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Sept. 2, 2020



**Warning** This episode will sound more like a live episode because we brough mics up and recorded in a huge living room. We literally lay on the couches and ramble so while its enjoyable, sometimes the audio sounds like we are deep throating the mics*** 

This week is a SNDSW state of the union and labor day special. We talk about our upcoming schedule, the shenanigans at the lake, SNDSW makes a Broadway special and more. Some topics discussed this week are: 

Lake Trip
Weekend Away
Mixed Drinks
Bar Food
Getting sick
Bobby Throws up in parking lot
white claw
gay stuff
 Breakfast Disaster
Not enough food in bag

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Unknown Speaker :

Welcome to she's not doing so well. It's a podcast. I'm Bobby. What is this? The tongue is my tongue is in my throat and I cannot. I'm gonna try to limit the box to 10 love it. Honey. I'm just so awkward at this God. Hello, everybody and welcome to another episode of she's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. Jim is not here right now. I don't know why I sound like a robot. He's not here right now. He's not here because this is a Tuesday and I'm just trying to wrap up this episode because we went to the lake this weekend. And we had a really great time. It was fun, peaceful and relaxing. And I have stories and we decided to bring microphones up there like they're not the best quality microphones, we kick back, I have an edible. Well, I had two edibles that day but we kick back we relax, we drinking white claw or drinking wine. I still had a cough, so you'll hear that. But the quality is horrifying. There are some funny things though. So I decided to keep it Why not? You know what I mean? This episode is kind of like a Labor Day Special slash State of the Union slash kind of shit show. You're used to being shit shows, though. So it's not gonna be any surprise to any of you. I mean, I'll let you get to it without being too crazy. Make sure you check out our Patreon. We'll be back next week with a new episode. I'm not really sure yet. We're working on our schedule. So that after Labor Day, we're gonna have a lot of authors. We have three authors that we're trying to get on the show. We have two Tick Tock comedy stars. And we're supposed to be on two other shows. So we've got a lot going on. We're gonna work on our schedule. We're gonna get shit together. We're gonna do this. So just take this episode to enjoy. Relax, kick back. Don't take it serious because the quality is horrifying. And yeah, without further ado, Right here in downtown Futaba right now and downtown cooktop Island. We are living our best lives. We're here. We're here we're queer. We're ready to go. I want people to picture this I'm under a blanket and I'm sinking into a couch take a picture of me and then people can picture any picture you know what I mean? Okay, what did we What did we do today? What didn't we do? Let's catch up. We just look up Lake catch up. Do you want to Okay, well, we were driving up here we drove through a fucking tornado. True. And by that I mean you guys were already up here like drinking having a good time. And we're like I run away and then of course a huge storm hits us in the middle and you're in the middle of no rain drive up here like in the lake. It's like literally just a straight shot of nothing. farms what some curves like you just like curve Curve, Curve curve, a tiny bit curvy, tiny bit. farmy. A little bit slightly, a little bit nutty. You don't I mean? You're going for me, I have your I'm going I'm laying back. You're laying back He was trying to just live my best life. You know what I mean? You're letting it all hang out but under a blanket. Can we bring that up? Yeah, like everything. I think there's like something special about like, feeling at your biggest but being under a blanket. Oh, yeah, like when you're at your heaviest, but yet you're on our blanket. You feel like you're normal again. You know what I mean? Like, Oh, no, I'm a fat foreigner here. I love hiding. Hiding to the problem is that when you have a mass and body size of mine, you can't really hide, you know? Yeah, there is a limit. But like, depending on how big the bed blanket is, yeah, you can I can look a little dainty. Well, like a little baby. So you were driving up through a tornado tornado began geometry. Oh, yeah. And then I mean, are we is this Trump country? And Michael's like, yeah. And I'm like, How do you know? Literally, we started passing Trump signs. I was like, oh, flags like flags anywhere that doesn't have a city as Trump country. Got it? Yes. mean it's kind of scary. We saw some Biden's were like not Munch you see like a couple and then it's like they're brave. Oh, well, they're super brave out here to have that sign. Yeah, like you know so we arrive and we're fucking starving so we go to this place that's like kind of like a sports bar slash like really good, like appetizers really good just like appetizer No, not even that that honestly I think they could have done a better job the cheese stick knows if they knew you were from Columbus they would have right exactly. Anyway