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Dec. 5, 2024

Why are priests so hot and so obviously gay? It's a problem

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In this jam-packed episode of Not Well, Bobby and Jim take listeners on a chaotic journey of humor, personal confessions, and existential musings. They open with a candid review of a TikTok-famous gum, dive into hygiene debates, and meander through Thanksgiving drama, small-town parades, and philosophical reflections about their younger selves. From humorous rants about priests being suspiciously gay to theories about history being rewritten, the duo keeps it raw, relatable, and hilariously unfiltered. They end on a more reflective note, discussing what happens to their beloved dogs if tragedy strikes, all while navigating the challenges of painting vivid pictures of their lives.

Bulletpoint Topics

  • The neuro-gum fiasco: a TikTok trend gone wrong
  • Gym hygiene debates: to floss or not to floss
  • Thanksgiving drama: vegetarian stuffing and MAGA-lite parades
  • Priests and their "gay eyes"—Bobby's epiphany
  • Bobby’s wine-drunk reflections on friendship and liberation
  • Existential musings on past selves and life-changing decisions
  • "Painting" mishaps: the messier side of gay sex
  • Speculations about lost history and hidden conspiracies
  • End-of-life questions: Who gets the dogs?
  • The randomness of life: every decision leads here

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Opened up. Are Are ready to go? I I like I'm that gum really kind of fucked me me too. I think we're not sponsored by Nuro I'm like, it's kind of gross. No offense doesn't feel right. Yeah Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of not well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim. We're just cracking our beers We are kind of cracked out because we tried a gum. We tried the gum that's on tiktok and well It's not good. I don't know. It's just a lot. It's a lot like you feel a little cracked out I'm a little shaky like we were just sitting here like what's going on? What What that feeling? It's it's the gum It's the neuro anxiety. Also the gum tastes like shit. Yeah, the gum is not good Terrible starts out by feeling like a mint or like a sweet tart, but then you bite into it and then it like releases The toxins. Yeah, I don't really think it had a good flavor. No, the flavor was really bad And I know they're trying to sell it as all-natural, but they have artificial sweeteners in it Right. I'm like that's me why it tastes like shit. I'm like so close like what is this? Yeah, it tastes like sick It does take fake sugar. It's like it's any other I have no flavor If I'm gonna have fake sugar gum it better tastes good. Yeah, why don't we have no flavor then? You know know I mean? Good point. Just you just you just a little chew goop now I'll go go gum in my opinion is very strange because okay. Why are we just doing like what are we cows like? I know? My team jaco's a little bit. Wow too. Like my jaw will hurt if I choose you go. Yeah Well, some people are perpetual gum. Yeah, like my cousin always has a pack in her on her person whether it's Perse it's kind of annoying because you can't swat we're not supposed to really swallow it But I do all the time I have I used to swallow. Oh, I don't like that. I mean maybe my Maybe that's me feel but the acids will eat it up right? No, it's fine. I know it's like Yeah, it's um it's a taboo thing for me It's very taboo. It's very taboo But the thing is like I want to go into like a bar and be like, okay I have my gum in I'm ready to go. I I I just just I want to go on and then I'm like I have the drink and it's still in my mouth I'm like great right drinks gonna taste terrible It's like we need a way to get our mouths fresh and without that nasty like I would like an ozone like an ozone It's oh, yeah, I'm talking about where it's like a spider on your wall. Oh god. Oh My god, oh, it's fine. That's actually a good one. He's got to help us. No, they are good I just imagine like a spray that would then just neutralize the odor instead of like right tasting like a fucking flavor Any other flip right and you know the problem in the morning when you're like oh you brush your teeth And then you can't drink orange juice you can't anything tastes good So guess what I just don't brush my teeth in the morning because I can't deal with that contrast. I mean That's fine. I want to be able to drink something It's not and then I mean you can brush your teeth whenever you need to brush your teeth Especially like a morning person that needs that initial I don't need it. Oh, you just want it I think I just burn everything out of my mouth with like hot coffee Maybe and go straight into coffee breath. So then right