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Nov. 13, 2019

Manifest What We Want / Spirituality Talk With Manjii

Manifest What We Want / Spirituality Talk With Manjii

The time has finally come for our studio interview with Manjii. The insightful, spiritual, free two spirit Manjii gives us everything we want and more. We talk about standing up for how you feel, human intuition, soul mates, love and much more.

You can Find Manjii at https://www.instagram.com/indagolden/

Music throughout the episode: http://www.soundcloud.com/TheFuturewizard

The Future Wizard is Legit good and you should listen to their stuff

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Speaker 1:

She's not

Speaker 2:

doing so well. She's not doing so well. Send you questions and get advice. Bobby and bugs. They're really nice with new topics on every week. Salary thing and LGBT. She's not doing so well. She's not doing so well.

Speaker 1:

My levels are always

Speaker 3:

welcome to. She's not doing so well. The podcast that is unhinged in on filter. Little with a side of Sweden. Fun. Now you're, they are Bobby and his butts.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 1:

I'll cut this out early. Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of she's not doing so well. I'm Bobby and I'm Jim. I was gonna try to be cute and do like another little like now. I'm like your grandparents. You'll miss me when I'm gone. I'm still at Raymond Schumer. I still like half my shit from Amy Schumer. Sorry. Oh, did she say that? Yeah, that's good one. I know. She's really good. She was good. She profesh but it's not as good anymore. Why it won't get into that now. Okay. She's a sellout. Don't tell Netflix. Well, Verdi. No thanks. They got her. You got to Netflix. You're right. You're sold out. You're trapped. Sorry. Um, so this week's episode is a very interesting one. We had the one, the only[inaudible],

Speaker 5:

my G G

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[inaudible] was on Manji. We also have my friends here. Oh, I love them. It was so fun. I love them. It's weird like it get, it gets deep in this episode when I'm talking about like my friends and just like what a soulmate is and all that. It's like very, we get very deep with Manji. We go deep, real deep. I mean tunnel all the way to China. Literally her, I mean it felt that way sometimes. You know, Monte is a very, you know, it's really, he's a great person. He brought me flowers I guess us, but I was here before. Oh wait, did first of all, when he rang the bell, I am the only person who got up and went down to open the door. We all were like[inaudible] I don't know if he's here. It'd be, that's a clip. I uploaded someone over Instagram pizza. I was like, no, no, no. That's that person we invited over. Yeah. I opened the door. He's holding a rainbow bouquet. How sweet. I mean, he's coming to a stranger's house and he's bringing flowers like, and he was just hugs and love and yeah. You know, he's connected. He's very connected with himself, with the universe now with us. Think God with us or goddess. Sorry. Thank God us with us. Someone, someone or the universe. Yeah. I think the universe for connecting us. Thank you again. Like attracts like. So here are, I don't know why we're together, but universal is like, let's see how fucked up we can be. Let's put them together, put them together and let's see how long they can last. We're like, yeah, 15 episodes. This might be the last except for the commercial we made was fucking unbelievable. So you're welcome everyone for that. Yeah, you're welcome. I did a little voiceover work. I had to start paying him a lot more now. Yeah, I sold out. Except we still can't see your face, Wilson. No, no, no, no. That's not happening. Not allowed. And I like it. I think it's a thing. I think people don't are like if you don't under, if you haven't noticed, I don't know what the fuck you're doing but get with it. Jim doesn't show his face all the way. He's almost like Wilson from home improvement. It's scarred and I'm afraid to show it. Ashley was pissed at w why only pet? She's like, you know you guys could have more listeners if like Jim just showed his face cause he's really killed me. I was like well I mean someone has the hots for me. I'm like wow, as she should, as they all do as they all do. I'm hot. It was a great weekend though with them. What did you do? Cause I like missed it. I was working as usual. We went to the Ohio state game. We'd like to have gated. We, I mean we did a lot of fun stuff. We went to um, they went to other world, which have you been the other world yet? No, but you were telling me about Friday at work. So Michael took Emma and Ashley to other world and they look fucking love and people were writing. I'm like, where are you? Are you in Austin? Are you in Atlanta? It's like, no bitch, you're in Columbus. Right? Like thank you Columbus. Uh huh. I love it. Sorry Emma, I'm giving you shit but I don't really care cause I love you all. It's fine. Which is, what is that? It's fine. It's fine. What is that about? So we're watching the football. Well I'm kinda scattered here right now in my head cause I have so many stories when we go on. But that's like the slogan of the weekend. We're actually getting tattoos now called and actually just screamed randomly in the middle of downstairs. We were sitting there watching football and she goes, it's fine. And everybody was like looked over and was like, were you? And then she started crying, laughing and when it hits you, she's like, I was talking to myself. But then it came out loud and we were like laughing so hard. So then the whole rest of the time we're like, it's fine, it's fine. Oh my God. Yeah. But it was a really fun, but I was giving him a shit because she's like, I don't know how you live in this cold weather. I'm like, you know what, you just kind of do. Guess what happened today in Austin? Did it snow? Yep. It was 30 fucking degrees and it was like icy stone. I'm like, you know what? So I text her. I mean, I'm talking like 60 air. Yup. I said, how do you even live in Austin? And I send the picture of the weather radar. I'm sorry about when I was talking to her about it. I was like, so what's the weather in the summer? She's like triple digits every day. I'm like, no, no, no. I don't want it. Yeah, that's what I don't like the nine. Thank you. That's what I said. No, no, no. I get it. I don't know how you live in Austin to be honest. I like Austin, but it's just too fucking hot. Like I can't, I don't want to be sweating in may. I want to walk with sweat. Yeah. You don't need sweat under your, your BTS band. Yeah. I say BTS. I like BTS. Yeah. These are just me and my[inaudible], but yeah, so, well, I'm glad she got a little taste of snow today. Yeah, I'm on. That's for you. That's for you honey. Fine. Um, so yeah, we had a really good weekend. Um, am I left early on on Sunday? I know that's sad. But then we had Sunday fun day. Me, Ashley, Sarah and Michael. You hit all the best spots. Oh my God, I'm jealous. It was like one of those days where it's like we weren't, well, we were drunk. I'll have to show you the video. It's actually the video of Ashley now. Oh my God. I, I need to get a permission. She won't let me. I can't post it, but I will show it's that bad. It's just Ashley being asked. She's like, she has her back. She like drags it outside. She's waiting for Uber and she's like, where's Joe SEF? And she's just gone on and on and on about like how she, if she missed her flight, she could show him how she could try to do circus so late. I mean it's UN, it's ha it's Ashley. Like that's so she got on the flight and they were like, do not serve this passenger. Yes. She goes, I don't know why I fucking had my sunglasses on. I go, you probably should keep him on just just FYI cause we had like, I mean it was so much fun. It was so fun. I love friends. Weekends the best. They're like my people. I'm just glad I got to meet them cause I've heard you talk about that so much. The thing is thought they were fake. Now they're real. Yeah. Now I know they are so real. Um, Ashley really connected with Manji. She did. I, I mean they, they're probably sending[inaudible] right now. Like might have combined, they're actually, they're now one spirit. Yeah. Together I think. I think they are, I know they babies and said it to mom. She literally was talking to her. He, he like moved around the room to be next to her and was like, I just feel connected. This isn't the first like 10, 10 minutes. I was like, I'm by you. I feel connected. And I was like, I just stood by her and then she turned to him and then her eyes, yeah, changed y'all. And then they were like, then they were both like talking to each other and we were not there talking about taro. Shakras they were low, high. Remember why you're here. We need to go upstairs to the studio. You know me how I get. Yeah, you were like headphones on, ready to go. They're downstairs. Commuting. It's fine. You know, it's awesome. Um, did she ever get a reading from him? That was one thing I know because Sunday we went and had somebody fun one day and we just, I want them to do a reading on me, but I'm terrified. I'm terrified. I mean, I want you to tell me the truth, but only the truth that I can handle. So I don't want you to do a reading and maybe like some revelation that just knocks me off my access and I'm done. There's like flat on the ground sobbing. He's like, Oh, Mike. Well no, that was not what I was expecting. You're not supposed to know that stuff. Pick another card. I think I'm done. You said no bad stuff, huh? Oh, we didn't hit the camera. Just hit it. We'll just take clips. Fuck it honey. Fuck it. Uh, sorry. We're trying to get screamed. He's screaming. I'm trying to learn to film to like, everybody's like make a YouTube page. I'm like, so there's this thing called patron. It's called P. well, Hey Trian. I never heard of it on Patrell and patriarch patroned. It's a tequila that was basically you have different levels and if people pay you like a dollar a month, a$2 a month, one and only little package fans. We can have like bonus material, like the game we played with all my friends. That could be like a bonus episode like that. Like us in the hot tub. Well I dunno, just like doing random stuff. Random stuff that nobody else can see though. If they join and they donate to our cause, I mean first we have to get them to want it. We gotta go on it, listen to the free stuff. I mean, before we can pay for the stuff, I'm just like, do it. I'm going all out. I already have a page look us up. She's not doing swell on Patrion on Patreon. Patreon. Got Tom patch on. Um, but yeah, I think we should have, I mean I'd pay pay for us, pay for me, pay for me. We're really trying to make this something special. We really are special. It is. It's really a hustle though, man. You're hustling, man. I'm hustling, man. You're a hustler. You know what? I love it. I love the opening of this. I love the feeling of just like accomplishment. Like you made that commercial and I've never seen you happier. It's weird. I need to get a new career. I think now it's time to change paths. Yeah. It might be time to change paths. A baby. I'll ask Manji is it time for Magii if you're listening texts me. No, I want to in-person reading. You need an in person reading. Okay. Okay. I wish she could talk to the dad, which we didn't even ask them. Probably can probably can. Probably has. Probably is right now. He's probably talking to my grandma and she's like, he's probably like, is anyone ever really dead? Oh God. And that's gonna open my fucking mind. Oh, now we're back to the death. Death. We're just going back and forth from you. Oh no. Oh yeah. We've got to get back to LGBT. Okay. And LGBTQA plus. But, um, I had somebody who messaged me randomly, so it starts this one how I know it's starting to pick up. Okay. Um, she was on Instagram and she messaged me and she's like, tells me this whole thing about being BI and how she feels like the B and LGBT is like taken not serious and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. True. So we started talking. We were like, okay, like we've been brainstorming and now I think what I want to do is have like a panel. So we'll have like us obviously where the GS, then we'll have like Roxy Nicole. Okay. We'll have the girl that's by, okay. We'll have Carrie who's straight. Yup. Whoo. And then he's the plus. So we need to find like a pan. We need to find a non-binary. Yeah, I think that'd be something outside the gender and like maybe have people ask any or like maybe we throw up topics like what are your thoughts on, I don't know anything. Yeah. So we'll like, we'll think about this, but yeah, that's kind of going to be an episode coming up. We also like it and then we can talk about how we feel about each other in general. Right? Like how do I capitalize beings view gay men, gay men view how to, yeah. Yeah. Cause it, if we're honest, if honest, we're honest, some hangups aren't there. There are some hangups and there are some. Unfortunately, there are some things I'd like to talk about. Oh, now with the yells. Oh yeah, we have problems. FMLS them fucking ALS. We love you. Actually I do like the ELLs, but I just feel like there's a disconnect for whatever reason. Yeah. At times. At times. So that's going to be a fun episode. Um, we also, uh, I reached out to plenty of cookies. What? Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't reach too far here. Oh, I reached and she wrote back and she wants to be on the show. She's out of town this week, but we're gonna try to get her on. Yeah. And we still go. You're kidding me because I've seen her perform. Yeah. All these drag shows for years. Yeah. And then she sorta like disappeared and now I guess apparently she opened up her own. Oh. Because she became famous. Basically the puppies. Got it. She makes cookies. I'm gonna ask her to make us cookies. If you look at them on, it's like, is this real? It's actually like you don't want to eat them. You're like, I don't so pretty. I don't know. I want to frame them and put them on the wall. I wonder if you and then eat them secretly. I'd ask if you could like make them hard and then like Frank or like, I don't know, make them hard. Just always have them out. Oh, Oh. Like just to look to be like these little cookies. Right. They're not for eating cause it's art. I mean it's really, really awesome. But, Oh my God, I would love to talk to her. So she's going to come on the show. Yes. And talk to her. Okay. Um, I don't know if she's going to be in her get up or not, but, and maybe he, yeah, which that's fine too. Oh, 100%. But it will be plenty of cookies while on stage. Plenty of smiles, isn't it? Yes. There's plenty of smiles. That's how I knew her. Well it is plenty of smiles within her company. I think it's plenty of cookies that you call it. That's why. That's why I keep[inaudible] on TV. Yeah. It's plenty of smiles. Go ahead. Good. Yeah, I just was like plenty of cookies cause I just keep seeing that. So that's what makes me think of that. I'm so excited. So that's kind of the housekeeping, I guess I wanted to get out of the way. Obviously subscribing our website's full blown or we have our blog. That one. Yeah. I love to blog. We started, we're gonna start doing more blogs, like with our guests. Like I gotta send Manji a questionnaire. So if you have questions for Manji DME us, us, I can, I control the Instagram. So DM me, I'm just one of the buds. We just got a bud here but we had all the buds in here for the[inaudible] buds. Yeah, last week. So, um, I have one question cause I keep glancing in the corner of my eye. There are these terrifying black uh, clay things that look like teeth. They are on the window sill. They're my teeth. What I, why are there, I've got a new night guard today cause I basically worn mine down so bad that I was like, maybe I need a new one. Cause it's like, I mean it's like you, I'm almost getting polarized. It's crazy. It's insane. How old is it? It's like two and a half years. So it's had a lasting five, like insurance won't cover it until five years or four years. I'm a real grinder though. I'm like, I grind hard when I grind, I grind. I always, so anyway, I go in there and he's like, sit down. I'm like, aren't we just trying on a fucking like, Oh, I just try it on my prep. Like what are we doing here? You're making me sit and lay back. He was a little bear. Oh, I mean he was on our team, his family, he's sticking his fingers in his mouth. No, actually he's like hair, but this mouth guard and so I put, I put the mouth guard and he like adjusts it and he like shaved it down. But then he's like, do you want, you're in PR. I said, it's amazing how they do it now. Like it's, they did this like electronic scan. They don't even have to do like the cleaning where that makes you feel like you're choking. Oh my God. They're like, just breathe. I'm like, the tongue is, my tongue is in my throat and I cannot, I know. I don't know how I'm going go through it. Yeah. And I'm like, Oh my God, this, that's gotta be one of your phobias. Like you'd die in a dental chair. And actually the, when we were doing the impression she couldn't get the machine to work. So she's like the old school waggle Oh no, no, no, I'll wait. I'm like, I'm not doing that fucking rejection claim. Reboot that computer. I am not doing that. I'm like, why don't you hit that button? I'm like, I am not control alt, delete. Try it. You guys need to figure this out cause I am not getting the clay. So whatever. So he brings me in, blah blah blah. And he's like, Hey, these are your impressions that were from that electronic scan. And I'm like, Oh cool. And he's like, you can keep them if you want. We already have it in our database. I was like, okay. But he's like, but you can get teeth whitening trays with them, but you have to bring back your impressions. I'm like, okay. So I'm gonna look a joke. Carry them around. I was like, these are going in my studio. Sorry. Oh my God. They're actually my really good teeth. Sorry. They told her the grind. I mean, except they're, they're all like widowed down to whittled down to nothing. Yeah, I know. I'm really sad. I didn't get my whatever. Now my shit and grit always having a stroke. Not again. Can you raise your right arm now? Your left term, what arm? No, I feel great. Okay. So, um, without further ado we should further down. So before we get to the interview, I want to introduce our musical guests of the week. Future wizard, future wizard. He's from Austin, Texas. We'll put his links up, but this is his song. I love it. Prism purism and now and now future wizards. Prism

