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Sept. 15, 2021

It Does A Body Good (Emo, Ugly Private Parts, Milk Drinking, Misfits)

Bobby never thought we would be told he needed crucified but here we are. 

This week on She's Not Doing So Well, Bobby tells a story about going to a concert for "The Used" and while looking around, he notices something about the people he find intriguing. Bobby also thought that societal collapse would be a great topic but when your edible hits you mid talking about it, things get complicated. During Rate my Dick we discuss the dicks we have been seeing and dicks we DON'T want to see. We get it if you want to show it off but we also need you to know, we will be critical this point forward. Miz tells us about his almost hate crime in Vermont as well as his newest injury on the same leg as his boot. Pretty soon he will have a peg leg like a pirate. The word of the week goes horribly but somehow the guys start talking about tribes in the gay community so overall it works out. Jim rounds out the episode talking about hating sports, the word origin of daddy and his hate for people who use drinks to wash down a mouth full of food. This then exposes Bobby and his love for milk and washing down Skippy peanut butter. Miz is utterly disgusted with Bobby and Jim confirms his suspicions. 

Word of the week:  Twink but also Tribes 

D*** of the week - We go over the new expectations invovled with this segment. Beware, if your dick is ugly you won't like this part.

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Welcome to She's Not Doing So Well Comedy podcast featuring Bobby. I don't want to be viral. I want to be inspirational and life changing. Because Listen, I'm at a GE


gym at the top. What can I say? Finally he's just like you can unfollow me if you don't like my body.



The Miz:

Oh my God tell me all about eight. I'm in New York right? But you like mushroom shape?


Hello everybody welcome to another episode of She's Not Doing So.

The Miz:

Well check wrench. Wait.


That was cut out? No I didn't. Oh come on

The Miz:

my I thought you burped?


Did you hear something? Go now? Oh, it was just in my ears and I lost my voice. I lost my voice okay erielle Okay, so I'll just start over. Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of She's Not Doing So Well. I'm Bobby. The dumpster


fire that will never come out. And I'm Jim. And I'm the MS.

The Miz:

Why are you the dumpster fire that will never come out?


I don't know. Or never be put out. I was saying I wanted you all to like explain like yourself in a


Why are you fucking laughing already? Because you're like, I'm gonna throw a wrench into it. Like I ran.


I fucking wrench too hard

The Miz:

wrench in a completely different way. Did it just cut out? Cut out on us. And then you're like I'm the dumpster fire that will never come out.


I'm a dumpster fire that will never be put out.

The Miz:

a dumpster fire. I'm a flyer. I'm


a dumpster fire that will never be able to be put out Bobby.


I'm a flabbergasted faggot gym.

The Miz:

And I'm the MS. Who just sucks.


Well, that was that's what I really wanted. You got it. I'll dump it in.

The Miz:

Alright, we're in the clear the meetings been scheduled for tomorrow morning.


Oh my God, he's gonna drink a whole bottle wine and we have


fun. Well, he'll get drunk because it's been a while since he said I don't know. But he's got to go talk to Jocelyn.



The Miz:

it had been a while unfortunately. Oh, I think I got this. Oh, no. That later. Oh, I


thought that was the dog.

The Miz:

Um, well, it's bruising. So


I didn't see the bruises earlier. A dog


isn't heavy. What? Oh, my God, what


if you broke your leg again?

The Miz:

And again. It's just a foot. It was justified. So did everybody and you say he's just the foot? He's just


I don't know. There's some things I want to say. I actually wanted to ask you guys something randomly, Briana, or Beyonce and why?

The Miz:

I'm having an argument


yesterday. And I don't know why Beyonce is such a big deal. I think Rihanna is better than Beyonce. Yeah.


In terms of the hits I'd rather listen to. Rihanna is like but the problem is she doesn't produce any other hits anymore. So I'm listening to songs from high school


teen years ago, and what is she doing today? Like if she came out something would it be? Her fashion is just as good. And she has a clothing line? I


mean, her whole wellness industry? I don't know stuff right.

The Miz:

Now, beauty beauty industry. Brands make some much more money doing that. And why would she do it? My take is I agree. I enjoy reality music more than Beyonce. I do think Beyonce is more talented of musical artists.


That's true. And just the vocals alone.

The Miz:

I think she's probably a better songwriter. I think she's probably obviously a better vocalist. I think she puts on a better show than Rios.


I mean, I've seen her show. Like why Yeah,

The Miz:

I just think she's an overall better musical artist. However, I prefer riona music interesting.


Okay, yeah. Cuz I was like, I I know what is there an argument then? Or is it just it's beyond saying around is right there. But because we're not really doing anything she doesn't really count right now.


Well, it depends what you're looking at.

The Miz:

It depends on what you like.


Like I know we're supposed to but there's no like definitive deal or name diva. But like pot Like who?


I think that's the problem. And the whole gay community mostly is that if you say anything, possibly negative about Beyonce, you're crucified. They're like, Oh my God. Beyonce is the queen. You kind of daring to disrespect Beyonce. And I'm like, Yeah, but like, every time Beyonce puts out an album, it's a fucking movie. Like, you can't just listen to a CD from her. It's like, well, she made a visual. And it's an art and it's commenting on this and it's on Disney plus, and it's also commenting about this. She's more. She's like, she's doing a lot. And sometimes I just want to listen to good songs.

The Miz:

Right? I agree with that.


But if you bring that up, everyone's like, Oh my god, you


don't she's an RT, you


don't like Beyonce? Like No, I like her. I just I'm not obsessed to the level where everything

The Miz:

was rather. Yeah, I'd rather listen to like a 2000 and like three Beyonce album Yeah. Oh my god. I would personally rather listen to Destiny's Child album. I'll probably campaign Metallica. Yeah, no, I I totally think support. Beyonce is not the Supreme Being. She is my man. God. Well, I think half of it's also just her like her aura, right? Yeah,


like something that's like an angel.

The Miz:

Right? Like people listen to her because she,


when she dresses that way, it's like she's constantly dressing like that. So of course she's gonna be the queen, the angel.

The Miz:

Yeah, and she doesn't match that kind of reaction. Your dad? I'm Sean t like put out same record, it would not go out over half it


would not. Okay. Where do you

The Miz:

see also you also like, remember, like, they're just like a hip hop music industry control like they they run it. Jay Z in her does not only Beyonce, Beyonce and Jay Z. Like every project. They do that who is behind it.


Interesting. So there is a number one.


There's two number ones, honey, thank you.

The Miz:

I mean, a number one artist in general. Mariah Carey. Oh, I knew it. I see Britney Spears.


She's engaged. Like why do we care? Yeah, cheers my hair and her dad's letting her out of the conservatorship she's engaged everything's back to normal maybe I'm sorry about the fuck up about Britney Spears think I know. Well, good for

The Miz:

her. Actually what I've thought about her this entire time it's like once this conservatorship thing goes away. No one's gonna give a fuck about Britain and


why? Like she's an artist. Like she hasn't done anything in depth. She's

The Miz:

I don't think she'd written a song she has. I don't know that for a fact. But I don't think she's written a


whole career. Oh, yeah. You

The Miz:

got any sort of direction behind anything she's ever done. And the one that she did it probably wasn't on the radio. Right? Like some besides


it's just Brittany. Sabra like we freed her let her be free. Let's never talk about her again. But


I think we're seeing and this is this is gonna get me shit on we're gonna get murdered by the gays. Yeah. And that's fine already. I feel like Britney Spears like, this is gonna sound so bad. But the conservatorship like I feel like we're starting to see maybe why I'm saying that is is because like she's like stripping and now she's like red hair and she's very sad Suze


I mean why she a fairy all the time


and the dancing videos it's like oh, like she really is certified fucking Are you


gonna start a lock her up movement

The Miz:

lock? Lock her. Her? I think a conservatorship for her like made sense. And continues to make sense. I think it's just like,


Are we all just being nice? Yeah, everyone's like free Britney.