the overnight breath is like gone in an instant And then I go from coffee to maybe So I take care of it in my own way well, I mean I guess everybody has their own ways of doing things I would like to hear what a Dennis would say about that They're like all the coffee mouthwashed you're like it's doctor it's been burned by coffee I mean, it's true. Maybe it is. Maybe it's not. I don't know It's definitely not a good method I recommend full brush it's and flossing if you can I also I've never flossed Do you know I don't I so here's the thing with flossing and I've never had a cavity, right? So do you know what flop somebody told me this in it freaked me the fuck out and this is why I floss every once in a while I'm really bad at flossing to every time. I'm like, I'm trying really hard and I'm like I'm not So flossing would be like the equivalent so the equivalent of not flossing would be like if you took a shit and then wiped your cheeks Oh, that's what you didn't get the hole. Yeah Flossing is the hole Wow, right and they said if we're being honest you this the dental hygienist It makes me think I need I'm gonna floss now So then she's like wouldn't you rather wipe your hole then which was a funny conversation by the way I didn't worry about the cheeks, right? Yeah, the cheeks, right? You don't ever do the cheeks. Who cares? Yeah, I don't want so really your teeth I mean, yeah, you can get plaque build up and stuff But like the more important shit is in between because that's the shit that gets stuck okay now for everyone thinking I'm gross The toothbrush I have is like the electric I don't think it rose okay. Well, no, but everyone else might well everybody Go fuck yourselves like honestly good listeners. We love you. I'm over it I don't really give a fuck but I think this toothbrush this electric toothbrush It does it literally vibrates as well So it like does flossing in a way because that's why when I go in there like what looks like you floss I'm like I don't I usually floss like a week before and then I'm still That's smart. Oh, I I that's why I don't do it. That's why I don't like it That's what they tell me I did it for like a week and I was bleeding out I was like why am I bleeding every day every day also? This is disgusting, but like I'll do it before bed say and then I can't put on my mouth guard because it's blood gushing Out of my fucking gums, and I'm like what another and it's like what yeah, it's done Have you ever gotten into bed and you're like just about to fall asleep in your real is your mouth guards in the bathroom all the time? And it pisses me last night. I was like I can't do it. That's when I pull the I was like fuck it That's when I pull the I'm not brushing my teeth and grabbing that thing rinse again underneath the fucking sink and I'm putting it in and going to bed Sorry, don't care. So you skip brush. I do the opposite. Yeah, I'll do the opposite like I brushed him this morning I'll bra when I'm in that mode of like especially when you really have to go to sleep when you're like yeah when you're dying Yeah, that's what a sleep attack feels like by the way like thanks To me I don't like that because all your narcolepsy me yeah, I know I can't get up I don't really like that feeling It makes me nervous like I'm not in the right place if I'm not in my bed I'm like it's true. Oh fuck. I got to get up there. I gotta go. I gotta brush the teeth Yeah, it's the worst feeling like I can't get out of this bed. Oh, I don't Prayed for two fucking hours. I was like what what we just had Thanksgiving so we're gonna have a chat about that happy gobble gobble bitch It was good. You went first up to Houston. No hell No, my sister was driving through to go to Hudson We normally go so she stopped in on Wednesday and we had tickets to the hockey game to take the boys So we went to the hot we met him at NADA for dinner before and then we went to the game and then that was it They probably thought that was a cool big city fan. It was a cool. Yeah, well, there's not as fun They're from Atlanta So they don't need big city, but I mean it's fine. This is our first hockey game. They really like that the youngest one was like wait They drove up from Atlanta. Yeah, so they drove. That's why I was like, okay It is yeah, usually I would stop in like Lexington But because I'm here and they wanted to see me since I wasn't going to Hudson this holiday season So anyway, we saw them blah blah the next morning we drove to West Virginia. We had a West Virginia Wait You didn't go to Hudson. No, see this whole time. I thought you went to Hudson. No, I went to fucking West Virginia So I got drunk in West Virginia and you stood at a parade So yeah, there was like it's a really cute town like I'm not gonna lie to you like it's called Morgan