Is this the beginning of the end? This episode is FULL of drama. To start, we found out another podcast, Mix Minus, has started talking some shit about us. We took in in stride and attack back pretty aggressive. This then causes us to talk about how much we don't understand Disney Gays and why its so fun for 40 year old's to go to Disney. Really, we don't understand it. Speaking of Disney, Miz was 1st chair trumpet in middle school band and forgot his sheet music so faked the entire performance during their trip to Disney. Bobby brings up NYC next week and contemplates the fact that maybe Miz is a killer and could chop him up and put him in the freezer. This is debunked QUICKLY by Jim reminding both Miz and Bobby that it would be hard to fit Bobby in a freezer. All is goin well and its time for Miserable with Miz and well, you will just have to listen to hear what happens. The episode ends with Bobby and Jim getting in a heated discussion about friends and why Bobby keeps people separate for as long as possible.
Will Bobby and Jim still see Miz in NYC next week? Will the season 4 finale be the series finale? What will Mix Minus's reaction be to the slaughtering we provide? All this and more.
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I want to apologize in advance to my friends and family because this summer I believe I'm going to turn into a
Bobby:whore Welcome to She's Not Doing So Well Comedy podcast featuring Bobby I don't want to be viral I want to be inspirational and life changing because listen I'm at a GE gym at the top
Jim:What can I say? Finally he's just like you can unfollow me if you don't like my body the MS
The Miz:oh my god Tell me all about it you're right but you like it mushroom shape a little more now we're back to where we fucking started.
Bobby:This is fine. A little bit down Okay, so basically nobody knows anything about there we just write down our perfect perfect you sound good? Okay, that's
Jim:it literally. That's all I
The Miz:want to do is see that expertise?
Bobby:Well, thanks for letting me see the goddamn box cuz I haven't seen it before you fucking bed and
The Miz:try it and tell me so I can hear if it sounds
Bobby:right this patch is so ungrateful. Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of She's Not Doing So Well I'm Bobby I'm Jim I'm the man's welcome whatever time you're listening we welcome you Oh All right. That was horrible. That looked like a fucking seal like honey I feel like you have a mustache going now oh stepped out of the year I
Jim:stepped out over here. I do want to go to New York City with a mustache because you can fuck with a stat
Bobby:Oh my you can you're gonna eat some pussy.
Jim:Oh my god some beefy curtains. Gay. Yeah,
Bobby:we have so much to talk about today were feuding first of all we're feuding feuding now Ms. I save this just for this moment.
Jim:Hello How are you? You can't view it if you're nobody that's what Ms always says right well listen bit were feuding with someone and there is somebody
The Miz:I've never said that you can't feud if you're nobody you just can't get cancel if you're not fighting
Bobby:for somebody knows
Jim:well we definitely can't get canceled but we confuse missed Mr. Minus or something they're literally Hey does what's Mr. Minus
Bobby:hates us So Mr. Okay, so Okay, we're gonna we're gonna set you off. So scared I'm so worried I'm nervous. So do you remember in the chat on discord what a person on discord? The person that tried to correct gem and you told them to fuck off basically
The Miz:that was like I need a refund.
Bobby:yes on T so we've dealt with him in the past we've been on a show yada yada yada. They hate he actually really reached out to me a long time ago and helped me with some of the audio situation but that's in the past now because I got word that there's some shit talking on their show. Oh, about us.
The Miz:Good keep our names in your fucking mouth honey.
Bobby:Exactly. So I'm gonna read you the email that I got today
The Miz:irrelevant asked so you can keep talking about
Bobby:this is why I waited. You're welcome everybody.
The Miz:Good night. So so what what did they say? Hey,
Bobby:I don't know if you listen to our show or not. But I wanted to let you know that in the episode that will be posted tomorrow. I do a bit of trash talking about your show. Screaming so he goes ahead and shuts talks. But then he's gonna warn us
The Miz:that he's a big Hey, hey, by the way, because I know that you don't listen to my garbage show.
The Miz:Know that I'm talking about you. Screaming never seen a more desperate cry for help. My. I don't know if you've ever heard of me ever. But
Bobby:I have seen more desperate cry for help. And it happens mostly after 2am on our phone. He says it doesn't tend to be jokey. But who knows how it comes across because quite frankly, I'm often very drunk high in the post show and things come out more forcefully than show called mix minus or minus MX Yeah, it's basically a term in audio mix minus is what gets you to I don't know the whole fucking thing but it's about now they're gay.
Jim:It's actually about non binary people because m x is like the Miss Ms. Mister, but like for non binary people. It's like, really about that. Yeah. mx is mixture it gets better.
Bobby:Okay. Regardless, I wanted to let you know that I do. Listen to your show and love it. Okay, well, we fucking here. Hopefully, if you do listen to it, you won't be horribly offended.
The Miz:Girl. There's no world in which I'm listening to your shit show. The only reason that you exist because you were on Our fucking discord page like I listen to your show
Bobby:never. And this is why we waited.
The Miz:I would rather take a bullet through my fucking eyebrows and listen to your show like why why would that ever happen?
Bobby:Right so
The Miz:so what did he want out of this exchange?
Bobby:I don't really know so he I basically wrote him back and said cool thanks for the heads up. No worries. I did say I do have
The Miz:six minus whatever the fuck I'm gonna talk shit on your show and it's not jokey. It's real shit talk cuz you're a piece of garbage and we fucking hate you. You don't reach out to someone because your fear that they're not going to fucking hear you're like, what are you doing? Get a fucking brain you fucking idiot.
Bobby:This is I knew this was gonna be like, you know, like waiting for this was the kiss of death. I was like, if like this is gonna be I was like, Jim, I go Let me read this email to you. I said I read it to him. He goes I'm gonna lose it but it's true.
