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July 14, 2021

I'm not gonna say anything because it looks tragic (Gay Camping, Penises, Blowjobs, Sex, Mexico)

This week the boys have all been traveling and making moves as summer is in full swing. Bobby discusses his first ever gay camp experience and what its like to be around a lot of naked dudes who are just hanging out and not hooking up (necessarily). Miz made out with someone who was the "ugliest person ever" but allowed it to escalate off of a sunset cruise on the Hudson River, to blowjobs in bushes. Jim is in rare form and is super exhausted from drinking eighteen drinks everyday for the past 6 days in Mexico. Let's just say things get a little testy.

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I don't know who is allowing women and gay people to have jobs but the only jobs they should be allowed to have are looking hot. And everyone else should have to have jobs so that they can pay these people for simply existing and blessing the world with their presence.


Welcome to She's Not Doing So Well Comedy podcast featuring Bobby. I don't want to be viral. I want to be inspirational and life changing. Because Listen, I'm at a GE gym at the top.


What can I say? Finally he's just like you can unfollow me if you don't like my body. The Ms.

The Miz:

Oh my God tell me all about your brain. But you look at mushroom shaped


Hello, everybody. Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of She's Not Doing So. Well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim Mavs. I guess another episode,

The Miz:

executive vote right now to get rid of the clap years.


I like the clap. Not like the clap. You know, I'm saying


I don't know. I'm indifferent. So this has to go to a second round vote.

The Miz:

Perfect. resolved. It's gone. Thank you.


This is so funny. Um, how's everybody doing? Jim just got in from Cancun. Cancun. Cancun. How are you doing? I'm struggling. Yeah, I can tell what would you You drank all day today on first class.


Drink all day. The past six days. Yes.


You look a little swollen.


He be because everything's included. So they're like, Oh, do you want french fries with that? Okay, so the good. The next thing you know, you're fucking fat as fuck. You've had 12 beers and you're ready from our readers with dinner?

The Miz:

It's Yeah, you have Mars.


Oh, I had Mars with shumway and tahini around the rim. Oh, I


love Yeah, I've been tahina.


They were frozen. They were on the rocks. Whatever you wanted your swim up Pool Bar. You're scanning in the water and you're ordering drinks.


That's what I really want like in life is the swim up bar.

The Miz:

Yeah, it was even talking with someone bar for like weeks. I know. But


building had its own swim up bar. So if you didn't like your small bar, you went to the next swim up bar.


I had a swamp deck bar. So there's that because people are sitting on the side. Oh, it's I can't wait to get into that. Oh, God, this isn't me though. He's so grumpy. Oh my god. Miserable gem. Fuck. Okay, Miss what's going on with you? You're back in the goddamn city at least and

The Miz:

nothing's really going on with me.


But I'm doing nothing quick. And you have a show tomorrow. Yay.

The Miz:

Yay. And I have to go to the fucking office. Bitch.


I know shutdown.

The Miz:

It was a joke. I really honestly, I'm pissed about it.


By the office that sucks for the first time

The Miz:

since March 11 of 2020.


It's other than a few credit rise. Yeah.

The Miz:

That is to say that I cried out Rives Yes.


Yeah, that's that's a cute moment for you. Honestly,

The Miz:

smoking cigarettes on the street crying at rise. That'll be a story you tell your grandkids like in classic, my grandkids ran


dogs, or whatever. Whatever the fuck you end up with the fish


that are eating out your dead rotted body at the bottom of the Hudson. Hey, I'll tell them


while I was thinking we were recording a seven so I took it at about six. So like I'm coming down now from the mountain. You don't I'm saying but like keep getting a little like, lost every once in a while. So just bear with me, folks.

The Miz:

That sounds extremely different from any other recording we've ever heard. I don't know. I'm like


so Bobby's high during the recording.

The Miz:

Here we go. He doesn't know where he is he he has no idea what's going on.


Oh my god. Am I just limping through life? Yes. I don't know. You tell me. I'll tell you a lot. Row weekly. Praise Jesus hallelujah move. As you know, I've been going gay camp. And by that I mean I went to a camp You know, I'm I'm a veteran. I'm like, Yes, I go to gay camp.

The Miz:

I've been going to gay camp for the past week. I know everything about


I've been like twice. Okay, like two days driving up. I got, like almost stuck on the goddamn mountain. Because my goal is from the hills, the hills of West Virginia, right? So this road is like, I mean, so windy and he's fucking flying and I'm like, Listen, I can't like I had to like try to do like with my implant so you'd like screaming Oh yeah, it was horrifying. I hate

The Miz:

to be in a car with me We would not


it's the hills. I mean they were like back to backs or they call or like broke backs or backs or something like comes it's like an ass but it's like a sharp S

The Miz:



Okay snake. So we get there we get to camp we pull up and I'm like, Okay, this is cute. There's some cottages or some like, you know, whatever. lodging and buildings and this really fucking hot guy like I'm talking hot. Probably like 35 not like super in shape but like a good body. Does that make sense? It's like he's like ripped with the fucking core but he has a really good body and he's fucking naked walking towards us. And I'm like, we're driving past he just waves at us like it's nothing and I'm like, I'm I gotta go home like I can't do this. I can not I was

The Miz:

unable to do


I was so freaked out like I was so freaked out so then we get out of the car. We got to check in there just people in the deck making just hanging out chit chatting and I'm like, Is this like, it's just like no deck? No, it's actually very pleasant. The mountainair really cleared out all the dixwell so we check in, we go to the barracks.

