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July 22, 2020

Pull Forward or I am Going to Ram You!!

Pull Forward or I am Going to Ram You!!

This week we talk about:

Being in a funk
Everyone is dealing with some sort of depression
Talking to your friends helps
What can we do to make it better

We got a phone call from Izalixe Straightheart from Quebec City, Canada telling us about how she saw our sticker on one of her videos she took in Montreal for her blog. She started to listen and we already love her. We want to go to Quebec City and have her follow us being crazy for a video!
Check out her video blog link below!



Trump Administration Strips C.D.C. of control of Corona virus Data


Businesses could get protection from a republican bill, but is it right?


Washington Redskins to Change Name


and thats the news.....


Bobby opens up about a conversation with someone close to him
Growing up Bobby Did not talk about black people or gay people
Bobby said some upsetting things to this close person but it was out of fear and not to be unfair or mean
You do not know what its like to be LGBTQ, just like I don't know what its like to be black or female
Bobby expresses how much he wants this person to understand his perspective and how, although on the outside everything looks good, its not as clean and "equal" as it may appear
Bobby's biggest fear is we roll back "rights" of LGBTQ people and that is why the conversation got heated.

Jim brings up Instagram video about siting in line at a fast food place and people not moving
This reopens Bobby's rant about how much he can't stand people who don't pull forward in line

Next week we are looking for people who know about the Attachment Theory. We want to discuss how that is effecting peoples relationships and also being amplified during Corona.


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Unknown Speaker :

