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April 22, 2020

Talk About a Gay Rant

This week's episode is just Jim and Bobby. They talk about all sorts of things and Bobby loses his effing mind. He legit goes off on everything he can think of and has a total vent session. Drag queens and celebrity podcasts, unmotivated instagram followers & Lansing Michigan protesters are brought up.

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spk_1:   0:00
welcome to she's not doing so well. It's a podcast. I'm Bobby. Non facts in your feet. Come, Tongue is my comes in my throat and I found it. I try to limit the box to 10. Love it, honey, I'm just

spk_0:   0:27
so awkward at this. God. Hello, everybody. Welcome. She's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I'm jammed. We're live in the motherfucking studio. Sh Don't tell Mike DeWine. I mean, we're six people, but we are the flip or six feet apart were drinking sake. So that's a little alcohol to like, Yes, Tiger. Brass sanitised way. We have pop filters in front of us, so that's blocking. That's like wearing a mask. That's it. Really? Actually, pop filter this a popular pop, it blocks like your spit.

spk_1:   1:02
Uh, s

spk_0:   1:04
so it's not like so just literally were wearing mast. And we're over six feet apart. And we have sake, which we suck a sec. Hey, we've never had sake. We have. I just felt like it was necessary. I know. And honestly, like, I'm not trying to be, like, discussing right now, but I didn't know is the color of calm like honestly Well, yeah, this unfiltered sake is What does that mean? Like, raise it right. It's right. All right. Me like rice milk is writes a carb. No, I mean, it's zero carbs. It's actually really good. I know. It's weird. It's like sweet, Kind of like vodka mixed with a white wine. Taken horchata liquor. Yeah. Oh, my God. I want you to hear that blow. Whoa! Oh! Oh! Oh, for fuck's sakes, I fall. Folks, listen, listen. Listen. We've been having a little bit, OK? We've had a moment. We had some Thai food I had, motherfucker. I wouldn't say some. I would say a lot. Yeah, like I got the hot and then it took us. I had a railroad there. Restroom. Thank you on being polite. Be a lady. I'm a dad Now. Be a lady. You. Wow. I don't think anyone knows well, unless they follow some instagram, but they didn't check it out anyway, So it's fine. No, no. One response to the question questions this week One. How are you a dad? So basically, I adopted a puppy popping June acting. That's her name. And she's a hyphen. E last name, But I'm not gonna expose my family like that. She sounds like a scholar. She actually really smart. She can sit, lay down and roll. Yes, she can. The only thing I'm worried about, his socialization. I didn't realize being a puppy Dad was like e psychotic. Well, you have to be. I mean, right.

spk_1:   2:50
Look how cute it is.

spk_0:   2:51
And you're like things like she's got to get straight A's in school. She better get straight A's in obedience school. Honey, once this shit lifts going on, she's going to school. She's better. She's going to can't bow. Wow, two days a week. I actually love camp. How Two days week. I'm gonna take her there like Tuesdays and Thursdays. That way she gets socialized. She had standing. Yeah, you could be a shocker for her when we go back to about work. She's right now used to two people, Max, Like when I come over, she's running away from me, right? Just like you have a tree that but you're a different human. She's just and she's gonna go to camp bow and be like What the hell She's like listening. Gunkel Jim, you little about. She's kind of sassy, and she's been a bit today, but I love her. I know I'm in love with her. I want to hold her. Always been tired. It's interesting. Like I can't imagine. Like people who become parents. I'm like, this is just this bad.

spk_1:   3:43
This is a

spk_0:   3:44
bad, like human babies like there ir. Well, are they better? Worse? I don't know the words. They're better because they don't bite about a diaper on. Um, so they don't shit and piss on your carpet is actually true. And we don't chew up furniture. So

spk_1:   4:01
there's a lot

spk_0:   4:02
of things that are like and yeah, you're right. Don't get away from you very quickly. Well, they like of it all. You have to Yeah, literally pick up the baby. The baby's not running away. Like, if I come towards June, she's like, Oh, no, no, no, no, no treat. She's like no, right. It's weird having animal attached to me for the first time. Like I'm the dan. I just like that. She sits in a basket and falls asleep under your leg. Right. I have to go. You're working everyday, working from home, typing away in that bitch asleep, listening like I put on busy. Well, I've been listening. Okay, so she falls asleep to Dr Dre. I put on Dr Dres best hits. No, I swear to God that's her afternoon nap. And then at night, she listens to puppy anxiety music. That's where I'm at my life because you better believe she has exactly. Just like your dad. Oh, for sure. Can't pee in public like if you tell her. Good girl. Forces dump essential. Stop. I noticed that was like the girl. Get a tree. Oh, no, no, she stopped. She has to think that you're not looking. And when she shifted even crazier, like, doesn't like weird sprint and then backs up and sprinting them back up. And then she finally shed some light, honey. Oh, no. So she's just like her Dad. Listen, I'm not one of them. I'm not shit shy. I'm Piche. I you know, I mean, like, I could probably shit in front anybody but being that you would get down in the high street and just shot, I'm just gonna shit on the street, just like bridesmaids. I'm

spk_1:   5:23
She's shooting

spk_0:   5:24
in the street. This is happening. It's happening that she's sitting in the street.