they would if they knew who I was they would have fucking had it right. But But tell the drink so you got a little we get their menu and she's like, do you want like a special drink? And I was like yeah, I'll have the was a spike spike do spike just do. So it's Mountain Dew and I was vanilla vodka. Sweet for some reason ease. It was it was also fluorescent green. Yeah, it was like hostile fully. Oh yeah. Most cops here but I think it's like It's good. Yeah it is all that pizza but so this drink comes out for us in green It looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and then like five minutes I'm just gonna keep though like bourbon and Dave got a smurf and then the other two people that were there which was one was you yep and so you guys got beers? Oh yeah we were like well with the beers the draft beer at a bar so we continue on the meal everything's great well by the Michaels like Well, I have to go to the restroom and meanwhile I ordered my second drink that peach whatever peach peach peach speech and Michael ordered lake water fountains calm which are both also high fructose corn very brightly colored all of that like Ohio corn syrup. Yes. So then what happens is Michael's like, well, I feel the restaurant like Okay, cool. So he goes to the restroom and I'm like, we're sitting there. We're like what's happening? He's not This was like 20 minutes later, we were like, yeah, it was like a long time ago. So I go through the back of the kitchen, because that's what you do up here. And I go to the bathroom and I go Mike, and he's standing there and he's like, wiping sweat off his face. And he's like, I just had, like, I just pooped the biggest shift of my life. And then I was like, sweating and having cold sweats. And like, I thought I was gonna pass out and I was like, Oh, God. So I was like, it happened. It happened. I was like, That's weird. And so he recovered. Like a normal human. And we leave, we got to leave and and as we're leaving, I'm like, I need to go outside. Like before everybody else. I need air like, some air. So I go outside. I'm like, I don't really feel that fucking great. Like when you see an ice cream shop and you don't want to go that's when you know. Yeah, I was like, we could get ice cream. You're like now I was like, Oh, no, he said that twice to me the first time ice cream. Then Dave was like, I just want to get my cozies and it's lay around. I'm like, Yeah, I just want to lay down and I was like, legit starting to feel like Hot and like you have the juicy job juicy job which is a term I've never heard jobs when just a job. When you have juicy job that means you need to find a bathroom ASAP usually when you're gonna when you're gonna throw up, especially with like, alcohol related or food related literally have about a five minute window and it starts with juicy Joe. Let's do see Joel feel like your mouth starts watering and you're like, oh god and you're like trying to like like, I don't know you just your mouth starts watering you got to go and go this is gonna happen I just got to figure out when and how. And sometimes you're in denial like I was in full denial. I was like this isn't happening like Oh shit, it's fucking happening. I go we just talked about me throwing up to the table which is very odd. But I had to throw up and I and I would say that it was like a it was a big amount it was violin it that bush is never gonna be the same. That bush is gone. The Bush is dead because all that stomach acid, the peach beach and lakewater whatever the hell you Am I haven't. Oh, surprise surprise, and I have yes my surprise like up here I'm like it inevitable for I go to dinner? Well, I'd hit at dinner. I mean, it was disgusting. So then I'm like, this is like the weirdest. Yeah, we get in the car and I'm like, maybe we got like poison in our MC stream and first I thought it was like, I was like, well, it might be food because food poisoning is your first thought but like, we all ate the appetizers as well and the two who had beer did not feel sick. Right Dave kind of Dave kind of felt like he's a healer and why is it only in one and he didn't finish it one rib. Right? Cuz he didn't feel great. Right? So Tony, those mixed drinks were killer. Very killer. They were diabetic killers. So yeah, so that was that first night it was wonderful. And then I was hungry when I got back because I threw up everything. And I was like, Can I make pizza later? And he's like, yeah, so we made pizza. I was eating like pee. I mean, and meantime, I took another edible a fuller, bigger one. Because I'm like, Well, I gotta figure it out. started drinking heavily. And this is on the empty stomach. Yeah, but I expressed everything out. And actually, yeah, so then I'm like, oh God, like, I'm like, we're doing this, we're doing this. So I started eating pizza. And you know, with me when an edible hits it, and I'm in a good place, especially like eating, then it's like, all of a sudden, all I can think of is the next piece of the next piece the next piece without thinking about what I'm currently doing. I'm like, Oh my god, I want to know you're not planning ahead. Oh, okay, this stomach is getting full. It's like, Nacho