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Jan. 4, 2023

The Trough Feeders of Golden Corral

The Trough Feeders of Golden Corral

In this episode of Not Well, Bobby and Jim talk about their experiences at Golden Corral, a buffet chain known for its subpar food and large crowds, and the challenges of finding a place to pee at crowded football games. They also share their thoughts on New Year's Eve celebrations, which they consider cheesy and pointless, and the culture surrounding them, including the emphasis on partying and drinking, the cost of going out, and the crowds of strangers at events. Bobby and Jim also discuss their dislike for the tradition of giving and receiving cookies during the holiday season and the pressure to bake cookies for others. They also talk about the importance of setting boundaries and being honest with oneself and others in regards to unhealthy relationships and the dangers of creating stories in one's head about a person and a potential relationship. We have 2 voicemails that are very hard to hear but come up with some good points. Keep Calling us! Bobby also talks about Minnesota and his struggles with public transportation. 

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But you are a little overweight. Why do you try to diet? There are people who say that you couldn't be president because you're so heavy. What do you say to, you know, you could stop these rumors. You could say, as many artists have, yes, I am gay. Or you could say, no, I'm not. Or you could leave it as you are. Ambiguous on this episode of Not Well. We talk about Andrew Tate's Gay Ass Fireworks and Gunshots, new Year's Resolutions, and how shitty they are. Public transportation and drug deals on the fucking third car, crappy TV shows and why you shouldn't watch them. Barbara Walters died the New Year and George Santo's Bullshit. And Republicans, we kind of go off on too. We do kind of, we, we touch on a lot. We touch on a lot, we touch on a lot. And we have voicemails where you guys don't speak up. All right, well here's the start of the episode. Thank you. Believe that old song I used to like when I was a little girl. I up, you were talking to me. Something you say. I just couldn't, you think it's so easy to make? Cause I love that. Yeah. Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode. Not well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. Happy new Year. Oh, wooh. These are like sparkler coming up. Oh, shh. Oh cool. You're just like my fucking neighbors. Um, no, that would be ding. Yeah, it's bad. Yeah, it's a new year. It's a new me. It's a new life. We'll talk more about that later cause that's my sundry. Um, lots of bullets to dodge. Um, lots of, we've, and we've dodged a bullet at times. Twice. Twice actually while recording. Oh, fuck. Yeah. And a backfire from a like Toyota Prius or something. I don't, or no, that's what. It's like, I don't know if the Prius, that's not, I'm gonna have like, no, like barely a gas. There's actually like a Buick over here. Oh yeah. That was the loudest muffler I've ever heard. And I'm like, Buicks are so pissed. Do you know when I see anyone under 70 driving a Buick? I just am like, what's happening? No, but you know that was my first car, right? Oh no, we, we've had to have talked about this. You drop a Buick bitch. Oh my god, Matt's gonna love this. I had a fucking Buick LaSabre LaSabre and that's what I called it. It's a Las Saver. And it was ugly tan. Oh fuck. Ugly tan cloth. See? Not cloth. Oh, it was, remember it was that cloth that's like fuzzy or it's not fuzzy. It's like, has that weird almost, you know, it's like, oh, oh. And then when you sweat, you stick to it so hard. It's just like, now I will say she gave me a good ride. Um, and by that I mean the car. Now, and my, my friends, we enjoyed the Buick. Like I used to rent, I mean, I rode that thing into the ground. I act like it was a fucking speed demonn car. And I'm like, you're driving a Buick? Yeah. Like honey. But I tried to make it cool one time and put spinners on 'em, um, spinners on it. Fake spinners. They were plastic hub caps and I thought that was gonna be cool. Yep. Oh my god. I didn't go through with it, thank God, honey. But I did buy them and return them, honey. Yeah. So anyway. No choices. How young were you? Hopefully like 16. How long are you? I was 17. Oh fuck. 16. 17 plastic hubcaps because when I was 18 and or 19 is when I got my next car, which was an Oldsmobile. Intrigued. Oh my God. How poor was your family? They weren't, these were like, um, salesman's cars. Okay. That my dad would like. I don't know. It was, yeah. We weren't poor. We went from a Buick to an Oldsmobile. No, I was just hated. Um, oh, that's right. My sister had the old wheel intrigue, which was a. Because my dad would buy those for the salespeople. So like, she had won a white one. Okay. I had a green one. I liked my car actually. It was kind of sporty. It smelled. Oh, really? It's not a car. Like you're thinking You look it up. Oh, I'm picturing some. Okay. No, no, no. It's not a hooptie. Um, but it's not, it's no fault. It smells, will's like, let's get honest. But it, it's not a a hooptie either though. Yeah, look it up. It's really, they're really cute. Sleek. Yeah. It's like a sedan. Okay. It's like a, but it was like, I'm just confused now. It feels like they're actually selling these, like they might be, are these for sale? We should go buy one. I should go buy an intrigue. Literally. I will, I'll split it with you. A thousand each. We have a full, we'll have a car bill. Intrigue. Yep. For the, for the, for the, for the show. We can write it off as a tax write off. We can, but I'd rather buy a fucking, um, yeah. RV then, which is way more than that. Um, I was like, but we're not gonna be able to get it for 2000 unless we do a little sucky, sucky type technique. We might have to get an only fans. I'm the salesman. Mm mm But that could be hot. Let's go into that rv. Show me into that rv. I wanna see what the bed's like. And then you and I walk in. Why'd I just do this? And you're separating the curtains to the back room. The sales. I picture curtains. I'm like, can you give it a ride and show us how that bed bounces around. He lays back down. We get on the bed. We have to, we finish 'em really quickly though. That's the thing we have to share. We don't allow him to like be like, hold on, wait, wait. No, no, no, no. You're coming in. It's four seconds. Yeah, babe. Done. Block, block. You're done next. And we'll get all the people in there, the proper channels. Now if there's a vagina involved, that's where you're gonna have to, I mean, I will. Yeah, I can do it. I'll fuck it. I'm not eating it. Oh, it depends. I'll fuck it. I can fuck any hole. It's the same. I can't eat any hole. No. Even I recently have taught like, I'm like, you know, there's some assholes I wouldn't eat. Hmm. Like there's definitely some guys literally, but nine outta 10, I won't. I look around and I'm like, Nope, that would never that way. This is where pink comes involved. Um, for me. Yeah, for me. Yeah. Kind of. Right. If you have a pink asshole , it's going down. It's going down. It's going. It's like the old country buffet over here. It's like an, it is like a buffet at the Golden Corral , where I would get pizza. Where I know literally have like primary pizza though. This other stuff. I was like, I'll have a pizza. Get mac and cheese and pizza. Like I would get mac and cheese and like chocolate milk for like $20. It's such a shitty place. It's such a shitty place. Golden Corral. How my brother picked it for his birthday meal one day. Oh, I did too, I think. No, I swear to God. It was like a thing. I looked go, it was his treat. We're gonna go to Golden Corral for his birthday. I used to look at it like it was a tree. Like, oh my God, it's $10 a plate. Oh my God. Okay. And really, it's not that big of a deal. I don't know. I just like, you know, it's just like shitty food that's out, but like, I couldn't even get by the people sitting at the tables. No, they were big people there. Yeah, people. And that's before my dad called it the trough.. And he wasn't wrong. He was like, let's, are we gonna go down to the Golden Corral? Do you tell him trough, do you tell him about the trough that you now are involved with? Oh, the one where I lay down and get pissed on mm-hmm.. Yeah. You're like, oh, trough. What's a trough? A trough. My dad used to call the Fat Fucks at Golden Corral Trough Feeders. And now I'm a, and now I'm a trough. I'm a pissed trough feeder. I'm a trough feeder. Feed me, feed him in his trough. Um, we won't tell you where, but you know. OSU football stadium. Ooh, okay. That's where you get, you're an asshole. A a lot. I don't like you A lot of piss cuz. A lot of beer drinking. Yeah. I have always a lot down hot football, bro. Men, we need to go to a game and just stay there and pee. I'm just gonna let you know you are about to see more than you've ever seen. I know. I know Exactly. More than the one than Eagle and Wilton Mans. I've been to one and it's like straight guys and it's ugh. And you're like, and half of them are on their phones, which is really funny to me. I've noticed people, guy, straight guys don't even like hold their dicks anymore. They just like let it fall out and they're like, text. And I'm like, no, that's, if it's long enough to fly. That's what I've always wonder loud. I'm like, it's so cold out. I'm like, let me get mine and pinch it. I just feel like, yeah, the whole situation is not, I can't be looking. I can't let it flop. I mean, we're not flopping. Okay. The pee will hit my eighth grade. Yeah. I mean, play that old song. I used to like when I was a little girl.. There's some we holes in his house. I love meme. Is that really what we're gonna be doing? Who wants to play W down at the nursing? Gonna be like, oh. And they'll be like, what is this beat grill? It'll be like, when we hear hate thirties, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. And we're like, Ew. How did you dance to that? Yes. And then they're gonna, even though I didn't dance to WP either, more, ours are like, you know what I'm noticing though? What? Um, late nineties. Yeah, late nineties. Hiphop. Ooh. I used to love. And now that I listen to it, I'm like, oh, it's bad. It's so bad, huh? It's, there's just certain music. I'm the candy man riding in my Taliban. I'm an naman. I'm like, oh no. Like, this is just so bad. I don't know what happened to, okay. But it's bad now too, but I'm just saying. But like recently, the eighties are sounding good again. Like a lot of the sits is really funny. And like running up that hill is like a hit. And then it's like, yep, it's gimme, gimme, gimme come it after midnight. That song is like a hit. Like they're playing at Las Vegas pool parties in Vegas. Abba has made it again. I know. And again, I saw, is it the one with Madonna though, when they switched into it? I think so. Oh no, it was, what was it? Yeah, it was Madonna. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The eighties are back and so are we. But so I'm just wondering though, like when will WP come back? Maybe in the forties? Can you imagine? 2040s when we are like, oh, I don't wanna talk about it. It scares me really bad. Cause it's not that far away where it be sixties, like, Hey, the WP is back. We're gonna be 60 Grandpa. Go back to, no, it's gonna be this. Oh shit, wp. You guys like that? Yeah. That you hear that WP song and the kids are gonna be like, oh, cool. Because that's how I felt when I was like early twenties. I was so mean to people in my forties. I was so mean. People I know when they'd be like 40 year olds would come up to nice song, you're like, yeah, I would see like gray hair, gray in their hair, beard and be just like one piece. And I'd be like, oh, he's old. And then just kind of be like, I think everybody goes through that though. I think that's, but then they would like hit on me and like, really like me. Really? I would still be like, yeah, now I would be like, if someone came up to me and hit somebody would actually like me . If someone, if someone, I'm just gonna tell you all if someone hit on me. it's going down. Whoa. Yeah. And if as somebody who's been a part of, uh, observing that observes observations, oh, you're a scientist. Um, so wait, what did you do this past week? Yeah, so I guess I can just go to Minneapolis really quick. We went to Minneapolis really quickly. Don't fuck my dad. All right. And it was like, let me just say, when you told me you were going to Minneapolis in the winter, And then we had the freak snow, uh, cold chill from the north. Yeah. I was a little concerned For your health. Yeah. For your health. Yeah. Well, and then your health took a tank too. I, I had a, I declined while, well, , how a decline. Min Monopoli.. Um, well let's just start out with the basics. Um, , what the fuck? I'm not, this is even my subject, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna give you like a five minute, like No, I need more, a 10 minute synopsis of it. Like really quick. Well, not, you know me. Okay. So we fly in, it's Christmas day, we get on the flight, everything's great, da da da da da, ba ba ba. Get in. It's freezing fucking cold. I mean, it was cold here though, so thank God I had like a practice round. Yeah. It was innovate in both places. Yeah. So I had a practice round here and I was like, okay, well I can do Minneapolis. So we get there and I was actually excited to go. I was like, well, this is a cool place. So we decided to take public transportation and actually I sort of was like, well, I think, cause I read about it, you're like, it's probably fine. I read about it and I was like, oh, okay. It seems like, and it's Christmas day. Mm-hmm. what possibly is gonna go on on the fucking train and Christmas day. Right. Well, let me tell you. Oh no. Oh, so I think our first mistake was that we sat in the back car and not the front car near the conductor. I feel like the conductor might have a security guy up there maybe too. Um, the back car is where the drugs in, uh, the unhoused people might live. For example. For example, that is exactly what cart we were on. Oh, no, no, no. The drugs, I didn't want to go. It was one of those where you get on and you can go up a little bit. You go up like three stairs and then you have seats there. Oh yeah. Yeah. You go down a step and then it's like, I always see it's handicap, whatever, and then it goes back up on the other side of the car. Okay. So it's like a little Yeah. I always go, all these seeds were taken up. Oh. And so I only go up if you go down, down, down. If you go down in the ball, Well you're, yeah, it's cuz that's where everyone just easily like can go down on there. Right. So I go down to the ball pit because there's nowhere really else to go. Mind you, I have my a thousand dollars plus worth of stuff in my bag. Yeah. Like I didn't even bring, I didn't bring all my electronics so I didn't bring my regular camera. But I had like my GoPro, I had my drone, my laptop. No, I didn't bring the drone either cause it was gonna be so cold. Oh yeah. That's. Um, so yeah, I was, I was actually packing light this trip. I was like, wow, my backpack is like holding clothes and not whatever, but regardless. So we're in the pit and we get going and it's like, okay, cool. Like there's, you know, this train ride was gonna be 35 minutes. I thought it was like a quick, like, I thought it was like, fuck, four or five stops. Like, we're close. It looks, everything looks closer on a map, if you notice. Yeah. Like, oh, airport's right there. That's 35 on a train. What speed was it going at? I mean, it was pretty fast, but it was like a over the road train. It was kinda like Denver. Oh, like Denver? It would be like Denver. So it's on a street. Yeah. It's like you, it kind of cuts through into, and it cuts through some other neighborhoods pretty quick. Okay. Yeah. I mean, so we were, one of the last stops was where our hotel was. Okay. So like, it was downtown for a while before we could, so it's like, yeah, it was just where we were at. So we go through a few of these little neighborhoods. You can tell, oh, there's a lot of like, um, junkyards and . You know, I mean like, things like that. So I'm like, okay, well, we're not in the right area. Yeah. This isn't Morris stain, right? Um, we have this group, so the first thing that really fucking freaked me out, the, we have this group of people who get on the train and they're wearing, um, those green like reflector vests. Like they were at a job site. Oh yeah. There's four of 'em. One girl and three guys. And they come stumbling onto the fucking train. Oh no. And then they come st one of the guys. So we get to one stop and then they start coming this way. I'm like, God, fucking damnit. So they start walking this way. Well, the train starts again. And the guy literally had, must have just did drugs, was Oh, no. Holding onto the pole, and he was spinning. I'm like, oh my God. And there somebody behind me, like right here. And I'm like, I, and at this point I had sat down, so like, I should have never sat down. My God. So then this, the, the chick starts walking up to all of 'em. She's like, y'all never wanna fucking feed me and me, man. I'm like, I'm looking at Michael's in a murder. I'm a sex slave. Right? And, but they're all doing drugs. All did. Michael, why did Michael let you sit back here? Uh, cause Michael's, because normally he's very cautious. He is not comes. Shit. It's so weird. Oh, it's like he's cautious about like, spilling wine, you know, like sleeping clean in the kitchen, but not when it comes to crime. Oh my god. Michael, like my ass would've been in, I was the front car. I was like, ready. And the thing is, you have, I had so much shit cause we were there for a week. I'm like, I can't just like easily like, just like, I'm gonna go up for this stop and go to the next train because what if I is shot so that I'm stuck at that fucking platform with this, this is our stop with the junkyards. Basically so we get through it. But then like once those people, they finally got off , but then people would like get on and get off and get on and get off What? The train. Yeah. And they had this system there where you hit a blue, they're doing drug sales, so they're selling at each station. Each station station. Mm-hmm. Station. Mm-hmm.. That's crazy. And I'm like, uh, I'm like, I'm gonna pretend like I'm not. And Michael's like, why am dog your, what if you get arrested? Like as part of it? Well, I go, well, I wasn't even, I was, I'd be happy if the police showed up to be Well, yeah. Not in Minneapolis, but uh, . Oops. Harpin County is not, or whatever the fucking county's called. Yeah. But anyway, so we get out of the train, we finally to our stop and I'm like, I'm about to fucking murder somebody. We get out, we have to walk to our, which is only a block. Okay, good. But it's also negative eight. Negative eight and ice. Oh my God. And I'm like, I. Oh, I forgot about, I forgot about the sidewalks. Yeah, so I was driving, like dragging my back to the snow. My, my nose was like, freezing mean. Oh god. Unbelievable. So we ordered Chineses that night, whatever, . So the next day we decided to have just like a day drinking kind of day. And we tried to like, check out different bars. All the bars were closed. Um, the ones that we wanted to go to, not the straight ones, but of course like the gay bars were all closed. like, okay. So we, we actually did go to the Eagle that night. Oh, they shouldn't be calling that an eagle. Yeah. Is it just like union? No, it's like, Cabins or something. It's like, oh fuck, like I like look like I get it. Maybe a bear night or whatever, but like, this is not, this is trash. It's called eagle bolt bar, which I don't understand what that is either. I guess like the eagle and the bolt used to be there. Oh, they pulled out and then this group bought it and call it Eagle Bolt. And it's an eagle. No, it's an eagle. No. Um, so we had, what did we have for dinner? Oh, we went to this. Really? You, you would've fucking died. It's called like, I can't remember what it's called. Farm to something, or not farm to table, but it is farm to table. These hot ass chefs were cooking kind of close. Yeah, that's what I mean. Great. Great food. It was amazing. So to watch homemade pasta, uh, you know, all that. So we go after that, we went to the eagle and then I drank a lot and then we went home and went to sleep. I wake up at, so we went to sleep early, sort of like in all of our, it was 11 o'clock. Let you like an hour diff behind too. So you have, yeah. So it was 11 o'clock when we kind of came back and like wound down and, and um, I decided just to, you know, go to sleep. Cool. Yeah.


