Well our little stray cats, we made it. It's our final episode of Season 1 and we are going out with a bang. Enjoy this classic Bobby & Jim style conversation about what Jim has been up to, Bobby's trip to Dallas and how his past is still lurking around every corner. We want to say thank you for all the support over last 20 weeks.
Extra special thanks to the following:
Michelle- Actually, I don’t
Dave – Rural America
Ryan West – Uniquely Ordinary
Carrie Kuntz – This Is Not About You / Let Us Give Thanks
Tim Boyer – Highlights for Gays
Tranna Wintour – O’ Canada
Tracie Santos – Death and All Their Friends
Manjii – Manifest What We Want
Alex Copeland (Plenty O’ Smiles) – Plenty O’ Cookies
Kelsey Ireland & Varsha Kumar – I’m a Sugar Baby
Margot (Roxy Nikole) – Trans is Beautiful
2020 is going to be a big year for us. We are headed to LA at the beginning of February so again, if you know someone who is interesting; please connect us so we can interview them.
Please share the show with your friends and make sure you catch up on all the episodes in Season 1. Thank you thank you thank you!
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welcome to she's not doing so well. It's a podcast. I'm Bobby. In fact, you're free to come. Tongue is my comings in my throat, and I cannot wait to try to limit the box to 10. I love it. I'm just so awkward at this. God. Hello,
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everybody. And welcome to another episode of well, not just another episode. The season finale, finale, season one finale of She's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I am. Jim. Thank you for coming back for the 20th time. Oh, they just keep coming back. Thank God. I'm gonna have one. She feed a stray cat. They will not stop coming back. Who's speaking of cats? You like to start off on this aggressive moment, but, Oh, so we're at work. Were talking about all day today? Oh, no. Yeah. I was like, That's achievable. Calling was like, you know, you know, I don't know. I don't buy the poultry there because I asked her. I go. Is there anything you would not buy at me? It's like you know, certain places like Walmart You don't buy. Oh, me. I don't think I know. I mean, if you do, it's fine. I'm not judging you, but, like there's a certain places that you don't get me. Well, anyway, calling says, Well, it
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was like a
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long time ago when they first started coming out, but they were selling horsemeat. Oh, my Go. Oh, so then they all know I'm like, obsessed Painter Express right now. I don't know why I'm obsessed with it like it's stupid, but you know the options. Well, yeah, bring that. You should go off the DEA and then get the crab Rangoon spring rolls like I'll take the whole thing. All one at one scoop of each there. Like I was back in, like, high when you have been obsessed. And then the lady in the corner was like, You don't think you've eaten cat before? On I go, you know? And she goes,
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00 no, like
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a fucking cat. You beat north. But bitch weren't You said you ate horse and liked it. You know, my mom, growing up always said, do not buy the meat of all these because she bought it once, came home and it was like green. She took a wrap up. It smelled so it's like, you know, there's certain things. You don't want to get the discount version off. And probably Carrier of Disease. Something like me. You shouldn't. Yeah. No, I have handed about What is it? Hand and foot. Hand in hand. Foot and mouth. Hit him handed. Now, my I put my foot in my mouth while I do the hat. You deal. So do you. Oh, wow. May I'm aggressive as happy motherfucking holidays. Oh! Oh, wow. Thanks for participated in the war on Christmas. That was so aggressive. That was terrible. I feel harmed. I feel horrible. You know what? The war on Christmas, we can talk about this, and it's another potential ation. But it
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is the
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holidays, though, because it's Hanukkah around this, like I know. But that's what the fundamentalist extremist Christians are worried about. They don't want Hannah has not. We did not celebrate Hanukkah. We are a Christian nation. Jesus was a Jew. Yes, He what? Oh, just dropping truth. Bombs. I mean, right? Yeah. So So Maur. If you even just wantto ignore that and you could say right. But there's all this Kwan's out years. You could just be like I'm saying it for Christmas and new year's and it is a calm holiday. Holidays. Fuck everybody, but no. I mean, the war on Christmas is a fabricated. You can say Christmas wherever you want. You will never get in trouble for it. No. And I think you won't listen. I think if you're speaking about Christmas, you could say Merry Christmas. You're speaking of Hana call. You say happy Hanukkah. Yeah, but if it's a general thing, I'm going to still say happy holidays, right? Like happy all of this way. Happy the next two weeks. This is what we talked about the whole season is being inclusive. Exactly. And what's wrong with it? Why is it so terrifying? It's still recording. We have our new light in the studio. We're working on upgrades. You're out of your life, honey. We're upgrading. I can't about you production. Let me know when we've upgraded because it doesn't feel like it. I tried to clean up last night. I did. I was like, Oh, my little your little pale little bit, My pail full of goodies. Oh, no, no, I end. You did. And the goodies are in full effect. And we have not white claw its platform hard seltzer looking for a new sponsor platform. Fuck sponsors. I'm over my own sponsor. I decided that you know what we're not gonna get. We don't need it, and we don't. We don't need a good We won't get one. We don't eat up. We don't need some. Just like boyfriends. We don't need him.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah. Girl power. Oh,