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, the interview with Martin

Speaker 6:

[inaudible]. [inaudible]

Speaker 7:


Speaker 1:

yes. Has your levels. Okay. My levels are always,

Speaker 6:


Speaker 8:

get on my, so we're here today with a really, um, awesome person. Go ahead and introduce yourself. Hi everybody. I'm Manji Manji jeez. Here Bobby. People may recognize that voice. They will because he was in a preview. Well, okay, so I met Manji. Okay. Okay. Okay. Let me just tell the story. Right. Okay. So I saw Manji dancing his ass off at the bar and I was like, I, it was like some sort of like, I don't even know what song was, but he was just living his fucking best life. And I was like, okay, this guy looks really interesting to talk to. So I was like, let me go talk to him. Well first of all, I want to make sure, okay, I'll keep telling the story. Sorry. So we did a little interview and he met my cousin and my other, my two cousins, Heather and the other one, Michelle, Michelle, there's nothing wrong with no, some people don't want their names used. So that's why I was like, Oh, so anyway, you talk to them and it was very impactful for them. Especially Michelle. She had talked to you and she was like crying and you were talking to her and you, we had talked before we got on this podcast about how when you do readings and stuff and when you, you do like intuitive readings, is that right? And so I felt like you really connected with her and you knew what she was going through and you kind of took her to the side and you were like, I need a moment with her. So that's why. So we put, so we, I did a little street interview with you. It was very like, it was very, it was awesome. It was awesome. And the thing about it is it was like, okay, this is at the bar, let's do this at a more like formal setting with microphones and stuff like that. So that's why we brought Manji back and I'm so excited to ask questions and that we have a panel here as well. We have my friend Ashley say hello. We have my partner Michael. Hi everybody. We have my other friend Emma. Hi y'all. And we're all here and we have Jim Cod. I was like and gem. Oh and I'm Bobby and we're going to, we're going to kind of do like an open forum. I want everybody to kind of participate. If you have a question, Bobby in beds, it's all the bus. Oh, Oh. It is official. And I have other buds out there. So don't feel left out. A feet are not in the, in the

Speaker 9:

room or if he forgets your name. Sorry Jim. Okay, so I want to ask a question to start. Yes. And I want to talk about two spirit because you mentioned that and I want it to be very clear.[inaudible] so we were talking and we were trying, what is your PR like? Okay. Are you too spirit? I am too spirit. Okay.[inaudible] and when you look, what is your pronouns? So I don't believe in pronouns personally because I feel like they objectify people and I feel like that, that's just my personal opinion. I feel like it's a consciousness device that is used to divide people. And I feel like if we all accepted each other as who we are and used a more neutral word for each other, it would probably be easier for us to identify one another for who we are, like our names. So when I say something like, do I just say like Magii instead of he, I think that'd be great. Okay. I just want to clear that up honestly. Okay. I'd just like, I don't like being called they them there because I have always felt like in it. Okay. Because of my own personal sexual journey and also not sexual journey at all. Like more does internal discovery, myself, person life thing. Um, because I hadn't harmonized with what the status quo was for most of my life. So yeah, I just, I think it's weird to be called day then they're personally okay. I agree. I think it's very interesting when they're like, they, it's hard for me to, it's hard for me cause I'm, I'm part of the social, what's up? Am I trying to sell? It's hard for you, but is it hard for them? Right. I know, I know. I know. Immediate, it's hard to say one Justin using he and she, what are you a boy? Are you a girl? And then that's it. It's like, tell me, I need to know. And that's also the question. Ask each other's would ask me a lot. Yeah. And it kind of was very intrusive. Like why do you even care? Right? Like I'm sorry, I walked into the room. I'm bothering you. Excuse me. Yeah. I just, for me, I wanted to make sure that before we even get started, we don't want to make sure, I don't want to be like, Oh, he's so like, yeah, I don't mind. You do what you want. Okay. Okay. Okay. Cause I, I'm just gonna call you mom. You, I know that you're appreciating me. Yes, for sure. And you're not trying to be like, no, no. Are you a boy or you are a girl, you know, like I'm cool. Yeah. You've presented as masculine and feminine on your Instagram, which we love. We're obsessed with. We both are like text each other. We're like Manji posted. Oh yeah. Oh, she, I'm not even kidding. No. Ashley will text me and go, Oh my God, I love Manji. I'm like, what? What he posts what he posts. I've literally got to like cry. But no, you're very inspirational. Like you're very, um, just the things that you say are, are right. It's true. And nobody wants to think and say those kinds of things and you just say it and you don't care. You don't care. I want to say first and foremost that I am not perfect. And I do say shit all the time that I regret sometimes, but I'm letting go of my regrets all the time because I know that they don't serve me. But at the same time I am aware of what I say and sometimes it's not the best thing to say. I'm not perfect. I mean human being. And I want to say that first and foremost. Um, but I really do appreciate you that you guys love my content and what I resonate. Like I read them and I'm like, well that's not something I would post cause I would, I might be embarrassed or I might think, Oh people think, Oh he's being a little Spacey and, but I read them. I'm like, okay,

Speaker 8:

it makes sense. Good place in this great place and it makes sense for, there's one video of you that you said like, you guys are all doing great and you know, it's like, okay, who are you talking to? Yeah. It's like it made me feel like you're talking to me, right? Cause I want great, you're doing great and love yourself and dah dah, dah. And I'm like, Oh my God. So long story short to button that up. We are so glad you're here. Thank you. So glad I'm here. Happy that I'm here. But back to the question and the question, what, what is to spirit spirit to you? Like when did you discover what it was? How did you discover you were to spirit?

