We're back!!! Season 2 is here and we are back to tell you all about our California escape. We went to Hamburger Mary's and fell in love with The Abbey. Bobby isn't so thrilled with the lack of participation from the people he set up interviews with before he went out there. We also touch on some of the topics we want to cover this season. We are really excited for this next step of the podcast and can't wait to grow together.
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Yeah. Good. Sounds like it's going five minutes. I need you to tell me it thing. Five minutes. You have to say, but what if it's, like, 300 90,000 seconds? That's what I'm looking for her. Oh, you've been waiting for Hey, 44 birds or something? No, this season two. Welcome to she's not doing so well. It's a podcast. I'm Bobby. In fact, you're free to come. Tongue is my comings in my throat, and I wanted to try to limit the box to 10. Love it, honey. I'm just so awkward
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at this. God. Hello, everybody. Welcome to season two of She is not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. Thank you for coming back. And thank you for joining us for the first time. If you're here for the first time, it's good to be back on My eyes Are my fucking glasses are fogging on. Make some fucking hot. Uh, you know what that means? We're back. We're back. We always get hot before record. I'm nervous again. What could Stupid asshole and so stupid. Oh, here we go again. Well, that's interesting, because you need to tell yourself Oh, you had a fuck off, e. I think we learned that in l A. We did. I need to learn. I needed to learn. I learned that I needed to fuck off. Yeah, I learned a lot in L. A. We really did. Um, that's what we need to talk about. Really need to talk about l A. So where do you want to begin by the outbreak of Corona virus, or Yeah. When did that start happening? That was, like, really close to when we were about to leave. Yeah. And they're like, Oh, the first Americans air in Los Angeles. We're, like, on I am a hybrid car, Jack, as we know. So of course I'm like, Oh, shit. Here we go. So, um, of course Jim knows this. So we get to the airport, he goes, I got a little surprise for you, Not your president. Would you get me? I got you really hot masks that we could put on a mask for mask. Mask from mask. Asks
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a must. I think you have
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the snakeskin. Yeah. Instincts got cobra. I mean, I was thinking was over when I went into L. A. Uh well, as soon as our plainly ended. We put them on exactly like we got L. A. And we're its time because there's just too many people going in and out of that airport. I don't know. I'm sure everyone listening like that is unfounded. And you Wow, you guys are so dramatic. But listen, I mean, I
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know. I'm not being dramatic when I'm a little bit nervous about a Corona virus. The only corona I'm having a fucking beer. No, also. And you did some good news. Why? I was able to buckle the seatbelt without an extender is proud of you. I had a lot of room. I'm skinny. Use Ari Head. Call me Superman. Oh, my God. Seriously, So we get to L. A. It's small, G, we're like, Okay, cool. What a great view We got a bit like four years time. We both went about it like one o'clock. It was horrible. We got three hours of sleep the night before, so then we travel to L. A. It's noon. We're like, Oh, I feel like I've had a whole day already because we had we had. So we get there and I decide up. Let's go drink. Well, actually, I had to stop the libations door first. Like I need my marijuana because legal and gyms like I'm not even fucking going in there. I'm like, You know what? It's fine. So I went and I got my shed. And then he's like, Let's go have a drink. I'm like, Okay, let's go have a drink. So we go to Hamburger Mary's, which is like you. You know, it's like a chain out there. I
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don't know if
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it's on the East Coast. There is one. There's one in San Francisco you'd think like, Oh, it's like Cheney manana. No, actually, it's filled with a lot of fun people. Yeah, it was really fun. And you had to get the Well, first
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of all, our
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waiter's like So you guys are getting these drinks you ordered, like, some fruity drink, Of course. And all of a sudden, he I think you were a little under the influence at that point. Yeah, but he was like, um and for an up charge of, like, $35 you can get this drink and ah, statue, commemorative statues. And you're like, Yeah, do it. Do it. Do it I'm like, Well, and he's like, Well, actually, your next drink is actually really cheap, But I was like, Well, that's that's it Because I need to big fucking statues full of alcohol. And I did. I had the Dockery at first, which probably like Malibu Rahman and or something like a week. And I'm like, I'll take a gin and tonic in it. Oh, it was a gay bar. Gin and tonic. So I was so cold. I was feeling wonderful. Yeah, so then we went to eat. Um, you were You literally were about You almost made me walk by this place. This was his cute little Japanese restaurant. You were terrified. You looked at the menu. You were like So what do they have? I was being very like Ah, drunk? Yeah, I was like, I want a burger. I want writing grows, Which is understandable after all the batteries and everything. You know, you want what you want, right? But we just had cheese sticks, so I was like, Let's go a little outside of the American realm and you've never had Rahman before. Know how I've had fun? Okay, I've had, like, thai food, right? I never often like Bochy. Okay? Ever had, like Japanese Rahman. So it was so high, I highly recommend it. Just any type of Rahman, Highly. Not like the college Rahman. But lately, you know, it's not like goto an actual Japanese really like that. So I thought I was like, Rama and like right here, like my creative head? Or is it like I do like Rahman? I've never had that ice, but I never had it and really fat I used to love drinking a coke. Not even Coke zero again because I was skinny ish. Um and I would eat the ramen noodles dry the crunchy, eh? I'm telling you, I have
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flavoring on the Marty.
