We're back after Jim's trip to Montreal and Bobby's Trip to Nashville. We go way long this episode and talk about a bunch of random topics (see below) - We talk therapy, childhood trauma, Reddit fights, inappropriate family requests, weight watcher points, and Cymbalta. Like, subscribe, and share with your friends.
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Bobby's Only Fans
Payment plans
male strippers
private dance
Travel Behavior
Bathrooms In Montreal
Bachelorette Parties
Party Wagons
Peddle Wagons
Party Peddle Wagons
Belligerent in public
The Strokes
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Julian Casablancas
Albert Hammond Jr
Mental Health
Demi Lovato
Reddit Moderators
Religion Talks
Bad Moderators
Salty Gays
Bad Gays
Mean Gays
Religious Gays
Power Trip Gays
Inappropriate Family Moments
Smoking Nurse
Subway Sandwich
Better Help
Childhood Trauma
Childhood Sexual Abuse
Bobby spills the tea about why he is the way he is
Cymbalta Switch
Weight watchers points
Pop Tarts Are the worst
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Bobby's Only Fans
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Good drivers are they're not well he's not well they're gay. They live in Columbus Ohio several drinks marijuana not thick exercise of peanuts, gay straight it doesn't matter like are events are we talking sexier or marriage? They were talking politics they talk Renaissance rubbish they talk about they talk about religious experiences and they find funny guys they are not well John not Well
Bobby:hello everybody welcome to another episode of not well I'm Bobby I'm Jan we're back you fucking bitches
Jim:yeah and just as we came back like the loudest thunder the lie here
Bobby:I have Jesus Jesus hugging Judas find these online I
Jim:have freedom for Palestine
Bobby:that's right freedom for Palestine fuck Israel
Jim:honestly fuck Israel
Bobby:sorry we set it here first
Jim:are like if you can't exist without my tax dollars and I don't like you go away
Bobby:that's kind of what I'm I'm really confused about Israel to be honest country is trash Yeah, but do we support them?
Jim:Oh yeah, we give them billions of dollars every year billions and then they bomb and kill Palestinians
Bobby:but for what just exist
Jim:yeah just sucess okay,
Bobby:yes the water like the cast or whatever is
Jim:there the Wailing Wall
Bobby:the fucking wall?
Jim:Oh, I had a thought actually while I was away Montreal, which we'll talk about I was like, what if someone just blew up that whole area like took all the people out? literally blew it up? And then they were like, Oh, no. Are you guys still gonna fight over your religious locations? Are you guys still gonna bicker and kill each other? Because this wall was yours first and then this little mountain temple was yours first? Or what if it was all fucking gone? What would you do? Okay, so
Bobby:again it goes back to like our reading the Bible. Yeah, like it this way. Um, so I'm like these people are listening to the books that are telling them to cut their wieners that there's a fucking flood that he hates everybody that women are the worst. Like why are we
Jim:still why are we this one they're still doing it. I
Bobby:cannot blow it up.
Jim:Literally that's what I'm talking what if we just evacuated that whole area and we're like you know evacuate. But then the bigger problem is like a lot of these people aren't even religious and they just actually are racist and hates
Bobby:all about the money honey Yeah, so there's definitely money involved but freedom for Palestine we fully support that here at not well and if you don't know anything about it we employ
Jim:employee love Jews, but we hate Israel we
Bobby:love Jews
Jim:hate Israel. We love people I hate Zionist like I just don't understand that either. They went and just took land from Palestinians killed them or displaced them and then they were like, This is Israel. This is our country and you're like like no. Got rid of people who are already living here. Like Does it sound familiar? Yeah. Well, sounds kind of like I wonder why the US would support that weird like it's the same history so
Bobby:I'm not really sure why we like have to make a comment to like oh, we do support Israel It's like no, no, no, let everybody know
Jim:like first of all politicians. Yeah, I stand with Israel for what for what what is Israel carpet bombing Gaza.
Bobby:Like is that because Christians in that well,
Jim:well that crazy Christians think that if they support Israel and then there was a perhaps a water breakout in the Middle East or the Jews have a homeland because they read Revelation the book earlier they think if the Jews have their homeland, then Christ will come back. So they want the Messiah to come back to Earth to save us by supporting Israel.
Bobby:Yeah, well, I love how people are so scared of Jesus are like, Oh my God, Gods.
Jim:You're gonna get Jesus is coming forward.
Bobby:Okay, if he comes good, because honestly, again,
Jim:I don't we know what he would do. Honestly, I
Bobby:hope he takes all the gays in the trans.
Jim:We would be going for Joe and Demi would come with us though. Nope. No, no, she's not trans anymore. Yeah, remember to sis. She's assist girls as novices head she's like assists well. Now she has a boyfriend who she has assists pan. I'm done. I'm honestly don't know what she is. And that's the point. That's fine. Don't really care. We don't care about Udemy. But also like, avoid the avoid the frozen yogurt shops and just shut up.
Bobby:It's kind of like the gays and monkeypox. That's how it's gonna be when Jesus comes back. He's gonna like, like, whichever monkey paw you motherfuckers need to get vaccinated for monkey pox. So we're gonna all get vaccinated and the streets are gonna get it and not have the vaccinations available. And that's gonna it's gonna be kind of humorous. We're gonna be running I've
Jim:heard from so many straight people at work who know joking about monkey box, like laughing at it. And I'm like, no, no, like, I know people have had it like it's real. Well, I let I listen to people out in the lunch area talking about it and the straight guys we're talking in the straight guys like who's good? Who's even getting it? And I was like, Oh, I see what you're saying. So you hate gay people got it? Yeah, like that. Like they don't care because gave him yeah, they're like, well, who's even getting it? I'm like, does it matter? You
Bobby:can get it doesn't matter. Right? If people aren't getting it, it's becoming like,
Jim:don't we talk long trek.
Bobby:What's the fucking creed? Well, we came and talked about this. So I have to kind of read whatever my coworker that I want to. He said, I said, I set it up. I was like, oh, And by the way, when you're out, I got vaccinated for monkey pox. Why he was like, yeah, and he was like, I don't know, I
Jim:set up your appointment. I know. And also, I still have upsells Oh, no, I saw what's going on with it. So I I asked a infectious disease doctor here locally named Joe gustado. He's a VIP. But he said the bumps are normal, so don't worry. Okay. It's weird, though. Because like it has been painful anymore, but it's still minus three weeks on Monday. its rightful or No, no, I was August 4. You were after me? I can't keep trying. Yeah, cuz you're on
Bobby:the outs and I was on Monday. Yeah, your two weeks? Yeah. So but it's on there. And I was like, oh, yeah,
Jim:what's mine still there? You can feel it girl. Like I'm not getting the box. I'm not gonna pack so
Bobby:we got our second dose which I'm going to have him on the other arm because like, I don't want that. Finally, yes, he actually went with me. Because what happened was I got on the website, and I x out though, but it sent him an email. It's good. So I was like,
Jim:everyone needs to get go. Gay. Okay, is the vaccine. And honestly, while you're waiting to build up immunity, please stop fucking random.
Bobby:Lab. Do you remember none of it?
Jim:Do you want to remember what happened? Like two weeks ago? Remember something called market days?
Bobby:are we breaking out? Oh, yeah.
Jim:So people went to market days. And here I have videos of the circuit party without
Bobby:discussing we can play this also as an explanation though, to the straights to like, honestly, this is what's happening. Really boring. But it's like,
Jim:can you blame some of the straights? Well, that's
Bobby:what I keep explaining. Like when they're like, Oh, here
Jim:they go again. I'm like, I don't want to we're not like sex shaming or anything. But it's to the point where you're like, Well, you're not being response. Hey, if just for the next like two months while you build immunity, if you could just not run.
Bobby:It's even just like, stop thinking for sure. Hugging every person in the club. Like, let's be smart. Let's
Jim:not go to circuit parties. Let's go out and just for literally, it is a circuit parties. It's this. It's and then it's like you're a little drunk. And then next Fisher robbing then you're making out then you're like, I want to
Bobby:my pussy Oh.
Jim:And then like, how do we get back to normal? Don't we get to that bite and then you return to your hometown. You're like, I was at market days all week. And it was so like, I had this weird rash. And
Bobby:I'm just like, it's fine. Like, I'm gonna go to access. Like, no, stop going out, stop rubbing your fucking pussies on each other get vaccinated, then you can go out, okay.
Jim:And if anyone has issue with that and says it's like sex shaming, I'm done with me. I don't want to hear. This is why we're just go away.
Bobby:I'm sorry. This is why the gays get a bad rap because elevado Yeah, you have monkey pox and the way we're acting it's like, we don't even know how to stop or like, oh, AIDS. Let's catch it. It's like no, like, yeah, it's like, no, that's the thing. Bug chasing.
Jim:I know. Like, just can't do it. I this. I'm done.
Bobby:Done. We're done with you. i Are we old? I'm old.
Jim:I don't know we're not act. Well. Speaking of old, you did just have a birthday. How did that go? Were you in crisis mode? Were you I believe you were from what I recall. Because you did. Oh. Therapy.
Bobby:Yeah, we got a lot to talk about. I think what we should talk about is our trips, and then I can bleed my trip into therapy into okay. I feel like that might be best. That might be what's best for the folk. You start a little adventure. You were talking about Montreal, how you like literally cried when he came back. So tell us why.