Speaker 9:

So I want to go into how I discovered what two spirit wise because I feel like that is where I kind of discovered all of that information and it was a beautiful time in my life that I would love to share. Okay. Um, so, uh, this was about, I don't even know now, like four, five, six years ago could be any of those numbers. Um, I was called to journey in my heart. I felt it coming. It was like, like a snowball kind of thing where I was like meeting more spiritually enlightened people. Um, I was experiencing different States of consciousness that I had never experienced before, like doing LSD, mushrooms, but also transcendental States. That would just happen to me, you know, like, you know, I'd just be like laying in my bedroom and then all of a sudden I'd see like beautiful rainbow, like snaky things before I went to bed and symbols and like colors and I didn't know what the hell that was. I was like, Oh, what the hell does that scare you? Initially I was kind of afraid of that. I was like, um, what is happening to me? I thought I was going crazy for a minute, for a while. Actually I did think that I was going crazy, but then I started to recognize that, you know, if it was this was ha, if it was happening naturally and it was something that was patterned, maybe it was just something that was designed within me and I started to accept it more and then I started seeing it more because I wasn't afraid of it. And the less that I was afraid of it, the more that it had presented itself as something that was harmonious with who I am. And so when I started to understand that and get more into understanding what was going on with me, I started to meet people that were a part of my Tsonga. And a Songa is a spiritual group of manifested beings on the planet who are journeying toward a similar type of enlightenment in life or similar ideal. Um, and this is just from research like you just for like, I'm gonna figure out what's going on. So how did you meet these people? Um, this was just happenstance. Um, so I wouldn't, I like to use the word coincidence because it explains the situation in a way that is understandable by the human consciousness. Right. But, um, I would say that it was very aligned that it was just something that happened because of where I was, where I saw the universe brought you. Is that some absolutely. Fully on board with this. I'm fully on board with the universe. Yeah. Same now universe, freeing God, goddess, whatever you want to call it. It is what it is. Right? That's what I believe. Anyways. So that came to me and started the line, these beings up into my life and it was beautiful. Um, I met one of my favorite people in the world. Yirah I re I miss her. It's bittersweet. Um, she's still alive. Yeah. She's still in this, uh, on, no, I don't know where sh she is she on this plane? She's definitely on this plane. Okay. Um, she's probably being fabulous somewhere awesome right now probably in new Orleans. I don't know. I can feel, I feel that which[inaudible] like that who do shit. Um, but yeah, so I met her and we started to go to these spiritual gatherings together and um, these gatherings were oriented towards light. Um, what were they even called? Rainbow. They weren't rainbow tribe. No, that was a different thing. Um, how do you find these groups? Um, so honestly it was just another happenstance experience where I was, you know, going to concerts, talking to people about consciousness. I think that I started meeting people like that when I would go to, um, like music festivals. There was this like, um, dome that they would set up and it would be like different workshops would be in it and people would talk about like what they're doing in life and then they would talk about things like, you know, women's image, you know, rape culture and stuff that you just need to know in life to like kind of be nice to everybody. Right. But also they did like, you know, guitar lessons and shit. But then I started talking to these people and then they had intentional communities and I think one of them is called interwoven or something like that. And there's one in Indiana that we would go to and that's where you're in. I decided to go together to one of these events with our friend Tammy. And so when I got there, it wasn't because I had been a couple of years before, it wasn't the same this time the energy was very different. Everybody felt it and it was like very powerful souls were there. I mean like every single person that I met at that gathering, I knew them like it was just weird. I knew their faces, their outfits felt familiar. So it just felt like Boke yeah, go ahead. Well I'm just saying like when you say that you feel like you've seen them like in a dream or in some pass experience that you went through before, it was just an uncanny familiarity. That was, I get that almost like bone shaking. Yeah. I, it's totally relatable. I've heard a lot of people being like, I swear I just met my grandmother from a past life or something like that that you know. But um, do you have something to say? Well no, I just like it that like a lot of times I'll see faces, I'm like, God, I know I've seen that face before, but where did I see that face? And I have a connection to it but I can't put my, you know, I've always felt like you had like some sort of spirituality universal like you do angel cards, like you like being in touch with very intuitive, intuitive. And I was reading about that today cause you made a comment to me, you're like a human intuition and stuff like that. And I was actually reading about it and it's like, it's really so that, I dunno, I'm not gonna get into that right now. Totally. Blockading right now I just have so much to say. I know you would a full range of topics that could go on forever and I would love to do other talks about it. I want to hear what happened at this inner woven[inaudible] no, no you didn't. You did totally answer. It's okay. And I think that was totally something that was not off topic. Um, you were so honey. They weren't, you were so where was I even? Oh, the inner Whoa, like you've seen them before. You knew about them. Yeah, so I ended up meeting this guy named Jesse and he is still one of the coolest cats I ever met in my whole life. He was wearing like this old leather like how boy hat. Oh, with a coyote tail and he had long hair and these eyes that looked like Jesus's eyes and like just, just so much character like pins and Bobbitt's and whose it's everywhere.

Speaker 10:

[inaudible] taps on[inaudible] extra cap. I would know him in a different way. I love it. So

Speaker 9:

we all had a good time. It was a beautiful shindig. There was a bonfire, there were kids running around, people were just being themselves, very expressive, very tribal. There was like tribal dancing around the fire. It would do like no dancing. I'm not, well, I mean like it could have happened, but like it was just not that space because there were children and also there were a lot of people that were not a part of that. There were a lot of introductory people there. Okay. So like it's about that. We'll get into that later. Okay. Yeah. So anyways, yeah, I mean the, yeah. He's like, did you see anyone new girl I have sitting in faithful knee of though? I love nudity. Definitely have that conversation sometime. Um, I love me too. Everybody does. It's so fun. Um, so we're all at this beautiful bonfire and it's a beautiful piece of land out. And I think Andy and I have a terrible memory, but maybe not. I don't know. It's, it's here and there. Um, and we all came together and had these spiritual experiences with each other. So it was kind of like we attracted each other spiritually and we're bouncing off one another and then it became this fluid, beautiful thing that happened. And then there was like, I had this trying with a beautiful girl from I think many Apolis and then another girl named Hart. Oh. And we like created this trying together like all three of us, like facing each other like a triangle. And we held hands together and we had this meditative state that happened to us and it was like super beautiful. I wish if I get into that. And it was like we look like this. I felt this light going through our feet in like our heart shockers opened and they like went together and like shot this beautiful energy wave into like the atmosphere and like we sent this like love rocket into the atmosphere and it was just like this protective love energy. And it was just so powerful. And I remember just feeling like, Oh, fully connected 100% connected in a way that I've never felt like, not just like grow, you know, like when you ground you're like, ah, I feel more centered. It was more like I am 100% connected to Edward to be with who I'm supposed to be. Like it was beautiful. So before this, did you ever feel connected to anything or was this like your first real like did you have I have before. Um, I had a Kundalini experience when I was probably about like 20, 21 years old. Or how old now? 28. One second to what Kundalini is the spirit. Well, it's a name of, there's many names of it. Prawna G and other words. Um, Kundalini is an energy that runs up your spiritual Meridian grid system that's in your body. Okay. So it goes through your authentic body and your physical body and the energy can like raise you to elevated States, but it also can enhance your human experience in a way that is kind of really intense because it's not easy for everybody. Like when you go through it, it's like kind of you go through like adolescence through it, you have like mood swings, it's very emotional rockets of like it's vision. You have to be in a certain mind frame at that point. Is that, is there a term like mindfulness or only mind frame? I think it's literally like, um, like your S you're like, you're on my, your higher self, your, your, your, your true beingness that's emanated from a different place in this or, but it's also this place,

