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Jan. 13, 2021

I Kissed My Grandfather Goodbye In That Rotunda (Fat Shaming, Cousins, Gay Straight Guys, Capitol Domestic Terrorism, Butt Plugs & ASMR)

Per usual, we are out of our minds in this episode. Jim had WAY to much to drink before hand and brings you an unhinged unicorn with a magic attitude. The Miz is really upset (to put it lightly) about people who still refuse to see how vile and nasty the United States has become. He also says if it were not for social issues he would probably lean more conservative. Bobby & Jim talk about growing up republican and closeted and what it means now when they see people they grew up with, who have not experienced much other than their hometown, believe gross lies and have to hear loved ones talk really ugly.  Bobby calls out his cousin for talking about his weight only to realize they both talk shit about each other in a funny exchange. Jim brings up a viral challenge that has us rolling on the floor with laughter. Of course we talk about stuff for the girls and the gays in funny exchanges. This week, oh this week. Its a doozy, I just hope you guys laugh as much as we did editing this.

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I'ma tell you this guys listen to me do not vote party vote issues abortion is murder from the Bible vote issues guys I pussy okay if you reject the love of Christ yes you will go to hell young lady What do you want to say Jesus saves Are you guys taking the vaccine or What is this place all we need to save your family member gets called to heaven I am not afraid of death I'm asking you to turn to Christ Jesus loves you.


Welcome She's Not Doing So Well. Comedy podcast featuring Bobby I don't want to be viral. I want to be inspirational and life changing because listen, I'm edgy.


Jim at the top What can I say? Finally he's just like you can unfollow me if you don't like my body.

The Miz:

Oh my God tell me all about a


new york right

The Miz:

but you like it mushroom shape.


I need to take my liver medicine. Hello, everybody.


Welcome to another episode of She's Not Doing So. Well. I'm Bobby.


I'm Jim.


And I'm Anthony Clayton.

The Miz:

Robert really Adi.






Wow. Yeah.

The Miz:

Yeah, that's a real name.


Oh my god. My name is Robert. Oh my god. We're

The Miz:

meant to be together. We're


meant to be together the three of us are supposed to be here. This week. We have nothing planned because you want to know why cuz there was a fucking coup that happened in Washington DC so I'm sorry that we're not really prepared.


Oh, no, we're ready to talk.


We're not but we are. And also it's the missus birthday.

The Miz:

Dan, I'm 28 and older please


did all the famous people die at 27 or 28


unfortunately, he's already made it past the year where he should have died right

The Miz:

that's how you know I'm never gonna be anything if I'm still alive.


Yeah, he's like oh shit. Yeah, here we go guys.


We gotta go

The Miz:

2829 30 and just be like complete Nobody.




Nobody Nobody trying to be somebody but you have a key made for your building. That's a big deal.

The Miz:

You know what Yes. As a follow up to last episode. I did get a came in. And I did get three extras made. And or I have a contraption that can let me in wirelessly. Oh, yeah,


I saw that on your Instagram.

The Miz:

So I'm thriving. Oh, yeah, basically, I'm driving


what is that what's a contract shock

The Miz:

contraption sits below my little buzzer. It's like when you live in an apartment building you have a buzzer that lets people in and this little contraption sitting below it and it goes like if you're not watching it's a it's not like a 90 degree angle. It goes right up to a 180 degree angle and then pushes the button the


birthday mark

The Miz:

and it'll let me in and then I can just walk right in I literally I'm gonna say yeah, I'm here I'm here and I don't need a key


I'm technologically ahead of all of you.

The Miz:

Yeah, Mike you're you're playing with a key



The Miz:

I've finally in 1992 like


opened my doors were even born in 92 where you

The Miz:

know i was i was a mere fetus in 92


wow yeah so old a heavy weight right

The Miz:

but when you guys okay honestly I want all of your birthdays to be rebuilt rebuilt because we had the best time they brought out a Marg they brought out churros they sang


about it was so much fun. I did post the video of you I keep posting videos of your life on our because you're like doing big things honey,

The Miz:

doing big things are getting churros.


You got a churro shoved up your whole on your birthday right now.

The Miz:

They really shove that my whole


was it right there. What temperature? No, it

The Miz:

was a regular occurrence. But there was a chocolate dip.


And I was like, God I have a debt. Yeah, it's a good debt. Yeah.

The Miz:

The battery by underlay was so good. You guys. I can't wait for you guys to come. Wait. So


how old are you? 20.


Jim has had six beers. Just FYI. I just want one listener for Actually, it's not any broad. Look at Paul's up and you're chugging them.

The Miz:

You guys have been out drinking though. You


guys were out in the fireplace. It was four and it was to kitty paws after the four. So not six beers. Yeah, he's


I don't even I'm telling you. It's gonna be I mean, what's the kitty

The Miz:



Okay. It's a seltzer. It's gluten free and it's from a local brewery.


You'll have some when you come to Columbus when you come to Columbus.

The Miz:

Now you're gonna get there I think


Columbus would be really good for you

The Miz:

I want to do is I just want to take bubbles and wrap my arms around him he'll jump I want to lock next that's what I want to do.


We're gonna knock each other I wanted to bubble hopefully my fat neck will be gone to where I can like

The Miz:

you just the bubbles I know it's like no


Rosie no does fucking planks and push ups now so you know we'll be here the bubbles you know way acid until three o'clock and then how's condado taco and live and cookie


and as I brought over under my


you're allowed to eat what you want in your small window I


was fasting all day so you could have


fasted all day and I worked out in the middle of my family had


ice cream more

The Miz:

on Can I just live and make an observation bubble that I think your face does look more


like it is starting to happen is it is starting to happen but I'm not weighing myself anymore. I already told myself that I'm not waiting

The Miz:

honestly not about weight. That's about


what I love about life.


And I actually like I know this is gonna sound really sad but like I can get up easier and stuff.

The Miz:

Well that doesn't mean it's true. You're tall, like telesign


want to walk to the fridge it's easier it's easier to set up in


gyms and rare form and he's been mean and you know what? I'm gonna bring something up are you

The Miz:

are you being mean, Bobby bringing?