Jim:Okay, so Matt and I went to Montreal, and he's never been out of the country. Okay. Really? Well, if you say that he will argue with you and say he went to Niagara Falls. He was like a kid. As an adult, you've never been out of the country. Okay. Got it. Got Canada. So we go to Canada, we go flew into Quebec quoi? Or we flew into Quebec City. And it's basically this beautiful place with buildings from the sixth. Was it
Bobby:though? Really? Yeah. Like, do you feel you're in a different world kind of weird.
Jim:It's like you're walking around just like, like, where am I? What the fuck these buildings are from 450 years. Like, there's so old. Everything say. And everyone's speaking French. So it's just like you're having fun. You're having a little fun. Everyone's speaking
Bobby:French and you're having fun.
Jim:You're literally now we took a train from Quebec City on Wednesday and went to Montreal which is where the real fun began. And why because they have strip clubs fully. So we get to this first strip club and first of all mats like goose composts. We went to compost first what's the best way to go to compost on a Wednesday night a little creepy go upstairs. You to walk up the
Bobby:stairs. Yeah, cuz there's like a middle floor and you're like is this keep going for the deck and we're like,
Jim:so we sit down we're talking to the bartender. First problem. I noticed though this is my only complaint of Canada. The way they make their drinks. How do they do it? They measure the shot Now we can't you're in a bar, and you're measured charge me $2 more and pour it over i and you don't have to do it not with a little thing which stops it with an electric. No, it's not just that it's an electronic measuring system. I can't that's a type into the computer what you ordered gin and tonic, okay. And then they put what type of gin it goes ding TVs in a hole next to the computer attached is this little thing that stops like a U shape. They grab the bottle of gin, they turn it upside down and put it in that U shaped thing that that U shaped thing says one shot and then doesn't mechanism with the bottle top. So a one shot Wow, flip it over with that thing still on it didn't get the glass, pour it that's one shot. Exactly. And then that computer,
Bobby:that little device to see if there's an extra missing, there'll be like
Jim:so that measures the shot so they know exactly how much liquor they've sold. How much was distributed, how much they need to order. So it's like
Bobby:now I will say like I will say now Canada has it why like do you member when they have the like where they hand you the car you like put your own card in everywhere, everywhere. I think that they're just like a little bit ahead of us ahead of us. I love how people are in America where it is no, no, no. When
Jim:you when you pay a bill there, they just walk up to you with your device and you're ready. You know how these people can't do tips? You know, I'm looking at you. You can't do tips. You can't add up 10% plus 10% 20% Because you don't know you don't do you use your calculator. Well in Canada, you little You put your card in a little device little screen comes up you do 1520 25 You can do whatever you want here, you you push a button with your finger and it's done. It's done prints out a receipt, you don't wait for the receipt or the email has been received. Or I have a choice or email and you don't even have to wait for the waiter to go away right hard come by. So when you're done and ready to go, you're gone. Canada, but the shot measuring right
Bobby:now the shots are also for like that's also like a part of the central of Canada. Like they're very efficient. They're efficient.
Jim:I asked the bartender I said why do you do that? And he's like, well, people were like giving out too much liquor and so basically it's stealing I'm like, Oh, I guess you're if you're a business owner and you have certain bartenders getting shot Yeah, it is stealing from him because you're like when he ever he's on on Thursday night we really go through the vodka. That's fucked up though. Because you could never I mean, but it's a gay bar. So I ordered doubles everywhere. I would have to get drunk I still or I ordered doubles ever. I don't think they're shots are the same. I'm just saying
Bobby:well, is there like is the proof different?
Jim:No. I just I was like, I have a double Hendrickson Honda. It
Bobby:makes you appreciate the American gay community because you can get wondering literally you get your gun. Yeah, like you're like literally like why? Why do I feel so funky? It's like because you just drink Costa Rica. Scorpion infused vodka? That it's like I don't do. That's what it says on the bottle.
Jim:So we're sitting at the strip club. And Matt goes, Wait a minute. The first answer came out he goes, Wait a minute. Do they get naked here? Some of them walk out make literally the first guy walked out naked. I'm like, yeah, they get your tender
Bobby:golf on the stage and stuff like like, Oh, are they allowed to get I think they do get hard. No,
Jim:you come out. They come out hard and come off with their dance. They're not really probably like horny. You know, they're, it's weird to get
Bobby:hard about you on a Sunday night. You know what I mean? Like, it's like, you're done. You're ready for bed. You're nervous about work. They're like, I just didn't make my money and
Jim:go they're like, they I think they use a penis pump. I would. And then they get hard. They come out and they start but I mean, the number of hot guys. I remember. I remember that. It's like I was like, kind of like, what are some like thicker ones? Like, oh, by the way, and I'm like looking like are you thicker than like a homestyle lumberjack coming out. There was a redhead with red horn fed. And this was the part though. One of the nights we went to the strip club. There's this really hot guy with a neck tattoo. And like he was like, he was a skater boy, he said, See you later boy. And then and, and I'm like, I can't wait for him to come out naked. So he comes out naked. It wasn't what you thought it was the size of a clitoris. Literally.
Bobby:Was it a tea deck
Jim:this big. I mean, he and he was on cut. So like, I don't know how much of that was skin and how much was dead. And so he's doing his moves. He gets down on the stage and he's like humping? And yeah, and then like,
Bobby:this is my face. But like most guys that have big muscles and like that, we all know you have a little
Jim:debt. And that's what I realized I was and a lot of guys came out and had completely no, I like average five small guys. Rock Hard five.
Bobby:I like that.
Jim:I loved it. I kind of liked that inner outer, their acrobatic, they are really good on the pole.
Bobby:I remember that. I remember they were like to that little lake on the ground and they're like holding themselves up and you're like, I see your dick touching the floor. But you're also doing this like
Jim:this small dick guy though was like really hot. So would you have fucked him while he came up to the table cuz he could sell it. I was staring at him. He was like, Oh, you're staring at me. I remember last night they come out. They were like, Oh, you want they you want to lie that you want but they're like all Ukrainian too. It's like interesting. Yeah, Rush and they don't live downtown. I asked. I'm like, Do you live near like,
Bobby:no, take the train from Quebec City.
Jim:Literally, he's like, No, I'm about 20 minutes outside the city. I was like, okay, so you're one of those suburbs guy
Bobby:a suburb I'm like little Ukraine. Little tiny now trying to Ukraine. briefly pause real quick see if I can tell the story just fine. There we go. There we go.
Jim:Hello. What's in the background?
Bobby:What are you watching? can
Jim:you mute? What's in the background? I'm watching Desperate Housewives, please mute it,
Bobby:or posit a desperate housewives that's like, Oh my god. So
Jim:that's when we were in high school and we weren't even allowed to watch it. It was like,
Bobby:Oh my God, these horror stories, but like
Jim:they weren't. Okay, can you hear me? Yes. Is it? Okay, you want me to call you
Bobby:want to ask you a question. Now, I heard there were some things in Montreal that we might be able to talk about or might not be able to talk about. So number one, we're confirming what we can talk about. Okay, so can we talk about anything in Montreal? Like any kind of payment plans that you made or any kind of like situations? We're talking about the dick sucking.
Unknown:Oh, I don't care about that. What do
Bobby:you want to tell the story?
Unknown:Stop you're constantly too much money.
Jim:Oh, my but you Dan was definitely slapping you.
Bobby:Jim was slapping but Jim was also putting down that credit card. It sounds it did. Okay. They do they take credit cards. They didn't owe cash? Yep. It was kind of eating. Yep. No.
Jim:Okay. Yeah, it was really bad. Yeah. Okay, well,
Bobby:we're gonna hear about the story. Let Jim tell it alright. Well, we'll do that. Thanks.
Bobby:Alright. It's kind of fun to call people should prank me hello calling people we should always just like prank
Jim:okay. So our first night there you know after Matt realized that strippers come out nude. One of the changes number Carmelo came out. And Carmelo had a massive dick. And so we were like, Oh, that's amazing. So we tried Carmelo they're like, like, I don't know if you're allowed to say the word Guido.
Bobby:So yeah, so like Jersey Shore Portland mean
Jim:like Carmel quality, fully Italian like how to silver cross chain and make chest times. Oh my god.
Bobby:I don't work on my abs.
Jim:He was tan. Mmm. He was very gym tan laundry. gelled hair JTO gel. Like that type of gelled hair.
Bobby:So like a Guido, and I don't care anymore, right.
Jim:And this guy is like hot, circa 2009. Jersey Shore. Okay. Matt had been staring at him because when he came out, he was uncut. And he was at least,
Bobby:like uncut. Well,
Jim:I mean, I'm not saying you're Montreal. I think we all do. Honestly,
Bobby:I'm actually not opposed to it. Like, that's fun. It's what happens when you're older. You just want to call it back. Just want to suck that head. Yeah.
Jim:And find it first. Because some of these skins are just really you really have to play here. You're like a clown. It's like what is going on? You are how do you even pee sometimes I'm like, how do you pay?
Bobby:I asked myself the same thing. So yeah, turtle.
