In this week's episode the format of the show continues to shift. Bobby & Jim continue on their rants about some major things happening in the world. Just to name a few:
Donald Trump
All The Holes
Like real assholes
Ellen is a bitch
Wrinkles the Clown
Bad Parents
Listener questions
We love the miz
Queer and queef
Quete (queef, queer and cute all together???)
Typhoid Mary
Pelvic floor
Vaginal mesh
Straights PDA
Mark the bear chaser who loves politics
Just a few of the amazing 5 star stuff we do this week.
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welcome to she's not doing so well. It's a podcast. I'm Bobby. Non facts in your feet. Come, tongue is my comes in my throat and I try to limit the box to 10. Loathe. I'm just so awkward at this. God,
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supposing we hit the body with a tremendous whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn't been checked, but you're gonna test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body in which you could do either through the skinner, uh, in some other way. And I think you said you're gonna test That, too, was interesting, right? And then I see the disinfectant, knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see, it gets on the lungs and it does a tremendous number. Will also be interesting to check that so that you're gonna have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds. It sounds interesting to me. The new headline is Trump as people to go outside. That's dangerous. Here we go. Same old group you ready? I hope people enjoy the sun. And if it has an impact, that's great. I'm just hearing this. Not really. For the first time, there's been a rumor that no.
spk_0: 1:36
Okay, I've had it. Welcome to another. So she's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. Thank you for joining us on this of youth. Somber. The fuck was that? Well, I mean, I just like that we're at a point where I can say he is such an idiot, and everyone knows who I'm talking about. Everyone else. If I say he is such an idiot, who is the He trump, right? I mean, you know, listen, that stuff is scary. That that is so Syria, like he's literally saying, Like, he has no idea what he's fucking saying. Ultraviolet light, right? You're gonna check that out. And I heard somebody say in the background, like we're going to the people to check it out like nobody knows no one because it almost say no to him on live TV. But it's like he's He is on every news channel for an hour every day, and he's talking about putting UV light inside the body or injecting disinfectant like Like that didn't sound real. It e can not really like we don't do that. Yeah, I found a solution. It's not gonna work. Is the rumor for HIV to bleach kills it, Never get in the body is, like, kills it. Right surface outside the body. Your body also gets hard. We gotta find a way to get it into the lungs. What are you have a pen like what? You gonna fucking dio, honey, give me that pod. I'm gonna smoke that life. Silent that Clorox, honey. No, I know. So I wanted a place. That's where we're at as a country. Um, President, I wanted to play that because I wanted to let the truth be known. Yeah, and let people hear it for themselves at that, Aren't paying attention the news, which why would you But this is what's happening in our countries. So with that being said, if you don't fucking vote November, I'm done. And if you vote for him, listen, It was cute. Although, like, have the exclusive like, oh, financially, it's not cute anymore. Like you have a guy that's literally gonna have. He's trained to tell people to inject disinfectant to treat Corona virus. Yeah, and then the other treatment said he's promoting are also now the FDA is like, Oh, by the way, don't use those drugs when he's talking about Hydroxycut or Quinn and they're like, Yeah, no, actually, there's a lot of side effects and people are being poisoned by like, don't you just don't use it. And he's promoting all these miracle cures. It'll be gone. It'll be gone in the fall. Dr. Fauci's like, It's definitely not gonna be on the floor was the best have same day. Same saying Trump's like, we'll be outside in the full evidence, Be great. And they don't got no, it's gonna be here. It's gonna be here which, Okay, should we trust the crazy president or do our scientists? Yeah, he's been doing an infectious diseases for ever life. Yeah, since he was 25 years old. 80. So put that in your pipe and fucking smoke it. Done with your Clorox bleach. I need a bleach pod and medium that I believe spotting a corruption in their lungs. Clean, clean, clean these lungs, honey. Fuck. That was not even how I want to start this episode, But I had to. We had Teoh. There's no I mean as it was. Actually, we were texting each other, like so were unlocked down in our president's telling us to put UV light inside the body. I'm like we were sunscreen for a reason. With block UV light from harming us and burning our skin. You're gonna open your mouth while you're in the tanning booth. I can't. I can't like it's like and you're gonna look into this and you know it's gonna be Oh, well, he didn't mean that's not what he said. You're suggesting it twisting it. That's why I played the literal, verbatim fucking letting us play what he said. But when you plays, that's not what he meant. That's what the next thing they're his defensively meant was that somebody meant he meant, I'm like, No, stop trying to say what he meant because we need. He's telling people who listen and usually would trust their president a person in authority, the ultimate authority in this country, Commander in chief. And they're gonna hear his words are not gonna go while I wonder if you meant Do I drink the bleach doesn t mean that they're looking into it in the laboratory. Does he mean like here? No, Like, literally, I just realized I'm There's three different Trump supporters. One. There's the rich white guy, not rich, but like financially wanting to be financially rich or have money. They vote. Oh, there's four people. They see them as the rich one, right? They see him as like being ableto. You know, he's a businessman. He's been successful, so let's follow him. So that's one group that something group I'm really worried about. But that's still a group that's there. That's true Christians helpful, which, Okay, he's not Christian. That's great. But like, how in the fuck are you? Actually, 3rd 3rd marriage. 