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Aug. 25, 2021

OnlyFans (Religion, Sex Worker, LA, Drinking, Pray Away)

Wars are often started due to religious differences. In order to solve the problem, we must first look at the sources. We need to understand what religion and wars have in common. It is because of this that we should start using religion as a way of uniting people instead of divide them.

Its make or break for She’s Not Doing So Well  this week. We start out talking about OnlyFans and how investors are shaping society. Bobby feels that the top 1% are controlling everything going on in society, which is why OnlyFans, Tumbler, Craigslist & more are proof of it. Miz has a different opinion and thinks that it's more about becoming publicly traded, which prohibits the use of adult content. The whole thing is just a stab a sex workers and greed.

Bearback With Bobby goes into people with duct tape on their bumpers honking at you criticizing your driving. Bobby saw the documentary "Pray Away" over the weekend and was really taken aback by what he saw. These scenes then lead to Miz's outburst exploring religion and how people are murdered for a “fake” entity. He also thinks anyone who is super religious is dumb - if you're super religious, you might want to skip ahead or otherwise turn back now. 

Miserable With Miz is back in full swing and full of misery. Although Miz had a great time in LA he is miserable about a few things. He is walking around in a boot, missed his flight to LA, can't figure out where his money is going and just is overall in a funk. It would not be MWM without a little bit of self deprecation. 

The More You Know With Jim is a little somber. Jim thinks he needs to cool down the drinking because its making him fat and hungover. Miz talks about NEVER going to dinner with him and not having a cocktail and they reminiscing on the time in NYC when Bobby got a Diet Coke and Miz almost flipped his shit. Jim also talks about FUDGE and his hate for it while Bobby and Miz dream of its taste.

All this and more! 

Word of the week is: Sounding

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Bobby's Only Fans

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Come with me and you see a world of bareback is drowning


that's really all you can do. Welcome to She's Not Doing So Well Comedy podcast featuring Bobby. I don't want to be viral I want to be inspirational and life changing because listen I'm at G gym at the top


What can I say? Finally he's just like you can unfollow me if you don't like my body


the Ms.

The Miz:

Oh my God tell me all about your brain but you like mushroom shaped your whole eat a bag of decks. Love all bag. Yeah, an entire fucking bag.


Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of She's Not Doing So Well. I am Bobby. I am Jim. I am the moons we are back and we are in fucking business. Oh, yummy. Aren't you guys so excited to be back together? All three of us united.


Never been more thrilled. I'm not actually a fan. I think you carry all the excitement here.


I think I actually do. You know it's kind of funny. We were talking today when I was talking with jack Hey, cuz I was over her pool high as fuck yesterday. We were just giggling in the pool. And she's like, I somebody said to her. That's the first time I've seen you laugh like that. And then Jackie said to me too bad. It's not sober. And I said you know what? That's sad. You're kind of right. Because I don't know the last time I laughed like my ass off or you're like crying laughing sober.


I can either like I don't even know if I want to though. Like laughing sober. That's weird. Let's start with Have you ever been sober?


I can't remember the last time I was like dying laughing where you can't breathe other than being high. So I think that's good. It's kind of sad.


Maybe just, that's all we need.


What are you trying to figure out right now? life? Yeah, so also on the pull though, we had this like funny moment where I was sorry. I'm going off right? Not really going off. But this is like the intro. Have you ever thought we were all going to those three guys and three girls in the pool and we were all in a circle. And I said we should just like circle jerk or something. And then I was like, you that's really normal and cool. But have you ever thought about like having a full jackin Joe's circle jerk? Isn't that kind of following? Yes. No.

The Miz:

I've never thought about that. You fucking freak. Why would I think about that


jerk and a rub. Now I think

The Miz:

jack and jill circle jerk and jack, jack and jill. dag in


the poll. Have you ever seen what happens if you come under water? It's just stringy right? Yeah. Like disappear? Well, it's just like float in the shower. Have you gotten the shower after


like kind of like hey, it's like it gets stuck to your hair and so

The Miz:

yeah, it's everywhere. Why does it


yeah another reason to avoid shower sex like yet another reason that coming is terrible.

The Miz:

I hate shower sucks. I hate it. Hate give me head in the shower cuz you always get like suds in your mouth and you're like, what the fuck? Why? Why are you washing yourself while I'm blowing you? You


thought Why are you waterboarding me while you're getting blown?


It's part of the experience.


I mean, torture hurts. Yeah, what


if you like torture play? waterboarding? I mean, that's a lot that's pretty heavy. That's


pretty kinky.


That's pretty fucked up. Here a little King core. Ms. How was la Hellas?

The Miz:

La was amazing. I'm not gonna lie. It was amazing. I


didn't know you have a hidden talent now cuz I saw a video mizkan saying Did you know that in talent? That's true. You're a singer?

The Miz:

Hi. I had a whole mixtape Did you not listen to it?


I did. But I like sang on that.


I don't think

The Miz:

this was like news to anyone. Oh,


did you put on like Bandcamp or whatever? No, like it's on his MySpace. It

The Miz:

was everywhere. It was on Soundcloud it was on Spotify there I got distro honey now when I shut that mids at went to


she is a little Wheeler and dealer she's like I'm not gonna let anybody take this and put it on the radio

The Miz:

a Wheeler Dealer You are so far oh my god I want to go back


I am not you want to live though be real.

The Miz:

I love it because it's like something different but New York is New York is New York It's New York like like you know what I mean? Like New York is the fucking Best Buy for the entire world and that


I'm not actually

The Miz:

it's I would not expect anyone from Columbus Ohio to be on say to


me, we go downtown. The fogging cow To visit cool

The Miz:

I know I know everything I need to know about it but it's not the place I want to live LA I want like like a home there are like an apartment there like for the winter Oh to like when ever I know bungalow like


Yeah, a little bungalow we'll all own it and then we all just take bungalow takes her.

The Miz:

I don't know how similar it is to Columbus but like you have to drive everywhere like it's not dense. You can't walk from when


I was fucking


Yeah, LA is really spread out. Columbus is not as spread but like it is sort of spread. There's like neighborhoods spread out.

The Miz:

The bars are only open till 2am which surprised? It's Los Angeles. Like I thought it would be like, open till four. Oh.


I thought they were I thought that the abbey and things like that when we went I thought it was I


don't know, though. Actually. I want to say it was earlier was we couldn't even make it past. Well, yeah, with the three hour delay. We're just like, I don't know how you stepped up to LA on your like second night. Like there's no way.


It's like 5am

The Miz:

well, too fucking early. I know. It sounds good. I want to stay out past two. But I don't want to have to wrap it up and like 115 You know, we're gonna wrap it up at like, 315


bath houses are probably open all the time.


24 hour,

The Miz:

I was not going to bath house.