Jim:So Carmela comes over a table, and he's like, do the one a couples dance? And I'm like, What's that? I was like, No, Max. I go Mac and go. Because I was like, just right. Like, you're also like, and then Matt's looking at because I'm like, I don't care. Like you're a people pleaser. You're
Bobby:a giver. You're a gangster. I'm like go who would rather give a gift and receive a gift? So you're like, I want to see his reaction. Yes, I
Jim:want him to go see, I want Matt to have an experience I want him to he's gonna love Montreal. So you know, Matt's like, No, you can come to I was like, Okay, fine, fine. And I was like, but before we went, I was like, How much is it? I literally looked up at Carmel. I'm like, How much is it bitch? Man, I only took out so much cash before I came here. Yeah, there's a $3 fee for my non bank ATM. There's a foreign transaction,
Bobby:about halfway through and you owe another five is like no. And that's why I
Jim:was like, I need to know he's like $20 per person per song. So I'm like a song is like two minutes. By the way. They do like two minute cuts. Oh, six minute version of anything. Oh, no, no, no, it's not that you don't get a customized Swift 10 minute version all too well. It's not like that.
Bobby:That's what you should request the next time. All too well. This version Taylor's version, not the regular. I'm waiting does actually kind of keep dancing. I want the whole lemonade album. Like why?
Jim:He's like, No, per song. So like two minutes. Like we won't need more than four minutes. You know, after that. You're like, thrilled. Your thrill is gone. Yeah, sounds like that'll be$80. Like we can do 80 I have that much. I did like 100. So we get back there. He takes us back to the back room. You sit in a booth. By the way that's open to everyone. Everyone can see it. I don't remember. Don't you remember? Like, you could go up the stairs. But you also go No, we just went to that glass area, the booth area. It wasn't it wasn't a private area at all. So we're sitting in this dark booth but like looking out to the public, where everyone else is sitting. And Carmela starts dancing. He's fully naked on that. And I'm like on you. Like, I looked up at him as like, he's like, touched me and I was like, Do you want me to touch I literally I said do you want me to touch you? I want you to look it up like you're looking at garlic. Do you want me to like do you want me to touch you? And he's like,
Bobby:I don't care.
Jim:She goes, Yeah, I do. And I was like,
Bobby:are gonna be on sale? No.
Jim:I said, Are you sure you're like, tell me you want me to talk? Because I'm just like, I want your consent before to start touching you. Yeah, it is kind of awkward. I don't want to touch you, you know what I'm saying, right? Like, I want you to want me to pay you for whatever you're doing. So they appreciate you. But I also want to know that you want to, and that's hard to find. That's hard to find. But it's really horrifying. So he said, Yeah, so I started like, touching his abs. I touch the sides
Bobby:over here to like, touch my abs. You know, like I said the side.
Jim:Next thing I know Matt's session, yes. Matt's grabbing the butt holding, touching that. Okay, so Carmela turns around, and just spreads his cheeks. And I'm looking at that light. It looks really good, but it's a straight guy that probably has to be clean straight. Although he was soft when he came in and got hard when we were touching him. Well, I think any nice drink I would see attention. Yeah, it's all about attention. If guys who are obsessed with him or rubbing his body, like he's gonna get hurt, and he did. So next thing, you know, he's showing us hole and I'm like, yeah, he's like, go ahead. Go ahead. I look at Matt's eyes. Matt's fully in a trance. Matt is in a trance. I mean, he was like,
Bobby:he's in a trance. Nice, because it is. Only when we were in shock. We were like, Wait, is this really happening? Like we're seeing ya just like, well,
Jim:Carmela starts backing up the ass into Matt's face. Now I know, that's gonna cause extra. I'm not gonna allow it. So I'm, like, stop. Still touching. I'm
Bobby:like, Oh, my God, you're being like a mom, like stop. And I looked
Jim:at him. He looked at my eyes. He's like, and I was like,
Bobby:I was like, do it just night one.
Jim:So he's like, he was like, and then stopped. And I was like, did you I was like, good, don't do it. So Carmela turns around now. So if you want to touch that tongue to that as I would have been an extra 100 points, a key point. So that's the extra scoreboard above. You come with your tokens. That's extra points. So we don't have enough tokens. No, no, there's not enough tokens. Alright, want now hard dicks in the face. I'm looking at it like a token. I was like, that's great. He's like, touch it. I was like, Yeah, but this cost extra. But Carmela told us so I'm like, oh, yeah, I'll touch it. Touching it hot. Okay,
Bobby:would you love touching a foreign cock? Oh, I love that by foreign I mean like, foreigner. But like a foreign like, op, like
Jim:anyone's just different. Wow, that's feels cool. And he was uncut. So I was like, you know, experience
Bobby:running experiment. Like when like, that's
Jim:okay, I stopped touching because I'm like, that was fun, but like that was probably $50. So I like I guess like two rubbing aside I look over. Matt has his dick in his mouth. Matt start sucking off Carmelo. And I'm like, remember when I just elbowed you to number one. Because we're in monkeypox times and we're with a stripper. So I don't know where his ass or his dick has been. To start. For one for one or two? No idea. Oh, no. I'm sitting here like no self control. He just had no self control. You had to he was in a trance. So he's just like law. Oh, you're like Hey, hi. I was like, Okay, hi. We're
Bobby:not imminent random ally like this is paid for. So like the way I stopped
Jim:the way I stopped. It was like, I was like Carmela, that's two songs.
Bobby:Playing do we know the song titles?
Jim:There was a Britney but it was like techno version. And then there were like, a bit. They're all like remixes. So like, I don't really write they're all the kind of the resort to meta short, two minute remixes. And it's on to the next so I just don't know if that would have it. I go okay, so we like get ready to come out. Thanks, Carmelo. And I was like, Okay, I said so is that $80 Because that's two songs. 20 per person per song. Hopefully you had caught him. I know. He's like, Well, plus extra. I was like, extras for what? Knowing it's but you know, he goes all the rest is extra. I'm like, okay, so what is it? What is it? So turns out, it's like 40 for 140 for 140. For the other. There's like 100 for hall or so like, holds a $40 for dollar. And I was like so that's I was like, so how much do you need? And he's like a 200 and making it up. $140 I was like, I was both mad. Just gotta be done. I was like, 140 like, if that's what I'm walking away with?
Bobby:Are you really gonna get mad at that? Like,
Jim:I was like, Matt, why did you do that? So then Matt felt upset and I felt bad for making him feel upset because it was his first, right. He's
Bobby:like, when he's like, I
Jim:was a kid in the candy store. I was like, It's okay, fine. We're moving on. We're moving on. We're gonna have fun the rest of the day. You gotta move on. But like I said, where I said no more private dances. Now I did on Friday night, I saw a bachelorette party that was at the strip club. Because ladies, go to strip clubs, which I want to ask about. I feel weird when women are there because it's a gay strip club. And they honestly took over the space right? They were front row of every table because Hi, welcome to Nashville. No, I know. It's Nashville. I was like, Oh, okay. The Nashville. Yes. Okay. So we'll talk about that on your trip too. Because I was just like, well, I'm fine with like, ladies, I'm over. General but I was like it is a gay strip club in the Gay Village of Montreal. It's not a straight strip club. It's the Gay Village. Like the actual owners that like the probably like we lay once the money but like I know the bartender was rolling his eyes he's like yeah, it's Ladies Night. So I look I look over I got to watch for about 1520 minutes. The Bachelorette get fucked. I literally like sipping my drink a booth. It's like literally right behind me I'm just like, I'm watching this big muscle daddy, just like grind on her ass just smack it, like humping her doggy style. And she's just like, like, he pulled on her veil. And she's just kind of hard tops off my veil. I was like, Is this even allowed you can you just get fucked in public? Like I'm not joking with that? I think he did. I would like but I then look over to her table and all her like best maidens or whatever the fuck are literally putting dollar bills on the table? That's the best maidens were like, Oh, this is gonna cost us I'm not getting used to see her. i Oh, they're all learning. They literally like stop rolling. They're like, Oh my God, and they're like putting Val's 50s out on the table because I know that's gonna cost like just 500 By just leave us alone to get bred by a stripper is $500 She's gonna go to her wedding pregnant.
Bobby:Like it's yours. She's like, why is it? Black is this
Jim:is this current? I swear to God, so I don't know though ladies in the strip club. And like, it was fun to watch. But I was also like, you know what, I kind of liked it when it was just gay because
Bobby:it feels I know what you mean. Like, you want to be able to feel like you're actually being a part of something that's bigger than just you. Not everybody can have this. Okay.
Jim:Little funny moments. Matt was trying to learn a little French. We well, we just heard him so you know, you know how he sounds? He probably doesn't. His dialect won't be so he tried to do some like funny. He's like, I wonder how to say you hot steaming pile of shit. I was like, let's interest a lot of that. You don't even say that. Anyway, hello, hello. He goes to Google Translate. We're standing in line at a museum. Silence is a quiet, puts it in to the museum where the girl ripped the okay. So he Yeah. So puts that typeset in, and then does it to French, and then clicks play? So out loud in a French speaking city. He's playing you steaming pile of shit out loud. Google Voice is like, no, no, no. I feel like what's that? He's like, he's laughing. And then I looked at him and he played it again. And I was like, I took his phone after the second time. So this was like a cultural turning around. Like, this is like where you get to explain to someone who's never been out of the country like hi,
Bobby:these are normal live.
Jim:Funny. Translate is speaking their language. So they get what you're saying you're hot, steaming pile of shit, hot pile of shit. And Americans are just
Bobby:like, why are you saying Right? Like if you just walked down the street and you're hot. Oh my god, it would be the same.
Jim:I was like, Matt, honey, I can't be doing this.
Bobby:Why are you speaking like that? And it's like, wow, that's, yeah, well, here's the thing. I want to applaud Matt for a moment just for like going to a new country experiencing the thing and actually like kind of living it up. It sounds like he didn't give a fuck. Clap to you. Kudos to you. However, we need to learn the etiquette of going to a different country, which I don't know the etiquette that well, either. I was gonna say, oh, fuck off. First of all, like,
Jim:do we need to recall?
