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Bobby's Only Fans

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What happens when people stop being polite and start getting drunk?


I've been poisoning myself with carbon monoxide for the past since June and I eat like shit. So


weird I listen I can feel my legs again like don't put your feet near me you're not gonna put on my I see you I know you saw me I'm gonna let it go this time but I will call your SI next time


it's not a fight it's just fat here's the facts. Facts but I don't like being I know what you know


stop the show Stop it i This is like I can everybody welcome to not Well, I'm Bobby I'm Jan


What was that shit everywhere?


Yeah, Brittany put out another I don't know someone I saw on Tik Tok and I was like, Oh, her


up log.


It'd be funny to lock her up.


I'm done. Reader it failed. And now it's time to lock her up. It's time okay, we got How can you say that? Never deserved mo


she's trying to be like a comedy actor and it's not working. You know? I'm saying like girl you already tried to act and


when you have this like whiff of craziness, comedy doesn't always work because you're like, Are they just going crazy? It's like is Jamie Lynn crazy too? Or she right? Is the whole family fucked?


I think they are Yeah, and they're all just like fucking crazy. She


pushed me and then she got a got a knife and she had a knife. I'm like, biggest knife I had was to cut a squash like


let's just put it this way if they weren't rich and famous, they would have the cops called on them in their trailer park and like they'd be all in jail. Like just in jail all the time. Yeah, domestic disputes


are Brittany they would all be crumbled by now like they would be like Jamie Lynn probably be like a substitute teacher Brittany probably would


have she's Family Dollar. She's a cashier at Family Dollar and there's nothing wrong girl five. It's just that that's what she'd be doing. And I don't care. I'm just saying listen, we're following this story as if it's like so fantastical it doesn't matter. It's all bullshit.


Yeah, I mean they're I'm not actually a fan. I'm not a fan.


Wow, girl. I forgot where the soundboard buttons are. Okay, I'm not actually


so I was at IKEA today trying to get some for the studio because I want to make it like cozy for us in here to record so that we can both be on the same side over here so


we can just like I don't do same ciders I don't you don't want to you know we should be on the same side.


You just said we should don't do same ciders but I don't like being you know stop the show Stop it I this is i I can't


Oh my god,


she's not doing so well. Welcome to


not Hello everybody. It's Bobby I just wanted to give a little update. So basically me and Jim decided that we want to just go to the bar we went to the bar Holy Trinity. And we decided just to live it up. Well that in turn gives you this episode. This episode is in fucking same. Now. I will recommend make sure you listen to the end because the Willy Wonka story is to die for. However, there are some parts in here we're gonna be like Jesus, they are just way too drunk. And we were so we back to our normal form next week. We obviously failed on this but we hope you enjoy the shit show that ensues after we went day drinking all day long and decided to come back and record


Oh, she's not doing can Okay.


Welcome to da Well,


welcome. She's not doing so well. I'm


Jim and I'm Bobby and we decided to cancel the show but


then come back. Man we're back and by that I mean to be honest. Anyhow, we're cruising through UberEATS


and we got to find a good thing to eat because that's over here as fat


right you're talking about yourself again are you and you shouldn't because you're not fat. And that's the first lie I'll tell today. Girl


now now I gotta stop saying now.


You really wasn't kidding the BMA was out west you been out and about now ma'am oh they actually do that because that


is bad you're sick I'm a sick fuck oh my god there's like dollar bills flying around where you wire their


dollar bills around Are you fucking or I just blew all should blow your load on me. Oh


my god. Oh, no. Oh god. No.


Is this trashed we've been ordered




order you fucking patch we got to focus for the show because we decided to cancel the show because we're not in so we went from like we went from like one extreme to the next


I'm smoke weed every day


so welcome to not well I'm Bobby This is Jim we actually left the studio I went and drank like a massive amount of alcohol I would you say massive we went to Barry Josephson Jesuses Jason Mary justice and Jesus. Jesus Mary and Joanna round


toe the


hazy baby Jesus. Hey, I had tonight


you have like three hazy baby juice your special shout out to


Trinity brewery Oh, no. Oh, no. That's my contact.


He's like feeling his eyeballs now. what's just happened to you. And like


so you made me girl. God made me laugh so hard that then I spit beer into my eye that then cause my contacts to come out. And honestly that burned. Oh, you're not gonna make it through?


I'm not gonna make it through. You're the one who just exploded a beer in your face.


What did you say those?


I don't know.


I have some things I need to talk about. I


have several things. Well,


you go first. You tell


that whore


you're a fat whore. Hey, girl. I skimo spit in my eye.


You just spit in your eye. Now.


I really we did talk last episode about new Dick energy. And we're gonna really get serious about it. So I wanted to just say I am obsessed with the art of the chase. It's really hot when you want to like Grindr and people are like, I'm gonna fuck you. And you're like, Oh, you do and you see their deck and you're like, Oh, next Max, but like you


have that choice. The fact that people wanted to show their deck to you. I've had a lot


and a lot of a lot of new deck and


I do want to point out that your know that your seat that you're sitting in is covered and liquid behind you as you look behind you. There is liquid all over the head.


Absolutely. Now ladies and gentlemen, there's


ladies and gentlemen. Now this fat FOD got. We've got liquid all over the back of the seat because Bobby exploded and sprayed liquid everywhere.


Now tell us your first statement. I mean, I talked about new Duke Energy for a second like we like honestly like being on Grindr, and B only seems like it makes you realize that people still think you're hot. And it's nice. And also, just to be honest, I feel like I'm a dad. I'm


not a daddy. And but you are turned on by dads. I love it. I'm carrying the show.


Oh my god, do you want like a fucking cookie? Wow.


All right. Okay, so I have several links to bring up. Okay. Are you actually ready? Yeah, I'm just trying to like also mess around with a shitty sound. I'm trying to do things. I'm trying to really work here. You sound bored. Okay, go. Alright. Okay. I don't wanna complain about oh, shocker.


Sorry. Save it. I'm


trying to figure out what we're trying to do you have anything on your list? Yeah,


I have tons of shit. Oh, okay. What am I talking about new Duke Energy and then we didn't talk. So okay, what do you want to say? Okay, so new energy. So I want to talk about new energy because I'm really into it right now. And I


want to talk about why I talk about him in here. Okay,


because he's been gone and we're getting some new deck over here. That's what's happening.