I'm in trouble. I'm


gonna bring something I made Jim a Instagram handle Jim. The unicorn. Yeah. Add him. But don't talk shit about me on it. Because guess what? I'm connected. So when I see little dick pics coming by.


And there are a lot of dick pics coming by. Yeah, like sorry, not sending dick pair everyone I asked for them but


also wins one of my loved ones which I'm not gonna say I'm


not gonna say a name, but one of


my loved ones is saying belly to every single picture that Jim posts. I think it's fucking rude.

The Miz:

I would second I think it's fucking rude.


They know. They know she's looking and they know she's feeling big and they are taking advantage of that she's


taken advantage of me and

The Miz:

but don't be fucking rude. And you


know, like being taken advantage of anymore. Cuz he's more

The Miz:

you don't even need to dislike. Like being take advantage of this. Don't be fucking rude. Like, that's the second common courtesy. Don't be fucking rude. You


need to just let it be known. Bobby. Bubbles. Oh, oh, we're in trouble.


Hello. Hi. What are you doing? Hi. Hi,


you're finally on the podcast. Who


do we have here?


This is my cousin Heather. She's my favorite cousin Heather.

The Miz:

Hello, baby.


I can't hear you.


Jim's here. He's just has his face Barry because

The Miz:

I have something to say. We have something in the fucking say.


You're in trouble. Oh, God. Yeah, I just want to give you a little background. A couple days ago, I made an Instagram handle called Jim. The unicorn.

The Miz:

Yeah, he fucking dead. And


I have it on my phone. Like sometimes I post for Jim. But also Jim's on there messaging all kinds of people. So just a little bit ago, I see a message pop up and it's you. And it says it that way. So I'm like, oh, weird, because I saw this earlier in the week that you were talking shit about another picture he posted?


Because you always say, Oh, it's my belly.


Why don't you say to my face. Instead I


said belly I always see your fat. I mean I


I always say you're fat too. But I say it to your face.


Right I started to your face through I knew you had to handle this is a backpedal.


Oh, he belly belly.


I'll have you know that I'm on day three. I


always say that.


Yeah, he does. And he know right. I'm allowed to talk about


my way but I am making it up out of nowhere, right?


I know. But it feels a little like hurtful when I see it pop up from you. And it says belly you're not saying that to me directly. You're saying it's a gym.


Make sure to save your time and


well I thought that's the relationship that we had were very upfront like I tell you when you're done the chance there I tell you

The Miz:

a house COVID


11 i think


so fat girl so I usually really


the parents get it


from me. So I had a poor throw it for like three days prior to actually like feeling sick. Or you feel okay, I'm just short of breath all the time. Like


oh god if I got that then I really wouldn't be able to do anything.


This is how I compare it. You know how we walked 600 pound life and they're like out of breath just sitting up? Yeah, yes, that's how I feel.


I mean, if we're gonna talk about bellies and stuff, like you'd be the one person that I would want next to me and that like twin show are the sisters. Yeah, both fat that'd be me. Yeah.


pound we'd have


like dogs that we'd like. Making them pick us up stuff like


they got


to go to the fridge. Is this horrified? horrified, he just goes Oh, wow.


Go get the beer out of the fridge.


Hi Mr. Fat Fat.


He's like you're I'm in New York we walk everywhere. I'm like we just lay around


in this state you can literally lay around. I love it.


I mean, I've been saying for the day I love and all I do is sleep a nap and sometimes eat soup.


So I should get this soup. What do you not eat soup? Now you don't have soup in New York City. I'm sorry. You fucking coastal elite.

The Miz:

Yeah, exactly.


It's okay.


I forget what your favorite soup.

The Miz:

I don't have a favorites. Oh, I


love so I love soup. That might be Midwest. I love it. Good barley. Anything with barley? Yeah, thick and crunchy.


If you describe yourself in one word, what would it be?


volatile? Oh,


Heather. What would you describe yourself in one word? That's two words to sassy.


Not one. Hi, friend. sassy. Hi. Heather. Wait, is

The Miz:

this this is Heather Heather. Yeah, this is my Heather. Literally. No. This isn't my


cousin Heather.

The Miz:

still amazing. Should we do? Should we do? Yeah, do


it. Don't? Don't.


Hold on.

The Miz:

So, Jim,


can you play?

The Miz:

The song is great. If we could just get Jim to shut the fuck up, then that would be great.


I liked it.

The Miz:

Excellent. I love that. So Heather, tell me why you're miserable right now.


Can I have COVID?

The Miz:

So you got COVID now what? What what what is life look like for you beyond? COVID?



The Miz:

you need hospice. Honestly, fucking same. I'm with you on that. So tell me like what has your COVID experience been? Like? Do you feel like a second class citizen center or do you not? Why? Exactly.


Here you are. You

The Miz:

can't hear me. Why can't you hear me? Scream into the microphone.


So you have

The Miz:

COVID and you hate it?


I assume? I mean, it was fine to have us work for 10 days paid. Right? Right. And it was nice because the company I worked for gave me $750 on grub hub.

The Miz:

Honestly, I wish I could get that so maybe I'll just go out and get fucking COVID but how do you feel like emotionally about getting COVID


I'm fine.

The Miz:

Do you feel fine about it? Yeah. And how do we think it came to be?


It's a very contagious virus. So what are


you doing though?

The Miz:

Yeah, like it's like, I mean, it's very contagious, but like


where do you think I got it?

The Miz:



I can honestly be anywhere. I mean, I think I got it from the gym.

The Miz:

The gym. So were you on the Stairmaster Do you love to curl the weights? Like what was that? Um, the treadmill? the treadmill. Honestly eating



The Miz:

The tanning bed have a woman


in the middle of it honestly,

The Miz:

if you can tone it, tannin I'm with you, babe.