Speaker 8:

so you're not in like a high Iowasca. You're like literally just your physic. That's what I've heard about like Hiawatha. Like people do that to like go from one, I don't know, to like discover themselves. Iowasca is used to,

Speaker 9:

um, bring you into a state of consciousness where you aren't separated from that spiritual realm and it helps you to cleanse your spirit and your body and your mind and things like that. Um, but this is more so like have a, just, it's just a human experience that is connected to everybody. Everybody can have this experience and it was actually sought after and multiple, um, ancient communities for thousands of years. And it was something that was like common knowledge and also like, um, most everybody had the opportunity to do so in the past. And so when it happens to people that like lay person's like us,

Speaker 8:

we're just like, whoo, fuck what's happening. You had had like multiple experiences like that, but then when you were in this

Speaker 9:

group group people then you aligned with this energy and it was more so something that happened from the earth. Okay. And then after that experience, my heart was attuned to the vibration of the planet. I'm like, wow. And it has stayed that way and I have been a planetary empath ever since that moment. So you are opened up

Speaker 8:

[inaudible] sounds bad, but like you're opened up to the world at that point. Like, yeah, we're open to new ideas and my entire consciousness was downloaded and then

Speaker 9:

corporated into the, the Earth's grid. And I had no knowing or consent. It, it just happened and it was probably something that I can send it in my past or my higher self did it, I don't know, it was just this, this is so I do meditate. Um, I do and I don't, um, lately I have been practicing more yes. And my past I practice even more than I do now. Um, but now is like a different time and we, we, we, we, we'll definitely get into that later

Speaker 8:

because I feel like you, you, I feel you're very confident in who you are now and hearing these stories, it was like a lot of self discovery and so like maybe you did meditate a lot to try to figure out who you were, but really you needed to have some experience. Like you just said, the other two people did, they have the same situation. They definitely experienced

Speaker 9:

something. And one of them is a visionary artist and the other one, um, is a like I think a yoga, like a ma yoga master teacher and also does like Emma, you're a yoga

Speaker 8:

master. What's your best move masters? I did 200 hour. That's not a master. That's like introductory too. But seriously though, thank you for doing that for yourself and others. Thank you. That's awesome. Yeah, thanks yoga. It's a very therapeutic mind, body, soul, spirit connection. I have tried it many times and I do some small movements. I have tried like we're doing it tomorrow morning, right Bob that Oh my God, if Bobby's going to try, well we're going to the game tomorrow too. But I would love to do yoga and stuff. I would love to do like a spiritual awakening. Well girl, that's going to be an overhaul, that conversation later time. We need more time[inaudible] and all that kind of time this weekend. So actually what happened after

Speaker 9:

you became in tune with your earth in that way, how did that lead you to be discover being two spirited? So when I was at that place and we had that harmonization, other harmonizations happened, um, where the earth brought these people from the, uh, Lakota Sioux, um, tribal nation. And they came to speak with us about what was the atrocities that were happening to them in the reservation. And so my grandmother, who was that we know of Apache and Blackfoot, um, was a very powerful influence in my life, uh, in a way that I can't even describe. Um, and so there was like that connection, but also just like the resonance and what they were speaking about and the people that we were surrounding. And also this new feeling inside of my, my heart that I had never felt before. Um, I immediately was called to go and help them and be a part of that movement. And I had no question. Um, there was no yes or no. It was just I'm going to be there and I'm going to support these people in any way, shape or form. And so I went and it was a beautiful experience. It was, um, very many words. Um, not always good, not always bad, sometimes tragic. Sometimes very amazing and spiritual and powerful. Um, um, so as far as two spirit, so yeah, two spirit. Actually I have a question. What do you mean by becoming part of that movement? So did you go somewhere? Um, so I traveled with, um, a group of folks that went out. Actually my friend Kyla drove us out to Mississippi stand, which was a smaller, um, protest for a pipeline that was going through the Mississippi river that was going underneath or like through a fault line, a major fault line and the most abundant river system in our entire country that provides water to millions of people. Um, and it was right beside a fertilizer plant, which is highly dangerous and explosive and terrible for the environment. If there was anything that was to happen to that. So I went there and support of those people and it was a beautiful experience. I learned about protesting, I learned about violin protesting and learned about nonviolent protesting. And I definitely harmonize with the nonviolence. I did a lot of meditation and things like that with the people there. Um, and then I met another cat. I will not say their name. Um, that took me up to standing rock because I was called to go there. That was where I was trying to go. And originally, but I felt like Mississippi stand was kinda like the university and like you go a little baby years kindergarten if your foot in right. Go. Yeah. It was beautiful. It was so cute and like definitely whitewashed. But there was like native culture interwoven in it. But then I got to standing rock and it was such a culture shock, but it was beautiful. It was amazing. It was actually everything that I have wanted in my life. And um, I started protesting there with them. I started meeting natives and people there and then, um, I started meeting people like me there and I started to meet a lot of people like me there. Um, cause that the first time you've ever felt yeah, yeah, absolutely. It was the only place still to this day that I had ever felt at home. And you knew your grandma's connection there. So you had a family connection. Right. And that was deepening about our culture. And it's hard for me to even say that because I had been raised completely white and completely in this society. My grandmother definitely brought out the Sage. She brought out the Cedar, she had a trunk with all of her memorabilia. She had regalia, she had like ancient, beautiful jewelry that I don't know, like, you know, like things that like I see in my childhood and recognize, but like had no idea what it was. Um, now

Speaker 11:

and then[inaudible]

Speaker 9:

in standing rock when I met these people that I connected with, um, I didn't recognize how powerful that would be in my life now. Um, and I met a lot of two spirits there that were so connected to who they are and they had known their whole lives, who they were, and they had like a whole, like culture based around like being this person and they were represented and it was beautiful to experience. Um, and um, my best friend crystal, who was also to spirit, uh, lives up in Manitoba. Oh yeah. Okay. We are still very connected to each other like Winnipeg[inaudible] Hmm.