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No, it's just so gentle playing. Yes, and I'm telling you, it was really fucking good. Sorry. I might be gross, Noah, that it's God, I know There is somebody else out there eating plain noodle. Oh, I've seen people like crunch them up and put them on top of salad. Just like crunchy things. Asian salad, Asian. Yeah, maybe that's what Yeah, I don't know. Okay, so but you loved it. I loved it. We moved on. We finally got back in our Airbnb, I think I had another beer. We want Super Bowl. I mean, we were half conscious at that point. It rolls in, like, 6 p.m. Well out there. So, you know, out there it was like that clock. Yeah. At 3 p.m. Right there. Right. So we get back at, like, four. We watched, like, half time. We saw the whole ship here. Uh, I mean, we've been awake since 1 a.m. All right. I just want them to three backward. What's happening? Right. So, Shakira, Shakira here. Wait. I thought it was J. Lo were, like j lo in a tiny bit away where her voice is different. She consent J lo on the number like way. It's just started, like shaking her hips. That's not jail. That's what I heard. The Yeah, Yeah. Yeah, like, sounds like known That's jail. Our secure. Uh, so then we're sitting there, and I was like,
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I'm feeling
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like, a little bit tired. So maybe we should take naps before we go out to Mickey's Mickey Sunday night to meet Grant Vander Bill. Oh, no. Which then I was like, Well, I
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need to
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take a little nap, and you look fine. Just, you know, I'm tired too about relax. I probably won't know it was like, I can't nap, because I just I lay there and mostly, but I knew you'd turn to me. You were like me up. Get me up by nine by nine. And if it's after 9 30 then just don't I don't even know if I'll be able to get up. I was like, Oh, Bobby. And apparently I went to a coma. You did. You were snoring, like ethnic within, like, 15 minutes. I was like, Oh, I hear him. He's well, he's breathing, kind of. I mean, it was probably a little bit of apnea, little bit, a little bit of a bit of this little bit of that mozzarella sticks were coming off. I mean, like, I'm sure it wasn't cute, but so then I woke about 11. I was like, Well, I guess I kind of got a little second when you're like me. You had a full second when I was like, Now it's time for bed and we're not going to start doing that. Yeah, you're
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like a made it. Well, I'm kind of
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like, I
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feel like I have
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energy like No, no, no. You don't sit down on the couch. We'll watch some TV, but we're going back to bed. And then I got movie again. I was like, Okay, I'm ready for bed now. So we didn't go out the first night We were supposed to. Wouldn't go to Mickey's to me, Grant. I mean, well, Grant decided, and I'm sorry. I'm putting this bitch on blast. Sorry. Doing it now. Uh, yes. All right. I feel as though you have two guys who have lifted you up from the down way have lifted you up. We have made you popular. We have talked about you on every motherfucking episode of season one. You know it, We know it. You couldn't wait for us to get out there. You are so excited. And what happens? You're like,
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Well, we can do Monday at noon.