The Miz:

The problem is who the conservatory is right.


It should not be.

The Miz:

Not be heard that we should just


party but maybe she still needs one.


Yeah, I didn't do what she is. Really off.


Oh my god. She's free. And then she's like a homeless woman on the show.

The Miz:

Again, and get a new video that she released and she like didn't understand why people thought she's crazy. And she's like, so it's been a while since I've been in my gym because I burned it down. Yes. Your gym now.


Ignore that construction out back. I burned a gym now. She needs

The Miz:

a conservator and free Brittany.


We can't even leave her alone with a candle for 10 minutes. He

The Miz:

freed his bench now have a fucking Jim How is she gonna have? Like,


yeah, give her $300 million and see how she does.


It's gonna be a fucking disaster.


Like I bought a yacht. like okay, and it's gone. Everything is up in flames. I don't know. I don't know what we're doing with Brittany like, huh? Like let


her let her be she's probably gonna fuck everything up.


I don't know Bobby's back in a wig.

The Miz:

And next thing you know Brittany's gonna be like incarcerated like


she's gonna she's gonna kill somebody fully.

The Miz:

Right? wishing she had a conservator when she's like,


locked in a cell and her dad's gonna be like, well, I try I try one to free her so bad and Jamie Lynn's like I

The Miz:

told y'all I told you Jamie lane is who gets axed gentleman's body turns up in the Hudson and that's how


freedom it's a nightmare. Ah.

The Miz:

I feel like we just pulled Bobby out of some like ditch covered and man.


I feel like I look. Hi, I'm the ditch ridden homeless person covered in Manny's body.


Like really The part the wig Yeah, literally emo. You look like that big fat red haired comedian.


The big nose I had the fucking glasses on I would you put the glasses on I'm that guy.

The Miz:

It's okay. It's like men's hair. You'd look email. You look like I literally just found you at like a Manhattan Midtown hot buffet like, just like disheveled.


Well, and I am and that's fine. I'm trying to work through the disheveled this I feel like I look email.


Okay. If you want to email Well, I'm a character. I'm a character. I have visions, which I


can talk about that really quick. I think it's really funny that so I'm just gonna start my segment by saying I went and saw the US this last weekend. It was amazing. It was really fun. I had a great time. Thank you. I didn't get to talk to him. Which is fine. I was gonna have some fun to make out again. Yeah, did you make out Oh, that's over that relationship has shipped and that sale has shipped that ship has sailed shift that via FedEx and with that being said I want to say that standing there during the concert and looking around you're looking around at all these like people like you


leftovers Michelle's


Tiffany at home and in bed the Ashley's of the world the brands of the world we're all there but we're like almost 40 and like gained a lot of way and we don't look good but we're they're trying to pretend like we're still that 20 year old email yes and it was just such a weird for me a lot whether everyone Yeah, fit that mold everybody was like pretty much anywhere from probably 25 to 45


we're getting I'm getting like a whiff of Bo from this experience was that Oh


no, no, this is like that's the thing we're like the turnout No, I'm saying it's different there would have been Bo when we were 20 now everybody's like wearing their like Burberry because they can afford it because they work at like HR at some company but yet there she is like


Burberry HR don't get you Berber


or I don't know bitch Okay, it's clearly Yeah, so I thought that was like such a weird moment for me because I was like looking around like oh my god we all think we're still kids even the lead singer even like the band you're like we're all their own year olds still there

The Miz:

that's interesting now but it's like


no cuz I can't be rebellious nor I have a fucking nine to five. I have insurance. I have a 401k Hey, like, I can't be like oh, wow, I'm grunting it No, you're not grudging. It you were. And you work and I

The Miz:

see them on like a Saturday.


Yeah, so I'm on a Saturday. So it's I'm saying though, it's like here we all are.


Theoretically done. On a Saturday, everyone can grow.


Well, no, I guess you can but it's just different. Because you're like, not, you're not the homeless kid that's trying to figure out where they want to live in life.


You're not the one that has please look at yourself right now and say that again? No,


but you don't have to get yourself don't have like four roommates. I'm not the homeless kid. Are you trying to like regroup? My email face? Okay, so

The Miz:

you were saying that you would have been grunge and you would have been crazy, but then all of a sudden, you're like, I have a 401k I can


well it's kind of like it's just like kind of funny then because like there were some shoving going on there's a fight and it was like literally I'm telling you like a 37 year old versus a 35 year old and they're acting like their children again throwing beer and shit. I'm like laughing inside going What am I fucking doing? Like everybody around is just like looking around like we're not these people anymore.


Well, you were just very pensive because you were high Remember that?


Well, right but I was being very concert. I don't know if you know this about me. But I get very emotional. Yes, I connect in a moment and that usually is when I like whatever. there


Yeah, I was in that yes.


bony bear does it to me the US like I'm you're just in I mean, I was so nervous before it started. I started like having a panic attack. But I think it was this ativa gumming I took but also I really do think it was


you're probably anxious about being Oh, anxious. No, but like, in the past. That's crazy.

The Miz:

Like what were you what was anxiety producing? death? No,


just No. Just getting ready to see them again. They are the one thing

The Miz:

like what? Yeah, sort of make you anxious?


Because I'm just so excited to see him that I'm like, nervous. Like I'm like, oh my god. I'm gonna see a medical like that kind of like a like a fucking school girl. And then I'm 40 though Do you know what I mean? That's what I'm saying. It's like still having those like, Oh my god, the US are so cool. Let's go party afterwards. I


don't know. I think that's like a normal thing to experience excitement. I think you're just very depressed and don't normally have excitement.


I mean, fair,


right. We should all wake up every day and have one experience that gives us that feeling that rush


No, but I'm not talking just rush. I'm talking like that that your life is about this right now. This is all you are.


Okay, like focus. Yeah,


I don't know how to describe it. But anyway, I just thought was very interesting. No, you're just going too deep. But like, I just think it's very interesting to stand there with a bunch of you People my age and just see the kid in us again for like a second, but then like, I'm going too deep.


Yeah. You're you're looking around and seeing the kid in you and all the kid around you for anything a concert on eBay. Okay, I


have a few things I can tell I don't want to ruin anybody's time. I also don't want to bore anybody. But I have a few layers. There's, there's three things and don't be too serious. But I actually want to talk about the societal collapse. What is happening to you this week? Do you think that society is falling apart? And we're about to have a societal collapse? Do you know? Um, no. I don't think so.


No, no, we've been patched together enough times. And I'm talking like a world


thing. Like it's not just now

The Miz:

I think this is just how society continues to evolve to


ebb and flow, or your default.


I don't know. I feel like we're stuck. But like, we're all just there's enough rich people holding things as they want.

The Miz:

Everything. Yep.


We're suffering. It's like, Huh,


it's all. Yeah. So anyway, I just didn't know if you guys had any thoughts on that. That's like a quick little buzz thing. I was like, well, I'll ask them.

The Miz:

No, I tell us why. equilibrium. Yeah,


I thought of it because well, there's a few reasons. One, climate change. Okay, well, that is and that's happening, but


sorry, that could.


So that's one thing that's really worrying me that climate change. The other thing though, is that we're all becoming we're coming we're becoming kind of weak. I think I'm becoming a Republican.

The Miz:

Why, why?


He hates days. But we're all going to become one in a second where where there's no difference and then we're nobody's gonna be the one we're gonna be you know, like we're in there's like, classes like we they have to have people work in the factories in order to stay rich. So the factory


the factory workers, what is this the industrial revolution? So what's happening though, okay,


is that we're all becoming one. And that's,

The Miz:

I completely disagree. Now, am I now about the roll up tomorrow to the fuckin like factory and sliced bread? Like what? What?