4th 3rd I don't even know. It doesn't matter. He's not exactly a family guy. No. Cause then following the Christians are the racist bigots. That's nearly 1/3 group. So you have people who are literally waving Nazi sign is not signed. Yeah, yeah, Swastika Shit. I can't. And then there's the fourth, the fucking idiots that live in the middle. No offense if you live in the middle of nowhere, but you have minimal nowhere And be smart. These idiots that live in mill nowhere and are not smart. Who will go up to their local fucking dollar general and bio. Nothing of bleach important on their throats. Am I upset about that? No. But what? I am upset about it. Like people. I don't want dumb people to die just so they can't read or write, right? Oh, I can't. It said the word to say that it's tablet, just like we don't want lives to be lost due to ignorance. If you're that stupid. Yeah, but you're But you're in a position of authority in your promoting ignorance. Like your part. You are causing debt. I mean, there gonna be people. There's already like covert response centers that are reporting calls asking about bleach. I heard that So, like, merits come out 100 calls asking about bleach. I mean, because you turn on your TV, you're like, Well, I mean, I guess the president said they're looking into it. Let's ask about it. It's just like the guy who was using, like Laura Quinn from, ah like an aquarium store and was ingesting Matt because he thought it was a miracle drug and then had like, an abnormal heart rhythm and died it right. You hear this stuff in people, there are gonna be people who take it at face value and go well, he he's our president. And don't get it wrong. Like there's dumb Democrats to know. Yeah, it's really I'm looking out for the whole, but I'm saying, like a lot of people who aren't educated are actually voting for him. So my thing is that they're gonna hear this man who they worship say, and they're gonna be doing this kind of shit. I can't like that. They're gonna be putting containing bulbs up there, but to be like we want to get the light of the body, get the life inside the body, see how far you can shove this light bulb up. My whole I mean way don't want you to deep throat a UV light like not the light. And I can guarantee you it's going like, what is that show that's like something like things Bring me to the ER. Yeah, I was shoving a light bulb, but my whole was killed. People do do that, actually will do that like like micro machines were cars rise online like? Yeah, Like Barbie doll heads and shape color putting their but therapy verbals. Why do you want a rodent to burrow? Because you wanted to be able to nibble on that asshole. You never long borough in this hole. I mean, that was that was inappropriate. Well, it wasn't because guess what? They're drinking bleach. Yeah. What's worse than that? I mean, what? Yeah, I guess a durable probably wouldn't kill you. And you're right. It might bleed. Yeah, um, I like your intestines out on your little, like, cool. What's that called? Prolapse. Oh. What's going that? Cut your insides. The intestine on the inside. Like if you have, like a Oh, I'm talking about You have to get close me back Sometimes in reverse. Tear like a tear in the lining. Perforation. That's it? Yeah. I mean, it's ridiculous. So, yeah, that's that's where we're starting that started. That's what started. Hope you're ready because you hold on, hold on tight. It's gonna be another one of those. And I don't really care, because I will say this. I put up a poll. Okay. Well, first put a warning video, I said Oh, So if you have shamed them. I did. Okay. I said if you watched if you listen to our last episode, you'll know what I'm about to talk about. But I'm about to put up a question for everyone to answer. And I would really appreciate people responsible. People responded waiting. Subject more people than one out of 40. Yeah, like 12. And I got a side message from Jacquet. Oh, my God. Allow something, like had a brainstorm sash for something. Because she was like, Did it? Did it, did it? Oh, and did it. And she's like, I'm done. I'm like, Well, no, like that was amazing. King going. I need that. We need that feedback. 12 people. Wow, that's a normal spam told increase. Some people are like a nice story. Check out. Shone says I'm like you fucking you want to be a little bit a little, You little bitch. Let speaking of bitches ready for the next one. I've already reamed one, bringing the next. You ready for this? I've heard Ellen DeGeneres is a little bitch. I I've read that. I've read it. Read it. You know, there's actually a lot of celebrities of mentioned it, like casually just like Oh, well, actually, this one time it I don't know if she's getting, like, invited to things and then not going or if fame got to her head, I'm not really sure. And I love her. But when you hear, like, more than three celebrities be like, actually, Ellen's not great. I'm you do wonder you wonder. There's a lot of like if you go online. If you go to Twitter, Google just happen. L a generous is mean. You will find so much shit. Yeah, Here's the other thing. Okay. Is it just money? I don't know. Where you a fake gay? Oh, you fake less valuable. You would ruin your career coming out. She came out. And then Now she's worth 330 million. But oh, God. She feels like she's in jail at her home. Drink Cove it. Fuck you. Sorry. Fuck you on your back yard. You probably servants still working for you. You probably have your own grocery store, you dumb bitch. I can I'm sorry. Like don't get on your fucking Twitter and or Instagram and go. Oh, my God. This is like this is like you talked about the funds so far. This is the fuck boys, boys. It's like, Oh, my God. I cannot believe I have to sit in my 20,000 square foot mansion with a basketball hoop and all this. No fuck, You know, go shove fucking bleaching your whole Well, they dio Well, they probably your asshole. Oh, they can't afford that. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, they're going there, asshole. Bleached, like at least work. I don't know. I think you put like a cream, and then you let it sit burns. Honey, I was going to say I mean, any little fisher any little, like, no taco Bell hot sauce? Like, why would you be bleaching your whole You got to make it look good pink and ready to go, honey. Oh, I know, but are paying. Well, some people, they're not, they want it. Oh, some people are dark, so we'll have dark holes. Like, I think, cause they're shit holes or just dirty like that is yours. No. Oh, get out of here. I want to see this. I don't have to have a new mere honey. Always been right over in front of you. My little pink whole. I feel like I feel like you're having a heart of dark brown brown. I brown I also coming to say this. But is that from like Mount White Bean? Or is that for Mike? You were born with a dark hole? I don't know. It's not about not wiping. I think it might have to do with, like, your diet. I don't know. I really don't know. I do know this. Eat more salad, your whole be clean. But also, skin tone is based on like, yeah, like if the rest of you is light, then you have a pink whole. Oh, God. It's more colorism if no, it's not. No, seriously. Yeah. Yeah, Well, it is, but it's not. I'm not doing it in a way that's, like better with a pink asshole versus a black Oh, no. Like it doesn't matter. Love colors. Yeah, Bobby loves every color of asshole. I love all the holes. Yeah, it doesn't matter if it's any color. Don't worry about it. I'm not going. It's not gonna go for it. He's about, um uh and for those of you that don't know, the bottom is oh, it's someone who's not interested in the holes they want. They're still kind of like a hot dog in a hallway. Yeah. Yeah, that's your whole It is loose, loosey goosey. I'm more like a little ground hog whole. 00 that's a big that goes back to a durable kind of another different. A different rodeo. Same old circle. Different road. I want to be in a whole. Your holes need to be filled, so, yeah, Ellen DeGeneres is a bitch. So go check that out. Weighs drinking. And Ellen like, of all things, things before, I would have expected the 1st 1 The 2nd 1 little like, which is a everyone be kind. Fuck you. What is happening? Get dragged out of her show when she's allowed to have audience members again after it's done. Yeah, I know. I heard what I run. Oh, so what you goto Wendy Williams dot com. You know, I don't do that. Trash bags it. She was a dumb bitch. She could go back to wherever the fuck she's from two. No, but like Ellen apparently will tell her staffers like you don't talk to me unless I talk to you. So if she's walking down the hall, you are not to even talk to her like really high. Ellen, Hurry. Nope. Don't talk to her. I know what you don't deserve. $330 million Di dio I do because look at me. I'm slaving here. I disagree. Oh, essential worker. I'm a podcaster. Got essential. Fuck! Somehow you are essential. I m s it. I'm working right now. USC I'm in fire protection, honey. Protect shot. If there was, like in the hospital. If a, I'm going to break it down for you. There was a leak. Break it down. You need a piece of pipe made. They'd have to call me. So I'm essential to save lives, Cliff. Thank you, Daddy. Gonna lay that pipe that body, Bonnie. I'm gonna cut it. Cut it with your Wellner groove. It welcome, outlets. We have Ah, racetrack Outback Friday, Tony. So, I mean, we're about to have a drug deal, and then we're gonna drug dealing drag racing. Racine. It's like Greece drag race night, too. So, like the gays and the straights are doing drag racing. It's fine. It's a different type, but it's the same thing. Oh, yeah. So? So anything under the next ran on to the next ran. Well, first of all, I want to say something. I watch something today. I don't know if you had a chance to watch it. I want you to watch it. You probably wrinkles the clown. Have you heard about this? No. This is so fucking bazaar. So their parents that are calling this number to get wrinkles to you, recall their child or show up in their backyard and scare the fuck out of the bad kids. Yes. Oh, the debate. Is this like child abuse? No. So you need to watch Documentary Who? Lewites. It's on who lose. So they show the clown he's like, I never want to be a mean clown, But I wasn't making money. So now And he has, like, a 1,000,000 voice messages. Kids are calling him being like It's so foe. My God, we have a friend that is terrified of clowns, and I'll call him column out called Twinkle Wrinkle and get him over here. Oh, my God. King, we got some hair. Guess where? Naples, Florida. Stop! Stop! Stop! Oh, my God. You have a Naples shirt on right now. Brother to die. Jim goes there relax. I go their allies like nobody talked about. Right? Everyone around you is dying, so it's fun. But I could hear you. No one can hear. No one can move. No one could do anything, honey. I mean, this is ridiculous. Oh, wow. That's an insane This this clown will go around and, like, go stand back yard to be like his head around the corner. And kids are just terrified. Terrified. So if you have no one, my feelings are That's not child abuse. I don't either. If you have that bad, if your kids were that bad, listen, Maybe they need a scary clown in their life. They dio You know what? You know what? I can't listen. Well, we need to scare June. Listen, I know that I'm just a puppy, dad. But let me tell you the rages I get sometimes when she's misbehaving I can only imagine with the child like you little bitch and especially with a child, because they're like a human, their their brains are able to process a little more. Right. If you have a little five year old being a little brat, a little bitch, you'd be the dad in the kitchen. Be like, yeah, patch. I know, Like, got your goddamn room. But I'm not dead. That, like every here's the neighborhood you're coming, lay that they're calling, like child protective services. Like you like. I don't wanna be that, Dan, but But you're gonna have to be that bad. Honey, I can see where it's coming from. I'm gonna play a tech, talk real quick. Who's on their phone? I am, cause I want a place to talk. So the mom and she's
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putting ice in her cop. Now she's going to strawberries on, then also, it looks like, ever clear.