You know what I know is his favorite day of the year and it's coming up. When is that? daylight savings when you fall back at 2am and it goes Oh, I forgot about that. You see miles a bar whore. That's my that used to be my little like, gas will drink for another hour. It's like in blackout even worse, like what? You're like, Okay, everybody get your money like,


Oh, I fucking love that. I love it. Well, I was working in overnight shift when that happened. And so you have to work an extra hour. sucked.


Oh my Oh, that's bad. Yeah, that would be fucking bullshit. Like,


Oh, here we go. 1am again,


that is horrifying.


Yeah, I've got like, it was really bad.


I was gonna use my segment for this, but I think we should talk about it before the segment, I think Yeah, only fans. It's a big topic right now.


I can't handle it. There's


a lot of people that are gonna have to go like buy groceries again.

The Miz:

Yeah, I mean, I don't


know, but it's true. What do you think about all these people offering 70% discounts that was before only fans was going to shut down? So it's kind of like they were barely getting by with full support from only fans now. It's just what are they gonna have?

The Miz:

That's my view is I'm just like, you want to go public? You want to have an IPO? You want to get funding but like, What are you telling investors? Right? It's really



The Miz:

proposition now? Like who? Who's paying for the snap? What


are you this is not what you are? Like, what do we do now? Like classy? like

The Miz:

trying to go public and then be like, all of a sudden we sell like lettuce? Like it's not what your results are? At 1.0 Yeah. It's disgusting and bad for you. like it'd be the same day like it's just totally different.


So Well, I think because I've been on only fans recently and there's like obviously the shade button and there's all these celebrities on and it's like why would I want to pay $30 to see more just fully clothed pictures of a random celebrity or like a video of them

The Miz:

I can still get naked did pay well they can see chris brown on it nothing nothing really nothing good.


That's what I've always figured like the celebrities aren't gonna additional out there like


my nipple for you on there for


now I just don't know what the point of only thing well


anymore trying to put up something really good on Twitter and it really kind of shook me and God bless a really really shocked me how shocked so you remember Craigslist? Yes. And you know why they like the same reason that's the same reason why Tumblr went out. So basically these these shareholders so the top 1% the rich people control everybody it's your fully control so they're


controlling all the sex workers and moving them around for them to make more money no


or or yeah or there's like so supposedly the whoever's one of the sponsor whoever's wanted like the sponsors where they fucking call them investors is some woman that's part of like an anti LGBT blah blah blah. So like what's happening those are pushing their agenda through their money through these websites so like they're trying to censor basically gay people like YouTube member when YouTube like censored I mean, it's like I feel like not just cuz we're gay. I think sex work and just like things that aren't on the Christian agenda. Yeah. Because they have money because they don't like helping actual people are poor like they're like we're gonna fund this thing but you can't do porn anymore and then of course only fans is like Well yeah, I guess we can't because I need your money yeah it's fuck you're everybody's controlled by the fucking top Rana. It scared me because I was like, oh, here's It was a thread and everything.


tops always control the bottoms.


Well, let's not get too sassy


with your case. Power bottom.


So yeah, I thought that was very like just a QA


interesting. And that was a good use of Genesee quad do to train I think he Montreal.


I mean, I don't know. Do you have any thoughts on it? Ms. Are you just kind of like indifferent?

The Miz:

I think it's more so that they want to do an IPO and that you can do an IPO selling porn


but I didn't realize that I didn't know that

The Miz:

other theory


I think it's very interesting that's all I mean, I think it's very fucked up.

The Miz:

Right very interesting. I'm sorry I'm not talking about people.


I mean, I mean of course you're gonna see the financial financial side


by man john shine is


took edibles and oh wait maybe going to talk about that. Yeah, okay, he knows what it's like to be high now and stupid good I love Thank you.


I love that for them. them Oh, I thought I thought you went to LA and transition sorry isn't it to you?

The Miz:

Just a regular old he Oh,


that's so sadly in your sis in your white


so worst Well, he's so


Alicia Italians you like pull off like ethnic like, start speaking like

The Miz:

someone called me fucking Mario on the street one time.


Oh my god, you should grow a mustache. I love it. Mario to me, Mario. Mario.

The Miz:

I'd be borio if I were to be any of them.


I'd be browser just based on my size. bouncer, he's gonna

The Miz:

be Princess Peach.


Your peach but also you kind of are Luigi. You kind of look like Luigi now that I think about it. And oh my god, I have a podcast with Mario Luigi. That's great and I am

The Miz:

Mario We're Brothers And you're the evil like beast that we tried this fat


like fat I'm fat bastard with the different franchises different franchises same thought process and same look the same high brain baby

The Miz:

Okay, so what did you write down mommy?


Are we getting arrested? Well,


I took out two of the top so now I have two things to talk about why we're now we're because I talk a lot about


generalized I can't wait to hear


you like for me to speak the only fan story because I go first like what have you guys we're going to talk about it. Let's just talk about in the open all right now love it. You're smart honey. I'm stupid you


guys hate me Wheeler and dealer so


something I thought of actually today as I was driving home is so this little motherfucker in a Toyota Corolla. Probably like I guess I'm not in the 90s anymore. A 2010 Corolla?


What color was it?


I don't know. It was like silver I think it wasn't like a good color was like red or anything that

The Miz:

this bit should read a good color for a car.


No, but it's not something that I can remember. Like when actually yeah, it is cuz I maroonish


I think red is always a fast car cops look for red cars. Get red. Look for red cars. cars were like douchebags and yeah, they they are yellow tire and orange. All the brake. Car. That's an automatic speeder that cops always look for that.


They do. Honey, honey. The scrape the tea is scalding. A little clear. Have you ever like been driving and somebody cuts you off? And they make you seem like the asshole but then you look at their car and they're like fenders falling off. Duct tape? Yes. I dare you. And I'm like, are you honking at me? Because you have a history of a beater. You have a history of problems here and you're gonna yell at me. Oh, yeah, not today. Not today, Jesus because I am not doing it. And that's why I thought on the way home I was like laughing so hard. I was like, it is fun. If you have anything wrong with you. That's like calling the kettle black honey. Hey, Jim, how do you send a duck? Bobby? dinner and I had an edible. Of course the minute I saw Jim like on the way I'm like shit

The Miz: 6:

50pm you fucking mess


up like my messy, messy day.

The Miz:

had dinner like you didn't just stop at fucking Wendy's three hours ago.


Hi, hey. chey


But no accurate.


I mean I did have a potato. No and it's big potato Monday since he had to have that chili.


In Ohio we have big potato Monday I made it up actually want to participate.

The Miz:

Like I like a memorialized holiday in Colombo in


Columbus we like well,


this is where the front of the franchise operation is


true. Wendy's was founded here. Wait, did


you say Wendy's? Wendy's? Wendy's? You sounded so old. Wendy's was made


Oh is Wendy. It's Wendy's.