The Miz:You were essentially trying to get listened to by telling us what you're talking about. So we're gonna go listen to it. Like Okay, like I'll cut your fucking welfare check that
Jim:goes right back to last week all the fucking minimum wage gays out there. This
Bobby:is the thing that we're getting attacked from older gays. Younger gays. We're getting attacked all over
Jim:literally from all angles. You know what keep
Bobby:talking in your feet but in your fucking mouth in your mouth. Keep checking your mouth.
Jim:You can't really keep mine in.
Bobby:Oh, well you just really had a moment you look at me go well mine. Mine might not stay in the mouth.
Jim:It's a pretty teeny and pretty saw
Bobby:a little teeny tiny sausage. Oh this it'll be in a sausage. Okay, so now that we got our few
The Miz:little bunch of fat heads like
Jim:I mean I can if all these people just stop talking about me I sleep better at night. I was like
The Miz:Oh, I didn't even know what is this three months old and now it's in their fuckin like well
Bobby:like like why and honestly I can't wait to get the audio to be honest Yeah,
Jim:we're gonna hear we're gonna hear it
The Miz:I'm not shocked at someone like Ty either never got someone directly emailing you to one that's my thing.
Bobby:Right? Because like he probably knew that maybe I had fallen out of listening to his show because I just have my own things going on. I only fallen
Jim:fallen out or never started
Bobby:now. I will listen their show for a second.
The Miz:Wait How do you spell it?
Bobby:What is it MC mix Am i XM i en us mixing minus mix minus Yeah, like mix? Am I x m i n you saw that? I
Jim:was like that doesn't
The Miz:that's not broadcast mix minus i came in find. Okay LGBT q experience. Oh, it's a little Posey Adam Burns and Daniel Brewer. What do you get when two gay friends who love audio love tech love talk radio and love podcasting? You could just say love audio Tech Talk Radio and podcasting.
Jim:What do you get? You get a shitty podcast.
The Miz:To live stream once a week. You get a podcast with witty banter.
Bobby:No, they get they go live.
Jim:Oh, that's bold. That is bold.
The Miz:That's because we're there's Tech Talk, pop culture and more. Add an LGBT spin and you get MCs minus podcast. Okay,
Bobby:this is trash. sounds really interesting. Wow, check it out.
The Miz:Yeah, now everyone's gonna listen to mix minus,
Bobby:they'll probably love it and cancel us. I can't wait to finally getting somewhere. You
Jim:can just go to Key West and live our lives.
Bobby:Let's just go to q s and live our fucking lives. I do want to start like Xena said cool. I think it'd be really funny. I'm just gonna throw another idea out there minus the puppets
Jim:mind. What's your next fun? You
Bobby:know, I think it'd be really awesome to do like a YouTube series with the three of us traveling to gay places like Ms would be a total like, it'd be like what the fuck are we doing here? You'd be like gender and you're like you're like the Jonathan Van Ness
Jim:six sticks at once.
Bobby:And I'd be the one that's like guys this is so much fun. Let's go check out the food and drinks
Jim:and the local land in want to say it but yes you would be into the
Bobby:fight I think it'd be funny as fuck to go like us and we like their
Jim:new She's Not Doing So Well at Key West. She's
Bobby:Not Doing So Well takes over us. She's Not Doing So Well takes over.
Jim:I love It's so fun. Your actions are good. I never knew at that age, but oh my god, it's beautiful.
Bobby:Oh, is that where you got your chunky picture by the palm tree is where I did I love it. That's my favorite picture. If you actually want to frame for the office,
The Miz:or the Do they have an Instagram page or like no. Oh, this
Bobby:is like fully going like
Jim:that popular way. How do I find this in like go to pride 48
The Miz:What's pride 48 it's an it's a web Say
Bobby:yeah so pride 48
Jim:A started
Bobby:an exhibit a
Jim:discord and we're on it by the way so like we're like we're asking our boss yeah we're like making fun yeah
Bobby:so I got on this like to get I don't know off I don't know another way probably kick no they didn't kick us I didn't update our fucking picture
Jim:yeah cuz they're faggots are Fugu they don't update but literally we're on slide 40
The Miz:I see pictures of them in the words of sweetie I thought an ugly whoa said
Jim:oh my god I'm fucking terrified actually
The Miz:Okay can I just and I want this to be on the record Oh like fuck goes to Disney like I want to talk about it let's
Bobby:talk about we talk about Disney days I swear we did this right hey
Jim:no we haven't we have we asked you like Cody Rick's been you know what?
Bobby:You guys are absolutely a thing it's like they're horrifying. It's like
The Miz:I fucking hate Disney. I hate it twice twice twice, twice twice twice I always want for band and once for my internship oh my god what fucking instrument did you
The Miz:I played the trumpet when I got to Disney World I realized I had left on my sheet music at home
Bobby:on brand
The Miz:I sat there as first trumpet just being like first trumpet, obviously yeah oh my god, I was cute. Yes. And so I had no idea what I was doing so it's like sat there and like pretended to play while like second thing
Bobby:new because your first trumpet you're supposed to lead the whole fucking thing you dumb bitch. They knew you're faking God
The Miz:making making. But yeah, so I was walking on Disney and like, it was cool, I guess but like I didn't know any of the characters like me my sister were not raised on Disney movie. It's like my family didn't believe in that. We watch us and we watched like horror movies.