spk_1:   5:28

spk_0:   5:28
I mean, right? Oh, no. That's been my big like cove. It I am so sick of fucking Cove in 19. I know. I'm so tired of it. Well, we were talking about this show, and we're like, Let's bring someone we can talk about, and it's like, Well, there's nothing to talk about. What have we done in the last week and 1/2? And how going be seriously? I know like, Oh, let's talk about, you know, I want to talk about transphobia, right? Talking about it, but like, someone over to talk about it, right? We can't get em, buddy, over. And honestly, I'm just gonna be honest, like our listenership has gone down. But I think it's also because, like, they're busy with No, I'm not listening to what I have pockets. I listen to it. So I list ours because you forced me. Well, I mean, busy one. This last one, his Lana Turner. Poopsie. I love that. Last one was a girl. Missing is like, Well, we're in a full fledged blackout, and it was fun. An inordinate. Tomorrow we're gonna be in the midst. Podcast. So is that really happening? It's happening. He wants when he wants us on, Of course, because the Miz needs us. Listen, I think we're all gonna be best friends. It's really a weird I have a weird vibe with We're gonna sneak into New York City and find him. We're gonna steal him from New York. Brand cologne is he's, like, pretending to live in Manhattan. But we all know he's in Queens, in Queens like he will like. He looks like he's in Queens. You look like you're from Staten Island setting truffle. Well, we all know he's from New Hampshire, so I don't even where that is. It's basically Canada. Really. Vermont's more. I don't Yeah, you. Only there's Mount. Is that the small one? It's a very small list created. I stay like it's so tiny. It's bad. I don't know the Northeast that well. Sorry. It's just note in trees. I'm beautiful. Yeah, for them, For them, They for they, but not for us. Yeah. I mean, we don't need to go. Well, it's like funny is funny. People like out of Montreal, Ohio, And I'm like, Well, New Hampshire. Yeah, I love I love I. I honest, I'm like Nebraska Oklahoma, like, do you like literally The list were state. South Dakota has a population, and we decide in most elections so hot, blessed, embarrassed or not embarrassed Last last time was embarrassed, But meaning here before was not. That's right. We're not your four years The last set that sake, Honey, let's talk about I do want to talk about something right now I am ready to rant and I'm ranting and raving. But, honey, I have my eyes closed Looking for your eyes to hit my pants suffer it was washing the washing machine I'd love. Listen, my partner is amazing and he washed my clothes because he always does as a thing is right. So he, like, grabbed my basket. He's like, I'm gonna watch this close because he's, you know, taking care of our baby because I'm the mom or whatever. So he goes. So at that point, I have those nursing. Yeah, there seems to have been waiting all my life for this.

spk_1:   8:24

spk_0:   8:26
here. So I'm like, Come on. Honeysuckle on these, Ted, something I'm gonna go to put put baby down. So he's doing stuff, and I come up after she was being kind of a little Biaggi and I'm like, OK, I hired him. Exhausted, He threw away. I come upstairs and he goes, Oh, well, you left this in your pocket and I washed it, and I go. I mean, I had a It was my pen. See you. So I ruined my second pen and three water.

spk_1:   8:51
The person

spk_0:   8:51
was the hot tub. Now it's changed, so I'm not allowed to carry my pen around. It's gonna stay in my office a little bit ahead of marijuana. I'm gonna go in my office. Total fucking meltdown on my only Imagine

spk_1:   9:05
why. Why? Oh, my

spk_0:   9:07
God. You're all the alcohol is gone, right? How is it? Right? Imagine getting her out all washed in the washing machine would be outcry. And also, it's not legal to drink alcohol. Let's pretend that, like in some places, right, honey, you can't buy those packs. Can't get your eras. No, I have to go toe. It'll stay or illegal. State. So I have some connections. Um, I have some A lot of people, actually. Oh, honey, I can drive the mission, but I can drive while I cant cause it'll be quarantined, but oops. I dread to Michigan gonna be quarantined for 14 days. Well, I was gonna go up there to get guys like Global Entry interviewed on, but they can't call being canceled It. Well, yeah, because nobody's because no one's trying like, Yeah, I don't need to, anyway, so thanks thinks, but I'll wait for the next year. It took a year to get that God, You know, my the one friend, though, is getting married in Mexico in October, so I'm a little nervous like, is this second wave gonna hit right as I'm supposed to be there We I Because I'm not going. I have a cousin he married in August. I'm a little bit. Yes, sir. I'm not going. That's my birthday. Weekend married. And my whole family's gonna be in town. Look in Cleveland. Oh, my God. I just released my cousins getting married in two days here in Columbus. Are you going Well, we're gonna like, um, go. So

spk_1:   10:20
how do you just

spk_0:   10:21
realize that a Let's just talk about that role, because I just realized sake, Okay. I just remembered the socket. The socket made me member, and no, I just looked at my watch was like, Oh, no, That was the A team. We're all gonna My aunt text him was like everyone. I want them to be in the parking lot toe. Welcome. When they come out, they're still getting married that day. You know, we can't go, but we're just gonna be in the parking lots when they walk out there like everyone came. No, que That is really cute. That eyes honestly, like people are getting married right now. Are I'm sorry. Crazy. Gather like we planned our whole fucking life. That's why I didn't, like, just push it back. I've really, like, not being That's why you dont get married. Yeah. I mean, when you get out, you, like, can just leave. Well, now I have a dog to take on High Street. Feed my dog water. I need You have to make it very easy making that money. She will make you the money, though. So this puppy's hungry feed my I'm not gonna look at you and be like, No, you're hungry, Honey. We'll be skinny, cause well, maybe it'll in last week's like you. You don't just weeks Montagny

spk_1:   11:25
Teoh Point weeks. Oh, like

spk_0:   11:31
you have, um, 108 bonus points.