Windy peppercorn. Do you remember what I said? That? Do you know that is Yeah. I regret no sandlot. Okay, so that's my one thing. Okay. Anybody have anything else to say? on tape? I know there's another I forgot what it is. Oh, have you guys seen pray away on Netflix now? Not? Yeah, I'm gonna find your rant about it. You've got to watch it. Like you've got to watch sure you have to do either. We're killing


me some Cliff Notes like PTSD from it.

The Miz:

We're like care about it.


Yeah, it's actually very very interesting because these people who are just the sick disgusting monsters who are like, but they're really not so disgusting monsters, because they were just trapped in their own like religion. So they were like, I used to be gay but I prayed it away and now I'm headed this like it was called it was called exactly but some like retreat they did once a year where all these gays and lesbians would come together and be like, we're reformed. We're not gay and lesbian anymore, but then they will lay like they were like, the stories where they're like hugging up on the side like that's where like they felt their their true selves and that was like where they could go and be themselves and safe.


So so like they could pray away the sins at this place but they're like praying with that air


but they're like but they're like they're with their with other gay people that are just in the same position do they leave like like under the impression that they're now straight? Or do they leave unchanged and it's all the way through everyone's time and money will just like all of us in each you to the fucking core until you finally can just be yourself like that's why I think everybody comes out eventually is you know, you can live for so long and it's great but things come up where it's like if I was I just need to be out like it's just too much like to hide for a lot

The Miz:

of people I have this to shine light on how it does not work.


So a how it doesn't work be how it was formed. See, there's a new one that's formed by this guy. Let me get his name out. I wrote him a new one on Instagram, or it wasn't that great. I'm sure Miss was like this is what he was. You are

The Miz:

hungry Tom and that's fine. did not say that.


His name is Jeffrey McCall.

The Miz:

Okay, fuck you Jeffrey McCall.


huge effort. Yeah, he's a little he's not little. He's a bear. But he's a little game was trans but now he's back to being a man and straight when I'm sorry. What? Yeah,


can we go he went from


a gay man. a trans woman back to a man and a straight and now he's back to straight. And he's now or straight? Or he's, he's like, I had to escape the LGBT fam. They're like it. To me. It seemed like he does his rationale that he was he was in a dark path and that he finally saw Jesus and Jesus told him that he needed to like go maybe

The Miz:

the word couldn't handle being agathi so fucking disgusting. Can't handle the heat out of the kitchen. True.


Hi, gay. Wow, you know what? You're right.


And that's why we don't like Bobby.


Right? Or the fact that Oh, that's awkward. Oh, sorry. Oh, no. Awkward comedy hashtag. Yeah, no, I'm right away. It looks like a fucking queen. I'm sorry. So messed up. It just really is sad to me, because he's like crying. He's like, I found my way. And he has a church at his house. That's a bunch of queers that walk away.

The Miz:

And I think in his perfect world, he would have been whatever he wanted to be, and it would have worked out for him and he would have found happiness there. But for whatever reason, he didn't now he's like, religion and not and going backwards


like this. His way of becoming something he's

The Miz:

like, didn't work for me. It's and I'm going back to this. I could do that, too.


I we all can pretend. I just want to let you know that these are the Christian Taliban. Like we have to realize these are Christian Taliban. They're the same, right? It's one of those absolutely ridiculous they want to lock everyone up or kill them if they're gay, or if the woman disrespects the man. It's the same situation. It's a different religion. Yeah,


I mean, Christianity is pretty rough lately, especially also with the priest in caught in Nevada on


Grindr on Grindr.

The Miz:

I think everyone who's religious isn't idiot. Sorry. My grandfather was a priest. My mom my grandma was like, super Catholic used to watch the pope on TV audience. Oh, yeah.


Your grandpa was appraised of different

The Miz:

types of family. Okay. Yeah. Wait.


She had a sister. My.

The Miz:

My mother's father. They're not Catholic. They he was a minister. Sorry, not a priest. He's a minister. Oh, my grandma was scandalous,


New Hampshire.

The Miz:

Follow since my yeah basically if you progress religion I'm sorry I have no respect for you just get real but well he charges well now not what if I'm done with it?


No like, I kind of wonder I'm like everyone's like you know religion it can be a force for good I'm like now along with is all this garbage that comes with the very few good people who practice

The Miz:

placing all your stock and a bunch of nonsense that like it's just nonsense like what are you doing? Fucking idiot How do you not see it in the office How do you not see it? This isn't about like LGBT just like okay you're just being dumb like there's shot like oh my god not real


Tell me if this is something that gets you off to is when there's certain groups of people who are have all this nonsense they believe in and they can't recognize it the other religions say hey are just different groups of people believing other different nonsense and you're like us You guys are fighting over the dumbest shit

The Miz:

so many strands of religions that are just so slightly different and like oh no but we believe this so now I'm gonna fucking slit your throat Yeah, we're gonna have a call with it. It's fiction. I can wipe my ass with your goddamn Bible like nothing fucking is real. Have a reality check. You're not going to hell you're not going to have it you're going to the ground where your rock away and be forgotten.


What shocks Bobby's Oh, no Bobby's here. Don't be careful. Bobby's I don't believe that. And I'm going to say Oh, you're wrong. Okay, I'm not actually a fan of religion. But

The Miz:

I think what do you believe happens?


Poor Bobby let's create a safe space. No, I


think you become I really am certain believe more into the universe and more like energy. It does.

The Miz:

I don't know. Or is it a convenient thing to lean into?


No, actually kind of believe it. It's really weird. I really believe in like, what like, I'm not allowed to believe it now.


Maybe all beliefs should be banned. We don't we don't know. It's we can't prove it as a fact. Like, let's just ban these.

The Miz:

You know what I can prove that people disintegrating into the ground and their bones being dug up years later? Yes.


Bobby's gonna be a big pile of bones.

The Miz:

Does anyone have an effect on like, physical evidence and someone's soul? It's like in the tree outside like, no, no.


I did not know this is where this was going. Well, I

The Miz:

mean, I like to believe he's so mad because it's so unfounded yet people put so much




gays at this camp. Like they will literally hide their whole lives hate themselves their whole lives. Because somewhere in a random book from 6000 years ago, some old guy who was probably gay wrote in the book, oh, you can't sleep with other men because it's evil, right? He probably

The Miz:

felt bad about sucking a big fat cock and then go wrote it in the fucking Bible. He


was like Jeffery McCall and was like, rejected. So he's like, fuck this, I'm gonna ban and all of them. Oh, yeah, it's

The Miz:

how much destruction has been caused by like people wanting to believe in like some greater being like, arguably, many if not all, wars have been about that like nylon, like all of that has been based in problems between nations, which are generally based on like, either religious things or like imperialism. So like, what do we do?


One World Order? I don't know.