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my. So what has been done on your world? I haven't seen you. I feel like I'm forever. It feels like it's been a year. I know, but it's only been, But then I looked at, like the podcast posting that I'm like men. You know, we were just talking to Roxy like yesterday, right? I don't even know. I don't know. Two weeks? Yeah. Tell him in two weeks, but it feels like forever. I don't know. I've just been working a lot, and I'm ready to have I'm going down to Florida, who for the week of Christmas. Okay, so thrilled. So you'll be will not work. I'm gonna be chill. But I'm worried about it being warm for Christmas. Even though I guess half the country we have You never done that now. Oh, hey, Atlanta. You probably 63. It'll be 63 on. Well, you know, I like I know. I know. This is the one time you want to be shit shitty. Like today it's gonna be Oh, race. Okay, Snowy. But then, yeah, it's just different. Doesn't feel the same. You're kind of like, let's get cozy in there like I'm sweating. You're always so Yeah, that sure, Like I just hugged up my sleeves like I'm in it. Honey, what have you been doing? I know you've been field. Speaking of hot. Oh, my, You were I was in Dallas. Sorry. I just choked on my You were to say, Denver. I was like, Wow, news to me. Denver and then Dallas. I did a little drop into Denver. No, I did it. I went to Dallas, We went to Dallas, man Michael. And just a little quick getaway. Little
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close it for, like a couples retreat. Yeah. I mean, no.
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Oh, you don't know anyone there. Yeah, we, uh no, I don't know anybody that I talked to their
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There's people I know. There you went to a city where you don't just want to
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get away. Sort of So, um yeah. So we talked with other people about going They dated a backing out. Oh, so shocking. I'm like, Okay, well, guess what, honey, We're going. We're going. So we went and it was actually a lot of fun. I mean, it's a quick trip. You left Friday night? Um, I took my pro panda roll. I love how you say it. I know it's wrong. Actually. Had a dude. It's pra Pran. Oh, raw LOL appropriate or law? Propranolol. Propranolol Like. There you go. Yeah. I'll never be a pharmacist. What you want? Well, Bruce Korean. I got you Ambien ambience
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beyond. I got some ambiance for you. They're
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like and some ambience. He killed someone's grandma by giving them the wrong Sorry. Sorry. Not some hiding do ski. So you went Friday? Came back Sunday s 00 that's quick trip. So we get there, we go right to the Mexican restaurant, cause that was what we were doing. I have huge margarita and just eight fucking salsa. Texas. Where should we go next? Chipotle A. We're gonna We're gonna Taco Bell. I even said that I
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go looking to talk about Michael Goes,
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we're in fucking Texas. We're not getting Taco Bell. I was like, I know. I'm just saying, like, maybe like, order. Could we get it later? I'm like, Well, we'll see. So you went to a Mexican restaurant? X and restaurant Did that went out? We went to a gay, um, hoedown. What is not like your normal hoedown? You see, on normal gay neighborhoods,
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I couldn't think
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the world like bars, gay bars those things. It was literally like line dancing boys dancing with boys here like it was so good where their ropes involved. No, it wasn't like boots, boots and, like, tops on gets off on. There was a girl like women there, too. But it was mostly a gay bar. I mean, it was a gay bar for sure the guys had jocks on and no shirts. That was like a thing they did in Dallas. Why Just jock jocks? And they're all beefy and like cowboy, it's You don't really see too many, like, really skinning Twinkies. It's like everybody and every looks thick there. It's like, Do you hand out of your thick said that it was creepy. Sorry, everyone Okay, so that's doubt. No. So did that. We went in early. Well, we went to bed. We'll go really early. We went to why we went to the JFK Museum. Oh, hey. The ah, sixth floor museum. Where also watch Autumn
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Lee Harvey Lee. Harvey Oswald. Is that his name? I thought so. Yeah, I think I can remember. I don't know. You're the one with the museum? Yeah. Anyway, I got a lot out of it. And now I did was actually really Do they have, like, a gun in the window where you can pretend to be? Oh, yeah. You see the window where it's at You see, you don't get to reenact sono una That would be disrespectful. Pretty have X is in the street, though, where he got shot, You know exactly where he was shot the first shot, and then the fatal shot Fatal shots. A thicker X. I'm like, Oh, I remember that, honey. X marks the spot. So then sorry to have my glasses, You know, college that day. So here's the thing. My goal. I love him. I love him. We know here's the thing. So we all know he loves his walks, So he's like I want to walk to the river. So I'm like, OK, we can go
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to the
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river. I thought the rivers, like in town. Yeah. We start walking away from town into this, like, little ghetto towards the highway in this little ghetto. Where
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is the rivers
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were walking towards the river. And I go, Yep, we're on. You know me. I get well, real fucking attitude problems. I'm like, Yep. We're just walking to the fucking river.