What is that talking like? So? Why would trade?

The Miz:

Okay, so I'm not gonna end up in that situation ever. I


do a fucking trade First of all, and one that saves lives. So fuck off.

The Miz:

No, no, you need to explain yourself. You need to


feel like everybody is headed towards. Like, you have to have social classes in order for a society to work.

The Miz:

Yes, but yet, it's why we're not all becoming why okay, but ultimately, though,


we want an equal society, correct? Yeah. Then what makes you think we're not going to one then if we're supposed to be

The Miz:

because we can give people equal rights? It's not mean everyone's gonna have the same education. It's not mean everyone's not the same way.


We want people to want it. Well, yeah. Like we want people don't want everyone we want everyone have the same opportunity and the basic rights of like, you have health care, you have housing, you have a job What if everybody take care of yourself, but you're not all gonna have billionaires and you can buy a yacht

The Miz:

not everyone wants to go into corporate America. People want to work at Starbucks and pursue their dreams. People want to like live a simple life up on the farm. I want


to be a hippie and live in you know, Brooklyn, well, you can't afford

The Miz:

those lifestyles


people moved to LA and try to start a podcast


right? And those are the ones that you don't

The Miz:

those are the lower I spend like you spend all weekend with like grow up and want to work on a farm Yeah, that's what they want to do. You're not gonna get


because they're in they're trained to think that that's all they want to do because every generation before them was told that's what they're gonna


do that's what you want to expand people's horizon gives them options with education I


don't think you can don't always want it brainwashed into their into their culture


almost now what so? Is that what you're doing podcasts? Cuz you were brainwashed into being creative? Yeah. How did you get brainwashed into being your parents?


fireprotection like my father,


nobody your passion is this. Hell, right. How did you get air protection? You just got influenced by your family. Everyone gets influenced by their

The Miz:

families, social workers, and I'm in finance.


I know. No one in my family does what I do,


right? Nobody knows what you do. So obviously,

The Miz:

there are those factors at play right there if they do grant him like as much as we can be pro everyone being equal. The reality situation is it's not gonna happen in our lifetime or in many lifetimes to come.


We push for it, but it's I don't think it's happened. You don't to become a republican tomorrow. Like it's not gonna happen tomorrow.

The Miz:

And it will adapt. If for some reason, there's nobody who can fold pick strawberries. There's going to be other ways to harvest strawberries or just fucking


strawberries, like who needs them

The Miz:

or we'll get rid of them. Maybe Exactly like, that's how things continue to change though it's like, there can be a lack of people who can do a certain thing that thing's gonna go away, done. And then if then we'll have fake strawberries. If someone pushes and prints out of a printer, like, you know what I mean? Like, the next thing will happen.


Yeah, you could probably spray strawberries. I don't think


that's gonna head us towards a societal collapse due to climate change due to because we're using climate

The Miz:

change anything to do with it, or depleting


all of our resources. That's also going to cause


we are but we can do it better.

The Miz:

Yeah, but that doesn't have anything to do with the class system.


Yeah, it's going to work?


Well, because who's gonna pick the straw? Or who's gonna grow the stories and then have somebody pick the strawberries when you can just print it?

The Miz:

So that's, for all you fucking know, that could be more eco friendly.


Yeah, true. Robert Greene's a lot of water

The Miz:

like you don't like that's the thing. What is unwritten is unwritten, like, it will just evolve and adapt. Like the US is not always like a financial capital of the fucking world. No,


we are an agrarian society for 200 years. And now we're not


like, we're like, empires


don't grow a lot of food. But we're not like, that's not our focus


on the supply chains, like one, I don't know, there's, too, but I agree.

The Miz:

But then you change the supply chain. When it no longer works. It changed what everybody isn't know, everyone's gonna sit there and be like, wow, okay, where everyone's dead?


Let me say something. Oh, I'll say something. But let me tell you, there's a lot of people who would be like, Well, I mean, we wouldn't let that happen

The Miz:

in the event of what a collapse. Okay, but a collapse of one person like it like, What do you mean?


I don't know.

The Miz:

So the societal collapse might wipe out a village. Like, like, that's not a societal collapse. That's the collapse of a village.


It's a hard concept to like it because you're like, almost creating the future. Like what could happen if you do this? But we don't really you're

The Miz:

saying that there's absolutely no way anything can change in lessons and conclusion.


You guys don't think there's any societal collapse that correct something anytime soon? Now?

The Miz:

Yeah. throw that on the list with us living in a fucking simulation theory. I don't think


even you mean like, even like the fall of the Roman Empire was like, hundreds of years in the making. So it wasn't like one moment, boom, it's gone. Right? We always know and then


adapt, and then you're born into the collapse. You don't even know you're collapsing in the Catholic Church.

The Miz:

It's not gonna be like an event that everything's wiped out. Yeah, there might be a significant changes. Absolutely. But I don't think it's gonna be a collapse.


Now a collapse could happen if we went to nuclear war with China over Taiwan is also another thing where they

The Miz:

could do that. Oh, yeah. No new nuclear warfare. Definitely sufficient? I don't think that's


I don't think we're there yet.


Hopefully, we're dead by them.

The Miz:

Well, we will be as soon as that thing it says. Unless it doesn't make it all the way to tr.


Can I do you feel better or worse bubbles?


I feel I did earned about what's happening. I feel stupid. Why I feel like everything that I say is always brought with


no, no, we're just worried about you. We're worried that you're worried. And we don't know.


I'm not worried. No, I just I read something about it, though. Somebody said something. And I was like, wait, that'd be something to talk to people talk about it a lot. Yeah, I've


read a lot about

The Miz:

it's a good conversation piece. I just disagree with it. And that's fine.


See, everything's fine. Bob's okay.


Or is it? It's fine. I have one more thing to say really quick. But


can we? What about the classes and everything? That guy like, I know, like, I


found that because such a load in my head. In my head. I'm seeing all the classes and I'm trying to explain to you how they're all going to collapse. And what I'm saying is, is that I feel like all the classes are trying to come together. And if they do come together, there'll be no classes to then support an ecosystem that makes the whole society collapse.


And by accepting non binary and trans people were bringing the classes together. And that's why you don't like no, I'm not saying that. I'm saying but we are starting to agree on everything. Like we're starting to like there's no disk. Rarely. We agree on Donald Trump. Have you turned on the news?


I mean, I don't know. I'm just saying that's in my head that's trying to explain but I just couldn't. But I just did. You did it.

The Miz:

See you did it. I can't do what you're saying. I just disagree with


because I feel like in my head I'm like, Yes, we want everybody to be equal. Like I want that person over there. That's to have the right living over there in the trap or whatever I'm saying it and the trap and the trap call a trap.

The Miz:

Brian equalisation, right. So yeah, essentially, if that's what you want, you want communism right. And then hom Yeah,


I guess yeah,

The Miz:

if you want communism, then your government's gonna provide everything so who the fuck cares who's picking the strawberry? Right? It won't matter. Government in but what's it? People don't want it? Right. It's because some people want to achieve more than that. It's actually like


really like I think a lot of people take for granted like what really happens in this country to like run it. I mean, like, they go Man, so there's a lot people don't understand it really like what they're actually really doing. But they're like,


Oh, you mean like Republicans who want small government, but want to tell you how to use your body? Right? Yeah, correct.

The Miz:

Like, you want to cut taxes and you're not paying to stop programs that they're using.


It's like, Oh, you want to cut the people who pay tax, you want to cut their taxes so that you can get off of welfare or what what's happening? Right, right. All the southern states who like take more federal money than they give you look at the list other than Texas, like they're all democratic states that give more money to the federal government than they take from the federal government. Right. And it's funny that those the people who want to cut the taxes that fund themselves are Republicans. Yeah, I don't get it fucking. You can't make it make sense, Bobby? No, that's


the hard part. It's like it's really really complicated more than we think.