spk_1:   11:34
You You're like I'm gonna eat five large pizza. I only have five points this week. I I'd

spk_0:   11:43
love it. Honestly, No. Oh, yes, honey. Yeah. No, No. So that's that, Um But what I want to say is owed. We're going deep. We're going deep, but not what I'm really getting fucking tired of. Is these tired of Showgirls? Anything like a

spk_1:   12:00
fucking Oh, well, first I'm gonna Well, I want to write

spk_0:   12:05
about these motherfuckers. Who? I'm sorry. We're going off this. We're going up. We have Teoh. Okay, so

spk_1:   12:10
we have a

spk_0:   12:10
Republican governor, right? I don't agree with him. I Well, I don't agree with his values as faras, like, you know, abortion and all this to gay rights, right? None. I mean, none of it. None of it. I will say, though. He's on a fucking hell of a job. So now that he's done a good job, Republicans Ehrlich, we need to go back home. Hey, hey. Them tired? No, I love their, like, holding up signs. You can't even spell constitution constituting, constitute in, like, defend the Constitution. And you're sitting there like so you guys elected him right? Like this is your Yeah, like it's I'm over it. And that's the kind of people that I'm like. Okay, Yeah. I feel like I can't. We

spk_1:   12:54
got to reopen

spk_0:   12:55
the economy. Like, first of all, honey, Dunkin Donuts is still open. Where you working? That you need to be open like honey. You can barely Even you can't spell Wal Mart still open. You still have position available. McDonald's is still open. You have a position available, Replace replace like it's true that true. Where you working? I know I'm like, I'm kind of confused on like So what do you think? This is only affecting you. It's the same people who are like saying, like, you know, most grand parents will be willing to sacrifice to reopen the economy only Wait. So most grandparents would rather die so that we can read reopen the me like what does that mean? That's trash. We're gonna kill off everyone because it's got to be a balance, and they just want ignore the balance there. Like it's been a month and 1/2 that we've been closed on like it's OK. It's gonna be rough. I realize a lot of lives have been affected, but we're gonna get back from this. We're gonna do it. Can do it. Obviously, Avi, the government could just make up money and printed out like that. It's

spk_1:   13:57
really Here's

spk_0:   13:58
$6 trillion. We're gonna do a packet like, ah, of the debt. But what's another? Yeah, it's like the deficits, like 11. It's really very It's fine. We'll just do another six, and then they're like giving out 1200. But like the next round of supposed to be, like maybe 2000 month. Finally. So it's like, Oh, okay, well, that was really quick of you guys. Just come up with money, right? No, honey, I got my stimulus and the dead. I don't know that Trump made them put his name on the tracks like a direct positive bitch. I don't even know I get a check. At this point, the same people are complaining about the Constitution. Yeah, they get a check because they didn't pay taxes on the Yeah, they didn't pay taxes. Be there like, what's a direct deposit? Listen, motherfucker, I will come back to 18. 45 if I

spk_1:   14:47
need Teoh. I'm sick

spk_0:   14:48
of it. I am. I'm so sick of it. I know. Like these protesters. It's insane. You're never happy. Never have. No, You're never happy like

spk_1:   14:56
way. Want Children. Except for when I get pregnant. Yeah, like,

spk_0:   15:00
and then you go have an abortion. I've I know. Oh, I'm going off. This episode is bad theory. These motherfuckers were like abortions. Bad bitch. I remember in high school when you got a fucking abortion. Yep. No, I don't. You forget I went to a private school. I knew you portions, and it's like, Oh, honey, I'm a private. You would be a private school. Tell I'm a private school girl. Honey, I was captain of the cheerleaders. Like, Look at me, honey. You're a flyer. You raise me up, honey, raise me up. That's when you have that curly fucking hair. Honey, you know the show Cheer like no. Yeah, you're Lacey or what's her name? Ho ho. The messed up one. The blonde blind? Yeah, she's like, I don't really like PayPal. Where's my Vape pen? I'm like, Oh, no pen, someone to address. Look her up on Instagram and her boyfriend. Really? See FAQ. Okay, I need Teoh. Here's the thing also. Well, I'm going on that. I know you're gonna say something, but her boyfriend, how these tattoos and I'm like, this is the new thing that people are getting on. I mean, I just have to say their permanent, like, you know, they look good in some

spk_1:   16:07
cases. Well, the good news

spk_0:   16:09
is, most people who are not as good looking get him, you know? I mean, yeah, it's true. I look a post Malone when you touch your face. I would I'm sassy. That poor guy. No Post Malone, I mean, black soul. The

spk_1:   16:22
thing is, I think you

spk_0:   16:23
could be kind of cute. Be like, shave that fast like a trash fash. It's a little thing called something different, but I'm not telling you. It's not. What is it? I've never heard. I can't. What is it? 00 I think it is. Still, It's OK,

spk_1:   16:37
honey. Honey, where did

spk_0:   16:40
this is why you need a dog to lick it up? Well, she's sleeping. She's half out of her blackout. Yeah, just like her dad blacked out. Um, I'm loving it, living my bath layup up. I'm love. And you know what? What? We need to go back to the rant because there's foreign point that we missed. Okay, So all these queens who didn't have a moment to spare for anyone in their community but are now really focused on their podcasting careers. Yeah, I'm gonna say it. Who is that? Do I say it?