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I'm like, Okay, that's cool. Like you're not really being communicated. But you did say that I was like, OK, Monday at noon Monday at one. Comes but still no response. Don't know. Like anything two o'clock rolls and hey, I have to reschedule. I'm like Okay. Well, clearly, because it's noon. I'm going to drink. Like I got things to Dio. I gotta go to Cone in. Uh, well, we'll get back about that. So no response. So let's just do it Wednesday evening, um, you both look at your like, this is probably not happening. So little bit ticked a little bit. And by that I mean, we look a lot like a lot and sounds like Well, all right, our very first episode was supposed to have Grant, but at this point, I don't think it's happening because you would think I don't know. I get it. Like I get the sort of like, who are these motherfuckers coming in town and they want to interview me. But I also think we're famous, right? Like, you should know my face just like everybody else did in L. A. Thank you. Um, so anyway, so after we get over whole grand Vanderbilt thing, we were like, Let's go to Cone in, but stop at a restaurant before we have about an hour. Let's Cliffhanger something, Cliff something. Yeah. Fucking were like, Let's just peek into here. You went to the bathroom? Yeah, I was like? Well, we have an hour. She's like, the waiter's like, What would you like? I'm like, Well,
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just like a
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picture of the I p A. I'm picturing a college picture where you pay, like, $4 a year and 1/2 problem. Uh, yeah. No, this was, like, four and 1/2. Well, five beers, because we each had two and 1/2 glasses of a 7% I p a. And we haven't our We had an hour, right? So talk about chugging like I was like, What are we supposed to do? I mean, we're paying, like, $30 for the picture. I should have realized when it was that much money, but I didn't, so, shocker. We finished the picture because we're champ. We have to We have to go from the Midwest. So rash, like we just know. Drink. Tell. We're from the Midwest in l. A. Well, fuck, um I feel like I looked really hot. What? We did look high, but people could tell they could really like in a good way. They like it. They probably were like, I think we were refreshing. I really do feel feel I'll take the cheese sticks. They're like we don't eat cheese sticks in California higher than the menu. Well, there just for the fats and thank you. Check, Check, check. Check. So so which
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gate wasn't head again? Because you're like, uh, it's right here
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not to go to gate 12. We show up about five minutes till showtime at gate four and 12 was, like, a mile away on the other side of the whole way around. So that point, it was like, Well, we'll talk about it. We'll take a picture of water tower. I think this. So where do we go next, then? You knew where we needed to go. We have to go to the Abbey. The abbey? Oh, I wish we'd a bar like the abbey here. I know that probably sounds so touristy like, Oh, you like the Abby? Yeah. I did fires in Florida because we only went when it was empty. But, I mean, we'll never went over there for a really empty Yeah, we were there for, like, old timer hour and always on a weekday. We never went on a Friday night like the 4 p.m. Crowd Monday. It's great. It's great. on four. You can sit by the fire. You can sit on a couch again, sit by the stripper pole. Yeah, and it was really windy and cool, so we had, like, our hoodies on and fires going Really hot. Bartender brought me a drink. Sorry. He bought you a drink. And then the next night, I had to ask, Do you guys give out free drinks? And she said No. No. Tamara, Tamara, Tamara of Tuesdays with Tamara. She said, No, we do not. It was like, Well, yesterday your partner gave Bobby a free drink. And guess what I was. I was let the fuck up by someone really were. Don't let so the kids were saying I was Letty. You
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were thought. That's what the kids say.
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A fucking Letty Letty. They do say, lady, now the fuck God anyways. But that guy's not the end of the night. He's straight, but find his instagram. But anyway, I asked him for it. Oh, we'll post a picture of him. I sort of got so hot. All post his instagram. He's very nice, though. Two is very fun sitting, chatting. And then we met our friend. Oh, my God. I love them. Both John and Louise shout out to John and Louise. We love them. They're probably
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listening there in their
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forties, but they're in their sixties. Yeah, When they told us they were I was like, Wait, hold on. You know, they're like California sixties, like, 45. Like they're living their best life. Both volunteered together at the museum there. The art museum. And I think that's how they met. Is what this? Yeah. They only knew to look for months, but we thought they were together. They've been best friends forever. But there are a couple in there. You didn't know him Know? I was like, Oh, right. But it was really cool because we went to dinner with them. I mean, it was pizza place was nothing extravagant. Anything. It was like we kind of hung out with some locals, and they had been there. One. John was like a makeup artist from the movie industry people. Yeah, and Louise, I don't know what he does, but I know he makes, like, some money. So you gonna tell? Yeah. You can tell they lived right there like you could. He said you could walk here. I was like, Wait, Walk. Yeah. Allen, West Hollywood. We How we how honey we Oh, So then we met them again the next day. We did. It was so cute. We did. We also actually went to um We went to Mickey's finally, though. Well, and And we saw the couch that Grant Venerable always has come to Mickey's and Lefty. Yeah, but we did see some famous drag queens. I saw Miss Vivian Vivian. But you yelled Miss Vivian.