We could become communist and banned religions.

The Miz:

I think we should ban religion. Like if you want to think about it in your brain. Great. Go ahead. You can't do anything beyond that. here's,


here's what I'd say. I think you can have your religion you can have your church but first of all, you can start paying taxes, because that's number one. You're not paying taxes. So you have these guys like Joel Osteen or whatever, like standing up there like Jesus did, and then drive off on his porch and he's like, he is feeding you bullshit. So you keep coming back so you can keep paying for him because he's in the top and do whatever you want and hills. I can't. I'm telling you. We're all controlled. We are all controlled. I do a little Can I get an amen? Amen to that shit. A man review for a man can you say I mean? I mean No, I think honestly, I think you have valid points I really do and


Jen is garbage. It's tough.


It's It's tough.

The Miz:

It should be so antiquated to me like egg there's so much more information now.


Can you have you when you meet? I it's a red flag for me. If I meet someone my age who's religious I instantly want to run away I'm like, Okay, well, I'm gonna back out of the room by

The Miz:

one of my really good friends is very religious and she goes to church like every Sunday she does Bible study and it's a big,


I have a lot of friends that are religious. I now the way she

The Miz:

spins it to me is more about like taking the writing. And seeing like how she can equate it to like mental health how she can equate it to like, like being versus she's a lot of bang. If you're not gonna sit there and say like, Hey, I believe in a lord versus like, hey, like, I'm going to take over lessons that's in here and abroad I'm to myself and in pray act accordingly. And this is this is the same girl that used to be a lesbian, like, now she's not but no woman and there's the hit and there is the washer that religious before she became a man. And she got married, she got engaged, and


she said she went to the dark side of her

The Miz:

fiance Rayner living together and blah, blah, blah, and it's your cold feet. And that's what makes it sad, because like, I mean, like, I don't know her inner thoughts, but like, at that point in time, in order to get your family back, you kind of had to change.


So then in order to change you have to follow this religion that's actually not really like real,

The Miz:

necessarily, right? None of its around saw fucking done.


And that's fine. And for me, I don't hate final thoughts. No. on my site, I hate you know, I just I don't think I hate people who are religious. I just think it depends on who you are. Because there's some people who use it like your friend who not necessarily like, like, I have friends that are religious that will say fuck and do all the shit and you don't even know the religious right. So like, that's kind of just like if it's in your own time and your own internet like you know, you should pray.


Well, that's how you are Oh, because you are talking about the universe. But you're not like walking around with crystals telling me about the amesys sucks bad energy. And then the gemstone here brings in the gut rather than the window and I just I can't believe all these fucking crystal this bullshit crystal stuff everybody's all about I almost want to Yes. To me. It's a new religion. It's like a religion


is it's a calming mechanism. Because again, if I go back to the whole denial of death, it's because we don't want to die.


Yep. So we have to come up, come up with a reason


to keep going like oh, we're gonna live. I'm gonna meld into the energy. It was a way to heal from losing parents and seeing people die out there and having now

The Miz:

Yep. I know why they're rotting under the ground. Sorry, you know, I


rot it.


I hope you believe whatever you believe. Just don't push it on people. And it's not the same as like an equal right? to like, oh, you're pushing the gauge? No, no, no, no, no. Word is actually trying to be normal. You're thrown in our face. Well, do you remember every single fucking soap opera? We had to watch when we're growing up but people like fucking and walking around? Anyway, that's what I want to clear. Anyway. That's it. Problems I was a good now's a good I think it was I think it was actually a really good start. Like it's gonna be a little rough for some people to hear. But also, I think it's a good thing about that.


Where did that start the reality check. From the fat railway. Sorry, I'm


serious. You guys should. should watch it. It's pretty intense. It's like you're kind of I actually want all my straight friends to watch it, to be honest.


Give us some insight, right.


Like, here's what's really going on. Just FYI, is


what we're up against. Right.


Okay, so what we're gonna do, we're doing a question. It's a Would you rather again, you know what I stayed with? Would you rather but I'm trying to tone it down just a bit


like kids version?


No, no, that's like, Why? Why? Well, last week, we had a rough one. We both did a What do we do? It was like, would you rather eat toenail fungus? It was just grow every it was just all those grow. So I kind of like, at least were hand selected by me. Would you rather accidentally send a naughty picture to your dad or to your boss? And let's say your boss is like not your friend.

The Miz:

My dad.


Yeah, I feel like the dad you can get away with where's the


boobs? You've seen that before boss


can go to HR and then like your fire my dad for sure. Like you can't explain things like that to a work person.


But I think it kind of haunts like for your boss to say like and be like, Oh, sorry,


but how would you prove was an accident and then, like I


have a story like that? Actually, I did some I bought something. No, seriously. I was in the closet while I was in the closet. I don't know how everybody perceive me at work or whatever. But that's fine. But I remember I had a I was trying to send somebody an exile event there was like jock night at exile or something like that had a guy with a jock picture and everything. So I sent it to who I thought I was sending it to. And I really sent it to Karen at work. And I was not out of the closet. So I was like, oh my god lol You and a jock. No think oh my god. No, no, it wasn't me. This is the closest I've been to like,

The Miz:

just like it was a flyer. Okay,


but like, it's kind of embarrassing. I would have wanted to know and so I remember when I hit send I literally turned off my phone and was like oh go through She goes lol and I go sorry, like, oops.


Oh my god that that is sickening.


So my next thing would you rather prefer being beautiful but dumb or ugly but smart beautiful but dumb that's gonna be a hard one for Ms because he likes being smart and beautiful. Yeah, but no one babe,


everyone can tolerate a beautiful but dumb person you just, you know, they're so stupid but Paris Hilton for example what


if you're ugly but smart, then do you make enough money to the pool? Whatever you want anyway.


Yeah, but I know a lot of smart people


not smart. Right? And so that's where it is. Yeah, that is You are right. The oak girl. Thank you. It's sort of hygiene. Gene. seven days a week.

The Miz:

Okay. I guess I'd be ugly and smart. That's you know, what's


funny about that is that I like you are so dedicated to like work in your career and everything I was this when I saw it. I was like, Oh my god, I cannot.


I guess I'm over here doing nothing.


Oh, and you're so dedicated to gem?

The Miz:

Well, what kind of smarts what kind of smarts like what realm of intelligence we're talking about? Like book street emotional.


Oh, these are all really good points. I don't know. I guess I'm thinking like sexual. Maybe I'll change it to would you like rather be an ugly genius. Okay. Like I'm talking like, like, how ugly I wouldn't want Stephen Hawkins


Stephen Hawking


was inappropriate to say that you look like that. Like the little shriveled up guy.