Bobby:Dude, you're gonna say, Well, you're not in the work Hall. No, we don't need to recall. I've learned a lot through the years. I want to thank my sponsors. I want to thank everyone who has taught me how to speak in French in the appropriate manner. Not going Google boy, I need a fat cloud. I think
Jim:you're coming down.
Bobby:What's your other story?
Jim:What's your other Nashville Okay, so what else is like remember the bathrooms, Montreux at all because they are floor to ceiling doors. You go in your stall, there's no little under you can't see the legs or the shoes of the people next to you. Everybody's individual you have a private stall individual. And I have a little video to send you have that. We will definitely share my style. I feel in my safe space. You can just make whatever noise you need to make. Is that everywhere. Everywhere. Every bathroom was like does it all all gender? Yeah. Also a lot of the bathrooms are all gender like in restaurants right? Like, and the bar here's your private I literally went in the stall and then I'm like a woman's next. So that's like the Moxie in Columbus. We go in there and it's like, there's women and men are like, hey, like hey by and I'm like, I'm gonna get this urinal stall if you go to you're just like,
Bobby:don't don't penis.
Jim:And like some butch lesbian, like that's a small day. Oh, my clips bigger than that my strap ons bigger than I'm like, Well, yeah, you
Bobby:buy a strap on bigger I owe you.
Jim:You actually men can buy them too. I know. I know.
Bobby:I know. That was like, I know what's available
Jim:for you. Well, yeah, cuz they're people of size. As people who want sighs honestly, I'm
Bobby:actually really happy with my appendage. Oh, thank you. Finally, finally, I want to do have a little trip I believe I had a little trip and I want to segue from the bachelorette party to right to Nashville because that's what Nashville is. I hate it, by the way, good.
Jim:I feel appropriate.
Bobby:I literally was like, it's why it's so fun. Like, I didn't even go out to the bar. I can't like I just can't like I'm not that age anymore. It's like a 25 year olds paradise. It's like you get to relive your college years and 25 though when you're 38 that weekend, you're kind of like where's like the sidebars like where's the quiet bars? Like I don't want to go to Burger up this Broadway Street where I mean I saw people throw up I saw people like all these bars like oh my god tonight tonight and you're like honey is this your first or second wedding? Like if it's your first I'm sorry you're gonna have another night like this but it probably won't be here probably like Brianna
Jim:I just can't like I just can't We can't afford the Vegas Strip
Bobby:literally 9am the fucking the cars already going the what do they call the fucking like pedal wagons?
Jim:Oh no the pedal wagons at 9am
Bobby:Turns out they have this thing like a trailer wagons where they would just drag people around in trailers with like a tractor Yeah, yes.
Jim:Like every corner is like all the worst elements of America pushed into a city Nashville
Bobby:is a straight girl bachelorette party at a gay bar that's exactly what it thought it is.
Jim:Why are you saying that? Because that's the worst insult I can think of but it's not
Bobby:it's the straight people who want to be like free like gay people like we go to the bar we're like yes Queen honey and bah bah bah they want that so fucking bad so like let's let's have a city where we are that like that we can do whatever we want. We can fuck everybody because that's what I mean that's what you mean gays are as we you know we do it everywhere right so it's like our every day is this is their Nashville but also like to concentrated but they're Nashville on crack yet like P town during Bear Week or you don't I'm saying right during a big circuit party like a party.
Jim:Oh my god. It's a strange a certain circuit part of that straight person circuit party in Nashville. That's Nashville except the outfits Can we talk about the CLU cowboys and like the frills and then the kind of white hats and then the the tans and the topes and all these. I fucking hate their outfits. Like women who like Nashville, like the the jeans into the cowboy boots. Like why and then these booths were like sparkly. I'm like, why?
Bobby:This looks like you got to pay less like I know you didn't pay money for that. Sorry no shade no tea, but like, if you're gonna want to run up dazzled it at home. Yeah, like this looks homemade. Like you're gonna actually do the dazzle you better fucking do it right. There's always a bit dazzle girl on every group. There's always a girl with a fucked up veil that looks like shit but they're like her friends made it for them. There's
Jim:always a crowd or arts really tight jeans. Always a bigger girl into crop top. And I'm like,
Bobby:Are you gonna like it's like, yeah,
Jim:you have to cover up the in between area like No, honestly no shade, like, you can wear whatever you want. Be honest, she's
Bobby:probably getting fogged off.
Jim:She's sucking dick in the stall. That's it. Now I don't know if any
Bobby:of our straight male listeners know. But like, if you're looking for any if you want your dick socked yet, from a girl that go to Nashville.
Jim:I actually did experience it. I went to this place that had three floors on the rooftop of okay, is that the one is that? Yeah, it's good rocks. And it's like every area had a different kind of music kind of it literally was sidetrack in Chicago and Boystown, right but I was like But shitty but no get shitty. No gay. No gays, girls throwing up and 20 year old you're like one of your high but then also like 4050 year old men creeping on the one year okay, and you're looking like
Bobby:I'm so glad you said that. Because it was like You're like you're either wanting or you're pushing 60 That's Nashville because you're like, Oh, you're but you're pushing 62 packs a day men and women two packs a day. Oh, for sure. People wishing 60 aren't gobbler that is yeah, like like sunspots like yeah, like they don't want eggs. They were fucking banana boat. Oh five the oil. They're like Oh yeah. Oh, leather. So Nashville was a fail. I actually fell in love with the strokes again though. So The only thing that really came out of that was the strokes up and for Red Hot Chili Peppers, which I was bitching about, but actually ratchet up Powers was really good. Their guitars
Jim:is fucking talk socks.
Bobby:No Cox I didn't care about the other ones. So apparently their guitars left 10 years ago. And so this was his first concert back this motherfucker didn't even know Raja peppers like I was like, Oh, my God. Give them to you your mama. Like that kind of shit. This guy is wailing on the guitar like Pink Floyd concert. I'm
Jim:like, don't remember this.
Bobby:I know. It was fucked up. I was like, wait, I actually like really like this concert. It was a great show. The structure there. Listen, I'm obsessed with them. So go check them out. But I hate all bachelorette parties. I hate all like 60 years
Jim:to do them and there's a way to not do them. Oh honestly just had a flashback. I think my sister went to Nashville. I think I hate Nashville for her bad.
Bobby:Oh, wait. Yeah, probably a lot of they did when I'm 24. Okay, yeah, this is heaven. I mean, even for a straight gay. This is heaven. Straight. Well, it was a straight gay like I would have been on Craigslist and had people over right away. Because all the straight. I'm telling straight guys, they're gay. But dazzled boots. They literally just want to find tight tight jeans, the tight jeans ever seen. And then their shirt asked. There was laminae there was a fucking busting that went by they're like, asked cold beer. And I'm like, It's 10 o'clock, like 10 o'clock in the morning. Like, yeah, like you were just out like till 4am. Like, how? Again, I'm old. And I recognize this, but that's exactly what I felt like. I was like, wow, this is bad. Like, actually, I kind of wish you were there to like, cause some ruckus. But I'm like, I don't know. Actually. We should. Actually I'm thinking we should go there during Pride, though might be actually fun during pride when all the gays take over. Or when monkeypox breaks up for the streets we can go that's when we'll
Jim:go. I can't wait for the cities to be emptied by all the streets with monkey paw.
Bobby:Yeah, fuck you guys. We're gonna be all your bars um, so yeah, that was Nashville like nationals Great.
Jim:That's because I said that about monkey pox and straights. God does hate the gays.
Bobby:Oh my god. Good thing. We're not doing a Bible study today cuz I feel like we would get murdered. We could get struck.
Jim:Oh my god, what if this is God, but if he like comes here and goes, what have you watched that door? And it's like, he's like, so you always you've been really nasty.
Bobby:I've got to tell you about that. That's actually something I didn't tell you.
Jim:What? girl spoke. Fuck girl. Well, girl, so
Bobby:we've been reading the Bible. Okay, we've been exploring with the Lord or whatever. I actually, I got on Reddit. And I wrote on gay guys over 30. So it's like a grew up like it's not the twinks anymore. We're getting older, thick. So you can just talk about like normal things, not like sex or anything of that. Okay, love it. So I wrote I said, Hey, we're like doing this thing on our podcast. Like, I did not promote the podcast. Like I literally said, like, I just literally said, like, hey, what's a response on God? Like, and, and whatever your thoughts are? Have you read the Bible recently as an adult? That was that? I love that. It's a very nice question. So I literally let it go. Let it go. Let it go. People are commenting. It's a it's a hot post. It's a hot post. So somebody writes I remember when I read that, that quote that I was like, this is the best thing I've ever heard in my life. May remember when I was like, this is the best way it's ever been said like people who are like, right. So I commented on that guys comment I said, Oh my God, I've never thought of it this way before this is great, right? Like hello. Post was taken down. I was reprimanded, I should have been banned from the group all the stuff and I go I'm sorry, I said I'm gonna so I'm allowed to post but I'm not allowed to have my own opinion when somebody else I've already told him as well and so
Jim:what you're not allowed to have opinions I
Bobby:came in I came in tell you like I can't tell you how fucked up this was like I'm gonna send the I'm actually gonna link everybody to this and say I think I can still send the link you know, it's like dead nobody can comment on it but you can still see it yeah, these people were so fucking please Christian and straight Christians. So he's like, you're being nasty and your your intentions weren't real I was like my intentions were to really find out how if you are reading the Bible and what they think about it, but however Am I not allowed to have a fucking opinion?