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Yeah, like piss. And he's
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like, he's like, I'm trying to have Fine now, But I'm going on a two hour walk through a river that even heard of, right, So Okay, cool. Let's keep walking. I'm like, Okay, fine. We're doing it. Let's just do it. Whatever you keep walking and I see a bail bondsman like signs and people, like in a pulling pickup area. Oh, and we're at the county jail walking past. Count your mind. You There's not really much going on around us, and I'm like, we're going away from the fucking city. We're going away from the river or going towards the river. But it's not like where the city is, where people are getting to the refer. So we're walking, we walk past the fucking jail. And at this point, I'm like, isn't this a great I'm meeting a Yeah, Yeah. Next word. Oh, having a story about that? Just reminded about the C word. Um, so we're walking by the jail in here, like this shit's on the jail cells like and people? Yes. And I'm,
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like, surreal. I'm not
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lying. I'm like, Okay, look. Whatever, like, let's
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just keep walking to the river. And I keep saying that all the rivers up ahead.
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So I'm walking. We then go on a single file. Ah, path on a bridge that's is long. Only half a mile long that we went Carla passing right. Next one, some walking. We're walking to the river. I look up, I look back at my Can I go? Is that the fucking river? What is it? It's a creek. Um, I I go. It's
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a creek. Nobody's here. It wasn't like a river.
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We walk by. The waterside is gonna turn into that eventually, But like, but it's not like nerd in climb down. No, that's what I was gonna be like. Like it'll be cool down the Slobo It's a crate Hoke off and I was like, Sumo's well killed. Here we are at the fucking river. And of course we pull your phone on getting uber, I hope. Well, yes, someone across the street Is that Lincoln uber? Because my idea of a vacation, as you know, is I love you drank and like, relax and take naps and like, that's my idea of vacation. His vacation is like,
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you know, I
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appreciate I appreciated the walk like I get it. Yeah, but it was a different view
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of the
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city, which is what he told the uber driver when the uber driver goes,
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What were you guys doing over here? Might go ahead and tell him that Mike's like, I just want a
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different view of the city. I was like, Oh, my, he's like, This is not the view you want. Okay, love. I mean, he's so patient with me, though, because I'm being the biggest asshole I'm like, Whatever. Look, let's just walk to the fucking river and I'm hungry, so you know how I got. That's exactly how I would be right. Be like so I could be eating or drinking right now. I'm like, Are we gonna get a bar? Like this Way? Just said it's murder. Lean Can we like you had to re enact Jeff Case. It was actually the drive that he took to the hospital. God, so that was That Sounds fun. Fun. Sounds like a beautiful river amore. Oh, no. So
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then we go
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eat. We hadn't eaten really? Since the morning we went to snooze in the morning, which was amazing Breakfast love snooze. But some were full, like, I mean, I had a huge fucking breaks. A burrito. So grateful. But you were hungry, right? It was like two o'clock. Let's go to the bar and we'll have, like appetizers. Yeah. Meanwhile, I popped a ah, special little treat that I brought with me. Okay. Okay, Mama. So I popped that we go to the place in about an hour and 1/2 later in three beers later, I'm like,
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I don't know if I'm
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drunk or this is just hitting me really hard, But I need you just understand that I might not be able to speak correctly right now, and he's like, You're fine. Okay, So I was high as fucking and drunk sorry. I'm just gonna say it's are all What is going on? I don't know. Well, it was just fun and relaxing vacation. So that's your thing? Yeah, it relaxes me. I don't drink as much. Actually, that's actually I didn't say Matt stick to drinking. You're like, I'm just gonna chug. I'm like, I'm gonna take a little pill. You're Jesus. Here we go. Okay. Everyone in my life is like they're like, Fuck here goes. Here goes anyway. So So you're sitting there, So we're sitting there, hits me ball ball. We continue to drink, we go to a barbecue place for dinner. Okay, Nice. Okay, so then we're gonna go to the bear bar. We get there. Oh, no. Yeah. It's in the middle of nowhere. Per usual. Where every eagle is there, like every eagles in, like, a seedy warehouse part of town. So it's a bear bar. Yeah. Yeah. Not like the the restaurant we have here. No. OK, we used have an eagle here, Like the bear bar here. Oh, yeah. You remember exile? Yeah. It's like exile. OK, so really seedy Dark trough in the bathroom. Yeah, It was a weird bathroom. Oh, Yeah, so we get there, and there's, like, not a lot of people, And there's a lot of, like, trolls and reptiles walking around
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on. I'm like,
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All right. Like, this is not what I okay. Like I'm really hot in here. Look, usually I'm pretty hot the bear bars, but I'm like, Wow, I'm really I am. I am. I like top. Like I got a high there and coming on stage, but so they're doing this like, karaoke thing for charity. It was funny, but it was, like, very bizarre, because everybody okay, so they would tip the dancer Or don't answer, I guess. Like the drag. Oh. Performing yet for the charity? Yeah. And so if they were a couple tipping, they would both hold the dollar and present it to the drag queen. And then they all would bow. We will? Yes. With the track. Yes, Dragon, about that, they would like curtsies and bows and everybody who brought them a dollar. They all line up in a line, give them a dollar and bow. Yes, and I'm like we're weight. Would be that the giver of the dollar and the drag both found both bell This is bizarre. And I'm looking at Michael and I go, what
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the fuck is happy that you're in a sub
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secret ritual? Yeah, I'm like, What is going on? Is your pills hitting you? You're like, Oh, my it looks like ridiculous. I mean, it's absolutely fat
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both. Why's everyone Bowie?