That's what I try to talk about. So New Energy. New Energy is like known other energy. It really is a new energy. I know scientists are trying to discover like an unending energy that is sun powered and not fossil fuel powered. And like do you want to know a ball? Here's a renewable energy and D and D New Energy. And so explain


for the ladies like, oh, yeah, so like the gays know what New Energy is? Ladies ladies, we get on Grindr. We get on Grindr,


or we get on Orange orange shorthand for


any app any I will enter honestly is my cousin shows me the pictures show. Like the first picture is a deck and tender, but you don't think it's a good deck? straights are just as nasty. So tell me what your favorite part of a new deck is? though is it just like that initial like pull it out of the pants? Or is it like the actual like,


somebody my favorite part of all this is when you start talking to a guy, and you're just kind of like, Hey, how's


it going in hair? Yeah. Hey, lab.


Oh, what are you into? Like what's going on? And you're just like doing the basic shit. And then when it starts to turn, like a little raunchy, and they're just like, Yeah, I mean, I'm, I'm a little horny right now. And then you're like, oh, wait, I'm sorry, what? You're horny right now. And then you're like, Okay, me too. And then just starts getting a little bit raunchy or a little raunchy lung laughs and they're like, I'm wondering what he would do to this day. And then I'm like, here's what I would do, I would start out by and then I tell them, and it definitely involves some mouth play. So you like roleplay. And it's so hot. And then it gets to like the point where you're like, so show me show me that deck. And you're sweating. And you're just like, I need a new deck energy. You need new energy, and then they send a picture and this sets you off. And that's the life force. That's my life force.


Now, I've recently got permission to be on Grindr what we are currently. We're currently like,


what? I don't even know what you are. I honestly don't. We're


very, we're getting open. But we also really love each other. So we're trying to figure out the difference between love and sadly, no, no, let


open in love me. No,


it's true. We do though. The thing is, is that I want you to be pleasured. I want you to be happy, right. Why are you going Oh, I gotta make you if I really love you. Why am I gonna hold you back?


I don't. Okay, and why are you saying money years to figure this out?


First of all, I've only been out for seven years, eight years. So. So I'm sorry. I'm still just a baby gay basically. Can I just say something though? Now, you know, we're talking about new energy and on Grindr. People will write me and say looking. Yeah, you're like, and my response is? Not right now. Sorry. The dog woke me up an hour early. So just passing time. What's the response? You're welcome to breed me to pass time. Now,


guys see if they're not looking for new ones. Right. So they want you to read them.


Now that's a new energy. That's


easy energy. That's easy. Cheese. That's not new. Cheese. Yeah. Easy. Like it's not fun when you're new to energy. Your friend's mom said easy she is she is.


It's used to energy used dick. It's Oh, I'm just gonna give you everything without you even messaging me. Okay, I don't need it. And I want to say to everybody, no, it's not hot. No, it's and I kind of have a problem that sometimes to where I'm like, Oh, when I see this person naked like, oh my god, we might we might we might and next week we're gonna have a hot tub recording.


I'm just gonna tell you right now. There's gonna be a couple of boys here. There's gonna be a couple


of recent release. Yeah, and we're gonna suck them live on the


show. Really? Well girl now if you heard that that was Bobby moving in his chair which is strange to survive as he says in it literally. About new Share energy. So yeah, she's really real though. No, it's a real thing. Do


you think girls


girls feel it too because I think they're like oh my god, I met this new guy I didn't think I sent me this picture and I'm like what? And then they're like, it's a picture of the guy and then the next picture is a picture of his deck and it's like yeah, you have new deck energy you're excited energy you have a never know you have a new tech in your life but you never show your present would never have to show your policy the guy throw his deck a guy will always show you always but when are you gonna show us what grows we're just like we're so into our own cells are very honest. What's more gross a Decker of OC. And I'm just gonna say it out in the air for you to answer you can you can answer that and you're gonna wonder if you're not showing your posts he ever is Why is why is because more it's more grass


I'm not actually a fan and that's all we're


gonna say about policies


we okay, we love you.


Nobody even we liked it. Why don't you ever honestly dork again? Or do they send it we don't know.


They're more like tech girls. Like you're gonna if I'm if I'm a girl, I'm gonna show my tits way before my pussy.


Gay I mean that's disgusting. It's true though. They don't want to motorboat you they want your posting. But if


you show the kids that kind of like feed them like a little bit of like, they'll be fine. I have


always wondered like Why aren't it's just like boring. I have kids to grab them and that's why I'm like I get to show my tits out at right Park. Why can't you show yours right


like my tits are just as much as some pre adolescent girl. They're way bigger


Bobby's are at least 10 times as big as Any seventh grade girl if I'll be


honest with you, I'm really happy with my body. Wow, sorry. Wow


that's actually shocking because wow, I don't know if I'm more embarrassed for you or your judgment


now. I feel like I love my body.




What's good about here's the thing I've been noticing kind of say something. Oh god, I actually more attracted to people who are different than are similar. So like you see on porn, you're like, oh, oh, weird. You have an eight inch cock and a six pack is low in your tan and like glistening perfectly, but I see somebody with a no pack and maybe a six inch deck


six talk 5543213 to


give it up. But do you know I'm saying


Oh, no. And this is why I'm saying like, Why do you hate Davey? wavey because you're gonna see stereotype. You're gonna see some point in there where you're like, Oh, this guy's like 55 Easily. No, I like TV. We're all sick. There's a young dad I thought he was kind of a con at first and then he's like, not very open. Now when we go to Palm Springs. You're gonna love them. Well, that's what I got. Yeah, and we got to go to Palm Springs. Yeah, things are just so you have new energy for yourself. Yeah, cuz you look at yourself and you're like, I'm ugly. No, I


really think I'm hot like people want different finally it's just like in comedy. It's just like being different. I've been


happy with my body for the past like you have like


honestly, you actually have inspired me


oh yes baby Give it to me inspired you about Polly I'm inspired about being loved. No,


you inspire me about like even though I think you're still judging my body which is weird because I don't think you really are the way that you treat your body. I want to be able to treat my body that way.


Girl true. Alright,


so Nick is over. Okay, if we've talked about new Duke Energy enough, let's take a break. Yeah, let's let's do some hydration.