Welcome to she's not doing so well it's a podcast. I'm Bobby What is this? Not the tongue is my tongue is in my throat. I'm gonna try to limit the fox to love it. I'm just so awkward at this God. Hello everybody welcome to she's not doing so well I'm Bobby. I'm Jim, thank you so much for choosing to listen to us during your lunch break or when you're mowing the grass or sitting in your pool or during this COVID crisis during the COVID crisis. We know you come to us for warmth, comfort and laughs We need laughs You know what we do? I that's kind of one of the things we need to touch on today. We need to talk about this because then I have a really good thing for us, but we need to talk about just a little bit How depression is setting in. Yeah, it sneaks up on you. And we're both we admit, like our mental health is not the greatest baseline is. It's there. Yeah. Like, we're not like normal people, you already start to press that, and it just goes way downhill. Like last week, a friend asked, like, Are you happy? And I was like, oh, that took a moment. Oh, it was like, What? First of all? Why are you asking that? That means you think I'm not happy? I was like, Oh, no. But then I was like, Am I ever? Have you ever thought that? Have you ever thought that? Am I ever I literally thought about that. While I do that every day. And by that, I mean, like, you get to a certain age, I think we hit 30. You kind of sort of or you're like, what else is there to do? And then COVID hits and it's literally I can't plan anything. Cuz in a week we can't even go out of our houses or go to the store or go get dinner or Anything, and we're just sitting here and it's like, Oh, so you know, we know we have our lives and we're not dying. We're not in the ICU like yes, we are not. But we do have to talk about the fact that when you can't plan anything in your life if we don't help your mood you don't ever know what tomorrow is going to bring. But yeah, it's like one of the things where you feel like I'm feeling cabin fever. I'm feeling Island fever. I'm feeling just like trapped have a fever. Oh, trapped in your life. And if you did want to make moves or changes, like you can't, so I was like I am. I mean, I'm happy in I feel like I'm happy in moments. Like there's definitely I look and I'm like, well, that's a memory and that's a great time and I'm, I'm happy now. But then when I look at the whole picture, do you ever just wonder Oh, am I as happy as I should be? I should be but should be like this? What? Somebody and the thing is everybody hides demons and everybody hides shit. So the people who are the most excited and did it most of the time, maybe they aren't as happy as he is. So I'm like, Is everybody kinda just kind of like blah, but I don't think everyone is blonde because I've definitely talked to people before. Who I'm like, oh, you're not getting this sarcasm or the darker humor because do you have a darker side? Right? We're very dark. I mean, dark like we like dark dark light. Yeah, like we're very we can get really like self deprecating, but we also get very just like silly. Yeah, we're very mixed true or mixed bag. We are a mixed bag a grab bag. I wonder if it's because how we were nurtured as children. Oh, we got to talk about that later. So we this week we got a phone we got Well, I got a few a few phone calls and I want to play one for you. I haven't listened to it yet either. Okay, yeah, like legit. Somebody called our line. Like not someone we know. Yeah, it wasn't like hose hose water girl called on our own but of course, but so did this person. Oh, man. Oh man. Hello, Bobby and Jim. This is an ex listening to the podcast. She's not doing so well from Korea. It was the first time I listened to your podcast after seeing a sticker for it in Montreal. I really enjoyed it. It was super fun. Interesting. I agree with pretty much everything you said on it, especially the part about garbage people. Like I have so much respect for people who do that dirty work quote, unquote, like janitors, you know, they clean up our shit. Like I have immense respect and I think they should be paid a lot more. And same thing with the migrant workers. They come here to Canada to do work, like picking vegetables that we can't do. Like, why is it that Canadians can't do that work? They're human beings like why is it that we can't do it but they can and they're being paid peanuts? Yeah. And your comments about nails gave me a YouTube video idea because I've never let anyone out. But me do my nails I paid my own nails and I started when I was 14 with automotive paint car paint. And yeah, I can say that I am I am the nail polish Queen here in Canada sometimes I have people on the street asking me stopping me to ask if my nails are real. Yes, they're real, and those spectacular but that gave me an idea I could go to a salon and get my nails done with by someone else for the first time in my life. So stay tuned that might be a future video on my YouTube. So I just wanted to say hi and keep up the good work I'm gonna keep listening. Hi. Oh my god. That's that's what it's all about. Right so she saw a sticker on the wall. Is that the video? I posted on Instagram and I'll post it again during this when I post the episode. Yes, she was she's a blogger a YouTube travel blogger. Yeah, so she was in Montreal after we had visited and there was a wall there that there was a ton of stickers so I was like cuz I I don't usually like sticking stickers on walls, but I was like this has a whole wall of like bands and all this substance like I'm gonna put my sticker up here. Screw it. It was right at the end of the metro. There's like a metro you go Yes. Yeah. So she saw it on the wall looked us up and she's from Quebec City, Quebec City. Is the lakes is the leaks. I hope we're I'm probably not saying your name. I'm probably butchering the I'm not really good at French like dialect. I don't know if Isa leaks. Yeah, that sounds right. But he's Alex. And we're just