next year later, my next four more pieces. I'm like, You're disgusting. So then after you've had four to five pieces of pizza, like let's see what time he wants to go ghost hunting, which is a tick tock app, which we're not even sure how it works, but it does pick up bodies. Yeah, people. It did. And it kept picking up something on Dave's trundle bed. Oh my god, David. That bed is haunted. That room is haunted. I mean, this morning, he was screaming in there. I was like, oh, Girl like, that wasn't a bad Oh, oh, awkward. Well, Boston pass stay. Yeah, so then we were like, let's just Oh, so then I'm like, let's go get these bagels from Bob's bagels or whatever, up the streets in the bagels place. So Jim's still sleeping and I'm like, well, let's just go out man. I mean Dave take Michael's car we're like, let's go stand in line at this place. It's taking for fucking ever. Like literally took like probably 35 minutes. Well I woke up and they were like, Oh, so they went to get bagels. I'm like, Well, how long have they been gone? might have been a mile and then I finally texted I was like it we needed to think about going to talk about McDonald's because this is not working like it's not working out for me. So we go to McDonald's. Well, and we're pulling up and on the phone with you guys being like, what do you guys want? We'll text you I'm like, No, no, like, we're like pulling into the fucking speaker. Like, I need your answer. now. I'll kill will text you. I'm like, Oh, okay. So I'm like, Well, how Number Six with a Diet Coke. And I want to chicken biscuits. And the first text came in like, and I need it all. So anyway, yeah, we ended up ordering we chose the eight total sandwiches, like six total hashbrowns a partridge in a pear tree. You know what I mean? Like we had the whole like, situation that we're supposed to get. And I knew those. I knew that they didn't have it right. You did hold up and I was like, Okay, hi. And they hand us the bag. And I was like, Huh, it does not seem like a nylon bag. I know that we are five people. Yeah, like, I know exactly what it means bagging to feel like we technically should have had two bags. This is under by two pounds, six ounces. And I know it the regulation. The rough eight, this is it right? It's not the right sizes. So I was like, okay, so I then like have Dave and like, go through it. Go through it go through go through it. And he's like, Oh, yeah, it looks fine. Like ultra vivid normal. Like, okay, we get back here shit and my my fuckin shit was missing. It was mine. Yeah, well that I didn't have a hash brown and there's no greater disrespect than to not bring my hash brown. I know. So I'm like, you gotta be fun. I was a great drive by you were like, I was like, man he's getting back in the car like I was very heated like Don't you fucking tell me Do not short me and Dave also are being Dave was calling the regional manager. Oh yeah Dave was like give me the receipt. Give me the receipt because I am a fucking Karen he's like I get it from my mother. Oh, well, like well, so that happened. like okay, well, it was tasty but it wasn't enough wasn't enough. So then we decided let's go to the lake. Oh boy. So we're like we can go up here and relax, rely on like, lay around in the lake and just drink and whatever. No, no four foot swells swells like forfeits against like rocks. Like you really just can't get eggs. If you don't. If it starts bringing in you're gonna fucking slam against rocks. You're dead. So I'm like I'm not really I'm 36 I'm not in any place to really like act like you can swim Let me tell you this but like you have to get in and out on a ladder and so picturing you using a ladder as though today you did but this is like in choppy water like in the lake coming out of the lake when those waves go climbing up a ladder you could do it yeah, I'm really struggling to do okay, now but I don't want to like if we're gonna go in the lake and like float around chill I don't want to be battling the waves trying to talk to you guys you know what I mean? I just want to be able to fucking relax relax right let's go to the pool no thousand fucking mistake because there were so many hot daddies there I couldn't even fucking Kayla's like everywhere you looked it was everywhere we looked. It was like everywhere that I want to be Yep, yep. And everything that I'm not like it's like hot 30 something year olds like hot where you knew in their prime yet we're fucking prime. But now they're like kind of beefy. But I felt like maybe it's a different type of prime. It's still a prime read, but it's still Yeah, but it's a primer is a great amount of fat. It's like an end piece of the prime rib like a little extra extra meat on the end. Yeah, yep. And for vegetarian that's really smart of you to know that you're welcome. Because my dad's favorite is the end cut of primary, but he always asked for it at the rest really. We go to the restaurant says I want the end cut. And they're like, Well, okay, we still have it, and they always have it. Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know you can even request that. Well, you can and you should. Maybe because you deserve the beef. I need that beef on me that fat. I mean, we were sitting at the pool and I was like, everyone quiet down a little bit because Dave was like screeching and I was getting a little you were getting a little hanzi Well, I'm but that I mean, I was getting lucky. I was like, oh, here comes another fucking daddy. Oh, okay. Really. Every, all four of us like are shouting. Oh, he's about to take that shirt off. I'm coming off, turn, turn, turn around. Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn. Look. Look, look shirts coming off as off shirts off. Oh, he's about to take off. His son just jumped in the pool. And he's about It was like, I was just looking. creeped out. Now I really like this setup right now I feel very relaxed, you look relaxed. Like I feel like I have no worries in the world now we're interviewing people I can't really lay around, but so then so we're dealing with that. And meanwhile, we're drinking still. And meanwhile, it took an hour. And then he took his second edible of the day. So I said, Yeah, so one out of all these four that I'm relaxing today, okay, one will be for the pool. One edible at the pool, a double shot, all edible colada. You have to double pina colada in about like two or three white cars. So I mean, I was tastic you know what I mean? I'm like, Okay, well, Daddy, honey, I was like, oh, there's another Wow, he's gonna take his shirt off. He's taking that off and we're like, let's just go get some We better go back to the condo We better go back to the condo. So we came back and I just ate about 45 pounds of pizza because you order pizza guy. Well you almost bet Michaels hand off when he touched her ranch like it was like shut down. That's my fucking ranch. Get your own fucking ranch. unpacking rhonj so that anyone can die. Meanwhile, we're like dreaming of daddy's dream and daddy's dreaming of like, yeah, I mean, that's unbelievable. So, and this is all in like a 24 hour period. So period mean, periods. Were up here for like a little bit of a like a retreat little rondane away from normal. No, it's one of those like COVID vacations where it's like you have to go somewhere. We're not we're like literally doing it's not a real full vacation but it's like no your distance but yet you're still able to go and see a different scene. Oh, and like, let's tell the story that even for all of our listeners worried the pool of social distance as well. Yeah and when you're not allowed to move the chairs but guess what Karen and her husband tried to move the chairs and so some 16 year old there was at last are in laughter some little lifeguard had to tell like them hey by the way you can't move the chairs like it's just part of the pool policy because we don't want people bunching into big groups because of COVID and then we're like well this is why don't really understand like why we can't slide it to the left a little bit more and of course i mean i'm telling you again knows Matt like a you know Damian Lewis knows he shot straight to his fucking little like are now three to to break the chairs up three two telling actually his the girl there. She was right the fucking manager and he's like, you need to go over there and tell them right now they need to move those tears back rate to Yeah, he was like, oh my god. So these old drunk rich people were like, I just don't understand. I just don't. Yeah, I'm sorry. Are you telling me there's rules? Sorry, Karen. Move on. There's rules and they're like, I just don't get it. It's like the first time in years, they've ever been told that they're not allowed to do what they're doing. So they're in shock. They're in total shock. They're in total shock. Like, what? How dare they that little queer 16 year old up there say something to us? Oh, we better garnish his wages. How dare he? I mean, I can't. It's like the privilege is overloaded. We made a song to what was it? privilege? What was it? It was like silver But no, it was a Christmas song, but it was like a privilege. How wide are your brand? branches? privilege? Oh, privilege. Your Dreams are always coming true. That's true. Because your WHY? So yeah, so this is like a very privileged area. Like we have yachts in the back right now. I mean, basically, we're just living our best life. Looking ahead Looking at it, we've never been brighter. Exactly, or what is the President say? He's like, the state of our union is strong. It's not but we do need to take about a state of the union. She's not doing so well, because it is strong. It's strong. We have plans. We have people. We have like publicists knocking down our doors. We have a lot of interviews lined up. We have a lot of really cool interviews coming after Labor Day. So like, this is kind of like a little. This is like the Labor Day episodes our prep. This is our labor day episode. Okay, it is. Yeah, you're right. And by the time people hear it, yeah. You'll be listening to us when you're on your way to your trip. You know what I mean? Oh, we did chakras last night. Oh, my God. Well, so much for the State of the Union. Well, shit, you know, you just ruin that segment. So last night, Bobby, last weekend, Bobby God has these really cute chakra bracelets which you may have