Bobby:So how would you explain gem a Disney guy like what would you say to somebody who's like what's a Disney game? It obviously makes sense of what it is you just kind of guess but like there's a certain genetic QA quality and I'm not making fun of it I think if it's your thing cool I'm there's none of that. Okay, well missus making fun of it. I
Jim:was gonna be very I'm gonna be blunt like, there are these gays they take the FEM to the max they think they're like a fucking they think they're Ariel that their Bell? Jasmine excetera Jasmine they think they're all of them and they're not and then they are like singing The lyrics are like listen, we know that you shut up elton john did it better we don't need to hear it.
The Miz:What did I get? I got that but like even feminists you being a fucking 12 year old like eight year old like like why Disney is not feminine inherently.
Bobby:No and I think but it's like it's like they want to be kids so bad it's like their child who was so fucked about now they're like trying to relive their
The Miz:little NAS x Everyone's so fucking her Everyone's so hit don't
Jim:go in on every listen bitch
The Miz:that's a trouble Pat we are not feuding
Jim:with little NAS x tonight
The Miz:they're fucking our is just so so Hi
Jim:I'm sorry we all in the perfect Italian New England or lifestyle but not all rolls in winter oh we don't need lobster in the winter.
The Miz:I'm not saying I had it I'm the fall around being butthurt about it for years faqad
Jim:in the summer disgusting cod in the summer never
The Miz:I'm not saying that my child was perfect when
Jim:I was with jostling around I'm sure it was good thing
The Miz:is just like Get the fuck over it. We can't wait while you can so get we can't we can't prying into a frosty and listen bitchy little bit.
Jim:Bobby had a frosty boy.
Bobby:I can identify as he's a fat fuck yeah. No.
Jim:No you are you had a fucking baked potato with chili poured on top a little string. I'm counting my calories shredded Jay Z. You had little frosty shit. And you had that frost?
The Miz:I'm counting my cow. And I'm up to 4300 Yeah,
Bobby:and I worked out
Jim:all 4300 calories I do like wow, I
Bobby:usually do like 2300 that too high. That's pretty nuts as I'll lose weight. Oh 2000 calories
Jim:Miss doesn't have that in a week. Oh, oh 2300 damn girl. Oh,
Bobby:my God. Oh my God, bless his heart.
Jim:bless his heart. bless their heart.
Bobby:Can we just Can I blast? I don't know what we're talking about. Are we talking about?
The Miz:We were talking about this horrible little hosts of that podcast.
Jim:Mr. Mix.
Bobby:I'm forgetting everything I wanted to say just
The Miz:as you were done with them.
Jim:We're talking about your calories and your Frosties that you've been
The Miz:making in crying to them listening Lomo we might
Bobby:as well just like you know why? Me? come from the bad guy. I am screaming if you saw our studio right now.
Jim:We're gonna be edging on the edge together and we're gonna come Monday.
Bobby:Oh God, calm in my gut. I don't know if I have anything, but i'm gonna
Jim:i'm really badly everyone yells at me when I don't have a fact but Bobby never has anything.
Unknown:That's he's like Hi guys. This week I shall blow your mind.
Jim:Blow Your Mind. People are talking about dogs.
Bobby:Yeah I don't have anything written for today. Hi,
Jim:let me look at my notes. mattresses are soft How are you? Wow, you lucky week he's like, Hey guys, I like dog food.
Bobby:Oh my god Am I a weirdo? Like you people? Oh my god, you're listening. Oh, I'm the weird one. I'm
Jim:gonna bring the heat this week. Bring the heat you guys are guys you know where
The Miz:you people are learning about imposters. People are talking about rain clouds and hail. I'm about to fucking pop the Berenstain Bears the top priority of the
Bobby:premier this goddamn mic one more edit like you're such a fucking annoying bet I'm like every time he screams or like try to like dial it down
Jim:the full experience
The Miz:like the Wicked Witch of the West what the agenda was terrifying that wasn't me that was all Bobby I was falling out I think yes that was all Bobby It's horrifying.
Bobby:So fans camera today What is going
Jim:on? Like a fucking Oompa Loompa eight another air balloon.
The Miz:You hear him in the back when I
Bobby:take breaks in New York City. Guys. Wait guys, I want to see this building right here. I think it's the elevation guys. Is it the Empire State Building. That's why I'm not going to fucking the Statue of Liberty. I'm not walking up those stairs that little iron as fucking cage.
Jim:We're not going to the statue. I don't even believe is trash. I don't believe in the statue or liberty.
The Miz:If you want to see it do the Staten Island Ferry which is free and you can spray like like right, right? Yes, God and that one God
Jim:and that's on God. I told Bobby I was like, That thing is free like we're doing that. We're gonna
Bobby:write that. And Alanna Abbi and Ilana please some of you watch Broad City just Oh, fuck me. Well, this is what bareback when Bobby's gonna be about how have you never ever, ever ever seen Broad City? Broad City? Oh, you have got to be really not even helped me. Help me Help me. I've never even heard it is so funny. You'll probably hate it. You don't like romney city. There are two girls from New York and they just like go there. Where are they from? grant? Where's the where's the college? Beacon Hill? Can huh? Is that where NYU is?
The Miz:Beacon Hill is in Boston.
Bobby:Oh yeah, I forgot. That's what the Revolutionary War was got her never knew I saw john adams grave.
The Miz:Are you is Washington Square Park Washington Square Park?
Bobby:Yes. So that is where it like they kind of live and they're like crazy. You've got to watch it. I cannot believe you have not you would
Jim:love broad cities all on Hulu, and it's not serious at all. It's not an Oracle. It's just funny every episode
Bobby:there I'm so excited for you. I'm
Jim:jealous that he's not seen any episodes. Like my
Bobby:father. I'm actually gonna jealous of you because I want to be able to sign them like no you don't I mean,
The Miz:well Don't be jealous. I'm not gonna watch it.
