Episode #184 of Not Well - "The Fat Man's Little Coat of Emotions: Coping with Mental Health, Relationships, Bad Bosses, and Church Struggles"
Bobby starts off the episode by talking about a friend's untimely death and the importance of mental health. He touches on the recently established suicide hotline 988 and the need for people to reach out when they are struggling. Bobby emphasizes the importance of taking care of one's mental health, and how it can be difficult to do so amidst life's challenges. Of course this is done in the only way Bobby and Jim know, with a flair of humor but also being serious.
Next, Bobby and his Jim delve into the recent news of a church in Jacksonville requiring its members to sign documents stating they are not homosexual and they denounce anything related to the LGBT community. They discuss the negative impact this can have on individuals and the importance of accepting people for who they are.
The conversation then shifts to the recent FDA approval for gay men to give blood, and the differences between gay and straight people. Bobby and his Jim examine the nuances of this issue and the importance of understanding and accepting people for their individual differences.
Later in the episode, Bobby's cousin Heather comes into town and the topic of bosses is brought up. They talk about the variety of boss personalities and the impact they can have on the workplace. Bobby and his co-host share their own experiences with good and bad bosses and how they have navigated these relationships.
The episode ends with a wrap-up of the different topics covered, tying them together with the overarching theme of mental health and acceptance. Throughout the episode, the keywords "Not Well," "Gay Podcast," and "LGBT" are emphasized, giving listeners a comprehensive and inclusive view of the various issues affecting the gay community. Whether you're struggling with mental health, navigating relationships, or coping with a difficult boss, this episode of Not Well offers support, humor, and practical advice.
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On today's episode of Not Well, we talk about things that are not well , my gosh. But a Polish goulash, pirogis penis, kielbasa, dumplings, cocaine. I'm really high on this episode. Sorry. Sober cousin Heather showed up. See? Showed up. Showed up. Showed up. Bobby's mean boss and his looks. We talk about FDA blood donation changes. We talk about bigoted religious people. Oh, when we make a phone call and leave a message too. There's Joe Maggoty. Okay. That's it. That's it. There we go. That's it. And scene. And scene. Want what I want up. Want some pull with on you? No. Nice to Now I just wanna show you. Okay. Just before we even get started, this is what, this is life. Okay. Hey, hey, hey, hey. So we always say we wanna fuck straight guys. Hey. Hey. Do we The bulge though. Hello? So anyway, you just got me set. I am so tired of everyone blocking the vpl. That was the most unattractive thing I think I've ever seen. Made me, it turned me off like I was a turn off, huh? It's ready to go. All right. Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of Not Well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. This is lucky number 180 4. No, I don't like you. No comment. Lucky and we're bigger than ever. What's lucky and not the show, our bodies. So when we're on episode 1033 and we are still sitting here doing That would be funny though. Yeah. Like, I think we should do it. We're gonna enjoy these times. You're gonna 50 and by the time we're on that episode, Hey, 50, just so you realize not even I'll be older. Oh. Because we've been doing it for fucking three years, three and a half years, and we're only in 180 4. Let's not get to a follow. I actually enjoy it though. I know. I love that. I really, you might hit like, I really do. Like, I think it's a fun way to stay in touch with, uh, the news and our fans and the fan crickets. And the fan in the fan. That guy from Minneapolis. Oh fuck. Um, I'll have to read his name out later. Okay. So anyway, this has been a goddamn week for me. Let me tell you. Um, we, we hit it on it last week, but I had a death in the friendship zone and I'm pissed. It's gotta still be going on, isn't it? Yeah. So like, what was the fallout of that? So like, last time we met up, like they found the car. They didn't, didn't, they found the car, didn't know they found the body. But you think they knew, they, you knew he was dead. We knew. We knew he was dead. He was in heaven. We didn't know why. Um, and he was, the next thing we got was, um, well he ended his life. Okay. And so, of course and fashion. Were you shocked? I'm like, you know what? I really was. Really, it's really sad. It's like my most stable friends, I need to check on you. Cause the ones that are like the nice ones and the sweet ones that are like, I don't have a care in the world. I'll come drive 45 minutes to pick you up for no reason. We need to get you on watch because you guys are fucking on you. It's true. So if you don't have like problems. Yeah. If you're not semi crazy , I think what it is, is they outwardly project that everything's okay by being the savior for everyone. When in the reality they're asking for saving themselves. And that's what's pissing me off about the situation. So, uh, God love him. I'm not talking bad about him in particular, but I just wanna say, yeah, you know, it's so selfish. It is such a selfish thing. And for you to sit there and do all these fun, nice things for people and then not think that anybody else could fulfill your needs. what, what was this? And then you write a little letter that says, don't, don't cry for me. I don't want any service. Give, um, your money to the poor and your dog. Get your dog or donate dogs or whatever. I'm like, you just left your dog and you left us and you want us not to cry and laugh about you. Got it, dog. Yeah. A brand new dog that he traveled the whole country with last year. It was a plan. I'm telling you. No. Anyway. Oh, so the point is, is not the suicide, the point is mental health checkup. I just wanted give a little checkup, first of all with you, . Um, cause it's a little concerning. First of all, I don't try to save anyone. I am a little bit crazy. Yeah. You're you're outwardly crazy happy. We know. Happy Be happy and nice like sometimes applies. Not usually. You don't need to check up. Well, I mean, do you feel your, your mental health is in check? Yeah. I feel like you've been stable for a while. I haven't seen a therapist in like, A year and a half. That's why you're stable. Exactly. Because therapy will get you therapy up. No one's planting crazy ideas in my mind for me to stew on. Yeah. I'm like, you're like, wait, she said I'm addicted. Wait, what am I gonna wear? Jesse? Remember Lisa's bringing your costume, right? I gotta wash my hair. No, there's no time. No time. There's never any time. I don't have time to study. I'll never get into Stanford. I'll let everyone down. I'm so confused, Jessie. Hey. Hey. Just calm down. It's okay. You're right. It's okay. Everything will be okay. Yeah, I just need one of these pills. You mean you really are taking drugs? I need them. Jessie. Gimme those. I need them. Just sing. Just you can't sing tonight, kid. I'm so excited. I'm so. I'm addicted. I'm addicted. It's like, ma'am, why are you doing this to him? He's that. He's just a regular old pothead and you had to ruin it. What does that make? How does that make you feel?. Uh, it pisses me off. Mm-hmm.? Yes, it does. Why? What? Why? Go ahead. Go ahead. I'm like, cause I'm always like, and then they said, and I'm like, and she's like, keep going. Cause I always stop because I'm afraid. I think I'm gonna be committed. I'm not gonna lie. No, I love this. I just wanna see a psychiatrist. She's gonna be like, I think I'm gonna find you in a car. I actually wonder if I keep thinking I might be bipolar. There's this like, local Columbus gay who's a bipolar, who's bipolar, but like always fucking post about it and gets mad when people use the term don't. Yeah. Like they'll, they'll like go into the comments section of someone else's post, screenshot it, and then put it on their story and be like, this is why. This is not how we use bipolar. This is not right. And then like, like you're active doing that. That is so bipolar.. Literally it's like their thing. Like, they're like, I fuck once a month. I'm like, oh, here they go again about someone using bipolar inappropriately. It's like, you know what, sometimes the term crazy and bipolar is thrown out and it's not correct, but it's like . But sometimes, sometimes it's there for a reason. Um, and sometimes we need