town It's Weston actually. Oh, okay, where Michael's parent really not helping the story here. No, okay, so it's like it's very small town I would say there's probably 4,000 people maybe maybe more So like the whole county kind of comes to this little parade, but it's like an old-fashioned like they have old decoration It's it makes me feel like I'm it actually makes me feel more Christmasy than like wood here You felt a little maga like the good version of Maga a a maga like I felt a little magic if you will Maggie Maggie Also, here's the other thing I need to talk about and it's not controversial, but like I don't listen Priests are gay as fuck. Yeah, literally Every time I meet a priest now Older they won't they won't maintain eye contact with me No, No, know it when they literally see me and they're like they see the nails So they just hear my voice and they're like fuck they're gonna fuck they're gonna know Yes, I'm going to Rome and I was like oh My god, I'm gonna have a conclay. I'm like wow so you're so basically what they're doing is there side story Side story. Um, this is one of my grandparents used to say why don't you join the Covenant? Or Or did they say to me these say the con or the? Yeah, there's some word. Yeah something like that. They go study. Yes somewhere not a convent. That's none meaning you're a faggot Right, and you don't you shouldn't have sex with that convalorium. I don't know what it is. They used to say you should go go somewhere Do something yeah, and I'm like well They all told me to be I was voted most likely to become a priest because they don't want you to be in a grade Yeah, they were like we can't have him be gay, but let's encourage him to be a priest So I walk in and there's there's three priests and dresses. I have to tell you the movie conclave is so good There's this movie about like a pope dies under kind of strange circumstances and like did someone kill him little fishy and They just come out Yeah, sorry, it's a nerogo, and I think it's like Voldemort Ralph fine Sphines is the guy who is okay. Well Voldemort is like the did you do your beer? Yeah, huh? Are you sipping on your beer? Yes But anyways, it's a great movie. Okay. I'll have to check it out. It's like a thriller It's weird and religious movies for yeah, it's religious because it's in a conclave those for they choose an ex-pop And so it's like they're locked in a seminary go to seminary you should join the seminary I'm like I'm the semen airy semen airy. Yeah, so you walk into this gym, and there's like two or three First of all, there's three priests one is super hot like dark haired pink. Oh, yeah Yeah, I and I was like I was dark haired. I was like oh he wouldn't look at me. I mean gay eyes gay face Yeah, well, he was cute like this. Yeah, they are all like talking in the picture. I was like he yeah So then I look over and there's this little bear little cub Cubby boy cubby priest that's standing there, and he's talking and he's just going on and on about the Lord And I'm like okay, so I had an epiphany, and I was also wine drunk at this point So we went to a winery and we like got fucking bad absolutely. I love getting little It's so different but I'm was mouthy, and I was sassy, and I was like I was like epiphany I was like Michael are these all these guys faggots like and yes the answer is yes No, it's like and going back. I think all the priests. They're all good-looking. They're all like I have a cousin who's a Priest and we also went to Roman got like some special Dispensation or something. I don't know where they go fuck the Pope, but they probably all fuck the pope He's and and cute. I mean, but like he's like kind of twinkie cute in a way That's there either really he doesn't really chat with me because he doesn't want to he doesn't want to be exposed That's what I used to not hang out with gay people too gay Because if there was a gay person I would be like and there has to be another gay on that side of family although We have my sister on that side I think we have another I haven't have a cousin but I have a lot of female cousins with really short hair if you know what I mean Oh, I know what you mean, so I don't know if I'm right at least two of them. I think I'm like Girlfriend sure and I just do that by the way. I just walk up to them like girlfriend And then they're like girlfriend. I'm like oh sorry boyfriend. What do you have do you have anybody? Are Are right here right? I I even go fuck. I hate small talk their cousin right? Oh I was just gonna send you something a video. I saw what I think I talk is like for a nerd. I think I saw it. Yeah And you're like and there is this thing about small talk that's reassuring where you're like you're trying to get that You know what you know, they're gonna say good. You