Jim:It's a make believe book. What am I talk
Bobby:he goes oh, It sounds like you some guy said to me, Oh, it sounds like you believe in God. And I said, Actually, no, we've been reading it. And actually, we've been kind of ripping on it like, period. Like, that's a fact. You want to explain this come and posted the comments explain this, then the moderators doing this and I'm like,
Jim:my opinion is the book is a whack job. It's a joke.
Bobby:I was like, that's what I'm saying. I'm saying we're reading it, we're ripping it and we're tearing it apart. Like literally like we're like awful. It's not sacred, so fuck you to the moderators and fuck you to that dumb guy then decided to be an asshole to me. And I decided not I'm gonna pull them up. Actually, I'm gonna actually fucking show him because I want I want screen names. Oh, I want all of it. Oh, and this guy's a dick. Like you.
Jim:I'm ready. I'm done. Good. I'll go on there.
Bobby:I should just show you like I literally was like, appalled. And I was like, I'm sorry. I said the monitor. I was like, I want to apologize. Like I really did not like it wasn't trying to promote the pod. I literally said nothing about the podcast, I said, I have a podcast, but that was it didn't put a link nothing. And I was like, I just want to know, I just want to know like, what people
Jim:think? Have you read the Bible? And once you read it,
Bobby:your intention wasn't that your intention was wrong, like so anyway? How does he know your intention? Well, that's what sets us I'm really sorry. Like my intention actually was really to understand. I guess I should not next time. I won't state my opinion. If it's my if I'm the original poster, which is not right. But
Jim:I just allowed to steal. Right. And so I just kind of says the OP, you can have an opinion. Oh, not
Bobby:to him. Not to this moderator and he's like, this respected. It's like, why don't you go read Dr. Seuss next, or why don't you go read? And I go, Okay, that sounds actually
Jim:reductions. Dr. Seuss has more good lessons.
Bobby:I'm gonna read the Qur'an. Are you going to read this? Are you going to read Donald Trump's book? I was like,
Jim:actually, sure. Yeah, we can. They're probably all just as dumb and we'll literally react to
Bobby:them as we are the Bible. Like I was like, if the Bible says something nice, or something that I was like, a positive about, right. I'd be like, cool. The first two books. It sucks. They all suck. Like, no fuck you read it. Fucking moderator fuck you. Gotta love I'm so mad. Like, I'm so mad.
Jim:I forgot about this. Yeah. I want to hear something I mad about? Yeah, cuz I'm just kind of I feel like we're on a rant. And I'm
Bobby:like, fuck the Bible this week. Fuck the government.
Jim:Let me just get you up to date. Yeah, it's like meant to be. I need another beverage.
Bobby:I do too. And we can go a little over because we didn't have that episode. Last I need
Jim:to get a beverage like fuck this. Okay, okay, so let me catch up. Now that we have oh, I just
Bobby:took a really big swig. We're getting a slowdown already.
Jim:Like why and that's fine. Sorry, honey.
Bobby:Let me say the queen. This is a fucking fool. That's when
Jim:that's actually like, a distraction for you. Like this ain't a queen, this is a fool.
Bobby:I actually kind of feel like that's sucking Santa quick. This is a full I like that. Oh my god, I gotta read.
Jim:This is what I came back into On my return from Montreal. And Matt will recognize this story. So you remember that your spam number I hear you say
Bobby:nobody can say remember and this fucking party. Like this party of people like not we're not having a party.
Jim:I'm 38 and this is a party. And this party, like we're having a party or like it's just me. I'm like, Yeah, this age. Anytime you have fun, it's a party. Like literally oh my god, like old people in nursing or like we're having a party. You know, when I worked in a nursing home I remember like the residents being like, we're having a party tonight. I wouldn't go they would literally have like, hot chocolate out and like those Nilla Wafers and they'd be like, this is the party and I'm like
Bobby:any of barb that comes she's like so scared of nursing home time back. Then you're like, Oh my God. Like I ran from this one person. Frantic. They were trying to chase me we were singing carols for them. I was in student council so we went to the goddamn fucking nursing home. Oh my god for the moment I'm having a key memory or having a key man. I literally was running from Seoul person around the table. I was so fucking freaked out by because like, I was like, Don't talk to me not to me. It smells like piss. I can't
Jim:fit I worked there. I had to beg to
Bobby:my cousin had a white bass. Oh, I wiped as I sprayed asked how do you wipe an asshole? Oh, like how do you a lot of wipes. So you like make sure there's a good padding of
Jim:oh, I would lift these men out of their wheelchairs and there would just be shit on the perimeter this up would help them get up. I'd watch them like stand up and there's just like an ass shape. Made out of dried shit on the pad that's on the peasant shit and like I would take them because every every two days or three every two to three days they got their special shower because they need a shower. So I literally would take them in the shower and die sweating and get wet. Because they said they would always say it's not hot enough, the water is not hot, they can't feel anything. They can't feel it. So they're sitting in the shower bench. And I'm sitting there trying to clean them. It's so steamy. I can't see. I wear glasses. And I am going through 5050 Plus wash claws. There's a pile on the floor to clean their crack. What did they do an hour after that bath, they shed so much literally, I would look down at the floor and just be like, there are at least 50 washcloths covered in shit. I could never get them clean, we're gonna throw up. And then they're just like, it's that hot. And you're like, you're like I'm trying to clean your whole I would be so sweaty shower. And then there was this one creepy old guy who wanted the bath every time you're having a core memory right now by the way the bath is they just walk into this like seat and then you close this down and you sit and you're like at this level like they're sitting up here. You're like your cogs on my face. And then there he's like, lower, lower. Make sure you get that again. As I'm like rubbing he was front crack and I'm like I've gotten enough. I think that's enough. He's like harder. No, he's literally like semi hard. I'd be like, that's enough.
Bobby:Oh, I would just give him a handy for his life. It might have actually helped him go.
Jim:Oh, you're right. Honestly, like in my heart attack orgasm and death is the best. I mean, think about it. Like if you could to if you could choose and you're like
Bobby:dead dead. Orgasm death. I think that's actually like a thing. That's like Doctor notes. Your goal?
Jim:That's your whole orgasm death.
Bobby:And after orgasm death sleep death.
Jim:So yeah, you just like distracted me with key memory.
Bobby:I did. I didn't know where we're going. Well, I
Jim:know where I was going. Do you remember? Remember? I said remember bitch. I know. Did you read my mom?
Bobby:We came out poor restful.
Jim:Okay, Gollum. Wow.
Bobby:You're welcome. Thank you. I'm
Jim:a fucking so Matt has the sister. That is a COVID denier didn't believe the pandemic was real. She's a nurse by the way.
Bobby:I'm sorry. In our system. Yes. Like if I got trapped outside of Columbus, she could potentially be my nurse. Yeah, potentially non. Okay.
Jim:Yep. Yep. Yep. In the medical field. And while she also manages a subway now anyways, um, that makes sense, actually thrown. So she wouldn't. She refused the vaccine and argued with us about like, why would you get it and we're like explaining over and over like, well, here's why. Here's science. We were even finally at one point, like, well, Trump got it. So is that enough for you? No, it's not okay. Cool.
Bobby:So I don't understand. He's the one that told me that like we
Jim:we made the shot and then all these people were like, No, fuck, we're not doing it. But yet still trial. Got it. But still Trump back. How
Bobby:do you feel now Trump is our demographic now. They're
Jim:all back to blue. They hate the blue now. They're like, we got to defund the FBI. I'm like, thing is remember you like love the cops,
Bobby:funding things that aren't going your way. But like, literally, it's because everything's a lie in your life. And when you realize, like, at some point, you gotta take some responsibility be like, Okay, this is a lie.
Jim:Like, it's like what like, point will you realize that? Well, we're gonna have to be in jail.
Bobby:Well, putting a pin that like the last president had like documents for the nuclear war codes, like in his house,
Jim:labor declassified and like, does that even matter?
Bobby:It's the fact that he told people and his people told
Jim:that they found Chinese spies in Mar a Lago, like literally with thumb drives just trying to walk around and sneak into places in steal information. Stole Mom and Dad, and they're like, No, it's not a big deal. I'm like, okay, cool. Imagine Hillary doing this. Oh.
Bobby:I'm gonna say something about the emails, because I know you're onto something. But I really want to say something really quick. Go ahead. If the emails were real Trump could have done whatever you're saying the same thing Biden's doing whatever the fuck yeah. Trump could have done that to Hillary. But guess what? He did it and you want to know why? Because there was no information there was no evidence now when there's a fucking evidence. Now. There you go. Now also the President doesn't do everything again. It makes sense. Like it's like the FBI decide to do this. The President's like their boss, kinda but like, it's like a CLE. Like, they
Jim:can't like a rat. Yeah, he
Bobby:can't watch over the whole thing. But like, he's not individual. There's somebody that is higher that will talk to him.
Jim:He cannot tell Merrick Garland like what to do. Like the Department of Justice is independent of the president Merrick Garland. It's almost it's kind of fucked up. Like people think the President is so powerful, but like they are no, they're really not that powerful. No,
Bobby:it's really everything else is happening. But anyway, back to you. So
Jim:so that sister, the COVID denier, the subway manager. She doesn't talk to us, obviously, for obvious reasons. We haven't heard from her in her. It's August. I haven't heard from her since Christmas when I saw her in at Christmas party and I was like at Christmas party. Like fucking cunt. I saw her adequate This was party. A party on Christmas party. Why? Like what does that call when you get together for Christmas? It's called Christmas party of Christmas gathering. Everything's a party. Oh, really?