The Miz:

It's groupthink is what it is. It's groupthink. It's when certain cohort of people who think a certain way, by association and by proximity run away ever nonsense, which is why all the games think Beyonce is the queen. They don't actually have an original thought about it. That's just what they think they should think. So all these poor people are like, Oh, yeah, low tax, obviously, that sounds great. They don't like they don't actually have an original thought about the tax system in America.


Right? This is so complicated, though. Really. But anyway,


oh, yeah. Europe pays higher taxes on like, well, they have better support networks, they have health care, or even science. And when you add up what we pay for all of our out of pocket expenses, we pay more than that. So yeah, their taxes are high. If they pay more tax, and they're so much happier, and they're so much happier than us. That's it?


I think so. Um, I don't know if I want to do pick of the week.


I'm kind of, I feel like something's happening to you right now. Are you angry? Oh, are you okay? Okay. Yeah, okay.




I think you I thought you got like, really worked up about it. And I know, you thought we were thinking you're stupid. And I'm like, What? I think you're upset, you're upset. And you're not hearing Well,


I'm not something like sounds weird to me, but I just don't know what it is. Maybe it's my brain. There's something I want to say for the deck portion this week, like I don't want to do I just want to talk about something that we've been experiencing. And it's about decks. Okay. So if you're gonna send, so if you're gonna send your deck to us, and I just need you to know that we are going to judge your deck. The first

The Miz:

one is our guide by her about


No, he was actually very, it was very nice. He said, He's not in a trade though.

The Miz:

He has a Bachelor's. And do you need our hair? Do you need a password to do that though? I'm not connected with him if you'd like, I think you need a certification to do that, which would make it a trade.


And we'll leave that at that. So


okay, so we have a Discord. And I decided that I was going to put up a link on Reddit on a group that wants to be rated so there's a lot of guys that want to be rated like they want to be humiliated though. Like they know their ugliest Fox so they post things on purpose.

The Miz:

I was just abundantly fucking clear.


I was just gonna say Are they in our discord? Well, this is what I'm bringing up.


Don't post your ugly ass dick pics. or anything. You know when you're exactly okay. You know? Really?

The Miz:

I was wondering it was levels. I have to say. I did ask what's gonna make this my topic conversation stop is so happy you brought it up. I'm so fucking sick of seeing ugly ass penises. You have two eyes that work? You know what a adequate penis looks like. If yours is subpar? That's fine. Leave it the fuck at home. Leave it at home. You could hate me if you want. I don't but you know, I'd rather you hate me than see your disgusting pain.


I've just seen some really, really ugly decks. And like, like, horrified that like no, like, I opened my phone and dropped my phone type decks where I'm like, Oh, God, I have to go to bed like Oh, no. And then I think about it for like a day. It's so ugly.


Well, and then the other peculiar thing that's happening in there is like, we're seeing a lot a hole now too. It's just confusing to me. And it's kind of an extreme like social experiment for me right now, because these guys are funneling in here because they want to show their deck off. Even if it's nasty, because they probably want somebody to say to them Oh, you're a little dick is so gross. And that will get them off. Unfortunately,

The Miz:

I actually disagree i think they don't understand it. So it was okay. Wonder Yeah, cuz


I don't know if you agree or not like everybody know why cuz it's in the eye. But there's something there like I'm like, is that like,

The Miz:

SharePoint? If it's so objectively horrid, then you have to know


you have to

The Miz:

you are we the only community that's like accepting of them?


Yeah. I can tell you Now a striker would instantly block it and not respond when they see an ugly dick they're not like oh thanks man You're so cute here's my digits


yeah girls don't like take pics it's really kind of weird


well they do if they're good

The Miz:

well I also think most would not accept the depicts it we are dealt


the things we're getting right we'd no one should get to me

The Miz:

like that could have been a bugle out of a bag and it was clustered into our finding out even


he's not lying like the skeleton of a bugle and then it's a lot of extra skin on top. Like just sorry old man's skin great person but


your penis is not an ant eater with like the tongue that's coming out.

The Miz:

Oh yeah. Oh my god, the snout the snowman. Yes. Yeah, it was it was put into our discord trying to pass as a dick. Yes, that's correct.


Is this Arthur?


Like I'm sorry? The aardvark so during next week's segment on replay deck,


don't send ugly deck Don't worry. I


mean, I'm done. I'm gonna read you. I don't care the first one.

The Miz:

You can send your other decks and we're just gonna


tell you the truth. So I'm just letting you know right now. Don't be writing me later mean like you were so I don't give a fuck then don't send your ugly as deck. Okay, but even


if it's like below average, I'm fine with that. I'm just saying if it's ugly, I don't want to


systemically ugly

The Miz:

right like literally any price.


Or like even that art of the aardvark dick he could have make the front angle. Sorry, they could have made it better. Because they could have pulled back the force can maybe or like right just like a regular hard dick and like trim. The bright red maybe pushed stood up so like things hang better. And also like if you have cancer at nine o'clock on your whole don't send a whole pick.


I mean, they don't


says I have literally diagnose someone with anal cancer from our discord gay. And so like, I don't need to do that right now. Thank you.

The Miz:

Thank you off the fucking clock. diagnosed with anal cancer,


like if you need diagnosed post a whole pic post a whole pic? And we'll let you know we'll let you know if you have

The Miz:

a segment is what disease do you have


in Italia? Who can tell us the ugliest car?


We already have a winner. We have

The Miz:

a very fierce competition. And some of them are right.


But a lot of gray area attract. So


anyway, I just wanted to be very transparent going forward. Like I'm not gonna be


doing that. Like when we do it again.


So I'm gonna give this other Yeah. Oh, can


we also just tell everyone listening? Because some people have been concerned and messaging me. These people are volunteering there. We're not like finding khaki pics and then blasting them honey. People are asking to do that.


Yeah, they actually signed a waiver.

The Miz:

Yeah. If we were doing that, why would we be like asking people for taking? Like, right. I don't know that goes go find them. Right. Yeah,


we could just like go on Reddit. I see. But I want them to be involved somehow.

The Miz:

Right? Right. No. All right. And then some people respond to like, Ooh, I like how it's not genuine. It's not like, you don't feel that way.


I know. Sometimes I am nice to. And I know


that I do the tongue and I'm like, Oh, it's great. I'm just saying sometimes it is though, and I like really respond genuinely with the tongue emoji. But then other times, I'm just like, Oh, can we like remove someone from the discord?

The Miz:

I'm pulling it up. Oh my god, I


can't so I instantly sent it to you too. Because I was like, have you guys been?

The Miz:

Should we? Should we just get rid of this channel? Like,


I think that's great. It's been negative for so long. Now. I'm


kidding. So we have like 60 now all of a sudden,

The Miz:

and I'm not saying the mind be any better, but that's why you don't see me on there.


But I think that's part of like, well, I


don't know.


I'll I'll get the data and I'll decide

The Miz:

if my god Okay, this one looks like a number two pencil. Okay. Okay.


I don't even know what else I

The Miz:

could like grip it like this.


Let me get my sharpener. I want you to count.


I love to pencil.

The Miz:

Oh, my God. No, but can we say something about that?


Is there a number three? Yes, there are. Oh,


I've looked at the forks. I've also as a school child, I was like, Why the fuck is this number two? Like, like,

The Miz:

How many times are there I've


seen up to eight. But number eight, or and you can find the bigger laughs Yeah. Okay.


Oh my god. I hate office. I love the smell of it.


The rubber does fucking smell good. Oh, I love the Yeah, I always wanted to eat it, but I knew it didn't. I know Tastes like really ate it was great. He was so hungry at school you


ate a race. Nobody's like want to bite it off. It was like just sitting there on that

The Miz:

fried may there's like still like a racer sitting in bubbles stomach or now


he goes up to the pencil sharpener takes it off the wall and just empties the wood. I love the shavings.