30 AM runs, rolls around, which is not that far after. I like just fell asleep. I'm talking freezing. Oh. Like chattering freezing. My neck hurt. And I go, oh my God, do I have like meningitis or something? Like what is happening? Oh no. And you just went to the eagle? I had also, I had taken an edible, I had that before bad, but it was only a 2.5, so I was like, okay for you. Um, so I was like, am I just high? Like is this just like a moment freezing? Couldn't get warm. Couldn't get warm somehow I get warm I guess, and fall asleep. And this point I already told Michael Michael's already like, God damnit. Cause I'm rolling around, like I could not sleep. I wake up and I'm now in the opposite mode of sweating. Like I've never sweat in my life before I'm stripping my clothes. Cause I had, I had to get clothes on because I was freezing., like, I was so cold in the middle of the night, I was like, I'm gonna wear my sweatshirt. And my, like, I, I slept in that and over the cover. So I was like, cool. Then I was so hot, I had to strip everything down. I had to get the towels and I got water and I was like, I mean, I was a goddamn disaster. No real pain or anything, but sort of like, just my not uneasy feeling. I'm freaking out. So the next morning I decided, I said, you know what? So the next morning, as in I didn't sleep all night, I only slept two hours. Yeah, you were cold and hot and cold and hot and cold and hot. Rolling around, hosing around, sweating. It's just disgusting. And so then I was like, okay, well I need to figure out what the fuck's going on. Yeah. Like, so I decided to puke myself. What's that? Well, I was having stomach pain, so I was like, I'm gonna gag. Cause I, I already felt nauseous. Like I already, you said, Michael, get hard. Yeah. I said, at least we'll get something out of it. Uh, no. I just stuck my finger down my throat and it didn't take, it took one second and I was like, It was one of those words, like you, I literally, and at this point I already had a headache too. And you literally are like throwing up nothing. But it feels like the whole world's about to come outta your fucking asshole. Like you're just like,. Finally I threw up dinner. Oh my god. Dinner was a still in there. Yeah. So I was like, oh no. Oh good. Not good. So threw up, felt a little better. Not really. Um, so it's now Tuesday morning and I'm like, Hey Mike. Uh, I didn't sleep at all last night, so I'm out. I'm out. I actually got up and went to breakfast in the hotel. In the hotel. Okay. And I had a bagel. Oh. Which was really odd. Yeah. Half for throwing up. Yeah. So I was like, I think I was trying to like tough it out, like . I'm fine. It's okay Michael. We'll have a great trap. And so then. What was I saying? Oh, no. So then, so then you ate a bagel, ate a bagel to throw, and then I was like, I'm just gonna hang out at the, at the room, blah, blah, blah. So Michael like ran around and did whatever and he came back and I was like, passed out. I slept until almost four o'clock in the afternoon, woke up and I was like, I'm not doing anything. I was, my stomach was hurting so fucking bad. I have no idea. But my stomach was hurting, like right here. I was like, oh my God, do I have liver cancer or something? Oh, no, no. Yeah. And so I was like still doing the sweating, but I was like, it wasn't as bad, but I was still getting like really cold and then really hot. But it was like in a slow, like it wasn't as dramatic as the beginning. So basically, long story short, I was sick. Basically all of Tuesday. Didn't do shit. I No diarrhea. No. And that was the other thing. That's weird. It was like I was constipating vomiting. Yes. That's really weird. I know. So then I was like, but then it did sort of get like, it's like I was constipated, but my body was like, you needed a shit. I don't know what do. Okay. So anyway. Wow. Listen to your body. So, yeah. So yeah, Minneapolis, uh, so then it's always all day, Tuesday, Wednesday, still about the same. Yeah. Sort of like, took it easy. Like, um, we went to a museum , which is fine. Like, which is, which pisses me off every time. Cause you know why? Because I look at the artist and I'm like, okay, so you put a pencil mark on the fucking paper and you're calling that like Earth and, or like life's wildest mystery. And you're like, how are you in a fucking studio? Like, how are you in a fucking, and there's people, not just myself, people who are putting so much effort into art. It's, and then it's just, and then I'd rather AI art than this shit. I, and then what gets picked? Yeah. Right. And they're like, but it's like people are so Hoy toy. They're like, ah, it's a remand. Yeah. Like everybody's trying to be, again, this is like, I've said this before, but everybody's tries to be so fucking cool, so they try to pick the most different odd thing. Absolutely. So really in your real world, like everyone, ladies and gentlemen, in these, don't just be yourself cuz they don't want to copy. Wow. Just be yourself. They don't want to copy. Um, another highlight was the fucking Mall of America, which was a mall and of America. I was literally gonna say like, I've seen pictures and videos and like, as a kid I thought it was like, wow, this is massive and crazy. Mm-hmm.. But then like, when I think about it and I think of what I've seen on those, those videos, I'm like, wait, I was just a kid. Like, it's literally a mall. Yeah. So it's really big. I'll give it that. It's a very big place, but it's a mall. It's just, and I was a mall. When's the last time you went to an indoor mall? Well, that's the thing. I was like, I'm like, have you been to TU recently? Have you been to Well they were, we don't go there cuz they're close. This might be the last mall that, that's what I'm wondering. Like in the whole, yeah. Where is a mall? The thing, it's like, it brought back like nostalgia for me. I was like, oh, I wanna get like, yeah, I got Japanese noodles with like, I got Yes. And all that kind shit. I went Antins. Yeah. Basically. Yeah. So it was like that kind of thing. But I was like, At the end of the day though. Yeah, there's a rollercoaster in the middle, but it's not like a big roller. It's like, it's just, it's a rollercoaster size, but it's not big. Yeah. It like the, the hill's like probably, yeah. You only imagine it's in a buildings like I'm not, right, it's inside, like it's inside a five story building, like it's not that big. So that was like kind of a waste of fucking, I was like, well this is cool. We're at a mall.. I mean eventually I, and then Michael goes, do you need to change your attitude? Cause I was like, . Because I even said though, I even said I go, well, for somebody who like hates shopping, this is. Like I was, I don't know what I was thinking was gonna be there. Like some kinda like, I don't know, like dancers or, I don't know what the fuck I was thinking. Like all of a sudden to walk into something really entertaining. Well, especially with Christmas, it thought it'd be like a winter wonderland. I mean, they had really tall trees, but I'm just like, eh, it's a mall. Cool. It's the mall. That's why they kept, that's going back to, it was like, well, we are at, we are at the mall. A mall. Like people are coming in, kids streaming to return shit. Shady characters. Oh, people on the bench. Creepy people. Like, do you not remember Now that I think about being a kid at the mall, it was dangerous. That's the, I would walk around the mall and there'd be these old, creepy men sitting on benches and just like staring. But they're like, they're, they're like cro. They're like, yeah, cross legs. They always had like weird dahmer glasses on. Um, yep.. Yeah. So they're, they still hang out at the malls? Uh, they're still there. They're, they're still there. And they still look the, the same, they're all, they're more concentrated now cause there's fewer malls, but Well now they just have to use internet, um, to lure our kids so they don't have to sit at a bench all day. Oh my God. It's so bad. I play Fortnite, literally like, Hey, hey Johnny, here's my screen name. And it's a whole fabricated person. Wow. Welcome to AI, by the way, cuz that'll be a real thing where then you get on camera with an AI probably, and not even be your real self, but be the AI character. But it looks like a real person. Yeah, it's gonna be bad. Um, Bobby? Mm-hmm., you're really ruining my childhood. Well, sorry. Um, so the other great thing about Minneapolis was, uh, so after the mall, Paisley Park. What's that? That's where Prince, um, built a studio slash house. It's like, oh no, he died and he died there. Yeah. It's a huge place where he recorded all, like a lot of his hits, but he. I mean, I made a joke, but of course like, I'm like, well, I'm like Prince, except for I'm not talented., like, he was like me, but talented. Let's just put it that way. Okay. So like, I'm not saying I'm not talented, but like, and I think black, uh, yeah, he was a, he was like kind of mixed . I think he was kind of mixed. He's like, I'm not white, I'm not black. He's not a boy. He's not a girl. He's, he's the first andro androgynous for everything. So it was really cool though. But he decided to build this place because he's like, I want my creativity to be all in one place. So he had like a, I mean, he had everything from a sound studio to a literal Hollywood stage where they apparently film scenes for Drop Dead Fred and some other of these movies. I'm like, what the fuck? Like, it's a huge, what movie is. Drop. I'm gonna tear you a new asshole. Drop dead, Fred. I'm sorry. Not drop dead gorgeous. Drop dead. Fred, have you never seen drop dead? Fred ? No. I thought that was a made up poo poo. Poo poo ppo in the carpet. Oh my god. Oh my God. I just show you like I have to boo boo poo n carpet. He's like, mega bitch, get me at her. Is this for me? Get me an ax. No, no. Get me a chain. I'm gonna slice in the tiny pieces. Whoa. It is a lovely day for us. But that breath, she killed me with the best breath. Big evil one. My head, the mega bitch squash my head. She quashed my head, God, what's dropped Dead Fred. Okay. It's a story about a girl who has an imaginary friend named Fred and he like meets up with her. She gets like a divorce. Okay. And then he shows up as an adult. Oh. At? In her old bedroom. Cause she has to stay with her mom. So, Ew. Creepy. It was like, oh, hold on. Let me see. Yeah, it was kind of creepy. So anyway, it looks like it. I'm glad I got into that. Um, so that's Paisley Park. Paisley Park. And then it was, then we went to a drag cabaret at this place. And it was actually really good. It was like a dinner. Oh. I was like, it was cute. It had the BB Sahara Monet or the first winter of drag race ever. Yeah. I never, I didn't watch till Nina. Yeah. Oh, old. Yeah. Yeah. She was on the last one of all Stars. But I was gonna say like honey, if she was on season one back in 2000, season one, she only got like $25. Oh. As a winner. Uh, so then, yeah, and then not even that cheap Anastasia Babe Lee Heat. I don't think that was around. Oh fuck. They're like, here's your Chick-fil-A gift card. They're like, okay. You won season one of Drag Race 60 now, and you were 30. Um, Minneapolis was then wrapped up yesterday. We literally did nothing. It sounds like a summer city. I will say it's a summer city for three and a half days.. Okay. So gimme a long weekend trip. Yeah. Like it's, there's lot to see, but you really don't need a week unless it's like, agree a busy week. I guess if it was like, if there's like a concert or like a ball game. Yeah, there's a ball game. There's a ball game. It just was a very, it was a weird vibe. It was.. It was quiet, which is weird cause it's so cold that people don't really, they're not gonna go out Skyway, which I'm really pissed off about because the Skyway was great, but it was never fucking open. Um, it opened like one time or two times and it was like during the day. What is the Skyway? It cuts through all the buildings. It's the largest connecting, what is it? Connect to? Like from building to building. So nobody has to go outside. Oh, so all the buildings connect? Yeah. So then it's like a mall though. They had, there's like vendors in there and it's like a mall. Oh, that's, it's like a mall. And it's awesome. I'm like, I would like that. So you walk through all these things, there's different whatever bother. There's one piano guy playing and da da da. Oh, I want that. And the Walgreens and everything's in there. Like it's really kind of, it's cool as fuck, but I was so pissed. I'm like, they're only opened it twice. So they opened it, but they would close it at like six o'clock. So when we're going out at eight o'clock for dinner, we can't walk. So we had to, luckily it got it warmed up at like 38. So like We fine. Yeah. By the time, the end of the week. Yeah. So. I'm both, I'm just pissed. I was like, I want to go through the skyway to these places. Obviously I'm not, I'm, yeah. So they're gay scene. Probably like a three outta 10. Mm I'd say a six outta 10. Okay. Um, they do have, that's pretty generous. Some cool bars. Uh, I wasn't really a friendly vibe in my opinion. Like it's cold. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's what, it's the people all of the winter, like, they're like, nobody's really in the mood to be like, hi, where are you from? They're like, hi, why are you here? Yeah. Like, why the fuck are you here? Like, this is like time for like exclusivity, like if you live here, this when come out. But if not, like who are you? Like why are you here? Like what's your reasoning? Um, I love that. But yeah, I mean, it was a good city. It was a good time. I recommend it, but I recommend, supposedly in the summer it's me. Everybody said, oh, the summer. Everybody, everybody kept saying the summer. The summer. But they have like a lake every like quarter, half a mile or something. Yeah. So it's like the land of 10,000 lakes. Yeah. So there's lakes every, it's all, it's all a lake basically with like little islands basically. What of seem like that's kind of fun? Opposite. I love love lakes. Yeah. So everybody loves, I love lakes. I do too. Cause you can't get a shark bite. I know that's true, but you can get a brain eating aba. Right. Mono, Minnesota. Oh, okay, good. Because it's too cold. Yeah. It won't warm up the water. Like in Florida. Mm-hmm. I'm not swimming in the south in lakes. No. Cause you, you need to hope they move a lot. Yeah. There's gonna be a lot of flowing water, a lot of flow, a lot of flow. Heavy flow. Okay. So yeah, that's what I did. How was your like Oh, it was a post-Christmas week. It was quiet bullshit. Christmas was great actually. We drove to, uh, Dayton area and the roads were not as bad as I thought they'd be, but not great. Yeah. So like at any moment you're driving and you're like, and you're fine dying, but you're not. Yeah. Like, I'm going like 70 cause it's fine. And then all of a sudden you're like, That's ice. And then you're just like, what do I do? Yeah. Like, oh, I can't stop. You can't do anything. You literally have to be like, you're just like, just keep going straight. Just keep swimming. And then, yeah, the day after Christmas was great. It was nice and quiet. Stayed at home. I worked a couple nights, and then you came home. So it's basically been just like a chill Puppy's home. Puppy's home. Which puppy? Puppy came home. Causes home. Yeah. Oh, we need to address something. Yeah. To, yeah. We did get a little tricked. Um, we got tricked, like the conservatives that we are. Do you wanna explain what it looks like? The, the pride flag that we were talking about yesterday, I guess we got Reid, I guess got resurfaced from years ago. Flag. We were so upset about It is like two years old. Two years old. And the conservator's real either rigged it back up into public. Yeah. And it's not even real. It's not real also. And no one even like, wanted it. No, we're not saying sex workers aren't . I'm just kidding. Uh, yeah. So we need to clarify that now. Maybe they should be on the flag and just, uh, they can be the color red. Yeah. Oh yeah. Something else. Yeah, I forgot about that. I'm just gonna read this because, uh, it's, it's better. It's like a rant. It's best It happened last night. So last night was New Year's Eve. And for me, , you'll, I think you'll agree, but I put New Year's. Cheesy, dumb shit. Just get drunk at home. Not a giant party of people you don't care about. What are we celebrating? Half the world is already in the new year and we're waiting for what? Because like I, you know, when they're like showing you around the world, they're like, and Australia is New Year. It's like, already it's already happened. And then, then I'm like, why are we counting down to something that's already happened in half the world ? It's like I, and it feels so dumb to be like, and now it's the new year except over in Europe, it's already the new year. Like to me it's like, okay, so like whi, why are we like, and the ball drops and people are always like, where are you going for nears? And they're out at these like, man, Drake, Moxie, all these places, you can't afford it. They're surrounded by people they don't even know. They're like, they go out with like two other friends, but then like the rest of the crowd is like randoms. And they're like, yeah, we fucking made it to the new. We dare. Oh my God, baby gimme. Yeah, they got the finer, ugh. And then it's. All the anxiety of that. What are we doing? Why are we celebrating this? Like, it's nice to have like a little family gathering maybe. Sure. And be like, okay, here's to the new year. I hope it goes well, even though we know from the past few that it really hasn't gone great. Right. Um, that's kind of my thing. Uh, so I just, I just don't get it. I don't understand like why people black out. I don't understand any of it. I actually don't either. Um, like at all. Yeah. I honestly don't either. I, I, it's, it's flabbergasting in my opinion. Like I, I've never been to a New Year's Eve party. Okay. So, other than with my family at our like house or condo or whatever, I don't know why. It used to be a little bit more impactful for me. I don't know why it's easy. Like the whole culture celebrates it. Like it's this big thing, like Right, you've gotta go out and celebrate with your friends and kiss. But it's all wine but's. All capitalism. Yeah, it is. Put these glasses on, these cheap plastic, you never wear 'em again to go to New York and we have to pay money these hotels, and we have to, it's like, and stand for 12 hours of all. I don't know if you've ever done that. I need you to call us. Call us. How do you not here poop yourself. You are a diaper. Like, I need to, you have to wear, there's no, and then like, people are drinking shit. They're drinking. I'm like, yeah. They must have like, they have to have like a bag strapped to pair or maybe they, I don't know, condo, catheter. I don't know. It's disgusting. It's regardless, you smell like pissing shit and you're standing in this place. What if they hold, decide like there's a corner of the corral where they're like, we're gonna poop here. Yeah, that's what I was wondering if like, there's a little spot, everyone's like avert your eyes. Like there's like a wall there. Yeah, they're just like, just stand there.. I mean, if you've been to Times Square, you also know that Times Square really isn't that fucking great. So it's somewhere you walk through once in your life and you're like, that was good. I'm good. Cool. Like when you did it with me, I was like, okay. I mean, yeah, you could get easily distracted. If you touch an Elmo, they'll like chase after you and try to beat you up like the fucking characters in Times Square. It's horrid. So yeah, it's like Happy New Year. Happy New Year with these freaks. Like, and this year it was like a star that dropped and not a ball or something. Like I couldn't even, first of all, the Ohio State game was on until after midnight. Literally. It was like I turned the channel. Well, I didn't actually, people at were, it was midnight. Midnight. It's really bizarre. And then, eh, good Happy New Year to Ohio State fans. Yes. And happy new to all my Georgia folk. Um. Oh fuck. Cause I was in the middle. I mean, either team could have won, so I kind of feel like game. Yeah, I don't really care. We don't really care about the football. We don't. Well, I do, but I don't really wanna talk. Like, look at us, look at us. Look at my hair.. Yeah. So for new New Year's? Yeah. Like, okay. New Year's. I, I absolutely 100% agree. Okay, good. I was wondering like if you were, you used to be more into it though. Like a, a kid? Yeah. I used to into it like when I was in my twenties. Okay. And I don't know if that was like, I don't know, you had youthful energy. You maybe, I think it's, you had hope. You had hope for the new year. See me going forward, I'm like, I am just hoping for not just a normal, I don't want the worst. Yeah. Yeah. I would like a normal regular year where I don't look back and go, wow, what the fuck? Right. Like, that trip got ruined. We couldn't go there. We couldn't do that. I think Covid has kind of made us jaded. I think honestly, I was probably, maybe that's, yeah. I think, I mean, yeah, it's cute to be like, happy New Year. Hope you have a great year. But like, also it's like, do we really? But the other thing about New Year's that I fucking hate are resolutions, um, because it's always people who don't really mean it. Right. And they don't really wanna result to do anything. Yeah. They're just like, I'm gonna lose weight. And it's like, and I'm looking at them like, . Just save yourself a month of suffering and just don't try like fucking eat whatever you want to fucking eat. Drink what? Oh, I'm gonna do a sober month, and I'm like, Right? I know you'll be back in union. Oh yeah. Isn't it sober January. You'll be back at Union every night in February. My thing is that like I so just skip the month. Like what's the point? It and, and people post about it. My resolution this year is to do this. Don't tell other people your relu, just do it quietly. Just do it. Because I know when you post about it, you're not gonna do it. So don't post about it. Keep it to yourself and say, I'm gonna do better at this and then do it. But that's not what resolution is about. They're about bringing in other people. They're about trying to convince'em that you're gonna do great. Look at me, I'm Retting to do this. Right. It's all about solving. I don't, I know, I totally understood. Like, I, it's just this is the best week to find people who, um, shake their salads, that salad noise, that yes, this is come to work and shake the salad all sudden, all the new Tupperware they got at Christmas to try to lose weight. you're not gonna be shaking that shit like you've never heard. And you're gonna be like, Becky, like, oh my God. What did you bring for lunch? Oh, I'm bringing a salad. Oh, okay. Hey, we'll see. I'll see you at Wendy's in three days. Yeah. Which actually can eat healthy at Wendy's, but that's besides the point. baked potato and chili. Uh, yep. Chili. And, uh, they have this new, uh, ranch wrap, grilled chicken ranch wrap. So fucking good. That sounds pretty good. So fucking good. Anytime someone says wrap, I'm like, can I get one of those? It's so fucking good. Like I go to Subway if I have to and I get like a veggie wrap. Yeah. I go a Subway because it's like all the Jersey mics. Subway jersey mics, honey. I know. Um, I, so yeah, resolutions are, resolutions are out for me. I don't do them. I've never done them. I, since I was like a kid, uh, have, do you do resolutions recently? Mm-hmm.. Oh, you've been doing? Um, oh no. Well, I've always in the opinion. You don't been like a lot I don't think. No, I don't like to talk about it cuz I'm just gonna fail . Yeah. You're like, I'm gonna lose 15 pounds. Day one. It's like, okay, I just house down. Uh, I just had chocolate cake. Yeah. Like I hear any of you say that your New Year's resolution is to lose weight. I'm gonna laugh in your face.. Come on, get a grip. What is it? Two . Get it together. Get something interesting with your life. It, it's just, I'm glad this, I'll be honest with you. I'm glad the holidays are over. Yeah, because now we can go back to like not eating icing just out of the tub for the fun of it. Cuz it's December. Like it makes no sense. But for some reason in my head it. Oh no. Cookie. Cookie. It's like a, like Amber's cookies. I ate like six Amber's cookies in less than 24 hours. Cause I was like, well it's Christmas. I wonder. I don't want them to go stale. And I just like all the desserts. I'm like, well, and then they dropped those dessert. Oh. And our neighbors get us chocolate. How much was wasted though, too? Like, let's talk about that. Do we really need to make everyone cookies? No. No. No. Make your own god damn cookies for your own fucking self. I mean, if you wanna donate to me, that's fine.. But you, yeah. You dress in general most listening to just not make cookies. Cause honestly, most of us aren't good at making cookies. Well, you have to be. And that's why Amber's were amazing. But like Yeah. You have to be an actual baker. Yeah. Before, I don't, I don't want, I don't want your, this trial recipe. You know what I don't want are those rock hard? Mm-hmm. sugar. Powdered sugar dusted balls of just rock hardness. Yeah. Where you're fighting it like chip a tooth. Yep. And then they're like, that's a snowball. And I'm like, yeah, I know you're talking about save your snowballs. I don't want them, I don't want a snowball. All I want is a fucking sugar cookie with all I want for butter for ice cream is, yeah. Buttercream icing. Like I was going, have you ever gotten cookies from people and thought I'd rather just have a Cheryl's cookie? Because like literally, yeah. I'm like, there's so many cookies that you get. It's like, nah, this isn't as good as, it's just, I don't know. For me, for me, it's just kind of stupid. It's even some of these cookies aren't as good as the lighthouse cookies. You know? You get at the Yeah. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. With all the buttercream frosting. Yeah. You get at My Giant Eagle, you're like, yeah, yeah. I just ate three today. Literally. I made buttercream cookies myself. Didn't give 'em to anybody, cuz I'm not stupid. Um, and I had the icing and literally, yep. Just stick a finger in there. It's graham cracker. You're literally eating butter. That's sugared up. At least get a graham cracker and pretend right now. We used, we used to get graham crackers and be like, that's actually good. Graham crackers are so good with icing. They're so fattening though. Are they really? I didn't know that., you think you're being healthy? You might as well eat a Yeah, you might as well eat a fucking, I was always like, oh, a graham cracker's. Good for me.. Maybe I doesn't eat too many of 'em. It's medicinal . I know. I was saying like, oh, I thought it was medicinal as a kid. Cause I was like, what is, who is? I always said Moms Graham. What's Gram? Aw, what is Gram Ge? Is it a typo? Is it a gram? What is gram with an H? It's gram grandma. Ghama. What was it? Grandma Cracker . And they change it to gram grandpa. Gram like grammy gram. Okay. I don't know. Graham cracker. It's um, cracker. If anyone else knows, know what a gram gram is. Tell us. Not a gram of cocaine, like on Bobby's Minneapolis train. I'm talking. Cracker, which I think might have been, I don't know. I'm like heroin probably if they're asleep. If, if they're falling asleep. It was that like swinging sweating and watching twirled. Daddy watch the twirl. I don't like, this is not working out for me. This is not good. This is not fucking good actually. Do you have a topic? I do. Oh, I like that. Did you see it? No, I just, you, me. It is funny how she sings. Oh, She's like, shaky. Didn't you have that? Then I used, I can't believe I used to hate Miley Cyrus. Like I used to hate Miley Cyrus. She was trying too hard at first, and now I'm like, oh shit. Okay. I think that's what it is. I think she was trying to hard Okay. To be like a pop star. Well, it's like, yeah, like when she, that's it. Yeah, you're right. It's girl. She gonna be like a blonde. The minute she became herself is the minute we all loved her. Nobody wants a copy. Nobody wants a copy bitch. I showed you this already. I'm just doing like a quick little, my TikTok of the week. No, you didn't. Oh yeah. That's the groomers, the straight people. Just as a recap for everyone, um, the straight people are also groomers, so they're gonna call us groomers, which I'm not a groomer, but I'm just saying like, when you're giving your kids, letting your kids play in the elephant, um, whatever it's called a white elephant. Yeah. And you, the 12 year old gets condoms and everyone cheers. And cheers. That's indoctrination. It's so fucked up. It really is. It's so stupid. Oh, that's already, we've already done that. It, there was something else I wanted to show you. Oh, it's in, what in the fuck are people doing? Natalie Loud. What is the song I say? Men Love Meg from Hercules sang that. Okay, so that wasn't Hercules. I thought I was supposed to like funny. Um, that's a real song. I love that song. Yeah, you're like really in, she's like afraid to say she's in love with Hercules cuz she doesn't like men. She's been burned by men. But did you see what was singing it? I'm just kind of wondering. That was from last night. I had to ignore that. You weren't you. You did. I had to because I was gonna throw up. I have another topic. You do? Yeah, we'll go for it babe, because I keep cutting really short in our episodes because that's fine. Just talk about whatever you want. One thing that happened this week, which we just have to acknowledge that I'm sure everyone else is fully aware of cuz it's all over the news. Um, a total complete misogynistic douche bag. Andrew Tate tried to. Tried. He tried, he tested Greta and don't come, forgot it didn't fucking work. Like she literally just clapped back and became one of the top 10 tweets of all time. Mm-hmm. like over three and a half million likes. Then he tries to respond cuz he has to get the last work cause he's a douche bag. Douche bag. And what happens? He reveals his location in Romania and gets arrested for, what was it? Because they were, because he's a rumor, you know that word he throws around and other people who like him throw around towards people like us. Yeah. But actually, but they're the ones doing it's, they're the ones doing, it's interesting. That's always the case too. It's weird how they project, it's weird how they project It is weird. It's, and then when it happens, like I go on and I'm looking and all of his people are like, yeah, right. Yeah. Right. There's no evidence right now. I'm like, why would a foreign government arrest someone without any evidence? Well, I had somebody, I posted a video. It's coming, bitch. It's coming to trial. I opposed a video and some guy goes, go figure. The first one I see that's negative about this is a fat queer . And I was like, I said something like, I don't know what I said. And then some other guy wrote, it was really cute. Uh, the skinny queers Hate 'em too.. I love that. Yeah. I was like, thank God. That's like the gay community's gonna have to come together. I mean, we will, it's, it has to happen. Does like, cuz people like this are out there, Andrew taking Go suck my dick. I, I Actually, can I, okay. So when he posted that video with the pizza box mm-hmm., I watched it and I was like, he's gay. Mm-hmm., like he's absolutely gay, fully homosexual. He's like talking like this about his pizza. Well, GRE asked. He lifts, like he's, he's very, um, grandiose, but it's like, oh yeah, he showed his nipple. Like, he like shows his chest. He's gay. Like all these guys who follow him are like, oh, he is so macho. I'm like, no he's not. He's gay. Right? He's a skinny little gay boy that I would see in the shower and he would suck me off. Like, but then he would like threaten to beat like, but then he would beat me up later. Like, he's not this macho straight guy. You think he is? It's not a macho to be fake. It's not macho. It's more macho to be able to take a dick. Let him C. Oh. It's really macho in my opinion. That's why we're not macho. Cause we can't, right? Cause we're pussy ass bitches. We're like, ow. It hurts . I can't. Ow. Ow. I don't know if you thought she was a queen or not. I don't really know how I feel about her, but we lost Barbara Walters. Yeah. Bye bitch. Bob, blah. Wawa. Monica, you have been described as, uh, A bimbo, a stalker, A seductress. What's the biggest misconception about you? We're on nothing today. No, no, no. Heroin. My God. I'm gonna ask you all the questions that people think. No more heroin. No finished. No, no, no. No. Prozac. No, no, no. Stop prescription drugs didn't work. The Prozac didn't work. Are you a good mother? Yes, I'm an excellent mother. Ever do drugs in front of your child, Mike? Do you blame yourself? What about your own career? Does that have real meaning to you? Did she think you had talent? Did anybody think you had talent? Did you think you had to be pretty? Everybody in, you know, had the little pug nose and uh, you know, that was the whole mm-hmm. Did you, did you think you were good looking? Why didn't you have your nose fixed? Everybody must have said to you, have your nose fixed? How did you know it was gonna be right Where I come from? What I have called you a hillbilly dolly. Did you look like this when you were a kid? Is it all you? But do you ever feel that you are a joke, that people make fun of you? Just for the record, you're not pregnant now, you know the rumors that you're anorexic. Do you watch what you eat? So this is just that you're naturally thin, or why are you so thin all this time? Renee saw you as this, um, not terribly attractive, awkward little girl with the, that you are a little overweight. Why do you try to die? There are people who say that you couldn't be president because you're so heavy. What do you say? You know, you could stop these rumors. You could say, as many artists have, yes, I am gay. Or you could say, no, I'm not. Or you could leave it as you are ambiguous. We lost Betty White last year. So it's like a similar thing. like at the same time, very similar. I'm like, why? Every year does, do people just die, glass die the last second. It's like Christmas really happen. Christmas and then the Pope fucking died. Good riddens to him. Bye bitch. Bye bye, Benedict, you let all this rape happen underneath your whatever. Bye. Like, I did know about the child abuse, but I didn't do anything about it. But I'm apologize and the Lord hope he'll let me into his kingdom heaven. I'm like, I hope he wakes up and he's like, it's really hot for heaven. And you're like, yeah, you're burning in Hell Benedict. I hope he wakes up and God goes, you're a fucking idiot. And then kicks him to hell. No, I wanna be in purgatory. Purgatory this bitch. Mm-hmm.. I'd be fine with that too. No, honestly, just send me there. That's where we're gonna end up. I think purgatory is okay. I think we're in purgatory. Um, it feels like it ever since we're, we are in purgatory. Wow. Wait. Oh, you're religious now. Between heaven and hell is what we're at now. Wow. Purgatory. We're in purgatory, we did something wrong. Wow. As a little angel of heaven. And now we're trying to, anyway, I don't even wanna go into the fucking Yeah, let's not go into that again. Um, definitely. Yeah. Like all these people just fucking die every year. I was waiting for a bigger person to die. Even I was like someone, well, it was three pay and then, oh yeah. So, and I only know pale from like when I was a kid, but I remember like, oh, pale. I'm like, uh, who also, I think we need to talk about this before we get into our calls, and it's just really quickly. Yeah. Yeah. George Santos, if I were one of those in New York's third district right now, now that the election is over and I'm finding out all of these lies that you've told, not just one little lie or one little embellishment, these are blatant lies. My question is, do you have no. Do you have no shame in the people who are now you are asking to trust you to go and be their voice for them, their families and their kids in Washington? I can say the same thing about the Democrats and, and the party. Look at Joe Biden. Joe Biden's been lying to the American people for 40 years. He's the president of the United States. Democrats