seen on line. While you sound like a 45 year old post on those online He posted it on his email post on the online. He used the internet to post online I was like did you post them on Insta? online? I don't know. I've seen these bracelets. Talking about the bracelets on like he was seen. I have no idea. Well, no if you see them if you see if you've seen me with this episode, okay, so you've seen them now by reference to these really cute chakra bracelets because we talked about tantric sex or Tantra. Sorry, my Tantra open Wow, that So anyway, we did a quiz last night and found out what was closed and what was open and a lot of our holes are closed all all but like to have our holes I have an overactive third eye or active third eye, which means I'm like living a fantasy world which makes sense. podcast is going places like total fantasy world about to take over the world. We're gonna be like living in LA living in Columbus, Ohio letting 180 people listen to you, you know what I mean? But you think it's 401? We have 41 followers on Instagram. Well, I mean, as this is the state of the union that act to the State of the Union, it's strong. Well, this is a city in episode. Oh, the state of our union is strong. We were saying we've got publicists knocking down the door. We have interviews lined up. We do and we are giving out boxes. Patreon is to Patreon. Patreon is still flying. High. Higher, never flown more often. Yeah, so anyway, like Patreon. It's taking off. It's taking off. There's A lot of content on there that I'm not happy with, but I really I love it. I'm happy with it in a wrong. Okay, read it. You're embarrassed. Is that what it is? It's not the content we want. It's the content we need. Oh, we're gonna be in a book. Yeah, we're in a book. We're gonna be in a Columbus, Ohio LGBTQ book. We have a biography. Dissertation. Dave, would you like to read your dissertation? Yeah, come over here and just read it. We're gonna read your dissertation for the show. And my phone disappeared in my hole. But now I'm going to read to you what's going to be in a book, which we randomly just got asked for pictures in synopsis so I am not going to complain. All right, a recipe for disaster stemming from an unexpected encounter in Denver Panera. She's not doing so well as an irreverent and empathetic look at everyday life through an LGBTQ plus lens. co hosts Bobby and jam provide insightful discussions on topics ranging from ally ship to mental health while incorporating edgy humor to leave their listeners begging for more These hour long episodes delve into commentary and experiences that inspire their audience to transition from surviving to thriving and the cultural challenges that are unique to the Midwest. Guaranteed to make you again, you know what I mean? You don't I mean, you know, and I mean, so a whole with HLA with a W, or Yeah, yeah. And then I also came up with a slogan. Yes, you did, which pretty much describes everything Bobby, higher, fatter, drunker. It's basically like, Okay, so this is what I'm thinking of trouble. This is like, Eat Pray Love for us. A lot, like, higher, fatter drunker. I mean, it's like, we can only go higher up on the cliffs. I just want to point out that the sky looks like a trans flag right now. It really does actually have a rainbow. It's really pretty. It's so pretty. Like Can we get a picture? Thank you, dad. Go ahead and get a picture sign. We take a picture we could take this outside and go talk to people on the fucking yeah gain. Oh my God look at that Sonny daddy. We've got a lot brewing here like again this is kind of like the Labor Day slash I'm brewing State of the Union stop again we're really excited to bring you a lot of content. I mean Jim really got to sit down into our schedule because there's gonna be a lot of interviews we need to do like live Jeff and I don't know where he goes with the I don't know his again well the files coming I don't know I mean, I really don't know I don't know how it's coming. I don't know somebody some Title I don't I don't even know I don't know I don't know refresh the listeners about what's happening while we keep seeing the fall. Yes. So back when we went to LA be precoat Well, like covered during in our mid Yeah, it was in our midst, but not we were no the first person died in United States of COVID in LA and I was like, oh We're doing LA and we're like, oh, no, yeah, that was great. February like second to the eighth like it was right then. So we go out there. We're in Chinatown. We're in this like going by a temple. And we're like, this is an interesting building, but like, we're kind of intimidated. The people are like, some ladies like, Go in, go in. It's kind of a sign, like really feels like she was walking up to us. And I was like, Oh, we don't wanna be disrespectful. And then she's like, she goes, you can go in and I'm like, What? Oh, it's about the universe giving you permission. Oh, and I was like, okay, so yeah, so I was like, Okay, let's check it out. So we go in, there's a little board in the back. It's got some numbers on it, and then a binder in front so you pick your paper from whatever number you visualize and think you should pick then