The Miz:

Like I feel like that would have like seeped I feel like it didn't smell


very clean. Okay, like very clean. Even the barracks Well, the barracks you have a code to the door that has like, it's a very trusty like family, not family. A very trusty, like gay community.


Because I was freaking out that they would steal his laptop.


No, he didn't break any of that we knew about her. There was no lock on our door onto the barracks and there were seven of us staying up there. six of us knew each other one of us didn't know his name was Matt and he's from Delaware. First of all, what's

The Miz:

a barrack? Is that like


something called the barracks? It was that it was there was seven twin beds in a big ass room. Okay, so everybody had a nightstand everybody had like a twin bad and then like there was like

The Miz:

literally like camp like you're at summer camp.


Yeah it's like sorry it was a cabin or whatever it's called the

The Miz:

with seven double


beds seven single bed like

The Miz:

oh my god. Something separate beds.


Yeah, that's the barracks but there was somebody who was not that we did not know there

The Miz:

was a random


Yeah, yeah, why how it's just the way it operates. So we

The Miz:

go to the six of you What's all made a reservation together? Okay, stole Yeah, it's


like one shared bathroom. There's other rooms downstairs. Honestly, you can make faces all you want it actually is really nice. And I'm going to tell you that there was


six other men


there's also Cheryl throne there was a huge public bathroom with multiple showers. The locker room it's really nice like I'm actually really sure like

The Miz:

it's full on camp full on camp sort


of Yeah. brings you about their camp. Yes, yeah. See, but I had to share about Yeah, every cabin had AC and the barracks had AC so my our cabin mate was in his late 50s probably

The Miz:

he went on to this camp around alone yeah


from Delaware. He said he just he needed some time away to like and he didn't want to talk to anybody really? And he said leave

The Miz:

a room with seven people that he did not know


Yes. So that was like a very interesting like moment that I thought would be good content First of all, but second of all, it was like so of course though we everybody goes up and I'm the last one to come up the stairs because I'm fat. And they all grab the bed that's not next to the guy. So I had to sleep next to him so mean

The Miz:

but like Avon him for getting a room right


and that's kind of weird like I must think I almost kind of feel bad cuz he probably thought he was gonna like get railed by a bunch of like rant like a bunch of random dudes. We're gonna stay there. So be like, No, honey. Yeah, like hot people.

The Miz:

Shouldn't you assume that like booking a spot this campground like it's not going to know each other? Right? They're going to know each other. Why would you assume it's gonna be seven stag people that don't know each other like


a hostel though. And it really is like a hostel. Like that's what I mean. That's a way to like think about it's a gay hostel in the middle of fucking West Virginia. That portion of it then you can get like your own cabin. You get Deluxe cabins. I mean, it's very woodsy. It's not like a fucking fire.

The Miz:

Like a cabin.


Yeah. air conditioning.

The Miz:

So okay, okay, so so what's his name? Derek. Derek Kara I


think we're thinking of Eric. His name


was Matt and he was from Delaware Delaware. Yeah. So he was nice and I tried to be friendly, but I could tell he wanted his own weekend. Like he didn't want to be friends with anybody. He didn't talk to anybody. He wanted to sunbathe naked, which I saw his cock. That we'll get to that.

The Miz:

So, so, like, make an effort to socialize or like not really anything really. No. Did you like make weird faces on him? Like when you guys were sleeping? Like,


he like got naked and then really gotten his sheets? I was like he did on purpose, because I was like laying right there.

The Miz:

Oh my god, I can't wait. That's okay.


So then we go to the pool area, which is actually really awesome. They had like pina coladas Margarita does rumrunners like all these like all the anything you want to drink dollars a huge bar, like a dance floor turns like a dance area. So the other thing people dancing naked like a few people, and there's people just in their jobs and people in the harnesses and like it's full on like the eagle but like being like a fucking cloak. Actually. It's like the eagle is like the fucking Eagle actually. But like more gay, like not like dark like that. It's like more bright. Like going into a really like, like going into rise. But it being the clientele of the eagle slash might actually be honest with you. I like I think that is very, very interesting. That plays because there are so many like older people, but also so many younger people. And then there's like, middle, I guess every like, I won't say demographic, because every demographic isn't really met there. It's mostly white guys. Yeah, I mean, it's

The Miz:

a lot of black people around us in general.


Yeah. There were some black people there. And it was not I mean, it was cool. So when you see the next day, we go on forever. Oh, my gosh. The next morning, everybody wants to go fucking hiking and I'm like, Oh, great. Let's go fucking hiking. Gang. Yes. Fucking hiking. I'm like, cool. So the hike starts and I'm like, oh, okay, it's going. Like there was I thought it's gonna be like, uphill, downhill, like around the corner. No, no, it's like, straight down. So I'm walking really slow. So of course I am relieves me basically, that's why I don't hike. And so I said, I'm done. And I turned around and walked back with the hill. I've never breathed so hard my motherfucking life and I only went halfway down the trail. I mean, animals were like, 300 calories. I was sweating points. So then I get back to the barracks and forth of course mats. They're laying there like with, like, laying on the bed. Like I'm like, well, it's really fucking hot. And he's like, Yeah,

The Miz:

he's like, Yeah, I don't look like I just came out of a washing machine.