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No, I don't know. It was, like, so bizarre. Actually, I just remembered I have a I was gonna do like,
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it's so bad. So where Avital is equal and we just saw somebody on ecstasy, I think. Oh, my right, Mama. Oh, okay. Because they were falling over and you
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get the draft. So that Z just like I'm, like, pictures with bowing right before you're like, Okay. All right. What about that point? That's when they were, like, cleaning up the bowing out. This'd is so fucking bazaar like I'm glad it's for charity. That's really cute on, But come 10 o'clock, honey. The lights went down and the bears streamed in like he was the most crowded bear. Play your hottest anymore. No, it went. It went away real quick. But then of Europe, of course. But in pure Bobby fashion and not shocking fashion to a lot of my friends. I ran into something in my past. What story? Quick. I'll make it quick, 37 told us. I think I have maybe my 30th birthday. I met up with this hot like rugby ginger, and we like, made out and like, kind of fooled around a little bit on top of my friend Ashley's mom's condo building, what with the city of Atlanta in the background, on top of a building that was really romantic. Not really. It was trash is fox, and I was like, Oh, my God, like she's on her Mom was on the board. And what if there's video cameras up here? And here I am like being a little slut? It's probably were Oh, I was I was 30. Any rules? Yes, 30. Living my best life, whatever. Some just came out. Yeah, like I mean, whatever. So some things happen, but nothing like crazy. Crazy. I was like nervous, Right? So that happens. I don't see him again. Ever. Right. Oh, fine. I want to see a pig. I'm gonna show you. Pick laughter. OK, so then he goes so that not he goes. So then we go to Dallas and I'm in the bathroom and I walk out of bathroom. I look back and this guy's walking out of bathroom at the same time, and he looks familiar, and he kind of looked at me and I kind of like, No, it was fucking him. It was the Atlanta guy. So I know it five years ago. Yes. So I know his name. Because I'm kind of crazy like that. You probably don't. You have a lot of, you know, document? No, I have a lot of actually exclusive our exclusive mutual friends. Okay, because of, like, they he plays rugby, and he's in the sport and all that kind of shit. So and since I'm so athletic, it's like you are, So you may know him. Yes, I knew his name. So I looked it up and was like, Oh, my God, it's him. And he was, like, £60 lighter and no offense, but he did not look that good. Five years have been a lot for him. Yes. Yeah. I need to, like, show you the pictures because it's e need to do like a live reaction. Honestly. So that was like the huge thing. So here I am like, Mike. I think that's the guy that my 30th birthday. Like I had a moment with him. He's, like, really know he wasn't mad. Not at all. Not at all. But we're going to another river. Yeah, I was like, I'm walking to the fucking rules against us. So, um, I I need a beer, river, a sap. And I started chugging just beers was like Like I was like, Can I pee a like, you know, when you switched? Oh, yeah, that's what I'm ready to black out. Just be dumb. Is it? Did
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you say seven and 1/2 percent?
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You'll have that. I knew a 9 20 ounce.