spk_1:   17:18
I'm a little upset. No, I said you are. I haven't carried

spk_0:   17:24
here. Is it to be honest with you, Because I actually really respect him. Her, him, her. Just him. Yeah, as him as him. But I

spk_1:   17:33
know her

spk_0:   17:34
too. But I'm just saying what? I respect him as, like, a person. I think you say the name like we No, no, we know who I'm talking about. You go out of town, you go travel the world. I message you and say, Hey, look, I have this podcast. I'm local. I've supported you. I've bought your shirts. I've given money to you on stage for all the shit. I didn't give blowjobs, but I mean yet wow, thinking a jade set up. Listen, it I was thinking it. Jim said it. This she comes home. Sorry, it's I'm just going to go. But she did, like all since she appeared. And it was like, Oh, well, look who's bad. I'm reading stories in my living room. I'm now restarting my podcast, which I gave up on for a whole year, and you come home in your quarantine. Now you want to start up again, and then you're gonna use your big muscles now and say Harass Matthews. Oh, you know, fortune find started the fuck her name is I love her, but I can't say her name. These people, and meanwhile I've reached out said, Hey, like, listen, I know you're busy. I know you have not a lot of time, right? But I'd really like to talk to on a show, like, you know, we're a local podcast. Yeah, Yeah. I mean, I Yeah, I was just busy. Okay, so then you come back in your in quarantine, and I haven't heard one fucking worked like you would think after anyway. Maybe I should reach out again. Maybe just one more try. I'll do when we're trying before about this episode. And then because no, right. Those again. I respect her. Oh, yeah, Fully. I love her and I support her. Still, I just I'm a little disappointed, and actually, we just want to talk about it. Come talk about it. We just need a little more because I might be on the side. I know there's a lot of people who are not really thrilled with what she's doing and what she has done. Oh, puppy. It's true. What you looking up? I told you, you need to be more attentive. I'm gonna take your fucking phone away from

spk_1:   19:27
I am a 10

spk_0:   19:28
tablets. And when we start according to put our phones in a basket,

spk_1:   19:31
What is

spk_0:   19:32
this, like a fucking meditation? I'm a dad. No, I'm not. I'm a dad now. I do business. I want you to be a daddy and not a dad. Comey. Daddy, Where I've been calling Michael Daddy. And I'm Daddy, his daddy. I'm like Dad. I'm trying to be cool in, but I'm not I'm not disciplinary. Oh, she just finished her suck a bi bitch by motherfucker.

spk_1:   19:52

spk_0:   19:53
And now Miller And I think that so, yeah. I mean, there's a lot to rant on right now and honestly, like, we need a little more. Oh, yeah. We need to rant about some shit like there is some shit going on like I mean, you know, we're reopening the economy, Eimer says, Such as It's still like we can't to do this safely like we have to be able to get tested, But there's not an easy way to get tested. Right? So, like, we're still only testing people with symptoms, right? Which is, like, Do you have to have one symptom? I mean, just one examples an example. My neighbor Jack. Hey. Hey. Should take 14 days off of work because she had a she threw up in her car. And I have, like, a fever as she was hung over. Yeah, right. I mean, I'm probably but maybe not. I mean, we did drink a lot across the fence over her quarantine, but, um right, so she's quarantine, but she felt fine base of the whole time, But she had to sit out and she couldn't get a test. So, like if she could get a test the next day and really not having come back, go back to work, it's stupid. Like, and until we get tests, we can We can't really fully I

spk_1:   21:02
don't think

spk_0:   21:02
life's gonna get back to normal. I think they got only there. I just don't see it. Why would I want to go to a movie theater right now? No one can sit next that closing X people are like,

spk_1:   21:12
00 you're

spk_0:   21:14
like, Oh, no. Oh, no. Everybody that coughs now like that's the Potvin like you imagine a sporting event where you're literally away like no closer These hockey see concerts. You're sitting there like, you know, and me, I'm like, gel nail like, Wow, I'm breathing this fat fucks air And it's true it's me more than his air My pussy, Air sea I have bluesy farts.

spk_1:   21:41
You asked those

spk_0:   21:42
water girl How's about girls like I mean, which I have reserved My It's true. So

spk_1:   21:48
something she I think it's like a

spk_0:   21:49
secret. Like I mean, people joke about queefing, but I think it's like a real thing. Yeah, I think so. Cereal. Really. I think it's very common, but like girls will not talk about one thing for like like guys were like Harding in front of friends is folks. But like if I wrote, we found my whole I would do it. It's delicate trumpet. Is that what a boy queef sounds like? Oh, yourselves deeper while yours

spk_1:   22:14
is boom.

spk_0:   22:18
That's what it sounds like you can get. Oh, what a sunshade! Together, Get up! Get, get, get! Get! Uh, that's the noise. Back to the motherfucking rant. I'm done like Jim's looking panic for nothing Like what we talk about now.