It was disgusting. And I'm laying there. I put the towel on my fucking pillow because that sweaty. And so I'm like, waving my sweater. And I'm thinking, Oh, my God, he's gonna like pull out his deck. I just feel it. Like, I just feel like this is a perfect moment of like, Hey, you want to jerk or like, I'm gonna start playing this talk and being like, wanting me to look over. But it didn't happen because everybody else are walking in, which is great. So then I put on a fucking Speedo and went to the goddamn pool where people are like sunbathing badass naked, like x out everywhere. Everywhere you turn, tick, tick, tick. Now, there's things we need to talk about when it comes to deck. Okay. It's very interesting when you're in a place where people are just like flashing their decks. Does that make sense? Because it like, changes the, it changes the vibe, because Sure, you have a bunch of different decks. And so you're kind of like looking around. You're like, Huh, interesting, like, but almost like ruins the fun sort of, I don't know how to describe it. But like, when you can see what you're gonna get. It's sort of like, well, you don't saying what there's no like mystery at all. I know. Sounds like a different vibe. But then it also gets super comfortable, where it's like not even a thing that they're naked. It's like, Okay,


well maybe it's good if you're not worried about seeing their deck and them seeing yours and you're just like, connecting on a different level and have sex with them comfortably.


Yeah, it's very different. Like it's a very, very, like, ever there's all different bodies types, all different shapes. I mean, literally, there was like some really fucking hot like muscle guys to really like me. Doesn't mean just kidding. I'm I was actually one of the hottest bears. It's please. No, but like, there are people there were some trolls and reptiles. And that's okay. Like it was a very big mix. There was a guy that I messed around with one time,

The Miz:

who was prior to this campground


or the camp. And I walked around his house in my jockstrap and called him Daddy, and he was there and I'm like, so I'm like,

The Miz:

like, Can you look at that story?


Well, that's what I'm doing. Was

The Miz:

that your Daddy?


Daddy? So like, I was I went through a phase where I liked like, older guys a little bit. I was probably like, 2829. I mean, I was like, before I met Michael, so it was like, right, it was like, he was probably like, at the time, probably like, 44. Now he's probably 50 something. So anyway, I'm writing. Well, I'm also 36. So like, it's been some years, you know, I'm saying, Are you listening? Jim, are you ready?


I've been listening. He was He's been it's been some years what's on your stomach? Okay, I'm


telling a motherfucking story.


All right, let's hear about your daddy from long ago and how he's doing now.


Why are you mocking me? And why you being a little con? Like there's no need for it.


Bobby says it helps to sound tired. Well, yeah. All right. So you were 29 he was probably 45. And now How old is he? Let's do the math. You know, anyway. So, boy,


I'm like, Oh, god, there's daddy. And I was like, well, and then of course, I had somebody like, slushies in me. And I was like, well, that's my daddy. And I told the story to everybody. So of course, one of the people go, Oh, hey, daddy. And I was like,

The Miz:

Oh, and I was like, No, what?


No. So here's the fucked up part of the whole goddamn story. So the next day at the pool, I'm standing in my fucking Speedo at the bar, and he comes up and says, You're really tall. I'm like, Don't you remember me in your house and calling you daddy and rolling around in the like, in your upstairs bed? And sitting on your couch in a jock? Like, do you remember, he came

The Miz:

up to you that you're really tall, like, like, having to know me not knowing you? And I kind of looked at,


like, I looked at him kind of funny. Like, I think it might have clicked like, I think I might have clicked because I looked at him. I was like, yeah, and that was the time I mean, I don't really fucking care to be honest with you. Like, it wasn't the highest moment of my life. So I'm by that I mean,

The Miz:

like, you're really so that also like a suitable pickup line at a gig? Yeah, cuz I'm like,


hey, my legs, my legs they go for days. I can't work Speedo. First of all, like what the fuck? Ill sorry every minute I


need you to go from the speedo trunk to us actual Speedo.


The problem is they don't really make big and tall speedos. So my dick and like my legs will not allow my dick to stay into the like has to do that because my legs are so wide that gaps Yeah, so yeah, so that was that swimmer. It was very fun. very relaxing with


anyone. No way.

The Miz:

That's kind of like a key question here.


Dark the barn is a place where you can stop by and get your dick sucked by somebody in the dark no glory holes and there was like a slain yes is a gay campground the middle of nowhere. Wow.


He didn't name this place. Right? He just said it's in West Virginia.


It's roselyn campgrounds

The Miz:

Roseland campground


I think it's everybody knows where they are. It's on YouTube, honey. Okay. What are you scared out? It's like prostitution.


I just don't want to out them and then like they get in trouble and then we can never go.


First of all, I'm sure anybody who listens to our podcast is not like the gay police. They're probably gonna laugh but I can't guess I mean propaganda could be listening. Oh, they're both brunettes now but anyway. One member now the other ones like oh man, God, and now he's a fucking like, brand with pain. Why am I here? What? queers what hair Do they have are bleach blonde. They're bleach. Oh. So we'll wrap up my like portion of this. There's some things I did write down in my notebook. If anybody cares because both of us are looking away shop

The Miz:

at Roseland farms.