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Alright, I don't want to like judge myself, but I'm going to so you know I like marijuana. I know you like marijuana. So selling marijuana makes me super happy and it makes me want to just like smoke weed


every day. Wow. Wow.


This week I smoked weed every day. Every day sweet weed everyday everyday this week. Very even the workweeks workweek everyday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and on the school days, school days, I had a really bad week why I decided that I was gonna say quad like come on feeling. Oh, wow. So I was super high sitting on the couch, like just watching like little so Michael usually goes up takes like, 10 minute 15 minute shower and comes down. Spent like 30 minutes. I'm like, he's jerking off. So he texts me. He says papi come upstairs. And I'm like, I can't go upstairs. You know what I mean? Like, can't happy.


I'm naked. No.


I'm like, oh, no, like,


I might take a load.


I'm like, Well, I'm not really horny. I'm not.


I never. I never am. Well,


I'm like, high too. So


I'm always like,


I literally was like the guide. Do you know when you're drunk? Or like fucked up in the moment? You know, you're fucked up. Yeah, that's the moment I was having. Now with weed for me. It's like, oh, I can't move out of this couch. And that's cute and whatever. But like, so I had that moment the text came in and I'm like, I'm good. So okay, well, let me just like, if I can just get there. Maybe I can like help. Do you don't I'm saying because I'm giving and I'm a very giving person. So I'm stairs with lotion. And there's the person on the bed basically, like, towel down, like ready to go. And I'm like, well, here's already already hard, ma'am. Yeah, and now I can. I'm like, well, so you were jerking off in the shower. And that's fine. That's good. Good for you.


So I decided in the shower. I was like, Okay, I'm


high. Like what do I do? I'm really already like, my dog is so big, like a big acorn. I don't want to find out actually. The realization of this and let me tell you all you acorn duck boys and anybody know many acorn ducks out there. Everyone's a cool Like we all are so dumb


when you cut off our four skin, we're gonna have an acorn day now. I know it's true. I know a million acorn dicks like I have sucked touched and seen so many acorn decks


most people are acorn decks. Now, you see these people that are like, didn't tempt what's called tick tock. They all fluff the so I'm talking to us before I know but they all fluff like, oh, all of them guys. Don't worry, your dick is normal. Even though yours is lay corn everyone's just lay corn until you get a little hard and you got to keep that level without being too hard but too soft. You know, I'm saying that's where it's at lady.


It's like when you're at your 12th grade 12th grade senior senior you're 18 and you're like You're like I want to dead I gotta show this off. And like you got to say flopped, but not to fluffed, right? You don't want to be hard. This is the problem. You got to say fluffed


in onto Takashi, like so that your three inch long deck that's a little bit hard right now. Now you probably get upset, which is perfectly fine. But stop acting like you're some big ass dig bitch. You're not You're so stupid. I can't.


I'm not actually a fan. Now,


I do want to just mention, what do you want to mention? You have more to say? I do. So I just talked about the fact that your pussy stinks. I post these things and as Oh,


was that I'm getting it back to me. tab on my mouth asking people see. Girl. Can we talk about something real though right now? I just wanted


to go off.


I almost died this week.




Wow, girl? I don't even know. Why did you must die. I've almost died the past like, week and a half like four months probably died every four months. I have died once a month every four months. Okay, so what happened was


I'm actually kind of scared you're gonna die. Same my friend and like, I never really lost a friend. I feel like you might be my first right.


I'm sure that's what you're worried about. So oh, here we are. All right. So basically the past month I've could have done it any moment you wouldn't have known


but you had a near death experience.


I had multiple near death. This is ridiculous. I'm not even talking counting. Okay, so I got my gas bill as one does and I was like it's been the same for the past few months. So it made you like question it. Yeah, every month it's been like $36 like exactly and you have been using gas now but here's the thing I have a gas stove and I have gas Oh my fucking I don't know the last of you cook two years should fucking cunt so I have a gas stove and I have a gas water heater. And so I'm like let me use a little bit of gas but not that much. So it's$36 Makes sense. And every month I use about the same like I'm not like taking longer showers I'm asking for 70 forecast. Well and Okay, shut the fuck out. Oh, sorry. So I ma'am $36 every month since June and bump up up up and then I get my January bill which is from December and it's $36 and so I'm going with I definitely had the heat on like my gas powered furnace was on all December so like something's wrong so you didn't have the heat on?


Oh my god you didn't have no I called Columbia.


I'm like hi Columbia gas. My


likes. I was in the city. Not like the country. No, I didn't call the country of Colombia. I need some cocaine. And I need you to like not worry about a bell


icon. I want to make sure you have enough cocaine for me. No. Free calling. I cold call me gosh, you whore I'm gonna pre call is Pablo Escobar. They're just to make sure. Cocaine from my old snugger so I called Columbia gas like Hey, guys, how are you? How are you though? I'm like, I paid $36 every month since June and I just wanted to check on that.


That was your average. Yeah, but wait a minute, it's gonna be


more when I looked into it said units of natural gas use zero. So I my bill every month has just been fees that are fixed. So I've been paying $36 every month. That's zero. normal. A normal. You have said something. But I didn't realize until so you said something. And they realized so I didn't realize no money for any gas at all. Because in fees. I've just been a fee is


70 to Colombia. Yeah. I'm Pablo, Colombia. Pablo. He's from Mexico.


Cabo is reaping the benefits from Mexico. From Mexico. El Chapo.


El Chapo.


El Chapo industry though Pablo does okay. So anyways, like I made my gas pals.


You been 30 Czar's


dollars a month since June on my gospel and last month I realized like I had the gas on all day every day. And so I was like, Wait, this is not enough. Something's not right. So I called them and I'm like, Hey, can you to come out and check them in there? They came out there like yeah, you


guys come out and check the gas meter of course she's


hot fucking Columbia gas. He had a little gray in his goatee and he had a lot of come in mind.


And wait, did you have in mind or heated? I


did have the come his calm in my mind co T. Come in your mind? Well, I did inside my house. But like, all I had to say was hey, I said do you have any like break time at all? Or like, are you guys working nonstop? Because I know it's been busy. I


love the chitchat.