The Miz:

Just April or was he


doesn't change the way you look like he's still ugly. Ugly? No, I wasn't judging because of his disability. Oh, just because that's just plain old eyewear. Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude. I'm not trying to like point out a disability at all. I'm actually just looking at


that face and blowing up the chair. But that face ain't going anywhere.



The Miz:

no, I think you're the dangerous boundary that would being genius. Because then I think that you were so unintelligent in so many other ways. So I'm fine. Maybe I'd rather be beautiful and stupid. I don't know what to find stupid. Are


we talking like Miss


considered ugly because they're disabled. Then we've crossed into some ablest tears.


I don't really care what we've crossed into. I was literally talking about the way he looked not because of a different like example. Or it could be fall into the sky disabled to chunk from The Goonies guy. Hi, you guys. That guy? Looks like me. I think he is. Do you? Is or is he disabled? Now?

The Miz:

What about like, like, like, old old? Josh from Drake and Josh. No, not old, old. Like, like back in the day, Josh?


Josh from Drake. And I don't know who Josh is from Drake and Josh. Sorry.


That Nickelodeon Show.


I'm like,


he's 3740 Andy milonakis. Okay. Who is that one?


He has a disease. No. Conservative able. Remember the guy that looked like he was like 10. But he was really like, 30. And now he's like, 50. Andy, I'm looking it up. You would know him. Anyway. Maybe that's how ugly I am. Oh, wow. Oh, he's letting them hormone deficiency. hormone deficient area. He looks very deadly. I'm traveling who's ugly? Oh

The Miz:

my god. It's just plain old. ively Yikes, that's bad.


I mean, baby daddy. Gotta you


miserable. Ah. All right. Where's your edge? all day? Actually,

The Miz:

I think I have a rash behind your leg.


Yeah, it's really in a weird spa sick. Fuck

The Miz:

cancer. I got bit by a dude cancer and I have no religion to pray to. Oh,


he turned his back on God. Oh, I turned his back. First of all, I


didn't turn my back on anything if anybody Did


you disrespected Jesus. Yeah, you did. Yeah. How do you know? your lifestyle? Sorry. Just kidding, bro.


Just kidding, bro. Save me.

The Miz:

I'm fucking miserable. Oh, I'm, I know, I know. Someone told this show that my energy's been great. But that's over because the energy is back to being miserable because everything fucking sucks. And I hate everybody.


Oh my god. What's wrong baby?

The Miz:

Everything. Okay, well. Oh,


okay. You didn't talk about your internet? Because I don't think anyone knows your boot. Really? I mean, they do but they don't like we've not discussed you actually talked about that. So I just, like remind you go do it. Right. But that's what I thought you're gonna maybe go into,

The Miz:

right because the last time we were Quarter that was I had not yet had anything.


Like it's fine,

The Miz:

right so if you if you listen to the bonus episode unsure if you did, but if you did you know that I had an incident, okay. And as a result of sad incident, I I cracked something in my ankle. And it really really really hurt. But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is all these gashes I have all over my legs, so like, I have to like equally sized ones on each exterior of my ankles. And then I have the thing that appears to be like a burn on my right leg. And it keeps like leaking. That's like mysteries. Everything fell


like off a scooter or something. And

The Miz:

who knows uncork as good as mine. So we can put like a bandaid or like I got this like cohesive wrap. Put Like a little sock on it like it sticks to it. Like a body healing Ah It's so fucking bad. Oh,


you need to do is go to Aqua for Han. I have Aqua for put it on and let it breathe.

The Miz:

I went to LA in the fucking boot. However, I will say How embarrassing So you came in great handy cuz I got them aboard the plane first. Oh, I also missed my fucking flight to LA.


And you were sober.


Did you miss it?

The Miz:

Okay, so basically, he wasn't gonna he's gonna you know, I'm we're here now. So, Thursday night. So okay, it all goes back to Tuesday night, which is the night that this injury happened to me. I had the preliminary round of the perfect comedy bustle of the zoo. So that happened and I went out after then the ankle thing happened whenever. Then the semi finals were on Thursday night, the night before I was flying to LA for the actual physical Burbank Comedy Festival. And I told myself that Who cares? Blah, blah, like, I'm, I'm not gonna drink because I need to get up at 330 in the morning to find a wake up call, though. But then I drank. And I


don't know I was having a little bit of a meltdown. Did you tell me I don't think you told me you drank. So this is news to me.

The Miz:

Okay, well, I drank and I was having a bit of a meltdown. But then I went to bed at like midnight, right? Which is like a very reasonable time to get three hours of sleep and then go, but then I made the fatal flaw of turning on music while I was going to sleep. And that took over the whole like alarm situation. So I woke up at 545 in the morning.


That's the night that I went to Long Island. I think I texted you at 430 and said wake up Buttercup. And

The Miz:

you did text me Yeah, I said we're gonna 545 my flight leaves at 7am of JFK. I need to go to security. I need to get there. So I wake up I'm like, you know, it's like the Tasmanian devil. Oh, yeah. It's like, flying everywhere. That was me. You weren't even packed? No, I just lost her fuck of laundry of clean clothes, dirty clothes, clothes I've never worn before clothes I'm never gonna wear into a duffel bag zipped it the zipper broke off. So I tried to tie it together with with my medical tape did not work. Like I didn't want to bring my suitcase I didn't want to check it


last time you lost

The Miz:

so I was like No, I'm not taking you back. Till then. I can't get anything together. It's hard to throw all the ship in a suitcase in said suitcase that was lost. Last time I flew to LA and I asked the airport I get in the Uber I'm like Hi. Full disclosure. I'm very late like we need to go and he's like okay, yeah, I know I got you when I tell you we're in the right hand lane going 50 miles per hour the entire time I'm like guy what the fuck Don't you understand? I'm laid waiting to go so I complain I got a refund


I'm not actually a fan. Wait, I'll refund on the Uber or your flight

The Miz:

their Uber Wow. Cuz like he took off he said he took the wrong word. But


can't pay look at the route that he took.

The Miz:

Yeah, but you know I I've taken like, I've taken like 700 rides on Lyft like in like a very short period of time. So I feel like they just want to keep me as a loyal customer. against an aggressor anyway,


so they get there. This is your last ride. Share. You don't have any chance.

The Miz:

I can get there. I'm going to security. They put me in longest line possible. I am proactive. I'm here. Hi, do I need to take off my food? And they're like, no. So then I go through security and they're like that food. I was like, Oh my god, I already asked about this, like you could have told me to take off. I just shoved me to the fucking conveyor belt, like what the fuck?


Go through. So I

The Miz:

just ripped it off and I threw it through the metal to the metal detector, like I was already passable detector. And they're like, we need to like run the food. So I take off the bootleg throw it back to the metal detector. I'm like, here you go. So then it all comes through whatever. So then I'm literally it's like 646 foreign you're hobbling.