The shavings are so high Oh my god,


you're a nasty little schoolboy. Boy, yours.

The Miz:

The teachers would like Bobby no more eating eraser. Honestly, they sent you to timeout. Your mom gonna beat you with like he was eating an eraser again.


I wasn't. I used to have a pencil ones too. I take the eraser out and bite on it.

The Miz:

Okay, you're disgusting. Now I can read now. I'm like, why would you do that? Yeah,


maybe we should have an equal society.


Yeah. No, I'm gonna trade I'm a lower class than everybody else. There.

The Miz:

Right, right, right. Right,


right. Well, it's true. Mine can go away. Well, we'll on fire protection anyway. Miss. Wait,

The Miz:

wait, are you you're not a firefighter?


Yeah, let's stop pretending I save lives, property. And property which is more important than lives. No,


the slogan is we save lives. And property. It's true. You do lives first then property because if a sprinkler goes off, it takes out


the thing that all the shareholders are worried about property property

The Miz:

lives on your balance


sheet honey lives are replaceable Bobby. Properties, not true

The Miz:

property. properties and burns. No getting that money back. Okay, so unless you have insurance. Anyway, speaking of people that work in trades, and no class people, I


deserve both this. Yeah.

The Miz:

I spent all weekend up in Vermont, like not cool educated for mine, like bumfuck, Vermont. And it


looks like

The Miz:

green. It's green. It's like


woods and hills. Yeah, little lakes and ponds on a map. It's the shape of New Hampshire

The Miz:

but upside down. So they fit together make a square. And so my parents have a house up there. My sister lives up there. Um, and like, the people who she's befriended at this point in time are like, disgusting when? hippies. No, like, like woods, like Trump bump. Like, like, you know, you know, when you're in a world place, and it's just so rural that everyone's a republican? Yes. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, like, it's like they can't be told anything. neighbors are definitely no one says anything. Oh, no, they are not bakst am. me my mom like gone to fight with like three of them. Because they were like, listing reasons why they weren't vaccinated. And when we were like our head, we're gonna go because you


guys are like disgust.

The Miz:

That's right. Bla bla. And then allegedly, I got hate crime. Oh, gay, but I don't know how. Okay, so black. I was so blacked out. I was so miserable, that I was drinking cups of vodka. So it's like, okay,


like, in Vermont, or just back in New Hampshire, in Vermont. And then so you don't know.

The Miz:

You don't know what happened by Okay. What I know here the facts. There was this guy there who I allegedly set up with a punch in the face. And I remember us talking about music. And I think the conversation like led to somewhere about like gayness because my sister said to me the next day she goes, we think the reason why he's so insecure about his sexuality is because he like is gay. But he has like a wife and a kid. One of the so when he seems like a very like an IRL guy, he like gets all like, Yeah, because he could never right. This happens a lot. Yeah, so that allegedly happened. I saw some punch in the face. And then my mom says he was she was gonna punch him in the face and then my sister. were like,


Jocelyn wouldn't punch people in. Oh, yeah, she was I

The Miz:

think she might if I was at stake.


Yeah. She tried to like go Hey, hey, hey.

The Miz:

Yeah, well, I was like, but that'd be my sister like stomping all around and we just ate shit and fell down a hill. And that's how I got this.


Hell jack fell down a hill to fetch a


ball down the hill to

The Miz:

Yeah, we think when tumbling down a hill. Hey, yeah, it was bad. Did you hit a rock? Yeah, probably. We like no, we hit like a patch of like, thorn.


Same leg that you just want to boot on?


Yeah, this leg needs to go.




Lord saying something. I want you to look like a pirate and hobble around. town


fast pace gay walk with yeah

The Miz:

give me some swag. It would give me such


a quick and it's just like on the side of his body like

The Miz:

imagining the plant like laying down the street Hell's Kitchen with a fucking wood


I need it for you.


I want the pig to have like a pogo stick spring on the end of the bar.

The Miz:

Oh my god oh my oh my god it is a fuck it's like a hook and then I'll get like a hook. Oh my god I can't wait


is this am I read?

The Miz:

Okay, so that's my next topic isn't ready you guys being for Halloween? Probably a girl because


there's nothing funnier scarier than a girl. Yeah, you want to be a girl?


Yeah, I'm always like linda tripp.


And it's fun. And it's all right. But I actually the

The Miz:

first Halloween I've known you guys have not known I've been part of this podcast.


Yeah. Are you a big Halloween person? Okay, make sense?


I feel like though Bobby, we could both be girls but we need to come up with like, what's a couple of girls? That's what I was thinking we'd have like a theme like


bet mega stallion.


Sailor Moon. Oh, we could do Sailor Moon Sailor Jupiter new Bobby would be Sailor Moon or ms would what's the fat one? Oh my god. I didn't have a fun day.

The Miz:

It was anime. Yeah. There was no fat.


Three of them at one. Oh, they

The Miz:

draw skinny. Yeah, like I'll be Sailor Moon Jim will be Sailor Venus. You'll be Sailor Mars, Jupiter and mercury.


I mean, I love it. It's true. Yeah,

The Miz:

I'm just kidding. There'll be no I want to be the evil villain. I


want to be the lady who didn't think you were gonna like be the godsend. Well, that's who I said I was gonna meet Sailor Moon. Solomon's like the evil sailor. Oh, is she evil?

The Miz:

Yeah, no. No Evil. The one I want to be on gotcha. Gotcha. Okay, so what do you want


so Okay, so I like being like a woman always says I like doing drag but I always think I could can do the makeup and then I start doing makeup

The Miz:

on about like actually doing drag?


No, but I actually had some as the body for it.

The Miz:

I know I guess based on other Columbus drag queens, I would say so. family dinners in the parking lot at Wendy's.


Actually though I need to say something to him is why I got some feedback from somebody from home some washed up comedian Oh, somebody knows something my office calling

The Miz:

somebody in your office? Yeah. Hey, Colleen.


She said that she thinks that you would be like a really good drag queen. Because you can sing and you're animated because she loves seeing the videos and this cheekbones and so then I will

The Miz:

Yeah, um, okay, sorry Coleen but it's not gonna


but then I thought when you come to Columbus though I think what we should we all do is like yeah, have a real drag you over and put us in drag, like real drag.

The Miz:

I don't want like Burger King grease off my fucking face.


He's in Manhattan West. Man.


I be Oh, Dumbo. Dumbo. The House of Dumbo. Dumbo so Eureka is my daughter Mama.

The Miz:

Now if I were to be a drag queen, my name would definitely be Bianca something okay? Because if I were to be a girl, Rio Rio, Bianca, I like Bianca


loved me. For some reason I thought that Bianca porch or something like that like something like Russian


that sounded like Spanish No. porches something boards just something

The Miz:

like Shrek Yeah, I definitely would need to be something a talent card is how my same last name we should make Bobby just Shrek for


please just be Shrek. We'll get a little on your head.

The Miz:

Okay your shrine Jimmy donkey John's donkey


donkey you can change the gingerbread man mess with your leg. Oh my god. Oh my god.

The Miz:

I'm the gingerbread man wanted to Shrek American we do Shrike okay I just got Miko can be Fiona.


Yeah, it'd be like I love this. I

The Miz:

need somebody to be


feeling during Halloween. Oh,

The Miz:

we'll turn to the discord to cast Lord farm quad. I'm just ripping on the Discord. I actually think any of this. We're on. Ah




Word of the Week word is for the spreadsheets and


I was looking for a slang term for beast reality and I can't find it.


Okay, well the Word of the Week is playing swings. I'm not to be good. I've been shut down. Oh, I will never be a twink


make it I'm sorry, the way the week is trading swings. Never Never.