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Hold on. That's alcohol. Blood, blood. That's alcohol. Good. Should be
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to survive. Wow, that's a bad
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kid. Is that the funniest shit, though? Oh, my God. What? I would survive. I mean, if I had that in the background every day. Oh, I'm leaving. I'm gonna get in the car, and you'll never see me again. I know. And ever had about a puppy. Like like just running around a little bit imagining, you know, and I feel like doing it. Not gonna do it. I'll tell you that right now. I'm not gonna do it. Well, that's a bad kid, though. Yeah, if I as a kid ever did s well, I wouldn't. My dad I wouldn't be allowed. My dad have been coming home from work. I mean, like, I heard what you did, you little shit. You wouldn't do it. You wouldn't do it mean, but yeah, but, you know, it was there. I feel like you need your parents to know when to discipline you do. And whether that discipline I'm not saying like physical abuse. I'm just saying, you know, when you're gonna be punished and not a lot out of your room or not allowed to leave the house or nowadays, take the phone away. Yeah. You don't have a phone in a warrant. IPad. They don't need a phone. They don't need games to get him out like two years old. Put them. It seems like ipads and I have cousins where they love. They know. Here, watch your movie. And they're like going on Disney plus, like men. And then and now they don't need has VHS that, like there's wind, they're not gonna learn how to read. That's what I'm worried about. These kids with these No, no, no, no, No men Then. Now he's a little badass. Kids, we're gonna start program called How to Train Your Kids. How did a fab lab bad chads are usually bad? Chad's air Always bad. Mad to Brad's babba. Hot Usually, yeah, Brad's Brad's are always like Shazzer. Bad dads are entitled. Chad's have yachts waiting for them in the heart of Rich. Also, though, it could be in like White entitled Privileged. Yeah, this is all white people, as always, the privilege ones are white. Yeah, and they're bad. They're bad there. That and they need to be checked. I'm gonna read some of the topics of people have been sending us to talk about. So I can't believe, like, 12 minus a few spammers. There is a God good ones. And actually, there's one that I want to talk about. I'm ready. Okay. So the 1st 1 is pride getting canceled, like we need to talk about that. Um, what are your feelings? So my initial was, like, absolute like, depths of despair, Like sad. I explain that for, like, straight people like Why does it make you sad? I have a parade. Okay, so various like it's a weird thing. It's It's very weird to me that I still will go to pride and feel so excited rainbow flags and see people being and like to see, like two guys or two girls kissing in the middle of the street. It is a weird feeling, because would you grow up with not seeing that at all on TV, in your family, life in your cousin life? You mean you don't see it? It's not normal, and you don't want to come out because of it. So maybe different for people today who are like coming out when they're in seventh grade. But like for people who are afraid, and I know there are still a lot of people out there who are afraid and not be on me now, it's okay to be afraid when you Yeah, it's OK. When you go to pride and you see it, you're like, Well, my God, this is It's exciting. It's almost like it. You can be completely sober and feel like you're drunk. You literally in him. But you're not so bad. No one sober over, You know, the gays economy gala, having a party we're having a pride brand breast before the plaque down. Six AM Afraid that. 11. Why is the parade that early? I don't know. Four PM should be for me, and that's like, What's getting cool? Sweet. Would that be Not when it's 95 degrees. Help. Let's do it right in the hottest part of the day, when all these games are gonna be passing out. Just cause you're wearing a tank top doesn't mean honey. I mean, you're still hospital in a speed on its top speed on a tank top while a jockstrap in a tank top are not going to keep you cool. Not I really like what you just said, though, because that's how I feel to it. Almost. OK, it's over. Those you that haven't watch. It's Creek Shits Creek. They have a gay parent or not have a gay like character is because he's like Pan. Okay, um, a queer character and nobody blinks an eye. It's like not a thing, and that's how pride is, like you can walk up in pride and grab your boyfriend's hand just holding on that you were gonna go somewhere else but his talk. But you can grab his hand and not feel like Oh, God is like I think of the hockey game and just like, Oh, I don't even walk around My liberal neighborhood would not hold my partner Sandy early. Awkward, too. Oh, no, no, that's why Probably drunk and I won't do it cause you even know if people don't prove that they're probably say there. There's more people who do approve it. So it's like not a thing. Yeah, Wade, it's It's a it's liberating. It is liberating to go to a pride and be like I am surrounded by people like me because you spend your entire life. Even if you overestimate queer people make up like what? 10% of population. So in general, you're surrounded by non queer people all the time. Every day you show up to pride in your like my people here I am. I'm people fit in. This is me. They're like me. They don't care. No one's judging. Walk around, have a good time. Well, and you see the straits that also approve it. Your allies, you find our allies. Yeah, that's the word, honey, you have You find your allies because when you find your allies. You gotta hold on toe. Yeah, get rid of that. Just support them. And you know what? It's analogy if you are analogous. Somebody