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Well, I was
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like, I want every episode of season one of UK drag race. So you know what, right? I love her. I just thought it was Miss Vivian. It's the And that's probably why she ignored me away. Cordis first. Can I see? It doesn't even know my fucking name. Ms.
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Vivi is me. And I'm like,
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Oh, my God, we got in our story though I was on her story on instagram we saw rave in. We thought it was appropriate cause it was the back of my head only. Oh, yeah, it was like that was my side fat. So it's appropriate. Totally appropriate. Ladies were on Justin However, however I discovered something new this trip. Spanx. Oh, well, they're called, like form fitting shirts. Same thing. Oh, my friend. I was like a fucking sausage. I could be going. I'm a sausage. In this fucking case, I'm about to split, but buy it. How did you look at Superman? They had a little Asian lady. Was like, Oh, Superman. I mean, literally looked up at you and said that Hollywood Avenue or whatever Boulevard Banks is first fall. You had a chest. You have belly. Yeah, like my bitch tits were flattened, My belly was flattened. I just looked fucking You looked like a linebacker. Yeah. Look, I look like I like a fish back, like I had just gotten Don't the Super Bowl. I just rolled into town that Monday after Super Bowl. You had your ring on? Yeah, or not. Cochran don't know. No ring. Well, no, that was a knowledge event, But Tom of Finland. Oh, yeah, we went to that store anyway. Um, yeah. So I don't know where we're at. Oh, yes. Oh, crawling with the bank. So or the form fitting? Whatever's is that every day about 2 p.m. You turned to me and be like I don't feel so hot. We need an inner man. I'm like, God damn it. Like I
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don't feel good. I think we need
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a maybe just take up Inter Mishka. And I was like, No, we're not gonna do an intermission right now. We're like, we're about a 45 minute uber right away from home. And we haven't accomplished any of our goals. Today we get the death museum. We tried to go to his close permanently or like, reopening in a month. Literally it close the day before you, like the day before and then under renovation, I've been Koenen. We went to the wrong gate. So I was at this point, I was like, I had a way of dry trash is trash like I don't know why I actually like the Hollywood walk of famous trash. I don't want your goddamn CDs. No, and I take it we got Oh, yeah, we're gonna get to that in Santa Monica, but yeah, So you were like, I don't feel so hot. So
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then we get home
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and at, like, 5 p.m. You would take your Spanx off, and you also sit on the couch ago Ah, a burp. It would like to take a second, but I would like cinnamon go like, 08 and 1/2 hour later. Like I feel Let's go back out. But I need my Spanx on your leg.
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So we didn't really
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put it together, though. It took two days drinking have been eating like right. I've been smoking and eating things. Everything. Meeting, meeting and drinking Wanta There's some moments you have moments. Like I had a laughing fit. They need to hear the clips. We're gonna definitely play a club. I'm gonna blow ups of you. There's definitely a clip. Maybe that's the clip. All played the very beginning of this episode. Even though you've already heard it. I'll replay at some point in the end. Like that. Um, so yeah. Yeah. So that so That we've discovered in Santa Monica after I got sick on the pier. Which the piers Trash? Yes. I'm sorry. I feel everything. Our whole city No one. I love the city. We want to move there. Yeah, I love Santa Monica. Monica. But the pier part there some characters. Yeah, and so we get there and I'd already been panhandle this is after we did. What else am I missing? Anything. Oh, yeah. We're missing a big chunk. Oh, are you skipping all the way to Santa Monica? No, I was going to, But now I forget about little Tokyo. Honey, A little Tokyo. Oh, my. So we Whoa! Yeah, That a what? How
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we get there? Metro. I was like, We're taking the metro. Nobody was really No, we're not. But no one was on. It's very weird. That was quite there's only quiet music. I was like, no one is trying to get your money, like playing. Ah, upside down paint. But yeah, nothing. It was silent. Just sitting There were way had seats eerily silent. We had seats, right? So we get out and we're like downtown downtown. And what's that called Grand Central Market yet? But the name of it? Yeah, and they have all my God. But at this point, I'm like, I don't feel good again. No, you were in your state. Thanks. But then it was a little hung over. As soon as we walked in, you had a beer started to feel better. And then I see it. Another beer, then you went to that chicken place. The hot chicken sandwich place. Got another beer. Then we had somehow two more beers. It wasn't just like beer. It was like I p a s I p a beer? Yeah, like I was really literally medicating. Yeah, well, like you felt better. Better so I was like, you were going from the night before Tokyo, so I was like, Let's get a little shooter we scooter to forgot about that. Hello? I forgot we scooter. Sorry, Lola, but, I mean, I didn't drink that much, remember? I was fine. I had to follow you. You. I was like, looking back my size. I was fine. You