know, they're gonna say fine And it's okay and you're both just doing it. It's a nervous to have a little We're good, right? Yeah, it's like almost a nervous weekend good. Yeah, how's yours? Oh good It's like a nervous kind of like oh, I got it I got to start this conversation somehow Yeah, just go right into the subject and I can't so I'm like hey, how's it going great? How are you great? But sometimes we do that even when we're just passing we don't have a conversation to have yeah, true We still do it. We're all lying. We just randomly do it. I don't like good morning. I'm like no It's just why am I saying that? Oh my god, somebody died who? Roman from days of our lives my mom just texted me. I don't even know that is I love that I got an alert is that he done. Oh, no, it's not that it's probably a war bill Okay, so anyway Thanksgiving happened and I didn't really eat that much I did get the sulfur burps and I was like so full but both nights I went to bed at like 8 30 I was like I'm done like what did did favor this year? Hmm I favored stuffing I realized I kind of like it slowly hit me my sister made a vegetarian stuffing Which is very rare to find at a Thanksgiving, but she knew about me and actually my brother is Engaged to a girl who's also vegetarian, so it's nice so Yeah, I Freaks and geeks we had more queers than straight adults at my Thanksgiving at my family Thanksgiving I love it literally I was like wait. There's like five of us or Yeah, no, I did have a controversy really quick, and I don't know if I talked about this last week But you tell me what you favored. Okay, um So okay, I was like you eat a lot of potatoes. I I a mashed potato by like mine so Fucking I will say at this particular has a phrase some people like lumpy potatoes No, I was was are like see there you could be too smooth or you could be too chunky Yes, I'm right right Matt's families were too smooth. It was almost like liquidy coming out of the mill Oh, I'm like yeah, no, that's okay So my favorite thing of this particular one was actually the stuffing as well And it was because there was really big sausage in it like almost like almost like meat not meatballs But like he'll bossa slices like little it was almost like um, what are they called Jimmy Dean's sauce? Oh sausage crumbles Yes, but they were like kind of in little balls like little almost like little mini meatballs. Oh wow there Italian Um, but it was really fucking fucking It was really fucking good also that sounds interesting. There's something else That's non-food related that I found out I kind of like makers mark. Oh Yay, I like coke. It's good. It's like smooth and it fucks you up. That's my like family's thing That's what my that's weird. I I I I was like, okay, my grandpa has his own barrel right? So it's the name engraved on it and all that's so cute. He's got a barrel down there I mean, it's like a interesting whiskey. Yeah, I like that you like that. Yeah, so that is related to food though Yeah, so that was actually really if I'm going really honest. It's the makers. That's what you're favoring favoring makers mark That's so cool So then you came back so I had a a evening last night We came back we came back yesterday afternoon like at like four got back got it I do give the dogs, blah blah blah blah and then follow a lot of law and then Michael decided to go be social and I said nope Nope, not doing it honey. You were protecting your peace one also your peace. Let's get honest When you're at the in-laws. Oh fuck me. It's more relax more work for you than them because you're trying to yeah You don't want to put a bad front And everybody else knows everybody they're telling stories and you're just trying to kind of give me another water. Thanks Yeah, and you're just so it's a a It's a kind of emotionally draining in a way like especially if you're like a half introvert I can't do it like I can do it I can fake it well well a little one then I'm like I would need to protect our peace at night That's why I went to bed right and I would like I dread having to like I'm gonna have to stay up and talk and sit on the couch And be like yeah, okay, so I'm not the only one. No, you're not I think it's everybody like even if it's my own family like oh can we just stop this bullshit and kind of late at 9 p.m There's a hard we don't talk to each other. We can just go on our phones now Thanksgiving is very interesting to me though because I do get tired like I feel tired the whole goddamn day actually Yeah, I don't know what it is. It's the wine even before I ate all the food. Yeah, like you're drinking. That's wine I was kind of I was actually kind of hammered. I was like Thank God that you asked what I was thankful for because I might have been like, you know what honestly nothing nothing