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Is there anything that's
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higher? Yeah. They're like we have imperial stout strike. Yes, but I mean, it was like, of course. Of course. I fucking run into somebody in my past like that. Like the one hookup I ever had. That's like, So this guy is like living in Atlanta over 30. Yes. Now you listen, Dallas. Okay. So you moved. Yeah. So this is just bizarre to me. Okay, five years apart. Yeah. I mean, I'm gonna show you a before when he's like a hot, beefy Ginger, and you probably don't think he's that hot. But I mean to me. Well, way to learn my expecting. Well, I mean, Oh, he's a Ginger. He's a rugby, huh? All right. Yeah. Okay, Mama. So that's a yes. Let's look at him now. You might think he's cute now, but I just don't No, right. No. He lost, like, so much way. He looks older. I'm not saying losing weight is good for you. I'm really proud of you. But I just He's got, like, this thing going on with this moustache. It doesn't look good on him now, but when you go from, like, hot, beefy rugby, too not be fever and you're still hang out the bear bar. Uh, you chose your life, so I mean, you need to live with it. Probably saw you today and was like, he's better than ever. Oh, he's beef here on ball beer than ever. Well, game like £10 as we started this
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the same
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you've been doing a lot of travelling travel. It is traveling all holidays and travel, holidays and travel travel in holidays, you know, do one or the other above Both has hit me like a brick wall. So that was my life. Wow. I kind of like that. Yes. So we had, like, a little blast from the past, didn't I Was like, you realized you were better than ever, honey Blart I was way better. And then we went to this other bar and I saw two queens with fans, and I go, Can I try the fan? And they're like, Yeah, he taught me how to flip the fan. You conflict?
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Yeah, it
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was fun. And I don't know how to do that in the nicest guys they like Hugs. Bye.
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Bye. Oh, my God. I was
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like, Thank you. Like where? Where
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did you buy? Do you think
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we'll get a mani Amazon? Maybe that's what I'll get you for. I need a fan. Look, yeah, maybe we'll get some pans. Trust me. I'm gonna go to the end degree and get us like
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she's not doing so well. Fans get him today.
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Glitter. She wanted Yeah, dramatic. My case would be like farts kind of sound like that. It does. It's like crassly. And he was like, I was laughing so hard because he would, like, get to the beat of the music. And I'm like,
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Okay, I can
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do this to and I did. And they're like, Yeah. Oh, my God. This is the best that you need to have someone shouting. Yas it was so fun. It was, like, so far. So that's like And then Sunday what did you just, like, sleep into 11 a.m. Cause you were Dad. Uh oh.
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That's not even the end. So then we tried. You went somewhere else after So we go
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back to hotel. It's two o'clock. I'm like, Let's order Jack in the MOX know, at 2 a.m. Didn't come till 3 15 and I was about to throw the fall. I had the worst indigestion. The next day, I didn't even eat until three o'clock in the U. S. So
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it was great. Yeah. So what way I can believe you deliver Jack in
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the box a two day? Oh, yeah. And I had to call uber eats because they weren't delivering. And I go Excuse me. This has been on here for about an hour now. Go to bed. Music. Well, I can't. So then they finally pick up the fucking order. And then as I'm on the phone, the uber guy shocker. And he's like, Do you want to cancel the order? I go, It's
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on the way now. No, I've been waiting for the shit I should've canceled. It was like, Yes, you're like, look cold.
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Hamburger. I'm like, actually, a chicken sandwich is really good, but we just were really hungry. And we should not have done that. I'll take cheese fries and queen get It was gross. Oh, God is gross. I was chilly. Oh, my God. I was throwing. I mean, I almost threw up like I was like, I'm so full in the next day, we'll be playing the food for that. Yeah. I mean, I could live in Texas or anywhere like Southern anymore, cause A The grease would be like in Texas everything spicy and like, peppers. And you would learn. Oh, God. I'd have to be on something. Yeah, you are on something. Tom's Honey, I did. I did. I like Gary. I'm Carrie right now. I'm not so sure while so that's
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like a
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trip for the ages. Yeah, and two out in two days. So much you have? Wow. Yes, we're on the plane back. More like way. Need to get home. And PS. It was 74 when we left and we landed. It's 30. This is great. But I do love the Midwest. I like. No, that's the thing. Yeah, I do love it. I really doing? You would overheat in this. I mean,
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I did in the middle of