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have true
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loopy. Always forget about that. Yeah, I was fine. I just have a little drink, like, three times as much as me. Well, until he got a little Tokyo, I don't even know what happened there. We went to a restaurant and just treated as a bar. And we had in the corner near the big beard, didn't we? Oh, yeah. We got the giant Sapporo, and she was You turned to me and you were like, I'm not gonna make it. I'm not gonna make it. I was like, What does that mean? You have to like, what's happening. I can't really carry you. I was like, What do you mean you're not gonna make it? I was like, Oh, lay down, lay down. And then so I was kind of leaning against the waiter to sprout the chair. He didn't Waiters like, Here's your check. So I figured I feel like I recovered through that, but late did. It took me a second to get up tonight. Once I got back up moving, we we went to Let's go to Chinatown nearby, like fucking town. But we walked through, like, a little like Mexico Alley. I don't know what it's called. Elise told us about Olvera Street. Oh, Vera Street. There's just so many cultures there that you can literally take, like four streets and seed for different culture in a different world. So we get to Chinatown. You're, like, finally recovered. Yeah, Yeah, I was feeling it, but, like, I was like, OK, little core here. Let's do it. Yeah. Plus, I think you had No, no, we're okay. So I think we were, like, floating intermission front of your like we did in there much. If you just do China, we're gonna do an intermission in town and then we'll ride will take a uber home and you can rest. So we go to the fucking Chinatown and
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this is where
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things get very interesting because we go in front of this tunnel tunnel temple. Oh, boy, We go in front of the temple where it's like taking pictures. It's really beautiful. It's super nice and a woman walks up and we're just staring. Sort of. It was a cute little like Asian grandma. Yeah, she was very cute. And I was like, We're like, we can't go in like we're just like watching from the outside taking pictures and she comes up and goes, I thought it was a sacred temple. You can go in there. I'm like she's gonna go and she kind of shoot us inside. So we go inside. It's absolutely beautiful. There's nobody who speaks English in there. It's all Chinese Americans, and it's very like there's a lot going on. There's people praying. There's, you know, incense. And then there was this little wall that had numbers on it. Guys, No, I pulled, So we pulled numbers and it was like either lucky, unlucky. You're like neutral. Yeah, And you have to think of something in your head like and subconsciously or consciously you're thinking of something. Oh, yeah. So I've hold number 21. That's always been my number. So I pulled it and I was lucky. And I read from the binder or what it was talking about. Yeah. And it said Like what? It's saying My dreams will come true in the fall yet winter this coming fall Keep going. Keep going. You're gonna find success and what you D'oh! Yeah, it was like Spot was spooky in a way. I was like, Oh, this is like, kick out. This is, um, like Lindsay Lohan. What's that movie where they go to the China Chinese restaurant? The switch. Freaky Friday? Yeah, there's some freaky Friday shed. Freaky Tuesday. I was like, Oh, my God, this is true. Like I need to keep going because at this point, I was a little bit of someone because we two of our interview Mr To our interviews that we were trying to do were canceled or in Jordan, we didn't respond to us, but, um So at this point, you know what? Fuck it. I'm We're going to keep going. So we do that. That was fun. That was cool and different. Um, and then what'd you pull a conduit to talk about it. This kind of ruins yours. So mine was accurate. Yeah. I don't think you really picked number wisely. Except for maybe Maybe we won't talk about it. Yeah. I mean, clearly, it's not lucky. It wasn't unlucky. It literally was unlucky, Bob, because oh, and then I'm, like, just Okay, fine. Read it. I don't want to read. I don't even need to hear it. I just felt like when you pulled it was unlucky to Yeah, I didn't. Shouldn't pull, but something told you to. Something told me to go. Got to go with