Yeah. Son slushies and go to the barn.


It's amazing. I


can hook up with like, random people that like every day, right? Sure. Sure.


There wasn't a lot of time when you're with like a group of like, random people that aren't your normal like, like people in the game room. It was kind of weird. I was like, everyone's kind of safe. Kinda.

The Miz:

The pizza looks terrible to say it's


actually really fucking good. It's good. It's really fucking good. It's homemade. I kind of want to see. You know what? I'm gonna tell you right. Now. You guys can make fun of it all you want, and you can make fun of it for fame restaurant or whatever.


I want to go. I've been talking about going for weeks.


Well, I wrote some things down. So I met a guy. And I told him that he looked like Alexander skarsgard. Right. is in True Blood. True Blood and prayer. Are Yeah, yeah. Blood in little lines. wherever it's Alexander.

The Miz:



reanalyze. Way little eyes. Yeah. Oh,


sweet. A little lies, too.


So I saw this guy. And I was like, Hey, I just want to tell you that you look like Alexander skarsgard. He goes, oh my god. Thank you. And I was like, You're welcome. And then he's like, you I thought you were Eliot Glaser? Do you hear that? He's actually kind of hot tea on us. But it's Ilana Glazer, his brother. Oh my god. That's an I do look like him.

The Miz:

He is he is attractive. But like, I would never tell someone I look like this person.


Well, and that's why I was kind of like, oh my god. I'm like, Oh, God, he goes my self esteem like I might fucking spiraling. Yeah, like john candy. Do you my cousin called me that one time? God. Yeah, that's so rude. I have a fat neck and I'm funny, I guess. Oh my, you


know Chris Farley. This is rude. I want you to skarsgard


I think la Glaser's hot, just saying

The Miz:

I think he's too, but it's just when


I was gonna be like, Oh,

The Miz:

I thought you're gonna say Brad Pitt.


Yeah, like, you look like a who's the other fucking guy like, con. That's just embarrassing. So there's, that's hilarious. And the only other thing I really want to talk about and I'm gonna actually bring it to our listeners on Instagram at some point, which nobody will respond to. Because unless you put up a fucking Horror Picture, nobody likes her comments on anything. Right? We learn that that experiment contributed Sorry, I had to do it. Thank you for contributing to my social health, social health, mental health. So what I learned on this trip is that basically all the shoulders get naked on leash all the growers stay in their bathing suits.

The Miz:

That would be mean.


If you're naked, yeah, I feel like you do have like a bump winner like it like pops out of your like

The Miz:

veer left or something. I haven't having this conversation with you.


I feel like you're just like, very like, I feel like yours is very like Luke Park pokes more out. Yeah, like it pokes out where my balls swallow my deck, basically, like


the biggest balls he's ever seen. So Challenge accepted. Wow. When other people have said that to


Okay, well, that's great for you. I made friends by telling them I was gonna paint with my balls. So there's that. Okay, so, so anyway, I want to talk about penises, though. Really quick. Okay.


Okay. Yeah, I hope it's quick. Um,


so penises.


What do you want to talk about?


It's just very interesting seeing them like it's just they're not really like that great. Like, there's some good ones but like, I don't know, everybody's so different. Because Okay, when you don't see a dick everyday just people walking around their dicks out. It's weird to like all sudden be like, Oh, your dicks out. But then you're like, Oh, that's normal. But then you're looking at them. And you're like, some guy over here is like 120 pounds and has a fucking dick down to his knees. Then you have this guy over here that has you came and see his deck. And I'm


like, it makes you realize it's not about the deck. Because right exactly is like girls with big tits. They like girls with small tits. They like gray. Just like I like big butts. I don't like big eyes, like whatever. But it's the same as the person.


I really actually agree with that. Like, and that's what I'm getting at, like shin. It's kind of and that's what I think I like left the campground thinking like, this is a very, like, safe. I feel very safe there. I mean, there's so many different types of people that you just kind of feel like, I mean, I felt really free.


That's a good feeling. Yeah, so


I want to go I want to go with you guys to this place called the woods. Yeah, Pennsylvania north of Philly. But that means Ms. can drive there. Oh, definitely. Ms. Come on. We've got it. We gotta go for the podcast.


I'll go whenever.


While your eyes I'm sorry. Mr. La and I've got I've got shows now. Use me for what I really like you're gonna take this piece of shit on the road.

The Miz:

On the road now have a different line. I'm dying. You know,


happiness. work.


I might even go in there.

The Miz:

Drop some wisdom on you. I'm out.


I don't know what a dick is. Honestly,


I also have one comment really quick before we get the miserable mess. I did also really I did also realize that a sudden, I realized that in talking to some of the hottest people there we went over that our cabin for like a pre drink or whatever. Shout out to Andrew and Robbie. Like really hot people. Just hear me out. Hear me out. Robbie, and now they were actually super nice. They're actually really cool. But I realized that like being kind of like, not a Tron reptile, but in the middle, you get more sexual experiences. Nutella and I was talking about, like, all this stuff. They're like, we were like, Oh my God, we didn't like wow, we've learned so much from you guys. And I'm like, this is like everyday talk. Like 78


I was like, wow,


I have a picture of Andrew. I want to see we're friends on Instagram.