I think it was probably from this. It's probably from the tanning bed because I was very good about cleaning and wearing my mask and then the tanning beds

The Miz:

is better than the tanning bed and it all went


like humping Samana tanning bed what like what am I getting from a tanning bed?


Nobody you don't have to lick things it's so masks jam

The Miz:

but Heather Can you just tell me what what like gradient you are right now? Because I love tans. I just want to know like how dark qR cuz I love that.


Not dark anymore.


Now it looks like


he lives in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Miz:

Oh, haven't you live in Cleveland?


Yes. So she's two hours north of us.

The Miz:

I love that for you. Where What? What gym? Do you go to Planet Fitness?


You want to interview me? Yeah,


she doesn't eat the free pizza.

The Miz:

Oh, interesting.


You just not touch the freak. No.

The Miz:

Are you kidding me? My girl Heather and the tanning bed is not going near the pizza


snatched. So Heather,

The Miz:

what do you want to know who I am. I work in financial reporting and I'm a member for She's Not Doing So Well. I love She's Not Doing So Well because bubbles is the best. Do you know? Your cousin Bobby's bubbles. Bubbles is my boss.


I'm bubbles.


But I don't think


who's the boss?


Not you don't feel like you're very like, like you're not. I don't feel like there's a bar.


Ha. Oh, interesting. There's not supposed to be a boss. It's not even. Like it's


like, I think it's very neutral. Like you value everybody's opinion you don't like you're not very easy.


So is that a good thing or a bad thing?


No, I think that's a good good thing. I feel like everybody like being there and witnessing it firsthand. I feel like it's very equal. Like it's like we know you're like the main host brown things like your dictate things and


we just went there.


Well, I mean, I do, edit, produce and make material.


The talent is elsewhere, but he is the manager.


Yeah, like I don't really produce it from top to bottom


top getting your boss I feel like for me, that's like not micromanaging.


To be honest. I would love to actually hire a producer for us and I cannot


look at a person I wasn't allowed to lie on Instagram. So Heather, at Christmas, when you see Bobby Do you call him belly? And I say what's up Patty?


Yeah, we'll say hey, fatty. We both kind of


like a mutual agreement. What's not like I'm calling him fat behind his back because we both Well,


I don't write to Jim and say, Look at Heather, she's fat. I would say Heather, you look fat. I'm saying why don't you though?


I mean, I hope


I say it right to your face. She


looks fat, like just die.


If you look fat, I would just say hey, you look fat.


Like when I said I lost seven pounds. I'm so skinny. And you go


Yeah, there are times where Bobby's like look


to the truth comes out because there's a little bit upset when I was first telling him a story and I was like, but I also call her fat too. And he's like, Why?




It's a Midwest thing.

The Miz:

Okay, so both of you call each other so none of it matters


to me, yeah. I love that word. Being comfortable. That's what it comes down to the peloton. Oh, no, I'm not read

The Miz:



am I but I love to be with you guys getting paid to do this?

The Miz:

No, of course not.


But yeah, like Ronnie doesn't pay you guys to be as employees we should


we should get paid to


be honest with you. I do want to make it a business because I can write it off


Bobby can't pay for this like you


could write it off on your taxes. The government pays for it. Yeah,


well, here's the thing. The goal is by 2000 and to

The Miz:

to file a separate business owner tax return so the incomes can't get


Oh, I need to ask them is about accounting.


I know my goal.

The Miz:

I would absolutely love to know your goal.


By the age of 32 What do you want to do by the? By the time I'm 32 Oh, my God. Are you too new man?


So by the time you're 32 Yeah, that's four years and a half years. Oh, yeah, you're each other's age.


Is Darla barking. Darla


Darla, who FUCK IS Darla,


Darla is a con who is Darla, your current




Oh, and that's the other thing that I heard that you were talking shit about Jim


and she is trash.


I mean, don't better than June I will always


say that. It's true.

The Miz:

I hate both your fucking dogs. Wow, well,




She's miserable.


Yeah, he's gonna come once at all. We're gonna take him to gasworks cuz me


Yeah, you talk he needs straight COC. Honestly to


predict together

The Miz:

I mean straight cock like yesterday. You guys


ever watch more Chuck Connors?


I mean, Heather's gonna gasworks Heather


I love it that within a year I want

The Miz:

to go so bad. We


did you ride the pony. Or the shark? The shark? No. I thought you were gonna get it. We just like verbally raped these men. Wait men so bad. Bad Bobby wasn't a bad It was bad. It was bad. I was great guys that they were good.


Yeah, so she was helping us coax and straight guys and she was like he's questioning I go How do you know she goes just tell


Leo Leo


every time we go to gas was a straight counter that we're gonna try to see deck so just get your bags packed and get ready


and Leo definitely was questioning himself so


yeah there'll be like these is my cousin he's gay and then she'll go talk to Leo then she come back go he's questioning himself I just know


he's fat and gay. He's gay. Gay. Gay, Jim. be gay. Everyone I'm like material

The Miz:

in here is beautiful.


It's true. We're all printing our own ways. You're


just like positive energy and vibes wearing that champion. I


mean, Heather doesn't agree. But


that champion birthday


weekend. Oh, you're coming? No, he's


not coming. He can't come. Oh, why? Cuz his clip got cut off. He can't come. What's going to cut off the clips cut off. He's not cut clit who's coming over? know what's coming. You don't need to know


who's coming.


Nobody's coming.

The Miz:

Every nobody's coming.


I know. Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. But he's Heather.

The Miz:

Do you think Jim and Bobby say I N G's weird.


Yes. I need you to put mine down. Yeah, like put

The Miz:

it in the water every time I put it in here. Like no one can hear me because everyone knows exactly what's happening right now. No,


I don't have a question. No, but you said Do they say something weird? No, I never said anything like that. You're lying. Man. Oh my god. I thank you. Thank you Love you too. By.


No means Are you mad.

The Miz:

I'm never man.


Don't girl come back.


I don't get mad. sip your prickly


pear and come back.




I need you to not never turn me off ever. Oh,

The Miz:

I love turning people off.




You're gonna fuck me like fuck me gently.