Never. Never. Never.


Never. I never will be but I'm not gonna post in some fucking twink Reddit page that hey, can I be a twink? I just want to be me. I don't really give a fuck about any kind of label. To be honest. I don't personally,

The Miz:

I just hate the whole fucking thing about tribes. I hate Yeah,


but I think there's tribes Everywhere you look, no matter who you are like jocks, freaks cheerleaders. We were always in tribes were always in tribes.


I got yelled at once at Oh, the college bars are up north because I was too young looking. And I'm like, I'm just here because I hate union. So I thought it would come here where I thought it'd be more welcomed. But I'm sure that only happened one out of like 10 visits, but I'm sure people do take it too serious. Yeah, they're like were very they were in leather. The people were in leather. And I'm just sitting around a fire like, Hi. And they're like, the college bars are up north. like

The Miz:

Oh, am I sorry, I'm not a very higher gripe with gays in general.


Oh, yeah. Oh, you're in the wrong place. Well, fuck you. We're all in the wrong place. You

The Miz:

know what the problem is, though. It's because games to so deeply want to be accepted. So the only way they feel like at all FPS is by exploiting other people no matter what the fuck tribe you are.


Yep. But I think it's everybody. Well, in the world. Oh, well, maybe it's kind of like how society


to hate the other class. Yeah,

The Miz:

I think it's high end in the gay community. gays inherently are excluded.


We have too much time to like,

The Miz:

your fucking self image.


We don't all work in a trade. We don't have too many. I don't have too much. I'm sorry. I

The Miz:

use that word. Whoever is like butthurt over No, nobody


is a dope. I was hot Sean.

The Miz:

Okay, hot trade. Shawn. I'm sorry. I called you a trade war. I'm


proud of being a trade war. I

The Miz:

didn't realize you were a fucking harvard business. School graduates are


fans I'd rather be a


it's Carnegie. It's Phoenix.

The Miz:

Carnegie Mellon's way worse business school than ours? Right. Get with him. Bobby.


Again with Jim. Again with Jim. Pull down your pants and get out of your car. Here. gerken Jim?

The Miz:

I like that. I feel like that was like on the radio with like Delilah during Christmas time.


Do you want a jerk? Do you want to jerk jerkin with Jim was


enough to work with now.


All right, you can add them all together. I don't give a fuck. Okay. Now there's one good thing that happened, at least in Columbus this week. And I think Bobby can we'll see what he feels how he feels. LSU lost Ohio State Buckeyes, they lost their football game. And that's a good thing because everyone shuts the fuck up about it for a while. Because everyone's so but sore about it. They won't even bring it up. Whereas when they're like five another big game coming up. All right, we're going all the way to the login championships wrong. Like, I don't care. You need them to do just well enough that people are happy, but just bad enough that they don't talk about it endlessly. How do you feel about sports Bob? I


liked sports. I love the bad guys.

The Miz:

I love football, but I don't like college football. I like NFL. See, I


didn't like college until I moved here when I was like, Oh, I get it. Like I went to college.

The Miz:

I just like don't understand like, the whole thing like Okay, that was me like eight years ago right? Like why do I care about a bunch of football? I want to look at the pro


that's right honey, and the pros are like bigger fan I saw. Yeah.

The Miz:

Okay. So the Steelers won yesterday and me my dad bought tickets to go in December. Oh,


I wonder what you're gonna buy tickets to come to Columbus.


Listen, yeah, this son a bitch. I don't have the budget and then he travels to a fucking bra. I mean, I'm sure Atlanta everywhere else. La for weeks. I'm

The Miz:

going to LA twice. Atlanta, but Hi. I'm doing it in a fucking hostel because I don't have to hear that. Wait, where are you going to a hostel in LA. I'm gonna get murdered that's got to bring a video camera or it's it's a chain because one in New York just one of Miami I just want to Chicago like it's not like a random ass hospital. I read a lot of reviews. That seems to be I believe


your love?

The Miz:

I hope not.


I hope so. I can't wait to eat balls in law hostel. I can't like tell why I met Michael. On the bar lights came on. Okay,


let's see how that ended up. I'll go look at it. You want to it'll drop Don't you want this Hey Jim. Anyways anyway, so this kind of goes back to Bobby's anxieties about equality societal collapse the class system. Did the straights steal the term daddy?


Bobby, Daddy, like


can I have it in a sentence?


I'd say Can you guess but not from the word ah

The Miz:

they steal it from the black people you think they that black


anyone know it before gay community okay this is one time they did I don't believe the one time I could go every other term though right if

The Miz:

you want to say if you want to say your if you want to say girl yeah all that we've stolen but daddy I think the straights are pretty original with daddy.


why I'm saying this is because I've been hanging out with more straight girls recently. And so then I follow their Instagram and then I followed like the stray girl meme posting page right and like they're using the term daddy all the time like posting a picture with their boyfriend and then saying something about Yes daddy. And I'm like why aren't seen that yet? No, I'm just gonna I don't think look out for

The Miz:

I think in sacks like they definitely always call daddy and scream in a matter of fact, you know, right, like candy rain. I think that


Yeah. Did you just make up a rattle? I love you. Oh, so we did steal it from the bottom. Call me Big Daddy and screaming


name. Matt afford sign up for doing it and doing

The Miz:

it and doing it. Well. Yeah.


I represent Queen she was well.


Okay, well, we can. Once again we can cut that out. I feel like every time I bring up a topic Bobby's like never heard of it. Don't know. But then he brings up what is science? It's like,


Yeah, hi. I was reading the origin of the world.


Yeah. Are you guys worried about societal collapse? I want to keep it light. I want to keep it light. I'm sitting there like, okay, I'll keep it light. Let's talk about the term daddy. I don't really know. Never seen it. Never heard it. But here's an LL Cool J song like, okay, god damn it. I'm sorry. I know by this point in this show. It's just word association. Like, you can't have a discussion. This is why the facts never flew. They don't want to hear about facts anymore. Bobby's like What's that? have never No, no. Not that.


They will change it up. I'll show you how to close out a show.


We know that won't happen. You can't even start it. You can't even start.

The Miz:

I'm not sure where chronologically you belong in this show. It depends on my state of mind and you belong in the playlist we on section.


One head one


that would deserve more than one hit honey. I'm like you I'm gonna hit it more than once. So


I don't know what you're trying to prove. I'm


a dumpster fire that never got out. never came out. never came out still in the closet. Now the next thing and I'm looking at you Bobby. One thing that really grinds my gears. And I fucking hate when this happens is people who while chewing take a drink of whatever they're to swallow their food now. No, no, like what the fuck people are Chop Chop, chop, chop, then like, take a slit and then you do do it occasionally, but only occasionally. Occasionally. I'm like why? You'll be like eating pizza and coke can't die.

The Miz:

Please answer me this. Do you do it with milk?


No, I don't. Bobby I know

The Miz:

that with melons or Oreos involved.


You see if there's chocolate involved, Bobby, we'll take a sip.


There'll be like I need some milk. If there's Oreos above all of that sit in my mouth and I'll pour a little milk in. Oh, it'll start melting your barf bags still there from last week.

The Miz:

That's the worst thing I've ever heard. I would rather look at that person's bugle penis for five hours straight.


Would you rather put it in your mouth? Yes.

The Miz:

then here you talk about washing things down and boy


oh boy jeans around Hell no. You know they Polo. Okay, anyway. I don't even know what happened.


But definitely the milk and milk. I


drink two big glasses yesterday. And you kidding me?


It's literally hitting me

The Miz:

2022 I don't fucking break.


Pick a nut and drink that milk.

