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June 24, 2020

It Was Gen Z Eating The Tide Pods

This week Bobby and Jim discuss: 

  • Miracle Whip 
  • Hot Tub 
  • Gay stuff 
  • Pride 
  • Watermelon Sugar High 
  • Julius Caesar
  • Being in a funk 
  • Creativity 
  • Unicorn Water spout 
  • LGBTQIA+ Rights 
  • We can't get fired for being who we are 
  • DACA 
  • Trump is pissed
  • Tik Tok 
  • Savage 
  • Tulsa Rally 
  • No one showed up 
  • K Pop 
  • Twitter 
  • Rant 
  • Fireworks 
  • Every night firework shows 
  • pissed
  • live and let live 
  • conspiracy
  • government ties to fireworks
  • Firework hunting nude 
  • Weight
  • Being Overweight
  • Bobby is not happy with his body currently
  • Getting old sucks 
  • Gay life 
  • Gen Z is smart 
  • Gen Z is savage 
  • Gen Z is so gay 
  • Gen Z is so Fluid 
  • Gen Z is making fun of everyone 
  • They are savage 
  • Buzzfeed
  • Pizza and Wine
  • Well millennial's had the emo phase
  • Rather be emo not gay (back in the day) 
  • We all Just need to Vote 
  • We can come together 
  • Fuck the racist and bigots

#Podcast #Millennial #Genz #Gaypodcast #Fireworks #Gay #comedypodcast #rant #love #lgbt #DACA #supremecourt #tiktok #tulsarally #savage #kpop #emo #theused #kissing #overweight #fat #funny #funk #Creativity #pizza #wine #buzzfeed

This week is sponsored by: PHIX  Visit www.letsphix.com; use code SOWELL for a discount on your first order.

Phix is an adult toy online store who’s purpose is to share the most innovative and enjoyable adult toys. Whether for solo play or for mutual enjoyment, Phix has a variety of items to meet all needs. From vibrators, to wands, to clitoral stimulators, there are tons of items for you to explore. Sex is great, but sex is different for all people, which is why Phix does their best to have a match for everyone. I looked just yesterday and see quite a few items I plan on purchasing soon. What makes Phix products great? They find people of all walks of life and sexual health experts to do extensive testing and reviews. If it’s not a winner, they toss it. If their people love it, it’s a definite go. Phix sources products that are sexy, sleek but most importantly safe for our bodies.

 Email us @ shesnotdoingsowell@gmail.com and tell us about what you want to hear, critique the show or tell us what you want to rant about and we will read it on the show. 

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Unknown Speaker :

Welcome to She's Not Doing So Well. It's a podcast. I'm Bobby. nonfat. The tongue is my cousin my bro. I'm gonna try to limit the fox to love it. I'm just so awkward at this God. Hello, all you buds out there. Welcome to another episode of She's Not Doing So Well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim, we'd like to thank you mean Gil, thank you so much for coming back. Or joining us for the first time. First time listeners are welcome as well. We really appreciate the support honestly, we really love you guys. We love you with all of our heart. We also would like to hear from you. So if you would like to email us at She's Not Doing So well@gmail.com and tell us your shit and your stories. We'll read them on the podcast and they can make A fake email to the porn sites. I really want to get a grip. Oh, you did those hands? I did at least what were you grabbing? tits? Look, yeah, you look like you're gripping my own tips. Oh. I was like he wants to get a grip on the neck getting a grip on my nips. But I also would like to get a grip on our community and really hear from you guys, because I feel like there are things out there that you guys are just being silent about. Yeah, and you need to talk to us. I think there's things going on we don't know we don't know about and we need to know we think we're young and hip and cool. But we're not we really just want to hear from you. We want to be we want to be in your lives in your lives. We want to be in your ear, but more than in your ear, in the brain and your brain forever. And I want you to think of my voice when as you're breathing your last breath and fluttering off to heaven only me saying I'm so awkward at this God. This week. I want to talk about a few things. We have some news stories. Yes, we do. Asli we have some brands. But also I want to kind of touch on this new Gen Z millennial situation that we have seems like there's a battle brewing. There's a battle brewing we need to discuss, but then there's been Yeah, there's been some new developments. So we'll discuss there's some new fucking battle maybe we'll see. Well, there's been new developments that were stopped. Yep. So we'll do that. But first, let's catch up. Yeah, I'm here to catch up. Let's catch up, honey, tuck in, get your blanket on and cuddle up on the couch and catch up. Do you like ketchup or Mayo? I like both. Yeah, I do. I do both. Do you actually this miracle lab I have part of my Yep. Mirror. Oh, well, I tried Miracle Whip for the first time. One that's a little catch up for you. Well, up fucking Bobby and his neighbor had a little rally in the alley party and by neighbors and other neighbors showed up. None of them showed up and also wasn't in the alley because it was too hot in the backyard parties. A backyard party socially distanced, but it was nice to see everyone. Yeah, this was gonna be like the Pride Parade weekend. That's an October supposedly, if if it's if we don't have another shutdown because I'm sorry, I'm not gonna bring up like COVID that much, but they're saying there's a ramp up so we needed to keep. Yeah, we're under masks and keeping distance. So it