Bobby:You're so fucking annoying I swear to God when I get when I get there. I'm gonna grab you I can get there. I'm gonna fuck you. And then you're going to walk with me back to the hotel room where you're going to lay with me while I chat with you a little boy I don't know why. And
Jim:that's what he's doing Wednesday and Thursday when I get there. I'm gonna pull you out of his room and I'm gonna fuck you in my room and maybe like a little
The Miz:I will have slit my throat five minutes into this experience.
Bobby:Oh with you won't be
Jim:you won't even be I would never What are you gonna have a plastic knife
The Miz:with a razor blade? Good luck. Oh,
Bobby:they don't want to just like I've been waiting to see what if we get cut into pieces and put in his freezer
Jim:you might wouldn't fit in his freezer. I'm talking about his deep freezer like they could get like half your
The Miz:your other fire escape for you.
Jim:I can I can't picture you fitting into a freezer like that's
Bobby:I love it that's the that's the fucking problem like like you're
Jim:in any freezer I've seen the
The Miz:only thing canceling the feasibility The situation is the fact that Bobby can fit in my freezer
Bobby:right like that was funny like I'm like this is gonna kill us you're like you can't fitness fucking freezer like not the killing part it's the freezer part really thank you Wow you fucking bitch
Jim:I just looking out for you and your size
The Miz:I'll drop you off the dumpster to the local Wendy's on Third Avenue
Bobby:that would you know if I had to die anywhere it'd be a Wendy's Wissam Bailey making chick burger
The Miz:Oh quarter you have a quarter you and I'll throw some throw some chili on you know eat it off my dead That's hot. No, eat your dead body with the chili. That's hot. That's sexist. We
Bobby:laugh about it. But you can be like the summer of Sam. Bow. Sorry. I'm finishing this one still you fucking batch. Oh, I'm bareback with Bobby this week. I
Jim:just want to say this. It's all about Bobby being bareback by himself because he's blacked out.
Bobby:I've realized some things. Oh no. I realized it was from Cody Rigsby.
The Miz:I thought you couldn't fit on the peloton.
Bobby:I can't I was playing PlayStation while Michael was riding the bike. I can't Why is that so funny? I'm over the weight limit I'm
Jim:picturing your ass enough peloton Yeah, yeah me Oh Cody's delicious raw raw raw
Bobby:raw eggs are what's heavy in my life. Oh, is it my family?
Jim:I am you're
Bobby:fine your assets fat in a bad way.
Jim:No in a hot okay. Like I want to bounce on it. No, you're never I'm sorry.
Bobby:I'm bigger person. Here's my point.
The Miz:Have you ever been able to fuck a person of size?
Jim:i? I'm jealous. I want to fuck up POS honey, they're
Bobby:out there. And you know who else is out there chasers? So thank you.
The Miz:I think I fucked a person. sighs one.
Jim:Was it yourself? Or was it back when you were in seventh grade?
Bobby:Were you a personal size while you fuck the personal size? Or were you like oh, I don't really skinny.
The Miz:I didn't fuck a personal size but a person of size eight me out.
Bobby:That doesn't count that does not you didn't put your up on any of the first person. Yeah,
Jim:they're always hungry. So it's not that doesn't matter. Yeah, like wow, they ate your ass. They want Taco Bell.
The Miz:Right. It was like like, a bag.
Bobby:It's like a saucy like, honey. That shit is full of refried beans and fucking riding bikes with Mormons like that thing is spicy like that. The Mormons love Mormons. More man. We do. If you ever want to fuck let us know that his nephew
The Miz:loves snow.
Jim:I'd love to hear about the Lord and get fucked. At the same time,
The Miz:Latter Day Saints.
Bobby:It's not the Lord. Aren't they their own God. It's your way. Okay, can I just say something though? really quick. No. So Cody Rigsby I was like I was writing. Okay, Mike was writing me. And I'm sitting and I heard Cody say, like, he was answering questions. Some girls like, Oh my god, should I like go ask this guy out. When God says no, he's riding the bike. You can ask questions. Hold on. Um, have you ever lived with Cody? Apparently you haven't. Go ride with Cody.
The Miz:Is it the XL code? Okay. It might be that
Bobby:yes. Yeah. So he like yeah, so Cody. Okay. So he was answering his question. And he said, girl, we've been in a fucking pandemic, and we're the closest we've ever been to Armageddon. Why the fuck are you scared to ask anybody out? And if he rejects you, then you know there's like a billion other people or whatever. But what I got from that was that I'm done. I'm done being a victim. Okay, a little nod. Zack, what are you talking about? I'm done. Um, we've been in a pandemic for so long. Like Yeah, like so? Who the fuck cares? like nobody gives a fuck. And so they don't. I don't think anybody's good. So I'm My point is, but no, you can't give a fuck and here's the thing. I keep forgetting though that you're like 28
The Miz:give a fuck and live in your own little bubble not giving a fuck but other people give a fuck So,
Bobby:so why do I care what anyone willing yourself, but why do I care what anybody else says?
The Miz:Because then they won't sleep with you.
Bobby:That's not true. All you got to do is show that bus say honey.
The Miz:I don't think that's down. You
Jim:haven't seen this Busey. This policy is like oh my fucking
The Miz:I don't know how it works in the Midwest. But
Jim:in the Midwest when you show a blessing if I get permission
Bobby:from Michael I can guarantee you I'd have like multiple men over at my hotel and they're hot. Okay, do you were playing a fucking game? Oh, here
Jim:we go again. Well, we have to get permission switch.