The Miz:

Yeah, it's 2020 it's almost like cow milk anymore. And no one drinks it by the glass with a meal. Maybe That's like he's plumber. Are you fucking kidding me? You can get cold glass or you can pay me a glass of milk like that? No following the trades after he saves lives on property he


wants a glass of milk

The Miz:

you are absolutely following the trade stereotype. You aren't staying for your trade pouring milk or milk. You can use a cold one get me a cold one a cold glass Hey, if you're getting cold milk Can I have one? Do you


know what's the best is peanut butter and jelly sandwich toasted and you put the milk at sea you die.

The Miz:

Your gusting


I never thought of

The Miz:

more embarrassment but I already did your humiliating I podcast I quit I quit drinking fucking milk and peanut butter sandwiches are you kidding me? No we're not oh no we are we are not done.


oh no that's something your song anymore remember the Jim Jim Jim and Jim.

The Miz:

Okay stop trying to detract away from us talking about you drink milk with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches like a fucking hillbilly email


oh my god

The Miz:

not approved.


Okay, if you're trying to move up in class level, that's not gonna do


okay, so there's nothing that you eat that's like weird Oh,


no, not a thing.


I'm sorry that I like to put a little milk in my mouth.

The Miz:

Yeah, it's not okay and play. swing around it like swish around you're like bite a peanut butter and jelly. No, no,


I'll take a bite. So like a little bit of peanut butter in your back your teeth.

The Miz:

No, no, no, no, no. No.



The Miz:

my God when I kill myself. I'm writing in my suicide note. I'm killing myself because Bobby Griffey Jr. washes out Skippy peanut butter from the back of his dragon fucking teeth with a glass of milk.


And how did he know it was Skippy?


He's actually a Peter Pan. Peter Pan. Peter Pan is whatever Amazon sells.

The Miz:

They sell every fucking variety peanut butter so that does not narrow down. And Bobby's wherever you can get to the goddamn Dollar Tree. Because that's what we're fucking looking at right now.


They actually have like, $2 generals really nearby but I've never stepped foot

The Miz:

to get the food Mart at the


food Mart here. There is Wilson smarter.

The Miz:

Bobby, I'm disappointed. I'm really sorry. I


think I had to bring it up because it's been something I've always like I've always hated it since childhood. That I know that well. When I met you. I did. I've I've seen you eat a lot of times honey. Just saying like a lot.

The Miz:

Why? Don't like washing food down with any liquid but when it's milk it never really


sends me You never like to send it with some Coca Cola like something


never because I have saliva that does that for me. I don't need to trigger something about like peanuts and Coca Cola. You're gonna taste it soon.


coca cola? Yeah.

The Miz:

Okay, What the actual fuck are you talking about?


I'm from Atlanta.

The Miz:

I understand Coca Cola is from Atlanta. But why do you mix it with peanuts?


Because it's just the way that it mixes the salty in the sweet. I'm just telling you, uh,


I think you missed a key detail in there too. Is there boiled peanuts. Have you ever had Well, let's face it. I threw one by him threw up.


Yeah, wait, you've never had boiled peanuts or heard of it?

The Miz:

Don't ask me any questions. You are the ones. You are the one that's in eating boiled peanuts in the same mouthful as a glass of Coca Cola. You need to be locked up. You need to be locked up hanged. You are disgusting. What is that?


Out of all the fucking things I'm the one that's getting

The Miz:

the biggest issue I've ever had on the show. like yeah, it is fuck


boy on just boiled peanuts. In the south is just different,


like mushy things are like boiled in pain because we


lose our teeth early. Yeah, that's true.


Okay, I don't know why they boiled peanuts.


I thought it was so weird to be honest with you, my sister's like way more suffering than I am. But I really don't do this.

The Miz:

in isolation don't offend me. It's been the same mouthful as coke.


But it's like you swig it down at the end of your peanut so there's some little crumbs left but it's not like

The Miz:

you're talking about Peter Pan peanut butter in the back of your teeth. It's not working so good. So good. All right, so that's disgusting.


That's fine. I'm I'm actually upset that I'm learned about that. Well, sorry. I


guess I'm just more ugly and fat than you thought. You're there. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry that I'm gross. fuckin sick. I'm sorry. There's some things that I do that I'm you know why we get sick?


I'm sorry. It's just sick. It is.


When's the last time you ate somebody else's name?

The Miz:

You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Somebody else's name. I'm


just wondering everybody here who's ever had anybody else's nail that's cut off in their mouth. Please, anybody?


I never I don't ever eat. Wow. Well, here's

The Miz:

my rebuttal. nobody else's nail in your mouth. Okay, but I


you know, to me,

The Miz:

that's like, strange and weird. I know that you are sitting here living your everyday life and like, Oh, yeah, I can drink milk and pour peanut butter down my throat. Like you think it's normal? Like I do that every night.


Yeah, once a week.

The Miz:

Like your lifestyle me eating other people's nails. It's like a goof.


Everybody's making me want to throw


down, throw it out. You want to throw down baby row


right? left. All right, what's your next thing that's gonna rile us up?

The Miz:

I know, Jim. That was that really was triggering. triggering. Yeah,


we learned a lot about each other just now and I'm really sorry.

The Miz:

about you and how disgusting you are. Actually, well,


sorry, but I didn't learn anything. I already knew all that. So to me, it's like, Uh huh. Fucking we finally talked about it to me.



The Miz:

so there comes a milk in the peanut butter just rippling around.


Oh, fuck yeah.

The Miz:

Oh my god. That's horrifying.


I just realized what's happening. I have to admit something else too, though. Okay, I do Skittles and sprite the same way. fat kid.

The Miz:

Mommy, can I have candy and dry sugared soda? Like as vile to me? That's not as well. That's just like, flavored.


The same flavors.


That's just like, Okay, well, I was just want to throw that out there. I'm sorry. Okay, Jim. Next.


The next and final thing. thing God is something that bothers me a lot is when people do this. They think it's hot to run in public. And so they're like, get ready. They're in the right shorts. They're trying to look hot. And they're just like, they have that posture. They're very upright and just like thirst trapping, or you're saying like, while running. I do that. And I see them run right in front of all the gay bars and bars on High Street. And their shorts is a packed sidewalk. And I'm like, so why are you running on the packs? I will read the stop and write it happy are interesting. You couldn't go down the road Outback or the alley. Like there's nowhere else to run other than this. 5000 people sidewalk


and they're all they always look so douchey they're douchey but they're in shape.


To be honest, I think I hate all running in public. I just don't like running in public. I don't agree with it. Like go to the gym or on a treadmill. This is not the Stone Age like I don't need to see you running around


I would rather die than run. And by that I mean I wouldn't like in front of anybody like right like if I had to run No,


I won't normal person would run in front of


me. We talked about this with Ms. Station. You saw that policy on this train. But he said that he didn't he wouldn't he would miss his train. Because he won't want to run.


Yes. And that's what made any type of running in public but mainly exercise but really anything you don't need to run in

The Miz:

mines river stop. If you're running to catch something. You're pathetic, like you either need to miss that train or get there on time. Yeah,


well your body that you're never gonna die.

The Miz:

If you are running over fit. You can't put your own joke, you dumb bitch. If you if you want to run for exercise in public, I find that fine. I don't find it as the runner to run it. Do you sick. That's something that I didn't even see you're running around. Like running in public is as taboo as swishing around peanuts, boys and milk. No.


It will be when you have that peg leg.

The Miz:

Oh, okay. Well, none of the injuries ever occurred from running.


Well, I can't wait to see running.

The Miz:

I ran today on the treadmill. Okay.


like a normal person you worked out inside

The Miz:

genuinely run on the treadmill. Yes, I do it inside.


Why are people working out outside?


Well, okay. And I don't see your running out like dinnertime.

The Miz:

No, I run through the gayborhood in the morning. Right.


To me, that is fine. And specifically rubber hose to your thirst trapping for safety in all fairness,

The Miz:

I just run down ninth AB which is where I agree. I just run through health kitchen, Chelsea West Village. Because all on the same street, which isn't where I want to run like six or seven miles.