was a good party and there was lots of good food and I had a veggie burger and I wanted Mayo but there was no mayo. I was just gonna try it cuz I've never been ketchup and mayo on a burger together. I know. But all you had was miracle wet. But miracle was a good It tasted good. So good. It was Tanka. It's got a little Tang. It's got a little like it was expired. You know that little the mail was in the mail, October 2019. And that was horrifying. That's now everything I've ever had. No, honestly. No, because Michael is psycho. I know. That's great. Oh yeah, his face like dial bird. He died. I'm sober. I was like, yep, that last number look like before you go to the grocery store. He'll be like, Hey, can we look at the dates on the car. I'm like, oh, but this is why So yeah why my frigerator has fucking expired and his like all good shit yeah but here I am you're still here somehow embarrassed you should be dead from food poisoning by now but you're not but I'm not I've stomach of steel have a strong stomach which this stomach has gotta go but we'll talk about that at a different fucking time it was a good catch up and then we had some fun and did I believe some videos that may be showing up on the Insta? Yeah actually I might put on Insta before this episode goes out you should yeah it's a little like we had a little little unicorn in the backyard unicorn sprit Siena's. That's cool. I wish it was a Mr. Though to be honest. No one wants to run through a solid stream right now. Well, Ricky Martin does Did you hear about that? Oh, he likes giving golden showers. He said stop it. He said he likes the difference between your body temperature and the water temperature in a shower. So he gives a golden shower in the shower. Good for him. Good for him. He's got a strong. Go for it. Go for it. Press play all over. So yeah, it was it was good. What's new with you? It was a good it was a good session. I'm seeing I don't know how to describe it. I mean, it was watermelon sugar high. Oh, I didn't bring that up well not to because we've been told that Oh, all we talk about all we talk about being drunk Bobby Bobby talking about him being. Listen, listen, sometimes you have to have context because we're not fucking idiots normally. So like, I'm sorry, we're professionals but we also like to wind down in our own ways. If we want to discuss a story that actually involves some adult situations. Don't come at me. Don't yell at me and say, I can't relate. Okay, well, never been drunk, right? So I'm like, I'm not senior being like, yeah, we roll this fat but yeah, you didn't you're not talking about name you're not Yeah, I just like it every once in a while. I mean to sleep. And I'm wearing a marijuana shirt but I was looking at your T shirt. It says hanging with my buds well, cuz we always call it the buds. You know, like Bobby and Bobby in buds was like, This is cute, but then I'm like, oh, Michaels, like that's a bright shirt. And I was like, yeah, look and he goes Oh, he's like, please never wear it around his appointment into regardless, regardless, regardless, regardless, regardless, if you can't relate to marijuana stories and drunk stories, that's fine, because we're not usually telling stories like about that about that. We're like, hey, by the way, I was high, but this is why I did this. Yeah, I'm like, Hi, I'm having a beer. And this is the thought that went through. Yeah, no, it's true. I'm getting a little mad. Me too. I got sorry. I gotta hurry. That's the rant that's not even on the rant and we're ranting. But yeah, so you were having your fun in the hot. I was screaming louder than your brother. Hi, because I am on the TIC tocs. So they have like this this like challenge that the kids are like, well, kids and adults. I say kid I mean over 20 but they're like watermelon, sugar it with normal eyes. Other than they get the camera on when they're high. They'll go high. And they're just so I kept going watermelon sugar and I was waiting for people to yell high, but it was just no one was yelling. It was dumb as fuck and I was like, and they're like cackling away. I couldn't get out of the hot tub. Julius Caesar honey got me fucked. Okay. I was sitting outside talking to my partner and your neighbor and we were like is Bobby just Is he okay? I was, oh, there's videos. Video. That's actually another video. I'm gonna post with this post, like so good. Like you don't listen to the podcast, right? Like I was like calling people out like it was so fun for all but also you seem a little upset, not upset. I'm in a little funk. And by that I mean, I'm just, I'm sure you guys can relate to this being creative, like some people are really creative. And sometimes they just can only think about, like, what they want to do next, and not next, but just like how they can improve themselves. Yeah, I'm one of those moments now where I've literally had I have four audible credits because I haven't bought a book in a while. I think podcasts marketing all these books that I'm like, I'm like listening like a psychopath because I just want to you need ideas like yeah, like I want to continue to create, I want to continue to grow this podcast, I want to continue to make it better every day. Right and so For me, I'm maybe into like a little funk because then I'm like, Am I doing right now? Yeah, wasn't like yeah, so I kind of have like sit on it. I think a lot of the listeners are feeling that way because of like everything that's happened in the past few months, we've all been in a funk of, I don't even know when the next thing is true. I think most of the listeners are probably