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winter and 74 like it's over 100. I'm sure in summer, when I'm so anything like these, I yeah, dehydration, heatstroke don't even go outside, though. So it's like it's more expensive to run your air than your heat. Sorry. It is acts so true. Fax. Oh, my God. Yeah. And this summer, the bills go up, goes up in your alcohol. Goes up. Oh, honey, I p A. Um So this is our finale. Hey, now it's kind of sad. Kind
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sad, but kind of in awe. It's good. It's good, because we're gonna I think we have a lot of ideas that we still need to discuss. We need time. We need time. We need time. Because what's happening is we're trying to up our we're gonna have a long up up and just our level in general. And we need time to kind of build like a little bit of, ah, stepping stones that we don't have to, like, keep running out of gas every week. I mean a struggle. It's a struggle, like I can tell. But we are. The wheels are falling off, the wheels are falling off. I mean, it's so tired of everyone you're like, because then we're done recording and you're like, knifed at it. And I do the block marketing Mark Mark marketing the block. And that's not the other. And it's great and it's really fun. But it's also like, Okay, I need to get a little bit ahead, so I don't feel so overwhelmed, Right? So there's that. We also got, like a random. I don't really discuss this yet. What? Why? Why did a little bit briefing on my instagram, but nobody really respond. Well, co people responded, but, um, we've been offered, like, a weird situation. Oh, no. What is a live show like camera? Okay, so we were offered this lady, like, contacted me, and she's like, I listen to your show, and I'm like, this is bullshit like, of course, the first thing. Yeah, like No, there's no way. And she's like, You know, I'm putting together this thing on this app. It's It's an app where you can communicate with your fans. It live so I could be a live show. We're going, Let's talk about, you know, dating. And then somebody could be like, What do you do when, like a live audience member, even like oh, so through the app or through the audience they can directly? Right? So you have this like it while you're recording up. Okay, so you have, like, a weekly show on this app, and you're just like, you know you have gas or whatever, but if they want to interact with you, they can, like, hit a button like, say, like, try to call you are like join in on the conversation. Even so, it's an interesting concept. I get things great, like, I think it's cool. At first I was kind of a dick because I was like, I don't know who to believe anymore. Yeah, I know. Like it? No. But then it turns out like I think it really Israel Wow. And it's like sale. It's a local thing. No, it means worldwide. Um, I s so we'd be, like on camera looks. So we do it on Wednesdays. It's like, Well, that's your thing. It's a Wednesday, so it's gonna be a commitment. Okay, Wednesday's it, like, seven or whatever. And we get on and we'd be like, Today's topic is anal sex and then or whatever, and just talk to everyone signs out, Feel like, Well, this is the end of this up. Nope. Let's talk about anal. Oh, I know what you gotta do. You gotta buy a whole box of Animas you want. So $10 for 10. Really? I was 10 for time. All this time there's, like, 50 gay guys in life. And you're like, Oh, my God. Like wow Depends It must be an enema. Sail again. Pens and animals. So yeah, so I don't know what we're gonna do with that. I haven't really written her back. I read the contract over a little bit. She's listening right now she is. And I'm glad I talked to one of the other podcast. They're doing it and they're like, Yeah, you know, we've talked to her obviously you don't go to a place to record. You know where I could just hit record right now. Okay, so
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we might
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do it like I'm really I actually talked to rocks. Interesting. Okay? And I was like, Hey, would you want to join me and Jim Because I wanted to be that be a totally different perspective. You know, Trans individuals will come in and feel comfortable asking questions. That's true.
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Even if
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it's basic dating questions, they still will feel comfortable like that. So that would be like the three of us and then obviously, like, if say, you had to work or you know what? I could pretty much commit because I work. You work sometimes, like Lady some Wednesdays. I'm S O. It's just one of those. I obviously want you there with me out. Or if, like, Roxy can't make it. We could maybe bring in like somebody else in the LGBT community. I'd like like Eric even That's a good one. Right? So Okay, so our Michael So we'd have to set it up and I'm not walking, you know what? If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have that. We would never walk we would've never even maybe had this. Now what? At the pineapple, I would just run into you five years from now in a bear bar. Some other city would be like, if you like. What is this little Twinkie doing here? Little tonk in another universe? We had a podcast. One crazy. How crazy, though, is that one little move can change. Who knows where this? I mean, I don't really care of this. Goes on. I do. But, like, I'm not going to see and be like, Oh, my God, We're gonna be famous in l A. I'm gonna be the next whatever. No, you might be. Maybe because we are going l a We're going to go for a week for a week now. It's official. Yeah, it's going to mass, and
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gonna get up. We need to get, like, four interviews lined up with the most random fucking people agree. And vanderbilt out on the street in Hollywood like anyone will wait three interview name, uh, name, street interview. We just want to make it down rodeo. And there's people like
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me. Did you say podcast?