literally No, how was your Thanksgiving? They're like was there any like drama or anything that or was it just no It was it's it was so good like whatever to my parents That's the weed. That's the weed. That's you'd be like I wish there was some drama like right great So nothing to talk about moving on Like vegetarian stuffing. Oh my god. I loved it good good for you He's like no family drama no drama for you, honey, no, I don't really think so There wasn't we got to bring Penny so Penny had fun. Oh good. Oh good. Oh good I was really glad to get rid of my dogs for the weekend. Your dogs are going nuts like in the past three weeks They've really taken a turn a chocolate off of the table That was she jumped onto the table the kitchen table went into the stocking that had chocolate in it and pulled out this thing And was chewing on the chocolate whole bar this big gone. Oh She just ate it with a wrapper. Oh, yeah, there's probably foil in her asshole Yeah, I could cut you know what I don't care you're like where's this blood coming from on like it's coming from Michael came up and I was like hey where are the dogs? Oh, they're just sleeping. I go they are Like so I was like, okay, and then I looked on the camera and I was like what's this shit on the couch? That's all over the place. Oh, they were sleeping. I I like well, yeah, because he's hungover So he's not paying attention. Yeah, I he's like he never hungover. He's in in in now Normally, he's like taking a five mile hike and he's got his normally. He'd be like, what are you doing? Yeah, like what's going on like Girl you ain't gonna make it. Mm-hmm. So luckily I didn't get a hangover this holiday season yet Did you oh a little hangover? I think a perma. I feel like it's been a long always hungover It's been a long few days. It has it has Thursday. I probably had like a lot of drinks at my family's I open two bottles of wine So I know yeah Yeah I was It's the best when you're wine drunk you're like so anyway I don't even know why but I got like two good bottles from my basement was like we're gonna drink wine And I get sassy and funny like we should get wine drunk my mom was record one time I clean we should do a wine drunk episode where we drank a bottle of wine before we have done a couple like rose episode Yeah, we have actually that's when we were at our peak we Now we just are old So yeah Thanksgiving was great I worked two days and then I went to Matt's family's Thanksgiving yesterday and once again They asked I don't why I'm not eating the turkey And if I can just pick the turkey out of the noodle dish because I can eat the noodles and not the turkey even though It's in turkey broth as well, and I was like Here we go again. I I I was like I have been with Matt since 2015 And I've never once eaten any of this turkey shit that you guys make and you still every year Why say why don't you just try it or why don't you just eat it? And I'm like I will eat what I want please yeah like leave me alone A lot of people don't like turkey by the way like all my nieces and nephews. I said is that your favorite thing? No, no, it's kind of like a thing you just my one was my one Teddy was like I don't I'd like it I don't like it at all. I I I okay, I don't get that much actually you don't I do a little bit just like say It's not the trip to fan making you tired. No, it's just my life. Yeah Your life is like trip to fan my life is one big trip to fan. Yeah, maybe I should start saying that too like it Must be the trip to fan there Because you eat turkey every day literally maybe like you don't eat turkey every day. I'm like what I had a turkey sandwich for lunch I gotta go home. So anyway, thanks giving thanks giving it happen. We have an archer make for this year Since January, okay, you have to think of something. Let's think of something. We're thankful. I'm thankful for my weight loss My weight loss and my friends like I really I'm gonna tell you I still go back to Mexico Like I feel like I know trip of my life like I feel I really had a good time And then when you have people that come and support you and like you really It's just weird like I don't know how to describe it like we would all instantly book that again. Oh That is a good thing to be I'm thankful for that too because like those girls like some of them I'd only hung out with them like once really or like I visited in Austin Well, Courtney. I I saw ever at city or here. Yes. I didn't see her that much So I was like missing Courtney and Matt really missed her because he hung out with her a lot in Park City So he loves Courtney's a riot, but that's why I'm like it's cool that we all get together now I talk to Sarah all the time on and I'm like it's just but it's just yeah, it's like that's a cool I didn't know it would would