Okay, so like, obviously, this episode is off to a really great start. Per usual. My question is, how are we all handling it? Clearly we're not handling what's happening in this country very well, because we're all Well, I'm drinking Hi, Jim is absolutely gone. Ms is miserable. But he's drinking tequila. So by like, 20 minutes from now, but the towards the end of the show. He's gonna be all over the place.


I just,

The Miz:

I just have something to say about it.


Okay, we're getting

The Miz:

about I'm ready. The events that transpired on Wednesday. And all I have to say is all all I have to say is if you in any 10 gentle way, shape or form enabled these people to feel that they have the right to do whatever they did, then you should absolutely fucking kill yourself. And if you did not then carry on. Oh,


I've never agreed How am I gonna pull shade? That's Wow, the FCC is gonna shut us down. We're a band. And we're just like, and

The Miz:

what that means is if you voted for Trump in 2016 kill yourself. If you ever voted for republican ever in your life. Kill yourself. If you are if you maintain friendly relationships as a Republican yourself, okay? That is my view on that.




so publicans?


Yes, goodbye. Oh, bye. Oh, gotta go. Here's


the problem. Can I just say my piece and he can say his after piece. I grew up in the south. Okay. So like it was hard for and also I was a closeted gay, who didn't have supportive, democratic. I never knew a gay person. We didn't have black friends. Like, I didn't know Spanish. Why everything's like we live in the golf course. So I was raised Republican, and I didn't know enough for the world yet to know what that really meant. So when I first voted, I was eight. And I think


hopefully you were legal.


Hopefully you were no, it was. It was the second.


I voted for bush after 911. Okay, so that was my reasoning. I was like, Yeah, and I didn't think I don't know who was it. john kerry that was running at some. Yep. Yeah, yep. So that was like my first time voting, and that's where I was at. And I was like, well, I like bush because he handled the crisis and blah, blah. Then after that, I wasn't really sure. Well, then I really liked this is gonna sound bad, too. I really like john mccain because I thought it was a hero. Like he wasn't like, I wasn't looking at it as a gay man. I was looking at as A straight person. Well, straight.

The Miz:

So john mccain versus Obama, you're like john mccain. Well, I


liked john mccain's story. I didn't know obama and again, nobody talked about Obama in my circle because everybody was Republican. Stop, Jim. I'm gonna kick you off the show. I already warned you earlier.

The Miz:

No, you know what, though? It's fine.


Pork Chop,


you're getting pork chop.


I'm getting pork chops.

The Miz:

Everyone deserves the right to have their own political views.


voted for Obama. Not one if you ever and maybe not the only one. not the only one. We're just learning


something. I just want you to know that we came from very conservative household dad so and we also were like, that's why we didn't


come out. We're not born in Vermont.

The Miz:

And neither have I so you're right. Not


sure where the fuck you pilgrim New


Hampshire. pilgrim can the Massachusetts


pilgrim but yeah, so I have to echo your statement, though. I mean, I agree with you. I think that we got to get to a very interesting to me that people that I know that are close to me. They want to blast Facebook last night. Yep. about all this bullshit, including some pretty fucked up things against the LGBT. plus all the all of that.

The Miz:

Well, that wasn't my uncle, he voted for Trump. I mean, can I just like, elaborate on my statement? Like, my statement was actually correct. Like, if you voted for Republicans, I fucking hate you ever. But more. So in the last four to eight years, like you need to absolutely take ownership for that in recent times. If you in 2004, you know, social issues weren't at as much stake as they are right now. So they weren't if you didn't vote on social issues, fine, because you might have thought they were stagnant in in place and not changing. Great, good for you. But that's not the case right now. So if you voted for Republicans, because you are like fiscally conservative yourself,


and can I elaborate on something? Sure, where I grew up, everybody was Republican, right? So those same people are still Republican, because they've never gotten out of this bubble. They are like stuck in this small town. Like, this is who we are. They don't go anywhere that has any diversity. They're gonna go to Panama City, or like Destin, Florida. So that's where I kind of get sad for people that still live at home, because I'm like your hair saying, Yeah, you're saying you you're not world experience. Do you mean,

The Miz:

I want to have this level of compassion for people, but in except for when people like that come and scale the capital and threatened? A lot of people in Congress like, that makes me want to hate every single person who's ever voted Republican. I'm sorry. extreme measures go like, met with extreme thoughts. And like, that's what's gonna happen, then I fucking hate everyone who's ever heard of Republic,


they're literally ready to take us out. So we have to ask ourselves, or if

The Miz:

you want to handle this in a in a normal, cordial way, I'd be normal and cordial to people who


talk through this, like how you're going to talk through this when they want to kill you.

The Miz:

But obviously, you came in with twist ties and wanted to crucify Mike Pence fine. But like, maybe we just say like, can you? Could you think about like thinking differently? I'm like, you can't do that.


It's not. It's a whole different world. And Bobby and I both had some issues with family members where they've been talking and comments, and people have said things like, Oh, well, the democrats started this. And I was like, wow, I'm sorry. When did the democrats bring a gun to the floor of the house? Never. I'm just checking never. Oh, that was an Tifa. I mean, we are literally like down a dark hole. If you start certain family members and friends are just lost. It


goes back to like the internet. This is crazy. Like we're killing ourselves. Like we are literally shutting ourselves down because we've given so much information that the human mind can't handle it, and can't decipher what's right or wrong. And pretty soon, it's gonna be so washed that literally nobody's gonna really know what's going on. because nobody's gonna know what's real or what's not.


Except for them is Miss for me. He's like, you


know, you're lighting up.


It's a birthday glow or something. No, it's really cute. But listen,


our listeners they can't actually this might actually go on the website because


yeah, we gotta show


because here's the thing I know how to block your face now.

The Miz:

Oh, my face.


Oh, James.


Just mine. Yeah. Oh, that's hot. Yeah,

The Miz:

I'll say


Yeah, yes.