here we go. We're trying. Thank you so much. Thank you for calling. And I just want to say snaps to that because you're right about migrant workers, especially. And this is one thing we have in America. So we have all of our produce. A lot of it is picked by migrant workers who come in on visas, or who cannot get documents and they have no protections and they are not even paid minimum wage. We're just eating all this food. We're reaping the benefits of it when we go to a McDonald's or Wendy's it's a mess. And so then you have republicans and in at least in the US, I don't know about in Canada what the conservatives are doing. But in the US, they're making these laws, basically making it easier to take advantage of migrant workers. And they, they try to balance that because they know they will crash the economy if they make food more expensive. So they want it to be cheap, and they want to be able to take advantage of people but they also want to kick them out. They want to build a wall they want to build a wall. Yeah, these people come here for a dream and they're gonna work for minimum wage. And Buster asked why can't America has been America please? Like it? They've been over all day in the hot sun and yeah, fruits and vegetables. But here's the thing, then. But meanwhile, though, you have people walking on the street who don't have jobs. So it's like we could pay them minimum wage and least they'd have something and maybe like, come up with a system where they can stay somewhere nice, but like pay really low rent like, I don't know, there's there's solutions for everything that nobody's trying to do. Yep. I also want to mention the fact that she was talking about her nails. She's never been to she's never had somebody do her nails but she does her nails. And she's the nail queen. Yeah, people The Queen honey so go we got to go back I want to go to city because we'll go with her I think she could video or friend like she could video us would you like us to like Lauren k back city and she knows we got to bring stickers because she can show us the spots the good spots the safe spots so anyway thank you so much for calling that was pretty amazing. But I thought I saw it today. I was like oh my god so we actually call that's neat that we have a connection from how many months ago like when we were Montreal Triana. Right where they're interviewing Triana hanging out in Montreal put a sticker up just loud now we connect and now we connected with somebody else who is a video blogger for travel and we will put her link up as well. Yeah, you can follow her stuff. It's it's mostly I think, I think it's a Canada but obviously like we can't travel right now. So I know finding a lot of like shows on either Netflix or live TV and online that it kind of makes you feel like you're traveling. Yeah, like travel shows are good right now. So I'm sure a travel blog would be good. Yeah, she It's very detailed. She's been doing it for a while. She's very, it's very great. Like it's a really good quality video. And that's the whole point of your podcast we've connected connected. Alright, so we quit. So that's it. Thanks so much that was it. Right? We want to threes over one episode in. Yep. So yeah, that was pretty neat. That's cool. So yeah, so that that kind of like I saw, I was like, oh, we're depressed but also the see and that's what we need right now the connections and that's why I want to be just real and raw. And that's why Yep, like, we got to say, Hey, we're depressed or Hey, look, I just don't we have to talk about it. Because I feel like even in our friend group, like our close friend group, with Dave from rural America, Sarah say it rural America. Oh, my close, Bobby. Thank you. Yeah, like we just I think we were just texting and all sudden came up like, are you guys doing okay? And we're all like not great. We all just kind of admitted to each other like we're actually all depressed eating ice cream every night. So insane. That even felt better. It did. It does. You got to kind of just talk so what I recommend for everybody do is if you are feeling shitty, talk to Somebody we're gonna put some lifelines on. Yeah. Or talk to us shit. You know, I'm always looking for fucking feedback. So, right us, right as tall as So anyway, that's that Oh, so we get to the news and now the news. As usual we'll let Jim take it away from the news. Okay, well, story number one is alarming and a lot of respects but so this past week, the Trump administration decided to strip the CDC have control over Coronavirus data. What that means is instead of states sending their information to the CDC and independent, politically independent group who can analyze this data release numbers on cases and deaths and how many ICU beds are occupied all this stuff, instead of going to CDC it's going to Washington so that a little fishy, ha as case study numbers are going up across the country, and more people are getting sick and deaths are starting to go up again because they lag behind cases. We're now sending the data to Washington first, as we literally hear him say it has 6500 person rally, which he fired his person anyway. Yeah, he fired his campaign manager. But yeah, so he tells his people um, we've got to stop testing so fast. You're gonna fucking lie about these numbers, right? make yourself look better a buggy. It's like he's talking about how it's all political. But he's turned. I don't want he wants the numbers first to can to hide them. Yeah, to change them. Yep. So we're not even we don't even know if we're gonna get accurate data and we're not. How is this? Right. This scares me. This is like now we're gonna have to go crazy shit. Yeah, this is like it's certain a government wants to change the numbers because they don't look good for Trump. But who do I trust more trumper the CDC or Fauci because they've been found same shit to their training. to undermine falchi and then I'm over it, it's not gonna work. It's not because the American people