your gut. You don't mean go with your gut. Go with that whole Sometimes Sometimes your holes on. Lucky. Hey, she's unlucky, but she's a star and she cry, Cry cries. Yeah, in her lonely heart doesn't make some anyway, is Britney? Um So then another day we went back to the abbey way basically went to the abbey all the time. It was like home base. Anyone noticing a trend like let's go have a shower. That they were good. Yeah, it was really good. Oh, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. But yeah. So we we basically did the happy the whole time. So happy again and it was empty. And then that's them. One night we went to that cute little Thai restaurant. You were. You were You were I was high as Fox. Sorry. And a little bit drunk. And you were pretty drunk. Well, you happy hour at the abbey will do that to you. So we get there and we're like, we're hungry. We literally devour 1st 3 appetizers, Three entrees. The lady goes, they were concerned. I said something like, Is this
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gonna be
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enough? And she's like, This is a lot of food. Were like, Hey, bitch, like, excuse me. I'm from the Midwest, always telling a judge that would be a lot of food, and then it's not happened before. That's California. It's causing at California portions. Probably. That's a lot of food. Were like, This is like a Tuesday night meeting. Ah ha. Right. I gotta go, Toe, Actually, don't go to Golden Corral is disgusting, But But then after the Thai place. Didn't we go to that fun comedy set? Was that that night Did that was Sony went to a local So Hannah and under can't see her name. I'm kind of over her, too, to be honest, She was another interview that was supposed to happen and did it. And actually, I really love her comedy. I really I'll link her on here. It was good. She's really good. And it was like a local show where there's like probably 40 people in a room. And there was not like a stage. She was just standing there. It was like a different kind of a look on things. But of course they're making in front of the Midwest. Oh, yeah, they started with jokes about the Midwest. Like,
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Oh, we're from Ohio.
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Really an accident. So first of all, you look like a Minnesota mom. You like a fucking can from Campbell's room day Minnesota, Like Becky from Louisiana? Like No, not Louisiana. But I'm just saying it was not Ohio. Okay, s So Anyway, that was a fun little thing. Then we ended up after all this said and done ball were like, Let's go to Santa Monica. We had a place there. It was like a different one. There is a whole different vibe. We were like, Let's go spend two nights there and I'm so glad we did so glad I would stay there the whole time yet would have known. I mean, it's so clean. It's so pretty. There's, um, a baby up there. So it's a little bit of home in Santa Monica. I, um it's just safe. Like we walked around middle of the night, didn't you? Yeah, it was. It was empty, clean, safe. Where everybody was everybody. Everybody was hot. That is one thing it seems like I found were supposed to be I fit in. Wow. This is what I've been looking for my whole life. You're hot, like me. Except for the pier. Well, at the pier, you were a little Well, first of all, again, I was like stuff. Like a sausage. Yeah, I was having gas Tre issues nearly vomiting, and these guys walk up and say, Here's a CD And I said No, thank you. You're, like, nicely. I said thank you, but no, thank you. Very fine player, right? I don't have a cigar. I don't either. I said, Well, I don't want this. Okay? Don't want it. And so Oh, you don't talk to our kind. Yeah, And I go, What
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the fuck did you just
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say? I mean, I really were, like, in a fight mode. I go, You're kind. I go. What is that supposed mean? What people who lets in the CDs? Because I know you're not fucking talking about your skin tone. Yep. And he waas and really tick me off. I know, but again, I was already, like, on the pier at this point around, like he's I said, no, that's absolutely not the case. And I like point at him and he stopped and we walked away. But I was like, That's what pissed me off more than anything is don't I don't want your CEO want your season. Then you're gonna call me a racist. Doesn't want your CD, right? I don't know what's on your CD. I don't. I just started. I don't have a CD player. And there wasn't even one of them. And I wasn't even. There is none on my complaint or even know there's no CD drive on anything I know I did my place. Did you give me a CD right now? I couldn't use it right in my car. I could put it. Michael, I don't have it. We didn't have a car. No, I don't even have it in my car. You don't know they don't have CD players anymore. They'll make secretly. Why would they write you your phone up its Bluetooth. So it really pissed me off. So then that that that ruined