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Oh, we're so doing. Maybe it's Miki's Good because they're all blacking out. That's what Your choices. I know where I'm at. Lord Grave, Vanderbilt. We're coming for you. February grand. We are. I mean, whether or not you want. Whether you want we're talking to you, we're gonna tip you and you better bow. He's like you need Thio. He's like, I've got the police four times their know you're coming. Mickey's has a sign with our faces on the door. This guy's 65 Don't let him in. He wouldn't fit anyways. Yeah, he's like in West Hollywood. Everybody's 5 10 2 and ripped 1 80 is that it does seem like all the pics online. It's like fucking we're not gonna I'm gonna fit in. Fine. Fuck you. Well, you know what? We were gonna go in there with confidence A listers from Rand arrr Marlowe or I'll hit a fucking joint cause it's legal there. Oh, yeah. You just drink white claw. Fine. I'll have seltzer platforms. House will chug it. Still looking. Response all the speed platform seltzer brought to you by platform platform. Thank you. Thank you. Platform. We're not getting a sponsorship. No, it's done. Not this season episode, which actually Oh, I don't want to shout out somebody else, OK? It's kinda name. Hey has a podcast and miss His name is Tony. I think it's I don't know what he goes by. Anthony Tony, But he is off to show you after this. He is so funny and he actually wants to meet up with me in New York. But I'm not I don't I don't know. I don't have time to be honest with you because it's going to days. But he's like it's called Miss Podcast like M S m i z m a Z like miserable. Oh, look, just goes off on all kinds of shit, and he's like a stand up comedian. He's trying to do that, so it's very interesting, but we were going back and forth. He was in Austin, he was stuck in Austin, and he was like, This God damn fucking place. The way he talks is just so funny. You're gonna wanna hear. So, miss, this is for you. Shot out, madam, is when her less one. Now, that's right. That's right. Badge in your leather jacket and your skulls. Urine things hot. 0 100 Really? Yeah. I'm gonna be miss, You're gonna be miserable, goes Oh, no, I'll be happy with ms. But Ms will be miss. Yeah, he's always made. He's always missing. Who says I literally was about to commit Su Oh, my God. I know he cracks me. The fuck you need to listen to our mental health. Yeah, well, he listened our first. That's what made me think of it. He listened. Our first episode, he was, he goes, Oh, my God, You were cracking the fuck up. This first episode I'm like, I remember our first episode waiting to replay it. We need to replay it, but, I mean, it's just I think we've come really a long way in 20 episodes from one to now we have What do you think about that? I mean, what do you think about I rat Where? So when I look back on this season, I think we hit most of the topics that we really wanted to hit. We did a good job like looking back, we covered so much and we actually did more than I thought we would like. I I think we can both say that we did not know where this would go in the first episode. At least I felt like maybe we'll do like 10 episodes and just see how it goes. And then we'll might not. Bill passed 10 episodes, and that's fine, because we've always just wanted to try it. But now here we are. And I'm like, we're planning season two. Yes, crazy. And like, going on trips like Let's go to L. A. And who know, uh, we still got to go to Chicago and see Aaron and Jesse ready to sign me up. Sinus. Although it's a little warmer. Yeah, I mean, well, maybe whatever. It's when we combine a lot. But I'm also just very impressed and proud of you because it's
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Like you do all the hard work, all the heavy lifting. I'll be signing the tax. Honey, are we? Yeah. You will be gathering Jax, please. No, you honey, you're gonna cut. I'm gonna get it. Talent. So I'm just shocked. I don't know how you went from not knowing anything about this stuff to purchasing all the right equipment, getting the right ap getting the right software setting up. I'm just sitting here like, Oh, so I didn't do any of this. I just talk. Oh, honey, you brought the merman. I brought the Merman. So that's that. That's it. But you're important too. I'm proud of you because I feel like you have. Definitely. From the very beginning to now, you've kind of gotten out of your box because I think at first you were really anxious about just what it was gonna be because
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we really
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didn't know we were talking a lot beforehand, like, you know, because
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we're a
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little wild in our original pilot and our original 1st 3 episodes, we were like, Not it wasn't cute, but I'm actually glad we did it because it kind of taught us some stuff. But it wasn't cute. It wasn't. It wasn't truthfully, But I mean, looking back now, I think it's kind of cute, like all look how like messy we were. And now I feel like we're a little bit more politics. I'm not nervous talking to you anymore. Like that's another thing. That's really I think for both of us were a little bit more confident. I think we are. We're stepping out of our box talking to random people that just walk in and were, like high. Like Tran A. I mean train a the greatest experience. And I never would have done that if I never, never you know, he would have gone up there and then just been like, Well, we did eat. But we You know, the fact that we got to meet her so cool right now? Yeah. Yeah. One of the top podcasts and Canada. That's right. Chosen family is on Apple. It was on Apple Ray. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So asked of the year and that somebody who that's her So down to earth. So awesome. It was just And we talked about her a lot sense. So we're obsessed. We're obsessed with trans. Not my fault. But I think also saying her last name wrong. I think that when we were I think it's winter. Oh, but Wintour's the way I'm gonna say it was from Ohio. Deal. Deal. Um, what else? What other highlights? You mean Mongie was Well, yeah, I would say like all the gas have been amazing. Like meeting all of them. It's just I'm like, I'm thankful to have met them and Edison that Thanksgiving episode, but we're still could be thankful But I am because it's we wouldn't normally get to have conversations like that, even running into them at the bar or wherever we would see them. Like Roxy at the shows, You just give her a tip and move on. Now I feel like I know more about her, and I want to continue getting to know her. It's just it's nice having that time to sit down and talk for an hour. I feel like you get to know people I agree, and people who you'd normally would not even think to get to know not just because of anything other than just time you write. Like you said, you could be at the bar like Hi yeah, what's your name? And then it's like a few facts, and you're like, I know them I know. No, no, no. So, yeah, I think the same thing about rock sick I want to get to know her more. I want another story more. I want to really have. It's like I wish I could bring back all our guests in one episode right now, everybody in a room and kind of just go around. That's what I want to do I want to kind of collect the voices of Columbus and okay, Yeah, yeah. I mean, get to know our city, get to know us what we're about. Yeah, because I think we blend a good bit of, like, local with national stuff like we have. Ah, you know, we'll have a local guess. Time, But also have we're going to go elsewhere. We're going elsewhere. We're going back. I'm going big. Like I've been writing people left and right, like people who I never think would say yes, because I'm like, you know what? If you don't ask, you never know. And I swear, if one these people say yes, I will be freaked the hell out. It was to prepare a rolls to whatever. I don't know what you're taking beer. You take it. See beauty, like I have to take a leak. Milgram's Hi, um, s o. We're here to interview you. They're like, no leaving. No, I'm done. So we got a lot to look forward to and season to agree. I think starting off with a big trip like this is a good way to just get our creative juices were a lean, especially in L. A. I know. I mean, places like it's hello the place to go. Yeah, we're gonna come out of the Midwest being like, Hey, bitches, they'll be able to tell they were like, Oh, that's a choice. Thick for out here, I'm corn fed high, high, corn, fad like pasture raised cage free right here. Look below the neck. In fact, don't look the gym just don't look below.
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Just don't look at me. Don't look okay. But, I mean, I
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think also we I mean, I went through a lot of, like, creative changes, too, because, like, I changed logo, I changed the music. I like change the intro song. Everybody said good things about that. Some, like I think it's just better to showcase who we are from the very beginning. That way, people can kind of understand what we're about. And, you know, the other thing I'm hopeful is during this time off, like other people are just getting to know us. You know how that you would get that they'll have a chance. Listen well, seizing. Get this anxiety when some recommends a show and I'm four seasons behind like I don't want to catch up, right? I don't have time to go through four seasons of thing, right? But if you tell me like, yeah, there's 20 episodes out and there aren't gonna be any new ones for a couple months, it'll be fine. I'm gonna be like I have time to have time to list. There's a lot of travel coming up a lot of time off. Yeah, the holidays. Holidays, honey. Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Happy Kwanzaa species in all of that happy holidays. It's
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just happy holidays ruining Christmas.
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We'll have time. Yeah, I think that's a really good idea to I think, you know, we weren't gonna do this season's. We didn't know what we were doing. And that's what I like about the show, too, is that we don't know where it's going now. We don't know. It's like Am I can tell I would love for Maureen listener interaction. To be honest, I know people call in and let us, like, dissect a problem like I think that would be so fun. Yeah, but at this point, it's everybody's showing away, like I don't want to know if my show and your show, it's like, no, this is everyone's. I just hit my hand on one of Mike's getting really flailing right now, but I want emotional thing emotional. But I want everybody to be involved. Like I want people to tow. Want to be involved, I guess. And so it's everybody's show, not just ours. Oh, really? Anybody confirm Jaber is? Yeah. So that was that. I mean, I just want to thank you and Yeah, thank you for hosting. And thank you for having thank you to all of our guests. Thank you to all the guests and obviously the listeners listeners get ready for season two for real. Like it's not gonna be a joke. We're not coming. We'll be laughing. But it's not a joke. We'll be laughing. Will be left, will be laughing. We're going to do a lot of Bobby and Jim episodes way. We're just wild and we don't need the light. We don't It doesn't matter. We know what we're doing now. Yeah, we're wild, wild Children, honey for bow, baby bow Wow, honey. So, yeah, I mean, I guess I guess that's it. Wow. Season one in the books.
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I'm sad. I'm I'm not I'm
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not I know I am
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ready for my next platform. It's announcer weaning to form. We're going to some brain soaring, but for been on moving on to the next season. All right? This has been another episode of she's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. Thank you. Thanks. Buying. Bye
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for the last. Oh,
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sorry. One more thing. Do you know P s? Um what is RuPaul say about the drag race people? Something Uniqueness, Courage, uniqueness, nerve and talent. Do you know that stands for No. Take the first letter in each water. Oh, no. C word I have to remind you, right? That's what I was like. Wait. There's one more thing. I just learned that and my jaw dropped. Michael goes was in the plane. Listeningto repose. Podcast like, Do you
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know what?
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What? What? She's actually saying that I was like, No, it's like I never knew that I was like, Oh, I mean, my job was dropped anyway. Sorry. Now you all now been another episode of She's not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. Bye bye.
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