to really understand that. Mm-hmm., we can be a little crazy. Right? Right. So anyway, so this is to you guys. Okay. So he wrote a letter. So he wrote a letter and I just, for me, I'm very concerned about, first of all, I think the whole world's just like on a shit show. Psycho ride to hell. I don't already happen to, well you, you know, I'm committing Sue. Remember that fun term? No, but like, I feel like everybody's like the retrograde or the mercury or whatever the fuck's happening. Something is off. Something is global warming. Maybe this lighting is off. It's so right. Feel It is. Yeah. It's so bright. I just was thinking, what was I saying?. Everyone's on retrograde and some everyone's on. Everyone's a little off. Crazy. And then I watched the last of us last night, the first episode. Oh my God. And now, God, I was actually thinking about today, like Matt and I watch, it's so, oh my God, the second episode. Better. Can you do an explanation on like what the actual premise is though? Not like the de the characters or anything like that, but like, so yeah, what's happening? Basically we are in like post Apocalyp. Is that how you say that word? Yeah. So it opens up a whole series open. Oh, he's just gonna hear , can you do this? And then I like pause for 0.5 seconds and he's like, so basically what happens is, since I have a podcast, I'm gonna talk all the time. Okay. Sorry. You're the one who's high and can't remember what's coming next. But like, so, okay, so what was I talking about? Okay, so here we are. Let me paint the picture. Oh my God, you're so mad. I some accident. No, I'm just confused. No, basically Postapocalyptic, this fungus has taken over people, turning them into zombies, controls humans. A lot of people have died. A lot of people turn into fungus. A lot of people, fungi, human and basically the survivors are trying to get by. Um, what I wanted to add to that is that at the beginning it shows this story in the sixties. They're like on a sixties TV show and it's like, you know what I'm scared of? I'm scared of, what is it? Fun guy. Fun guy, cor deceptions. So anyway, if you haven't watched it, watch it. Uh, but that's how I feel the world is going right now. Like we're about to be, we're like one second away from a fucking mushroom eating us all. So get ready. And you think people in the future are gonna like, take this scene and use it in the beginning of their movies when they're like looking back, we're in the sixties now, and they're like, what are you worried about, Bob? Look at these. Remember when they were home? I worried about unicorns before there was only homosexuals left on the earth because everyone's gay now. Okay. Yes. We're turning everyone gay. Everyone's fucking gay. Everyone's being turned gay and trans by people like us. So just like to wrap the whole suicide. Suicide, everything's going to hell. If you need help now, let just them that, what's that number? 9 88. Should we look that up? Yeah. 9 88. I'll put the number here for the suicide hotline. It's three numbers, but put it up there too. Bing. Uh, I guess there could be people. Um, don't do it. Okay. It's like you're so selfish. Don't do it because you shouldn't do it, because you should feel guilty about it and. Oh, here we go. Now I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be canceled. You're woke. Culture got me again. It's time to move to Florida for DeSantis. How did you just say that about? Well, you called them selfish. Oh my God. It's only dead. Oh my God. We all have choices. I guess nobody has choices anymore. It's my free will to commit. Sue. Oh no. Well, well, so anyway, get help if you need to message us. No, there's resources out there and you really should talk to your friends and family. And you know what? If you ever lean on them, lean on somebody. And that's why I said if you wanna message us, it's great. I will be there for, we will refer you. I'll, I'll refer my chat, g p t bot to talk to you and talk you off. Literally though, there is like a bot that talks literally a Italian, literally. And if you don't start, no, there's a counselor, like my work offered it. Like literally, here's Simon. And you're like, hi Simon. There's an employee assistance program and you can do like five sessions with better help. Or I think there's also this electronic app you can download and it uses a bot to talk you through therapy things. And you're like, Hey, I'm sad today. And they're like, what are you sad about? It's a bot. And can people, every people are talking to bots, but that's their mental GBT is, it's like, it's crazy. Like I know someone on the house of Representative Floor, like read a speech from me, the bot. Yeah, I have, I have some speeches in here. Oh no. Oh, that's all we've been doing. This house Who? Who's been designing the show chat, JT. Um, now there is something I needed to talk to you about as well. Okay. Do you want to do, I don't, I don't think it's in here. Well, I don't have any of yours in here. I just put my shit in here just to like, have things, but you're supposed to come with shit, so, so do you want to, I don't know if we're allowed to discuss things like this. No. But there was a very funny thing about you reaching out to a certain family member and basically not getting any support back, and then it was on to the next topic. There's been narcissists that are. Imposing their will on my life, , if you will. They're around me. Um, and when one looks for any sort of just a hint of caring, it's changed the subject immediately,, uh, and not really say anything. And that's all I'll say about that . Okay. And that's all I'm gonna say about that. Okay. Okay. So, yes. Um, I don't know if you realize this yet or not, but it's like, no wonder Bobby's a little bit anxious and I'm like the psychotic. No fucking wonder, just looking at my history, just looking at photo books growing up and me looking petrified. Um, every picture of you when you're younger is like, like all, even with the girls so too, it's like a little like little scary, little scared, little, little glass eye, little afraid. I think maybe I was on, maybe they were drugging me. They could have been. And that's why I like drugs. And that's why you're an addict. And your dog's barking excessively. I can't even hear her. It stopped. Okay. It. Is it you as, or is it just your heavy breathing? Yeah, I think I'm . It's your heavy breathing. I'm gonna just get a Heather watch cousin Heather's coming in town. Shout out to Heather cuz somebody wants to meet Heather on the show. Like they left them for a view and they're like, we're waiting for Heather. Wait, what? Yeah, I don't know. Okay. Let's do our voicemail. Yeah, yeah. Let's, I got, oh no, it's so bad.. I can't wait. Like, I don't even know what it's, I like tried to listen to it and I was like, mm, we're gonna have to pass on this. No, it's perfect. Oh my God, it's so bad, so bad. Where it's anonymous, but, uh, I got a story. Oh, it might not be too interesting. Some shit. I gotta get off my chest. Well, uh, me and my lady, we've been together five years so we gotta baby together. When I first got with my old lady, she was pretty much homeless, living car and um, I kind of brought it up for nothing. Chucky, Chucky, she got a good job. She works around a lot of, a lot of, uh, skin. You know, she take good, but I'm also a truck driver, but he's a truck driver. But, uh, but just lately, you know, between her and her work friends, between her and her work friends, no. I called her back a couple months ago, like, know you to sit down cause I know how man is at work, don't have mayonnaise at work. And it's like, I, I don't have any proof. I don't have any proof, but when I ask about you excuses, make it look like, make her look more guilty to look more gifted. So without me feeling, you know what I'm saying? I dunno if cause my insecurities is, or whatever it is. Um, so basically her, her auntie been beef for a while, something for a while. And um, and she's a crack head, weed out and, um, oh. I've been hooking, overt for like past month. He's been hooking up us. Uh, can, she is a crack head. I feel like he was hooking. I feel bad about it, but I'm like, well, it, you know, I know two rights. Don't make a wrong but feel good, but it felt good. Good for you. Okay. You know, um, so his girl, I think, cheated on him, or he doesn't proof, but like, she went out. Yeah, she's a crackhead. And then he fucked a bunch of crack heads and he was, it was almost like he was having a, a, a meth moment or like a, yeah, like the, yeah, I, that was then all a sudden you can hear him, but he might be listening. So we have to talk like, you know, he could be listening. I don't give a. Yeah, if that's our listeners, , I don't think it is. Cause like, I don't know what supposed to be like, have to find this number. So I keep posting at random places though. Oh, okay. That's, it's like fun. It's like fun. And we can, but so far we've had 14 marble mouths. We've had two good calls and they've both been from the west Interesting marble mouths. Okay. We have, they're like, yeah mom, mommy was a, she was a BA person. And then I, I'm like truck driver and I'm a girl driver in Freewater with her friend. It's like, can you please speak clearly if you're having to talk to us in a closet? Cuz you're scared your girl's gonna hear. Then don't call us. You know what I mean? Cause we can't hear you. But I think the story is he thinks he got cheated on but doesn't have proof. And then he went out and cheated because it felt good. And it felt good. That was his last words. Of course it does. And it felt good. And of course it does. Getting strange is great. Ugh. It's so much better. I'm sorry. And you heard it here first. They know. I think everyone in a monogamous relationship looks around. Oh, mono. Yeah. They look around and they're like, I know it's better with them, but am I gonna pretend? Oh honey. Oh honey. No. What I think it's funny is my one and only then the single gays are like, you don't even get it. Like, I just wanna get love . I'm like, girl, like, are you fucking real? Oh my God. It's always, when you talk to monogamous gays, they're always like, no couples. Oh, no couples. And let me guess, you're open. Everyone in the gay community's open and they're always, I'm so tired about it. I'm, I'm so tired of open gays. I know. And I'm like, Like, I don't, I just wanna look at them. It's true. I'm sorry. No one wants you, but there's a reason no one wants you. But again, part of it, this goes fact, we've had weeks and weeks and weeks of this going over it, but like, I don't, it's so funny to me how mad they get. I know. And I'm like, you try to be with somebody for eight years. Yeah. I wish I, I, I wish I had someone to cuddle every night. If I had someone to cuddle, then I wouldn't be, it's like, okay. Yeah. So do that. Every thing about that for 65 times a and they're farting on you. Oh no, it's not cute anymore. You know everything about them. You've seen them shit. Throw up everything. You've seen a whole body inside and out. Literally all, literally every part of it. You've been everywhere in their body. You've seen everything on their body. They, and you get a little bored sometimes. And then you're like, and so's nice to look at Stranger. I wish I had. These people I love. It's always a younger guy who's definitely single, always single. 23. He's probably a bear chaser too honest Looking for my number one man looking for the one, oh, sorry. I only do sing and I'm like, I get it. Look, look, I get it. And also I get if you're older and you're like, look, I'm looking for love, so I'm just gonna like avoid the, okay, that's fine. It's the ones that are like, God damn you, you set up the bitches are ruin it all for all of us and we're right. Logging down. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie X, you already have a relationship. Get off this app. It's like, first of all, first of all, then the app would be empty. Honey. I know. Maybe you can shove it up. Straights and glike. Like it would be empty. Imagine how, imagine what the statistic is of like, it's probably 50%. Yeah.. Um, so, so 50% of marriages, uh, stay together. Chime, okay. 50% of them are probably cheating. Yeah, I would say, yeah. One is, oh yeah, easily. Like there's a whole website, Ashley Madison, that is for this. Like, men who travel around need to be discrete. I mean, you think your husband who's playing for the baseball team isn't fucking girls in every city, every single city. Sorry, city. I mean, and maybe that's your, that's why I would just be like, okay, then fine. You can fuck, however, everyone, but I'm gonna fuck whoever I want. And that's an open relationship. And some of your teammates are gonna come over when you're away. That's right. But they couldn't be away cause of teammates. But like some of your rival teammates, your ri no, your component or your, your components, your opponents, your components, uh, your components aren't working. But yeah, people get so upset about it, and I'm just like, I don't understand it. It makes no sense to me, but call me in eight years when you're with somebody for everyday, for the rest of your fucking life. It's like, it's like, and I And how do. How do they know they're not gonna find love with someone like random or just a fling that turns into something more? They, that's how it all, like, things always start as like just a fling. Or you met them that one night and then it's like after three months you're like, wait, this could work. And then I really do. So it's feel like relationships are like, you really have to be comfortable with them non-sexual. Yes. Like it's really important that you have some sort of like, I don't know. Cause I feel like all these, like pretty gays are the ones that are like, I'm so fucking lonely, . It's like they want a hot guy, they want the hottest guy, they want all these expectations. And you're like, girl, it's not like that. You, I know. Find somebody you can sit on the couch and fart with and do whatever with. And maybe not se sex might not be the number one thing, but I, I feel like people need to understand that that's normal. Yeah. But that's why people open up as well. And I need them to stop saying they're looking for love cuz that, that phrase is so cr nobody wants love honey. That's what they say on the TV shows that are clearly not about love. Like, love is not what you think it is. So stop saying you're looking for love. You should say looking for a life lifetime roommate. I'm looking, I, you know what I want? I won that, that Disney fairytale story. I want that type of love. I wanna be kissed and wake up. Okay, so the first two weeks it feels like that, but then after that, honey it's, that's why it's called a honeymoon and the honeymoon's over bitch. I put on our, we since we were like struggling for topics this week, I was like, tell us what we should talk about. So we got three thing. I think there's more about, I just wrote three. Okay. There's like 170,000. Thank you for writing in you all. Thanks everyone. Thank you so much. Um, one, one of 'em was, how tall are we? Okay, so somebody's trying to gauge how tall we are and they by def I'm five seven.. But I'm like, okay, can you imagine if this is how tall he was?? Oh my fuck., he's five seven. I'm six five. And that's the way it looks. The camera adds weight in a height. Camera adds 300 pounds cuz that's exactly where we're at. Um, I'm six foot five. I'm five 10. I always say five, nine and a half. But then every time someone I picture me, they're like, you're five 10. I'm like, see I do six five. Well, don't think I'm really five 10. I think I'm five nine and a half. I have shoes on six, four and two or three quarter something. Yeah. It's literally like, let's round up I'm five 10 and if and if a girl's looking at me, I'm six foot . Tell your friends ladies, she's looking at you cuz she wants that baby. They work. I almost thought like an alarm was going off. Like she wants like baby, baby. It's like woo woo woo. Yeah, like Oprah. Like yeah, you get a car and you get a baby and you get a baby. Oh, do you know how many women, if we just handed them a baby, they'd stop trying to date that trash douche bag. What'd they though? Or do they want their own? Are they selfish? True. But what if we could like harvest an egg for them and be like, this is your child. Just not with him. And they'd be like, all right, I'm dumping him. Yeah. They're like, oh shit. I think there are so many women in relationships with men that they don't really like or want to be with. 50%. 50% in divorce. Just keep it. Just that 50% of women are like, oh, fuck this person. But it's all our survival baby. It's survival. I need a baby. We are actively surviving and I was thinking about that today and another actively surviving. We're actively surviving. That's the episode. Cause you think about it though, like we are constantly like. Think about it though. Oh, . Think . I, um, God damn it. Now I forgot. We are, you were thinking about how we're actively surviving. We are though. Like we really are. Every day there's somebody that's trying to take you down. I mean, it's true, it's true. There's a puma out there waiting for you to come to your car. No, but that's, it's gonna take you down. But now it's called social media or it's like, or it's called the people in your alley, I guess, that you film Well and that that's a little sketchy. Uh, but I do have the drone bitch. And watch out. The next question was, what is the meaning of life? Um, what's the answer to that? Number 42, I think. Yeah, like, I dunno what you're talking about. Takers Guide to the Galaxy. I think that's, oh, I don't read Honey. Oh, it's such a funny book. I think they even made it into a movie for you. All. The star, all the stars. All the stars are shining on me.. That's like the, that's what I almost said. That's like, no, that's like the intervention episode where she's huffing the dust sprayer and she goes, I feels like I'm walking at sunshine. Oh my, you're gonna have to play it right now.. There was also a clip that I saw of Ryan from Team Mom, and he was driving to his wedding and he's like, you gonna know what and the girl's like, yeah. And then he's like, uh, a honeymoon and you know, you shouldn't even, uh, and then he started, and then she goes and sh and he goes, God. I, I can't. I have all these thoughts in my hands. Can't explain it. I'm like, that's me when I'm high. Like literally. Wait, is he on something? Well, it's teen mom, so I'm guessing something. Yeah, he's in Tennessee, so I'm assuming meth. If you're on teen mom and you're from Tennessee, you're on meth, unfortunately, which is terrible. Car. Fentanyl. That Chinese, fentanyl, that Chinese rapper, when that was all the rage, they're like, this is elephant fentanyl being shipped in from China. I'm just so Powder one. Exactly. I know . Whenever I hear these stories, I'm like, okay. So they still bought a bag of powder from who knows where, right? From Billy down the street.. Billy from Chili. Billy from Chili's, or Rachel from Applebee's.. . Like how did you say, Jennifer from Longhorn.. . Alex from Outback . Michelle from McDonald's, and Wendy from Wendy's. I'm Barbara from Burger King. We're Burger in. You are actively surviving right now. Okay. So that's the meaning of life is try to survive. Is that wasn't 42 was 42. Well, I'll look it up. Okay. And, uh, how are we today? Well, we already answered that at the beginning. Um, or at least I did. I, I didn't. Okay, so how are we doing I mean, honestly, like, great, fantastic. I woke up at 10 30 and did nothing. Oh. I played Pokemon on the couch until 2:00 PM I'd love it. Yeah, it was great. Four hours, A good mood and a really shitty mood. Yeah. And I ate a lot. You wanna say something?, I feel like, do you remember the Saturday Night Live skit where he's like, down by , fat guy, A little coat? Yeah. That's what I feel like right now. Like, Thanks, dad. I'll take it from here. Now, as your father told you, my name is Matt Foley and I am a motivational speaker. like a fat fuck. Oh no. You are . My God. It looks like Chris Farley. Yes. Like I do get that. Cause I'm like, I'm just wearing normal. And you have like a suit jacket, like let's go down by the river. And I picture, I'm like sweating and I'm like, by the river. By the river. All right. I wanna do the second. I don't know if the first one, it's just a fun little, you read it instead. These are my gags. All right. Looks like Indiana is taking a stand against the wild kingdom in the classroom. A new bill working its way through the Senate aims to address concerns about students identifying as furries and disrupting the learning environment. But don't worry, folks, it seems like this is more of a hypothetical problem than a real one indie star couldn't find any evidence of students dressing up as animals in Indiana schools. So for now, it looks like the biggest furry problem in schools is just how to combat the false rumors. But on the bright side, at least they're not having to deal with litter boxes in the restrooms. That's just positively ridiculous. And he's like, you know what? I'm talking Monday's like JT hair's like, yes. Um, so I, it has to be Republicans putting this bill forward. Like here they go with identity politics again, they're obsessed with it. It's, so, I'm trying to find a clip. Fucking the green Eminem. Oh my God. Already played that last week. Oh wait, I just sent it to you this week. Oh, but act before you edit it. looks like the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville's getting serious about their stance on LGBTQ rights. They're making their members sign a statement opposing any kind of freedom for the community. Wait, is that, am I reading right? looks like they, looks like they're really doubling down on this whole Love the sinner. Hate the sin thing. But don't worry if you're a member and you don't agree with the statement, you have until March 19th to find a new church or just a new signature. Either way. Good luck now. Uh, so there's a church. Oh my God. So one of our listeners emailed us, Rodney. Rodney A Okay. Sent me. They said, I hope you are doing well. I love your show by the way, and thought this would be a good topic for you to talk about. There's something with one of our local churches is here in Jacksonville, Florida. How crazy is this? This church is making their members sign statements that they put a swimming pool in your backyard and you say to the toddler, Have at it. And you don't ever put a fence up if, if you only talk about the good things and you don't talk about the dangers, you're leading people astray and people are gonna die. Pastor Heath Lambert says, this agreement and statement on biblical sexuality as it's referred to, requires members to acknowledge just two genders and marriage as heterosexual in order to remain members in the church. Lambert says the document is a message of love, not hate, and that it's simply preventing his congregation from drowning. The reality is our city is dying or drowning in sexual sin like . What is happening? And they don't have to pay taxes. Like this is what churches are so fucked up. It's so fucked. They're just like hate groups that are like, and let's build a giant building so we can have fun in it, but not pay taxes cause we're a church. It's like, it's ridiculous. It's such a scam. Religion is such a scam and it gets worse and worse now. Will you hear me? That number please. Thank you for calling First Baptist Church Jacksonville, where our mission is to reach all of Jacksonville with all of Jesus for all of life. Do this thing. Hello. Did this thing record your message and press pound or press star to contact the operator. Hey, this is Joe. Um, I was just calling, uh, I want, I wanna become a member there. Uh, I'm, I'm moving down here from Georgia and, um, but I, I don't, I wanna make sure that we're crystal clear. There's no queers at your, uh, church. I need you to make sure that there's no queers. So if you could leave me a message on my answering machine, uh, and let me know. Uh, my number is oh 6 1 4. 7, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 6. Thank you so much and I hope you have a blessed day. And fuck the queers because, oh, did I say fuck? Sorry. Bye . So these fuckers didn't pick up, uh, mother fuck, I was hoping didn't pick up. So, hey, is Joe, um, do you have a chicken rich? Well, I was like, um, yeah, I have a, cause I have a Georgia number, so it's kind of close to Florida and Jacksonville, so it's like, it's, Hey, we want 'em to become members down there, me and, uh, Priscilla. But, uh, we don't really, uh, we don't like them queers. Uh, and I was talking, she be like, you should, no, we hate them too. Oh, adult. You need to tell a story about how you, one time accidentally had sex with a man and didn't realize it was a man until. Choking on some semen. And it wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. He's, I was down on the farm and, uh, we were shucking hay. There was this, uh, transvestite out there, , God. And, uh, I had to go down by the A. Okay. Anyway, so we, we tried to call it fail. We tried to call, it didn't fucking work. Yep. So the FDA's added again. So , you're gonna have to cut that out. I always have to cut out yourselves. That's what he tells me every fucking week. That's why it's not getting cut out this week, folks. Oh, Matt, you like that? You wanna criticize that too? Oh my God, I'm, I'm, he's not ready for that. Oh, he's not. I'm just, he's gonna be sitting there on the couch like Friday so sad.. Oh, I'm sorry, Matt. No, don't apologize. Matt's fine. Matt. He's made of steel. Okay. The FDA's added again, they want to pretend like they're being nice to the gays So basically one of the local, uh, doctors around here posted this thing. FDA updates their blood donation policy and it's like, oh, thank God. Great. What is it? Gay men can give blood now. Okay. Oh, great. But they have to be in a, they can only be in a monogamous relationship for the past three months. Okay? Also, if you take prep, you can't donate blood still like , you think you want the one, there's so many problems, like afraid of like, listen, I'd be more scared of your fucking neighbor's blood. Okay? And it's like they're gonna ask you if you're straight neighbor sex in the past three months. Good god, almighty. I'm more afraid of the ones injecting heroin who can go down. Like there's just, right, right. And people lie about that, but it's also like, how are they testing this stuff, really? And the, the fact is they test all blood for hiv. So I'm really confused as to why we're calling AIDS test, right?? No, no. An HIV test. But yeah, it's a joke. Is it Amy Schummer joke that didn't land? Um, this is poor planning on my part. I'm kind of dizzy. I, uh, donated blood today. Uh, that's what I call getting an AIDS test . Um, I know that joke. People like hate that joke. They have a. Oh, I didn't know was an Amy Scher. I was like, oh no, Bobby doesn't know the difference between HIV and aids. Here we go. Oh fuck. How dumb do you? Let's do a new episode. Don't answer for that. Um, yeah. How dumb. How dumb do you think I fucking am?. Well, we'll save that. We'll table that discussion. Yeah, I think it's kind of bullshit. I feel like we're using prop. We'll use this propaganda on both sides to be honest with you. Like, yeah, because some people are like, well, is this gonna be safe for the blood supply? I'm like, what the fuck? They still test all the blood, but then other people clearly like me are like, are you joking? Like, I'm not gonna go there. They're afraid they're gonna give the eight third. I've been monogamous for three months, so I'm allowed to donate blood. Oh, I take prep. Nevermind. I can't donate. I can't donate. You take prep. You're ruined. Now Bobby doesn't need prep. Let's put it that way. Yeah, we're not active. I still haven't came in a week. In a week since last week. Putting in the work. Yeah. Okay. Um.. So yeah, like anyway, I hate the blood people all . I cannot, that was a high moment. Cousin Heather is here. That's the other problem. Oh, I was like, why is your brain not, I'm kind of panicking, like here, here I have so many. Yeah, I have like some, I have. I'll tell you some stories then let's get into it. Like how Here, here is she And she's like, where is Michael and why can't he let her in? He's going to West Virginia. It's just me and Heather this weekend. Yeah. Like I have a story to tell it. Okay. Talk about your drone test. That's short. Okay. Yeah. So, uh, I signed up for your new job, my drone test, da da da. And you've been putting in a lot of work to study for. I have been studying, I've been studying maps. I've been listening to air traffic control locally. Um, I can tell you the weather based, you sound just like Matt. I've been studying maps. He studies maps day in, day out. That's all he does. So I've been doing aeronautical maps, so it's like kind of similar. He probably is looking at the railroad ground maps. Yep. So aeronautical maps are just blank sky or what is that? Yep. They give you landmarks. I'll put a little, it's crazy actually. You, you're going to, I mean, I'll show Dallas, Texas too. Dallas's . It kind of freaked me out now that I know what it's all about. Oh, like they the most travel have confusing air spaces because like, so you have airspace, so it's like levels. Okay. So like in this level you can only be from this altitude to this altitude and then from this one, the next, so like, so it basically stacks planes all around. Uh, she's here. What is going on in here? Honey? It's, I'm in trouble. I have to move slowly. You might wall. Oh my god. My wall. Which wall? This We had to go to green screen, babe. It's the future. And I need my fucking mic. I don't even have makeup on. I love it. Every minute of it. Hello? It's like a pregnancy. It's, it's cousin Heather. She's here. She's queer. Get used to it. Actually men. She's not queer. I'm gonna tear you. New asshole. She will put you in your place, man. So line up. We'll get your numbers. My lines. Yeah. Now I need to tell a story from work. And I feel like this is why. I'm glad you're here. Okay. Um, Heather, you suffer from this as well. Um, sleep apnea. No.. No. I'm skinny . It's true. My are good. Hold on. You were telling a story from work. You got in a fight with your boss. Maybe it's that. Maybe it's that bores. Maybe he gets high. He can't remember. Sorry. No. Cause I was laughing so hard in my head. I'm just so excited to hear. Okay. You haven't even laughed. One. I know. He is so high. Yes, I have. Okay. So my boss, , that's the look right there. So my boss decided to come in and talk. He was being a little bitch today. A little asshole, so Okay, fine. Whatever. We're sitting there and he is starting to explain something. I know he is lying and I know he is like, oh, manipulating me. So I go like, I was like, I gave that face. And he goes, why? Do you have an attitude yes to fart me? No. That, that face, no. He's like, do you need to go to the bathroom? Uh, no. So you he said, he said, I was giving face. Okay, you yours, me face. So you were serving cunt and your boss? I was serving cunt. And he read this, he read you let's, he read me the filth and I was like, okay, first of all, so then I'm just like really pissed off and I seem to say to do with my hands. Pray. Yeah, that's good. Just pray. Heather, you make faces all the time. Yeah. You're the queen of faces, like you're the queen and so are you . Wow. But do you do, it's an expression. It is, but I like when people are loud and vocal. I'm. Vocal nod through my face. I like that. And , I think I am too. We're family for that because I'm the same way. But how did that escalate the situation with your boss? So I don't really know why. Wait, what did I write on here? Oh, he's high. Okay. No, I don't remember why I wanted to, I thought it was gonna be literally just said boss was not impressed with my attitude in my eyes. Got in trouble for taking a late lunch and missing, I got in trouble at work. Oh, so this is why, huh? Bobby's Weather Forecast. Oh yeah, that was last week.. So, oh, throw it out. Oh my last week. comb your hair. Chris Farley back to Chris Harley reach his arm, his head. He died of like a cocaine overdose. Back to you. Back to you. Sunny . Oh. Oh no. Oh my God. Are you Cher ? Are you Cher? Yeah. I just, Ian's got so hot, skinny. I just am so skinny that I'm lightheaded. You got high. High. You wasn't like my mom and I pass out cause of shock. did you? Yeah, last week. She, you have no idea. She didn't tell me that. You just tripped and fell. Broke her ankle and passed out from shock. Well, sprained it bad like she couldn't walk. Oh. So I might have told my mom sorry. No, I knew you would. Well, because my mom texted your mom like, Hey, how was your weekend? Did you get home safe? And she like went off a different tantrum about nothing, about the weekend. So my mom was like, is everything okay? Like, what went wrong? And I was like, um, well, she sprained her ankles. She's like, I know, but you, you had have been here to understand. I was like, I did that and I scraped my knee and these three old men can to come help me up in the parking lot. But yeah. Well, two old men helped his mom up. I actually recorded my, I'll play it on the actual show. Your mom falling. No, my boss. That would be so funny. When my boss yelling at security camera footage and I'm going, uh, it's fought trip anyway, so you Oh, back you again. So yeah, it runs, that's it. Runs in the family. So you, fuck you., narcissism, . Back to you. What were you saying? Yeah.. Do you think you're narcissism? No, I'm a ems. empathic. I'm empathic. You have a. No narcissist or sister ? Sister. Sister. Sister. Sister, Heather. So you went to a meeting late. Now why were you late? Because I didn't go to lunch until late, and then I totally forgot, um, because I was working on a job. Right. So that'll sound like what, like a task or like Yeah, a task or a task. And so I was like, okay. Oh, I can take lunch now. It's one 30. Can you eat during meetings? Yeah, but I forgot. I had a meeting, like, who does a meeting on Friday at two o'clock is when, oh, that's, that's an asshole move. That is such an asshole movement. Like, oh, it's the weekend, but let's finish out with a long meeting. So thank, thankfully my friend text me and said, are you in this meeting? And I go and I jumped outta my car when he's eating. I tried to like sneak in, like do, do, do. And I was like, did they ask me anything? And Heather was like, oh, they asked Columbus and Paul spoke. So then. I go to my email, I log in, I like just log in really quick into teams and I'm just like, okay, come here. And Paul has a email to me that says question mark, question mark, question mark Meeting. Question mark, question mark, question mark. I'm like, there's something wrong with my computer. I'm like, girl, that's what I wanted to say though. I was like, girl, you know Exactly the fuck. So anyway, so after the meeting he comes in and he goes, he shuts the door and he is like, you really need to be on time to these meetings. We have. That's why I tried to remind you earlier, blah, blah. I go, oh, sorry. I lost track of time. And I took a late lunch at one 30 cause I was working. Yeah. So these meetings are not as important as work. I'll tell you that you meetings are never as, so basically I was like, God, you're such a cunt today. And then I was like ready to go the fuck off on him. Because that's the, that strike too. Yeah. One more strike. And he was out. Do you know what I mean? what are you gonna do? So, but I just hate when I'm, uh, reprimanded for something that's like stupid. Like, yeah, okay. Like you don't have to shut the door and say that. You can just be like, Hey, is everything okay? You were late to the meeting. Yeah. Like, hey, oh shit, you almost missed it. Or it's like, yeah, like, what did you really miss? Or anything? You're an adult. If you show up late, you show up late. Yeah. Well, right. Yeah, because it's gonna be in an email. It's odd. It's always an email. It's always a fucking email. They're like, here's an email with the Excel spreadsheet that we're gonna talk about. Here's the PowerPoint slides. It was important. You would've known about it. Yeah. It's a job. I'm, I am actually a little bit involved in it, so I probably should have been time, but Yeah. But you're ready to be a pilot, let's put it that way. Yeah, I am. Do you know I'm on pilot now. Do you need a, your phone look at like a air drone, like an airplane, like Grandpa Drone. He wants to be like grandpa. My grandpa was a pilot. My grandfather was a pilot. Um, Heather, what have you been up to? Lady? And hold that mic right near that house. Right near that, that, oh, that old pie hole? That that hole. Ooh, that was a good tongue pot. The gaze are gonna love that. Natas gonna love that. Oh, no, I'm not gonna, Heather, what's going on up in, uh, in, uh, Northeast Ohio? Ohio. Well, today it was low of 28 degrees, partly sunny. Oh, is it sunny or is it snowy up there? Mm-hmm. She sounds like when you do the pilot, oh, this is a low 28 degrees with the winds coming outta the south. She is. You're the flight attender. The galil of, uh, five miles. The gal force wind . Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Uh, we have Heather working this, the front one. Give it to you, Heather. Heather, is there anything you wanted to share? I'm in the back with Bobby. Heather, what's, what's the weather? When can folks expect to see that snack cart coming down the ice? I know you're up there spreading the latest gossip. Uh, oh. He, the funny thing is she can't hear what we're hearing. Yeah. That's why she's looking at us like crazy. Oh, okay. Put this on. I can't hear any of it. It's like, Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking . Uh uh, Heather's gonna go ahead and do the weather forecast. Don't forget, we have a delicious cheese and crackers$5 snack box you can purchase. We only accept cash, short credit card, and actually the credit card machine is down today, so only accept right to you, Heather. Heather, are you gonna get that snack? Give us a snack card or I'm still giving emergency exit directions. You can follow the signs here, here and here. Thank you. Okay. Anyway, so basically your boss sucks. My boss sucks. I want a new life. I want a new job. I am interested in what happens after strike three. Like Heather made a good point there. We need a plan, we need an exit plan, we need a well, so he's a narcissist, which we've talked about earlier, and so it's really hard to, back to my point last year, , oh yeah, that was a read back to my point. Well, maybe it wasn't last year, but several weeks ago, which could have been last year., why do you attract narcissists so easily? And I'm wondering Cause I'm not surrounded by a lot. I'm not surrounded by people like that because they have a very opening, welcoming Oh, so he get sucked in Cause he's two nine. Very, because they're nice ear. No, and because they're very no . No they have that, no, that personality charisma. Everybody wants to be around. They're the fun guy. Oh, first. And he wants that personality for himself. Yeah. He wants because he wants to be a star. Well, and some of 'em can pull it off and Well, they're the go get, they're like the, they're the star. The, they're as kissers. Yeah. They're, they're right there. And their boss going. Well they're, they're, they're brown on your nose, honey. They're the, they're the ones that are entertaining everybody. They're the life of the party. And that's who you, that's Bobby. You want to be a rock. But I'm not a narcissist cuz I have too much empathy. We're not saying you are, but I'm saying that's, I think why you that attract them is because you attract, you like the energy that they bring into the table in the beginning. I agree. And I think And then you feel bad. Well, I'm looking for acceptance, I think from them. Cuz the one th like, I wanted acceptance from the one person that is major. and Big B. Yeah. And so I think I always, I don't know though. They're also kind little, are they ignor you a little crazy? Are you what? A little crazy. Do I need to do a check-in? I don't want you to end up like, yeah. And why do you always attract yourself to people? Wait a minute. Why do you attract yourself to people that are needy? Oh, I was like, is that the full question? But is no that, why do you attract yourself to need people? No, but that'ss true though. Like, we all attract something. You're right. I, I attract, I get these people who need help like fucking hell. Well, I feel like we all three are very similar though. We always attract the ones that need help. Yeah. Literally when I look around, I'm like, oh no, you need help. I'll help you. Like, yeah. Fix like, oh, you're addicted to drugs or you're a sex addict. My why? Oh, you're an idiot. And don't know what's going on in life. Let me beard your daddy. Oh, you're a sex addict. I love those ones. Why? Oh, you're trying to live out your dreams. What? It's failing that Mic your mouth. Um, . I like those ones. I like the troubled ones. Yeah. I think that's a challenge. Maybe that's what we like challenge, but I didn't, um, not that I wanna fix 'em. I just like the challenge. Oh no, we're trouble. Oh, we're fucked. So it's me or it's us. Hi. Hi. We're the problem. It's us. It's, that doesn't work. We're just fucked. We're fucked. And I mean, oh no. Wait, are we all the first born too? Yep. Mm-hmm.. Oh, that's it. So we have to take care of the brood. We have to take care of, and all of our dads are kind of like hyper-masculine. There it is, is my dad. He still plays softball and he works out, works out. And he, and he works out Kevin, my dads, he works out. I don't know. I think Jim would think, uh, Mark's a daddy. I think Bobby has a crush on Uncle Mark. Ew not blood.. I always think that I always wanted a daughter . God, you have Dr. Hannah already as your daughter. Ah, fuck. Uh, um, is there anything you wanna give wisdom wise? Cause I, I'll say this, there's people who leave reviews and says, where is Heather? We want Heather. Literally, so like, people are here you are, and I'm trying to figure out how to get a story out of you, like, what's going on in your life. Like, what's crazy? What, what's crazy that happened? How's the dating scene? How's the dating scene up in Cleveland? The last couple dates I've been on, I was stalked. What? That's like a whole, we have to have a whole other 25 minutes for that. Okay, so it's probably, you, you attract a certain type as well, it seems like. Here we go., you, you like the tra the challenge though. That's the fucking problem. But this was n but like, how did, when did you realize they were stalking you? At what point? We hung out twice and he told me he loved me and Yep, there it is. Yep. Oh, wow, there. How old is this individual? Twice. Think he's 32. That's like a, that's a name. And then I didn't, two years old. I didn't answer my phone within 15 minutes and he called me 64 times. I blocked his number. Unblocked him. Unblocked him the next morning just to see like, is he still calling me? Called me eight times before I got to work that morning. And I said, if you continued to contact me, I'm gonna to the police. Yeah. He continued to contact me. Obviously I didn't go to the police. I don't, you're like, I don't have time for this. I gotta work time basically. But yeah. So that's why you're here this weekend. That's why I'm single. I'm not hungry. She's single and ready to mingle. What the fuck? So you just like just done with it. See someone twice and they turn down. I love you. I told you I loved you. Why aren't you answering ? I love it. That will you talk about, don't you hate the people that are like hung out twice for like an hour each time? Right. You're like, it's at the bar wasn't like, yeah, like no, I got two drinks for eight. Like, what's the big deal? I like your attitude. Cause there's other people that are like, no one's ever gonna love me. No, people love me. That's the problem. Right. Literally. And then it's like, leave me alone. It's like people love me. The wrong people. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Then the hot straight one in the corner. Oh, they like me. Bobby's working on that. I'm like, Everybody else is like, I circleville you have one had circleville. So that's where I wanted to go with you is that I'm realizing you do like a challenging, almost like a runner. Yeah, he's in Florida. He just found out he had a two-year old. Oh, how you just find that out? Have he seen that one? Circleville. Oh fuck. We'll have to look at pictures like it. Does he look like someone who would have a two year old? He doesn't know about. Well, no, his, he was military. I'm picturing like a sleeve or like a attack. Uhhuh wasn't, uh, um, he was in Florida, hooked up with a Puerto Rican. But wasn't it, she said, this is your, this is your child. He's like, no, it's not. I slept with you once, blah, blah, blah. It was a child. And 18 years, two years later she kept, she like came back and was like, I really think this is your kid. And he's like, I'm not gonna do anything until we get a DNA test. And it was his baby, so certified that bitch. And so he owes back pay on the child support. Oh, well he just moved to Florida basically and was like, I'll be the dad. Obviously it's my child. Another, another terrible, another wasted marriage. This is why abortion is, they're not married, illegal. Hard. They're not married, but he's just like, I'm not, he's like a good guy. Like he's trying to be, he's here. He's just like, I have a kid I've missed two years of. He's like, I'll just be a semi absent father. Not a fully absent. Well, that's good. At least there's some, I mean, you can be absent. I mean, you could've been like, it's still there. Oh, it's still, yeah., you can be physically present and absent, absent Bobby over to you. Uh, you're right, you're right. Um, anything to say? Oh, no, he's, I don't know. I really like where I was going though. No, I like father. No, no, no, no, no. But I was looking where I was going with her. Like, Circleville. What are your thoughts on girls that are, or people that are like, no one's ever gonna love me. Like, what do you think their problem is? They don't love themselves. Probably true. People love me like a little too much . Now, do you love yourself? Not trying to brag, but I had a rough couple years I had a bad breakup, but this year, I remember it was probably end of last year actually, that I was like, all right, I got, that's about right. You're, let's try it again. I feel better once you hit thirties. It's like, feel better. I was like, thirties are better. I'm good. Really? You don't really care. You're just like, I literally woke up and I was like, okay, this is fine. I'm good. I love it. I love it. I don't know what changed, but it changed. Lop edit. He's like, I love, I love it. Little man in a fat coat. Okay, uh, well cool Fat coat. How's a little man in a fat girl coat? Who's homegirl? The one that was dating the gay guy? Your friend, you, are you talking to me or her? No, Heather. I was sorry. I'm so, I was so confus. I'll have to run back the tape.. I didn't know we were calling her homegirl. I don't remember her name. Who? Katie? Yes. How is she doing? Are we still friends? Yes. I actually just was talking to her. Um, is she still dating gay guy? She dated him a couple times. She dated two. She dated a couple actually. Now we attracted, we attract, do you know what I'm saying?. So she's a Broadway queen. She's, wait, these, A couple keep running up to me. She dated a couple in high school and then she was like, she divorced her narcissist husband and then went back onto the dating world. And this one, two guys, one guy kept saying, you can look at the fishies. And she's like, okay, like, go get the fishes. And like she, they would like hook up, but he wouldn't like touch her. She would, he would only want touched. Do you want to wait? I'm sorry. Fishies, like Swedish Fishies., like the fishies, that's all like pussy fish, like fishies. I don't know, like just very like, and then he would always goldfish, but then he would always use like a gay accents and then do you, and would be like, oh, I'm just kidding. Sweet. And she's like, what are you kidding about? Like sweety, we're just having a normal conversation. What? Fuck you sweetie. Why are you, was that his coat? No, but what was fish? Go get the fishies. Is that the phrase for sex or? I.. I don't know. Maybe he needs to go down on her, but he wouldn't, he wouldn't touch her. You want me to open up that can of tuna and eat it? I'll touch the tuna one finger. Take your pick. I got, I don't really like to eat it, but I'll touch it. No, he didn't even touch it. He tapped it. Oh. Oh. Like over the leggings three times. Remember? Oh, yeah. And she's like, and he's like, okay, are you in there? Okay. I can't, this is so sad. We need an update on her. I need an update on him. I wanna see where he is at getting the fishies. Probably swimming with him. Probably. She's good. Her son's struggling with her, with his, with her dad. His dad. Well, of course. Um, I'm proud of her, him though, because he said to his mom, I need time away from dad. He's, he's rooting my mental health. And he was supposed to be at his dad's house all week and he didn't go. Who's he? Who? Katie. Son. Son. He's 13. Follow along. Oh. But like, okay, so he doesn't like his narcissist. Dad, you can't say that word. I can't really either. I can't try to spell it. Yeah. Told us Narcist just son. He told his mom, he's renewing my mental health. I don't want to be there this week. So he didn't go. Well, good. That's really good. That's good. I mean, she's raising a real, he's only about 20 years ahead of Bobby, so that's good.. Well, that's so sad. It's so sad. He's, he's like going through it. He's going through it now. Back to you, Bobby. 38 . I mean, IM, I'm really this 13 year, no, it's, it's fucked. Right? It's only this 13 year. Only knows about it because his mom has, I am so fucked right now. He's like, did you wanna talk to this though? Finally figuring it out? No, I'm, I. But 15 year old can teach you things. No, I'm in there. I have things happening for me, , but I just am dealing with a lot of open wounds. If you'll that's, that's a narcissistic, like a third hole that's, I have things and actually I can fill my third hole right now a little bit. I feel like it's a little Do you need that special? You should say no cushion. Um, sat on that earlier. I feel supported. You need your donut. Yeah. No, we're good. My hemorroids, were just hanging out. Oh, I do You have a fisure? He has all of it. My Do you need abc? Do you need a scope, like an upper or lower or both? Just upper. I should get a lower two. Make sure you call our phone. Let's talk about Jim's problems. Jim's problems. And now we're gonna, Jim's problems. I'm trying to think. So this is a sundry and Jim's problem. Okay. So we're on sundry. We're on sundry, but it's my problem. So the sundry is something that doesn't really go along with the show, but like you need to get it off your chest. So I need to get it off my chest. Okay, let's. I need sun dries. A sun dry. Yeah, a sun dry. I need a new activity that is like a nervous tick, but it's not like harmful to myself. Like a fidget. Oh yeah. But like, I mean like not doing this to my fa thumb for no reason. Oh. Not biting my lips endlessly. Cuz like my lips are always chapped. My lips are always like crevice. This is what I put on my hair. I always bite my lips. Like, and I've been catching myself using it as a fucking fidget. Yep. So you need like a fidget spin. I need something like that. Cause I'm like a hair tie. I'm like biting. I'm like, let me just get, look, look at the rubber, rubber. What's happening with this? A rubber band? You just, I know mine and it heals in like a day. It's fine. But it's like, why am I, I've been literally using my hair tie as like a, as a fidget. Okay, well I need to get a hair tie. I don't even have hair, but I need a hair tie. Lemme try it. Heaven. Okay. Oh no, that's, I haven't show in my car, but I could give you So you do don't need this. You. Yeah. So you gotta do something other than harmony. Yeah. Like I've actively, you're gonna have, you're gonna have already here cause you're gonna smack it. I play with it all the time. Like I'm, I am planning in my head, I'm like, no, I have to be, when I get to Park City, I have to have kissable lips. Like I have to not bite my lips for the next three weeks. Okay, so tell me something more. Get chopped in there. Okay. What, but like, how long have you had this problem, do you think? Oh, forever. I used to bite like my nails and I stopped bit my nails. I was a nail biter, so I stopped that. I was a bed wetter. I stopped butting the bed. I was a shitter, , . I'm not, wasn't Did you chart before? I've sh like once and it was like last year. Just recently. Yeah. It was last shit. Never tried to pour. He texted me like, I just sharded. I literally just never trust a fart. Not anymore. Not at his age after that age. This I always trusted. I was like, yeah, no, I've never charted. And this I was like, and I was like, , I just fucking charted. Like, I just fucking Did you like it? Uh, no. It's gross and. And then the back of these balls are poopy. Like, he's like, where were you? They're like swinging in the wind. I don't know. I think I was here. But it was like good thing we were at like the, oh my God, that's not as bad as the time I was throwing up and shitting in front of Michael. Like literally shitting myself and throwing up. I get was on the toilet, my face . So you were shitting into the shower? No, into my pants. Like I was like you. I thought you were sitting on the toilet. Why didn't you, when you came between your legs? No, I jumped down. Threw up. And then when I was throwing up I was throwing up so hard. I never knew that. I never knew. That's even if you don't jump easily either. I know honey. Never seen you move quick. I've never seen you. When I'm sick, I'll move. When I had diarrhea, my God, flip Michael. I know. And then he had gloves on. He was cleaning. I was like, oh, glove. Oh gloves. Hazardous material. Did take my piece, have my, I think I was close. No, Michael said if I was sick any longer, he would've then been like, you probably have like c diff. It's because never we went to Austin, then Austin then, okay. Do you have a sundry? Do you have a sundry? Do you have a sundry? I don't know what that, wait, we weren't done with you. You pick your lips and bite your toes. Oh yeah. That's it. What else? What other bad habit do you want me to have? I About your, what's happening though? Oh, we don't know yet. We have to save that. Like, is it, is it your, we have to save that in case there's bigger news. The C word. It's not. We'll see. Why would you, you would be skinny. I know. You'd be skinny. You'd be bleeding outta your asshole constantly. You would be jaundice. You'd be jaundice, pooping out of my asshole. You'd be clammy. You'd have night sweats. I think you'll always poop out of your asshole.. Uh, what's your Sundre? Heather . Do you have a sundry? I don't know what that means. I'll go. You have a sundry. It's just an extra little thing. You have a little thought you shared this week. I, I was sitting today by myself at lunch before I got in trouble. Um, hounding down, uh, some Mexican food by myself though. Where'd you get that from? Elva. Carro. Wait, I thought you were going out to lunch with somebody when I called you. Yeah. I said I gotta go sell lunch. He took, he took going by yourself? He took himself to a Yeah, was my lunch. Oh, I thought you were like out on like, I thought you were off work, like going to lunch. I need the audience to know those. This is a sitdown Mexican restaurant that he got food from . Yeah. So that's not Taco Bell? Like No, that's why I thought he was friends. Cause I was like, oh, do you want me to bring like kids chips and queso? He's like, I'm actually gonna get Mexican right now.. He literally with all my friends. I thought in your car though. No, I sat this, can I say my son? I don't wonder why you were late for the meeting. Tell her to silence her. Okay. So I then, Go to Mexican. I'm sitting there, I'm like by myself. I'm looking around and I noticed that there was this like slight pressure for me to not look at the waiter because then he might think that , especially in a Mexican restaurant, because they're quick. Oh, they're quick. So like I looked up one time and I was like, and he comes over everything. Okay. I'm like, yeah, everything's great,. And I was way, but when you're alone, you're like being looked at. And so then I'm sitting here going, don't look up. Don't look up. This is the whole time I'm meeting the whole time. And then I. Uh, dude, how's everything going? I'm like, oh my God. It's like, you can't not, well, he knew you had a one o'clock meeting, like every other normal businessman. Two o'clock. Um, oh, okay. So you were really late. Okay.? No, this was at one 30. I don't know why you thought it was appropriate to go sit down and eat lunch by yourself. Yeah. Like oh one 30. Uh, are you not secure enough to sit by yourself? I mean, in the middle of your lunch break. That's the You're cramming that in? Yeah. One 30. I have an hour break and it's 10 minutes. It's five minutes away from my office. Oh, so you thought you That's so quick. Yeah, that's I I a sit down restaurant within an hour. We wouldn't, this isn't a big city. Yeah, I know. With a meeting pending, we wouldn't know at one 30 there's nobody eating lunch. She Oh, so it's no rush. Yeah. Literally I have my foot in four minutes. What'd you get? Queso.. Now you should have getting taco. How many baskets as like, did you go throw a chips? No, not even a hole. That's weird. Are you okay? Uh, yeah. I got fajita chicken nachos. Yum. Do you a scope? No, I feel great. Other than my mental health. back to you. And that's the worst one. Okay. Heather, what's your sundry now? What's something that's bothering you right now that you see? I'm actually really good, actually. You could have asked me a couple. I think that bothers me. Bother you a couple weeks ago. Nothing I've, I'm really am This is like the first time in a while I've been So your sundry is that you feel great. Yeah. You look really kind of, um, glowy to me, like very alive. I feel g I really feel good. You feel alive. I feel like you're alive. Even when I feel great, I have a sundry. Like I've never not had a sundry. Um, I left work early that no. So you, um, I told my boss I'm leaving. This has been another episode of not well, , please give us a call. 6 1 4. I got in trouble delivering somebody's mail to their desk and got called into the office. Yeah. Okay. Now we're drama. Fact drama. That's literally her mailbox was full and I put it on her desk, but you got in trouble for that. And she tattled , and my manager pulled me aside and she rolled her eyes. Oh, whoa. And I was like, what? And she's like, She's overwhelmed. Don't deliver her mail. I said her mailbox is full How are they gonna continue to do anything else? I'm putting it on her desk that already, this is her job, is her paperwork. Yeah. She needs to empty her fucking mailbox. I said, are you seriously pulling me away for this? Okay, whatever. And I rolled my eyes. I said, I'm not gonna stop. And I walked out. I love it. The classic case of like helping somebody who's way behind on things and them getting mad at you. Yeah. You're like, it's a classic tale of the horrifying work that is business. Even in whatever field you're in. If you can't get your fucking envelopes outta your mailbox, that's what's happening. I'm gonna do it for you. How is your mailbox full? I mean, mailbox. I'm gonna do it for you. I'm just gonna deliver it to you. Yeah, but, and she got mad. She. Literally tattled. That's so weird about, again, our number 6, 1, 4, 7, 2, 1, 5, 3, 3, 6 period, period. Make sure you call us and tell us what's making you not well, or whatever the fuck you want, but also please start speaking clearer because, uh, three, a trucker called Five , a trucker called in about his cheating girlfriend and he, but it was, he also cheated with a crack head, but he was a crack head, and so it was kind of, well, I don't know. He was a crack head. He was like, trafficking Jabba Jabba the Hut. Oh, I did. So Jabba the hut little guy in it. I feel that way. All right. Well thank you. Have a good weekend. Bye for a week or whatever. Bye.