Thank you. Thank you. Like you are allies. Thank you to all over. Thank you. And thank you for the question or the comment or the subjects. I feel like that is a good some of our understand what pride is about, right, Theo, these queers are just getting in the streets and making just making out. Just making their last. Yeah, they're flash. Oh, my God. That flashing your lifestyle while you're eating your girls? Oh, whoa, honey, you're in your girl out of the fucking movie theater or something. I know that things happen because straight people like our gay people really that much more horny? I don't think so. I think so. I have No what you did in high school? Yeah. We're finger banging your girlfriends in the fucking bleachers. I can't. I knew a couple that sex on the touchdown line. Whatever that's called the yard line, the zero yard line. Yep. I'm not really sure what that was. The gas thing. You said that with the football field a little like shooting hoops, lying there like whatever you need wherever they get a touch. The sports thing that was there, things I tried, I don't really go together. Zero line. The zero yard line. Do the best I and field line? I'm not sure, but I don't care. But guess what? But also what you discover it pride is that there's some people who don't know what football is. But there are some people who are totally queer. The queer squares, you know, and guess what they understand. Roll the test with a understand sports. They understand. Um, I got it. Our local watering hole. Walk into union. If they have a football game on the TV and you're chatting it up on your show screaming, you're bending over and doing a bend and snap. Do not do it or not. You will get walked out of there. Yeah, but but back to the fact that pride being canceled, it is upsetting. I know it's stupid, but I don't wanna have it in October. I don't really want to go to it when it's cold. So loops. Actually, I think Wait a second, wait a second. It's like 65 realized I could work. Yeah, because you wear jeans and, Jack, you don't like your underwear. And no one while no one should be sure All the bears were happy. No one should be shirtless. No one should be gonna have flaunting their lifestyle will be on their ice cream. A well, four people that I would know for a fact there are gonna be shirtless. Yep. Yeah, yeah. We're going to say Is that Jim said it or no, Nobody said it. Nobody said it, but we both thought it. We know what I've seen. You know who's gonna be sure if you're listening. You know who you are. You know you are sorry and seen. Okay, so the next the next thing is virtual sex during quarantine. What's that? Like scamming what sex I I'm not doing I'm not having it. But he imagined, like I was wondering that too. Like, do you just like in the same hook up virtually now? I don't time to me. It sounds fun. Sounds more fun by click. And you could hook up with anybody in the country in the world. So you have this hollow, straight and not all passes come looking my cock on camera and you hook up. You masturbate together mutual masturbation via online on. And then look at my zoom background. It's a giant hole. I took a picture. I blew it out my dark hole. It's not bleach. I love taking whole pictures like some of these pictures on. Like, how do you get somebody's taking it for him? I'm like, But who's your Maybe. But like, yeah, after he sees that todo high in terms of my whole like, are you fucking I want to be on this bench right outside the showers, and I want you to I'm gonna spread it. Listen, even though we're gay Ah, hole is still ah, whole like an asshole, asshole. It's not a little dirty. Yeah, it's not like you Never cute. Only reason that I don't want to say available is because we need a whole of Fox. I mean, yeah, it just happens to be a tight hole either than the pussy to Sorry. That's why low. Wow, which recently? Other point out dropping truth bombs. Well, I was gonna go into something else. We're going to the virtual hookups. But now that that's been mentioned. I got an article from my friend. Oh, now? Yep. What? I'm actually, Yeah, she's my friend. But it also my co worker is a grander the spamming. A No, She sent me some fanatical. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm trying to find it really quick. Basically, the article said it's talking about She questioned to me. She goes, Hold on. I got to read this. The thing I'm getting nervous Anal sex tips what to do after anal sex. And it's a little clip that says, like repetitive anal sex made lead to a weakening of the anal sphincter. I mean, increasing the risk of fecal incontinence. Pooping yourself would need to have a lot. Key goals are designed to tighten the pelvic floor muscles, and studies show that they can tighten muscles around the anal sphincter as well. Says women's help health. So she goes seriously and this is the text. You sense that she's it seriously with that picture. And I said, I mean probably for ladies like vaginal mash, because I heard that before the like I feel like men and women are different. Your vagina hole. It's closer to your but hold and we don't have another hole. So it's not like an opening like right? I mean, you got to think about this whole, like it's over millions of years. I mean, you can poop once a day, twice a day. This hole is ready to go like you're not gonna have weakening of the whole muscle right now. But if you have a eso like how much sex are you having that? It's like weakening. So then we go into she says, I'm just looking up stuff because I cannot get over how much gas like Well, welcome to anal sacs. One away. Yeah. Oh, so she did a doing anal. Oh, you're gonna get the pitter patter, honey, But it feels like you're constantly have too far into it like you can feel the air around. It's awful. It's Mom. Well, wait. What? How much loops using