Speaker 10:

[inaudible] all right. The power of Olga place. Good luck. I love Canada. Goes to Montreal, Winnipeg, and speak French. And I know, yeah. So the hockey team there. Yeah. Yeah. There we go.

Speaker 9:

So after I met crystal, um, via the med wog is what we called it. It was a facility for medical use for people that were at camp that had been sick. We were both herbalists there and I love her. We were the, the nurses of sacred stone. It was beautiful. Um, but uh, she led me into the understanding of two spirit and what it means. And, um, she's Anishinaabi and that is a sub sect of CRE. Um, it's, um, a tribe up in Canada. Um, they were like the original people of Canada. Beautiful, amazing, big hearted, lovable individuals. Um, she taught me everything about it and like I started to resonate with everything that she was saying, like things that she had experienced in her own life and how she felt. And I was just listening to her story and it resonated so deeply with my own story. And she started to be like, Oh, well there's a two spirit camp over and Oh Chetty's taco queen. And I was like, Oh, let's go over there. Let's go chat. So you went to two spirit camp then? Yeah, so there was like a whole like, so there were different sub camps inside of the camps. So in sacred stone there was like a small little one. We were actually allotted yurts like I had my name on a lease for a yurt for the um, basically like we wanted to create a safe space for two spirits in our little, in the community within the bigger community. Yeah. So there were like three or four different, well there were actually like a whole bunch of camps that started popping up everywhere after like a certain time period. But originally there was sacred stone and then it became the overflow camp and then it was so chatty. And then there was also Rosebud. I think Rosebud was, might've been before. Oh chatty. But I don't really know, like whatever. I stayed at Rosebud for awhile and then so crystal was like, let's go see the two spirit camp. So that you can understand who you are. Right. And so I went over there and it was like literally going home[inaudible] this is where I suppose to awesome. It was. Yeah. Literally it was like, why haven't I met any of these people? Why isn't this a normal thing? Why isn't there like a normal like two spirit like Haven and every city, like every single town needs to have this and there's probably tons of two spirits in every city that more than they and probably some that don't even know their two spirit. Yeah, I'm sure that's a thing. Like there are so many people that have so many gifts in this world that are not allowed to speak because 100% socially discriminated against very rampantly. And if you say anything that is divergent from that specific topic of life, then you are scrutinized and demonized and rudely just accosted by people. But I am here to say that that is changing and it has been changing for a long time. A lot of people have been trying to suppress this, but it is something that is literally overflowing out of our consciousness currently. And there's no stopping it. It's like, how are you going to stop every bird from singing? Are you going to kill all the birds and the whole world, right? No, no, you can't do that because if you kill all of the birds, then you kill an entire species that literally stabilizes the ecosystem, right? Plants, seeds all over the planet, you know? So if we continue to overflow and just be who we are by being this beautiful river of consciousness, then we will achieve exactly what we desire in this world. And that is to be harmonious with who we are in harmonious with every single person on this planet. If only we all knew how to do that, to be honest. It's so, it's not a no, it's not a knowing that you have to, it's like you said with the land. This is sticking with me right now when you said, I don't even know where we are on the mic. So at that point, I don't know if we were, but you said, you know, this land isn't mine. This isn't our land. It's everyone's land. Like it's not like a specific group's land. It's everyone's land. Well, the thing about it is, is like land is an emanation of the spirit that is vibrating our consciousness. So it is no one's land. Right. And that's, there's no ownership to anything. We are all existing in this place and yeah, I completely resonate with that. You're making me think that's okay. It's so deep. Like it's so, no, it's not at, no, I don't remember really happy

Speaker 8:

about that. People had problems with is that they, they think this, they want to know more about it, but they're scared or they don't know where to go or who to, who to talk to because they're afraid that they're going to be judged and they're gonna be weirdos. Come talk to me where I, that's what I'm doing. Yeah, because I did that. I agree with that actually. I really do. And we had that connection. When I first met you, you even said, you said something to me and I don't remember what it was now, but you did say, actually I do remember you said you need more sex and then you laugh. Oh my God. No. And I was laughing so hard. I was like, he's probably right. Hopefully. So I just felt a little, and the way that you need at position, you deserve. I deserve it. But what I, when not the way you impacted my cousin. She was like, shook. She, I met her, she was shocked the next day she was talking about me. She goes, I, before you even told me about Magii, she came to me and how she doing her at this bar? Well, she's doing great. Oh. Oh. Oh, that wasn't very, yeah, I don't know. Oh, we can talk about. Yeah, let's talk about, um, but after that, but it was very, yeah, so amazed. She would just, you wouldn't believe on mind G he just talked to me and instantly connected and she almost started crying, telling me about it. Yeah. I mean, I was like packing her. Wow. I mean you, you were feeling this for real, like just, and that's why I never met her before. This is the first time I'd met her and she's telling me this like, Oh wow, you won't believe what Mangia and I talked about. So with that being said, I'd like to talk about the universe because you also mentioned that before. And actually when I asked you about when I S I said to you, I go, I want to interview you. And at that point I didn't know who you were. Like I saw you dancing, you were having your best life. I thought, Oh, he's like probably in a blackout. I'll ask him all these crazy questions. There'll be funny. Like we'll go on from that. And you said to me, you looked at me very dead serious and you're like, well, I want to talk about the universe. And I said, okay, like I love the universe. I am all about the universe. I believe in the laws of attraction. I believe in all that. So I was like, okay, let's talk. And so that was like almost the universe speaking to me. Like, Hey, this guy is special and different and you need to listen to him and learn from him. Well, so welcome. Um, so when it comes

Speaker 9:

almost to the universe, I first and foremost think of relationship. Um, I don't know why, but I feel like our connection to things and the way that we're connected to them is the most powerful thing that we experience. And you're speaking not physical things. I'm talking about every single thing that we do is a relationship. It's a communication. It's a vibration that is sent from something to us. We're receiving them through our senses and other senses and even higher senses than those senses, but also those relationships and the way that they're interwoven into our lives. And the menagerie he's and the practice Ally's expressions of them and their amounts in their quantities. And all of that is such a beautiful thing and paradigm to experience. And that's what we're experiencing. And there's no way to deny it. Right? And when you focus on how much of a blessing this really is, when you see truly who you are, when you see that you are literally alive in this place where other things like you are living and

Speaker 8:

other things that are not like you at all are living around and there could be a tiger over there, you don't know. Right. Um, it's kind of really cool. I think this is all amazing. Well, no, I was just thinking and that sense of like, you know, everything is physical. Oh yeah. It's, it's, it's kind of hard to hold onto the concept itself because it's, it's always felt like I'm all concerned about like Instagram and uh, you know, Oh, I've got to get my name out there in Balboa. And really it's the simple fact of just being alive that I need to be focused on and, and, and contributing. If it's five people or 5 million people that I reached with this podcast, I need to be satisfied either way. And that's what I'm getting at. I know I had a little block, Hey, but I carry you like strong, fully back, back. You're always focused on your numbers and I'm not all about if you can reach that one person. Right. Cause one person could hear this and go one person. I mean in any episode. Yeah. And that's all it should matter. It's right not matter who's lying on this crap I letting go saying that made me think about that excitation. You are receiving exactly the truth that you desire. Actions that I yeah. Yes, that's right. I'm on the PA. you're[inaudible] yeah, we're in the book and now you're on the page. Okay. And Ashley, you were going to say something. I know.