Resoundly support him. Do they have no shame? This is, I've made this very clear. This is not, this is, this is not about Democratic Party, though. This is about your relationship. I understand, frankly, with the people who've entrusted you to go and, and fight for them. And I think one of the questions that, that really probably hits home to a lot of people is, is, are you Jewish? We, we've got a letter that your campaign sent out earlier this year, which reads as follows as a proud American Jew. I've been to Israel numerous times for educational business and leisurely trips. You said there in that letter that you are quote, a proud American Jew. How do you, how do you explain that? My heritage is Jewish. I've always identified as Jewish. I was raised a practicing Catholic. I think I've gone through this even. I've not, not being raised a practicing Jew. I've always joked with friends and circles. Even with in, in the campaign, I'd say, guys, I'm Jew ish. Remember I was raised Catholic. So look, I understand everybody wants to nitpick at me. I'm gonna reassure this once and for all. I'm not a facade. I'm not a persona. I, I have an extensive career that I worked really hard to achieve and I'm gonna deliver from my experience cuz I remain committed in delivering results for the American people. I campaign on inflation, I campaign on crime, I campaign on education. I campaign on delivering resolve for the American people. That's what the people of the third congressional district heard me on and on as I campaigned. Now it's gonna be up, uh, incumbent upon me to deliver on those results and I look forward to services. You're servicing exactly right. You're and serving my peop my district. The results that people are looking for are called into question when you tell blatant lies not embellishments. And this is, this is, I think one of the biggest concerns Congressman Elect is that you don't really seem to be taking this seriously. You've apologized, you said you've made mistakes, but you've outright lie. A lie is not an embellishment on a resume. You said you worked at Goldman Sachs and City Group. but they've said, we've got no record of this guy working for us. You've said you've gone to and graduated from these universities, but they've said, well, we've got no record of that. These are blatant lies, and it calls into question how your constituents and the American people can believe anything that you may say when you are standing on the floor of the House of Representatives supposedly fighting for them. That's the real issue here. Well, look, I and I, I agree with what you're saying, and as I stated and I continue, we can debate my d my resume and how I worked with firms such as Goldman. Is it debatable or is it just false, but. No, it's, is it debatable or is it just false? It's very debatable. I, no, no, it's not false at all. It's, it's debatable. I can, I can sit down and explain to you what you can do in private equity, in, in capital Intro via servicing, limited partners and general partners, and we can have this discussion that's gonna go way above the American people's head. But that's not what I campaigned on. I campaigned on delivering results for the American people by, by lowering inflation. I can sit down and if you wanna have that discussion, I'd be glad to tulsi to explain that to you and make sure that we, we, we settled the. That this is not about settling scores, and I think you just, you just kind of highlighted, I think my concern and the concern that people at home have. You're saying that this discussion will go way above the heads of the American people, basically insulting their intelligence. So not only are you, now that tracking's, that's not what I'm saying you've told, but, but you're saying that you can't explain, that's not explain. I'm saying in a way that your constituents would actually be able to understand, can explain it in a way these lies or debatable. If you give me the time, I can easily give the, if you give me the time, I can easily explain it for you as, as in when investors are looking. For capital. And I'm sitting there doing due diligence on the deci, on the appetite and what they're looking for, right? And we work alongside GPS and LPs to help them place this capital. This is what I was doing, and that's when I worked extensively with these firms and many other firms at my time as I was v vice president of linkage investors. So this isn't the, this isn't the made up narrative, but I feel like nobody really wants to sit down and talk about it. Everybody just wants to push me and call me a liar. Look, Congress embellishment Congressman on resume. Santos, I did. Congressman El Santos. We, we've given you a lot of time. I think the time that is owed is to the people of New York's third, uh, it's hard to imagine how they could possibly trust your explanations when you're not really even willing to admit the depth of your deception to them. Thank you so much for being here and joining us. Um, God, I don't know., once again, why are like, why are, okay George Santos like, I don't even know where to begin. Because the more you read about the stories, like he's not really Jewish, his family's not really from Ukraine. Like he, he didn't graduate from this place. He didn't even go to the Columbia. Like all of it's a lie. It turns out that he has become an elected member of Congress. He's pro who knows, probably.. He might just be a fat straight guy, but it's like he does all of this fabrication, these lies, and then he still gets elected. But that tells you, it just shows you though. It just shows you, and I'd like to hear what the, the right, actually, I'm gonna do a little, uh, research. Yeah. And do the Fox News and see like what they're saying about the situation, because they always find a way to, like, some of them are acting like it's a big deal. Bad people, well, other people are just staying silent. Like Kevin McCarthy hasn't said anything, shocker the possible future speaker of the house, and which I don't understand how he doesn't even have the votes, but, and we'll see tomorrow, I think. Um, so they have to vote him in, right? He has to get like 218 votes and they only have like 220. Like they barely have it. And a few people have said like, they're not gonna vote for him. So. Oh, so then could it still go to like a, in the Republicans? Um, it, no, because some of the Republicans would've to vote for a Democrat, which is very unlikely. So they can either, no vote. or they can find an alternative speaker that the Republicans would vote for. Mm-hmm.. Mm-hmm. like another member, another Republican. I'll be like, no, I want blah, blah, blah. And then, and then if enough people are like, yeah, we should all switch to that guy, it's unlikely to, wow, I hate this country. Um, but that's the, that, that's Republicans, like, that's the funny part, is like they're being held hostage by people like l like Lauren or Marjorie Taylor Green and Matthew Gates. I said, they're not voting for McCarthy. It's like the worst people in the Republican party are like, you know what? We're gonna cause trouble. And then, and let them, because they don't even know what they're doing. Like, they're not gonna legislate, they're not gonna pass anything important. Like, we've had all these, we had the chips bill, we had the infrastructure bill. I mean, we've had how many Covid bills under Biden? Like all of these big money spending things that are actually helping people have passed. Republicans have nothing, no legislation like that. They have no idea what they're gonna even do. What are they gonna do? Like we need to take away books from people who are reading about these queers. You literally like, oh, that was okay. Why don't we worry about like, you're bitching about how Biden does with the money and all this shit. But you guys never do anything about the money either, really. It's like, like you just, DeSantis spent 28 million to send like a plane full of people up to Martha's Vineyard and then that was all taxpayer money. He scares me. Yeah, he scares me. Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, because I think he's smart. He's like a good looking guy. He knows how to talk and he knows how to get that base riled up and it scares me. Okay. So I'm putting that here for, but George Santos, I'll play some videos about him and being dumb, but like this little queer boy, like, listen honey, we don't need you. Like as a, don't slander our name. Yeah, our community's name with these lies. Which, speaking of that as well, this is kind of goes hand in hand, but I did see, I'll play another video here. Um, the gay, there's like a group of gay gays against grooming or something and it's Republican gays who are against grooming. Yeah. It's real. And I'm like, what in the fuck is happening? And why do we think that this country is so great? I know. Literally, that's what I'm like, what? We literally, there was a shooting around us. Oh, another one mean there was a shooting at the Mall of America like four days before I went. Um, but we were walking around, there's people strapped and like Karen and I'm like, and I was like, oh, I feel safe. And then I thought, wow, I'm not safe. How sad is it that like we have to have armed men walk around because there's some fucking idiot that can go get a gun very easily cause we don't have the right gun legislation in place. Yeah. And now. like we, we were, we're like, oh, thank God. There's the SWAT teams here. It's like, what? Yeah. Why are we living this life? No, I know. And in UK and Europe and all that, like they're not like this. We are not free. They are. That's the mo The rest of the world is more free than we are here. We act like we, we are like the Regina George of, we're free, we're rich, we have money. We, we can be protected by money. We can be protect, protected by whatever. We have a great military, but like at the end of the day, we're still a shitty person and we're still the ones that are gonna be like a whiny bitch and unhappy. And I'm done with that. And then we throw in a few little bombings of random countries we don't need to be bombing and Right. Killing innocent people. And then you're also manipulating it. It was an accident and you're manipulating other countries by just giving them money to then be on your, it's like so fucking shitty. I just, so to me, like, I love it. I look really great, the land of the freedom in the home of the brave. Okay. When I hear it now, I'm like, that's a joke. It's a pure joke. It's so sad because I don't want to be an anti-America person. I'm not, I, I, I believe in this country we want to be better. But it's like looking around when you really look. It's not even better. Our history is not great until we acknowledge that we're all fucking assholes and we're all, we're pretty much in the wrong of the entire time. Well, the, that's the thing is like we have, uh, 30, 30 plus percent of the people who won't acknowledge our past. And so we'll never move on from it because they don't wanna look back and go, yeah, it was bad that we committed genocide against Native Americans. It was bad that we had slavery for 400. Like, they don't wanna acknowledge that. They just, they wanna actually teach. Well, that's in the past, except for when the statues are up, they wanna acknowledge those. So the confederate statues, they want to keep up cuz those are very important for our history, but they want to not teach. It's why, why they were up. Like why were those up? And so, and why are they still up? They don't wanna talk about it. And so that's really our biggest problem and we need to get rid of these people. I won't say it's like, yeah, they need to die off. I'll say it. Yeah. And they need to die off. I think they just need to die off. But the problem is that, and then we slide closer to the die off. This is what I feel like. Yeah. We're on a conveyor belt and we're just like, you're like, yes, these people are gone. But then I'm getting closer to that chopping block. Yeah. And it's like, oh no, you're getting chopped. Like I feel like I'm getting farther away from, here's the other thing. I know, I'm just switching it back cause I just need to make