The Miz:

with Andrew,


he is he's totally my type like so you want to guess what he looks like? He's totally my type.


So he's a slightly fat ginger.


That's actually not true.

The Miz:

Either. He the rice cake white guy. He's


got a pink deck.

The Miz:

Definitely has a pink deck. That's squealing


he definitely has a pink deck and he's definitely hot. And he was so nice. Like I really enjoyed him.


I take everything back. I need to see this guy. Oh my god. No, he's


hot, like legit


with this picture Like he knows he's hot and so that's a problem. No, no, I'm


telling you I literally we were laughing so hard and he's just totally chill who that pizza. That's that. Let me tell you it

The Miz:

looks like I just took it out of a freezer and like no, they literally, they don't have a grocery store


nearby. Of course it's from the freezer,

The Miz:

right and I let it like bake in the sun in lieu of an oven. Like that's what it looks like. You can see I can't


wait to go to this place. I'm gonna fucking love it like it's actually close. You can say clothes. You can wear a speedo you wear a speedo Bobby wears a speedo. It's fine.


It's very freeing. And it's also scary, though, because wearing a speedo was like very new for me. So yeah, it was scary. And I've never worn one. I'm more it is. naked.


Did you ever get hard in it?


Oh, no. This function? I would need to see our ad all the time. Like I think I'm just asexual. Yeah, that's fine. Well, you'd likely be

The Miz:

talking about penises, so I feel like when I know


honestly, um, but that's okay. Where I'm enrolled. Ms. Ms.

The Miz:

Ms. is going to be very quick


because I have to leave and right

The Miz:

Right, right. I and not a lot has happened to me. The only real updates are that I made it with the most horrific looking person I've ever seen in my entire life. Oh god. Yeah, on a boat cruise. In New York City right by the Statue of Liberty. sake.


I know. I know. You're dragging horrid people.

The Miz:

I was trashed. He was like sucking on my neck. It was like enough. In front of everyone, and I guess was an old employer. Like not the guy. But I was on. I was on a boat with all my


two year old horse like come on out with us on the Liberty cruise. You're like, Okay, I'm gonna block out and make all this Nast.

The Miz:

Exactly. And it's because I woke up at like 5am to drive back to New York that morning. I was like exhausted and night before that. I had driven in the Boston to hook up with my other guy. There. My, my like, main hook. My like main Boston hook up.


That's hot. So you did a lot of traveling.

The Miz:

But yeah, it was ridiculous. So Bobby's in a row and you're slugging it up. I'm like driving interstate for deck. Like,


I feel like you're in a bag in Boston. No, no,

The Miz:

no, never. I went out to dinner and everything there and it was like, Oh my god, I'm so glad I don't live here. Like this is so boring. Anyway, after the bow, I tried to get him to suck my dick in a bush. And I was like, in the bush with him. And I was like, I like his hand was like, in my pants. Like it was gonna happen. But then I for some reason, I don't remember. But I yeah. Yeah, I


mean, right now.

The Miz:

I'm just like you. I don't remember what happened. But I think I got mad. And then


there's nothing here. Wow, I think this guy mad. Wow.

The Miz:

And then I did an Uber home on it this way. My old co workers text me like, where are you? I'm like, I'm in bad. Like,


provide me with a blow job in this bush. You haven't provided me with a blowjob. How can I even like this? If you haven't provided it for me. He did not provide me the blowjob. But God do you have his number or


like I just have a question. At what point did you realize he was ugly?

The Miz:

from the get at the bunch. So you were making out


with someone you knew was ugly. You were Yeah, good. Okay, got it.

The Miz:

Yeah, I was. I was like, You know what? It's Saturday. It's July.



The Miz:

like whatever. The only thing is, he wasn't white. So that's probably why I was like, Okay, I'll allow it you know if I've been like the ugliest white guy I'd seen Forget it. No, he was nice all Latin


girls hot so like, but he was is there any pictures of you guys like making out with the sexual liberty in the background on your coworkers did the ex coworkers did that for you now,

The Miz:

but someone did send me a video of like him coming up to me and like hugging me and I can't like that's when we like met.


I can't just send me these videos. So She's Not Doing So Well. Neither one of you. I knew the one of you like when you're laying up on the shell phone and

The Miz:

you're like, I cannot believe that. That that is you bet


that is you. I this way.

The Miz:

At one point I was done. I was like, I'm so sick of being on a boat because there's no like. Right, exactly. I want to get out of here


yesterday. And you're like swimming and you're like floating in bodies looking at the Statue of Liberty making waves like what is going on? I don't really that great. I mean, come on. Thank

The Miz:

god there was a bar. That was the that's why you were fucking there.


Yeah, that's over there. You're like, oh, open bar. Mr.

The Miz:

way. That's really all that's occurred since we last spoke.


I mean, we've all like you have a cut on your ear. Where did that come from?

The Miz:

I was I was bleeding today, like on a call classic. I will say I haven't like swallowed come like really in like a long time. So when I did on Thursday, I like kind of gag. Yeah, it's not the greatest. I like,


what it tastes like a bad flavor. It's


the texture. It's a texture. It's how it is released into your throat.