Oh fuck me and you run the whole time.

The Miz:

Now you'd like to do intervals because intervals help you lose weight even more.


I'm going to start running around Columbus.

The Miz:

Well, if you run at one speed for a prolonged period of time, your body like stops working. It's your


test to enter.

The Miz:

Yeah, so you walk a little bit you jog you sprint, you jog again, you know?


Maybe Bobby could do some intervals. Yeah,

The Miz:

I need to get honestly I used to do it's like walk a little bit and then run for 30 seconds and then walk and then I run again. I don't want to do it in public I want to


do that's what I'm saying. But I came in like if I got a treadmill in the basement like I would hit my heads. I have to get a fucking plan if it is on my running. I don't want to run in public.

The Miz:

man walking around and Planet Fitness like, judging. Who cares, Bobby, I'm dead ass If I were you to kill myself right now. I know I give you a lot.


But is it really that bad?


Yeah. And then you're and then you're in the bear community. It's like yeah,

The Miz:

and then you're also a bear. You're also


a failing podcast.


You have to talk to us like

The Miz:

you also drink milk.


Like I don't know. Like you're still drinking milk there's a lot those add those Got Milk ads really worked and when Bobby was our

The Miz:

cafeteria, there's a milk mustache. Do you think that's me? Oh, it's


weird though. I will tell you something even weirder. Oh Christ. Are you sure? Yeah. I don't drink other people's milk.

The Miz:

Okay, why do they even fucking me?


Like I don't like other people's milk.

The Miz:

Like what are you talking about?


I don't know where it's from. No, I'm telling you


it's from a cow. No,


I needed to know where it was bought.

The Miz:

Where do you actually source to get milk from like,


doesn't drink gas station though.


So if I went to your house and you said here you want a glass of milk, I'd probably be like, what kind? Is it? I would look at a switch brand


like which brand I would actually probably like


yes, I don't judge the date and everything. I look at the date for sure. But yeah, look, I'm I'm kind of a milk snob. If you will, if you if you want to say per se if you want to buy milk,

The Miz:

milk, net free weights of what brand of milk do you got? And do you get whole milk?


Well, I've changed my ways. Now I used to like Kroger Mel. He gets ice cream. I used to like to

The Miz:

breyers just gallon down,


melts down the ice cream slurps it and then I drink a milkshake.


I drink skim. Okay, get on believe that. I have one person in there right now. And actually, yeah. I used to drink 2% as like a teenager, right? Sure. I mean, I would drink a shit ton.

The Miz:

Yeah, I stopped drinking milk when I was like seven.


Yeah, and that's probably the right age. You're in with Jim. You jerk again with Jim. Pull down your pants and get out of your car. Here. gerken with Jim.

The Miz:

Wait, bubbles Do you eat uncrustables


much fucking no jamming that. Actually, they're like, oh man,

The Miz:

like I would like I'd open your fridge and uncrossable come flying.


Strong right now.

The Miz:

It'd be like, whoa.


My final thought. Oh, are we doing Final Thoughts?

The Miz:

I'm bringing to find out a bit. You just said it five times. So he's gonna start it. My thought


is that some people need to just like stay in their fucking lane. And what they need to do is Oh, sorry, is pointing at you. How do you know it's not you? Oh, can you stay in your fucking Lane?

The Miz:

How do you know it's not all the sorry, but first class. The lanes are merging.


Now honestly, what I learned today is that sometimes you can just be a fucking idiot. And even though your friends will call you an idiot. Sometimes you have to be one to let the people know that they can be idiots as well and everybody can relate.

The Miz:

Okay, piggyback off that and say, I appreciate the idiots for informing me that I'm actually not by comparison, milk drinking fucking sack of shit. He hates the milk. He hates


he hates the milk in the rap in the hip hop in the milk.

The Miz:

Rhythm and milak Well, they were chocolate milk. He was a lot that


well if it was huka milk. Pineapple

The Miz:

hoopy No, that's the only way That's the only acceptable use for milk is putting in the


base. Tastes like a little like Thai. chai latte. Thai. Yeah, like they put a little Cardamom or cinnamon. It's like a milk latte,


but I think we're losing it. Okay.

The Miz:

Yeah, that sounds great.


My final thought. Yeah, it's


Do you have Final Thoughts?


Oh, nicer. Well, I think I have like two final thoughts. One final thought is, you know, I want to have the confidence of someone with an ugly dick in our Discord. Because if you had that type of confidence, you could just conquer the world. You'd be like, Oh, yeah, I am going to become CEO and Amazon Fuck off. And then like, I mean, these people they are I just want to have that much confidence.


I can't imagine you know, Jeff Bezos has a little snail but


yeah, he has a snail screaming my second final thought though, and this is piggybacking off of Bobby is that you know if you're driving down the highway and you missed your exit like hours ago don't keep driving till you run out of gas just get off at the next exit.

The Miz:

Okay, I mean, I get what you're saying but


I don't know who he was waiting for.


No, I wasn't waiting for


your wheeze lack


he was waiting for some kind of like

The Miz:

I was just done the notion I don't know who he's


talking about Bobby. I'm going I'm running out of gas.


You missed your exit. You didn't get off on your exit on life's road. Right keep driving, but you just need to get off get upset.


Oh my god in regards to my body, every word real

The Miz:

and No. guardrail like,


the guardrails are down this bumper bowling game.


You're just gonna go right guard rails up on your bellies about to go crush me about my body.


It's true. No, your whole life. Like this podcast.


We got to exit this podcast.


You missed your exit. I don't keep driving.


I actually think we're just about my left lane or the guardrails?


No bitch, there's no guard rails. You're on the edge. You're going down the hills of California.

The Miz:

I cannot


about my body out my body. Well, I'm just coming. You're trying to figure out what you're trying to talk about. But you know what?


I think just stick with the first final thought.


No, I'll stick with the second I'll listen back. gonna listen back.


At when you're the editor, you have to listen. Like why is that a threat? I'm gonna listen to

The Miz:

I'm gonna put myself a glass of milk and listen to this podcast.


It's gonna be 2% for sure.

The Miz:

Oh, now he's gonna be drinking a whole ass milk. strands of tea in there. I


really actually don't do whole milk. He's just gonna do straight. Heavy Yeah. tablespoon is 50


of whipping cream. Yeah, I didn't know that. 50 so if you drink a glass


right thing, but I'm afraid afraid of something like


why did you just do that? Sorry.

The Miz:

What do you think drink just


yeah, always. We just get out a straw. And if you aren't our discord we love you And honestly,

The Miz:

God bless everyone our discord I lay so much I do it all for you. Stay on the highway everything I do I do for you.


And everything I do we do it. I could not

The Miz:

get off this way if it weren't for Discord.


And yeah, that's true. It's like


well, and honestly, we I mean, you know if you think you're cute enough to pose pose, but also if you do decide to do the rate your deck I'm just letting you know I'm not holding back anymore.

The Miz:

And we're also gonna have 18 and if you don't agree to it, right.


The funniest thing you've ever like, I think that me Oh my god, that is gonna be like,


posting. She's wait. She was waiting for some response at the you know,


I'm over.


Something like this. Hi, gay. No. response and she was just waiting.

The Miz:

I'm sorry, I guess.


So I won't I won't get high next week and we'll see how fun it is. Yeah,

The Miz:

it's not good. It's gonna be the same baseline fun I have every fucking week.


Consistent at least you look like that fat red haired comedian. Now I do. And now you do.

The Miz:

I'm just kidding. No bubbles. We love you. Oh, I'm actually not Am I I was just opening I was busy. I was opening the discord to see what action we were at. I


just can't discard but stop rubbing your goddamn feet on my life I had to put you first thanks for coming by my feet


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