The Miz:

There comes a time where like, I don't fucking care how you grew up how you were exposed to things you need to fucking think for your fucking self and understand what the fuck is going on. And no, this is not how things are supposed to fucking work. And if you can't think that way, then you're a fucking idiot and I don't care. Fuck what happens to you. Like you're like, you know, like you need to understand When thing cross line? Oh, I've always taught this way. When I was growing up this way, oh, this is how my family thinks no fuck that you need to understand what the fuck is happening, then what's right and what's wrong,


you would have killed rage because it's true that I'd be dead now, but it's different. No, you wouldn't. Because when we're voting on something that is so vile and so disgusting. That's true.


Right now you need

The Miz:

to understand that that then may be fine. You can use those excuses right now. Fuck now you understand?


Even 2016 you voted for Donald Trump, you're done. You're already going down a fucking slippery slope.




because I say something really quick. It's really weird. Because to some point, I'm like, Okay, this is good. But like, after they got attacked, they were huddled and then they came back and literally about 98% of them were all on board with the same this is America. We gotta like really do this, right? You had some dumb fucks to like Josh Holly, or whatever his fucking name is. Yeah, I know. sucks dick. Like, I know. He sucks. Oh, for sure. He's a full power bottom. You can just totally tell by the way he talks. And he's trying to be funny. He's the devil. And so this is where I'm at. I think there's gonna be a lot of minds change. And I really think this really could split up the Republican Party into two parties. Yeah, like fucking I've never again, and I hope it does, because I'll never get power again.

The Miz:

It better but what what makes me worried is like both Trump and Biden broke the record for the most votes for Canada this year. Like, right, there are many people out there that do not agree with what we're saying. There's nothing we can do about that. But


I also think it's because they didn't see like they didn't. They were blinded by everything. But then this capital attack I think a lot of people were like, Oh my god, like one of our friends Dave,


he would

The Miz:

come to this. Understand that. Were the people who are going to be in like the hardcover third grade history book. They're like, Wow, those fucking idiots that that were that. Were them. You're gonna be like, oh, why'd no people leave America? We're gonna make


America like where we were then.


I feel like you don't really pisses me off me. And Jim talked about this, the picture of the Confederate flag in the rotunda. Yeah, I have never that was it for me been more like, I'm not like Mr. patriotic. I'm like, Oh, my God, America. I am proud of my country at times. And I'm proud to live here. And I'm happy to live here. But I'm really needing and you're not trying to be a white




right. So when I see a federal flag, I'm like, you're in the opposite.

The Miz:



We've lost a war, you lost a war, we had a civil war to fight you. And then you and

The Miz:

everyone continues to fucking hate you. You need it. And I love America. But when I say I love America, I love sir, in


some parts of certain areas, the ideals we like the idea of Yeah, we like the idea of America. But the act when I say rash,

The Miz:

American hubs should be America. I absolutely have no remorse. That means New York, LA Columbus, Miami girl.com.


Because it really is a good it pushes a lot.

The Miz:

Like you know, stuff like Dallas, Dallas and stuff like that. Those are the American cities. asked me if I give a fuck about any city in South Dakota, South Dakota bourbon fans asked me if I shed a single tear I would not. Oh, you and your whole legacy family burned in South Dakota? Oh, no.


The more you know, with Jim, there's literally nothing to tell you. I want to tell you, actually, you know what we need to talk about because a bunch of parents are fucking confused. Let's just chat about the First Amendment and what exactly it protects you from and what it prevents you from being harmed from, because I've heard a lot of parents being like,


Oh, my God, the


President is not being allowed to talk on Twitter. What about the First Amendment? Okay, the First Amendment protects you from the government, the government, restricting your free speech, it does not protect you from a corporation such as, I don't know, Twitter, or Instagram, or whatever the fuck restricting your speech. So when you sign into any of these accounts, and you go on to some website, and you scroll through there long as Terms of Service, and at the bottom, you click Yes, I read and yes, I agree. And then you post your Hardaway and you incite violence and insurrection and try to overtake the Capitol, for example, true rum. You know what, if you violate them, if you violate those terms, they can kick you the fuck off. And that's not violating the First Amendment. That's not what the First Amendment is about. Let me just go on a little mask rant here as well. You know what if you're going to go into a business and they say you know what, you have to wear shirt, you have to wear shoes. You have to wear a mask to come in here. You got to follow their rules. I don't care about your disability or whatever the fuck else. No, it's not ablest. These people will try to cite the ADA and all these other laws that they don't understand and say for what it is can't wear a mask. There are no people who can't wear a mask. It's bullshit. There are cambree No, no, not allowed. If a private business wants to make a rule, you have to follow it. And if you can't follow it, then you can't go into private business. Do we all remember the Christian Baker who wouldn't give gay couples cakes? Yay for their weddings? now. That's right. Well, why don't we just think of Twitter like that? It's a Christian Baker. And Trump is the gay couple who wants a cake? Well, guess what? You can't have it.


cake and eat it too. Honey.


You can't have your cake. Get out you dumb bitch.


Yeah, damn bad.


This is the more you know, I'm more you know, my god.


The more you know,


me, I'm just ranting. I'm done. But


you know, you're ran teams hired people.


I literally have family members telling me like, have you ever read the constitution? I'm like, have you? Have you? You're complaining about Twitter kicking Trump off? It is a corporation deciding what they want on their platform


that is fully alive. So freedom of speech only goes so far once you start breaking like when you're like, causing chaos within the government. That's the government Yeah. Then say no, no, no, no. Like everybody go blow up everything. And you actually physically have people running towards the Capitol and you're like,

The Miz:

yeah, I'll be there.


Let's march down Pennsylvania Avenue, takeover and fight. And then he's the freedom

The Miz:

of speech, baby. Like Like, how


embarrassing I'm sorry. You must tell it Trump's okay. rode hard. Honestly.

The Miz:

Like, yeah, ISIS is looking at us being like, Hey, man, we gotta go bomb them. Yes. I hope Ethiopia is like, Oh my god, they're a mess. Oh, yeah. We were the laughingstock of the world. And you know what, that's fine. So I had a crazy thing happen.