The Miz:

And he like he like slammed the head down as of coming out and


so you like almost like went up your nose.

The Miz:

Or your mouth breathe. Bang and gagging like it was weird. Oh,


that next one will throw up. Like throw.

The Miz:

This guy's great because and I was like, Okay, bye. He's like by it was just like, perfect. It is no small talk. Like I show up. He's like, is that well, I was already in Boston. I got an idea to tack. Oh, what


were you doing in Boston? Yeah, what was going out? So you just were like, I'm gonna go to Boston? Yeah. Okay, you're just so nonchalant and so fuckin coy over the school there. I know. You're like, Yeah, I just like jump to Boston at 5:30am God drunk Fox and then I came back from New York and got fucked on the Statue of Liberty. Like what? I guess I'm not used to the northeast and how people can just like go to these huge cities like without even like thinking about it. Where I'm like, yeah, I'm going to a big city. Like, I don't know. It just isn't the same. Yeah, it's these big cities in the same spot. Like, I'm going to Cleveland. That doesn't count. Like, you know, I'm saying no.


We love our listeners in Cleveland. We love




No offense, Cleveland.


No offense you Cleveland. We love Cleveland. So


if you are burning,


so it sounds like he really had a lot and a little at the same time. Like it seems like you did like a really quick Fast Forward lesson today. Yeah, yeah. Some quick Bella and that it was just like, knocking on rings and all that.

The Miz:

Yeah, nothing. Oh my god. Yeah. Other than that, nothing else really has occurred. Major, nothing major. Well, that's the office tomorrow. But that's whatever. When this airs, it will be yesterday.


It'll be over.

The Miz:

Hopefully still. The job will be over right now after this. Oh my god.


Please see your eyebrows. My eyebrows? Do you see his eyebrows to him? Like no, take a look at

The Miz:

30 seconds. Why


did he shave the outer? Each eyebrow? You like a cabbage patch doll

The Miz:

because I was plucking them like routinely as I always do. And I was doing it when I was a little bit drunk. And so I accidentally took out like an entire patch of my brow. And I didn't want to didn't want people to think that I was going for that look that like Latin artists do. So I was like, Okay, I need to get rid of it. And in one side I do. Did you shave


it or pluck every single hair

The Miz:

all in? I also love pluck my eyebrows.


I thought you were in one of those functional smiles where it's narrow. And so you thought your face was narrow. And so you're like, Oh, well, I'm in the circus now. No,

The Miz:

I literally with your glasses. Ms. Now. Now, we can't do that. Please.


Just look at the right eyebrow. Hold on wait.

The Miz:

So they're like uneven. I mean, I don't know what it


is. I looked over and I was like, I don't know what's happening. But I'm not gonna say anything because it looks tragic. It's bad.


I mean, but then I looked at mine and I'm looking at yours. I'm thinking we're tragic to kind of


minor awful minor things. I'm old. Yeah, minor, just like bushes. This. There's nothing growing over here is that that's it. They're thick. They're little caterpillars.

The Miz:

With eyebrows, you have to break them down before you can build them back up. So I've taken drastic measures before when I've needed to do a reset. It's an investment that's actually


it's a self help counseling. Yeah, well, let me tell you I broke down my head a long time ago. It's never been built back up. So that's a fucking lie.

The Miz:

I might only apply to eyebrows.


Your eyebrows are gonna look like this forever.

The Miz:

No, I know.


I started trend.

The Miz:

Especially if you believe it or not. I have had worse eyebrows than this. And I can Send you photos I have had much worse. Prove it.


That's when you thought your eyebrows are the problem not your weight.

The Miz:

Well no, I thought it was my way and I didn't realize it was my


sounds like I don't know, some kind of like book.

The Miz:

I literally went the whole summer thinking you guys are hitting me because I'm fat and so I like gobbly Mia and then I was like, wait, it's my eyebrows The more you know


like why are so annoying?

The Miz:

Like bar like why it was?


Well, kind of a campus gym.

The Miz:

I'm cool with black guys. It's kind of in Munich and because he just came to Mexico.


Yeah, that sounds like a super like Mexican racist. But I'm sorry. I didn't mean that that way. We all Spanish people come from Mexico. They come from like Guatemala to Spanish. Mexican Spanish

The Miz:

to the language or from Spain.


You mean Spanish speaking or Spanish as from Spain? Spanish speaking Mexicans. Mexicans are from Mexico.


From Mexico? Yeah, they're only from Mexico. You had your accent? Oh, they're only from


Mexico. You can't be from Guatemala and be Mexican. Correct? That's what I


speak Spanish but if you're from Mexico, and you moved to America Are you American?

The Miz:

You're a chick Americans a nationality. Chicano? Not a race or culture nationality?


Yeah. Sounds like a fucking idiot. Choo, choo, choo, choo, choo, choo. Choo. cero. Jim,


wow. So I went to the land of Mexicans or Guatemalans or Dominicans this past week. For a permit. We went Mexico, I

The Miz:

went to Spanish.


I went to Spanish. I went to the part of Epcot that's all Spanish.


He really doesn't Epcot the whole time.


I would love that, actually. But no, it's my first trip down. I've never been to Cancun. It's quite beautiful. The airport not so much that you It's very hot. It's hotter than here. It's more humid than here. And the beach is filled with algae. So


I heard they're having a real big problem because it's probably because it got Mexico so warm.