and what happens at the end. Oh, so then she asks, Do you silicone lube Always well, and I love it. But what Bruins the sheets? Well, it ruins the sheets in the toys, but whatever, it's better Um, she was. Listen, the farts, I mean, they're not fart is nowhere and it last, like five seconds. Freak. Nasty. And I said, Yep. Open air is this was like, your first time. No, but she's been doing it. I think for a while now she's like, she trying not to get pregnant or what? Yeah, And then I said, Oh, no. Oh, no. Um Then she said, I said you could use a new lease and she goes seven numbing. I go yet it's numbing. Elwell I've never used it. And she was Oh, shit. You just take that cock. And that was the end of the Oh, Bobby, honey, you're like, I don't respond to talk. We come to a different subject so that that's what I was like. Why did you stop? Okay, so I thought that was really funny. That sounds like I'm bringing some of the fucking podcast like ladies. If you're having anal sex, let me tell you, there's a lot to it. There's a lot to it, and you're gonna hate it. You're gonna have air in your asshole for we always. It's like, usually two days, and I hope you prepared Don't shit on the deck, because then you'll never recover. Especially girl ladies like ladies air to mental on their head with Oh, yeah, guys, Completely. Well, guys, look at a girl. And if yeah, they don't want to see a girl shooting. Is that weird? I know some guys I saw my girlfriend. Never are. She does. I actually should know this might be actually sexist of me, and I'm going to say it. I do not like hearing girls far. And now I know all my friends. There's one person there are gonna dump you hose water girl Far She is a far are You can tell honey shows water girl was made too far. She wakes up and the first thing she does And it's so funny every time cause it's like a joke now stores it up overnight. It's like she wakes up. Just released the gas like Ashley's up. So ready for anal? Oh, my God. But yeah, I mean, I don't know how even got on this. I mean, is this a ranter? What? How did it get it? Programme? But it was like because you talked about something and the I don't know, You talked about something about anal and I said, Oh, I remembered my friend who's worried about anal sex that did that. Anyway, if you need to have anal sex, I don't know how we got here, and I don't even care. Oh, that's probably away. That's why was I dont goto don't good. It's probably like, don't go to that fishing. You want to talk about prolapse? It's gonna be like so, yeah, just take care of your body. And don't take multiple Dixon all your holes all the time, and I'm sure they will be fine. Dio good for you. Good for you. Honestly, if you want to google something terrifying Rosebud falling apart over there I don't know. I think I have. Yeah, I like it. I keep forgetting You said like 12 people texted you, but so far we've done one. And I'm a little worried that there might be So somebody I know we're good. Somebody said Brian Kemp, Las Vegas Mayor. Oh, they're Vegas mayor. Yep. I listen to her. I can't She's like, Listen, tie Fort Mary got on a bus and I was like, Oh, my gosh, It was in the thirties and she infected a lot of people. She wants to be a test a piece to one history of a piece. A peach tree dish. Yeah, Petri Petri P Sri Petri That piece a peach tree dish. You won't be a pastry dish. Basically, telling says you are paid. Street is a big old Bates Trade five to joke about it, but that's really how it but it's sad, but the separate is Trump was like Liberate, liberate, liberate. And then, when Georgia did liberate, he's like, I disagree. I disagree strongly like, No, you don't want you told the States to open. And then when they did, you were like, I don't know, it was wrong. It's all wrong, Like Mr President. Mr. President, what do you think about putting bleach in? Your asshole should ask. So the next thing somebody said was, Well, first of all, some. He said, June, my dog could rant about just to talk about cause I said any subject or questions. She's doing amazing. She's getting bigger. We took her to the vet today for the first time. She maintains she is having pain. She's but she's great. Yeah, about the feeder, some marijuana. Um, the next thing I want Well, Audie hair. Oh, that's interesting. Okay, I'm into this. So used to be terrified of it. So used to terrify the body here. Oh, yeah, when I think I was too. You remember my chest and saving and like, trimming everything in me like, Oh, my God, I got to be a smooth little Twinkie Waas still so well, I was, uh I'm still I am. I was You're a Twinkie, honey, Honey, I was a twi I was a trunk. All the twins to become trunks in quarantine. Yeah, I think that really think about that. There are no Twix left. The twins are like, Oh, my God. Each day that we're quarantine is one day closer to me not being a tweet welcome. And all the bears are like, Well, we're just gonna e into bears. Just there's, like, whatever gonna rub my belly and watch movies. Now that it's like, I'm gonna watch Barbra Streisand. I need a pizza. Same. Not me, though. Well, pizza? Not Barbara. Sure. Um abs lesbians. Oh, they're just building thing building. They have a whole fucking hut in the back there already. Like built a shed for their woodshop. They have a survival kit ready to go. They have their own water purifier that they built out of the earth and waas that too? Yeah. I mean, there's a whole slew of things like drag queens are dancing their living rooms. I mean, and it's not great. And But if you say that, you're gonna get in trouble because you were all performers and work Listen, I don't I'm not gonna lie like I'm just gonna I don't see it. I don't really care. I'm gonna say I don't need to see I'm going. I'm going here. I don't see it honestly. On a Friday night, I might like, put it on