sure I say this. Okay. The other problem with the country, and we think we're so free and oh my God. Uh, I, what is the percentage of people that actually vote in our country?. I think it's like, yes. I think it's like 40 or something. That might be generous. I don't, I don't even think it's, yeah, I think it's, it's really bad. So like when you consider that like the smallest percentage of people Yeah. Are controlling everything. Mm-hmm., it's because people just don't fucking vote because they're not educated enough. And here's the other thing, they don't, there's not a really good forum. I feel like, for us to understand what's really happening in Washington. There's all these like, oh, that's, that's blah, blah, blah. That's, that's article titled 4 54. You have to go through this thing to do this. And it's like, we don't understand that because we're not there. Yeah. But if they made it clear to us, like what they're trying to do and how they're trying to actually help us in our individual districts, yeah. Then maybe people would vote. But we have no fucking clue what's going on. I think the system is broken. It's, it's broken. And I think it was designed to fail, in my opinion. Like, looking back at it, it has to do this. The rich landowners were like, this is fine. We'll always be fine. Right. Fuck the small people, they don't really need it. And it's, it, it really is the same. Like, it, it's like it's just turning, it's a turning machine now. It's like, it's a joke out with the old and with the new, but Yeah. And, and whether you call yourself like then now it's, now it's the, uh, tech people who are all the money and they control everything. Yeah. Look at you now. Elon Musk is like owning Twitter. There's a, the richest man in the world owns a really huge communication platform. Like That's scary. Yeah. That is like scary. They don't wanna talk about it. They're worried about CNN and all these other liberal media. It's like, no, no. We have a hard right psychopath named Elon Musk using a public communications forum that like, that can dictate everybody's lives. Use that news agencies use. Like literally he could, he could manipulate tweets. He could, here's what I heard that I didn't even think about. He could if you wanted, because he like, owns Twitter. I think he could just release everything, all the dms, all the messages who people follow. Mm-hmm.. Just like easily release, like here's all the private messages between this person and this person. When you sign your name. Yeah. When you're setting up an account, you're acknowledging that they can use your information any way that they want. Like that's horrified. Including public shaming you like, I do not need. To share the porn I've seen on Twitter. Yeah. They'll be like, but by the way, one of my favorite pages got taken down. It's gone. It's so bad. Like, that was my favorite fucking Well, that's next. You know? I mean, we had, yeah, Tumblr, and then we had Tumblr. Now they're gonna come for Twitter. Twitter, and they'll come for Reddit back to our caves. We're gonna get to our voicemail. You can always call us to (614) 721-5336. That's six one four seven two one five three thirty six six. Call us and tell us what's making you not well, uh, or whatever the fuck you want. And I don't know what these sound like, so here we go. Okay. Hello. I, I called, I was a bit scared, but like, um, my name is Ruby. Uh, I'm not, I'm not feeling it so well right now because my friend, they, she has a girlfriend, right? Girlfriend's right now treating her like shit. But I don't know what to do about that cause I really care for this. This friend, like their family and they know their truth, treat like shit. But I still say what's, well, I love her still, and just, I don't know what to do about that. So I'm just, I'm just not gonna love that. And don't worry, we'll put subtitles up. Um, yeah, uh, I'll do subtitles for this one for sure. She's like in a closet hiding from this abusive person. I, uh, . What are your real thoughts? So this is a friend of Ruby. She has a girlfriend right now and Ruby has a girlfriend who's abusive. That's what I got. Like, Ruby's girlfriend is abusive too much. My name is Ruby. I'm not Oh no, Ruby. Cause right now my friend, oh, her Ruby has a girlfriend. Right. Okay. Ruby has a friend and that friend's girlfriend. Girlfriend is abusive girlfriend right now. I was treating her like shit, but I don't know what to do because I really, I think her best friend has a girlfriend that's treating her like shit. And she doesn't know what to do because she, have you ever had that happen where you have like a friend dating someone that you're like, why are you dating this person? Because I have, um, I've definitely had friends where I'm like, what are you doing with that person? Well, you know, it's not gonna last and it.. Yeah. It's already bad now. And you're gonna talk, like you're talking about the future. Yeah. No, it's, it's bad. A year in and you're gonna be like, mm-hmm.. I mean, we have some friends who've broken up multiple times. Even that it's like, I was gonna say, we have a mutual, uh, we have a mutual one where you're like, you realize like, this can all come back to rear it's ugly head in the future. Right? Like, we're not out the woods yet. We're not outta the woods. Not of the woods. Like, I don't know if you've ever I've, yeah. I don't know. Say it. I'm just wondering. Like some of these people, , mm-hmm., I'm kind of like, what are you going to tolerate? That's what you need to ask yourself before you even start dating someone. What are your boundaries? What are you gonna fucking tolerate? There are things, and I've told them to Matt, and he knows them. I'm not going to tolerate. this same, you can't treat me like this. If you don't do this, then I'm not going to be with you. So like figure that shit out. Mm-hmm. and it, even if you like, like I didn't figure out all of it until I started dating Matt, for example. Mm-hmm., like I'm just using him cuz he's the current relationship. Obviously you married him and I married him, but it's like, and so I'm not saying you have to know day one, but you need to figure. You know, within a good amount of time, what are your rules? And then if they cross them, it's over. If they're abusing you in some way, they're gone. See, and this is a different move on between. Um Oh, but I love them. No, no. What chasers and Yeah, it is this. Exactly. It goes back to that. So this friend of Ruby is clearly the chaser, chasers getting tree like, shit, Ruby is obviously, please stay with me. Abuse me, but stay with me. But yeah, like, oh my God, you're so hot though. No. And it's like, no, no matter how hot somebody is, yeah. They can't abuse you. They can't abuse you. Cause you'll never really truly be happy. You won't know what it's like to be fully and you know, released Joseph and Jacob come. Yeah. So like I, Matt and I are friends with a guy who was just an abusive relationship and you really feel for him, but it's also like, how many times can I hold your hand through this and try to tell you you need to just leave his ass mm-hmm. and get the fuck away. Like he hit you or he punched you and you're gonna be like, Well, but fun. We love him. You need therapy. Like this person does not love you. Mm-hmm. That's not love. No, no. I've never thought once I need to hit Matt or punch Matt. Oh my God. I know I've been, I mean, there times I wanna strangle. I've been times where I'm like, are fucking kidding me, you crazy person. But, but I'm not like, oh, I need to beat in a real way. I need to beat him up. It's almost like after the fact I'm like, God, I could just punch you. And it's like, I'm not really gonna punch you. I really wanna attack you. Would tackle you and just like, fuck you, fuck you. But I'm just like, I don't know. I've never had a feeling either mad, you're just mad, mad. But you've ne I've never once been. I'm like, I wanna hurt him. If anything, I just need to go, like if, if I, I'm a runner, like before I feel like I'm gonna, I want to hurt someone. I'm gonna leave the ass. I'm gonna hurt you. I'm gonna be really hurts. Yeah. I'm gonna fucking not gonna, you're melt me anymore and my phone will be on silent. You will not hear from me. That's how I will hurt you. Yep. And it will hurt. And it will hurt. At first you'll be like, fuck that. Yeah, it'll hurt. No, it will. Don't worry. And we know it would, that's why cuz we're not chasers. But, so as far as Ruby's concerned, I think you can just talk. Just talk to your friend and say, I'm really concerned. My friend, that was an abusive relationship, I just talked to them over and over and they finally left this person, but it took them months and months. Mm-hmm., and I had to go through the conversation with them like five times, and finally I said like, this is gonna be one of the, I can't do this anymore. Yeah. I put your boundaries on. Yeah. I said like, we can't talk about your boyfriend anymore. I told him, I was like, listen, I can't talk about your boyfriend anymore. I'm tired of talking about it. And then he didn't bring him up anymore and then like a couple months later, he broke up with. And left the abusive situation. Yeah. Especially if you're gonna talk to a, to somebody else about that relationship. Like, and that's the only way, and you ready for them to turn on, not turn on you, but like, be honest with you and like finally have enough of your bullshit. Like, yeah. There's only so much people can do and almost so much sympathy that you can give somebody until you're like, Hey, you're the one that keeps going back there. And then you keep doing this pattern. And I know it's hard to me to rely on me. I'm not gonna be a part of that. Yeah. I'm not a part of that pattern anymore. Like, I can't support you through this shit. And that's what's really sad is a lot of friendships die by that, by that sword. Guess who's never brought up something recently? No, I don't like you. You know who mm-hmm.? Yeah. Queen Sarita. Oh yeah. Oh, she hasn't brought up a single thing about that situation in two years now. Like, I haven't heard about it at all since Covid. Right. So, so that's a good voicemail. Well, yeah. Ruby. Um, Ruby, I hope your friend can get out of this. Just try to support them in any way you can, but you need to protect yourself too and Right. And tell her. Listen, you know, this is bad. We've told you it's bad a million times. I can't keep talking about it. I'm gonna be here for you as your friend, but it's hurting me to see you hurt. Yeah. So I can't do this over and over. And once you really be honest with somebody, it might take a while, but they're gonna end up being like maybe Ruby's right? Yeah. Good luck Ruby. Thanks Ruby. Hi, my name is Shai. I uh, I got my first job six months ago and there's this guy and we barely have talked and I telling my friend how I feel and he goes, bitch, yeah, love with him. But the issue is that he kinda hates me and he got back to me and he's leaving our job. He's leaving our jobs. I mean, I guess I'm have to see him much longer, but it kind of hurts cause it's the first time I'm film him. and he just doesn't want me back. I mean, I dunno, but makes it like shit. And then my dad's dead. My mom's in jail, so I mean, I don't really have anybody to talk to about it. And then the lady at work, my mom, my maternal figure at the moment, she's leaving too. So I'm just in a hell of a spot right now, I guess. Okay. Um, first of all, why is everyone whispered ? Like, hi, I, I dunno if you guys are all recording from your closet cause you're scared, which might be the case, but like, please speak up. Speak up. We would love for, um, a little bit higher of a Yeah, it's hard to hear. Um, like , I only literally was like at one point like, what's up? Like, um, so what I could gather is your life sucks right now is kind of what Dad's dad, mom's in jail, mom's in jail, eternal figure at the job is leaving. And then the guy that now I do wanna clarify something. Yeah. This happens a lot. We tell stories to ourselves and our heads. We build things up to things that they're not. We say like, I'm in love with this person. Mm-hmm., no you're not. No