The Miz:So just go back to a point I made many many many episodes ago ago and that being very Large You are a niche you also now he's backpedaling
Bobby:backpedaling Is that what you're saying? No you're calling very low you called me like you said don't worry about these fat now he's now are you how I'm very large wow fucking blue whale it's like I said when you're a blimp everybody sees
Jim:Oh when you're the Hindenburg
The Miz:when you are a nice you're Nish correct
Jim:and what type of niche are you
The Miz:I'm not that's the problem is I'm like halfway in figure
Jim:this being generic believe it gay right so he's a niche and what are you
The Miz:not nobody nothing that's why no one wants anything to do with me.
Bobby:You're so stupid. I'm not doing this true we're not we're not going down this I'm gonna wait for another nine days and honey you're gonna boyfriend and like 65 friends when you don't even know what you're getting and then you're gonna be like I'm done. Yeah, we're gonna get you everything you said the other day on the phone you were like, I just want you guys leave then I'll feel like I can relax again or something like that. And we're like what? And you're like I just have all these shit going on up until you guys leave and then it's home free from there. I'm like is he busy? Busy? We'll probably see Miss for like 35 minutes he's like
Jim:I made a reservation sorry can't make
Bobby:Oh, I gotta open table so So anyway, have fun with that Mexican place by just as like a wrap up. Because I'm ready to move on.
Jim:You've been bareback five bareback you literally just in like
Bobby:saying is be yourself. Don't be afraid to make a mistake or slip up or do anything because nobody was a fucking way and if you do it's true. But
The Miz:if you don't want to listen to this advice, it's okay because everyone's preaching that same exact fucking message and I'm done with that. So you sound like Demi Lovato?
Jim:You owe them. You look like them though. That's the problem is
Bobby:looking like them or if you don't like them,
The Miz:tell me molarities between me Well, first of all, mother knockin haircut she doesn't have a fade
Jim:she's got a hard part just like you
Bobby:she's got a hard something. She likes a day it's a day I know. Listen, man sorry probably say man eyebrows let's go
Jim:getting used to her being gay.
Bobby:So eyebrows are for sure
The Miz:known Demi Lovato I
Bobby:know it's always been a she again. She's a vey Well, we're all gonna spot because
Jim:we literally brought this up about they've been there and then all of a sudden this week blue Oh, baby, boom,
The Miz:we know. It's okay. Oh, it's okay to slip up make a mistake. And then you like understand that what I hate is when people talk about the subject matter like they're fucking Oprah and right and that's my that was my beef last week with
Bobby:with me,
Jim:I'm vegetarian. Oh, yeah. with Joe right. Oh, here. Oh, here he go. Here he go. Why can't I say?
The Miz:I understand the point of view. I just hate when people act like they're the people that thought this whole concept and they're the one teaching everyone about it. It's just like, okay,
Bobby:now I'm going to become a substitute teacher for math when I was
The Miz:wrong. What's the smile like? Okay, fine.
Bobby:I don't think it was wrong. And honestly that conversation I think it was really a good conversation. I can guarantee you a lot of straight girls and a lot of people who aren't in like that alphabet mafia. really got something out of that. Well good so thank you guys for having discourse. That's bear backing I'm done. I don't like my segment this week. I need to start right shut down.
The Miz:You shut down when Jim was like frozen and then when the wolf came I knew I know
Bobby:he's so predictable.
Jim:Oh, wow. This also
Bobby:I remember before going to measure with Ms. I remember I guess it's like January that you said when you go to you're gonna show your face I don't remember that. I have video I have tapes.
Jim:I play the tapes a bitch coming out. They the tapes you can't even find your name.
The Miz:Looking at your nails they make me want to eat like jelly beans.
Jim:Now literally they're blue raspberry No, I'm
The Miz:like thirsty.
Jim:This is what Where's and this they loves these.
Bobby:These they can eat you can make the new Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers you can make the new one like the bay them they're had their you know I'm saying
Jim:flick my beans. You know like Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. How
Bobby:many peppers did Peter Piper pick?
Jim:Sally sells she shores Oh see.
Bobby:Sally sells seashells
Jim:on the seashore. It says he says bad to say so I don't know why we're even doing this. She She goes you have cancer of the brain. And it's messing up your speech. scurrying you're slurring No, I'm not. I'm
The Miz:I'm still thinking about that fucking podcast.
Bobby:I know. I know. He
Jim:talks about mixed or minus cuz I she's bad.
Bobby:Well, and there goes Jim. Goodbye, Jim. Thank you for joining us. He is that shift Ah, the biggest. Oh,
The Miz:I want a big
Bobby:fun. Let's go mizzy your world.
The Miz:Okay, wow. Okay, so I'm done with comedy.
Bobby:I'm gonna pull the tapes on that how many times we have that too while I'm it has a lot of tapes of tapes I'm quitting. Okay, that means he's he's gonna book more shows tonight.
The Miz:Yeah. So I will I will never do again is a gay comedy show. Okay, never do that again. That's fair. Everyone at the show was saying like, I think I'm going to hate the gays. Oh, I don't know how to feel about that.
Jim:Did you like set that off? What do you hate the gays?
The Miz:I think I might be like, homophobic.
Jim:But did you trigger people to hate the gays because
Bobby:you're a terrible What happened to you?
The Miz:Like, like last night? At the shower?
Jim:Every night? No, I'm
Bobby:just curious where this whole this thing came from? Because you like when you're on stage. You're so likable. You're so lovable. When we're talking here. You're so likable, you're so lovable. But then you want to put off this persona, that you're not lovable, and likeable. And then you hate other gays. But like, I just didn't know it. Was there something that happened now. Now you just Oh, so so it is homophobia then probably maybe I might be homophobic. And that's okay. Because I am too. I think I am too. There are things that I still like I've been told. Yeah,
The Miz:well, here's Okay, here. Here's the really sad truth. Oh, no, is I
Bobby:look down on gays. But you are gay. So
The Miz:I know. So that's where the struggle you just have.