Bobby:It's a party at 38 Oh, no. Time. Yeah, I'm too high. I'm about to die.
Jim:You're not it's time for a fact. Check my therapist. You
Bobby:look so scary. That cloud
Jim:that cloud like
Bobby:God, yeah, like
Jim:many minutes, home. Wow. Okay, so we're at the Christmas party this last time I saw her so I don't talk to her. I don't know what's going on in her life. She doesn't know what's going on alive. She's never been to our house. She never visited. We've lived here. Never a year and a half has never been over. She never even asked. She'd never come to Columbus and said like, oh, we could get together. Because she doesn't like her younger sister. I don't really remember I think older. Okay, it makes sense. Not really sure. Okay. So, like, why would I that's the point is, I don't know you didn't give me trouble. It's like, that demonstrates?
Bobby:I don't know, though.
Jim:Okay. Like, okay, so out of the blue, Matt gets a Tete a text text. This past week. It says, Where do you live? says What's your address from this nurse from this sister from Matt's sister to text him? What's your address? Matt's like, Haha, why? She's like, what is that? So he tells he tells her the address and Matt says, Why are you coming to visit? Lol? She said no. Then she goes, Do you want a kid? Question mark? He's like, what does that mean? Do you want a kid? He's like, she goes. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And he's like, no, what do you mean this Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and she's like, explain where you're gonna go. Right? This sister goes? No. Emma, which is Matt's Nice. She's like, Emma is going to college in Columbus. And her classes are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I'm like, what? So Matt's like, okay, so how long for how long? And she goes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. And Matt says forever? No, not what days? How long? Is she doing this class these classes in Columbus. And she goes 12 months? She goes, Can so can she stay with you? And Matt's like, I have to discuss with Andrew.
Bobby:Of course Matt's been nice because that's what you'd write for family. Yeah,
Jim:but when you really think about it, you're like so you've never visited me and never. You don't you don't even like as you argued with us all last year. You don't get the back. We barely kept the peace on Christmas. I was like, Hi, how are you? Nice to see you. I
Bobby:do have a question though.
Jim:And then now she wants her daughter to come live with us for a year. What? Okay, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Bobby:I have a question on the daughter. Is she like, maybe she needs you? I know I'm gonna change in
Jim:the sub. The daughter was wearing Trump pence or Trump 2020 for socks last time. I saw her at Christmas. Yeah, so maybe the daughter needs me. The daughter needs Jesus. Honestly, you get back to Jesus. daughter needs it. Today the daughter needs therapy. And judging by her Snapchat, which is always just selfies of herself and being like, I mean, do you have no friend? What if I may use jeans for $50 That's literally what she posts all the time. I'm like and she's like her you should lose honey middle. Kmart they're not gonna get you're never like why would someone buy your used G might be a good boys only wear them seven times. I'm like, I still wouldn't wear euros on your PA period stain jeans for any price. So work on the fields. So I'm just like, Why does bad sister? Why does Why does she think she could Why would my sister in law want her daughter to live with us? She's never been to the house. never visited doesn't talk to us doesn't know anything about us. But now for free. She wants they don't want to get her an apartment. They don't want her to drive every day an hour and a half to school. Here's a little wrench for everyone just like oh my god. You're gonna my brother in law. Her husband though sister who's asking us to let her the daughter live with us. Her husband drives to and from Columbus every day to work from new Lexington, Ohio. This is an hour and a half drive to Westerville. Every morning. He goes there every every afternoon he goes home. That's three hours a day and he does that five to six days a week three hours that chicken writer up here. Exactly what I said. I said so why can't he give this his own daughter a ride to get a house here then and live here for three I've asked I've actually I actually asked him I said why don't you guys live in Columbus. We wouldn't live in Columbus. It's dangerous or it's dirty. Like that's what they say about Columbus there these people know I know. Oh my god and that's why I honestly I told Matt I was like absolute. I said absolutely not. She cannot stay with us.
Bobby:Now are they? Okay, maybe
Jim:they're gonna be at the wedding because we invited them because we have to because it's sibling can't be nice. You don't have I'm gonna get my house. I'm gonna be pleasant and polite. I'll be Pleasant, Pleasant and polite. Oh, it's
Bobby:so nice to meet you.
Jim:Yeah. Are you guys doing okay here in Columbus? Oh,
Bobby:you love Columbus are we are you are you are you surviving like girl you have grit in your teeth and you have dirty nails like what are you talking about Columbus being I know exactly what she was like, oh can fucking sick. She doesn't know she smokes. She loves hot pockets like honey.
Jim:Oh my gosh, her oh my god, they actually do. The other problem that bothers me. Okay, let me just that transition was quick. Let me spill the tea about this che this shit. Both of Matt siblings, both his brother and his sister moved into his parents three bedroom house, while their houses were being built in the same city of New Lexington. So for 15 months, his brother who is a CPA and a CFO of a company makes good good money, decided they need to live with his mom and dad. Like, I'd like map. Why would your brother with his two kids and wife move into a three bedroom house and want to live there. And then also his sister did this. So the sister who wants her daughter to live with us has four girls for girls. And they moved into a three bedroom house for a year while their house was built. Because they just can't find a house to rent or an apartment. So they lived in a three bedroom house with Matt's parents. I think six months, eight people lived in a three bedroom house. It
Bobby:was like two beds. Two baths. Oh, that's it. That's for people. Oh, God. And all
Jim:the girls are like four and above.
Bobby:Saying that,
Jim:like people just saying, just saying, Well, you need to that's fine. Sure. But like you can see. If you can afford Why are you imposing your parents? I would never ask my parents to live with them.
Bobby:Is that not? That's interesting? Because I wouldn't either. I be like now if I literally
Jim:had no money to my name, I didn't have a job. That's my job. And I did, then I'd be like, Okay, I have to do this. I'm humbled myself. And I'm like, oh, ask, I would share my own. But I would show you you would never asked, you know, whatever.
Bobby:Can my dad's not gonna do it? So I was like, why would I? I'll figure it out.
Jim:I'm like, so I just I told Matt, I said, you need to talk to them. And this needs to be from both of us, not just me, right? Like, prior to being the boogey man, I'm tired of being the one who's like, no, no, no, no, you need to make them realize they're crazy. They're the
Bobby:crazy ones. They don't even talk to us on normal. And you asked for my address, and then you're gonna like psychotically probably look me up on Google Maps. Here's
Jim:the right way to do this. My sister needed somewhere to live for three months. And you said no to her. She literally started her text with it's totally okay. If it's a no, but I've been looking at apartments and I just wanted to see if I could stay with you instead. If not, no worries, I found an apartment. That's perfect. So she said it's totally okay. If it's no. So when I was like I don't she said I always say Oh, my sister said I know it's a lot. Yeah. So I just wanted to check but I know it's a lot of dealings. My siblings, it's hard in a new and it was like in a new country. Yeah, just to be like sister knows nothing about us. And once for kids to live with us three days a week for a year, every week for a year also has not visited it has never been to the house. And also I see this girl that was going to live with us this 17 or 18 year old. I've seen her or once a year for the past three, four years. And she they wanted her to live with us. I pictured as a fat lesbian. Oh, kinda honestly. Kind of looks and sounds like one. It sounds
Bobby:like she's like, probably into like, the animal shit at the fair. Like, what's it called? They are?
Jim:Oh boy, but I'm just telling you like, this is what I mad about this took up my whole week of being like, am I being an asshole for this? Am I being crazy? Is this a lot? Or is it just nothing? And I should say yes. And then I finally talked to like friends like you. I talked to Sabrina and I'm like, it's a no Oh, no, this is fucking goes crazy. It's one thing to like, it's one thing if she came around, right if
Bobby:she was one thing if she like,
Jim:like, if you asked me if you had a kid can my kids see I be like, yeah, right, obviously, because you
Bobby:know who I believe that's your house. You bet my house.
Jim:Like it's fine. I forgot. You just seen mine.
Unknown:You. Well, you did.
Bobby:We were in the hot tub. Nika.
Jim:Oh, I never saw your weed, because I hid it from you. Yeah, I haven't seen my winter. No, I know. You see mine like three or four times are you sure? And your husband watched me get a blowjob in the hot tub. So I know he's seen mine. Well, no, but I thought you saw mine in the hot tub. No, you like turned around, walked in backwards and we're like everyone turned around. Oh, and you like God? No, I
Bobby:showed you honey I showed you. You it's not it's unforgettable. Or it's forgettable. No, because I was like, remember I said, Well, you I've seen you naked and I opened my Yes. And you even told me about it. When I was like, fuck it. This is me or like,
Jim:no, you've not shown probably Shawn. No, probably. You
Bobby:but you you're the one person no way. All right. Well, that's fine. That's tucked in turtle. No, I'm just surprised I haven't you have you absolutely have. You'll remember tomorrow when you're done with your Rosa. Oh, you We're gone sundries. No. Oh, fuck, sorry. That's probably a part two like we're gonna have to do apart. Well, what time you have to go now?
Jim:Not yet. I get 10 1015 more minutes.