sitting at home most of the time. A lot of them might not even you know, who knows what's happened with their jobs. So that's what I am and we all have things that we're Yeah, that we're going through Robin in a funk for months, right? I mean, that's fair. That's actually a good point. Because I forget that I'm like, What am I gonna do and there's people who like actually don't have jobs and like who are struggling my catch up this week, though, was just me kind of being in a funk, which sucks, but I think by the end of the weekend, I was kind of coming out of it. I have some ideas Yeah, that we're working on and just sort of you got rejuvenate rajulio got read. These are needed. I got read Julius Caesar nated. Don't come at me, Brutus. Because I'll get you my sandals. Oh, wow. You just popped your own face. Wow. Okay. I'm okay, I just punched myself everybody. Okay, everyone. Okay, let's do a hands check. Let's do like a real quick as everybody Okay, everybody take a deep breath. And now the news. Right. Time for the news. What's the first story, Jim? Well, the first story was shocking, so shocking that my partner came and woke me up in bed all morning. Yeah, woke shook me up. I was like, what's going on? Like, what, what's I don't even want to know at this point. You know, it's like, it could be anything bad. He's like, just not awake yet. something good happened. I was like, What is it? He's like, the Supreme Court just ruled that you can't be fired for being LGBTQ. I was like, you've got to be kidding me. I didn't believe him. I was like, Well, um, but what's the But well, there probably is a but but It's a good story. It's a good news. I mean, it was like six, three, it was very, it's a conservative core, but like Roberts and Gorsuch decided why they went with the liberals. Gorsuch wrote the opinion. You can't be fired for being LGBTQ. They decided that the Civil Rights Act, I think, 6419 six for basically the definition of sex at that time, covers sexual orientation and gender identity. And that's crazy, because I think we're all braced for being told that you can be fired. I mean, because the Trump administration wanted it to be ruled that you can be fired for being LGBTQ because they want. They don't like us. Right. And I don't so they were arguing that it's not in the law. And so this but the Supreme Court 623 decided, it is in the law, as it should be, as it should be sex when Yeah, when we say you should be protected, it should protect us. Right. And I mean, some of our I think most of our listeners understand that and are going to be like Yeah, I agree with that. Everybody has like to the people don't understand why that was a big ruling phrase like we want somebody Gotcha Yeah, we weren't protected. Just imagine having your rights like decided left and right and like, like on an on like a thread like it's just kind of constantly hanging out there like well, you well they could decide that you're allowed to fire someone for being right and then here and then they're like, why aren't you out at work? Uh because we'll try cuz I'm here for it was like I was so scared I had to guess these people to not fucking let me go they can find another reason when really it's because they don't like who you are. Oh you were late one so so my whole issue like this is a great victory for us okay, but I'm a little bit worried about when there is a challenge there's gonna be religious freedom because this the three cases that were in this case I don't think it was like a guy diving instructor or like a skydiving guy got fired for being gay. But none of the three I don't think any of them had an element of well, what if the employer said You know, I'm a Christian and I don't want to I can't work with a gay guy. Can a Christian organization can like Home Depot or Hobby Lobby say, I mean, they already were allowed. They're already allowed to not pay for women control. And it's like, okay, so are they going to come forward and say like, why are you forcing us to work with gay people when we don't believe in them? Or? Because I think that's half the lesbians work at Home Depot? Who's going to be in the fucking Woods section? That was a little Joe lesbians Don't worry, Laurie gotchu. But yeah, I mean, it's just sort of one of those things where if you don't realize how scary it is, until something like like, almost looking back, like you know, you go everyday and like, oh, everything's great blah blah. But then when a ruling happens like this, you're like, wait, I mean, this circles back to privilege to be honest. Yeah, because then it's like, Oh, I didn't even I mean, I knew like like it was something that could happen to me but it's one of those things where I'm not thinking about it that much because I'm a fucking white privilege like pretty. I mean, I can turn it on off and on like masculine or like I can fam it up, Honey, you're totally mask. I mean, I can I can go both ways. Like I really can't. Turn it on to where I'm like, I don't really say any of my sassy things eye contact like this. See, your rights have never been decided by the Supreme Court, then you have privilege. And that's so true. It's way like if you've never once had to wake up and think like I wonder if today I won't be married anymore. Or I wonder if today I could legally be fired for being a straight white Christian male. I wonder if you know it's literally come I mean, that's privileged it is and that's the definition of it right there. It's really sad. I mean, they haven't and the other thing they haven't decided is like trans people in health care right now may discriminate against