Bobby:The thing is, I think you have a again,
The Miz:not just because of the sexuality, I look down on gay culture and like what it means in mainstream media to be gay.
Bobby:I mean, I'll say you aren't a typical gay. I mean, when you were 10 sure thing
The Miz:is is that I don't what I like about us is I feel that we are are are different, but maybe it's here we are right that in New York, it's just I don't know.
Jim:I don't know that. We are better. I'm gonna show you
Bobby:like we'll show you well, you'll see you're gonna be I'm so excited to take you under the wing. Honestly, like I'm 37 almost like I'm 33
Jim:I'm old. I'm like old No, you're officially like middle aged.
The Miz:Bobby I bought you a fucking plot. Like
Jim:oh my god waters Island
Bobby:at least I look young those still you know I mean, like I really don't have that many wrinkles to be honest. Oh, bitch don't even go there.
The Miz:I was thinking the same thing. Yeah.
Bobby:Oh my god. Do I look old? Please tell me no wrinkles. Oh, no, you don't look Do you know seriously, do you think I know I'm being dead fucking god.
The Miz:I'm dead asked me if
Jim:I am dead as
The Miz:I look older than you guys. No, honey.
Bobby:Those cheekbones? forehead. Oh, no, my look my eyes honey. That's because you go to bed at 3am blackout and wake up at seven.
Jim:Right? You look like a skeleton because you're bulimic
Bobby:honey, honey, those dark circles under your eyes or your holes? Your socket holes. Yeah,
Jim:those are called your eye socket.
Bobby:You need a little fat behind those. Oh, honey,
Jim:we gotta get we gotta
Bobby:get that fat behind the dog. Honey.
The Miz:I ate a hot Okay, so yeah, you need a corn. Sorry, I
Bobby:keep going off track.
The Miz:This week. I did my first ever back to back night comedy. Yeah, I'm loud in gay. And the first night was in Brooklyn. And it was honestly amazing. And I never really say that about my own performance like, but I
Bobby:thought it was Was it your new set to
The Miz:it was half It was like So you
Bobby:knew you had to go back and hold the bag. Yeah,
The Miz:the ending was a different context for like two of the hits, which are like a three way joke and the coming out joke by by introducing his art in like an I love your work. Danny DeVito. I love your work. It was in a different context. But I was blackout. And what proved me last night. Because I was not I was not blackout last night. Because I went to a work dinner before. So you had to behave. So I was behaving because like I can't get on stage. Not blackout. And I've been thinking about you know, a stray maybe like NACA blackout before going on stage. No, no. Yeah. I will always be blackout and then Greenwich Village comedy club did not accept credit card and I think
Bobby:that's the thing about New York now. I'm
Jim:not doing it. Only everywhere.
The Miz:Okay. A lot of places.
Bobby:off it's true.
The Miz:card I was like you're gonna tell me the talent that I can't pay for
Bobby:it. I was kicked out of the Greenwich he's kicked out of that club. You're
Jim:in Greenwich, Greenwich Village. Greenwich location.
The Miz:Interesting because until last night, my best set ever was at Greenwich Village comedy club.
Bobby:I think you'd like to place the white tile on the green go really good behind the Greenwich shots
The Miz:East fell. Oh, okay. Well, you also don't pronounce green in Greenwich Village, so I don't really know where irinej village
Jim:I'm sorry, England now like, what? Kind of lobster? Oh, it's Greenwich. Oh, it's Oh, welcome to Aston southmost in Soho like the fuck is happening in New York City. It's supposed to be American. Oh, honey. And we're like I was Greenwich. Greenwich. Greenwich, you dumb bitch.
Bobby:It's called a fucking Greenwich,
Jim:Greenwich. I want a sandwich and I want to go to Greenwich.
The Miz:Well, I guess there were people from Ohio so but I we would never call it that in New York.
Jim:Yeah, we're not we're not pretenders.
The Miz:Well, Greenwich is a thing. And so if you want
Unknown:it right,
Bobby:and we don't think anything's a thing, because guess what, honey, we are the thing.
Jim:We are the thing.
Bobby:So if you can get on board with this fat, so how
Jim:can you black out between a work dinner and your comedy? Yeah,
Bobby:so you didn't know the problem is that I did not so then you were fucking freaking
The Miz:freaking out. But then it was good. I got on stage and I was like, ready? The problem is what happened? Okay.
Bobby:God, you dumb bitch. You're spilling beer everywhere. You're so fucking stupid sometimes. Family Don't touch my family like that.
Jim:Here. Here's the you went to a work dinner and then you had to get through this.
Bobby:Focus. Okay,
The Miz:NACA blacked out because a hasn't worked in our mb graniteville comic club would not accept my credit card. So the cute bartender who is Latina gave me I forgot to go there gave me a free Corona. And I was
Bobby:like only one of my last time you had 14 you fucked me back here.
The Miz:You can have it I was like, thank you.
Bobby:Julio shout out to
The Miz:Julio as the East Village. Now Greenwich, Greenwich and he has his classes. He's so hot, like, Oh, we
Bobby:need to go. I think when Mrs. In Mexico, we're going to go scope it.
Jim:We're gonna scope it out, scope it out.