I already told Jim but I can tell the story to you. On Thursday at like, 630. My neighbor calls beam, jack, hey, she gives me a lot of ideas for the show. But so this is another idea. She goes have fun with the podcast. I'm like, okay, she calls me and whenever we call each other, it means like, it's serious. You know what I mean? Like it's not we'll text each other all day long. But if it's a call, like something's going on at the house, something's going on. So of course, I just like took a little puff because I was like, tired. And it was like a long day the day before. So like, I want to relax. Some hi is basically I'm saying, so she calls me and goes, someone's my backyard. And I go, What? She'll somebody in my backyard. Somebody in my backyard. I'm like, Okay, okay, like, where are you? Right? Where

The Miz:

was she?


She was on a walk with her dog and got like a, I guess a message from her camera that said, you know, there's motion in your backyard. She checked in or somebody standing in her back fucking yard by her door and her back to her garage. Now we live in an area that is up and coming if you want to say sure. So I mean, some places. It's a little dangerous on Main Street. Sorry, this guy was just roaming around. I don't know if he wanted to harm anything or not. But so then I'm on the phone with her. And she's like, I'm on the way. I'm walking. I'm almost close. I'm close. I'm walking and she has a pimple. So she's like, not scared. I'm like, I'm scared. I'm like, I can't see him though. Because he's behind this tree that I'm like, I can't see in her backyard. So he like starts to leave. And I'm like, Jackie, I just saw your motion. Like, go off. And she goes, he's running. He's running. And she goes, I see him. I see him. I go, where are you? She's running towards him. He's running towards her. I go out on the front porch. And he darts away. And she goes running past them and then goes, He's right behind me. He's right behind me. I'm like, What the fuck is going on? Yeah, it was like, so I was like getting the house and I see him Dart across the street. I was like, well, you gotta call the police might call the police important. I'm like, so she called six non emergency but someone's my backyard. Blah, blah, blah. So tell me why then I had two police officers that were hot as fuck in my house. Hot, like, just out of the academy hot like hot like like they were hot. And so they're standing in my living room. I'm hi Jackie's like, you know, being a single lady like trying to get their attention on like, Girl. They want my deck, not you. But that's actually an argument made her always have will argue at the bar for the bartender but like, he wants me and she's like, no, he wants me. I'm like, well, maybe he wants to vote like we always want


to grow.


So anyway, I had police officers in my house. And they were hot. And I was like, so I asked him I was like, do you think he's like threatening and they're like, I don't know. Like, he hasn't done anything like that. I guess they'd seen him earlier. And he was kind of like not in the head. So regardless, that was the my Thursday




Yeah, like, do you think they're threatening? They're like, I don't know. And then the really fucked up thing that they said though, and I'm quoting, I said, Jackie's like I don't you know, I'm sorry to bother you. I know you're busy. You probably have so much work to do and they're like, no There hasn't been a shooting tonight. Now I don't know if you know about Columbus but there's been like two shootings of black people in with that one guy was carrying a Subway sandwich and they just shot him in the back. And there's another guy that got killed here like two weeks after that. So that's like within the past three weeks, so there I am, like sound. And then they leave in Jackie's like, I you know, I know everybody doesn't like police officers like fuck, they're hot. I'm like, Yeah, they're hot as shit. It's just what are they gonna do to my driveway? Did

The Miz:

you talk to any? Are any of them coming up? Fuck you or what?


I really was like, there was like a lady. Let's see. Can

The Miz:

I just ask like,


can you fuck people even though you're interrelates Oh, me and Michael are definitely not open. Oh, here comes Jim. Oh, Jim. No, there is six beers next to his kids. My Michael here is Mikey here. Okay, close the door. I thought I heard him.

The Miz:



Be nice. I'm not worried about any of that. I would be why why worry about your own fucking relationship?


I am worried about my own relationship. I'm worried about my relationship and I'm worried about your really don't worry


about me, honey. It's good.




Don't push your problems on mine. Oh, I'm


sorry. He's busy. He's busy. Let's see.


Does it look like I care? I can get fucking dick anytime I want. Good luck. And don't fuck


it up. And don't fuck it up. You're getting the pork chop. Anyway,


I love that for you. And this is one of those episodes that we weren't at the beginning. Like this is gonna be one of those episodes, but like,


I hear a lot of like


it's New York.


New York.

The Miz:

Yeah, wanna hug little baby bump? You're


gonna love hugs for me. I'm a really good hugger.



The Miz:

hug Bobby so hard. I


feel like you're trying to fuck me. Why are you hugging me? And that's all I need to know. Cuz you're my friend. Right?


people really need hugs. Like a true actually. You're reminding me of somebody right now that really needs a hug.






that's disrespectful.

The Miz:

Jim, do you need a hug?


I feel like you do need a hug like I need I

The Miz:

think Jim I need a hug or don't need.


That one. Doesn't Matter of fact, Jim. It's been a while.

The Miz:

Who was the other guy around the fireplace with you guys today. Dave the first night of fall day.


He just that's his name. He's not Spanish but he's he's not my ex but he speaks Spanish. No, that's not his chance.


I my fiance is his fiance's like,


have you seen Brokeback Mountain?


Oh, Lord, Ennis.


I knew I knew you haven't.


I know right?


Now he's I'm too young. He's not he's scared of his gay self.


Yes. And he is and we're


gonna go to New York and gave him money boy, I'm gonna embarrass the shit out of him. Like, hey, Queens.


I'm gonna be clapping my fan like that.

The Miz:

He's gonna be clapping.


I'll be clapping that ass. Fucking asshole to me. Oh,


kicked Ah,


he kind of is like he's talking shit. He can't do it without you.


I'm sorry. I'm back.


I'm not sure I think you should start showing your face. We probably have way more. Listen,

The Miz:

I absolutely agree with that. Like why you don't need to be so


you don't have to be on the blue dead. You don't have to be like on the picture. Every time he thinks he's like a celebrity on the spray.