it that was not part of this this was strictly and I wonder if we're on a different path now we might be because even these like conservative judges are like Well, we're not gonna like PR people like we're over this whole bullshit like we're not gonna take steps backward in that I mean we could obviously they could and they I mean, I don't know the chances now cuz now they fucked us up with Dhaka and all that shit too. Like, oh my god. We are with Darlene. That decision he had a bad it bad we can't walk down a ramp. He can't take the water he's had in his rally which we're going to talk about next. Yeah, he's had a bad he's got a fucked up. He's like you think the Supreme Court doesn't like me? They don't Well, first of all, nobody does. But yeah, but here's the other thing. They're not really for you. They're for the people of the United States, which means it's everybody you're in that to Mariani, you're planning to have them so right you're in there you're in there when you appointed was one that gave me the decision. That's the best part. That was the best part. I was like, Oh, of course it like what what's that? Which I you know what, when he was nominated, I was always like, you know, he might not be this bad of a guy. Yeah, it was the other one that I'm like, you're shady as fuck, right? Short like he right Kavanagh's? You can tell he's definitely was like a frat boy that was like, I like beer. Yeah, remember how crazy was his confirmation hearing and he cried during? Oh, yeah, you seem really, really weird calendar with all his nicknames for the boys he was with like, he was a weird and meanwhile, if was a female that was up there crying on the stand. They'd be like, well, she's not she's be. She's emotionally labor we can't hire can't have that it's too emotional. He's He's emotional. It's a good thing, but he's crying over beer. And you know, I just can't like something that it's messy, but we actually got a good decision. So there you go. We'll be happy about that. I am and then DACA the dreamers right now, as it is. The Supreme Court said, Yeah, you can't just end that program. Like sorry about it because you want to write because you hate people hate people. He hates hate everybody. But yeah, white men who basically Have you ever noticed I'm not. I know, we go on the Trump train a lot. And I'm not trying to but there's a lot of relevant stories when you're going to news. It's like, he's just a story magnet, and he's garbage. He's fucking trash. Notice every time like pencil talk, or, you know, somebody that's in his team will be like, Well, the President did such a wonderful job. Well, Mr. President is like the best leader we've ever Had but I want to say it's like, Wait a second. Why do you have to always like kneel down and suck his dick for me? No offense. I don't mean to be vulgar. But you guys have heard it. I mean, you guys know what you're in for? Yeah. I mean, it's like I've never said that before. But I just feel like that's what they do. Yeah, it's all pretend. And like, they're not completely dumb people. So like, they know they're doing it right. And it's all lip service. But why are we trying to be vulgar, but we that scared that they were, I mean, the Republican Party. They're all coming around now, though, to the point where they're like, should we really do another four years of this? Like, we've already trashed the party as it is the past four years? Yeah. I mean, a lot of them are like, yeah, I'm not voting for him. They're just kind of all saying now. Even Bolton is like he's a republican. You wouldn't even testify in the impeachment hearings. But now, here you are he money with your book, right? You're like he's a threat to the Republic. So it's a little bit but sometimes I wish I had a big story to tell so I could just write a fucking book because people get millions of dollars off the books. They're like, wow, I'm just gonna like let it sit in the Iron Man, whatever I had to do in an interview me. Yeah, my name's Bobby and I've got tests I have tests and I my interview be amazing it would be good. Imagine if I had to go to like a supreme court hearing or like some kind of like honesty Oh like no fucking water I don't know you'd be drinking water like you made this podcast that ruin the world like I didn't mean to thank sorry they're like Shut up, shut up you're in trouble you're gonna hold you in contempt. I'm like what's contempt? I'm contempt feel bad. I actually got a couple books I want to talk about real quick on it white fragility. And I also got democracy in one book or less nice so I got how to be an anti racist this week. Okay, good. Yeah, I'm trying to not I don't know where this came from. But I'm just saying like democracy, the book that I'm trying to learn because, again, privilege, I don't know my rights, like I don't really even know because I don't need to know them right where you have been taken away. It's like okay, and you notice that A lot of like black families they like have a list of a here's your 10 rights that you need to memorize and you need to know these when something's happening that you don't have. I mean, I'm like what? Yeah, that's embarrassing so if the cops came up to me I would do whatever they said I'd be like what do you want me to give you access to my phone? You want my wall? Yeah, okay, cool man story number of ratchet and boring number two Gen Z coming in from behind. Wow, this episode is gonna be after the after the news and after I ran like we're going to talk just slightly about the drama with Gen Z and millennials but they were savages. They have changed her mind they kind of like you can be mad at me. Because you're gonna do this kind of savage shit. Yeah, so Trump rally was supposed to be this huge 5 million tickets requested they say oh my god, we're a million had an overflow parking lot so you could speak to them first before the main arena of 19,500 people were supposed to be there all this shit. Okay. Ah, so the rally starts and people are like, Oh, well, we're gonna have to change Until the outdoor, no overflow crowd, there's zero dude, how do you know the final total? That was there? 