Bobby:I just really want to say something really quick. Okay, I've had myself a month, I have a therapist, and I'm switching medications. So the next few months might be a little puck fun. Now, the good news is is that when I was on Cymbalta, I came out of the closet. I was like,
Jim:Oh, wait, you're gonna be horny, free? Well, yeah, we'll see that
Bobby:I wanted to go out.
Jim:I wanted to do things. Okay, I liked the sound of this. So take it back.
Bobby:What I realized is that so I got okay. There's been a lot of breakdowns. It started with everything everywhere all at once with Michael and he didn't react and I was upset about it. Because I'm like, why aren't you and
Jim:Matt didn't react at all on Monday when we watched it. So I realized that Brian and you're, we're crying cry. Our partners are just sitting there. Like, I guess I Yeah, because you're high and like, No, it's because it's like, really, fire was completely sober. And I was sobbing bawling, because it's just, it's very touching. It all connects, and then you're like,
Bobby:I am intellectual. Literally, nothing matters. But everything matters to me. If it matters to me to
Jim:give a whole universe that you have to save. It's just your life and no one else knows about it. That's, uh, yeah, it's your whole universe. You're like, you have to save the universe. No, it's just your life. So that
Bobby:started this whole, like, downward spiral into to the point where I was like, where my partner said to me. Maybe you should really talk to somebody. And I said, You know what, you're probably fucking right.
Jim:He said that to you. Yeah. Yikes. I'm, I'm,
Bobby:I'm at the bottom, like, and it's okay. actually feel really good today. It's weird. Maybe it's alcohol. It can't be
Jim:the weed or the alcohol.
Bobby:No, I felt great today. I didn't work and I'm on weed and alcohol today. Like, yeah, you're
Jim:like at home. It's
Bobby:sad. It's Saturday at home high dry. I spent like 1000s of dollars on fucking Costco like, oh, no,
Jim:I mean, good day.
Bobby:I'm having a good day. Because
Jim:if I did this every day, I'm just praying to that and robotic and have and have lung cancer. OSA Sun Rose.
Bobby:Rose says I have subrosa
Jim:Guardium Leviosa
Bobby:so anyway, so I was like, Fine, fuck it. And I said, Fuck it. I'm spending the money was$300 to get them better help, but like I can. So after we'd been put on the commercial. I literally joined one week after one week after I joined and I had my first session. I think I'm gay. I was like, I think I'm Psycho and they're like, so I got a now my my therapist reminds me of Roseanne Barr, kind of like kind of like and Jackie. From Roseanne. Oh, I like her. She's fun. She's cool and no nonsense. But she also like, makes a lot of chili and, like, watches reruns of bad shows and has like a couch. That's outdated. And yeah, lives in Grove City, which I don't think she does. But better, better help.
Jim:Fine. So I can't get real job. What's
Bobby:really sad, is she's she's actually a social worker, which is even, it's like, it's sad. Because like, wow, you're like, don't
Jim:even do that. Yeah.
Bobby:So this is our second job anyway, so I meet with my therapist, and I start unloading, sort of, and I'm like, um,
Jim:I was like, is it is always a vomit. Well, it is. And then my dad and then my mom,
Bobby:what's going on? And like, Well, how do I even like, explain to you what's going on? Because like, literally everything's going on, but nothing's going on everything all at once. Like, I don't know. So my childhood was like, fucked up. My dad like makes me upset. I hate my boss. Like, I want to be a better partner. But I suck. I'm not sexually, like attracted to anything. Unless it's freak nasty. Like, what's going on? Oh, no, it's 100. So that was a fun first visit. So I'm in therapy. I'm also changing meds is really what I wanted to say out loud. Wow. I'm admitting something low
Jim:clap. Thank you. No, but like real, but like, I don't want to clap fast. Because I'm tired. I'm tired, too. Wow. So yeah, I
Bobby:just want to say that like
Jim:you when are you changing meds? When you see what do you see random Tuesday? Tuesday used? No, I did not. That's what Matt says.
Bobby:No, I literally said that. You were like Tuesday. No, that was being fuck job. My grandma, that was Tuesday, Tuesday,
Jim:Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Bobby:I literally said that, like fucked up. Like I missed this little because I'm my mouth didn't work Tuesday, Tuesday. I felt like
Jim:I feel like I'm floating out fire Tuesday. So you're going to therapy on
Bobby:Tuesdays. Next week, Saturday, though? I'm going on Saturday, but so I told her all the stuff and she goes, she goes okay, well, I'm gonna I'm on this.
Jim:Yeah. She literally down pat. And she's like, fuck,
Bobby:she's like, I have to go to therapy for you because you cost me so much. That's the craziest
Jim:thing is that therapists go to therapy.
Bobby:I know. They're fucking and you're like, I actually think therapists are actually psychopaths
Jim:know, most of them are. I've known some literally known. They're like, I'm a therapist, and you're like, and then they talk to me and I'm like, wait, you help other people.
Bobby:But it's so weird, because all she does is sit there and go. So how does that make you feel? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, well, you know, $300 later You know, Bobby, she's like, has my name written here? So you know, Bobby Bob, that life is like, precious acts of chocolate. I'm like, she was that help? And like, she actually asked me that. That actually turned me off a little nasty if it helped. Was that does that make sense that help? I'm like, yeah, no.
Jim:And you're thinking your headline. I'm thinking I
Bobby:told you at the top. I haven't talked about sexual abuse. So like, Honey, we're not even there at the time where I was in a truck. I was on a truck. I know. My problem was I think I told you this. So I know my problem is so like, point blank. This is why you feel guilty all the time. I told you this, right. I'm out the truck. Yes. No. Oh, no, you're just Oh, no, you're quivered. I want to get a ribeye that you. So I told you about how like, we played the winter game with friends. Okay, and we got caught. And when I got in trouble, I did this too. Okay. But I told you about this, right? Oh, no,
Jim:I don't like this. I have a feeling. Feeling anyway,
Bobby:we played the winter game in France. Yes, I did tell you this. And I was the youngest one. So there was a group of friends. I was the youngest. Like, of the group of friends. So I was in second I was in first grade. They were like in fourth, fifth grade. Third, fourth and fifth graders like Oh, wide range.
Jim:I was like, they're like entering puberty and you're correct. First grade. So
Bobby:there was like an incident where we used to play the winter game. I actually, like didn't play it a lot. I was like nervous about I was like, I don't want us here we enter blah, blah, regardless, blah, blah, blah. Well, one day, Now mind you, I'm like six years old, seven years old. First grade. So my mom walked in and busted the whole thing. So the whole operation got canceled. So these kids, these guys that were older than me fifth grade, fourth grade, all didn't really get punished. Really? Probably because they got talked to maybe because So long story short, I was crying for two weeks. I was young. And how is it your fault? Correct. And so this is where this is where I finally realized like, wait a second, you were I was GROUNDED GROUNDED for you in first grade. Because I was involved in something that I literally had no idea what it was like, cuz I'm in first fucking grade. And I was grounded for two weeks. And basically shamed and thinking that like anything sexual was bad, obviously. But also like, that, literally is why I walk on eggshells every day of my life right there. Because I don't ever want to be and I cuz I don't know, again. So I'm not guilty. I felt guilty my whole life. And I finally realized like, It's not my fault.
Jim:Oh, my God. No, I thought I got in trouble too. I was like, with these friends. My parents had friends. And then they had daughters, three daughters, right. And so like, I was hanging out with them. And we were probably like, nine or 10. But like, we were alone one time because the parents went out to eat and I stayed at their house and we like played a game. We're like, Doctor, you have to, if you lose this card round, you have to take one of his clothing off and you have to go in and then we got to a point where like, we're almost naked, naked, right? You have to get in the closet and then show us your pride and kiss for five seconds or like, yeah, you just shows your privates or kiss. And literally, like, I remember, like, just getting in the closet being like, Oh, my pic, and then then being like, and then yeah, then the two girls who were like it's just cold. They got they felt so guilty. Like three days later, they told the parents and then my mom like walks in the room at night, like we know, it's like, I need to talk to you about something and I felt I never felt more guilty about something that was literally natural, so innocent.
Bobby:Are you gonna drink that?
Jim:No. Okay. It's so good. It's so good. Like, if I'm driving like,
Bobby:that's my third drink. I saw you hour and a half. I'm like, I saw you speed up though. And I was like, when you got here, you're like, oh, wait, and then just remember, oops, you drove?
Jim:Yeah. So that's not really like, you get that feeling of you're like, what you get a feeling of you're like, What did I do wrong? And then now I look back. I'm like nothing like literally nothing. Little kids played a game where we were like, What are your privates? Lana?
Bobby:I was the youngest. Now we all got naked, like rolled around. Like it was a weird thing. But no one knew what sex or anything Oh, that and so like, it's like, I for sure didn't know you're young, you're stronger. But you're grounded the other boys and you're grounded. I was only when I got grounded. And I remember that. I'm more thinking like, what did I do? You're always younger on everyone and everyone else's 11. Like, it's
Jim:your fault. Yep.