you read in the binder. What it's what's going to happen with that number. What you pick by 21, which is my favorite number in case you didn't know. And it was like basically, the Fall is going to bring you so we the Fall is gonna bring you like success. Yep, something it said. Everything was about The fall the fall so now we've been keep keep saying like, maybe this the podcast is gonna take off in the fall and it's always been like oh the falls coming. It's almost like winter's coming and Game of Thrones but the Fall is coming. Hi All is caught or drunker. Fall is coming firefighter drunker. That's our book on sale now on amazon.com $15 Oh my god, that really could be the fucking book. Like that's your memoir. That's actually Khalid earlier memoir. And you're welcome. I'll only take like, how do you we can ask the authors that have already write a book. We just had him write a whole thing? Well, I've been having a ghostwriter. The ghostwriter. Well, actually, that's how you write a book. You have somebody who knows how to write Yeah, you speak to them. And Walter Isaacson could write your biography. Whoever that is. He did steve jobs, jobs and every I mean, he's gonna be like, well, this fat fuck is boring. And, and we're that's it. Oh, he moved from Atlanta to Columbus in a little owl GMC Sierra. And all he's done. Look at him. Look at the goodies. Now. Look at what he does now. So yeah, I also tried to get like a physicists on the show, because we were gonna have an episode about time. We knew he didn't want to talk about time. I want to get someone who actually like, kind of can tell. I mean, you can talk about it. But I like that maybe we can talk to somebody who like, I don't know. Yeah, I'm as freaky if you really think about it like that. Well, like tell some examples from that book, like the altitude thing, like how I get slower when you're higher? Yes. And then Time goes faster when you're low. Yeah, it does. It passes faster, the higher you are backtrack, get the book. I don't have a Oh, I think it's upstairs well, as well. If you put somebody on the plains, he puts me in the mountains. There are times are going to be different. And so you know, you sit here thinking and if you think about if you're still and then yeah, you have somebody who's still in someone who's moving, the person is moving is going to experience time faster than the person not moving. Yes. And so if you really Think about it, like think about when you like when you're running a mile or you're doing like a workout, which I haven't done either in a while. However, like when you're looking at the clock, and you're like, Oh my god, like, I'm supposed to be on this thing for 45 fucking minutes. And this is taking forever, like five minutes feels like 45 hours. You're like, yeah, so you're moving, though, but time time is like it's you. It plays tricks on you. So we're gonna do an episode on time, which is really exciting. It's necessary because as you just heard, we don't really understand it. Honestly, I it's one of those things that freaks me out every day. So we need to talk about it. Mike, get Bobby back on the treadmill. Actually, I already thought about starting a new program. Yeah, there's a guy that has 30 day challenges and I've been looking at his stuff and like, people are losing weight like and it's like 530 minute workouts a week and like he so take that and shove it up your whole stick that in your pipe and smoke it on your pipe and smoke, honey. Like what do you do on Labor Day like what's like Labor Day is like a time to celebrate family and friends. What is it exact drinking. It's a drinking day. It's, it's really to like get a day off the hook started it. I think it's to honor the labor movement who basically got as our weekends that you're enjoying right now, instead of working seven days a week, you now have a weekend and you have a 40 Hour Work Week. That was all achieved by collective organizing. Well, I need a collective organize and only work three days a week. Well, people do that. In other countries, right, like people. threes pushing in. I mean, three like 12 hours. Yeah, well, I would work three times to do that. Three hours a week. That's enough. Yeah. Plus, like if you need to one extra day if you need to get your job done. Bitch we're talking about Yeah, get your job. Done. All you have to like you should be able to go to your work. And even if you're like, let's just say like Michael right, you're a doctor. Okay. And you have like eight patients you need to see. You should be able to just see them and be done. Like Don't worry about the dumb shit in between. But of course there's paperwork and other people you have to deal with like, amaze. Let's all shit on amaze. Round one. Well, I believe we have a cousin who's one so yeah, but she's a good one. So yeah, Labor Day is kind of like I always like the unofficial end of summer even though it's still hot until fucking October. Yeah, I mean, we're gonna be sweating for another month. But it is kind of weird that we're going into Fall Fall this coming. Fall is coming number 21 over here. It's pumpkin season the basic bitches are coming back out. We will put that dang