I do this shit. I'm like, Oh, were you guys like, busy? Like do you have any time off for phone call? Because I do know I say like, Do you have any time off? And then I asked like, how much time do you have off? And I'm like, Do you have a wife? Right? I don't have time. Why would ask about that shit. That's, that's. And that's why that's why you don't get any new deck over here. Why? Because you're asking about the wife and the husband and the kids and why you don't get no this is why you don't get any new day. Hey, do you have a wife? I just wanted to check before I suck your cock. Do you have a wife? You fucking idiot? Like this is why you aren't getting deg. First of all. You'll never get day and I can tell by looking at you. You're never getting Dec sorry. It's not a fight. It's just fat. Here's the facts. Facts. You're asking me. Today so much of my life. Oh, really? The past 10 years have you? None, Zero? Zilch.


Are you talking 10 years or so?


Other than the same deck you've always had? How much have you had in the past six years? Not at least six? Literally 03? Yeah, you're like I'm counting three total. I'm gonna count down three. Well, I checked one off in Las Vegas with my partner.


Well, actually, I just liked his deck and oh, I just liked his deck. Whatever was jacking off. It was kind of I like to show


this when you have like when you're trying to jerk off some utility man you don't ask him if he has a wife or kids. Everyone listening just so you so we don't Okay, let's say you ask if you have any. You're like Do you have any qualms about this? No, you asked that Shay. You asked like how much time off do you have?


Do you need me to grab your car? You got like a 15 minute break coming up YOU LITTLE HORN


I'm sorry but I know how to get it and like when I want to pick from the utility man I'm


UK Yeah. From the UK when I went Dick from the UK.


This man wasn't really he was from the south. Southern UK is so hot. He was such a Silverfox Oh, older southern Oh, he's a little older. He's probably like 45 He's probably the one that came here for me and let me oops my let my baby light my fire. Like literally he was so hot. Helling a little scruff but it was weird. Was that him? That was him. That was him. He was like oh, let me show you how to girl. That's him. He's like let me show you how to light the pilot I was like yep, I'm so scared. No when he came over I was like so you got any time got a blow What the fuck are you? Why are you focused on blow Okay, so member how we were talking about my experience




experience Okay, here's what I was talking about. So now I had the Columbia gas guy out I blew him. And while he's like test I did and while he's tested my furnace, he smelled gas. red tag dead.


That's emergency that's an emergency.


And when you get red tagged you can't use the furnace. So no water. No hot water. No wait, we


had hot water hot water. Furnace, but no, like, I was like six degrees out. Sorry. We're gonna red tag. Yeah,


so by the morning it was 61 and by the time it was 52 So like the temperature kept creeping down in the household. It was 52 on my house. Oh honey red tagged it. I'm sorry. You're poor. No, I'm sorry. You didn't invite me over to your house to keep warm but you didn't


tell me that you need to come to my house. I


did tell you and you didn't pay attention. So it was really cold in my house.


I'm sorry that your home was want to see my whole


I mean, I was so cold I'm sorry, shrivel and there's nothing wrong being homeless. The worst part that I found out from this is that I had a heating guy come over and he tested my furnace and I found out that I've been poisoning myself was just running gas. I've been poisoning myself with carbon monoxide for the past. Since June, stop every time my furnace is on. I slowly poisoned myself with carbon and when I got lightheaded there, he did. And so I invite this age fat guy over he's like, stop this is really my biggest hits on his detector. He puts a detector near the furnace he goes well this thing will turn off after 800 So he's like the limit, the limit is 400. After 400 minutes exists, he goes after 400 You have to replace your furnace after 800 The singer has to turn off. So it goes to 400. And I'm like, Oh, it'll, it'll turn off and then it goes to 800 and then his detector turns off turns off, girl, get your hand away from the soundboard fucking fat whore. And so I'm sitting there. Panicking I'm like, well we have carbon monoxide detector dead and this is for all of us less


this is for no this is


hearing this is terrorists actually


scaring me so I trust my fucking god


trust my trust


I don't give a fuck about a fire carbon monoxide if you want to be real right now I'm so good at oxide mannerisms. You want to see my whole now here's the thing. Carmen excited interests are the same. You don't know what's happening. But yes, baby Give it to me. It's true. It's those are the two worst ways to die. Oh my God saying I hear live


and Okay. And so this is what I was worried about because we have carbon monoxide detectors. So I'm going oh, we got this like what we find? He goes take that carbon monoxide detector, take it off the ceiling and throw it away. Put it in your event. Okay, so I go up, I grab it off the ceiling. I twist it off the ceiling. And as I'm bringing it down to shoulder height, it starts going. Yep. So our carbon monoxide is hands that tech deaths are covered by now.


Spreading though, that's good news.


No, it's just the carbon monoxide is denser than air so it sinks. This really flexing. So it's such low enough that oh, why do we have a car monoxide right? No, no idea. By the time it gets up high enough. We're already dead. Yeah, three seconds get out. So he asked me he's like, have you had nausea? vomiting, dizziness, lightheadedness. Have you had any heart? Chest? Have you had any memory issues? And I was like, I mean, I've had some of that stuff. I thought was COVID I haven't been carbon monoxide poisoning me for this whole maybe like you don't understand? Since June. So I got my furnace replaced in a day. I was like, whatever. So you gotta come right away. I was like, whatever it takes replace that rep lay so you got to replace. Oh, yeah, it's already been replaced. Oh my god. I literally have been poisoning myself forever.


Oh my god. You really could. It's like a joke right now. We're laughing. But like,


No, you could have just said that. He's like, Well, it would have if it would have reached you in the bed while you were sleeping. You would have been dead. I was like, oh, luckily


your AC is not that good. So it doesn't hit that top floor that well. I was like, Okay, we're coming at it. We're gonna come I'm really upset. Like that upsets me.


I don't think you care. Now.


I what I was talking about was my highness. Right? So after I got really high, my Oh, do I tell the story already. I didn't tell the story about how I check it off my go high. super high. Okay, I was super fucking high. And I'm like Midas like beep come up here. And I'm like, No, I told the story. I swear to God. And he goes, I'll come up here. I'm like, no, he's like, Babe, and I was like


to do it. So I go to keep my


eye as fuck. I might


go up there like where I'm stairs. Okay, so you were


I was implanted in the


I had to go up there.