The Miz:

You're like, Oh, I can't be seen they're gonna know about me. No,


they're not. They're gonna know once you see that people are storming ARCA.


We're gonna have to get you to show your face because this is getting ridiculous because the thing is, is we could really grow if you showed your face. I don't know about that. I do


because people in the business face for months and nothing's happened because


no, that's not because of


you do HTTPS


you'd be more upfront and people would be more like they'll be like, okay, we actually know who Jim is not this fucking mask.

The Miz:

Nothing kills me like when Bobby just turns and


make fun of me because I'm like,


bitch, okay, batch.


I think we need to set a date for you to show your face. All right, let's maybe when we

The Miz:

can show your face. When we go


to New York. We'll do it. Okay, he's


waiting six months. At least. Oh, we're not gonna you know what I do need to get for the studio though is


Yeah, I've been saying that for months. Why don't you give me one. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not rich like you. Oh, oh, we have all this money rolling in from ads. And you can't by a refrigerator, actually Wow, no, I could God corn, no popcorn.


No Patreon I there's money. Oh, okay, well


good because I've been paying most of it. patreon $10 a month and you'll get a blow job. And look at me. I have had zero blow jobs and I pinned $10 a month for the past three months. I'm lazy with both jobs. You don't want


one Kim? Do you like blow jobs and how you didn't?


I really don't To be honest, like anything. It's a waste. It's a you don't

The Miz:

like having a penis. You just want your asshole plugged.


I know he doesn't masturbate. Twitter.


Well, that I really kind of want to vagina and just want straight guys to plow.


Have you heard this? You've heard this yet.

The Miz:

But so some guy were to be like, I want to suck your dick. You'd be like, No,


I'd be like, I want to suck your dick.


I'd be like, how long is it gonna take is what I would ask. I mean,

The Miz:

what if some guy wanted to eat your ass? You'd say yes. Yeah, that's pretty good. I


would do that. See? I it's fine.


As I get older. I'm like, I don't know. Like, I


think I'm just 30 Yeah, it is.


Once you get past 30 it's weathered. Honey. It's the


whole beat up was the beat that was Yeah,


I mean, I know. I could get my asking anytime I want in.


No, no. Oh, I'm


so fucking where I am in what city right here in this house. And now. And this house and this house. Here. Maybe when you are here. Maybe in the hot tub. I'll just pull down my pants and lean over. Oh, my fat ass bitch. eat the cookie face.


Oh my god. Your cousin would be gagging.


She'd be like that fat fog. Jelly


Belly Fat as Sally.


I'm gagging and gagging.


Ms. Do you like having your ass eaten?

The Miz:

Obviously. Yeah,


I knew it


is obvious.


I mean, look at my face. Look at me. It's


a good thing.


I mean, it's fun. But,


like sit there. You don't have to like do any.

The Miz:

Like, okay, do you like having your like hunched over or do you like sitting on their face? I like sitting


on their face.


Yeah, I like being laying. I like laying on my stomach for everything. Now

The Miz:

I like just sitting I like damn laying on their backs and me like sitting on


their face. I like doing the face Crusher.

The Miz:

Grab your cheeks and grab your thighs and like, yeah, hold them. And then like, yeah, you're like, Okay, and then you can just like turn around like 180 degrees and what they ride their deck after that.


See? I'm not that limber. Yeah, I'm like, I'm gonna lay flat you just fucking pound me. Yeah. And if I'm gonna keep getting skinnier, I'm gonna get pounded more and more because that whole be ready.


Well, your


body will do yada yada your whole won't be ready. I can't wait for I'm gonna say it won't be right in a year from I'm gonna look at Heather and I'm gonna go body. Body belly




Yeah, but your whole won't be ready. Like, torn apart. Like I'm really


doing like push ups in the basement like


six year old hole like it's not


I hope it starts working. The whole won't work. No,


no, no, we'll


come back. We'll do like stem cell.

The Miz:

Everyone's whole can work.


I'm about to go

The Miz:

some poppers and get some lube in there and shove a huge like, big Yeah,


tonight. Oh, that's




He's made and he's ready to get that key


in the hole and put the fucking dick in the hall.

The Miz:

Or do they have a big butt plug in?


Are you not trying to get some dick? Like why don't you call up to

The Miz:

no I can't because my stomach isn't good enough. Yeah,


what do you mean your stomach's not good enough like your body?




Are you fucking kidding? So


you want to tell me that I somebody needs to not tell me that. Wow. Now you're shaming


yourself badly. Look at that belly. Oh, Ms. You


know what? You know what's really sad squid biting your nails cuz you're getting nervous. Stop, stop. Here's the thing that really makes me sad is he's actually hot as fuck right now. No, it doesn't get it. You have no idea. Or you do and you're choosing to like sabotage yourself. You're like, I'm ugly. And I'm like, No, there's people who've like written me and said I'm not gonna listen to them. I just want to look at him.


Yep, exam name. And he's drank the whole 32 I


like to listen because obviously staring at him the whole time. Oh, okay. That's literally a quote from somebody go ahead and stare so I'm like stare just stare make sure you subscribe and make sure you fucking leave


a review when you give us five star and five sorry


I'm sorry. I'm asking for you need to get your friends on that Miss. So you brought him on for his face. Like you need a texture for stop buying your nails. You're getting Oh,


by Aaron.


Because they're calling him Hi.


He is hot though. And he knows no matter.


What can I also say something about your apartment right now. If you stood up like if you would not answer the door. Yeah. That is the exact view of the porns that I watched about delivery porn. So when that guy came to your door, the guy you would have answered your door with You're decked out. Yep. And then the guy would have been like 499 and sometimes they like Come inside. Sometimes they'll look at an awkward but for whatever reason that is so hot to me, because he'll be like, sorry, I didn't expect you right now. And he like will keep playing with it and they'll be like, okay, but that's the porn. So you need to do it you have the perfect setup.