Speaker 12:

Yeah. I wanted to go into like do you believe in like soulmates and what does the soulmate to you?

Speaker 8:

So why, what I believe is that

Speaker 9:

there are,

Speaker 8:

there is every single possibility of what you desire in this universe every single day, no matter what you desire is achievable.

Speaker 12:

I see. For me, I don't think a soulmate is someone that you have to marry you here. I think your best friend could be someone that came across in change your life in a way. Like, I don't think it has to be, you know,[inaudible]

Speaker 8:

get married and settled down.[inaudible] but I don't even know if we're supposed to be with one person our whole lives.

Speaker 9:

I like, I will. Oh, I mean Michael was my person, right? I mean he is my persona, but like you're my person to[inaudible] so it's like how do you explain us because we have our own special bond and how do you explain us and how do you explain our relationship now? Like there's, it's just the way that like using, I think that labels and laws and dictations outside of your paradigm and constructing another person's paradigm should be eliminated. And unless it comes to physical, human harm and also like conscious, like deliberate millipede manipulation and control of others. And that's just the same thing, right? I mean like laws and other things that are dictating another person from doing what they desire to do. And then also somebody that is manipulating and controlling you. That sounds very similar, right? So it's like, why would any person deny somebody of what they desire other than to seek their own desire of manipulation towards you? So why the hell do we care so much about what other people are doing with their lives? It shouldn't matter. What matters is relationships, communication, us doing what we want to do, loving ourselves, enjoying our lives, loving our best lives, not just living our best lives, loving what we're doing in our lives matter. And I think that when it comes to soulmates, it's more so about what is it in that person that like connects you. And I think that the discovery of that relationship and where it can go and by having an untethered kind of approach to it is the best way that you can do it. And if you find that person, fuck yeah. And I think again, like I said, like Ashley, I mean I, I know like if I needed a hug, like a real hug or I needed like comfort and right here, like easily without, I mean it would just be even like giggling in the bed. Like just, I mean it's that sense of, Oh this is my sense of home and I, it's really kind of, it is like I'm not trying to get deep, but I, you know, this is so, but it is, you are my sense of home. Like you are my person that so like soulmates you say that and it's like, you know, so is Michael. Michael is my home. But like when you come here, when you're here, like I feel safe. I feel connected again. I feel, cause you been in my life for what, 28 years. That's a long time. I know. Yeah. So he's the only one I let that can actually yell at me and I like it.

Speaker 10:

Oh no, fuck is wrong with you.[inaudible] going to say to fall[inaudible]

Speaker 9:

what I needed to hear. So thank you. I am very honest with her. We've always been very honest with each other though. Cause if I'm doing something stupid she'll be like, why are you fucking even,

Speaker 10:

yeah, like I don't know. You don't remember[inaudible]

Speaker 8:

back. I'm like, yeah, you're right. So that's very, I mean that is true. I think that we shouldn't limit ourselves to even the term soulmate though. I think you should just be a part of the human experience. And regardless of what that is, yeah, it doesn't have to be like your sexual partner or your partner that you're going to live with your whole life. It could be somebody who literally you live 800 miles away, but I know I could go right to you and I'd be, let's be fully present with each other and presence that brings us into another hot topic.[inaudible] conversation. They're not present. Although I get in trouble though about presence. He does. But the thing about that is, is like what are you doing inside of yourself that needs to be done? Oh man. Why is everybody else mad at you for doing what you're doing? Why are you bothered by what you're doing? Right. And that's, that's interesting. No. So why do I care? Is that what you're saying? Yeah. So you have a situation where you know other people's opinions matter to you, and those opinions dictate your actions. So why are you not living your best life? Why aren't you doing what you want to do? That's this is so you enjoy, you enjoy looking. Yeah. That's one of the things where like I don't think it's a bad thing that sometimes I'm not present. And for me like I like to be sorta, I've always been like a tree. You present with yourself. Yeah. So that's where I'm at. I'm totally a room full of people. Right. And sometimes I need that disconnect because I am a very, I'm a people person. I am like, as much as I'm an introvert, I am an extrovert. And so sometimes I need that moment where I'm still there but I'm not. And I'm in my own world and that's why like I paint because I can S I can literally disappear for four hours and all of a sudden I'm like, Oh I just did this whole painting and I'm like, I know. I've thought about it is, it's incredible, a great way to cope with this crazy huge experience that we're having. Right. Cause it's not a sign. It's not just about connecting and koombaya. I mean there's a lot of shit going on that people are like, you need to be by yourself to bring out personality, right? Yeah. Oh you got a kick out of that Hahn jam. Oh sorry. It's terrible because it's like it would be beautiful just to be like let's all be present and let's all like feel each other's energies and but reality is is like we've got bills to pay, we have jobs, we have fulfillments, we have, which that's part of the problem probably. I mean like that's probably part of the problem. Well it's also, I know Scott that, well it's not even escapism isn't what we need to focus on. Well we need to focus on is incorporating what we are currently experiencing in like becoming more harmonious with why it's happening. Because if you think about it, we are more technologically advanced and we have been in a long time. We were probably more, and even like I'm talking like like

Speaker 9:

light years ahead of where we are some other time too like Egypt. Did you believe in like pyramid pyramids and stuff? They were talking about, there's obvious like we'll get into that later now. But what I'm trying to, my point here is, and what I'm trying to say is, is that we are at this advanced period of technology, technological growth, because our consciousness that is being emanated from us and through us is trying to discover a new aspect of itself that it has never before. Understood. So instead of thinking of what all the problems are about it, why are we not utilizing it to discover that, right. And to also harmonize with it in a way that can harmonize with everyone and the planet by evolving because we have to evolve. That's what we do as a human species. That's all we're doing is like, we're looking for the next, not even, yeah,

Speaker 8:

the best thing but thing. Yeah. I mean seriously, everybody's growing so like, and I think even our generation,

Speaker 9:

um, Oh yeah, you need it Mike. We need it.

Speaker 8:

Or Mike Hughes yelling at Mike person, I do.

Speaker 9:

Am I not your person? You're one of my people. Oh, I have a lot of people.

Speaker 8:

I do. I have to many. I need to start eliminating. I've got to start eliminating new people. I mean, honestly, people go, we're gonna have to, I'll leave voluntarily. You're stuck. Jim's stuck now. Oh, he knows. I signed the contract. He totally signed the contract like we have done is for life fully here for less souls. I'm totally autonomous yet you just came in, you can leave now. He's like, thanks. No at all. Honestly I feel like that'd be the best thing. Like that'd be so funny for you to be. No, that'd be so fun. If you, you're like, well that's it. Bye. And just like, Oh drop. And we're like, see ya. No, I would choose. I don't want you to, I would chase you to your mind. Right? I chase each other like, no Manji but I also will be like, this is like a sign from the universe. Like he needs to go because he's probably going somewhere else to save somebody's life. He doesn't even know he's going to save. I would probably just be calling pick flowers you are at. That person needs you at that time and you were there to save them or you just, even if he gave him like one word, that's all they needed. Honestly, you'd be surprised. The other day when I was at the grocery store, it was like two days

Speaker 9:

I go, I like saw this lady and she was wearing these bomb ass overalls and she had this gorgeous like almost like glistening white curly ass hair that was just like crazy and fun and she was just like going

Speaker 8:

get her chips down the aisle. And I was like, girl, cute. And you know what you made her day. I did. And she stopped me after that. She was done. I didn't even see the bitch after that.