The Miz:

legitimately running like a half mile through the fucking game. And I get there. No one's behind the counter. The doors are locked. And I see the plane but I find they're on it's still there. I was like, Oh my fucking god, like I was


late. Or you're screwed.

The Miz:

Right? So then I was sitting there, like, no one's there. Some other lady comes over from a different Delta desk and it's like, like, what are you doing? I was like, Doc, my plane, blah, blah, blah. And she's like, well, we can't open the door for you. Because if we're gonna cost if we're gonna charge a $10,000 fine, and we're not gonna incur that just for you.


Just for Yeah, well also Meanwhile, I'm crippled.

The Miz:

Right? I was like, Okay, thanks. Like I literally should that you should have requested like one of those rides. I was like, well, no one offered me a ride.


So you're supposed to know that like, I'm sorry. I didn't know I had a cool request arrived. I don't even know where you would go to flag them

The Miz:

down. Right? Like there was no like station like are you crippled like a requester? Right here?


Cuz you did hobbled down that to that gate. And you know$10,000 But anyway,

The Miz:

sit there. So then the best part is the flight outside to be on was delayed until 845.


Wait, so you got to connect somewhere.

The Miz:

Now I just had to wait for 1045 flight out of JFK to lax. But I was 40 and this plane did not leave until 845.


That is such a thing. But they can't have doors.

The Miz:

They can't open the door. I thought what


airline may ask? Yeah, delta. Oh,


Daddy granddaddies pit. I'm


from Atlanta. I'm gonna go call this my father was a pilot

The Miz:

as a pilot. I was so mad. But it's all fine though. It all worked out because I got to report the plane first. How was my injury? And so then I could have like my fucking my like, choice of overhead storage. suitcase is going right in here. Don't you try? I'm gonna take over the whole thing.


I'm always so fucking anxious about the overhead bin.


I cannot. It's always full. I never use it. I never know how to turn


it right. It's like trying to shove it in and they're like, sir.

The Miz:

wheels in front and back. Oh, I don't know. Oh,


I don't even know. I'm like so freaked out anyway.

The Miz:

I don't know either. Anyway, so we ended up believing LX all three of us together at the same time because delta all fell off my friend's back. So thank God, I didn't fucking check it back.


Wow. So you ended up at the airport at the same time? Eventually. Yeah, we took the Uber from lax to the hotel. That's awesome. Like obviously it's like kind of like a

The Miz:

mass but worst fucking day in my entire life. I literally was like, I need to cut myself like tonight.


You loved LA I don't want here and loved LA. It was a warm beautiful you're


blowing behind is tough, Tom.

The Miz:

I love LA I love LA. However, I'm like mad though, cuz like I'm literally broke. Bro. I'm not actually I don't really know, like, where my money is going? Well, well. I think like where your Instagram. Like I make well over six figures and I'm literally born.


Well, you live in New York City, like a mark here is like $12 max.

The Miz:

Well, so I was thinking about it. And I think that insecurity is costing me a lot of money. Okay, that's



The Miz:

I think it's helped me a lot of money because I feel like every time I go out I need to like, act like act like I'm doing an egg. I'm like going out having a great time


having fun. You're just in your 20s

The Miz:

right then then I need to like drink a lot because I hate myself. And no. Yep, the billing is very expensive. So I'm like sitting here thinking like, where's the money going? But like, it's all right there. Wow.


I just don't know, do you feel like and


then your trips to places like la where it's just as expensive like how are you?

The Miz:

Right? I just like I'm like wondering like, there are families that make half of what I make and


are living but they don't get to look gardenia turns every other time you know I'm saying like


unfortunately that's an instant fix your habits $50 immediately

The Miz:

I like need to go out and do cool thing but why is about my vow is that I'm gonna smoke my own fucking hookah just like going


out makes you feel alive

The Miz:

doing things like mattering in the world which I'm which is ridiculous.


It's very interesting because your perspective is so opposite. I'm like it's nine o'clock and I'm on Capitol couch like so happy that I'm not going out.

The Miz:

See dad for I need to do because that's how I'm gonna save money.


I'm like the opposite of you like I'm like, well, it rained a drop so we can't go out like it's poor actually. I love that. I love it. I know it. That's the tough part. And I like mine is on like Uber Eats and food.

The Miz:

Yep. Well, that's the worst part is like I have it on both and yeah, also order a lot of food.


But you don't eat it. I


buy drugs. So that's where my edibles are expensive.


And those are expensive really, are they?


It's like 35 bucks for 10. Oh, yeah. Yeah,


that's crazy.


Yet state state should not be that much. So what's the status on the booth though? are we are we Where are we?

The Miz:

dealing process? I took my first walk without the booth today. Where


are you supposed to

The Miz:

know. But it's become to the point where the wounds are hurting me more than the bone. So like the the boot irritates the wounds.


This tear that song? Yeah.

The Miz:

So it's like I'd rather this be like free balling the wounds. And I can like walk without the boot. But it's like a little limpy but it's lumpy with the boot anyway because of wounds.


So it's like annoying. That really does suck. It's like a double whammy of the broke bone in the wounds.

The Miz:

Right. And then the whole time that I had all these great plants that are berries, I work out do all this cool shit. I took with no pictures because I was just disgusting if you're gonna work out.


You look great.

The Miz:

So I'm over at like a math. Yeah. Well, I was gonna have like a photo shoe at the pool.


Maybe that was God's way of letting you know that. It wasn't time.

The Miz:

Yeah, no, it was not time for reasons that God did not need to shine light on. Oh, wow. So yeah, I'm gonna change it and I just need to die. That's my second


lesson. I know to be honest with you. Yeah. Oh,


oh, if that's what you're gonna say.


To be honest with you. That's all I was gonna say. No, I want to know. What do you want to know? Because how did it end like you love to LA though so it's like it's really hard to read if you're miserable or not. Because you did love LA to

The Miz:

Yeah, I love to LA But listen, I love New York I miss right where am I got


it. Okay, Misery will follow you wherever misery loves. It's great.

The Miz:

Right? I loved la but didn't change the fact I want to like die.


What does misery loves company mean? Like, other things make you miserable? Yeah. I thought it meant


like God, I'm fat.

The Miz:

And then I want you all to be fat. I


want you to be fat. If you were fat eating. That's why you hang out with me because


that's our whole relationship. Can't be happy


things that I can just. He can eat like me,


but he's around learning. I can't


write more than me


so quickly learning. I'm skinny. If I'm gonna be going to the camp for my birthday, like


a month. You have not like in a minute.


We're all just gonna be fit.


You'll just stand by me. Yeah, Bobby. We're gonna go to the buffet. But no. How do they have one?

The Miz:

I will say the only night I got hit on in New York during the summer was with you as?


Yes, that's because because we're fat Ma.


Because he's funny. I'm a beacon of light. I want to attract like attracts like. That's why I like the universe. Misery


attracts company.