thing in the back of my throat punani Villani punani Dasani boo Nadia Zani Oh nanny Deer Valley. Love some Deer Valley punani Deer Valley. Here's one thing I haven't had a weekend water brought to you by water. Like I had one on it. Last a water zero. I drink a lot last night actually. Oh you did after the vomiting before the vomiting. Oh yeah. Before the right maybe we should get a glass of water. We should all slurp on some water filled h2o. Who wants a little Deer Valley? Do we have a bottle of water here? No. Kind of fucking instance we have lake water which brings back bad memories of shitting Yeah, he has he's done. Go to my bed and just wait. ass up. Assa. I wouldn't face down ass up. That's the way he likes to talk. Face down at no windows up, face. Face down ass up. That's where you'd like to fuck. Rip to come in for this cop. No. Yeah, well, you might know honestly as friends. That's true. That's true. Well, it was true before this weekend before you parked me outside. On the boat outside doesn't mean I do. Joe. I mean, he was like, You know those people that like just stand right in front of you. Just Can't speak really. You're like trying to be cool, but you're like, Oh my God, this person is like so much better than me. That was the that was what was happening. Yeah, well, it was like, Hi. Yeah, I was like, Hi. Hey, jealous. I'm having to get up and I was like spreading my legs. I was spreading my legs. Yeah, I was like this. Yeah, yep. I don't purpose. I my legs fully spread. And I was like, hey, thanks. Like, he's like, well, I'm gonna go take a piss. And I was like, oh, Mark, did you hear that? Well, solid. Do you ever say Oh, wait, can I just be honest about Yes. Do you think it has a correlation? Yep. Oh, yeah. Stream sound. I always think that like when I hear a big guy, I'm like, No, that's a big fucking deck, or he just has like a big hole. And so that's why like, I sit because mine's inverted. So you don't hear anything. So it's like, it's basically like a little clip. Yeah. Back to this fetch again. Is this the thing? Great slowly in your vagina. It's always about me, China, usually later on so then Patreon followers love it these gay but well i don't know i don't like musical mix me bro I just think they're boring like right when it's about to start getting good accident like one time I was thinking about yeah can you go to the next scene? I don't want to see you in your bedroom for free wow he touched my wow Can you believe I squirted for the first time in a long time and I score space for the first time that really cuts out like are you there? Hello and then it's like she's knocking up the door my Cox getting hard hard Faster harder she says when she's old she's knocking at the door. What does she want from me? scene. I want to go with a cock song and it goes to her scene where she's like I've got this open up the doorway. Now seen jobs drop and that's the robot play called drunker, higher, higher, fatter drunk or high or fatter drunk or eat pair love. That's my book. way higher fat. We're gonna write a book. Jim's gonna just where I could write it. Are you a writer fully? I'm not. And it's really great that I'm in charge of our social media. I think after Labor Day, we'll just see all these episodes roll out. And then we'll be hitting the holidays. Thank you for the first time in forever. Well, the first time in forever we're signing off the show. I think that we need to make a Broadway show called the knock on the door. Yes. Like are you gonna see the knock at the door? It's not at the door. It's the newest hit broadly, sexually frustrated, like knocking at Broadway show. come and knock at my door. Knock at my door. I post these for you. When the Lord closes one door, another opens there's always an open hole. It's not my whole but some other chakra. We had a great leg day. That was the episode Like Day weekend was a great social distance type of weekend. It was fun. And it was nice to kind of get away. For a simple like in state trip. Please check us out on iTunes or Spotify. I'm sure you're listening to us somehow if you're not subscribed, please subscribe. If you've never reviewed us or rate us, please do that we really enjoy those. Please join our Patreon. We have a lot of fun stuff coming up with that. We're gonna do a live stream questions and answers so you can get to know us better. But that's about that's about it, guys. I don't really know what to say I really like I don't know if I'd be a good solo podcaster To be honest, because I sit here and I'm like, Well, I can hear my breathing and I don't know what to say next. But I do if I just get out of my own head. But here we are. Anyway, this has been another episode of she's not doing as well. I'm Bobby. Jim says hello. We'll see you next Wednesday. Bye. Thank you for listening to another episode of she's not doing so well. Leave a message with Questions or comments at 669-207-4643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode. Views information or opinions expressed during she's not doing so well podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company. This has been a house of Breck production Transcribed by https://otter.ai