6000 Yep, I'm like, okay, it's a 19,000 seat arena. They expected it to be and there were 35,000 people, right? So huh these little motherfucking benches cuz this story didn't come out till after. So Trump is fucking I know he is flipping his shit right now. Oh yeah, yes, Jen, he's got on the tech talks, and daily kpop fan and the Kpop fans and they fuck some shit up. I'm actually gonna stop you there, Jim. Because I think that we need to just talk about this more after the rant. But I want to introduce this new story because I thought it was important but we're out of time. Okay. Hey guys, listen up. We have a new contest we're about to tell you about send us an email that you've heard this commercial and we will submit your name in the drawing. This episode is sponsored by fix fix is an adult toy online store whose purpose is to share the most innovative and enjoyable adult toys whether for solo play or mutual enjoyment. Fix has a variety of items to meet all needs. From vibrators to wants to clitoral stimulators. There are tons of items for you to explore sex is great, but sex is different for all people, which is why fix does their best to have a match for everyone. I look just yesterday and saw quite a few items I plan on purchasing soon. What makes fixed products great. They find people of all walks of life and sexual health experts to do extensive testing and reviews. If it's not a winner, they toss it if their people love it, it's a definite go fix sources products that are sexy sleek, but most importantly safe for our bodies. Visit www dot Let's fix.com use code s o w e Ll so well for a discount on your first order. And gay boys there's lube to that's www.ltsphix.com Hear that? Over yeah fucking Fireworks wow up with fireworks. Oh my. I don't even know where this is going. It's going where I needed to go. And at about nine o'clock at night until about 536 in the morning. I have heard fireworks going off like on the weekend as every day but no like on a Tuesday morning I was taken out June at 5am cuz she woke up early and I'm like, is that fucking fireworks? Like no yes 5am 5am I'm pest. Why that I mean, Oh, I got trust me the Facebook group in the neighborhood is having a fucking fit. You have two sides who are like, Oh, is it ruining your life that bad? Probably Listen here, honey. First of all, there's people's PTSD. Yep. Second of all, that's true. You are the sound of guns going off. Because you're constantly doing school shooting drills, school shooting drills. You've been the military. You've been the police force you've been shot yourself. I mean, there's any so dogs All dogs lose their mind. Right so here we are every night for the past two weeks. And I don't know if any of you guys have heard it in your neighborhoods. But it's it's pissing me off. And I hate to be rude. I don't even live with it. I'm pissed off. So I'm on this Facebook group and everybody's like, living let live and all this shit. I'm like it No. Okay, so you want me to blast my music in the background big live in that live? I don't know. It's just respect. You don't play the pride anthems from Oh, it's Pride Month. Oh, sorry, night from nine to five. No, no, yes. It's one thing. It's a holiday. I'm fine with like, God, I'm coming up, right. I'm not even mad about the fact that you're doing it. It's the timing that you're doing. It's not even at night at like 9pm. It's like, okay, cool, but it's got a slot. Also time. It's now Monday night. The 22nd Yeah, there's no, there's no What's going on? I can't think of a holiday right now. It's Monday. There's nothing. It's just kind of like, yeah, it's about respect. I mean, I understand I remember being a kid like we all want to have fun and around the July 4 holiday we would all set set off little tiny like pops and whatever it was right whatever they're called batshit lootable snakes that would begin we actually did not buy because they're expensive we would not buy fireworks right now especially the ones that make a like a splash those are expensive. Oh yeah I mean like like not even a game like now we get bought a rocket so yeah, we Yeah, excitement we would get like the Roman candles like shitty but it was fun at the time but at the same time, like okay, so there's setting them off. Yeah, consistently like All night All night. No wonder June's waking up at five. She's probably like, wait, what's that? Is that? Luckily she doesn't it doesn't really faze her. Luckily. So that's good news. But chill coffeepot. That's right. She's from that South Side. There's been some interesting things that have come to light. Oh, which you sent me up? Didn't you send me an article this morning? I may have Yeah. So I was talking about this on Saturday, I think and you're like, what's that was like, Oh, it's fair. We're like, every night, every fucking night, but I saw that article. I think it was talking about how this has been going on all over the country. So not just here apparently or it's going on in all kinds of places. And there was question of Could it be police setting them off to then try to create