and giggle. But like, the reason why we go to your shows is because we're having good time with our friends and like and during your an added bonus and you're on the stage. But I don't feel like most people are going. I mean, I guess that the Nina shows, and even then it's like, Let's go, you're hammered at the show. There's always, like, a pre show there a hammer to I would like to point out, Yeah, come out on stage and drink, So I just wanna make it clear I support the queens out there? Uh, 100% support. But what I want to make here, though, is that a lot of people lot of your normal clientele are probably not gonna watch you online. No, I click on it. Used to lower numbers, and that's gonna be tough for someone. Bomb. I know we're not going into that again. So we're gonna do that less episode. I'm going to change the Oh, you have ruined it. I'm just I'm over going off. I'm going off. I'm just done with everything. So nobody here. I personally Okay. You support your night, so I'm in. Shock is looking at you. You look like you have no fee. Bush. I like. Actually, I'm not really sure you have a big, beefy bush. No, it's I'm not that, Harry. Life in general, it's kind of weird. Appear everywhere. I'm hairless. When I asked upper back, lower back so I might have a brown hole, but I'm hairless. Well, yeah, you did get laser. They should have laser the whole if you bleach my art laser whitened. My asshole like, yeah, you get cancer on your whole, which is the real things I know somebody. I feel like I could What were their symptoms? Oh, you're like you. You don't get in your face. You're hurting my throat like every girl. What were their symptoms? What symptoms? You might have it. That scares me. That's one thing. My whole scares me. My whole like Colin Hole scared my whole scare. Like I'm ready for a colonoscopy. Like you should get one. I actually need. Teoh just died. Well, he died at 30 when he was 13 when I was 30. But he was 30. So when he was 95. But they say it skips a general. He goes generational like Mom worry? No. So my mom is worried. Oh, so when my mom gets like, she got her first public 55. Sorry to talk about my mother's colon health, but she got Apollo. Here we are. So then the doctor said I need to go 10 years before she was her fight. So anyway, I need to go get that whole checked. There's a lot of whole talk farts Legia. This might be a whole episode. It's a whole whole episode, honey. So anyway, when I know I didn't answer the body hair thing, though. Honestly. So we'll about it. I don't like it. Oh, on. So I'm not like against it. But I like if you're to say, like, you want to smooth chest a guy or a hairy chest. The guy, I would say smooth Sorry. That's just me. I like the gingers. I like the hairless. I like the pale, full white. I'm fully for fuck's sake. I mean, I just that not like I want something to grab on, Teoh, Like, I want to feel like I'm not I don't worry about a little stray hair on my back like My God, that's something that's occurring in my life. Random. Here's all those so weird. It's fine. It's fine. No one cared about me like honey even Look at me. I'm Tunky. Anima Harry like ish. So you're Harry Chunky Bear, right? Like and some people love it. I mean, people are chasing you, like in L. A. Fuck you. I'm going to tell a thing. When you get a honey, I want the next subject up. Next. Next, next. Stephen, Um, here's one of the ones that are spamming. Love your page, be safe and keep up the good work. If you can please follow my Spotify. Don't say it, bitch. No, I'm not. Sadist. Next. Oh! Oh, Concern? No, Um, What's the first thing you want to do when you get out of quarantine? Bar? Yeah. Same. Okay, that was easy. What's the one thing that you took for granted before quarantine? That'll that you appreciate more after Bar bar next? That's horrifying. Is that sad below? I like them bar. So we need it. Okay. No, no social event. Yes. Any social event. Like looking like Okay, here comes Friday. I get to see my friend, eight of my friend and all in one place. And they were nervous and not be worried. Cordially will be worried for a while. Like a hug thing about hugs right now. Not in an argument. You won't even accept a beer for me. No, I'm very Don't want me to touch anything you have of 11 year old. You are quarantined space. The part We have our little filters again. Like it's not that bad. It's so horrifying. They answered everything is bar, um bar slash social. I mean, I'm still food out because I'm just ordering it in. So don't worry. We're supporting the local. They should be fine. They should be fun. Really shutting by my scale. They should be fine. Have you gained a lot? Actually, we like 10 rounds. So since December, I'm actually I actually lost way one of the weeks, and I'm still the same. Thank you all from December. Where we Oh, you're this hiking. I'm the same off. I'm done. I've got to go. But by But from August, I'm not the same. £15 have your okay. Same okay. From August. Yeah. Here we go. Judge Paralyzed fairway. Some has usually. Fuck you. Yeah. Fuck the weight thing about the weight thing. You're beautiful the way you are, period. I'm done. Florentina periods. Periods? Um, I have some more. One more, I think. Or a couple more. Um, Then there's a lot of spam. Let me help you gain. Oh, and what, honey? Wait. Or muscles or factor? I could do that on my own. I can gain weight on my own. There's this one, like, hot right that responded to. And it has us, uh, one of those things called a sound horn. What is it? Cold a bullhorn. Yeah, it up. Yeah. Like a loud speaker thing. Yeah. What's that about? Maybe that's his, like, way of getting to look. It is, He has 22,000 followers. So you're just reason Australian. So he's managed, like a medium. Okay. Never mind. Joined the crew, join us at the crew of Balkans. That is next. That there's no