spk_1:   22:35
No, I just look

spk_0:   22:36
at you like Dina Merrill were ranting. I don't I don't know about like people who are picketing and Lansing, Michigan. Like, Why you need a guy like toe work. No, you

spk_1:   22:46
don't talk about that. The next thing was

spk_0:   22:48
Trump talk about like it just seems like the same people who are picketing and now in like, protests. Team. Is

spk_1:   22:57
this like this? I

spk_0:   22:58
saw the same flags as the people from the tea party. Yes, which was just a group of racist people who hated Obama but pretended to be all about the budget, right. But now that they're getting their $1200 checks, they don't really care about the budget. OK, but you understand $100 is like somebody on minimum wage before tax. At 40 hours a week. It's nothing. It's not going to do the job. It's not gonna pay your rent not. You're not gonna get your gas. It's not gonna hear a puppy food or utilities, your Popeye. But it's just funny about like we pretended to be like this group of the tea party. People were obsessed with the budget. And we can't spend more than what we have in Baba Bond. Obama's spending all this money that we don't have but now in Trump does that. You don't hear anyone. Where's the tea party right now? Like we just spent $6 trillion because of cove ID with no one's like, Oh, we don't have that money. We shouldn't be doing this. Where

spk_1:   23:56

spk_0:   23:56
they? Well, trump's white, so we're not gonna hear about it, right? Where is the tea party right now? That's what I'm saying. But they're called the pee party now. Alright, golden showers. But I think you make right now. They're protesting the shutdown, which is like, OK, so like your president shut it down. Actually, it wasn't true them Why? He said he had absolute power, but oh, that's the other thing, Motherfucker. I I need to break you break you off Month of FAQ Oh, no. 00 no So angry. I know we are angry. I feel like I'm mourning her than you. A little bit. You're kind of new, Dad. Yeah, like I have Panteleimon, begin a bit. Six your your pen, and you need to release

spk_1:   24:43

spk_0:   24:44
And I don't know if I could give that to You need to release a daddy. Needs to give you a really cove. It is a new world. It's kind of messed up a lot of lives. It has, um I know that we had a little responsibly Instagram. Oh, people responded One. Okay, so person. But it was like, multiple things. So let's take a look. Let's listening. Okay, So I asked the question. We need some topics to discuss today. Please. Messages, ideas. It can be anything. I mean, anything like it. One response. Cool. Celebrating an occasion during quarantine. That's one quite like So this is a top letting right. So, like you said, you're going to a wedding. We're just parking. Yeah, we're going to the parking line. Six feet are like everybody. Like spread. It's gonna be awkward. I'm not getting dressed up, by the way, like because No, I'm just in a parking lot wearing jeans But, honey, if there's no your way, I don't. You're right. If you're not paying for me to drink, I'm not not wearing slacks, men. And I'm not doing kokale. I'm just Are you a khaki boy? Yeah. Khakis and boat shoes. Oh, yeah. Oh, honey, all the time. Okay, You got I designed on myself. Things like studded white light. It's a different kind of look, Daddy. Yes, honey? I am rocking that fucking studded van. I just know that you designed them your own. Like you're a star now. Yeah, like I'm a star. How did you do that? You gotta vans dot com and you go to design my own. We find, actually really cute. Look for the summer. Like no socks like, yeah, no socks looks better molecule. And they're nasty when you take out of them. Was like half socks, but, like ever were clump underneath. God, why the fuck have we not figured that out yet?

spk_1:   26:31
They don't work the only the ones with the little

spk_0:   26:34
like tab in the back. Like stick to your ankle. No, still fall off, and then you're just walking with your clothes covered literally. You're still getting fuckin still right on the back here, bitch. We

spk_1:   26:46
got to

spk_0:   26:46
come up with, like, way. Need socks

spk_1:   26:51
for boat shoes on motherfucking. Here's the other thing. Ladies and gentlemen, Etienne, all

spk_0:   26:57
of, um, and them and everyone if you pay your fucking nails, which I had a moment like we talked about, I paint my nails black. They looked rough. They're rough right now. But let me just say something when you're painting with your non dominant hand on. What the fuck is that? That's not know why Has nothing been invented for that? Like cover like? Yep. Like they need a role. Like I Something this shits. A bad look. So we got some things the way we got some socks, we got some. I can corona virus this shit. Really? This is why we're doing like this. What's happening during quarantine, Designing shit to fix people's lives. I know now polishes trivial because you're like, not working. No, it's my life. Yeah, like I can't get my gel nail. I can't wait. Teoh, Miss, take puppy to puppy classes that bitches in the world immediately immediately. Used to be socialized immediately. Like I can't do this. So it's just is a lot that we need to be doing during this time. And I hope people have actually used her time wisely. That's all I'm going to say about that. You better use your fucking time. You might have only a couple more weeks left. So do it. You know, I did. Used to think like, if I could just have a month of just sitting at home, I could read this book and I could finish it. And I'm still halfway through that book. And it's been a month and 1/2 right? I mean, I'm literally greeting, you know, I'm like, trying to do all those things. I pretended like I just needed time to dio If I just had time, I could play this game. I could just I could finish that. No. Well, I don't know if time did it, cause I'm still sitting here struggling, right? I mean, you've got to really dig deep. You dio you gotta dig into your soul. You gotta dig. You gotta go, Realty. You do. Honey, this setting a is a hidden. I need you to go so deep deeper than you've ever gone. No, you do, because a motherfucker that includes thes stars. And you know, I'm so angry this episode. I do not know what's going on. Stars need to dig deep to listen if I ask. Okay, I'm going off. Listen, we're all in quarantine, okay? Why the fuck is nobody responding to my

spk_1:   29:03
garden? And I mean, seriously, that's where a topic and y'all motherfuckers want to hit

spk_0:   29:10
like on all this other shit. But you won't answer my question.

spk_1:   29:13
What do you want a fucking here? I cannot either. At your last episode, this is the last episode Bucket. Say, Do you know what this

spk_0:   29:32
means? This means that everyone is doing the same shit that we were doing before quarantine. We're just doing it still, like all the people who didn't have time to respond to the story that they saw earlier, like a year ago in there, Reading like, I should answer this question on No, no, they still are doing the same stuff. There's still scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. They're going to twitter. They're going insta. They're posting the same picture themselves in the mirror of the selfie like look at me, I'm half naked.