a situation where they have to show up and arrest people or or I've also heard that they're trying to desensitize people from those noises so that they can come in and start shooting. Like it won't that's even more terrifying and it's also like irritate people so they stop protesting like they're like oh, we're gonna hit the neighborhoods that you know probably have majority protesters because it's not hard to find you're not gonna go to the suburbs and blast off fireworks you're gonna go get a shower I'm live in town there are no fireworks, any airs here. I just feel like there's i don't know i'm having troubles with this whole situation. But me and Jackie have talked about the fireworks situation. We've been out on our back deck at 11 o'clock being like, what in the fuck are we got happening every night? Right. I get up at six o'clock every day. I don't have time for your firework display at two Am Tuesday I lose my mind if I was scaring them at night and I'm trying to sleep and no no right you're just trying to take it out ruins my day live and let live I get I get like just people doing whatever they want to do we can roll with it but yeah like we've been in COVID and these people are just okay cool. Shoot him off from nine to midnight even I don't give a fuck but when it's like 3am and I'm hearing fireworks it's not a good look. Now I'm gonna find you. Oh, I wish you would I wish you a firework Hunter. Oh, I'm gonna go nude firework hunting that would get them scare him that way definitely get her like off the fireworks yes fat fuck like Oh, he's back. Alright everyone throw your throw away the fireworks. This if we've we've gone too far. That's a great two panelists and I am not too far way too far. Too far too far. And for those of you that don't have penises, it's when your fucking belly hangs over your fucking waist. genitals now and I don't have a grade to what I don't even know what I don't even know either. I've just heard our medical friends talking about Michael's made jokes but not about mine. But you're like a one. I mean, honey, I got a gut. Okay, I'm a bear. Oh, bitch. I'm a boss. I'm a bear. I'm a bear. I don't even I just want to know what the grading is. Because here's doesn't look like it would go over your genitals but it definitely goes over like the beltline. Yeah, it does. But not but not Oh, but the general No, not the general outline. Like I'm on the I'm on the verge of like, which, okay, that's gonna be fair, like, Okay, this is a rant bitch. We're gonna keep ranting about my weight. We should rant about it. Well, here's the thing. It's something to rant about. I've been the same weight and within the same 15 pounds for literally eight years. Not a joke. Really. I swear to God, see, that's why when you're like, I'm fat. And I'm like, I have known you a couple years now and you don't seem fat. I just some reason something. It's like I'm getting older I think so things are shifting in different ways. And these are sagging in different areas like my belly. Usually it's like yeah, so we got work to do like my tits. Yeah, these tests don't Why they I mean I let me tell the story and I know there's probably bears that listen I see you I hear you Why don't we run our bear? We love the bears we like to pet them I used to be like confident with my shirt off by the way like I would go to the bear bar and be like bitch I'm ripping off my shirt like I oh yeah oh, I would love to see this Bobby so Oh, the one I know is like no, you have no idea who I was. I was kind of obnoxious like I was like, oh, excuse me loves that way. You were like best asked to exile yeah 2013 anymore. Cuz you were shirtless and shirtless. It was Yeah, you pulled on your pants. Wait, what? Yeah. So this whole time I pictured so you're you don't have pants on? No, I'm you upstage and you pulled on your pants like underwear? Yeah, everything everything you show your ass. But what about your front? It just kind of sits there. But are you facing the wall? Yeah, so you're facing a wall. Oh my god. I have a guy standing next to us was having like over like number one. PTSD. Okay, number two, number three, number four. And then I made it to the second round. I'm like, God damn it. So had to do it again. I'm like, but at that point, I was like, kind of competent. I want I want $100 to the bar. Thank you, hon. Yeah, they give $100 Oh my god, yeah, I need this bar to reopen. It was great. I would do that. Okay, but I was extra confident. And our so now you wouldn't do that. That's a picture with the bears. Were here that senior exile. They were here this weekend. And I'm in the hot tub whenever it gets there. And I swear to God, some of the horrifying things are happening in my life. Oh, sorry, the most horrifying thing that has ever happened in my life was all of a sudden people are sitting around the hot tub and I'm the only one in the hot tub and they're literally square like sitting around me in a square. And I'm like, I'm so I got to get out of this tub. And no one can look. I was like, Michael, can you bring me a towel? Like that's where I'm at? I'm like, ah, these are the guys that I used to show my ass in my shirt. Hey, not there. Right. So we got you're still within 15 pounds. So it's right. It's just a hassle. I'm on the heavier side of the 15 now so like I got if I get so I've been dieting again. I Started we just ordered food so that's good. Um, but a sushi so I mean really? Yeah, that's low zero points, but it's okay. So things are like trying to just turn it right now. They'll see us in the video so they're gonna look and be like you're about the same, right? They're gonna watch that video. I've got legs for days. Yes, you do. So sighs I save lives a little Buttercup, call him butter cap. So I mean, that's all I really have to ran on was the fireworks and that was by I don't know, I mean, like things are just the same. I don't know. We're gonna get to the main topic, which is the millennials and the gen Z's like it. Doo doo doo doo doo. So the main topic this week is Gen Z versus millennial versus the world. Well, first it was the boomers and the gen Z's. But I just want to talk about the differences between millennials and Gen Z. Yeah. So what I think is Just like an imprecise age range of property for marketing purposes, where corporations are like, okay, so Millennials are born between 1980 and 1985. And then Gen Z from 1996 to 2015. It's like so we're solidly in the millennial even if you do plus or minus a couple I'm dead center. Well, no, not Yeah, yeah, you're almost an X, honey. I'm 35 Oh, so you're dead center. I'm yeah, you're basically dead center, um, little, little right of center, a little, a little flatter center. So there's just like different age ranges. And I didn't, I wasn't really sure about that either. This has become a hot topic. It's mostly I really had to like get in on this because at work even you'll hear like boomers and Gen Xers who are Gen X came before millennials but like, you hear them getting mad at millennials over like avocado toast, iced coffee and then the tide pods hide pods. That's really the millennial Yeah, we do love our avocado toast and Yeah, I will spend $5 on it and I don't really give a fuck right. Sorry. We enjoy things. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry we like our iced coffee. Oh no Oh bad. I'm sorry that I go on buzz. What do you want us to like inside of corporations and climate change? Like I don't understand. Oh, sorry. No, don't worry. So then when I'm hearing like oh my god these millennials eating the tide pods No, no no no that's Gen Z. Gen Z Gen Z was eating the tide pods. 100 Don't blame this on the millennials. But of course it was easy for the Xs and the boomer to not educate themselves and be like, Oh, that was fucking Milan. They don't even realize there's a Gen Z and they're quite different than us. Gen Z's. Like I don't know what's going on was no, they're calling them though Zoomers. Oh, I like that. So they're basically like the boomers but they're like boomers. So there are baby boomers in the sense that they like, get shit done. And they like, I don't know how you describe it to run the world. resumes. The boomers like had to kind of like push the envelope. I mean, X was like, grungy ish. Like, I don't really know. Like x. No one does. They don't even like themselves millennials push the limit with with technology and we got everything flowing with remember Facebook. That was a number MySpace, all of it. Remember live journal. Remember limewire? Remember illegally downloading apps turns Yep. Yeah, I remember when blockbuster business iPhones. Yep. Everything that you these Gen Z guys and girls and gals rely on a lot. They have never not had Wi Fi. And they don't know what to do if they don't have Wi Fi. Let me tell you, right. I don't have their phone with them. It's over. Right. It's like my life is over. How's anybody gonna check me? Yeah, how am I gonna snap? Oh my god. It's so true. The tic Tock though is the big. Okay, tic tocs big and we were talking about that with the Trump thing. So basically these millennial are not millennials Gen Z's and the K poppers. Yeah, the K poppers they were all like this taken over sending videos to each other on how to spam this rally where you just go in, you put in your zip code you put in your phone number you put in a fake email. Get two tickets. boom, done, done. There you go. So they go, but then you don't go. And so they didn't think about this ahead of time now, because this was not a new story like after the failed rally and no offense to, well, offense to boomers. A lot of boomers are jumpers. And so they're not really involved in the tech talks, like Millennials are actually a big age difference. And like who the younger people support politically and who older people do, so they this savage move behind the scenes. Trump's pissed off we talked about in the news kind of changed my opinion. It did. I was like me because they were touching. Oh, so this whole time you're on your phone, and I'm like, wow, they can't survive without it. They're actually planning on how to change the world secretly. Right? And I'm like, Oh, I love it. And hopefully they I mean, if they could only vote through tech talk, I guess that's what I'm nervous about. Yeah, like, I am nervous. Like who's gonna show up though, cuz 18 and up, get it right and vote. I mean, it's, it's the point where it's like, Okay, guys, guys, if you're gonna pull it, it was a fun little prank. Bye. Some opening up Twitter, and it says I'm awake at 3am. And I just want everyone to know what Gen Z says about millennials on Tech Talk. Oh, I've seen this. Okay, so somebody put up a tech talk. And I think it was a millennial who's in our 30s. Like, put up a tech talk like me. Follow us at She's Not Doing So Well on Tech Talk. So somebody put something up in the comments started coming in from the gen Z's. And here are some of them. They be 34 talking about. I'm a Hufflepuff. Like, grow up and do a line of coke already. That's literally a comment. It's true. Millennials are always talking about Harry Potter houses, right? I'm actually I don't ever Well, a lot of my friends do that. They all have the tattoos. I