The Miz:But so a couple other things happened. Number one. I know it was too far away from my mouth. Like I got verbal feedback from the Bronx. There's been like even they're like, do you need
Bobby:and you're probably doing this when you're having a lot of deep throat. I like to do this. You like just sing we're like, you know what I'm fucking saying. Like I love No, I do love his No, I do I was because the microphone is very a part of the job.
The Miz:But then the next comic after that was like, is this mic on? And they're like, wait, it's not on.
Bobby:Okay, by Where are you going? Pee pee? Pee right? Cuz he's flock out. Okay. All right. Now stop it. Tom. Hello. Look at me. Look, it's me. Ms. Did you have a successful set? semi sober. Everything is okay. Oh, sorry to pee. Yeah, but you just got up in the middle of a segment. You had to like ask permission. Next time. Thank
Jim:you for I'm not No, no, I can't.
Bobby:Okay, well, well, here we are. People don't walk on your site. Why don't you just keep going? Because you didn't have a timeout. You just like stood up and ran?
Jim:Or in the middle of a set? I don't want to ruin it.
Bobby:Okay, so
The Miz:that's it. That's good. No, it's not I'm not
Bobby:sorry. I need to know how you did everything. I want to know how the set went when you were semi sober. Please. I do too. What does that mean? To be so difficult to spray? Why can't everybody get along like I so get this oh my god I'm snapping. Now, nobody gets along.
Jim:Can we is the first word that can we? illusionists say can we? Can you please come back to us? Hello, Ms. Please. Please come back. Please come back. We laggy you please. piti principal defectively.
Bobby:Okay, so are you going to pay attention? Oh, I'm sorry to pee while he was this whole thing is because you got an MP. Just so you know. I the reason why he's blacked out on the screen. It is because you walked on a sad because nobody walks in front of you or
Jim:leaves your son. They could if they wanted to. Okay, but this is I would just keep going. It's a show.
Bobby:Yeah. So you need to say you don't get on you don't get up. You do get You have to make it a clear cut statement. Yeah.
Jim:I just had to pee I'm back in less can miss come back on the fucking camera.
Bobby:We already tried. Well, no I have MS Come on the camera or at least say something really? I'm about to get pissed. Same I'm just gonna psycho dial on. So what now? Well I don't there's no well i mean i apologize well then you need to fucking call him or apologize
Jim:already have He's not picking up.
Bobby:I hate this fucking I'm quitting. I don't want to do like the more you know with Jim yay very gay very gay it looks like we're doing this alone.
Jim:Hi we're very gay today we've lost one of the gays so the gays is upset. One of the gays is upset and had a great week but not a great night. So we're just going to go through with some fun facts.
Bobby:Oh, hey. Oh, okay. yourself so awkward right now.
Jim:This is the awkward part is I had three fun facts about New York City. Oh, to prepare for our fun trip and Ms. might know some of these.
Bobby:Well, I will go through them. Maybe we won't. I don't know. We're gonna still go to New York. I mean, all right. Well, actually, I'll be honest, I'm not gonna full blackout so Oh, really? Yeah. Like it's bad. That's okay, so I feel like we've been drinking. Well, that's why I can't do backage anymore. I
Jim:can't. You can't do any fucking baggage. I don't care about any of your friends.
Bobby:I do care about my friends. Oh, don't even if you get your facts you can.
Jim:Only the ones Nevermind. Only what ones? All right. Yeah, true or false? True or false? False. Is it legal to go topless in public in New York City?
Bobby:Is it legal? No, it is. False. It's only legal in Columbus.
Jim:It's legal in New York City too.
Bobby:Is it really free the Teddy's well. I'm gonna be having my titty titties. I'm gonna have my tits fully out. As you should. Oh, continuing on.
Jim:All right. Where did the first pizzeria in the US Open in 1895. Brooklyn, New York. New York City.
Bobby:What's it called?
Jim:No idea.
Bobby:Oh, so you've come with the fact we don't have the goddamn name of the pizza places. It's
Jim:still there. No, it's gone. Tony's it's a thought? tombstone. How big is the New York City Library? compared to all the libraries of the world?
Bobby:It's the fourth largest third. And it wasn't number one. I felt the number one is in Perry. London. London, France. I know underpants? Well,
Jim:well. She's gone. He's dead. He's fully dead. Who? Me? No, no. They them. No more facts. Man. More fun.
Bobby:This is the worst episode we've ever recorded. I'm kind of living for it. We're like at the peak. It's Yeah,
Jim:this is classic shows that crew were like wow, we're really exploding here. Wow. We
Bobby:have beauty with literally had like 800 views today. Like I don't know what happened. Maybe it's like jacked up or something. But like, Fuck, yeah, like all suddenly blew up. And now.
Jim:I'll literally never pee again. Like I've ruined it by being got it. I don't get the fuck. I am so confused. I have gotten up to be like at least six other episodes.
Bobby:Well, whatever. Fuck it. We're gonna do our final thoughts. Jim, I think you should go. Should I go first? I'll go first. So Wow. Okay, I think I have a knee problem. Just FYI. What's your final thought my final
Jim:thought would be maybe, maybe, just maybe be aware that sometimes your friends are going through things that you might not think of right away and not See on the surface, but they're going through them. And so like, try to anticipate them and try to think of like, what they've been through in the past and how you might meet their needs in the future. And so you don't run into problems with
Bobby:them. I gotcha. My final thought wouldn't be that away. Always think of your friends.
Jim:Are you copying my final thought that? My final thought I always think of your friends? No, my
Bobby:final thought is, don't be afraid to say no to your friends. Because just because you're not going to the same event together doesn't mean you're not still friends. And it doesn't mean that they don't know about your past of not being invited out. So your friend knows what's going on. And sometimes such as, like, next weekend, you're going to stand you're going to the lake, and I'm not I after I got from you. You didn't
Jim:guilt trip me honey. I wasn't a guilt, honey. You being like, Oh my god, I am robbing No, that's not a guilt trip.