Were early implanted and I was like, how am I gonna go Mike, this is not really appropriate because I can't get it on the couch.


Also, my libido is low.


Also. I came on Sunday. So like Monday is too soon.


Now I know. Honestly, that's true for all the people on antidepressants. Well, now


I'd rather not calm I'd rather want to come work.


We don't come every 12 hours like what are you don't come ever like teenagers? Like I think


you come a lot more than I do. A lot more than I do.


They do come along


to Lusitania, not the Titanic.


When I come in Atlantic autotag they says how to take Dick


selenia that Lusitania sinks


quickly. Babbage Sancto we Why do you know all these sunken ships because I'm scared. I'm Rose. So you hate shit. I've actually never been on a cruise. I've never been on the crazy they're gonna cruise we're gonna Dallas. Why wouldn't go on a cruise when it's COVID deathtrap. It's also they're like, oh, did everyone on the 13,000 person cruise want to get COVID Okay, you dead. And now we have to be on the outskirts? No, they keep the ship outside of Miami for like five days in a row. Really? Yeah. So it's hot. Ever outside of Miami just stuck there forever


Oh, they're in Miami.


That's what it feels like. Fucking soundboard


this is kind of shoehorn a though.


If you ever do that again me I will break your soundboard in half. I'm so fucking tired of your soundboard shit. We're trying to talk about COVID on a cruise ship over here going for


me that makes me oh fuck me baby gear. only come once a week and I'm honey You're


so mean to me. I'm done with this shit.


Okay hold on me while you're clicking away unpopular opinion from the internet


it's time for me to


my God. This is the worst episode you're


gonna get is 100% It's It's so bad once I edited the shit honey. Shea apparently I have a lot more topics I know. So like we we've been talking about this again. Okay, um, hold on my bias. Please be quiet. Please hold Please hold while I find this shit.


I'm sorry. We had to cancel the show. But my team just wasn't ready for rating and we tried we


really fuckin tried. But we couldn't do it. It was so sick. But somebody don't know who always


the first one is black licorice is not that bad. I have not found a single person on the internet who likes black licorice. I for one don't think it's that bad. I mean, it's not my fever red or anything like that. But seriously, it doesn't even taste that different from Red licorice. Your taste buds just be broken.


Now you're a fucking idiot idiot. You're a fucking idiot. Now you don't know you don't mean English. First of all, first of all, first of all, your English language. And if Bobby's saying you don't know English, but for anyone to tell me there's no difference between bread licorice and black licorice like fucking legalize folio.


And now I don't know about like hereditary nests. What's the word? I'm looking for genetic genetics. Now maybe some people taste black licorice. Different than other people. And we can oh people with poor taste. I'm not actually a fan. Girl.


Hi gay. Right,




Can you touch the sound? Fucking timeless. It's


on your queue.


I'm the only one who can touch it. You're the one with no taste. You know? You probably like black licorice.


I don't you probably think it's a scotch. My grandma like that makes sense.


Both so many Do you know how many grandmas love it? Nine out of 10 Grandma. Black licorice. Both of my grandma's are alive. Are both grandpa's. One of my two grandpa's is alive. Heart attack. No


cancer. No natural causes. Alcohol. Liver No. still wrong. Weird. Oh, are you sad? Lung cancer? No long emphysema diabetes. It's gotta be diabetes. That mouth die by days you definitely


see is like point three


be diabetic in this in this work and this world? Is it worse to be diabetic sugar


and lose your feet? There's all these people and they're like, on if you inject themselves five times a day with insulin like it's not you actually


that's one to the straights, guys, ladies, ladies and ladies, ladies. Ladies.


This is like now diabetics out there. How are you doing? We've had a really cold snap. Yeah, for the past week, but then all of fall in December and we're really warm. No 60 degree days in December. So it's like oh, it's it's really weird. Oh, yeah,


maybe give it to me.


Hold on. Like, yeah, it's been cold for three days. It's not been cold for a winter which is a season that should


do you feel like oh no people who are more North than you. So like people from Cleveland would gaslight people in Columbus and people in Columbus with gaslight who live in Cincinnati, you know, because it's warm in all those areas. Let me tell you I was at work. And someone I wrote I'm gonna read what I wrote not read what I wrote. Monterrey whatever out and not everything is a gaslight no and bad weather gaslighting. I'm sorry, Darrell, but why are you telling me everyone in Cleveland drives to work and a foot of snow when we're not in Cleveland? Stop gaslighting. So there's an example outside gaslighting. So she's telling they're telling you and Cleveland This is called On a Monday, we're not in Cleveland. That's gaslighting. Do you understand what gaslighting is? Or do you need me to explain? Honestly, if we're being honest, you don't know what if anybody should know about gas and Lane? It's you because you had a gasoline leaking in your house. It's no wonder you've been fucking cleaning out for about god damn six. Actually a fan. Hi gay I think I mean, I'm sorry that you've been for six weeks.


Try you gotta try again. You're like Nah, man.


I'm sorry that you've been like a little fucking Caterpillar for six fucking goddamn weeks.


You think this gas is like a rat. Oh, look how thick your mustache is. Actually I really want you to hold that up. I


want you to handlebars because it looks harder. No bars down, get shaved everything but your mustache and the handlebars. So hands down. Yep. Well, I


can't go all the way down. So trimmed that we're just telling you what to


shave and all around that. But you would keep that little handlebars I guess people grabbing your handlebars baby. Yeah, I can do that. I think it's hot. Like honestly, my good martec Good. Now you have a million I'm getting zero. Okay, so you had a million things in your list. And you've never said anything. So I need you to just give


me every time I tried to bring something up. You've been to blacked out to even talk about it. So I've been waiting. you're chugging another Sam Adams because we're in I don't know. 1970 Here's some things I wanted to talk about. Great. Here's some things I don't do well, life. Now. These are two things that I really don't do well, walking by stairwells. Oh, and you might think what does that mean? Okay, if there is an open stairwell, whether it be to a basement or to an upstairs, or if you are upstairs looking downstairs or if you're like on the first floor, look into the basement. I cannot walk by an open stairwell, I look down and I expect someone to be there that's about to race up the stairs and grab me a burglar anyone? Anyone? Devil the devil, the devil himself or herself or their self, their self. They're definitely their self. And they're down there looking up at me like oh my god, you're fucking walking and so I run I run across every stairwell I encounter. I just want you to picture that I'm picturing so I went to pee at night. I have to go across the stairwell back to bed. I run across the stairwell and I've run into doors before I have run into other people's


doors, knocking the doors smacking the doors


are you okay? No, you're blocked up I am fully I just looked up I was like he's bad. He's beyond like like I'm not gonna move tomorrow you're not gonna move tomorrow The other thing I'm not really good at and I do not do well is Sandeen bedside and i Okay i now and now I cannot I realized that this week I was like I cannot if I'm like arranging something on the nightstand and I'm like dude to do to do and I look down I'm like I'm right by the bed Yeah, there's someone underneath me


they can grab me Do you see hotels because there's no underneath


yeah always saying I can see a solid wall below and why don't we just


solve the walls


I can why do we reserve that for hotels lock these beds with like underneath areas now I could use the storage well and I do need to store in and I do slide things is scary. That's where I slide all my sex toys they go underneath the bed I saw oh my god oh my god in the box goes under the bed


now if you guys both die am I supposed to come in and save you know


I want my mom to discover all my toys. Oh, she's fine the pegs the anal beads I knew he's a goddamn bottom this whole time my son was like nope I'm a fucking top and that's and that's a T and that's the T is I'm actually a top but I like to use your physical or mental I'm actually I don't your top or bottom. I think you're not even aside you're like a I'm a nothing that's true. Actually I'm ready for anything you can pick up a deck you give it I can give it that you can suck a dick using your deck so I'm gonna give a handy


finger policy and you're opposing a finger


ma so I really can't stand by the side of bed like I have to jump in the bed so if I like approach a bed even if I'm like in the middle that I'm like I'm not even by you're like just by myself with other people if we're your partners there are no fiance can be in the bed and if I'm walking in the bathroom into the bedroom and I walk into the bed I jump into the bed like I see the bed from like three feet four feet away I'm honey no jump I'm I am not gonna stand by the fucking bed and have someone grab me and pull me under I'm not gonna do it.


Hi gay.




I'm sorry for you and I'm really you don't believe in me I do think I'm fucking I don't think because when I'm alone I'll be alone next week so in case you want to I'm coming overtaxed but being alone is scary like every little noise when he's here I'm one when he's here go sleep in the living room lights on anybody can see me and kill me when he's not here even our fucking believe I have every single fucking alarm on every single fucking doors a lot. Call the alarms everything's locked the dog out of the kennel like everything, which no offense like killer


if any killer walks in with like killers listening peanut butter on the fingers like she's gonna run up and like she's not gonna bark. It's bad. Yeah, she's gonna let you die. She'll


be like licking him to death. I


love this guy. He's


like, That's your new


dad and then your dad's on the couch asleep. Dead. Dead. Dead. So, so yeah, I understand that feeling. Like that's the worst feeling in the world. It kind of is because you can't it's worse than when you get a call saying it's like well well we don't know yet. Well, I don't know personally up you know, I'm basically Well, I'm not actually a fan. I'm I'll leave it I will leave it I have some other things that I use talk about go for bed. So I last week I installed this thing that I got my key and installed it because I'm such a failure installing the day I installed the bay there's


a pitch because I'm the man of the family. Wow, you're the man and the woman. So how does that feel? Wow. Wow, I just feel like you do like ever been attacked. Here's a problem. I feel like you do the laundry. But you also run the back and you do the laundry and you also finger the pussy. It's like,


why are we focused on doing the laundry like for me? Just because I went to your dryer today and it was pretend and you're like I didn't


tell Michael.


We were like trying to


our listeners. Bobby wants to know how to do laundry ever. Why do I just want to try it? He doesn't know how to fold it. He doesn't know how to clear the lint trap. He doesn't hide


the lint trap. The limp travel lumpy trap a shrimp trap. Small date queen. I think you're just kind of a liar. No, actually you're like seven. I seriously think you are. Man, you actually have like a decent, like thick mass. Okay, I


don't even see it.


I've seen the pink. Now. I know you're kind of like an off. Brown. You're a little bit.


Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not perfectly Oh for you.


You're I think you have pink.


I am Pink. That's what I'm trying to tell you is I'm pink. You have pink here like you're not pink. Let me see here. So you're not pink?


No, not at all. Oh, no


pretty red. You might be paying the red. My ears are red there.


My god,


I'm tan right now. I'm pink. I'm a pink or pink. And if our listeners don't know what pink means it refers to Google pink tech. But it's all doing it refers to pink deck.


I don't want to say really quick though. I do appreciate our listeners.


We love that I


love when you reach out to me and you tell me things like a lot of you have been reaching out and I really appreciate it. We also have a listener question though. Like and this is serious. Our listener of the week is they didn't sign it. Alright, funny.


All right. So Gaga. Okay, so some listener I have no idea who the fuck to say Jennifer. Jennifer sent this in and said Is it weird question mark. I bought a kit to make a mold of my dick. What?


Well, it can be Jennifer I guess.


It could be Jennifer. But let's just say this is Steve. Okay, Steve. Steven. Is it weird question mark. I bought a kit to make a mold of my dick, but I kept one to see what other people feel when I fuck them. Is that weird? Now? I'm done. I'm signing off. No, I


want to go golf. No, I saw this question. I was like, wow, this is the question of the week and the thing is to kind of say something I don't give a fuck. I think we all are like more like are interested in our own cogs.


In what way? Wow, girl.


Sorry, ladies. I know. Maybe you're into your own vagina as well. Like, boys. Their dicks are just like, it's just different.


I wouldn't we are my own.


I would get fucked by my deck. I hate it. You ain't my dad.


Imagine you fucking yourself. If I saw you fucking yourself, I would run the other way. Like I would call the cops.


Here's the problem, though. That's fine. And that's your opinion. But there's also a lot of like, really hot people that are like, I want you to fuck me. I'm like, well, at work and they're like, that's okay. Breed me still.


I'm saying is where are they?


They're not hearing now. I can get them here. Let me get them here. Just give us the next


next time around for them. Topic. All right. So we didn't actually answer the question.


What was the question again?


weird for me to keep a mold of my dick around see


what it feels? Well, obviously the answer is no. The answer is we think it's amazing and we think should fuck yourself with your own deck.


If I could fuck myself my own deck, I


would actually like kind of turns on the thing. Like, I would like to know what my deck feels like. Yeah, I


want to know, oh, that's a good idea.


We should fuck ourselves their own decks, like how do we how do we arrange that we need to get a mold and I and we got to find you. And


this is why I thought you're personally attacking me with this question because I did buy it oh I bought Kelowna Willie which is a brand of Kelowna willing Dick mold it's called clone a Willie I just don't like it say that hard like I mean like clone a Willie. I mean some freak Massey Well, you just watch porn or like your partner gets you hard and then you stick it in the mold and then energy. So here's something that happened this week, I joined a dart league Dart League, his house about obey him. It's really fun. It's this group of LGBT cues and all the guys and pluses and we join on a Wednesday and we play darts. Have you ever played darts?


I played tonight and I'm actually kind of good before tonight Have


you ever played darts not like ag right


Wow, you just cut me off. Yeah, I'm cutting you off because you're a fucking idiot. But meanwhile I'm really fucking good at darts. So I mean, are you yeah Oh, where


are you in accounts? Wow. Yes. Where were you when it counts every Wednesday night


but I didn't know you were doing this like this is the thing like how do you I'm branching out and I'm trying to find like why though? New people? Are you trying to like get new friends? Am I not good enough?


You're not good enough first of all, but second of all, you fill a lot of space but you don't feel a lot of space in my heart.


I love how you have control of the fucking soundboard now


Yeah, it's true. I so I'm trying to actually don't like me. No, I'm well I like you. It's just that oh my god. You're not like me. Let's talk about this for real it's all bark and no bite. Me. Yeah,


I am so fuckin blacked out. Like it's not a joke. Like I'm really sorry.


I literally I just brought


up darts. And you're like, next subject.


Honestly, I'm really good at darts. Just saying this week is trash. I'm really thankful for all of our listeners. And I'm really thankful for you. Okay, keep going with your next subject. Your subjects.


Next subject.


He go with your next big beats. Do you have anything? Did you bring anything this week at all other than your bladder?


gaslighting. It's like, well, I'll get my hand job. You take energy fisting teaser for following week. We didn't talk about green. We know about fasting testing. Testing,


let's say Well,


here's the thing. So I met a boy a man. Is he a boy or a man? He's older than me?


How do you know he's a man? What makes a boy a man?


I think anybody older than me is a man. I'm still a boy. Boy and say


you're a boy on cube so everything younger than you as a boy. Yeah, so that includes you're really a lot of adults. I'm a boy to you.


What you're on a man you're a little pissy as a bitch boy.


Fuck you bitch. I will say this. So like I'm feeling I'm away. Can I say something? I think I'm feeling very Dom I'm feeling very like what's the testosterone I'm very very angry. You're feeling testosterone I want to like literally shut off my deck into somebody's throat all the way all the way I want them to. But love it is new. I know it's really weird. I heard you have a libido is probably the end of the times and that's fine is we are societal. Well that's what I also think. So that's why I'm like you're trying to get Dec open it up. Open the fuck up open the floodgates and put it on my whole my pussy out because we've so how did you just break into this boy man stuff?


I don't know. But I feel lately honestly that I'm a daddy because I went to my haircuts today. And she was like You little salt and pepper in the back. And I was like, and Michael told me that actually also, and I'm fine with it. But I'm really, really see. We got to get rid of that. It's should I dye my hair. Yeah, let's


No need just for men or women. Honestly, I


like the I like the gray. I think I'm hotter because I can be fatter, and they're like he's old. But I did weigh myself and I'm actually the same way that was about January 2020. So I'm not fucking mad. I


love that you made it through a whole pre diabetic you get but you made it through a whole year without gaining weight or haven't been with it's incredible. And I eat like shit. We really guys, can I pat your back for you?


You're gonna have to because I can't pat my own back.


I can't move. I'm stuck in a bed like Willy Wonka or the grandpa. Alright, I


want to go to the treasure out of your life and you didn't walk again. Meanwhile, Charlie in the mamas and like, making little fucking


is literally Bobby every Saturday when you're like we're gonna we're gonna go and grab a bucket grandpa buckets is like, pops off. Ready to go? He's got a golden ticket. He's got to go.


In his pants, or that she's like, she's like scooping clothes like Charlie, Charlie buckets like he was so smelly so like dirty hot dogs. Yes baby give it to hot dogs and we love him for we're going to give him some mustard.


Oh my god Charlie Charlie and he's illegal but now


and grow buckets was actually he was 70 but he's were like 45 He had the libido of dark hair and his he was warnie.


He couldn't fuck his wife because now


are them in a bed now do you think Regina wanted to fuck grandpa bucket? Oh, yes. Do you think they like did like yeah, some play grandma Regina now if you're gonna freeze your face you better put on my cock. You know what I'm saying? Like don't put your feet near me if you're not gonna put on my cock. Oh, you meant a couple of cross cross so


they're clearly bisexual were they died nor were they like Oh, man. It was a man across from man. You know each other your foot is resting on his lesbians and gays your foot is on his dick. And that's how you knew like grandpa buckets woke up? Oh, Grandpa has a hard last name. I want to know though. Charlie buckets which buckets is the surname now what's the difference between last name and surname? I don't know. Are you drunk? Anyways?


I'm looking I'm Charlie but your grandparents grandpa Josephine, rabbit, Joe and Grandpa Josephine. So that's the one side grows.


I've got a golden Horni deck.


So he lives with grandparents Mr. Bucket and Miss bucket and all four of his grandparents Grandpa Joe. Joe and grandma Josefina together and Grandpa George and grandma Georgina. Wow, are you Wow girl you have got these visits gotta be a joke. Grandpa Joe, Grandpa George. We're fingering and telling each other my entire life has been ruined. Yep. Wait in a bed grandpa Joseph, a Grandpa Joe and Grandpa Josephine grandpa George and Grandpa Georgina? So they literally both have the same fucking




Grayson, Grandpa Josephine and Grandpa Georgina?


No it says grandpa it says Grandpa Joe and grandma Josephine and these two very old people are the father and mother of Miss bucket. Now I'm ruined. I am fucking God.