Misery. What if I'm the master of misery and you guys are just miserable too. And that we're all three just miserable. Oh, that's creepy. Maybe that we all attract each other.


Oh, we're all miserable. Oh


my god. We all miserable. Yeah, I

The Miz:

mean, yes. Yeah, it's


true. It's not like really that shocking. It's not like looking around breaking.


Oh, no.


Wow, Misery does love misery

The Miz:

single handedly.


Why I'm I'm a little Hi I'm sorry a little Did I ruin your sag? No. Okay, well I don't care if I did anyway

The Miz:

I don't care if I did.


I don't care I almost spit onto the camera I was like oh my god it's for the sprays in my propria

The Miz:

Do we have a shelf life on this part of the episode of the show?


Yeah, when you come up with something better

The Miz:

oh shit i do something better you I'm not


accepting it. Yeah, totally. Okay, what?

The Miz:

We don't do anything in between the segment now.


Now the Word of the Week is sounding I actually know this this is emerging into the mainstream sounding is a practice where men insert specially designed rods, items made from metal or glass into the opening of their penises. The aim of this practice is to enhance their sexual pleasure and even encourage exploration of the penis by their partner. Now, I thought sometimes I feel like I talked to somebody on it. Does it? How does it feel? Like he said it feels like you're masturbating from the inside. It's actually like,

The Miz:

Oh my god, I'm gonna throw up now.


I mean, it I'm cringing, but the thought of having that family might be good.


Like that feeling when you first masturbated? I was like, Don't even bring that up every day. It just gets more and more known. That's a description of life. So maybe that's why a lot of older people do


sound weird and like sound electric lecture.


While you're totally not into it, miss.

The Miz:

Now what objects are you sticking up? They're


like a pipe cleaner. metal rods. Yeah, yeah, they're like metal rods that are probably like, they're not big. They're like a pet pet. Oh

The Miz:

my god. No, that's the worst thing I've ever heard. No, that's the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life.


is you should be used to with all the urethral swabs you get for STD tests.

The Miz:

Now I'd rather good I'd rather good fisted. Wow,


would you would you rather you'd rather get fisted over getting a rod shoved up Yeah, I'll


take the sounding rod I'm not getting a fist in this hole. There's no way am I fully cleansed?

The Miz:

Oh my God nothing.


There's no way I could


try it. Wait, what if the rod goes in your hole though and gets


stuck they can't go a prostate they're like you can't get all the way I'm like actually fail and if you're hard like it's not Oh my god, I can't believe people do it hard.


Right? That's what you're supposed to do. I thought


oh no, you're the expert on sound law. I'm


not I'm just saying.

The Miz:

I'm just saying the more you know with chin I will never forgive you for bringing that up that


all right on this week's episode. We're gonna talk about sounding kidding.


It's like one of those little like


oh my god.


Well, what's been going on with you?


What's been going on with me is just the same thing going on with Bobby. We have to stop drinking a little too much party


misses. Like that's the final goddamn straw.


No, I'm just kidding. I just said that because MS is chugging a surge

The Miz:

after olio EPO you're gonna tell me he's up drinking


it this way. If you miss one drink with dinner Miss will never forget no and we're not


allowed to never we're not even allowed to do that or something. I have to be like very clear, so he doesn't even want to go he does want to go for dinner. He wants to go for drinks.

The Miz:

Hi, if you invite me out to dinner you're not going to sit there and or I die.


Bobby did order that sorry. Oh, my belly hurt.


You did have a hurt belly


once I get too much food and

The Miz:

Crimea fucking river drink agree ma'am. This


way. We really should have done that by No. No but so what I'm really thinking about and this may be we are all miserable. But here's what I'm miserable about. fudge, and I hate fudge because it's all one consistency. What the fuck is the point?


You don't like


chocolate? It's a stick of chocolate butter. It's right. Butter and then let's discuss so but I want to know why every Island in this country is like a specialist in fudge. I went to Mackinac Island they're like oh,

The Miz:

fat are fat you got to try our fat she's so fucking funny say that because I have a hostage and people buy how every like vacation destination everywhere.


So I like the beach save taffy. Hello, real saltwater taffy. I


went to Kelly's Island this past weekend. Their thing was fudge ladies like I've been making fudge for 27 years I'm like What the fuck? I don't care i'm a packer I'm a fudge Packer

The Miz:

when I went to Maui we went to like a fight


and we don't need to be for Christmas only I don't want fudge in the summer. Oh my god fuck fight It's so gross and they're like oh do you want the one with swirls in it and like it's still chocolate butter.

The Miz:

The difference is I might like a big like mint chocolate butter my favorite oh


my god mess when you come here there's a really a fudge factory or a little fudge in German village I didn't write by Smith's Yeah, mix it there and like the


Kings Island as well that's another island.

The Miz:

What's a gym? You don't like fives? No


I apps I

The Miz:

like a fundamental issue with it or do you not like the way it tastes?


Maybe I think more I like the flavor of chocolate but I just can't do that shape that consistency. It looks like poop that got hard. I really can't eat it literally when you bite into it like kind of like it looks like a poop turd like I don't want your turn like dissolves and


that's the best part like you guys are sick of talking about you know I would ride a fucking fight where you put on the top of your mouth and you just keep looking at I'm like


no because I don't eat fudge because I'm not a savage.


I love


I love fudges I'm sorry. I would end a friendship over fudge Pack your bags be because you never eat fudge you respect me oh

The Miz:

well because you know why cuz we don't hang out together in vacation destinations where is the exclusive vendor of fudge


every single place I ever go I think


now like this has to be like anywhere we go like even though we gotta get by budge review it like oh then we can


that's exactly where

The Miz:

the whole fucking box when I went to Maui I bought a fight for my family to bring home and ate the whole fucking thing in the airport


oh my god what kind of a ride back is that? Like oh


shit i can't have some turbulence.


Oh my god factory


oh he's he's got a fudge Packer he's a fudge Packer with


oh I hate in love He has I hated fudge Packer I hated that term.


Oh, that term is nasty. Like it's like oh, he doesn't know what Docker is. No wonder you like


my friend Courtney. That's Packer


Packer is a slur for gay men


yeah fight fighters like because if your fucking hand your pack the fudge like because the fudge is your shit. When you're telling in the show Yeah, yeah, so like when we were talking some guy when you're getting fun your budgets getting packed, which is absolutely horrifyingly disgusting right? What do they call banging the pissy


baby packing your lead Packer


cream Packer


uterine lining Packer I love him right now I want fudge


I know I just really good anywhere we go we need to get fudge All right, I'm done. And then we'll do like a review. Love right that's what that's it you're a fudge Packer

The Miz:

Yeah, you're such a fucking fudge backer Well, you're also a top so that is I am the fudge Packer. Hi gay.