are smarter than that. I want Yes. I mean, six out of 10 people out of a poll just came out. I don't know. It wasn't from CNN. It was like Fox actually. Right. You know, it's funny. I only look at Fox polls, you know, same on purpose. Yeah. Like, well, it was on Fox News. And that's when you when you see that trending, you're like, oh, he's in trouble. Right. But they you know, they said six out of 10 people don't trust what he's been doing. No, so you know, and why would we He said it was a hoax and would go away in the summer and it cases are rising. Hardcore. Hmm. Seems like he was lying because he was and he his whole administration is scary if you're a Republican. Call me because I want what I want to hear like, remember when he said he was getting rid of the swamp? Does this not seem sloppy legs like swamp ass? Okay, swamp pass. This is like legit like you have that swamp. He asked. But there's no shower insight. You're camping for five weeks. That's where we're at. It's bad. It's bad. So story number two is related to COVID. And don't worry, story number three won't be His story number two is that so as we're looking at needing more relief bills coming from Congress because they're about to expire, so good luck to all you workers out there who don't benefit gone, you're gonna go from 8900 I mean, back $900 a month because of the extra benefit to like 400 per month. Sorry, we have. I mean, so we need more relief bells. But as we're looking towards something crafted, the republicans in the senate are trying to get rid of your ability to have legal protections against businesses. So what they're trying to do is he'll feel these businesses, when you go to let's say, your employer says you got to come to work and they decide not to tell you about your coworker who has COVID and they know it and they're making you come to work and you get sick, you go to the hospital, maybe something worse happens, you die. family wants to sue the business because they force you to come to work or expose you in other ways and the senate GOP wants to Take away that right. So basically a legal protections, they want to show businesses over people. So you could have a Corona outbreak in your warehouse. And if they don't say anything, and there's five out of 10 people die. Yep. You couldn't be the five that then say, you didn't care about me. Let me sue you. Yeah. Well, it's kind of like, I mean, knowing with businesses over people, it's kind of like, what the gay and lesbian and LGBTQ communities been going through for ever. We now can't get fired. So that that's shitty. I mean, it's scary. Don't get me it's a priority. It's a priority shift where the Republican Party is saying, We've got a support business owners and businesses instead of protecting people. That's really it's terrifying. It's terrifying. It really is. It's kind of scary to think like, here we are. You know, we're four months into the shit, okay? And I don't feel like we've made any ground. I feel like we're getting worse now. And then they're like, this isn't even the second wave. This is still right. This is still first. I sorry, I'm not trying to be debbie downer. I'm just gonna be honest we're headed dry Yeah, we're sitting towards the fall and you're gonna hurt any spring or time inside more time around other people the federal government's not ready No, no, because it's led by someone who thinks it's a hoax but don't worry we're gonna have an election to in the middle of this and I'm sure he's gonna like bring out tanks and shit and I can't I just can't I can't I'm gonna fucking snap this goes back to our initial discovery. This is not to be like revolutionary like I'm gonna start my my shirt says revolution. Yeah, revolution starts does does because here's the thing, you have to be the one that steps up and says something and I've learned this. So in our third story is about how some sports teams are finally talking about changing their name. For example, the Washington Redskins trust me I don't know about sports. I don't know. Washington state or Washington DC and I don't see air. Wow, yeah. Okay in our nation's capital the Redskins. Okay. So I mean, I've always even growing up I was like, this doesn't sound like a great name. really doesn't anything about like the black skins and the white skins Can you imagine like the yellow people would find that the yellow skins. Wow, you know what I'm saying though? Yeah, like it's not it's not cute it's not a good name it's and then like the Cleveland Indians like what was Chief Wahoo? And I mean that's from Ohio now Little Endian and that the picture yeah which is that looks a little offensive This is back to what we were talking about but let's use them as mascots like right why are we using native americans is mascot disgusted I really am like I'm sorry, so bad for this country? I know it took this long and now they're not changing for moral reasons it it's they're changing for economic reasons so when advertisers and other and and the people around Washington DC are said I guess washington dc not really sure because you can tell I'm into sports but when they're like we're not going to be paying you if you don't change the name they're like well we'll change the name that's really what it was advertised Advertisers capitalize lives matter movement that, hey, we got to do this or we're gonna lose money. So they did it. Yeah. And I'm happy for it like, I'm, oh, it's a good change, maybe partially for the wrong reason driven by the right movement, right. I mean, it is what it is. It's one of those things where I mean, you know, I mean, like, it's time, it is time. It's stupid. And it's like, well, I don't know, I don't even know. Like clicking the pen hat, the panhead the Blue Dream and the pre 98 I took blue cheese pre 19 and I took a little at a ball so I'm feeling great when this episode is over, and I've just pizza on the way so that's you want to talk about the fucking news. That's the news right there. The news? The