It's too hot. Yeah. Summer it's just like an outburst. So system. Let's get to this all inclusive resort. Everything he needs within a shuttle right away. Well, there aren't any shuttles. So, oh, you have a dinner reservation at 730. You better get to the shuttle station at 645. And no, I did not. I would just call the front desk and say I need to be there. And then get on the tip. I waited 35 minutes for a shuttle the first day I missed part of a wedding.

The Miz:

I don't know what the fuck is happening right now. But it's cracking me up.


Sounds really fucking weird. Like you had a call and then you didn't call me.

The Miz:

I don't know. I don't know. What you're saying. It's it's


No, no, it's

The Miz:

good. It's good. Well, you look like no.


I got I love it. Jim is so tired and so over it. And he's trying to fake laugh right now. And I love it.


So good. Yeah. And then. So I was there for five days, I went to five wedding events. So I had very little time at the pool or beach, the algae beach. And I had approximately probably 18 drinks today every day. Oh, so yeah, because they're free like, Oh, yeah, all inclusive. It's all inclusive. So it's like eight 9am you go till you know one or two and then you do it again.


I can't do that anymore.


Well, I didn't think I could but you can.


I guess you can when you're in Mexico. You don't have like a job at the time. Like you're like yeah, I'm just gonna lay by the pool and you like get your second way and then you're drunk again. It's like it all goes downhill


like I was taking showers outside doing all that thing.

The Miz:

Diet Coke at dinner.


So are we not drinking?


Wow. Take one night off.


Yeah, never forget hashtag never forget 911 and so but here's I had a an awakening. And this is like, for me. This was the most exciting part of the trip. But it came after. I'm really glad that recording sounds horrible because it's like a cute story. But I'm at a bar late at night. I'm with this guy. He's like, you know, half a foot taller than me way more money. Killer and bigger than me and anyways like to really touching the story. I won't leave right now because it is 10pm like Don't worry, I'm done. I don't give a fuck this. This story is coming out for the podcast


they're going to call the Colorado, the Columbus podcast awards.


I don't give a fuck honey. I've given up a year ago. Anyways, so I'm at the bar two seats down for me are these two rednecks from Alabama? Of course they were in Alabama shirts, hats, and they said they saw me standing there talking to this guy and they said look at this fucking faggot. And I'm like, wow, okay, cool. So you come halfway around the world and you still are called a faggot no matter where you are. Okay, great. And I just ignored them. Because we've all experienced it. We're used to it. We don't give a fuck. Like we have to move on. But my big burly friend heard it looked at me. And he's like, Did you hear what they fuckin said? And he's from New York. So he's in New York accent like, Oh, just all sorts of hot to me. But he's like, you hear what they fuckin said. I don't let people talk to my fucking friend like that. And I'm like, Oh, no, and you're shouting like, Don't shout let's not have a fight here because I'm not a good fighter. runaway. I'm going to run into the algae infested waters with our Greta and drown, he just like stopped looking at me and just stared at these two guys at the Alabama guys looked back at him and then looked down and stopped talking that my friend from New York kept threatening to like, he's, I'm gonna take a motherfucker out. I'm gonna drop them. I was like, let's, let's just go sit on that couch over there. Let's just drink. I'm here to get drawn by. So I had to hold him back. I grabbed his arm. my other friend grabbed his other arm and the Alabama boys ran away. So that was like cute. And tada. Well, yeah, that's what happened. So yeah, then that's


a sub top or whatever you said,


Well, basically, my friend started talking to me and was telling me, I mean, he was pretty drunk. But he was telling me how he's DOM and he was like, slapping my back really too hard and grabbing me around my chest. And like he ordered shots. And I was like, No, I've had enough shots already took like two with you. Like, let's see. I'm drunk. You're blacked out. So let's stop and he got the shots. And then he choked me. He put his like elbow around my neck and I like could not breathe. I was like, way, way away. And he goes, do you want it on you or in you? Oh, and so I looked back at him as He's choking me. And I was like, in me a bird. And he did not stop choking me. And then he took the shot and poured it down my throat and like wiped my mouth and then put it back on the bar. And so I'm like, Huh, and then that's when he started telling me like I'm done. Like, I'm very dumb. And I was kind of like, oh, okay, well I'm kind of sub i guess clearly some cuz I am like,

The Miz:

like a chokehold feeding me. Okay, definitely


erect. So like, there's a problem here.


We're gonna have to get a cartoon of this. I'm sorry.


Is he gay? No, his wife was sitting there. way far away, like not watching him. But


he's one of those that is like straight, but like, you know, you could probably get my blowjob and it wouldn't be a big deal. And I think that's the highest stress.


That's what we need. And that's what I love. a blowjob. Yeah. So he told me he's a top and then I didn't know what that meant. And then I got confused. And so I had to like kind of walk away from the situation and go home before I made a mistake. So you should all be proud of me. Oh, my God.


We are. I can do the clapping


rallying work rally. You can do the clapping, story of growth. I think like, five definitely 10 years ago, but definitely, even five years ago, I would have been like, blocking him but like, why don't we go back to your room and like, get you in bed. You're tired. You're drunk. You need to you just tried to certify. And I didn't. And so I'm proud of myself.