You're like grandma Josephine. Grandpa Jim actually


really fucking piss off. No, they all have the same name. They did what they did guts fucked up. I never even knew that I'm pest. You didn't realize how lazy they were also the same. The same better. 40 years old, doing the same name shit in that bed. So grandma Josephine could fog grandpa Georgia FIM Georgie, Georgie and Georgia FIA Can


I can't know Grandpa Joe It's Grandpa Joe in Georgia Seema saying no, I'm telling you it was a giant force. And I wonder Charlie was some the first polyamorous relationship on TV was that one


oh my god. That's the first poly actually was very non ableist it was very ablest friendly, was it it was because they were stuck in bed and it just popped out of bed as soon as Charlie got to go.


Was he the whole time


like weird all of a sudden I can feel my legs again. I want to go suck Willy Wonka off again. And I think that might have been the the drive. I think he


was attracted and loved Willy Wonka. Grandpa Joe Joe's gay David Williams Willy Wonka when your fucking your wife. Oh my god, Grandpa Joan Willy Wonka general husbands


and they couldn't they couldn't ask why Charlie had a win though. Because like it was like, he's like, Charlie, Charlie, this is our life.


This is when I do some fizzy, fizzy, fizzy drink and fart you still


got your goddamn handprints on the fucking fan. That's


when Willy Wonka got mad at Grandpa Joe again because he's like, listen, Joe, this is the last time it kicks you out. I told you to stay out of this with your filthy paws and


grandson back and honestly I think Joe I want your dad I think this is where I start with pink with with Charlie's blonde Charlie was so pink. I think I want to put Charlie outside


got a little pink Deck. A little pig when


he won the elevator. He's like my hand. I'm gay. When he went to church when he went to Willie and was like it was the Gobstopper he's like Charlie, my boy Charlie, my boy. was wanting to man to Tommy I won.


You won Bobby your teddy Have one oh


my god my pussy is so well you're like wow, I vibrates. Oh god Bobby


you won.


But I want that you've got my Gobstopper please you and Charlie was such a good person that he apologized he was I'm really sorry mister. Here's this Yes sir. Sorry sir. Charlie, my boy.


My boy you won. You won my boy. We have so much to do so little time


to do a little Willy Wonka's. We're gonna call cats rockets what do they call it?


Now Now remember now honestly off an island he saved them he does. Yes, that's true. They're still like working play.


I mean that's even though they work for free and they're under there right


and under everything they are treated well


they were saying through the Warriors that's


actually like the story of this country is so bad it really I'm kind of upset a little bit. Oh, I can't talk about this. So the natives Yeah, what's going on with the natives? I felt we could have done a better job representing Yeah, like protecting the oil and in what way they didn't have guns. Why didn't their technology reach the same levels? England? Oh, why is it different?


I mean, why does it matter? Like they didn't matter? Yeah, like they didn't. I'm saying those people show up and you're like, why do we need this shit? It's really fucked up. They had a different philosophy. What was their philosophy


Jim well beyond to others in a brave earth of the air


is something like that. I think they had different concepts of ownership and like what how is it land yours and not ours? It's


really it really freaks me out that we think as white people are like this. This is my parcel of land if you're hoping to my property we tell you early give a pink deck this is not your land. Right? If we're being honest like if you have a pink deck this is not you if this if you have to go back across the seas in the back to the den back to England get back to the England and the Denmark Ireland Denmark,


Ireland and one of the highest pink tech per capita is Ireland. Dublin he would love Ireland look at you. You love little pubs that's the show that's the show


Listen everybody please tell your friends we really appreciate every single fucking one of you we really would love here's what I would really we really need to apologize the episode yes, we're really sorry this is passport


tried to get we were trying to get up to the level that we got a little too turned we got a little turn. So we're a little we're a little blocked out and we're gonna it's probably gonna be a really great at it for me it's gonna be a lot of work to edit but it's also gay. I want to say this we do I would really love listen when you reach out to us it makes our day and what I really love is if you're listening to the show, make a little screenshot and post it on your Instagram and tag us because that to me to me is everything screenshot of them listening to our show like oh my god, LOL This is so funny tagged not well. They post it and then their friends like let's not Well, I will personally deliver a handjob whoever does Now also if you've ever been on the show, or you're a gay in Columbus, and I look at you and you don't look back at me, you better fucking look, I see you. I know you saw me. I'm gonna let it go this time, but I will call your ass out next time. And like you said last week, all gays have IBS. So some IBS choices choice. So I need to read my latest book called choices because honey, you're not making the right one. You want to see my hole you can easily be in this hot tub naked. Yeah. And honestly have your diktat. Also shuttle just request shoutouts Jania, Virginia. Thank you, Chris. Like Chris Virginia came up to me and I was like, Hi,


I'm a little bit very nice. I'm


very like taken aback. Sorry. I didn't tell you everything. But did you suck Chris's deck now but I've kept some certain tracks of communication open.


Wow, Jim. See, Jim. Jim, we love you. Everyone had to send me a send me your dick pic for Jim. And I'll show my promise. Subscribe. I love you. I really do


love you. And if we win the Golden Ticket you're coming along.


Honestly, let us know where should come next. Like it's either Austin, Dallas, Seattle. Palm Springs or Atlanta. Yeah. Okay, so if you really want us to come your city where else Palm Springs? I think it's where we're going. No offense, I've got the Palm Springs warm. Well, we gotta get a gig ham to we're gonna also plan our gay camp weekend which is coming up probably like I'm thinking juniors I want to be hot. I was just saying to be warm. We got to be able to tie


balls to be dropped like I cannot hold scared by I'm not like you even know these people know but it's so weird. Less reason.


I'm not worried about the flu. I don't know. I'm one of the people I do know which is really like, well, I've seen your deck you see my deck so we don't really think But I still feel worried about if you're in Columbus we would love to meet you as well we were at Holy Trinity brewery playing darts also a disco so if you ever see us come up to us and say hello we don't buy I'll probably never send you if we're being honest and you don't probably more drunk than you realize. Because he's a deck right


thank you oh


by oh my god you're like blacked out you even care about our listeners like tell him goodbye. Bye. What is the last time you ever record because you know I'm a little bit of this could be a little shaky. I'll be like bench. I am a way yeah, how I started by say bye