you're not. You are infatuated with that person and you created a story where you guys were gonna date. He never dated you. He never liked you. He never made that story. So don't tell yourself a story that you were in love and this is the tragic ending that you don't deserve, but always happens to you. You weren't in love. And also that's not love. You also didn't see signs that there probably wasn't a reciprocation. Right. Uh, you probably, you probably told yourself a story phone. I was like, oh my God. He, he dropped something off at my desk and listen, everybody's gone through this. That's the fucked up part of me. I've all felt this way. I've before absolutely done it where I was like watching walk on bat shit, a guy's dog. And like, I was helping him out all the time and like, I picked up things for him from stores if he needed. I mean, I was doing a lot right. I was chasing, I was chasing and so, and told myself that like, oh, this is gonna be a thing we're building. And then eight months later I found out he doesn't really want to. Go further. And then I was like, devastated. Oh, that's, and I told myself the story, but that's why I'm trying, that's why I'm in a better position to tell you Right, dear. Um, you're, you weren't in love. Mm-hmm.. That's not love. It's not at all. Love requires reciprocation. Love requires work. It is not fun. It's not fun. It's weird that I feel like it's not fun. It's not fun. It's like not, it's not what you, it's fun. It has fun moments, but it's like, in general, it's just, it's a lot the same every day. It's a lot of work. You have to continue. Boom, boom. You're leading a household forward. Yeah. And trying to go through life together. You're adopting puppies. Yeah. Like, ugh. What you want . I know too. So anyway, sky or Skylar, or I couldn't, didn't do that closet. closet, girl, make sure we speak up. But also, um, you need to just worry about you Right now, it seems like Yeah. You, everybody else has disappointed you. Yeah. Or died. And I'm thinking maybe you need to stop disappointing yourself and you need to look in inward and really dig deep because it's time, because that phone call right there to me, when you're that down and you're like, I don't know what to do, I get it. We've all been in the pits of hell and everyone's abandoned me and Yeah. The, the story, the story you're telling yourself is not, it's not really a real story beneficial to you. Yeah. You need to tell a more empowering story of, I'm getting through this without the support I don't need, I have that power need. Yeah. I don't, I don't need, it's always good to have help though, so I don't wanna say, I don't need help. But you don't, you don't need these people. Like, yeah. Is it sad that your, your dad's dead? Your mom's in jail? Yeah. That means you have no parental., but, but look where you are. Look where you are. You're still alive, breathing and doing stuff. So move forward slowly. And there's gonna be real slow people who actually like you back. That's the thing. Yeah. If you want that. But a lot of us don't want that cuz we don't want to. And once you have it, while we can't have, once you have it, you want it less, um, you always want what you can't have. Yeah, that's true. Like freedom. Okay. Sundry. Um, my, my sundry is really quick and easy. It's gonna hit back at New Year's. It's the firework situation for me. Yeah. In my neighborhood there's fireworks that shoot off. Okay. And that's fine. Fireworks. But there's also guns. But they also do the fireworks every night of the year. In the summer. Yeah. Summer gets bad cause they're like warming up before July. I'm like, so I'm just so frustrated with just like, why are we shooting off fireworks from Kroger that like, aren't even really a show like fireworks would to be like, Ooh, I wanna go to the local high school and watch a show. Correct. I don't, I don't mind around at all. You could do that all day long if they were actually fucking pretty. Yep. But when you're not seeing anything, I'm thinking to myself, it's 1240, it's just a noise. Why are we shooting? Yeah, it's just a noise. Why are you shooting this off? So I made a TikTok and I had people coming for me, what I did. They're like, oh god, fun sucker. And like one, like one person's like, it's cuz of the kids. And I go, yeah, but why are we shooting off?

Why are the kids awake at 1:

00 AM? Why are we shooting off blanks ? Yeah. Like that's not a firework. It's like a firework is to watch and go like, wow. It's pretty like these are not fireworks. These are you. You bought them at cvs and they make a loud noise. Like that's not a fucking firework. It's like if I went outside with no water in the hot tub that ran the hot tub. Yeah. Right. It's true. Like, it's like, it's like, wow, it's a hot tub. Why would I do that? No, why would I do that? It's not real. And everybody else can hear it though, around you, so it's like you're bothering everybody else, but you're gonna sit there because why wanna I hear the noise of the fire cry? Like I just, to me, and then it really bothers me that I have to like duck for cover. And I was like, do I need to put a pot on my head? Or like, no. Oh, what do I have to do? You're gonna have to put like body armor on out. Well that's why I was like, so I was like, at least I stayed the middle level. Yeah. Like that's the best. She went to the basement, but basement would be better. But I was kinda like, eh, I'm not going to the fucking basement. So I know I never want to anymore. I know it's hard. It's the steps and then you have to come back up. It's colder. Yeah. It's just so yeah, that's my sundry is just like fireworks and, and it kind of touched on what you already said, but like I just don't understand the fire. I understand. Like from 12 to 12, 10 like, oh, yay. Happy. Like a little, I don't need it at 1250 to hear it me, but it's like, you know, there's no fucking spark. Yeah. It's literally just a pot. I just can't, I love that. Thank you. My sundry. Um, is TV shows. Um, okay. And I hate waste. And so this like got me thinking, but I was on looking for a TV show to watch. Why? I don't know. I should just wait for a good TV show to come out. So I go onto these streaming maps. I'm going through Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, uh, apple tv, H b o Max. I'm, I literally have them all. Don't ask me why I pay this much. We do too. We need to, it's probably like $50 a month for nothing because, so I'm scrolling through and I realize I'm on Apple tv. Basically there's all these shows I've never fucking heard about. No one has heard about, there's no way anyone I know is watching them. It's just like there's tens, almost hundreds of them. Like slow. Have you heard of this? No. You haven't heard of that? No. I know you haven't. Echo three. You haven't. The Mosquito Coast Mythic Quest, um, the Morning Show. Bad Sisters. I heard Bad Sisters. Funny, I think. Okay. Well see. At least you've heard of it. At least you've heard of it. This one, chanam. Oh, what is Chanam? Wait, is this on Showtime? No, that was Apple tv. Oh, there's even more. This is what I'm saying is, yeah, I'm going through these ads filler TV and it's just filler tv and then I realize filler Wait. Each one of these shows cost millions of dollars to make mm-hmm. because production of a show, I mean, it's not cheap to make 12 episodes. Correct. And it's like you have to pay the actors, you have to get the production, the set. Like you have to go to a Yeah, build a set. You have to have all the support staff to do it. You have to advertise, you have to food, put it out. Um, health and safety use that, have an ambulance on later. I mean, it's millions of dollars to make a show that probably no one will watch. Just so that your app can be like, here's a show you might like, no, I'm not gonna fucking like it. It. There's, why, why is it even Samsung? Why is it recommended to me? No, I, I have an lg Oh, sorry. Um, well, my Samsung, like, it has like a special cable network, , but it's like all like these weird, like, Shows, I've never heard of them. I'm like, are these like B? Like Yeah, like where are they B level? Like where are they coming from? What is what? There's so much out there. But that's what I'm trying to figure out is like, why are we wasting millions of dollars on all this shit? But we could just be like, Hey, there's some really good actors that we want and here's a really good script. Like, let's do that. I wonder if there's any shows that got rejected, like let's just say like, and then they come back and then they come back and become bigger. I think that's Well, or like I wonder, do you know what I mean? Or Or do they then another like little small, because I think it's all about production company. Yes. And like all that too. So like it's a slower level production company. Okay. So you gotta start somewhere. Right, true. Because we are like, well, we'll buy that script. Yeah. Then we'll put it out. But it's only gonna be, uh, Half a million dollars instead of $4 million budget. And that's what makes me wonder, like who it kind of fails, who is at Netflix buying this shit? But then, right. Well they have to have filler. Cause they're like, we have the most selection, we have the most TV shows. Right. I don't really want, that's what it is. It's just fucking fun. It's all, again, it's all capitalism. I'm, I'm, I'm sick of filler and capitalism in my life. Like, I don't need all these options. I just want season three of White Lotus. I want the, she's in a house with Dragon. Like I'm watching Yellow Jackets. It's pretty good. Oh, I've watched season episode four. I like it so far. Oh, it's really good. So that's why I'm like, there are good shows. Shows here really good. It's just that I just wanna wait, just tell me when the next one's coming out. Like even if I have to wait eight months, I'll wait. I don't need all this tv. Most people don't. Yeah. So stop making it. Just keep me having a like, at least have me have a show once a week. I like having like a moment where it's like, oh, our show's on. I do like that. And when that's hard season it's hard. It's hard because honestly I go months at a time without any tv. Right. And sudden it's like every Sunday I'm like, oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah. Um, I know to like have feelings it'ss again. I know. But that's my Sunday. That's it. What a great week. What a great week. Happy New Year, friend. Happy New Year to you as well. Happy fucking New Year. You have a lot going on. You have a resolution? No, bitch. I already told you I'm not doing it. Um, obviously I don't either, but Okay. Well, the resolution, well, I'm gonna make a storyboard actually, or, um, I heard Michael doing a vision board. Yeah, I'm doing a vision. Everyone's doing that this year. My friend Kelsey. Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna do one too. Just like you put what you kind of want and you vision it. that's the worst definition of the vision. Yeah. That was like, not, you put what you want and you vision it. It's basically, it stems from, okay. Uh, trauma, the secret. Oh. What's that? The secret? What's the secret? The manifestation secret. Have you not seen the secret? The like documentary. Oh fuck. You need to watch it. Why? It's good. It's like all about manifesting though. You can literally manifest all your dreams and like one of the ways do it is to like constantly say it in your head. Okay. Write it down. Okay. So like storyboards are like, Year boards where the fuck you wanna call 'em. Okay. They're basically so that people, so you can hold yourself accountable almost, but you're looking at it almost every day. Okay. So you remind yourself subconsciously even like, Hey, um. Exactly. Okay. Exactly, exactly. Excellent. So ex, ex, excellent. Make sure you subscribe, make sure, make sure you call and speak up. When you call, please speak up the fuck up. 6 1 4. 6 7 2. Mm-hmm. 7 2 1 i 6 1 4 7 2 1 5 3 3 6 36 Please speak up. 6 1 4 7 2 1 5 3 3 6. Please speak up when you're calling. If you want a call from a closet, do it. But speak up in the closet. Yeah, get outta the closet babe. Alright, well see you next week. Goodbye. I.