think I'm a Ravenclaw or something. And they say doggo which are puppers or saint peppers or doggo. When we say please resolve the dose, and then somebody else says or, or that BuzzFeed knows their favorite wine. True, or people that still say in quotes adulting Oh my god, this is savage right and so then another person says in quotes just gonna drink my coffee. I told you guys that millennials are canceled this year. And you should say I believe meals are monsters and I stand by that. And then somebody wrote I hate adulting Just give me a slice of pizza and wine like says Rebecca you're 32 and an alcoholic Please sit down to Gen Z are saying cuz they do see us be like, Oh my god, I just see my wine. I got white claw. I mean Oh man, this is this is us are blasting I like this so hard. I need pizza and a white claw. Okay, we do this every every weekend. We're like, let's just order pizza and it is like Millennials are obsessed with like wow, actually pizzas ariens the experience? Yeah, I think it's why a lot of millennials are having trouble with COVID because there's no experience is happening so we're all just blacking out on our couch. I know some millennials have actually like fought back He's not perfect tide pods are the example right so that's oh we really gonna listen to kids that do and let me tell you about Tick Tock it's owned by Chinese company and yes they're tracking everything you do on it. So okay from going on seeing those 22 year olds with those swept well that's what we have to talk about is why what is up which NZ and there's everything is more fluid I think their genders sexuality, maybe spiritual right everything is more fluid it's very fluid like it's a where it's kind of like it's kind of not awkward but it's like maybe they don't have not like that anymore where we're like oh, but they like to be unique that's the thing Yeah, I don't want to be like I wear all Navy. True which says anymore but I guess millennial like Old Navy. Wow. Well, yeah, so people like I will only Nike and and Gen Z's will be like, Oh, I get it from the boutique shop up the street. My clothes or you know, whatever it is. I rummage through the riffraff. I love going to Goodwill and just yeah, so they're very like Earth savvy. They're very like aware and Wolk Oh, thank you. And no one says that word anymore. That's how you know we're millennials. Yep, yep. Yep. Yeah. Whoa, I'm so woke. But like, what are they doing? What are the guys doing? I don't want to say boys because I think they're legal to be on Tick Tock you have to be I think, yeah, I don't really know that. I don't know the rules, but there's a lot of tick on Tick Tock. And like, sorry, I've sent me things where I'm like, listen to their parents know, they're posting this stuff. I mean, it's not one of the guys dads I showed you yesterday. The dad was on. This guy's so happy that it made him look really young. Uh huh. I was like, Oh, he's so hot. And then also the dad couples like Oh, he's like, not my age, but he's like 4050s I would not say 4070 like I was a gray beard. I'm full gray beard. Okay, but yeah, so the TIC tocs your it shook us by so there was also say the best meme I've seen. So do you remember like when it was emo and kids were getting like hair colored pee. Oh yeah. in green, dark and Oh fucking. I hate everything. So somebody posted a picture of a girl with really dark eyeshadow with a pink hair pale and says I'm literally so glad I'm not a millennial I'd rather be associated with top dances and whatever the hell this is. And it's a picture for that girl that's again so true I come up Roman arch emo phase it kind of high school was it looked bad? I mean, it looks really bad. I mean, it was not a good look for anyone remember like the bracelets with those like stabby metal things on it? Yeah, anything from hot topic? It's like it wasn't cute then. How is hot topics still open? That's why I keep wondering to him like who's my nose and listen, I was in that you were dark was dark your dark twisted. I wanted to be dark. I wanted to be something I was happy which was not gay. I didn't want okay. I'm just emo I'm not a queer. No, not queer. I just I like I just like gender fluid. Maybe I like guys. Maybe I'll kiss a guy in email. Oh, in the news, my favorite brand to use. He would kiss like people and he was like straight. But it was like I was like, Oh, that's like so Fun, he can just be himself and Wow, he could just kiss me. And he did. And he did. You're welcome. You're welcome. This is a plug for the US. And also that's a millennial thing because they're 20 years old. According to analytics. We have a lot of money listeners. So yeah, we're not really pandering to the gen Z's, the gen Z's. They're like, well, these old fat Fox are trying to tell me right do like Here they go again. Where's Okay, Boomer? Yeah, I mean, they're probably calling me a fucking Boomer. They do fish. I know. They need a little sense of history. They do. They don't have it yet. They need to. They have time. They have time. But again, so all this was right, like riling me I got riled up. We were pissed off at Gen Z. So then fast forward to the Trump rally. And I was like, well, well, let me take a second look at Gen Z, savage bitch. Keep sharing keep secretly, totally enjoying Trump's rallies, like do what you need to do, just because they're here. Apparently they're paying attention like they're really paying attention. I mean, I think everybody's kind of floored at this. They really knew the story like some people are denying the story like of course conservatives are, Transcribed by https://otter.ai