the whole pier real. Then I was like, We need an intermission. We need information. We did finally have an intermission. And I think I realized at that point that's when I realized the Spanx were fucking killing me. Were slow. Wait, So turned him into a racist. Great. My Spanx. We won't even talk to their kind in the spank will have a great chest bottom A racist like I mean, I don't fucking I was past. You were so mad. Get him home. Like I gotta go sideways on the couch. This is so we got we had relaxing time and Santa Monica We had entered in Venice the next night. It wasn't sex again. Trash. Say it. Yikes! I just want the boardwalk in Venice. Yeah. Yeah. Yikes. I mean, the good news is I was able to smoke weed on the beach, but But the board looks just like a carnival where you might get stolen. Reminding me, According to the carnival, I was like, at any moment like, you see someone getting that? Yeah, like this is not safe. Scooter gangs on scooters. I was like, I gotta go. We gotta go. We're like, we got to get in an uber now. We did not fit in the way and they were like, Let's go back to San Upon we were in Santa Monica. Clothes were in San Juan camo wear, like fake, edgy, My cut out short. We have another, like, foreign genes. Like they're like your vans. Yeah. You're so sparkling going on. Edgy enough for venison know we were seeing a model. So we ended up back there, and then the trip is over. Basically, after that, um, flight home that we're back here and we were ready. We're ready to go. So we're we're re energized. Were re energized. We learned a lot. We learned a lot about how you know what people are gonna not show up sometimes. And you just gotta move forward. Even though I was being a little vulgar about Grand Vanderbilt, I still wish him and her the best. I don't know what we're gonna ask that question if yeah, I think it's him. But I I only wish from the best. Yeah, and but I'm not gonna chase that shit anymore. Like you either want to talk to me or you don't. You're not a chubby chaser. I'm really not. I get chased your the Children chase to chased. Um, So this season, though, we want we want to talk about a few things. I think next week we're gonna do a daddy up episode. Wait.
spk_1: 31:18
I don't know if
spk_0: 31:18
it's gonna be a daddy episode or more like an older, I think No, Daddy. Daddy as well. And then, like ageism in the gay community. Yeah, that's what we really want to talk about, right? Just how things have changed for this individual. Um, also we want to talk to What are we doing this season? HIV or AIDS? HIV? We want to talk about being overweight. Maybe being poly cannabis is one that I want to dio clearly. I mean, I just want to learn because I wonder if we could get someone who does like, works in a dispensary here in Ohio. It'll be great to maybe talk about it because I want to know for the people out there who don't know about it. And they're like, What the hell's going on? There's a lot of medical. Yeah, breakthroughs. Wow, Thank you. Deep on. Like, I think we're gonna try to have, like, a drag queen Roundtable drag queen around the world. That's a tongue twister. I can't say that Drag Queen Roundtable. Hopefully I'll be in drag. Oh, yeah, We're getting Jim and drag, and then we're also gonna D'oh! I want to do some about being a woman being questioned and also black for sure. We have a lot of like, What was we were going for this season like that, Just like stigma. A lot of misconceptions, kind of like just trying to tackle things that people might think are inappropriate and the, you know, just don't know anything about it. Yeah, So with that being said, I think it's time just to kind of let him fly on their own after the first season Episode Season two Episode one I'm back Oh, God, you're back, Back and queer and ready to go We're queer. We're here. Get used to it wanta Oh, enjoy the clips, the beginning And, of course, the end. I'm gonna play the clip again. Um, also, it's so good if if you don't know me this this you'll know this is me really laughing. Yeah, You'll hear it. You'll love it. It's great. With that being said, make sure you subscribe. Make sure you, um, comment. Join us on Instagram You gave me, Karen. And what's your name again? Kathie Lee Bates and Karen. Both. Kelly, Um, see what we're doing. And that's about it for this episode, folks. Great to be bad. I was like, yelling Great to be back. Another episode. So anyway, um, thank you for listening. And we'll see you next time. Bye bye, bitch.
spk_1: 33:47
Yeah. Good. Sounds like it's going five minutes. I need you to tell me it saying five minutes. You have to say, but what if it's like, 300 90,000? That's what I'm looking for her. Thank you for listening to another episode of she's not doing so well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669 to 074643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode. Views, information or opinions expressed during she's not doing so well, podcast or silly, those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company Thing has been a house of Brecht production.