Bobby:I said, you said Oh, I'm going to the lake from where
Jim:I go. Oh, holy shit with my family, not with other friends that I didn't allow you to be around.
Bobby:So you think I don't allow you around them? Or do you? I mean, I'm never invited. Why do you think I'm in charge of everything though? Like, I'm not in charge. Oh, why
Jim:would your partner invite me to things that you're going to? It's not his even invite?
Bobby:Is it? It's Sean. Well, somehow Heather's going, because I said my cousin's in town. He said, Bring your cousin. This is what I'm talking about, though. You think? No, I'm calling you fucking out. You think because you automatically turned it into you're not thinking about me?
Jim:Yeah, because you're your cousin was coming in town. You were like, and I said, What am I gonna wear it at? 6pm I cut my cousin's coming in at 9pm right? Saturday. We're busy. I was like this. I'll never see her. She said I'm planning on coming to see her a Saturday. I'm like, oh, we're busy. We're busy. Boy cuz you say hiking.
Bobby:Because you said are you quote unquote, busy? And I said yeah, I'm fucking busy. Yeah, sorry.
Jim:My partner's booked me up. And I have no saying that. No, I'm a helpless parent. But
Bobby:see, that's the thing. I don't ever know your schedule, either. Because some weekends you work some weekends you don't. And so when I text Hey, when I'm recording that means also like, hey, let me know your goddamn schedule for the 14th time. So I know how to invite you.
Jim:I have never booked a time off on the weekend when you're off ever. Because I off every weekend. Right? So when I'm on you're always available. Yeah, I'm always available. When we have mutual time off. I don't book shed. But here's the thing, but when you have mutual time off with me, sometimes you book shit with these random people that Michael's friends with? And I'm like,
Bobby:okay, have fun. But here's the thing. It's okay to have multiple friend groups. Like it's not it's not it doesn't have to always be Kumbaya.
Jim:I'm not saying it's just weird. Like, why can't we all hang out together?
Bobby:I that's not my decision. That's not my choice. Are you friends with them? That's why he texted them. Like, I don't even know them. Right. Michael sometimes, well, Michael didn't charge. Michael's not in charge. That's why tomorrow night, we're gonna go to gasworks. Like it's gonna be fine. When I see decks, I just want you to I just want you to be comfortable in the fact that like, just because you're not invited to Xyz event doesn't mean you're not exclusively invited to Xyz event over here. That's the thing. just seems like
Jim:you have a lot of other friends that
Bobby:my friends hate that about me. I like you, my friend separate. I do. I like having friend groups. Like I like to be able to like, pop in. But like you're something I text every day. That's true. I don't text everybody every day. So like I just don't have any friend groups. Honey, you do? Because you're always busy. You're always busy. And you're like, Oh, I'm with so and so I'm like who?
Jim:Yeah, but I only do that when I know you're not available. Like if it's a weekend thing. I'm never planning shit with other people because I'm like, I want to do something with Bobby this weekend. Well,
Bobby:yeah, and that's the thing
Jim:I weekdays I know you're not going to come out. So I'm like, okay, I can go see. So it's Tuesday because Bobby's aren't gonna be available, but I get it but do you expect
Bobby:me not to book my weekends when I don't know what your schedule is every weekend because some weekends you
Jim:live I would just like an invite and to be like, Hey, we're going hiking and listen, I every I love breweries I
Bobby:love but here's the thing. I would love to go if it was just me, Michael and Heather than you would have gotten invited. Okay, but no, because it's like someone others playing. It's somebody else's. Like, I don't even know like I don't even Honestly, I
Jim:really don't know, like who's playing it? I know. I
Bobby:know. You mean but you don't saying like I saw like, I'm like
Jim:their birthday. They're like, it's not
Bobby:like I'm like, Hey, I did this whole thing that I set up myself but I'm excluding my purpose. No, like I was doing it anyway. They invited you that's what that's what I'm trying to tell you though, is like just because on a Saturday randomly, we're going to do hiking and something for somebody else does not mean you're not somebody who's on my mind. I know. Do you do you fucking know? Well, now
Jim:I do but I just need to hear it because it's feels like A lot of times there's events going on and I'm like,
Bobby:there's not an isoline over in the evening or my never know. And that's the thing. Like, I enjoy our time. Like, I'm really excited for our trip this time, so it's no because I feel like we travel well together, which is weird, because I'm not really well.
Jim:Looking back at La I'm like, oh my god. No, it's
Bobby:gonna be fun. Like, we're gonna be in trouble. We're gonna be in trouble. We are. I think we're gonna be in trouble honestly. Yeah, like you're a mini fat for sure. You're like, I'm
Jim:definitely skinny fat. Like, I don't want to go to a pool and take my shirt off.
Bobby:I'm ready.
Jim:I mean, I will. But I'm just like, fuck at some is is not responding because I've literally FaceTime like, 15 times. Let's see if he does. I'm doing it again right now just to see.
Bobby:I think he's okay. Like, I think she's not my hands,
Jim:but it's been like 30 minutes. I feel
Bobby:like our final thought was written together.
Jim:freaking out I'm texting I'm freaking out. Make sure you share with your
Bobby:friends because this has been another week of fun. Happy Memorial Day.
Jim:Fuck you mix Terminus.
Bobby:We'll see you next week. Bye. Maybe next week, hopefully.
Unknown:Thank you for listening to another episode of She's Not Doing So Well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669-207-4643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode. as well. official policy or position of emergency this has been a house of brick production.