Bobby:So that's, I mean, so but that's exactly the
Jim:problem is, we only remember that story. Right? But I can't tell you how many times I was told I'm the oldest because I was the oldest of four kids. So I heard the oldest better. And I'm like, Oh, you're the oldest girl she should know better. You don't act like that. Because you're the oldest. I'm like, Oh, they're allowed to do that because you're the oldest and you should I should be telling them what I'm like. I'm sorry that they're like God, is that our problem? We're the oldest. I didn't know how are you the oldest that's for ya. See? I didn't know your oldest, that's our problem. That's it. Literally, we have a complex where we have to be the representative, we have to be the best example. We have to be all of these things for more people watching then, and then we get in trouble if anything happens. And it's like it's our fault because I'm we're the oldest, I remember being like, for playing a game that's too rough for like, right if my sister got hurt when we were out riding bikes, it was my fault. You weren't watching them. Oh, if, if one of my siblings came home crying, and it was like the neighbor down the street was mean to them. They're like, Well, why would you let them be mean to them? And I'm like, I wasn't there. That wasn't there. Oh, my God. And my mom always told the story of how she protected her younger brother. I don't go fuck. neighborhood bully. She punched neighbor bully in the face because she the bully was being mean to my uncle, who was younger than my mom. And she's like, my grandpa, your grandpa always told me to protect. You are sick, my siblings and I was like, Okay, well, do you want me to punch people? Like I couldn't tell what she meant by this? Man. I would listen and be like, how am I supposed to punch people at school? If they're being mean to my cause my sister or my brother, I'm supposed to punch people. Literally, I was like, I don't understand what to do with this story as a kid, and I still look back. I'm like, That was weird. But that's what they were told. They told my mom, my mom's like, if anyone's hurting your siblings, you stand up for them. I'm like, Okay, well, but in what way? Because you're telling me a punching Right?
Bobby:Like, do you want me to like, like, do you want me to like this, the millennials? This is our problem as millennials is that we're going through a crisis now where we're like, I'm segwaying into that, because the way we were raised was, especially for the oldest one in their family. It's like you need to prepare the protector you need to know better. You shouldn't know this before you even know anything. And it's like, wait a second, I don't even know what sex is. And you're basically saying I got has a sex ring. That's what I feel like. That's how I feel in my head. I'm like, You call your grandmother your two weeks. And it's my fault.
Jim:Because other boys wanted because
Bobby:there was an older people, everyone else is older, and you want to blame me. So it goes back to the truck it goes back to so like, my therapy has started and working through it. And honestly, I don't I'm not really ashamed of it. Actually, like I really should read a book
Jim:why a year and a half ago, I was in therapy. I went to five sessions. I think that's what happened. You want to remember I when I went to I went to a new drug. I did therapy on my own. Then I did couples therapy. And I'm doing you have to do group therapy.
Bobby:my opening statement.
Jim:It was so good. I want my opening statement though. We restarted we literally reset Matt will tell you to I agree. I think we started from the beginning. And they were like, well, why are you even? Why are you even together? Right? Literally answered that first. And I was like, oh shit, I think I don't know why I literally said I don't remember. I was like, I don't heart. The folks, because it's been six years. And you're like, I don't remember.
Bobby:I just love when people are like informed with like, how do you ever like no, I'm like, happy eight months. I'm like, girl be one
Jim:way. Or like, wait, wait till you've been away from this fucking talk. But you have to do these things ever these will this work, right? Every you do have to do this work every day. And then when you let it fall behind, and then it's like months, and then it's a year. And then COVID happens. That's what happened to us. A lot of thing. I was like, Oh, we really I told Matt, I said you're a roommate. You feel like a roommate. Because we just have been living together. It's just like we buy we don't hang out. Because there's nothing to do. It's COVID. I mean, literally, I said you're a roommate. And then we went to therapy worked through it. It helps. So you should do that. You also. Yeah. And I also switched medicine. And you also had an individual therapy. We both switched everything.
Bobby:My therapist, the first thing I said was I want to be better. I said I'm here because I think I want to be a better partner like I really do is what I said, because I feel like there's a lot of things happening in my life that are like, are making me a bad partner, which is fine.
Jim:And you are and I am from what I've heard. You've been complained about by Michael.
Bobby:Well, well, who else would it be?
Jim:I mean, but your other partner, my other partners like?
Bobby:Um, so I was like, That's my starting sheet. But her first comment was What is he doing to help the relationship? So we need I was like, I'm not bringing my therapy. I'm really excited about therapy, I think.
Jim:No, it's good Cymbalta always say yes or no if you if it makes you start wanting to like do things and go out and I cannot wait. Oh, honey, I'll be like It's a Thursday
Bobby:night at exile. I'll drive from Western I mean yeah,
Jim:like I'm down to do that again now. Guards because it was too much but like I'm wondering why you quit darts I am not playing this season or session you slept with
Bobby:we really got a lot off our chests I think they can happen.
Jim:So it is literally it's part twos.
Bobby:We missed the first week of Miss ever
Jim:when we can do two parts for a week apart or that we're back on track. Well sort of Will there be and
Bobby:we'll see because a lot of that was like a personal like therapy so I'll see what I don't think two hours will be fine, but like if not, this will be an hour. It's gonna be an hour. Yeah, like literally. Do you have any sundries really quick before we go like anything you want to talk about? Want to make sure I I need to make sure I covered everything though because I do have a
Jim:sundry you got wrong. Here's the sundry This is one of my drunk thoughts while I'm like wandering on the streets. So like, I
Bobby:have high thoughts. He has strong thoughts. So he's like wandering on the street. I'm
Jim:in Quebec City. Everything is from the 1600s. You know, it's like friendship with cobblestone. We're eating dinner on a little like, cobblestone patio. And I'm like, I'm realizing there's candles on the table, and I'm like, Okay, I just turned a man I was like, How did people come up with candles? Think about it. Why would you ever put whatever the hell a candle is? Together and stick a piece of string or something in the middle of it? And then light it? Holy fuck. Oh, it's beeswax or whatever.
Bobby:But you're like oh, what we're doing the 1800s light a candle but where the candle complaint literally like how many 1000s Yeah, and
Jim:how did you get like a string to not burn not burn out? Like how did you figure out the day burning? I'm just like, I don't know what candles are. I realized I was like,
Bobby:I literally is like the biggest. I'm sorry.
Jim:I went on a mind trip. I was like, how do people because there's a lot of things that you're like, well, people stumbled upon them. Like someone was like, Oh, this thing is rolling on the ground. Like, oh, that shape rolls. Let's make a wheel. There's a lot of things we're like, Well, I can see why people thought of that. Was like we know how to make fire. We know fire makes light. Yeah. How do we make light last longer than probably so they're like, okay, but then it's like what do you dip it in the shape of a candle is so weird. You're like, why is wax a good thing? Let's take your cock Johnny and let's modal. You're rambling. And the holes where the wick goes? Who came up with the wick? What's a wick made of? Well the
Bobby:wick that's the other thing. I think the wicks in the day probably weren't? I don't know. It's really fucking mad at your friggin now.
Jim:What's the candle? What
Bobby:were candles around like immediately, Lord, yes. Oil lantern.
Jim:Well, they both I think
Bobby:well, I'm gonna watch Pete in the bees like there's candles.
Jim:There is in there in Quebec City and Quebec City. There were candles. There were I have a sundry Okay. Quick and
Bobby:easy. If you eat pop tarts for breakfast and you see on the package is like 290 calories. I don't think 340 is the total I don't just have
Jim:per tartar per package package.
Bobby:Three, four.
Jim:I only ever ate one pop tart. And I think that's why we're I think that's why we are where we are. That's why we're here this way because I only ever ate one pop tart out of the packet and then put that back in again. Fuck you. My mom said that was the normal or that guy. I would wrap one and other cake the paper towel out to the bus stop and eat it at the
Bobby:that's what poor people do. Most horse people especially will have to tarts um, but to tar Can I please just say yeah, that Oh, fuck. I have a lot going on. Pop Tarts are 18 points on weightwatchers team fucking points up.
Jim:I only got 18 A day, right? So I lose 18 points.
Bobby:So I'm like, okay, I can eat a grilled chicken sandwich. A three and three quarter cups of popcorn, a chili and cheese baked potato from Wendy's. All the same amount of points as to fucking Pop Tart pastries. So if you're eating pop tarts for breakfast, and you're wondering why not losing weight? That is why
Jim:and if you're one of those kids who used to eat to pop tarts, and you're dealing with Weight Watchers now,
Bobby:that's why I'm also gonna go on Zen pick I want to tell you when you are. I'm asked my doctor. I'm talking Randy. I'm gonna go I want to get Cymbalta and I want to pick and I'm going to enemy says,
Jim:I fucking hate you if you lose 30 pounds, just like what you can eat.
Bobby:What? So the thing is, it stalls your eating like you You came certain foods because it makes you sick. I didn't know that. Yeah. So like, if you eat too much pizza, like you'll throw up. It makes you sick. And there's nothing you can do because it's a shot. So like you're already in it. Like you can't like throw up your pill like it's in your blood. I'm doing that. So I'm doing therapy. I'm losing weight. I'm on Cymbalta. I'm
Jim:drunk so basically you're gonna have a new best friend very soon great dust hunting you're not being loved and us Yeah,
Bobby:you'll be the fat friend
Jim:you're gonna be a new you think I can just be fat
Bobby:well i Yeah, you can I can do oh my god I'm so fat
Jim:time walking around like my large anymore.
Bobby:Like let's just talk about that. Like, we're like
Jim:we're fat. We were so so skinny. I was always fucking I was wearing small to medium shirts. I'm wearing large Extra Large literally you're like What size are you
Bobby:oh I get the three XL t now on Canva or on whatever this is called because it takes shrink I gotta go I like okay, well anyway I'm Sorry we missed the week but obviously it's was we
Jim:had a lot to catch up.
Bobby:Yeah, follow us and thanks bye fucking horse.
Unknown:Oh no. Oh fuck