Speaker 13:

You literally have no what you just,

Speaker 8:

but that's the impact that a human can have on others is like you can literally just say

Speaker 9:

thank you

Speaker 8:

that simple. And that could make somebody's life because even the people like behind the deli counter and they even up there fucking cutting meat all day in the day. Right.

Speaker 9:


Speaker 8:

they don't feel appreciated and all they want to hear is like, I hope you have a great day or have a good evening. I know you're laughing at me, but I'm serious. Like people want to be complimented and I don't think that it's given enough, you know, like people are scared to be like, Oh, I like your shirt or your hair looks great. I love those glasses on you. Right. Because that's, that goes into vulnerability, which you were talking about earlier. Can you explain to me what you feel like vulnerability does for a human? I mean, is that, Oh, I love this. You're like literally feeding me divides right now. Okay. Um, so

Speaker 9:

I believe that being vulnerable is the best thing that we can possibly do because when we're vulnerable with one another, we're truly being human beings because we are vulnerable. We're floating on a fucking rock in space, in an atmosphere that might be sucked out at any time. Not trying to scare anybody,

Speaker 8:

but you know, we just had a bad episode, so I'm trying to work on that. So, yeah,

Speaker 9:

we are vulnerable in our nature. And I were born vulnerable and I feel like by connecting to our primordial understanding in birth, then we will be more connected to each other and we'll harmonize better and we'll be there for each other more. And it's not always about what I want, right? It's about what we need together. Like I need more hugs.

Speaker 8:

I am. That's okay to say that I need to be taught. And two more. You just saying that as you being vulnerable, but if you don't, if you're not vulnerable, then nobody really knows. And I and I

Speaker 9:

are vulnerable. Sometimes. Even people that you think are really close to you, they aren't because they don't have the ability to be vulnerable because it's been written out of their consciousness. And that's one of the most disheartening things that we can experience. But it's about finding those people that you can be vulnerable with and creating a culture within your friend group or your family or with who you are in general and creating that vulnerable space and

Speaker 8:

great. You know, and I think we'll come into your life for reasons. I've always thought that like people do come and go and it's sad and it sucks. But like, like you said, when you're being your most vulnerable and that person that you thought was your friend isn't there, you're like, and I've learned this over the years, like I didn't use to think this way though. I used to be like trying to beg them to be my first thing, what I do wrong. Right. How do I get them back? Yeah. Like what am I doing wrong? Like God come back and you're like, why? And now I'm like, you know what? Some of them I'm just gonna, I'm going to take the good from this and I'm going to take what I've learned and grow and like and how I've grown from this. Right. And I'm not going to try to chase something that's not there anymore. It was there at one point. And I've learned that, I guess maybe at 35 like honestly, like there's a couple of friends that I've said goodbye to in the past year that it upset me. Yeah. But it's also is time to keep going. You can't just stop and you can't, like it's almost, it makes you stop and that's[inaudible] Oh yes, you've got to shed that skin. And that skin was very important at one point and I got you to where you are today. Then it made you either grow or it taught you something and sometimes they're not supposed to be there for life. So you have to, yeah, that's a really tough pill to swallow. And I wonder if, yeah, it does. Friends in the world sometimes they're not meant for you to be there forever. It's true. And there's hugs in the studio right now. I love it. And that was a very sweet, but it's true. It's true and it's tough. It's a tough lesson as, as a human and as an adult. But I also think it's a very important lesson and it takes you back to being vulnerable. Cause then, okay, so you're letting go of that person that was maybe there for you at one point, another gone. And so then now you're like on your own sort of being like, what the fuck am I supposed to do now? And then you keep going and growing and shedding the skin and growing and shading the skin and skin. Just snake skin does look dead on everybody. I've never wore snakeskin. They've been making some snakes. Look ham. Really crunch, eat freaked me out. Stinks. Can shoes and I shed that. I'm just joking right now. I really want you to leave us with a final thought. Like I want you to leave us with something that the listeners can take with them and learn and grow from this conversation. This is very the beginning of maybe a bigger conversation but maybe tie in the universe and vulnerability and discovering yourself. Cause I feel like the sepsis is more about self-discovery. That's kind of where we got with this. And I have said, I really think it's awesome. So what's your final parting words? My final parting words for this episode or this episode? Yeah,

Speaker 9:

so I would definitely have to say if you have a calling inside of your heart and you may have heard it before and it sounds really good, it's almost tasty and it feels amazing to think about it, but you sometimes deny it. But also it's like it's something that's really good that makes you feel happy, that makes you feel elated about who you are, about what you're doing, and you've been denying it for a really long time because you've been working a lot because he'd been taking care of your priorities, things that matter, relationships, what have you. I want you to take a moment to think about that thing that you've been putting off for others or situational things and whatever, or maybe you just don't feel like you have the energy for it, or maybe you feel like it's unobtainable to you. I want to say that it's not. I want to tell you that you have the ability to obtain every desire that you seek, and I want you to love that experience. I want you to revel in that experience. I want you to own that experience for yourself. Thank you. Manji. That was beautiful so much. Thank you and I will definitely have you back. I appreciate your openness, your vulnerability. Thank you for coming. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

That was Manji. Yes, it was in all his glory. He, we could have probably 65 episodes. It might just start a separate podcast with just him called Manji. Okay. I should, I'd ready and like he can come and just like record what he wants to say. And like I'll play like soft music in the background. I can use my old ah, my music. That's like, I'll be all okay. And then you can just do any tells me call on it. Yeah, you can just talk and talk and talk and he can talk. Well you can too. We all learned, you know what, you shady little bitch. That's cause I'm not afraid anymore. That's right. So sorry, I'm true. But this has been a great episode. We're gonna go ahead and leave it now since it's an hour and 13 minutes. Your lunch period has been up, period. For fuck sake. If anyone's listening still tired, I'm tired. I know. So I'm gonna wrap it up there. Thank you very much everybody for coming. This is, she's not doing so well. I'm Bobby and I'm Jen. Thank you. Thanks. Come back next week, which I don't know what we're gonna even talk about by, I think the edible hit me. It seemed like it. Your eyes were at, you're like, um, I, I don't even know what we're going to talk about. That's really enticing. I need a, I need a meme with my face on the amendment. The edible hits. And I'm just like, so this is, she's not, um,

Speaker 6:

[inaudible] leaving now. Bye.

Speaker 1:

My levels are always[inaudible].

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 14:


Speaker 15:
