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March 17, 2020

Quarantine Your Attitude

Quarantine Your Attitude

This week is not like any other week in history. Corona has taken over the entire world and the United States seems to not have it under much control. We talk with Neighbor Jackie about the impact of small business and local restaurants. We will be trying to come to you more often as the impact of COVID-19 takes over our lives even more.


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spk_0:   0:00
welcome to she's not doing so well. It's a pot. I'm Bobby. In fact, you're free to come. Tongue is my comings in my throat and I found it. I'm gonna try to limit the box to 10. Love it, honey. I'm just so awkward at this. God. Hello, everybody. And

spk_1:   0:31
welcome to a not so normal episode of She's not Doing. Swell. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. Thank you for joining us in this time of crisis crisis. That's the word. This is a crisis. This is a crisis.

spk_0:   0:47
Oh, I just saw an almost brand new crisis. I'm also the crisis of my life. He just had a corona

spk_1:   0:56
crisis because he almost knocked over

spk_0:   0:58
Khurana. Just almost room a

spk_1:   0:59
computer. Oh, that would be bad. That's eyes that covered on apple care. I don't know, but like Well, listen, I thought I had the krone

spk_0:   1:08
knocking a shit down. You're having a great because we're instagram lives. Of course

spk_1:   1:13
I'm with 11 viewer. Okay, well, let me join, and it will be too. Okay. Anyway, um, so Corona fucking viruses. Oh, I guess I can't join It makes noise. Yeah, Okay. Just underway and Okay. Um, so Corona Corona is taking over our life. Cove in 19 is here, and it's changing everything literally over. So every day, ass weekend everything changed Friday. Everything changed. Yeah. People freak the fuck out. People were getting toilet paper. I'm still trying to figure that out. Noah, this

spk_0:   1:53
is you know why

spk_1:   1:54
I So I heard all these, you know, academic responses. And I'm tired of them. You know, when people are facing a crisis and they need a moment of control, they

spk_0:   2:03
do it. They they control what

spk_1:   2:04
they can control. So they go and they get they get the supplies that they think they only eat or they we could need and then they feel good about I'm like, I don't know, You know, people are being done. This is panic buying. We don't need this. It's not a g I illness. It is. You're not. You don't get g I symptoms from it. So why are you buying toilet paper?

spk_0:   2:22
Well, what if we get quarantine?

spk_1:   2:24
Well, the toilet paper supply chain is still intact, and it's not gonna be like you can still go to the grocery store in a quarantine like you're still out. Even with a curfew like, Well, if your quarantine you can't. But if there's a curfew can still go out or other people can bring it to you or get it delivered. So it's not like we're running out of toilet paper. That paper doesn't exist in me like, Well, I have to have toilet paper. What if we don't have toilet paper? What would you do with that toilet paper? I'm like I go in the shower and rinse off. I mean, I don't know. It's just like but you don't need more toilet. Hello? It's called a washcloth. If you needed trail, I mean a sock. I mean, anybody looking for Europeans? Yeah. You can bring a hose into the house and but day your ass ho's get a Southern today. The seven. But day Oh, we said somebody said Hello, Hawass. Who is Sarah? Sarah Joe. Hello, Sarah. Sorry, I don't know. I just got English because of that. Well, having my face and one of the world is just I

spk_0:   3:23
think it's stressing

spk_1:   3:24
you out more than cove ID. No cove. It's killing.

spk_0:   3:27
While you just had to say it, Koven is

spk_1:   3:32
really fucking pissing me off I know. Like I can tell every time I text you or you'll go absent for like, hours. And, like, Bobby is just sitting there freaking out. Yes. Freaking out I am. And Michael knows it too. He's like, you're gonna get through this. I'm

spk_2:   3:45
like, uh, I don't know. They are. But

spk_1:   3:47
every night I haven't like, Well, if we aren't, I'm drinking. Listen, I have to hit that pen so hard to go to sleep now. Yeah, I mean, we're at the only in this world, Uh, there's too much anxiety. And

spk_0:   3:57
then you

spk_1:   3:58
read Facebook. I we don't mention names, but there are matching names, but

spk_0:   4:03
there's a

spk_1:   4:03
lot of people out there who are being fucking crazy. I'm sorry. Yeah, they are. And we need to quarantine. Your attitude is what means

spk_0:   4:10
the shit that I don't know

spk_1:   4:16
about it. Like what it is you complain about something specific the other day. There's a really great with it. There's an example of, you know, people going out to the bars and people, you know, doing all this stuff. And but

spk_0:   4:28
then on Facebook saying, Don't go to the bars. Even though I went out

spk_1:   4:32
there, you should. Look, I was out last night, but don't go out. And I mean, this

spk_0:   4:37
was, like, two days ago. I thought, this is in

spk_1:   4:39
full fledged crisis time. This is not like, four weeks ago. Amy hugs numerous people who are, like, posting a picture that says, like,

spk_0:   4:47
me and the girls out of club. And then out of nowhere, like guys quarantine, There's no you can't do both. You can't hosting your intention. Horror. Like quit.

spk_1:   4:57
No. You look at people like Snapchat stories, instagram stories, and they're just like in a bar that is quite crowded. And you're just thinking, so way we So are

spk_0:   5:07
you flattening the curve?

spk_1:   5:08
Are you making the curve? Taller? Taller, taller, Big time, Big time. So quit

spk_0:   5:13
fucking doing that. This is not a

spk_1:   5:15
soapbox episode, but it kind of is starting that way. But I have to, and I'm into it. I'm ready to climb on that soap opera in just shower. I keep thinking I'm not over this corona to I need to pay your corona way because we cannot afford to lose his computer. You won't build a record. Yeah, And if we get quarantine for real, I'm gonna be like recording up. So today

spk_0:   5:32
we're gonna test. Um, what is that called?

spk_1:   5:35
I want to try. Um, it's the anchor app. But actually, I could send you over the microphone. You can plug it into your computer and we could just record. Really? Okay, let's do that. Yeah, well, just like start recording oppa sodas, you know, just to keep everybody entertained because, honestly, hey, batch. Oh, somebody's on that, you know? Oh, who is it? Ah, it might be your sister. Yea. Ah, Shout out to my

spk_0:   5:58
side. Say that fresh on in Nashville.

spk_1:   6:01
Trash Rish is down in Nashville. She ah said all of her stuff got stopped her work her She's just at home hanging out. Must be nice because my work's not shutting the fuck down. We have. Really? I know what I'm gonna try to keep the fucks to 10 but we've had nine,

spk_0:   6:19
so But it's really

spk_1:   6:21
stressful for me. I get anxiety and just having to go to work. They're

spk_2:   6:26
telling us

spk_1:   6:26
not to be in a group of 10 people. Right yet that I'm going and sitting my office in seeing at least I'm lived 60 people at her office, Not in the office, but there's there. Spread out sort of. But like they're 60 demands that could potentially touch. Yes, Daddy, Tim is here too. Oh, hello, TEM Daddy. Tim! Well, so he was just texted me about volleyball. Volleyball got canceled, but guess why our team was number one in the league for you. And so that's three seasons in a row. Number one not trying to brag, but there you have it. Any other team? Sure. I won't be like the, um, the team's mascot.

spk_0:   7:05
You could be the

spk_1:   7:06
mascot. We need a big bear for the We could be the bears. Bears Bears! Why

spk_0:   7:12
aren't you at

spk_1:   7:12
the front of the net, Tall mother? No, please. I mean, we have to build a move to I can, But your athletic You could do it. I used to be.

spk_0:   7:20
Oh, just

spk_1:   7:22
start like love. I tell everybody that I'm athletic. Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know. I think you shouldn't go to work like that. So I'm really thinking. I know I'm about to protest and I don't even care what you could get a temperature tonight and you won't be able to go like, literally pulling E t. You're already running at 99. Like you might not be able to get Elliot did that. E t. Oh, what a little Yeah. And light. And it was, like, put it right back in his mouth. Were quick. I used to want do that every day. Yeah, well, he probably tried. I've always not want to go to work and not want to go to school.

spk_0:   7:52
So things not sorry for the court thistles?

spk_1:   7:57
Not the crisis. That's just Bobby. Uh, I know this is right. It's really rough. It's, um, impacting businesses. And we're actually I know when we just talked to Jacquet Jacquet and it's like, That's we'll play the of you probably. And that she's in the restaurant. Business is devastating. It's life lying. Yeah, that's my word. Well, and even our friend Dave, you know, like he with what he does in education. Um, you know, if they're not, people aren't going to school. I know you can do some things online, but it can't be the same. You can't have office hours. You can't have really direct communication with people. No, I don't know. There's a lot of things that I feel like you have to be in a classroom for I know we want to pretend it's not true and you can do it electronically. But I don't know, I don't know either. And then, like if it's closed, we're getting paid the same. Are you Do? I hope so. It I would not Their full My work's trying to say, Oh, you're gonna future vacation days

spk_0:   8:57
You know what men? And I'm angry. I'm angry.

spk_1:   9:00
There's a lot of bad decisions being made around me, Not to mention the fact that I'm with a doctor. So every day I'm decision Really bad decision right there. No, I actually said today was like, I'm gonna start sleeping in the basement. Should I mean he's coming home every day? Like I'm not dealing with hundreds of potential exposures. What I will say. They actually check people the door now and his work, and he's doing a lot of like Elektronik shit, like we were writing and being like, Hey, I think I may have cove in and they're like a home. Yeah, Kobe, 19 making me sweat. It's make me angry. I know there's a lot of impact, though. on business, especially in the LGBT community. There's a lot of people who work at the bars. You have drag queens. I know these queen. It's it's not good they can't perform.

spk_0:   9:43
I think we

spk_1:   9:44
should do look, online performances that would love something. I would still logging, going and watch that. And I would electronically tip with the Venmo or what? A little wave? Yeah, Ready? Let's go to our interview with Jackie that we just did earlier. We called. We caught Jack. Hey, Jack. Hey, neighbor. Jack A. She's in the restaurant business, which has taken a hard hit. Yeah, we want todo a recent capitulation situation, So we kind of want to see what was going on in your world. As far as so you got the news last night. Well, I think I texted you like so I need upon the news.

spk_2:   10:25
Yeah, I don't remember

spk_1:   10:26
because I was like, I mean, it was just announced yesterday, right? But

spk_2:   10:29
they, like for other people, will turn on the news

spk_1:   10:32
was about to leave. But now, when you turn on the news like Mike DeWine said, as of 9 p.m. Last night, all the restaurants and bars are closed, which, honestly, is bad for the people in the business, but is probably long overdue At least a week or so overdue. Because we've seen some people on the social media who are, you know, giving out information about howto protect people and how to avoid covered 19. And yet they're still they were still going out to the bars, right? Like, how do you say, Like, don't go out, But then but then you go out and then you talk about going out. Did you

spk_2:   11:03
have a

spk_1:   11:03
lot of people last night? Your restaurants up until nine.

spk_2:   11:07
Everybody freaked out. So the thing was like all the Bargas in dining room gust were over tipping there. I did that, too. Hey, good luck. $100. 50 bucks.

spk_1:   11:18
I ordered Chinese last night. I tipped good. I went to Well, I did that on Wednesday at Japan. Mark, please, cause I was like, I don't know, the next time this waitress is gonna have business, you know? Right. So what's the first thing you did? Look, So you had to organize everybody and say like, Okay, like, how do you do this as a business like I don't know. Scream. I mean, thankfully, you console to take out. Yes, we consort. Is that really and delivery? Now?

spk_2:   11:41
Last night, as a company, we had a 12 to 15 person conference call at six o'clock after the governor came on, kind of just laid out a plan. Um, and we sent out company emails after we all thoroughly talked through it and had all our questions answered. And so, how many

spk_1:   11:57
people are gonna impact? As far as, like, so is other servers gonna try to cook down, like, how do you Is there a way to, like, you

spk_2:   12:04
know? So we would like to do that, but we can't be like, Hey, servers come to the kitchen and take the kitchen staff's job. Right, You know? So they've also got families and bills to pay and and everything that

spk_1:   12:16
I was really stressed out thinking about you guys a new particular. I was like, Oh, my God, this is so like, how do you I don't know how you even can comprehend what's happening. Like it's like you never things that ever happen. No closing restaurants and bars. No, never not ers like six months ago, even know. Not now. So how's it been going for? Like so today was a big day for you guys. Probably.

spk_2:   12:41
Yes. So Ah, we all started at eight o'clock today. We met with all of our general managers at each location and sat down with him for about an hour, hour and 1/2 and talked about scheduling and who were cutting in. And who is making the cut that we feel is high priority right now.

spk_1:   12:57
Yeah, I would agree that way.

spk_2:   12:58
We're their family based, so we hate anyone being laid off.

spk_1:   13:03
Well, I mean, I can see, like, almost rank to as faras like if you've been there longer or if you have, If you work more hours or, you know, whatever it is, I'm sure there's a way you have to cut people at this point. You just hope that, you know, I guess they could get unemployment it, but I'm sure it's not that much.

spk_2:   13:18
2/3 is

spk_0:   13:19
how did they even do it for a

spk_2:   13:20
server based off their declared tips.

spk_1:   13:23
Okay, so they don't declare tipsy. You better have been declaring the tips of people. I don't even know myself, you know. And she didn't need to look into. So I think she on paper, she's making, like, $2. That's good. But I did see a lot of, um, people in the community or like making go fund me is for Have you heard of anybody doing that? Okay, I'll start one for you guys. Yeah, that's a good idea. Yeah, we'll start one for neighbor. Jack. Hey, you know, I just want to touch on this because that made me think of something. When you said about ranking and stuff. I'm reading these reports from some of the critical care. Ah, societies and groups out of Italy. And they're talking about distributive justice, which you probably haven't talked about are considered since undergrad. Probably when you were like a philosophy class where you're talking about, how do we do the most good for the most number of people? And because I don't have enough critical care beds or ventilators they are picking, they have to pick the people who they can have the most benefit on of life. So they're looking at life years, so they're like, you know, if an 89 year old with many, many chronic medical conditions comes in and they're not in great shape at baseline. Do you give them the ventilator? Or do you give the ventilator to the 55 year old who is otherwise in pretty good health? Has you and otherwise in pretty good health and no one, No doctor. No one wants to make that decision, but it's like you have to rank or decide what are we going to do? Like what is the best choice here? I mean, and these are life or death. Yeah, when you're intubated, it is life. It is not like, Well, we'll get, you know, well, they can wait a little bit while longer. It's like No, normally, if someone needs a ventilator, they need it now. Like now. Yeah, So if you have two people in the e. R and they both need it and you have one, that's what you're having inside. It was like, How do you rank? And it's kind of it. Like you said, it's like you're great forever that you're in anybody's in quote unquote management as faras. If your main any manager of any any, any other doctor, manager of patients and beyond, So you have to make those decisions like could never. And I like being in a doctor's position like that would be horrible or even a manager restaurant where you're like having to pick the people who can keep working. That is, that's where we're at. And when you're in a crisis like this, it's You have to make these decisions that you never want to make or should have to make. I don't know what it's like so horrifying to me. It's like it's crazy to me that this is actually happening, Yeah, do you think it's gonna do? We think it's gonna close like they're gonna close us all down? I wouldn't be surprised if we're on a curfew.

spk_2:   16:02
Rumor on the street is that there's gonna be, like everything. Shut down.

spk_1:   16:06
Yeah, don't leave unless your groceries emergency and I think they're slowly dealing out these things. They don't want us all. Panic it once. They're like, Well, you

spk_0:   16:14
can't go. The gym's now in the movies, and tomorrow you're not gonna believe her how school is gonna

spk_1:   16:19
be close, probably to the end of the year, and it's just like voting is gonna be delayed till June 2nd and then It's like it's like putting positively until summer. Yeah, scary. That's a long time away, by the way. Well, and I'm worried because Michael was talking about, like, potentially being drafted is what they were talking about. Attacks, I guess, with his call to pull him into the hospital. Yeah. Yeah. Could be because he's got he could go in the hospitals. But, I mean, I don't know what's going on in the outpatient world. Like that'll be a hard pressed time if he has to go in. I know that's a big transition to go, especially on patient. And then I'll be like, years. I'll be in the hot tub while he's working. That's so rude. But sorry. I mean, yeah, you should self care care. So then what are you guys were still doing? Like, takeout delivery is what you

spk_2:   17:03
say. It's still doing full on takeout, but the delivery service is we just do is door dash right now. Okay, But we're anticipating hopefully that we can still do about 30 to 40% of our sales all through take out. We really do a really nice takeout business already. We're just trying to hope we get the dining room people to call in. And

spk_1:   17:24
what we need from everyone listening is Remember this stuff and when you're at home and you're like, What should we have for dinner tonight? Like there's an entire industry out there? And there's a lot of people are lying at my sister's a server. Consider takeout like Let's. And also, if you're stuck at home, it's more fun to eat food that you don't make it home anyways. Also considered enjoy for others, too. I mean, like, we have older neighbors. Hey, you know, offer some to them. Do

spk_2:   17:49
you want some pizza?

spk_1:   17:50
Right? Yeah. So, So good. I don't know. I just don't I don't even know what to say. I feel so

spk_2:   17:58
terribly been saying that all day like I don't I don't know. You can't hand and a couple of managers like things, Jackie, for taking the lead on this. I'm like, Well, I am truly the blind leading the blind. I have

spk_0:   18:08
no idea. It's true. That's how

spk_2:   18:11
making this up on the spot, But it sounds good, and we're gonna reevaluate tomorrow.

spk_0:   18:16
You want to know what it is day by day, hour hour

spk_1:   18:20
at this point. I know, like earlier today I was like, Oh, Mike DeWine's having the conference again. And then it's like here we go. What? What? Oh, Jim's air closing like everything. Okay. And anyway, and then the president came out and said he didn't want more than 10 people. And I'm like, Okay, well, that's my work. It's everywhere. Yeah, that's why I wonder if we're headed toward the ventilators. Yes, way can't tell, you know, get the government Earth government. The governor's He was like, you guys could get your own fucking bandleader plays. He's like, we will help you, but when you spend three years lying nonstop, it's kind of hard Allyson switch and be like everybody trusts me. Listen to me. I'm gonna tell you how we're About a week ago, I said it was a hoax so we could go. It was a hoax. It's gonna end by April. And now all of a sudden, he's worried about it like a terrible just happened really quick. And I were all like, Oh, shit. So I just want to get you in here really quick just to have a little business chat. Yeah, Thank you. Definitely support your local restaurants. Yeah, if you're in Columbus,

spk_2:   19:18
it's stressful. Support local

spk_1:   19:21
support, local because you're gonna do Is there anything we can do as just like, Well, I don't know. Just by those

spk_0:   19:27
Just say from just eat, you stupid make about this from

spk_1:   19:29
a selfish standpoint. Even if you don't support local right now, when we get out of this crisis, how many restaurants are gonna be left? Just think of that if you're gonna be self and you're like, why can't do takeout every night this week? Okay, we'll just do it at, like, everything a few nights or you know what I'm saying? Because really, we're looking at restaurants. Don't always have a bunch of reserves, so we're in two months. If you're not supporting local, you might not have anything local. That's that's a good point. That's a selfish way to think about it. But it's true, but also like, yeah, you wanna have a thriving society? When we get out of this, I want to be able to go out again and enjoy my life. Are you scared that this is gonna have a really major impact on your business? Or do you think it's. Do you think I got temporary thing until this is done? And then we'll be back to normal, like that's what I can't fathom at this point. You probably do not answer that.

spk_2:   20:19
But the back to normal part is what's so unclear because I don't know how long this is lasting way. Have all these people who are currently unemployed on and our hope is, you know, in three weeks, a month, two months, however long it takes that they come back for a good company that employs them. But that's so unknown we have moved on or like, Are they all going to landscaping jobs? Are they all going to construction? Michelle going to paint and you know, all that kind of stuff. It's

spk_1:   20:45
too bad you couldn't set up like a delivery. I know there's some people they're doing that, but like a delivery from your actual restaurant with the servers. But they're a liability and all that kind

spk_2:   20:54
of legal thing. Yeah, that's right. We can't just have a random survey

spk_0:   20:57
getting your Kia. Let's

spk_2:   20:58
go. You know this terrible neighborhood and deliver some food, see what happens. Best unlocked. Good

spk_1:   21:03
luck in your Honda Civic. Yeah, well, thank you so much for stopping. Yeah, okay. We grabbed her from the backyard. Like

spk_0:   21:09
Like like I'm my cars. I have I have a question for

spk_1:   21:13
you, please. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Well, now here we are. I mean, this is a similar. We need to have a similar response to, like, these people whose lives were turned upside down by cove. It 100%. How do we help them through this?

spk_0:   21:34
Especially if

spk_1:   21:35
you have the means in the game in general that have the means. And I think this is where you've got a Really This is where becomes human. It's humanizing people. And it's taking everybody because you could everybody get this virus. So know what? Anyone, Anyone? It's just It's very frustrating. Even though I'm still working and I'm OK. I just feel so terrible for these people. Who Then I go up to him like,

spk_0:   21:56
Hi. I need a drink. And, like, I need to help

spk_1:   21:59
them now. Like this needs to be something that we all do. So we should help out our local restaurants. And so that's a good comment. I like that. Yeah, I like that think? Sera. Um, so also, what have you been doing? Like, are you quarantining? And what do you do when you quarantine? Like I just hang out at home? I got a really good book, so I'm just gonna be reading and I got some magazines to read. I've got a lot of TV shows to binge, like Westworld. I know. I need to catch up. Oh, it's good, but yeah. Do you watch

spk_0:   22:28
it? I

spk_1:   22:28
did. I watched the first, but the second season I couldn't get into serious. It is still here. Did you say something? Oh, so she's been like I just need to get into Season two. I watched the first episode was like, Well, because the timelines are difficult to follow. But like, once you, I'm re watching Season two right now before I start season through, which premiered yesterday. And I'm like in love with Season two. Justus much Simon Love with Season one right, which is all about the maze and consciousness like that was so cool. See, I need such a good show. It's like a thinking should

spk_0:   22:58
I would actually

spk_1:   22:58
love to watch it with you because you're very like the message board. You probably all that fun stuff. And I need to know I can help pick your brain because there's some things I'm still trying to figure out I'm like, Is this a three like we are We What is this? Yeah, real what? Israel. Israel. And that's how I feel about life. What is real. It is real right now because what Israel right now? Well, it's not. All of our leaders have been telling us the same things for the past month or so. Going into what? Israel? Because, really, we were told this was a hoax and not to worry about. If Democrats are tryingto this is a do nothing Democrats. They're all just trying to make Trump look bad and crashed the economy. It's like, uh huh. And why are we also trying to crash the Italians? Spanish friends, especially me? Why are you so if this was all to get Trump in trouble, why are we just bring in the rest of world down with us? Like what I don't understand, Like, this is a total conspiracy. This Yeah, it's all overblown, and it's all to make Trump look bad. But now that I know he's doing that all on his own, and the problem is the response will be,

spk_0:   23:54
well, now he's doing everything he can and the Democrats just don't care about what he's doing. He's doing everything he can

spk_1:   24:00
for the country is like three weeks ago, he called it a hoax over board. Thankful for our governor in Ohio. I'm surprised, but I don't believe I don't agree with anything that quickly with him and I didn't vote for him and I probably won't again. But he's having daily press conferences. He's actually

spk_0:   24:19
because any more calm,

spk_1:   24:20
he's making me feel more calm because I can turn to him and be like, Wow, he's actually following the science like he's actually says science. And he, like he said today, is like we have never faces before. We most people live, have never in their lifetime seen something like this to here. That is like, Okay, so you understand the gravity of the situation and then you're stepping aside and letting your top scientists and Roo how Department of Health step in and see how she is. She's just like she's on it, so it's like all of these things and we're talking to Jack A about how it's happening, all everyone's lives. But at least it seems like we have a leader who takes it seriously and is trying to take steps to save lives. Like he says, that every time is like I know this is impacting the economy, but it's life or death, and if our hospitals can't take care of sick people who have it, then people will die. And if we don't prevent people from spreading it now, people will die. So, yeah, it sucks. It's like we don't want to be quarantined. We don't want to be on a curfew. We don't. But the alternative is we just go out to Lars like people were last week. We spread it around, you give it to your grandma, and then she's gone. Yeah, because everyone was careless because you want to go to the bar because you had to go to the bar. IM says. You're you're off work or whatever, but you have to go out drinking, and I don't know what they're waiting for, because I feel like I actually feel like they're slowly starting to be like it seems like the gym like today Was the gym the gym's defeat? Movie theaters like even, DeWine said, And daycares were coming takers. Yeah, so we're headed. So if people can't send their kids a day care, think about that. What does that mean? You've got to be at home to take care. So that's why I'm going with you.

spk_0:   25:57
I'm kind of on

spk_1:   25:58
the fence of, like, not even the fence. I'm jumping over the fence. You are like a sheep just, and I want them to just quarantine us all. Only leave during certain hours of the day. And if that's to go to the grocery store or like emergencies. Omer. Yeah, I agree. And you know

spk_0:   26:14
what? Get get the military

spk_1:   26:16
involved. We spent so much money with them. Get the military involved. Get there. They're prepared. They're ready. Yeah, have them boxing like yeah, essentials. And just throwing in people's car find like the elderly people who are exactly at home for whatever health reason or physical abilities, they're at home. And let's take care of them like let's make deliveries. Because I even texted my grandma today. I was like art. She was down in Florida. She flew home yesterday, which made me very nervous because I do not want her in the airport. But she said it thankfully was pretty empty. There are, like 50 open seats on the plane because no one wants to travel. Thank God. So she's at home and I'm like, Are you able to get groceries delivered? Just text if you need anything And she just said, You know, love you, Thank you and it's like That's scary to me that I'm so worried about her even going to the grocery store, right? That's where I would rather deliver her groceries in her Go out. That's right. That's how I feel. Well, that's why I think the military distance get involved. Yeah, I mean, it's turning in tow. This is a disaster, a disaster. It's a disaster. So it's been a disaster. And, you know, as you get older, you start realizing that people are fragile, like this fragile. And there's a lot of people that I know who are hitting. 60 five Uncles and aunts were not 20 anymore. It's really weird, really like this is like our parents stuff. Our parents are in the danger zone. Well, my parents are almost there, but they're still young at mine, aren't 60 yet, but I don't either. But there and luckily, my parents were healthy. So right, that's a big difference to a minute is this

spk_0:   27:46

spk_1:   27:46
other thing is like It's very, um, selfish and able ist when you hear people who are younger acting like this is not a big deal, it's just like the flu. I hear that a lot, and I've been stopping people now because in the beginning I was like, Well, we don't know what the mortality rate is. Maybe it is only as deadly as the flu, but you hear these young people who might not be as affected as it. I buy it as someone walking around who's like 70 and has heart disease and maybe some kidney disease. You know, immune suppressed, another anything. And you hear these younger people like, Well, it's just like the flu, like it's not gonna hurt me. And I'm thinking, Can you pause for a moment and just imagine same at to someone standing in front of you who is 75 has illnesses

spk_0:   28:27
or who's

spk_1:   28:27
even younger? Not all people who are chronically ill and you old look like they're chronically ill, right? There are people walking around with them, you know, deficiencies who look just like you and me And you We would not see them and go, Oh, they look like they're at risk of from Kobe. They could die from this. So you just have to know when you hear people saying that, stop them and say, Now, would you say that to someone's face who is chronically ill or at risk or older? Would you say, Well, I'm not worried about it won't affect me. Are you gonna tell that? Well, you can tell that someone I don't think he would say to your grandma. I mean, you might be doing this out of anxiety, and you might be telling yourself to try to calm yourself down. Well, it's not gonna hurt me personally. Say that in your head, though, like right, because it can affect the people around you. So you have to be aware. I've just I hear that a lot like it's like the flu, and it's like, No, it might be like 10 times as deadly as the flu. So put it that way because, you know, you hear these mortality numbers? Flu's 100.1% 0 well, this is only well, I mean, in Italy, it's looking like 5 to 6% right now, which is crazy. That's a high number of millions of Americans could die from this if it's that number, which it could be. So I'm you know, all these precautions were taking her for a reason. Because we have. Luckily, we're not the first country to face it. At least we can actually. What happened, right. We should be really smart. We're like the last countries. How you have a chance here to look around the world and go, How do we change this? How do we change things here so less people die? The other thing that I was thinking about, that I don't think a lot of people do think about it. Okay, so if someone gets in a car accident or somebody has a heart attack or something like the's

spk_0:   29:57
air, people

spk_1:   29:57
that need to get to the emergency room and this could block them from getting there, so it's not gonna die from the virus. You were gonna die from a heart attack or or even like appendicitis, like you can't yet. It's like you need emergency surgery surgery. But the surgery O R Room is a bed is a normal bed now because yep, that's what flattening the curves all bow is like We have to keep these beds available. And I think the curve people need understand what? The curve, the curve? Yeah, so it's like this graph X and Y and going across the X axis is this dotted line kind of saying, This is our hospital capacity and the curve is just that line of these are the number of cases we're going to overtime. And so the Y axis is like number of cases and you're thinking, How do we keep that curve or that line of the total number of cases over time? How do we keep it below our hospital capacity? Because if we can keep it under that capacity, then we can take care of people. If we have a sudden spike in cases and it's going above our hospital capacity, thes number of people above that are at risk of dying because we can't get in the hospital. They need it. And that's what I think is more scary about this than even the actual cause. People like you said,

spk_2:   31:01
always affect

spk_1:   31:02
me well, a lot more, so it's literally could shut down. That's a good point. You need medical care, but the hospitals full of people with Corona virus, you're not getting it. You're not gonna die of something simple. Or, you know you're gonna be long term messing yourself up because you can't get into the yard. Right? So So I know. Yeah, A lot of the younger folks think it's well, it doesn't matter. It's not gonna affect me. It's like the flute. Don't stop. Just stop quarantine your attitude. Thank you. Seriously, it's the title. That's the title. Quarantine your attitude. Quarantine your attitude because you need to. You need you need to rethink this because I know no one wants to. But like it's, it's time. It's a serious thing. Like we for weeks. We've just kind of been like, Wow, it's spreading well, well, it's what l. A. And had our little that was beginning of February. That's not that long ago. That was a month and 1/2 ago, right month and 1/2 ago we were travel. There was one person there was like one person out in California, and But the problem was at that time, we had no testing zero. So it's like that's another problem. Why don't we have enough test when we knew this was coming and I can tell you why we know why. You know why and I don't even get into, we're not even gonna get into it. There's a lot of mixed signals from our government again. Like I said, the local governments are really doing a good job, a lot of batteries where we're at now, especially in Ohio. I really feel like we are. We'll have a good handle on. We're very lucky right now. So they had another press conference today. The Trump Administration, The Cork Ronan are what they call it a team or something. Yeah, whatever. Mike Pence. A major urge. He had a TB outbreak in Indiana when he was governor, so I'm not really confident, but whatever right? I love how everything that Trump does. He's like, you know, we should really be thinking our president of the United States for all the hard work that he doesn't like. What are you use puppet like? How about the people behind you, The ones driving the policy about the scientists and shit behind working in all the world seven. Yeah. So anyway, they talk today and they said There's a couple of new updates and guidelines. What are they, Um, all Americans, including the young and healthy work to engage in schooling from home. One possible which wouldn't be possible in that hospital that selling that house were in the hospital. I can't read. Everyone knows you can't read a love that that's so I'm working on it. But yes. Oh, that's like But our states, our state was ahead of the curve there because we already have closed schools. So they're going to college. In schools everywhere. It's like this little trickle effect. Then another one is avoid gathering in groups more than 10. So it was well, 50 50 0 So 10 10. So my work has 60 Like I've said so. Yeah, 10. I mean, that's head. So my cousin's getting married like April 18th and I'm thinking like I know they said less than 50 for eight weeks. So that's covers that wedding like, Are they getting married? I don't know, because if they do? Does anyone go mutual? Older people shouldn't. But it's already planned, you know. I mean, this is not just like a trip like I was supposed to go to San Diego today, but obviously that didn't happen for good reason. Yeah, I don't know any other. Did they have any other? So avoid travel. Basically, you really just travel if needed. Good point, because this is spring break week for a lot of people. And I heard a lot of people are still traveling for some reason. Like a lot of families, the kids are on spring break this week. So it's like, Oh, well, that's why we're gonna drive to South Carolina. We're gonna try to Florida. It's like, Can you stop? I know. Can you just stop? Just stay home, Just stay home. It's bad. It's really bad. I mean, I know no one to be stuck in the house with your kids, but they can run around the neighborhood in the backyard if they're not around a bunch of other kids, right? So when we get a warrant, you can go outside on the extra. That's better. Go outside. Little fresh air, fresh air, but just don't be within six feet of other people don't get near other people, please. And I think we're gonna get to that point. We are. A lot of us are gonna be quarantined, and it's gonna be hard. And everybody thinks it's gonna be like this vacation with my boss Keeps saying like, Oh, he's like, Well, you know, there's no medications, No, not vacation. Like I'm to be trapped, which and worried about it the whole time, right? I mean, that's the thing is like, Well, there's no you're home. You're anxious, Were anxious. So it we're not on vacation. Is no vacation involved here? I mean, I will be drinking and getting the hot tub. You should. I mean, that's Gene. That's called self care. That is self care of this. This disease. This isn't

spk_0:   35:10

spk_1:   35:10
disease. Okay? This disease virus needs to go because my summer body is now. Oh, yeah, Like I said earlier, we need to get Weight Watchers on email and bonus points because everyone points at this point. Like I pizza last night. I'm giving up in terms of like, strict dieting. It's not happening. Yeah, I

spk_0:   35:30
don't time for

spk_1:   35:31
that. I have other things to worry about. It's true. Like the weight loss is on. Hold on, hold. It's on hold. I need stuff. Chris may go up. I need it. Oh, no, I didn't do that. And also, as you heard in our Jackie interview, um oh, yeah, like I was talking about. Go get takeout takeout. Support your local restaurants. Like, let's do it. And plus, it's delicious and fun. Well, you don't to cook.

spk_0:   35:57
A lot of us don't

spk_1:   35:58
cook. And also, we're on the stories you're buying a lot more than you need. So here's an idea. By what, you what's essential and then order twice week out. Thank you. Thank you. And that's the rule. Yeah, he's not doing so well. We're gonna put around. Here's a little rule we're gonna put our own guidelines for. We're gonna have a trump press conference that we're gonna do it. Yeah, we're gonna run Corona. Maybe Corona responds. I really do. I'm, like, just go by what you normally would. And then I mean, I get sort of like I get like, here. I've gotten a lot of beer the past, like, probably four days, and I keep not getting enough. But it's not enough for, you know, not in a normal week. Yeah,

spk_0:   36:37
but I'm like, Oh, well,

spk_1:   36:38
I'm just gonna drink, cause what else? This weekend it was like I was pretty bad. I mean, let's be stressed to his anxiety. You But Franzia, So, like, we're at that point. Okay,

spk_0:   36:48
Well, I didn't know. Front First of all, I don't

spk_1:   36:49
even buy box wine. But I figured in an apocalyptic situation. If I need to be blacked out a little, D'oh, it'll do the job. It'll literally kill. Absolutely. My whole body.

spk_0:   37:01
That's my leave. Propofol.

spk_1:   37:02
That's your Michael Jackson here. We got ejected direct. So gagged in Gupte gagged him goop. At least drag race is still on every Friday. Yeah, we're gonna watch a sexual. Oh, my God. Stop! Every episode. They're like, so

spk_0:   37:18
little cherry pie. Cherry pies. Ah, show now. But she won't be at the finale

spk_1:   37:24
because, you know, she's gonna be, like, in the top two. Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure, because she's won, like, every week, so Well, sorry to ruin it for people listening, but anyways, like, sorry, she's already gone. Going to keep posting that because I know she's gonna be on the whole season through the end, probably in the top. Did you notice they didn't even do any of her interviews of this past week? Oh, you're right. They don't even play them. They played, like, one or two quick, like, yeah, she's gonna cut because she

spk_0:   37:47

spk_1:   37:47
catfishing boys online. I looked into it like she

spk_0:   37:50
was having

spk_1:   37:50
them send, like, audition tapes, and then she was having them. I know, I know. I know, I know. But then she's also getting some videos of them doing other things. Okay, Naked stuff for Broadway, like Oh, yeah. I mean, it's ridiculous. A little like the guys like

spk_0:   38:06
she catfish me. I had some I had to send a jerk off

spk_1:   38:10
it and I'm like, Wait, that's a choice. It's like, I know you wanted to roll, but it's But

spk_0:   38:16
how many casting directors are requesting masturbation videos? And that's that

spk_1:   38:20
one over. Snapshot. What's that horse won that Dina Ratcliffe was in Oh, requests? Yeah, maybe they're like, 02 knew where he was, but he didn't do anything like sexual in it. You just need maybe they're like, it's new version of it are? Yeah, that gets a new version. And there's a sex scene with yourself in your hand and they're like, Okay, well, okay, I guess. Well,

spk_0:   38:40
how do you think this is a Really? Did you,

spk_1:   38:41
Additionally, for like, is that your technique? Like what you gonna do? Like he doesn't do it at the right pace. Like a left hand and slower righty

spk_0:   38:49
thistles. What I'm like, Why were

spk_1:   38:51
these sending the videos? I mean,

spk_0:   38:53
there's a lot. There's a lot of problems, a lot of

spk_1:   38:55
problematic stuff. The whole situation is Dave would say, it's problematic. Sat out today if shot today. Who's quarantine these Corrine team in another state anyways? So what else do we need to talk about here? I mean, oh, there's one more. Avoid eating and drinking at bars. Russians in public food court, which once again we were our state's already our state wiggling that like nailed. And it's sad as you heard it is a lot of students, I but and they made a good point about like what about bars, too, Like they can't really? Can they take our only Yeah, However, I'd like to plug seven sunk there now, delivering although the guy they text that he e mailed me there like we were overwhelmed. But I'm I feel I saw it on Instagram and immediately ordered on the website, so I

spk_0:   39:37
don't know why. They

spk_1:   39:37
don't just do is permanently so already got my delivery, but yeah, I'm gonna They should I'm gonna order some too, because I want that I do not want these local breweries to be closing like I can't. No, I can't. I also know that, you know, in like two months, like I was saying, which I hate Do you really want to have nothing around like that's what we're facing, right? It's a selfish thing. But if we don't again, the

spk_0:   39:58
thing is, there's a lot of people

spk_1:   39:59
don't have the means, right? If you have the mean if you have the means, throw a little bit giving 20 bucks, order something having delivered like if you do it twice a week for the next three weeks, you're not gonna You're gonna ruin your bank because you're going out less and generally like on the week. You're not any around. You're not gonna go spend $60 on drinks that three random bars like just dinner and plus dinner. So you're spending 100 uber uber Just stay in and order a cow Order delivery. Do it. Please do it. Save our local state hard to save our city. If not only will the whole country needs saved, I think a lot of good it does. But we're gonna try a obviously this episode's gonna come out, but we're gonna I want to talk, Maur, I wanna like yeah, to get other people involved because it's apt that I have I mean, now that you found this app, we can call each other, I can call you and then we can call to other people or I think it's of the six or something crazy. I think that it might be able to six, I don't know, but we can call whoever we want and just kind of get people's takes what they're doing, how they're they're staying, you know, What's the word I'm looking for, can visited and connected, You know, that's another thing I want to say real quick to the people out there who are like technologies ruining everybody and all the shit will look what's happening now. You need it Yeah. So maybe this is like,

spk_0:   41:15
I don't know. I feel like

spk_1:   41:16
it's like we're in a movie. I really D'oh! Yeah, like, fast forward. And did you see years and you saw your years? That show would think of

spk_0:   41:23
this. I just thought that yesterday I was in my car

spk_1:   41:27
driving home from work, and I was like, I'm feeling a little like the years and years, like apocalyptic. Like a big event is happening. And then, like in 20 years, we're gonna be like and this is when it all changed. Maybe later. That's I was no text. Like, remember your c

spk_0:   41:42
o. That's how we

spk_1:   41:43
connect. Were, like, very fucking weird.

spk_0:   41:44
This sort of Ah,

spk_1:   41:46
okay, is scary. I mean it, really. And that show we have to plug is really good. It's really good. Actually, it has a great ending, so don't don't be turned off by it. Just watch it because their moment where you'd be like, yeah, like I can't I have to stop. Don't stop. Don't stop. Don't stop this about life too. Don't stop. You can't stop. But you can do the right thing. Can be safe. That's right, Jim Jam, Wash your fucking hands to Oh, my God. People, I'm a little crazy. I think I think I'm going overboard. I maybe washing too much. Yeah, I'm like, Oh, well, I gotta wash my hands So I open the door and then I'm like, Well, oh, yeah, I don't eat. I, like will make things. And then, Michael, I touch the package of whatever. I just s o on the stove, so not washing again. Like I grabs the pasta box. And it's like, Well, who handled the who touched the pasta box? But we got pizza last night. I was like, Well, wait, who touched the pizza box? So I literally washed my hands twice. It's it's actually it's like it's horrifying because you're constantly thinking about it. And now you're, like, consumed with Oh, my God, I love when people cough in the office to like

spk_2:   42:51
on I'm like,

spk_1:   42:52
Oh, shit, someone's got Corona. Look, we gotta wait. Who is that? So anyway? Well, I don't know really What else we can talk about in this moment, but we will be back for more soon. We're gonna do We're gonna try this app. We need to try it. We have to because we're gonna be self quarantining. Yep. But I was actually hoping they fucking clothes, money work. They need thio because I

spk_0:   43:13
don't want to

spk_1:   43:13
get it. Okay, I don't either, but I don't want my mind, and I probably will, but I have a feeling I'm getting it too, because I have Michael coming home. I make him go right. I think at least half of Americans are probably going to get it. I know. They said felt we just have to stretch it out to be, like, over the next year and not over the next few weeks. So we'll see. We'll see. We'll see. Time will tell. Only time will tell if you guys can step the fuck up and do what's right and I'm sorry again, I said, the f word a lot. This episode I'm I'm really feeling intense about really feeling like this is a rough topic. It is's, it's It's something we really need to pay attention to, because what we do now will set the future up in whatever way we leave this situation. So if we do it right, we have a good chance of doing it right again. If we don't do it right, who knows what's gonna happen? The end, just another episode of She's Not Doing So. I am Bobby, I'm Jim. We'll see you soon, but we're gonna be recording

spk_0:   44:08
more bye bye. Thank you for listening to another episode of she's Not Doing So Well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669 to 074643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode. Views, information or opinions expressed during she's not doing so well, podcast or silly, those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company. This'll has been a house of Brecht production.