spk_1:   29:58
But let me tell

spk_0:   29:59
you real quick. There's 40 people that viewed it to 40. And I got one response. So a lot of people are my friends and including the Virginia

spk_1:   30:07
West. She looked at S red rez.

spk_0:   30:12
I mean, there are a lot of people that could have asked any goddamn question, any kind of fucking subject. Now they're busy. Like I said, there's doing the same shed their scrolling, scrolling, scrolling No one's like trying to. This is how I feel. I'm honestly, I I I'm

spk_1:   30:26
about to

spk_0:   30:26
go live. Go live, go off, go off me! Wow, this is the last episode. It's not. It's the first. This is the first of many new Welcome to the new. She's not doing so well. I'm not playing your fucking games anymore. Not

spk_1:   30:43
you severe like Oh, no, she's mad.

spk_0:   30:47
So she'd better. Don't Oh no, she better down. We're live. I don't give a fuck Were drinking. That's OK. Oh, it's

spk_1:   30:54
It's facing

spk_0:   30:56
my computer. It's not even on me. Well, that's pretty. I mean, it's a 19 year quarantine. Why the quarantine here? Oh, I kind of like a dark. It's little. Now people can see me. People need to see that beautiful mug. My mug is beautiful. And I'm really kind of your tip. You're

spk_1:   31:13
just upset about France

spk_0:   31:15
because I want to know 40 people viewed that 40 people viewed my someone respond in response

spk_1:   31:20
and just make it

spk_0:   31:22
better. I'm just gonna admit who was responding. Wow. Hose, water, girl. Oh, and she's been on to episode, right? Flight. Oh, I think three.

spk_1:   31:30
And I hope

spk_0:   31:31
and I wo if you have 40 of you and I'm asking just for one subject I'm asking just for one thing,

spk_1:   31:37
just one. I'm not asking a lot. One word. Oh,

spk_0:   31:41
puppies. Oh, alcohol. Oh, cocaine, which I don't dio you think God, thank God if this is you off cocaine eating anything Drugs,

spk_1:   31:52
Theo Last puppies, alcohol, cocaine and drugs. Wow, Copies. Okay, I'm living now All these jobs. I am

spk_0:   32:04
living the best life right now. I mean, I can't really get any better. Quarantine your new dad like a quarantine e. I've had it. I've had it. You are. You've had it up to here. I I've had it. I'm calling everybody out. I really appreciate all the followers we do have. And if you haven't subscribed yet, please subscribe it. She's not doing swell dot com. Is that the actual website? Don't know. Yeah, that's not, is it? Yeah. Well, I hope my co host wouldn't know what our website is. Www. That hesitation. They had me question. And she's not question West Hunan. Oh, she's home. Steel Magnolias. Okay, this just reminded me Leslie Jordan on Twitter or install whatever. He's hilarious. He's an actor. He's like this little old guy. How you doing? You guys just know board. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I love it. Everything we post them like Oh, finally, maybe we could get him on the show, you know? No, he's fun. What? It would be amazing. Yeah, that would That would lift us up our new season. Yeah, this was the last episode of this. You know, it's there's no I'm just a little season straightened free bodies like we lost weight. We cannot do it Seasons. Listen, I see like I mean, the thing is, I was so popular. Doorless. Don't listen to me. Don't follow in scream. Don't fucking just email, Honey, don't challenge them. Don't listen. That's no one listens. Funny is that that will be what happens when I start ignoring these motherfuckers like

spk_1:   33:40
high. I want you to talk about this high. I want to talk about that. Why are you posting so much? Where's your

spk_0:   33:44
story? You know why So true? So I'm sorry This episode is Iran because it is. It is a full blown. It's gone. It's gotten bad in good and necessary. It's necessary. I'll say that you have pent up wage Iran. I mean, when you're in quarantine, you have to, like, let it loose, normally ranted to each other and we have never been around each other. Is the first time I've seen you in weeks like No, it's crazy that were separated again. We've been doing remote shows like I recorded my apartment. You record here in your office's biggest, my apartment.

spk_1:   34:19
It's bad. It has

spk_0:   34:20
been rough. It's been rough. It's been weird, like you don't even see friends like No, Zoom is the new Zuma's terrible. It's It's unsecure. Oh,

spk_1:   34:30
you know

spk_0:   34:31
what you know lying. It's not Chinese. A tic tac. It's unsecure, a pseudonym, Tic tac, either insecure, you're insecure. I am in your more insecure than me. We're both insecure. You're the most insecure. Think. Oh, my God. I saw you in l a Your mom or insecure?

spk_1:   34:47
How did you see me

spk_0:   34:48
in L. A When I was going about drinks at the bar. Honey, honey, I was paying for those drinks behind your back. I was start to boost your confidence that the bucks give him a free drink.

spk_1:   34:59
Don't even pull that. I you you didn't die, Coop. And, uh

spk_0:   35:08
oh, I'm not a fuck you. Oh, why don't we just ask hymns to

spk_1:   35:10
find Ah, Stefan. Were you paid to give Bobby that for drink? Did you?

spk_0:   35:15
I'm gonna be like, Did you fucking pay me? Did you get paid? You know what? I'm done. You want to hear a rant? Okay, honey. Well, anyway, truth is out now. Quarantine brought it out. Wow. Yeah. No, you're just crush that confidence, But well, guess what? The insecurities there. And you know what? I don't need it back. Get and let it release. No, because I've got you. Have Louise texting you. John. You have Luis. I have John. I have neither neither one or texting me all their text. Me. But you probably paid them to. So you like Here's 100. Is

spk_1:   35:51
Texan working weeks?

spk_0:   35:54
Yep. It's happening. And he's like, I'm so scared during quarantine. I'm like you

spk_1:   35:59

spk_0:   35:59
paid to ask me questions. Like I'm just

spk_1:   36:01
What are you laughing at? I I'm in a full

spk_0:   36:06
blown shock culture shock. Yeah, well, it

spk_1:   36:12
just sounds like

spk_0:   36:12
you got really quiet all this I did, cause I'm thinking I'm in my head. No. Now you've got me thinking my insecure Oh, no. I'm a father, though now. So I've got a set of for my someone relying on you. You need to let her know what it's like to be a boss. Was right, boss. Bitch. I'm a boss. I'm a bitch. I'm about some bitch. I'm a bitch. I'm about how this is going. Don't know that. I actually don't other words, but I say this. Okay, plug. What kind of chance do you have? You have anything you need to say and get off your chest testicles. You're like, No, I'm good. Everything's great. Everything's great in my life. There's nothing wrong. Like I might have a wedding own. I don't to go to the parking lot when I was like, No, it's canceled. That's a new thing. Let's do like, let's certainly yeah. Good idea. Like, kind of like a tailgate outside of steak and shaking. Don't get in milkshakes afterwards. Yeah, sure. If steak and shake makes it after quarantine. A quarantine. It took it out. It seems like it's a hurricane. Like hurricane quarantine A Oh, my God. Sorry. Is it though? Yeah. The levees. Air braking were flooded. Basement is flooded. You know what? My basement is flooded. Your basement flooded like right before all this started. Yeah, well, if right. Oh, my God. You are the bad. Remember your China in the Omen. I'm China. No member with Chinatown in L. A. And we'll my number 78. Yep. But what it say? Didn't say something like bad luck's coming. You caused cove it. You caused this, Honey, the problem is Cove. It was around before l a tray of true because we were in mass there. But we just all pretend like it wasn't here yet, But we actually warm as it was. Definitely. Way did. Obviously, we saved ourselves. Yeah, and each other. Oh, that sounds like a ah. We saved ourselves and each other until we went to the antelope until my shirt was it called the undershirt. Not Spanx, but those banks. Yeah, undershirt. Nobody's called something like shape, not she Shapewear shape. Yeah, Shapeshifter. It did not ship your shape. What shape my ship. But the problem is, is that it maybe not be able to breathe sick. So that's the part that you thought you had coveted. But you were really I was just being constructed of my bodily organs were being crushed by my own fat, pushed against me with a latex material. I can and I would get home. And he likes you. You're mass? I look over you like Is he gonna make you feel like I can't do that? Like I need a lay down? I need an intermission. I'm intermission. I need to be able t. Oh, yeah. I was thinking intermission. Straight up on every week. I would Oh, you David yuko That ended this week. Oh, that shows over. Yeah. Don't feel makes I have not You amounts End of season two shits Creek. If you haven't watched, it's It's the best. Once

spk_1:   39:16
you get

spk_0:   39:17
past like yeah, there's a little bit I'm like I don't care right, But just wait there, building the character, you and you like It almost changes the whole thing. Like where it goes from, like funny toe, like not serious. But like, I wanted to be a little dramatic. Get ready, get ready for a lot of death. It's kind of game of Thrones or one starts dying. I don't know. I feel like I just ranted on a lot of stuff. I know, but I feel like there's still a little bit of anger in there trying to make sure I get it all out. Yeah, you fully released like I put my gas mask on Fully released. Um, I'm working from home. How's that go at? And that sounds bad. Now it's amazing. Oh, I don't to talk to people, Doesn't say if I do it from home. I would do that forever, except for my They, like, called me in the meeting today via video. Now, like what if I wait us again? Like I thought, I don't have to dress up for working at home like now I have to, like, straighten my hair for a fucking video chat at eight o'clock every morning. Now the those luscious locks. Sees locks are like, really like. Yeah, that gray needs to be died. Honey, I know you're, like, live right now, and people are just the glare. Everyone, Listen. Everyone is writing us like people are engaged. There's, you know, people are very engaged. Way have one out of 40 listeners is responding. One out of the 40 season two closed. Just kidding. It's not I'm trying. I'm trying to think of a way to meet with them. Is Yeah, we're gonna be on the missus show, which already said, but I'm really excited about it. And he gets roasted in about 40 minutes. I want to rip him apart. Yeah, I'm ready. We're ready. You need upon your code mask ready so you can be on video, okay? Sure. Barroso them. Whatever you say, Dad. My start of Mike stand up. Career is starting. Now when I do the roast of the myths and hopefully doesn't end as soon as the Mrs did on instant throw their days, you're warming up, warming up for that roast. Good for you. Good for me, Puppy. I was trained like makeup roast downstairs, and it was bad.

spk_1:   41:19
I know

spk_0:   41:20
I was trying, but it wasn't helping. Yeah, I always a were full of Thai food. Well, and I have to, like, always go really nasty and like I'm not only your face is like my asshole look really like. Is that really where I'm gonna go with this? But yeah, I am, like, ever wants to see his asshole. That's actually it right there. Just faces like my asshole. No one wants to see it.

spk_1:   41:40
Put up your

spk_0:   41:41
welcome. That's it. You're welcome. Oh, I can't wait to fucking roast him. I hope he's watching this instagram. I've I'm not looking. I'm pertain like I'm not looking. He's setting up is hookah and his tiny little apartment. I love it.

spk_1:   41:52
I kind of

spk_0:   41:52
like his apartment. I like his life. I always wanted like it. I kind of envy his Leo attitude like he hit everyone. Yeah, let's live. Give a fuck He doesn't. His billable hours, billable hours. You can work out whatever that is. Bill people, it's like tax things. You need it right? Way. We need to move to California. Regan, Pay bartenders to make me feel gangs kill obsessing. Moving to l. A. Oh, calm interest. A right literally. Not the best time, but literally write regularly.

spk_1:   42:26
And it would be different. Literally,

spk_0:   42:27
right? Yeah, right. That's the best video you gotta like. Post that will post a post it. I'm gonna post Stones going to see it. But post Yeah, I'll post it from the four viewers that will see it. He's still ranting. I'm so ranting, I'm still raving We have three viewers and right now Heather got on. Hi. Hi. Who's Heather? There's only one. No, not my cousin Heather. That's when I was Oh, some others to Heather's. All the sudden know Courtney ever my wives from Atlanta. I know, but I was just checking like I've been talking to your cousin. How? They're all day. I mean, here's the thing, honey. That's true. You talk to my cousin more than ideo. Yeah, I know. I'm better names Heather. Right? So you're like, Oh, Heather and I'm like huh? What about Heatherly? One on then I'm the dumb bitch. She said Jim,

spk_1:   43:19
you Dave

spk_0:   43:20
David, He he's on. I'm done. He's had sake Tonight You went off. We lost that year. I lost. It were off the deep end. I didn't know, pulling you back up your too heavy.

spk_1:   43:31
Oh, we're off the

spk_0:   43:33
deep end, and it's not coming back up. I'm like the fucking Titanic. Yeah, well, I start going down. There are no lifeboats. Most people are dying. That's going straight to the bottom of the Atlantic. It's freezing fucking cold. That little Jule, I don't know. Yeah, And then my And then on top of that, I'd be on the Titanic, and my fucking Vape pen will get broken. Yeah, you would. That's a you get saved. But the bait And I'm like, Where's my my 14th pen? That I had to get shipped across the country from friends all over the world because it's not sold here in Ohio. Oh, I just got told you're not saving anybody but yourself, Bobby. Wow. From someone who knows me pretty well. I mean, I'll help some of you on the way, but I'm definitely Rose in this situation. I am blowing that whistle laying on the door. Good news. Bobby at his size is very buoyant. So he would float and you could grab on like I would be the rabalais. I would be the door would be the door and I'll be Rose, cause look at me clearly and yeah, yeah, she was a little tubby.

spk_1:   44:40

spk_0:   44:41
am in for you to bitch, honey. Yeah, I've I've been We all have Kovacs 19. I've a covert body and Cove in 19. It doesn't mean 19 yet. Well, we're getting well, if we're gonna text Jacquet take from Yeah, we got to get that. Yeah, absolutely. Wow. Mrs Just roasting us from Oh, yeah, he does hurt. He says I love you. Thank you. He heard that, Rose, but we're coming on in 30 minutes to go roast him real well. I got my little skit downstairs. Let's do it anyway. I feel like this has been another episode because it's trash. I'm pretty much gonna probably lose every single listener that we have after. I actually don't care. Yeah, I mean, they didn't They weren't really listening in the first place. Like I mean, they were cause I see it and actually kind of see, this Pandora is our biggest panhandler. Or, uh, yes, eso everyone's over 40. Okay. All the listeners a role. Well, I'm 30 and or was when I was in college, people were listening to Pandora Pandora's box. How Pandora is still around? Oh, yeah, They have, like, a podcast down like No, uh, Pandora Pandora just made random playlist for right. That's so weird. I know. So, I don't know. We're getting thrown like ears, which is video. What? It says on the stats. I'm going by listening to Pandora at this day and age. No one. Well, probably people who are still protesting the fucking over there like, reopen the account open and I'm me Open it. My Pandora station is not working anymore. Oh, my God. Excuse me. Um, Ryan West said I'm not even listening. Now. I don't know what that even fucking means. Rude, actually. I'm gonna get you know what? I'm gonna probably get? We're gonna get a new list of happy are people to do it. I'm over it. Over it. Over. Well, this has been another set of She's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. Thank you for listening. Yale Subscribe. Thank you. Respond to me on instagram. Make me feel like I'm loved. Oh, my dad said my dad's on here. Hello, Bob. Oh, no. This couldn't be Every union know Cyrus X m owns Pandora. Oh, serious was a seriously Cyrus. Yes, Cyrus. Miley Cyrus X. Oh, wow. Oh, boy. Little did they know that I might have lost one pen, but I still have another Oh, I'm concerned. I'm not. I'm ready to see my daughter Dad of the year tat of the area from the upstairs bar because we don't have real bars and more. I think I'm officially losing it. It's lost. It's lost its You can't lose what you never had.

spk_1:   47:30
You can't

spk_0:   47:31
lose within every one liners I love when you come with this shit when you're actually paying attention, not texting others. Oh, all right, So subscribe to us. Follow us on Instagram. Follow us on. Um Apple iTunes subscribe. And like everything that we put on If I and Pandora apparently and Ah, yeah, we will talk to you next time.

spk_1:   47:53
Bye bye. Buh bye. Thank you for listening to another episode of she's not doing so well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669 to 074643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode views, information or opinions expressed during she's not doing so well. Podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company.

spk_0:   48:27
This'll has been a house of bread production.