Well, I did have a fact actually so that could be the more you know thing.

The Miz:

Wait does Justin now that you're a fudge Packer?


Oh, yeah, I told him and he is specifically a


verse. So you're gonna get your fat so he's

The Miz:

willing to get his fudge panels. It


has to be a vibe.


Yeah, I guess when you get each other.

The Miz:

Yo, I love Las Vegas have a dank ass fudge.


They probably do I do on this trip fudge. They definitely do fudge. They have macros. When you really think about like places and like nasty things like oh yeah, let's get you really drunk. So you then eat these restaurants that didn't you buy the fudge the fudge fudge factory the next day then city to go to the brewery that's local. It's all about drinking and eating. That's all life is.


I mean, that's only


cancer and liver disorders. I mean, literally,


I don't have any fun unless I'm eating or drinking.


Right? True. That's another fun fact I station. That's an addiction.

The Miz:

But even with video games, I feel like you need to be eating something I know or drinking something when I used to like when I used to binge play. Hickman when


I pick man holy shades to

The Miz:

eat like everything.


Oh, you might have like a pack of Oreos next to and he would just like eat the Oreos. Now we had

The Miz:

like a freezer and our basement that had like ice cream and everything and then I had like baggage show. Oh


my god. Were you that house? Wait, were you the house that had all I wasn't


on my house was Yeah, our house was


like everything ready? give out free and you're allowed Coca Cola


to cokes ever you're allowed to have you were allowed to have I came over school grabbed a coke out of the fridge out and we weren't allowed for

The Miz:

years. me my sister like bullied my parents until Oh shout out to my parents their anniversary today, Jocelyn, but we we bullied them into letting us have anything we wanted


my sister and I did and we were like, we're not we're like and then when we could drink pop it was Big Gay.


Yeah, no, my mom got on a kick like that. Because it's so much cheaper. It's like sowbugs


for 24.


Like when you have four kids like it is Wait, if everyone's drinking two bottles a day,


right? Hey, then all the friends come over and they're drinking. Yeah,


that was a 12 pack a day. It's bad. Like I got some more big K. I'm


like, Yes, mom. I would


like would you like to cuz you didn't have another option before? You went from right. I was like, Okay, well, right. Okay, so it's like if we were a big Cherry Coke fan. Oh, I got into vanilla. And I don't know why

The Miz:

I loved vanilla.


All the way into it.


It's like a more of a dessert for me. Sounds good. Right?

The Miz:

I love it. And then our friend always having these like gigantic Tupperware of like pasta. Like you just grab it


and go oh my god. So you probably always have pasta salad too. And your mom was like hey are coming

The Miz:

the pasta salad. The tortellini pasta salad with pesto. Oh my god that was always on our list and we


need to do a trip to New Hampshire. I've never been in New Hampshire.


I want to go to see all the farmland we


should go to your hometown and we'll like interview people that you like


I just want lobster rolls we can get you have some


well the season is ending so maybe next summer

The Miz:

well in New England they're there 24 seven but


you I think they are probably because they can go out get a lobster whenever they want. Hey, Bill i don't know i go get

The Miz:

la go fish and like fishermen like freeze them. And then them year round.


Okay. Oh, I like that. That's an issue that I thought they were so desperate for them they couldn't find them.

The Miz:

New England Honey,


I need to go

The Miz:

wait anyway So what was your other fact besides hating five


oh, so the other fact is there is one animal I definitely know about


are you about to get like caught out by Daniel on the discord are you


I'm ready for Ms. Mr. To go after me. So it's

The Miz:

Daniel from that podcast yes yes


that's an evil not actually a fan. Oh, by the

The Miz:

way I did not know that. Yeah, I think it is he's very guy who was like I paid like a million dollars. Yeah, so yeah,


yeah. Oh, yes. This is a yes. That all hell yeah.


So what's your fact


there is an animal without it's a bird that does not have eyes idols does not have eyeballs. I love the name the bird that does not have eyeballs. a penguin? No. Good Cass


probably not a good guess. But I was like they made like, I don't know.


flappy owls, owls. owls don't have birds. And that's where they have to turn their head. They just have a flat eye.


So whether eyes are like just


a little tube and it's in the sockets glued to the socket,


so they can see far and stuff


like they always have like that to turn their heads to see. Oh, this is true.


I don't know how I feel about I was like I feel like in children's world they're like good for you and they read or whatever hanging out are they but in like real life? If an owl was coming at me, I'd be like, scream now. I hate I'd be a little bitch.

The Miz:

You'd be Ms. I hate birds. I do like penguins though. I do like penguin.


I would love to turn today.

The Miz:

They smell really bad. Smell they smell good. Yeah, it's my really bad. Like white like for Marines say



The Miz:

They're just like great glacier


breeze. What's it like gleam org? Okay. Cape Cod calm or, you know, with final thoughts? Who's going first? Not me.


go first. I think you can piggyback off this. We all can. I think when you look at all the damage religion has done, we have got to address it. It's a it's a disaster. We have put in this country we've put religious freedom over everything else. Like you can get an exemption from any mandatory thing for religious reasons. Even though religions are just made up beliefs that have no basis. In fact, you can just Oh, it's my religion. I mean, it's crazy.


Page. I'm not really gonna piggyback off that. My final thought is if you don't feel like you fit in, don't go against the grain because we will welcome you home when it's time.


When you die like at death will welcome you.


He wants to come back to the gay community. We need to like open our arms. Oh


no, no, fuck him. I don't want him to fucking come back. He's harmed enough people.


It's true.

The Miz:

I want him to literally I wished it in his despair. He just committed suicide. No,


no, no, I love it. I love it for you. I'm not actually a fan. Is that


Is that your final thought is?


Maybe Yeah, you didn't even like button that up though. Like what is the button? and think

The Miz:

and I just, I just blast that I'm not a fucking idiot. That's true. Thank myself. God for that. Thank God for that. No, I specifically will not thank God I'm still on the fence. My environmental surrounding for not being a fucking idiot and turning to religion when I can't handle the fact I'm gonna die one day.


Oh, God bless. That's true. Less up, less up and less. Less all the way down here. Say bless up. I can say bless up.

The Miz:

Fucking take a reality check.


gonna snap again a capture. We don't want you to snap name. Some of us I've had a


really great time this episode. Thank you guys.


Thank you all for coming.

The Miz:

for coming on.


You're gonna come


on. I'm gonna Oh my god. I liked when in Florence like sometimes when they're like, are you gonna come for me? And then I can make them come?


Yeah, that's like, like that part.


That's like the good news. Guys,


these gorilla Cetti's gold gorillas. All right, everybody. Thank you so much. We'll see you again next time.


He's Bobby. And I'm Jim. That's the MS. And I hate everyone who practices religion. not actually a fan. Oh my.


Oh my god. Episode is gonna like make or break.


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