So I think Bobby once you start jerking off,




I'm saying Lee you need to set up a porn though and get the just keep getting marks and




I mean, you know, you're gonna be famous on x to x videos. That's what I go to do, but I like it. I like it. I typed it in say I so nervous


thing you


miss is like trying not to jump out his window on Columbus Avenue. I


don't think so. I think he's actually having a good time.

The Miz:

Window babies. I always have a good time with you. I think that you


love Jim. He's a pain my ass right.

The Miz:

Jim, how many cookies have you had?


Eight? Like I said I had one and it was like the best thing of my life.


Yeah, Bobby loved it.

The Miz:

To two fingers.


Have you ever touched a vagina?

The Miz:

Yeah, I've had sex with like six girls. Okay, I


didn't know if we established that. Yeah. Oh, we had so we've I've talked to girl


I've never bought

The Miz:

him the girl so yeah, heavy top.


heavy bottom. heavy bottom. You want to you want to fuck some solid?


You want to find this guy?


Have you heard this whole Oh my god, man. Have you heard the challenge? The my girl I I What is it? I kiss my grandfather goodbye in that rotunda.


What is my grandfather? Goodbye at that time. We're


gonna do one with the mask on by the way. Yeah. And you're gonna post the gentleman already. So there's this whole like trend going around. I guess Jenna Bush like said I kissed my grandfather. I can play it on my phone play it should I


I kissed my grandfather goodbye. And that rotundo became


like a trend,


the privilege of standing on those steps and several inaugurations not just for family members, but for the first black president of the United States of America when I was a teacher in inner city DC, and that meant so much to so many. I kissed my grandfather goodbye. And that returned to I have felt the majesty


of a thing and people are I


I kiss my grandfather goodbye in that rotunda. I kissed my grandfather goodbye. And that rotunda. Kiss my grandfather. Good bye. I guess my grandfather goodbye and that rotunda. My grandfather goodbye. I kiss my grandfather Good bye. And my grandfather. The tundra.

The Miz:

In the tundra, in the tundra. In the tundra, I kiss my grandmother, goodbye. And


da, da. I


kissed my grandfather.


I made when I'm trying to go viral. And of course, he didn't pick me. So


I actually wondered if you got fucking the rotonda. Well, I mean, did you ever go on that eighth grade tour in the rotunda? No, I


was never allowed. Oh, likes you were poor? No, because my parents didn't believe in that because they're Republicans and Democrats.


allowed to go to the rotunda of the Capitol. No.


in eighth grade. No, we were not in either. Why? They didn't want me to go on a trip by myself. Wow, sad. Well, I was really young for eighth grade, too. I was only like,


Oh, well, were you. I


was I was. I was 16. I was really young. I was 16 my first I

The Miz:

was really i was i was


i was 15 the first day of my senior year. No,


you were not Yes,


I was. I was 17 when I went to college,


so was I you didn't go to college? Yes. I


fucking dead and I you dropped out after a month. But


no, I actually went for a couple years. The sad part is I've went for years and still fucking couldn't finish. But the thing is, is that I'm just creative. And I'm just like, and also right. I make good money for not doing


you do. I do? Yeah. It's just like, totally blocked us. I don't know what happened there. Yeah, he's done. He's done. That's fine. You know what, like, it was a good run. It was a good long season we had for four or five episodes in and that's a lot guys. Were really popping. Yeah, we are.


So I'm just gonna do like a little housekeeping. Being you


and love your life and live yourself and live your truth.


Yeah. And if your parents are fuckheads Don't worry about it right now. Like you just don't even really talk to them.


And that's primarily to us. Yeah, you Because your parents are obviously like pilgrim gods and ours are not or they're not ours are


thinkers are trash. Let's end this episode positively because I want our listeners to like, go away from this episode, because now that this drama is done, hopefully we'll have another

The Miz:

thing. What do you want?


Me? Well, I mean, so come out right before the inauguration when we're all getting like


it's going out in like four days murdered in a camp.




yeah, okay, so, so that's about that positivity. Hey, I mean, if you want to go first I can't I i muted him. Lucky muted.


doesn't pick up Honey,


it's a condenser mic.


Ah, okay.


I muted


I would just leave the listeners. And I would just say this. Be yourself. Don't be afraid. And just keep moving forward. And make sure that you love your fellow Americans. That is really American and not some psychopath, quote unquote, patriot. That is an Tifa. But not because are Trump people, like, just be yourself and love each other. Thank


you. I just want to leave a positive note. And I want to let you know that 50 out of the 100 senators are republican and about 49% of the House members are republican and six out of the nine justices are Republican. And in the 2020 platform of the Republicans, they want to take away same sex marriage. So this is what we're facing about half our country hates us. And they hate the T's they hate the alza G's, the B's, all of that on the pluses though the pluses they don't even know when the clears for the query. So that's my little positive note is love yourself, love your families and realize that at least half the country is against you and hates you and


also find your chosen family.

The Miz:

Yes, like my little positive note is you can absolutely want to kill yourself and absolutely be depressed and be fine with that. And you can look at memes and you can look at social media posts and you can just sit there and bed and want to fucking slit your throat and it's fine and no one cares and you should absolutely feel comfortable doing that




and we just really I hope everyone feels pumped up and ready to go and face the world because it's a wonderful beautiful world out there.


Make sure you subscribe make sure you give us five stars if you have the time


on Spotify or iTunes or pod pass premium


that's MSR when we get to your MSM and my family do something to me too good Jim. You first


Oh my god. Oh my god, my fucking Glenn's gonna burst. What do you miss you so fat to this thing is I'm eating brisket. brisket Ah, ah ah, Yay. Yay. Yay. Yay. Okay, this


is beyond ridiculous. This has been another episode of She's Not Doing So Well. I'm Bobby.


I'm Jim. I'm the man. And that's the


that's the man. I want to hear him sneeze

The Miz:

Okay, see you. Cato so you know,


the case so is like


dragging. Alright, say goodbye.


Bye. Thank you for listening to another episode of She's Not Doing So Well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669-207-4643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode. This has been a house of bread production.