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March 7, 2024

I'm Going To Be So Hot That Nobody's Going To Be Able To Say No To Me At Any Moment

Episode Summary: Reflections on Post-Vacation Blues and Enneagram Personalities

Hey everyone, it's your host Bobby here with another episode of "This is Not Well." Today, we're diving deep into the post-vacation blues that hit us after our recent trip to Park City, Utah. I'm feeling the weight of it all, and it's got me thinking about Enneagrams and how they play into our personalities and reactions to life's ups and downs.

Post-Trip Depression and Enneagram Insights

I'm a full-on Enneagram Six, the Loyalist, and I'm feeling super depressed post-trip. It's like all the dopamine from the fun times has just vanished.

Last year was rough, but this year, I'm realizing how my Enneagram type contributes to the problems I create in my head.

We're planning to dive deeper into Enneagrams next week, and we encourage you all to take the test too!

The Highs and Lows of Travel

Our return from Park City was a mess, with flight delays and mechanical issues causing chaos.

We got trapped in Salt Lake City, which led to some unexpected adventures and a lot of walking in the airport.

The need for a vacation after a vacation is real – the struggle to get back into the swing of things is tough.

Encounters and Observations

We discuss the interesting mix of people and places in Salt Lake City, from homeless encampments to snowball-throwing strangers.

I share a personal mishap involving a hot tub and a near-injury, highlighting the importance of safety and maybe even waivers for future trips.

Reflections on Personal Growth and Relationships

I talk about the progress I've made personally and how it's reflected in my physical health.

We touch on the dynamics of relationships and the idea of opening up to new experiences with partners.

A Word on Rude People and Being Grateful

A reminder to listeners: don't be rude, and don't take invitations for granted. It's about mixing new and old friends, and not everyone can be included every time.

We call out some famous figures in the gay community who have been problematic lately, emphasizing the importance of integrity.

Final Thoughts and Looking Ahead

We tease a discussion about a movie called "Poor Things" and the concept of neurodivergence.

I reflect on the idea that some people might use labels as an easy out rather than addressing underlying issues.

That's it for this episode. Remember, life is a rollercoaster, and it's okay to not be well sometimes. Join us next time as we continue to explore the complexities of life, personalities, and the aftermath of vacations. Stay tuned, and take care!

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