more. There really is any more questions. So out of 12 there were, like, three. Okay, no, but I know people. We have a lot of them, but we applaud them. Oh, but Jacquet sent me a whole slew. Okay, so she said how how you and Jim met your partners? Well, I was blackout at access. Shitting. No, I didn't show. It was like lights were on. And I was I was leaving. I was like, Oh, you guys were in the escape stairwell? Yeah, like at two. And when the lights were on like, it was really not a good luck. They were together for 5.5 years now, So same how you guys met in a stairwell. It Access Valley? No, we met at, um l a Fitness in Hilliard, Ohio. Jesus, He was on the elliptical when I saw that ass bouncing and I knew What did you do to, like, get his attention? I talked to the guy next to him who was this friend, and I was like, Hi, e. And then I was like, So did you know the guy I knew his friend on Leah, and I knew his friend through an X. So I think that's the game. Literally be. Everyone's seen everybody's, you know? You know, one of them and then, you know, like you find the other one, and then the next one every gaze, one all day of separation from seeing somebody else's like, I've probably I could see your Penis because somebody I know, probably you. Yeah, you probably have, actually. Well, that's I'm saying, like my dicks out. That one that's two years is out there, like on a website, though I just have to find it. And I've got no, I'm gonna find out. I'm gonna find that little uncut flatten out a little mushroom She taki taki style talking mushroom. Oh, I'm gonna find it, honey, I'm I'll find it. Oh, I mean, you're gonna burst. Okay. Hey, Jack. Hey, so she was. So that's that question. But then she wanted to talk about There's a couple, actually, you know, I'm gonna save these for another. We need some material material. Is there anything else you need to get off your chest? Testicles? Almost. May. That's fucking crazy. Wow. Spring is in the area. That's crazy. May June, July, August, September. That's four months away from the fall. I'm ready for the graveyard. Like fuck it. This year's over. Listen, the gravest years over, it goes so quick. I will tell you this. Everyone needs to vote this fall because he is. We're gonna have a whole episode. I've I gotta liven up a friend of my Mark and Mark, my friend Mark. He likes bears. Yeah, he's a beer chaser. Yeah. Have you met him? I know of him. Okay. I think I should do a picture or something. Anyway, Mark is very into politics, and he like a like ruffles people's feathers on purpose on Facebook is really funny, Like, honey, I thought you were different than he's like, Oh, this is an experiment, like I know, like I'm just like, seeing what? Motherfuckers. Anyway, he's really gonna politics is really good Out spoken, so I want to have him on ready. But go. Vote is basically what? He was your register now? Yeah. Try to delay. They're going to try to prevent you. They're gonna try to purge voter rolls just like a bleach shot. Just can't vote weird, huh? I hope it'll hurt his base. No offense. Anybody's drinking bleach, but don't vote if you drink bleach. If you trust him enough to drink bleach when he tells you to. I don't know what the It's your Yeah. I mean, that's on you. Come on. These people. Um okay, well, no, actually, um I done ranting. I am. I feel I think you look like you're done for today, but so Oh, there will be going to text me, and I can tell you're gonna be ready to ran again. Listen, if you listen to this and you want to be on the show, please get in contact with her Instagram if you want to rant text messages that were started like it's the thing, we're going a little busy. We are. We're just getting that home is I love the mid. I do too. Like I wish he's been asking me about my birds. All we Oh, my God, He's so quick. Quick! He's so queer! Cleared. He's the queen. Were quick to believe he's a quad Text in this. You're a quiet Oh, wow, I go. He posted another podcast last night. He's like he was on another podcast. And so I'm like, you little whore. And so he was like, I go, Oh, so you cheat on us. He goes, No, they're straight. I would never I'm like, OK, well, think better. Never. Don't you ever You better? Never Better not you better don't make sure that if you are on Apple, go subscribe like and make a comment. I'll be really much better. Be five years. I don't want, you know, like in three star it. Can I also say something? Oh, no, I'm admitting something. Admit it. Do you remember that? Ran. I went on last week about some others podcasts and stuff. One star? Yep. And I just set my beer. Yep. One star. Fuck you. Wow. You don't make a comment. Is that shadiest flock? Oh, it's so shady. Better I'm better. Honey, you're better. Like coffee. Chocolate. There's a lot of podcasts. I don't need one star, you dumb bitches. And some of them are, like, really famous. Yeah, truly. You're not giving me any information that I don't need to know. The people don't know. You better don't. Oh, you better dowry. And we have, like, a long night ahead of us. What we need to eat. That's the problem. So I'm losing it. So we're gonna wrap it up. This'll has been another wonderful, amazing and spectacular star Five star episode of She is not Doing so Well. I am Bobby I m gem www dot She's not doing so well dot com. You can find out more details and see pictures of my dark hole. Thank you. Have a great evening by a great week. Bye bye bye. Thank you for listening to another episode of she's not Doing so Well. Leave a message with questions or comments at 669 to 074643 Don't forget to subscribe and check out our links in the podcast description of this episode views, information or opinions expressed during She's not doing so well. Podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company. This'll has been a house of bread production.