news is about some jets pizza and get fatter because I wanna fuck it. I don't want to say but honestly, fuck, fuck it. I'm at the point where I'm like, as soon as I'm done with work, I'm ordering pizza. I'm sitting on the couch. Doing nothing nothing then because that's what we need right now in our life is nothing but also we need action so get out there and fucking fight and we've got a vote register. Yes register honey and that's the news. I looked off I knew it was hitting I was like, you're like clicking you're like yes. And yes I don't know what to say. Do you want to ram I want to the RAM is here. Ram ran. Ran. Ran and that's how you sound in your head right now is how Oh every time Hi. I sound like I should talk. Yes, well, it's hit me. Well, this is hi Bobby. This is regular Bobby. So anytime you hear this So my rant of the week is I'm gonna keep it anonymous. And I know if they listen to this, they're gonna know, but I don't really care. I don't care. So I was talking earlier about how we got to speak now and it's time to like, step up and kind of talk about things true. So I'm speaking to someone who's very close to me. I'm just gonna leave it at that. I said to this person, you know, I really hope well, first something was said, I go, you're not voting for Trump, right? That's how I like I just kind of like point blank said, No, never. I'm like, okay. So you're gonna vote for Biden, now? Oh, we're voting for Kanye. Why go well, to Joe. I mean, they were joking. This person was joking. I was like, okay, that's funny. Like, it was a funny joke. But then I'm like, Well, why wouldn't you vote for Biden, though? They're both old. And I don't know, both our candidates suck. So we're just not voting. Here we go again. And I said, so I made the mistake. I'll admit my mistake. I was being a little diva, emotional, emotional. And I said, Well, why do you? I mean, do you love Me and Michael, do you care about me and Michael? Yeah. And that person goes, don't even do that to me Don't even throw that at my face, blah, blah, blah. I said, Okay. Right. So then here's where the kicker is where I'm like, I don't think you really understand what it's like to be me test to me. What are you so afraid of? You can get married and like, a couple weeks ago, like they pass or you won't get fired for being LGBTQ? Oh, wow. And I go, great. Like, wow, wow, it only took till 2020. So I can't get fired for who I love because I can't help it. because let me tell you motherfuckers if it was a choice, I would probably go the other way the other way because it's just easier, easier way for ease for ease. So let's so let's bring him down. So yeah. And as if that's the only issue that matters. Like, there's no other author of issues where Trump has totally destroyed our country, right. None of that matters. So but yeah, you If we focus on just, we're just LGBTQ rights really well. And then I said, well, and maybe your rights, and I was like, Oh, do you know, like, birth control? Like, I'm sure now, people, you know, black people do. And that's the other thing. I said, Yeah, like, we're breaking down who this is, but I don't really care. I'm not going to say it out loud. But I'm just saying, so then I talk about my childhood and just growing up in general, and I'm like, we never had these conversations about black people. We never had conversations about gay people we never had. Well, it just it's frustrating because I'm like, why did that person say, well, we didn't not not like gay people, so and so had a gay so and so. And this is an alliance between tolerance and full acceptance, like you can tolerate people around you, but if you don't accept who they are, and accept them, right and embrace them, right? Come on, when do you really want to live in that society? Well, when you're a child, and by child, I mean it could be anywhere from 10 to my man, whatever age 20 here Yeah, and you hear Oh, thanks for getting me a fag bag. As I'm growing up that one of these people had said that you know, you think when you hear a slur you you internalize that you're like wow when you're not gay You don't understand. Okay, I'm just gonna put that out there pointed out period when you're not in the LGBTQ family no offense but we love our straights but you don't get it. You will never get it. You will never get it we will never get what it's like to be black. We will never we will never get what a man to black. Yeah, but this shit right here is serious. Like, it's not a joke. And when it's hard to describe the feelings that you go, even from childhood like that, that even like them saying that fag bag, or them saying you remember it right. And so it's all the way back then you remember, someone you looked up to probably at the time saying that phrase. I mean, we just play smear the queer. So what makes you want to at that time, I was like, what's a quick you know, you don't really know Know what you don't know. But it's something bad, right? It's something bad. So you're automatically at five 710 11. Like already afraid, already afraid? Well, that's what I was, I think I've shared before, like, when people are like, oh, what are you going to do be a designer and it was like the eighth graders telling fourth grade me that on the bus. And then like, I started, I started being called fagged every day, like, pretty much every day. I'm not exaggerating, certainly three times a week by various people in class. This was happening as early as like, fifth sixth grade, like, right. So then you want to hear that word all the time. You know, so when I start banging around and say to this person, are you going to vote because do you care? It's not. I'm saying in general, because let me tell you things are rolling backwards. We're going backwards down the hill. Yeah. Even though it seems like Oh, thank God for our MCs Supreme Court right now, but God forbid and that's what I said. I go, you know, if this person gets voted again in who you say you hate, yeah, the Supreme Court's fuck Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not making she has kids. As a store out the news as she's undergoing chemotherapy right now, she has great results on her liver. I'm like, What person? This is like some government? What treatment? Has she been on her whole life? Because she answers Yeah, lung liver. Like all it's all an extra back there. Well, Joe, he's fine. He's not great. But it is it really is like it. Like we said in a couple episodes ago, it is a privilege if you don't have to be worried about your rights. And so it sounds like this person has privilege that they don't recognize when they're like, you're fine, you're fine. I'll be fine. Either way, I'll be fine. There are people who will not be fine. If Trump gets reelected, they will not be fine. And then I get the well where I live, my vote doesn't count. And then Metro, I'm not gonna live in this country anymore. Okay, well, here must be nice to be able to pick up your whole life and move right. It's very upsetting and I don't think this person knows how I know and that's an unrecognized privilege. And I unreadiness, it's not even this person's fault necessarily, you know, just sort of, again, it's privileged in, it must be. I mean, I, I'm not saying that that person doesn't go through a ton of shit. I'm not saying that person has had the worst road in the world. I'm not saying any of that. But what I'm saying is, is that you will never understand what it's like to be fearful of who you are, period. Yes. Or if you do, then you should be having a little more sympathy towards the fact that like, I'm asking you to vote on my behalf, not on your behalf or on whoever's behalf. You know what I mean? Like, if you truly believe this person's a psychopath, it's in the White House. What is so wrong? And then I'm like, so what's the Roman binary? He's old? Well, yeah, we have no other choice, though. Like you want. Right? We are in a two party system. And I'm not saying that system, but that's how it is. I'm fucking over it. So that's my rant. I don't know how to really, I mean, maybe, I guess what I really want to get to and I really want to have an episode about this and we will is how to speak to family members who don't get it. Right. I yeah, because I talked about being at the family barbecue. It's just a situation where you have these difficult conversations, but you don't know that they're necessarily going anywhere. Because here's a hard block. It's like, how do you explain to them that your entire existence is on a thread? And by that, I mean, it doesn't seem like it is. And on the surface, it's like, oh, everything's great. I mean, look, you have a house you do you understand that if shit goes backwards, I'm not gonna lie and say, Michaels, my roommate like that? Yeah, I'm glad I'm not. Let me just tell you though. Also, the other thing is, okay, it sounds like yeah, you can't be fired. Remember, we talked about this? That does not include religious liberty that does not have any challenges from business owners who want to claim Okay, well, I'm a Christian, so I'm allowed to fire them because I can't work with gay people. So remember, that's, yeah, oh, you're protected, but they didn't comment on religious liberty. Right. So we're gonna go circle around on that. Yeah, there's gonna be another case. I just, I just wish I could. I wish I your life may be hard, but it's not harder because you're white and straight. Right. Your life may be hard. You may be going through things, but trust me, it's not hard because you're white. You're not You don't need to worry about the fact that your marriage could be like totally right, like, Okay, well, sorry, people can't get married anymore. And we're not recognizing any marriages. This is like, yeah, it's like in 2016 we're when people are like, well, I hate Hillary Clinton. Trump can't be so bad. Now we have 130,000 people dead because he doesn't know how to manage any crisis. And other rights are voted. Oh my god. Oh my god. It's horrifying. And the thing is, he's ramping it up for China. So like, Oh, yeah, early. Oh, yeah. And it'll be like, Oh, we've got to get China and of course, all the racist bigots. Again. We got to get everybody that's not white. Yep. I can't, like, we could go on and on. But that's my rant personally this week. That's just it's hard. It's hard to get through to people. It's tough, but we have to try I guess. That was my thing. It's like okay, so I'd rather be Yeah, like I almost want to cry when right person like when someone says it doesn't matter and you're like, but it actually matters. Like it really hurt my really matter. And I'm like, okay, and I and at that point, I just kind of like shut it off. So I'm like, Well, here we go. I'll just like go on my turtle shell and Just Okay, you're right, you're right. But it matters. It matters. So I just want to let you know through this podcast if you even listen to it, which you probably don't, it bothered me. So if you listen to this episode, I would love to talk about it but I would love to talk about it in a civil way and not a hurtful way. And one on one not on video chat in person, like I want to talk. Oh, thank you. That's, that's my rant. That ran. Should that be a rant? I feel like you kind of ranted too with it though. Actually. I have a rant. Okay. Ah, okay, she's alive. She's back. Barely. Wow. So I saw your little like story today of being in a fast food line and there being a giant wait time because no one's paying attention, and no one will pull up and then people are back out into the street because everyone's like, this happens at our Dairy Queen where I'm like everyone needs to pull forward just pay attention. Pay attention. There are literally eight cars in the street trying to get an ice cream cone because you won't pull forward And in the city because this happened to me in Chicago. If you don't pull forward or whatever people just run into you. I was literally at a stoplight. The light was green, but there are still people crossing. So I didn't turn right. I was trying to turn right people are crossing. Yeah, the car behind me was like, No, the lights green. I'm like, but there's people crossing people. They just push and you sound like mortar and they push and the bow Pepa? Yeah, I mean, literally, that's annoying. So if you're in a fast food restaurant From now on, and you're in line, and there's a big space, no one's paying attention. Just push them forward. Just fucking random. That's what I'll say. I'm like, Listen, do I fucking ram them? But then I'm like, here comes this. Yeah, I'm not trying to self deprecating. Like, here comes this chubby boy who's like, yeah, they're like, Look chubby, but he was hungry. I want my fucking Taco Bell. I mean, right? It really irritates me. Like I get to the point where I'm like cussing and I'm like, go and then I'm like, no something. There's like a gap. You know when the gap happens like so you're sitting there minding the gap. Literally. There's like it To car gapping I'm like, why is this person like going forward? Like go in a lot? You're wondering? Yeah, I am so fearful that somebody's gonna pull in to the point of like anxiety like it's terrifying. It's horrific your spot. Yes. Like cut in that like, you know how like there's the space and like, go like I'm just gonna play bumper cars and I'm in the fucking line like I'm following each corrupted payment Do you don't get my monster you are not you are not making this beefy gordita no like and let me I don't I'm sorry I've never been on my own. I've only been with like two friends twice. No, I know what friend you know? Uh, yeah, Taco Bell. There's a code reader crunch is a beefy, gorgeous, so it is gordita because I just like fat girl and I didn't know Okay, wait, is that what it's called? Spanish? No. Ah, go to DITA quarters don't really Oh, they will be pissed. Oh, you don't just want our what do you do? gordita or Dida? Okay. Yeah. So Anyway, I was really fucking pissed today in line I was like, Oh my god, you needed that double cheeseburger more than endeavor. And it's like, do I need to Klonopin while I'm in line? Like what's happening here? Where's the pen? Like, you know what I mean? I'm like, What do I have to do here to like calm down because again I don't want to walk into my weight watchers group and be like, Hi I'm here for like a you don't want to do is get a ticket out and be like I got arrested because I bumped somebody in the fast line for my 50 point burger which is going over my points and I gained weight this week I got a massive ticket a moving violation because I rammed a car and I'm fatter for it. And I'm also up on my on my bum. I'm up on my weight. It's terrifying. So I'm like that that's another rant. Just some little show notes and a little show housekeeping. Make sure you subscribe. And, and or rate us if you want to subscribe cool, if not, whatever. Also, there's some exciting news that's gonna be coming shortly. We're setting like we're kind of like figuring this out. We're making movies or making money. Not really money, man. I'm in debt. Because of this, we are making money moves the wrong direction, potentially you might be able to hear the unedited versions of things. So get ready. We were going to talk about this whole tashman bond theory, but we need some experts to weigh in. Yes, I so if you're somebody who knows about this and say it again, I already forgot. Attachment bond theory, I can't attach to that theory. I can't attach to that theory I can only think you can attach to is your lips on that pizza? Yeah, it's here. But what I'm saying though, is I would really like to find somebody who does know about it, maybe like a psychologist or who, actually my cousin's psychologist, I might ask her to call us and talk about it, because if she knows about it, but it's basically long story short, it's basically how you were your first six months of life and how your mother treated you. How you kind of grew up as a toddler. Infant is how you react to every single relationship in your entire life. And a lot of times right now during especially during QA In like, quarantine, a lot of people are shocked by this because they're finding that their partner isn't that person that gives them what they need. Cuz it's almost like, Yeah, yes. Yeah, yes. Oh no. Yeah, this is horrifying. It is. So we're gonna just so we had a call from haweswater girl talking about I want maybe get her on and like a psychologist. I want to hear her talk about more because I wanted to and yeah, really and I probably don't know much about it. I don't want to talk about it right going. So let's get revved up for that. We'll do that right. But other than that, we hope you have a really great week because honestly, what else do we have other than just weeks and weeks and weeks of just weeks and weeks of also share our show with your friends? Yeah, and write a little snarky review on iTunes. Yeah. And also follow that sticker. So how great it felt just for us to get a voicemail. Oh, wow. I mean, you should have seen Bobby's face lit. what it's all about. I know it's really about that connection. I feel like I connected and you know what? You just don't know what it just feels so good. Oh God make me feel fucking God make me feel good again. Oh that but we won't make you feel good as well so I wish we would feel good. Yeah. Oh oh, this has been another episode of she's not doing so well I am Bobby I am Jim thank you for joining us and we'll see you next week Night Night Night Night Thank you for listening to another episode of she's not doing so well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669-207-4643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode. Views information or opinions expressed during she's not doing so well podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency organization, employer or company. This has been a house of breath production Transcribed by https://otter.ai