I'm actually really proud of you. Because usually you try to play martyr all the time, and it's annoying. Wow, bitch. It's true for you. Because you always think you have to fix it and you don't have to you can just go home.


Yeah, I wanted to fix him.


Right. You're a fixer. And that's what I noticed. And I think it's really good of you to not have to try to drag his ass home and be responsible. Like, go home and go pass out yourself. I know fuck. So I'm proud of you. I think that's actually a really growing moment.


Yay. And so the as I flew back and here we are recording.


I'm glad that you're here. I'm glad that both of you are here. I feel like


I'm glad I'm here too. I wanted to be wanted to be here earlier but my flight was delayed and


yeah, I was at why.


And my dinner was delayed as well. Oh, here we are.


Here we are thinking Jim more. I thought I met and cut it off and let's do final thoughts.


And then no one likes my song anyways. It's fine. Okay, it's today.


You're gonna go to sleep again. Can me find thoughts. Who wants to go first?


Miss? Yes, you're thoughtful tonight. Was that a cat meowing for its tuna someone get him is like cheese or whatever the fuck that cat food


Oh cat now


oh I learned cheese or nipples and


Mexico's all you want your own GG? II like your top?

The Miz:

Yep. I guess my final thought would be the next time that you think that you should pluck your eyebrows drunk. Do not do it


for lunch reasons why you shut up? I like that Ms. Grant go next, I think or do you want to acknowledge Jim Jim close it out since my final thought is I think that it's really interesting to learn how you can discover different things about yourself and grow still at an older age of like my age 36 I like that and I want to control rose land. Well, like you said you had a growth moment. Are you hoping for a growth moment with his eyebrows? And you I'm gonna be a stand up comedian like Ms. Jim, final thought.


I'm gonna piggyback on this growth comment. Because I feel like getting piggybacked right now, you know, when your friends reveal things to you, sometimes you should just accept it, embrace it, and maybe try to fix them and help them with it. Okay, and ultimately, what that means is

The Miz:

this is what you're going to buy me a pencil.


Yeah. To go buy him permanent markers and me liposuction. Oh. Okay. So your work for one. Got it?

The Miz:

What did it ultimately mean?


It didn't mean anything. My final thoughts ever mean?


You like you sometimes you're very like you try to like, I don't know, almost like leave on a hot like and leave on a note that you need everyone to be thinking about?

The Miz:

a cliffhanger if you. Okay,


well, so like, what did you mean by that whole final comment?


Well, I think about my friend from New York and I'm thinking he gave me an opening to realize what I want and what I need. And so then I'm thinking maybe I want to be sub for a DOM guy. Okay, that's a better


final thought my opinion explains it better. Oh, yeah. Like you're you're saying embrace from your friends and learn something new.


Right just decides you learned out how to be naked around people.


Accept people for who they are.


Ms. learned how to take blowjobs from ugly guys. So we've all learned


it's not official because we know it doesn't come so. Right. God, I love how you've been like the one receiving blowjobs like all over the place. Like are you the one that I don't like getting my dexa All right, well, thank you guys for recording with me this week, because it seemed like it was not gonna happen with our busy schedules, but here we are. After being all over the world. Boston, New Hampshire,


West Virginia, Virginia.


And then he called Cancun Cancun, Mexico. Oh,


my Oh, yeah, that was a Riviera. Maya.


You speak Spanish like old time like? Oh, yes, everybody. Thank you. So Santa Rita.

The Miz:

Well, I think you banish with words such as Thank you.


Yes. I speak Spanglish if I'm being honest, yeah.

The Miz:

My Spanish Thank you send your Rita


I think they're some of them are fluid. Some of them are like resort fluent. And so right. So they're like all towel. Yeah, yeah, they know like the right words, but they're definitely not fluent.


I know you're talking about with that though. Like it's like, love for your penis. Yes. Yes, I need a condom. I love Spanglish because when I worked on the golf course, we would go back and forth and they would say certain words in English and I would say certain words in Spanish, it was just like a funny back and forth and we end up in their own language. Thank you. All right. Well, anecdote. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for another great episode. This will be the last time the applause happens on the show since I was voted


two to one. You weren't actually I know, it was neutral. Everything neutral. I


know. I make the decision and I'm thinking Maybe I'll bring a different kind of clap.

The Miz:

We can ask Bobby. Maybe Bobby will see her in collapses as right in front of me


at that campground No, I know it's time for Bobby to come out in front of the fire pit and clap. Stage. Be careful, you're gonna cause a rock slide.


It's fine. Thank you very much for coming and listening to us and thank you to all of everyone thank you

The Miz:

need to thank people at the end of each episode?


Oh, my mother voted out Okay, so what happened? Why don't you just go and say right now like, just get out there. Leave? Well, thanks for listening. Okay, nevermind don't fuck it.

The Miz:

I don't care if you listen to give like Academy Award like speech like you can just say thanks for listening by. Just boring person. Thank you This person. Thank you, my mom. Like,


I'd like to say thank you to everyone.

The Miz:

Thank you to the big bucks. Like the Oscar music is black.


I'm sorry, but I like to say I can't help. I'm not actually a fan. All right, well, bye. Well, bye.


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