that cool. I know I do know but I didn't either because I really fun because I was like It's gonna be great. I I know it hit me like emotionally. Yeah Very looking out over the pool that one day and I was like crying Yeah, like you're like you're right like it's a big deal. Yeah, it's cool to have friends And I got fucked by that like I'm thankful for like letting myself. Oh, yeah, you got I like you were liberated I just did everything. I don't give a fuck. You didn't say no the whole trip didn't say no I think about it. I didn't say well I see that guy and been like we got to go back as a group to the hotel I know I was we don't want to do that. You know, we did we should but we should won't yeah I don't know what happened, but then you're like, okay. We'll see you guys. I was like wow. Yeah, you were liberated. I was liberated But that's why we need places like that liberation Montreal trips like that. We're just like we are going on a trip Oh my god. I can't fucking will be in Chicago Close to Christmas. So if you want to get us a Christmas present, we will be there If you want to suck our dicks, we will be there and Brandon if you want to get fucked in the ass We will be there and we will be there and I just wanted to see I just want to touch your penis Just like play with it a little bit I want more than that. Well, that's okay. You can go that we'll try whatever we'll see what happens There's no pressure obviously and Brandon Brandon you have not really hot friends, please And if you want to meet us if you you to not go home that weekend Friday Saturday, right Sunday, please But if you do what do you see going home to? That's That's you said he has to go home. I think Kansas City, right? That's where I was born. Oh So anyway, we're going to Chicago if you want to come see us we're going this you're going like long No, not really you're going that just 24 hours before you okay So I get there like Wednesday at like 1 p.m. Or something. What are the dates? I I remember It's like the 20th through the earth 19 18th is that Thursday? So the 17th you go here we go You okay, so I go on the 18th and I go on the 19th and you go on the 19 We come back on the 26th, so we're like right bumping up bumping that to Christmas. I'm really happy with your shopping We're gonna have to go Michigan. I'm gonna shop and like the department stores might be set up Maybe we'll be people visiting and we can get like and that's the other thing I'm saying Because there are I mean and we're gonna go to Chicago to shop. I'm stuck in the hotel room. It's like Okay, we'll suck your dick. We'll suck your cock. We're gonna be to cock suckers just walking around Chicago Like there aren't enough already right I mean it's it's like I really like I do to chubby guys get get some you get attention. Yeah, no big time, but I wonder if I'm You're not gonna. I am chubby so but it's fine. So I had some things written down I wanted to bring up cool. Oh now you suddenly you do no I do I do know I wrote a written something okay, okay? She's ready she's ready her neuro gum is wearing off get her another piece. That shit was weird I feel like I'm still kind of like But now the weeds kicking in so that's gonna be a weird combo Calls, I'm gonna be like I'm sleepy, but I'm also cracked out You can lay you can land your back on the couch and just be like Okay, I felt very intensely about this at the time Intensive that I like went to find my phone and write this down So I just like I don't really remember what led me into the intensity of this okay If we have to make a division for humans like to split humans in one group and another okay People with dandruff and people without it. Wow. This is a deep matter and if you have it I just don't understand so I said so embarrassing Okay, I mean okay now. I don't get it now. I think growing up. I was always like Really freaked out by dandruff like it was a thing because yeah dirty and crumbs were a problem for me I think just autistic shirt shirt shirt and so like seen it and like if I saw a flake come off I think I'd be on the opposite side of you because I get dry We would touch through the glass well, and I'm wondering is it just because you don't have hair that then you're kind of like shading people with No, I don't know what just happened. Oh actually I don't know like I'm not actually a fan. Thank you dandruff. I mean I'm not either and things in my past. I've had to use head and shoulders I And also head and shoulders has brought me like such it gives me shame to see it like I feel I feel it It's bad for someone who has to use it now. Do you regular soap or do you use oh? Body wash you don't need great. You don't need shampoo. It's one one thing. Yeah, that's kind of great Like right all right shit all this hair yes, that's what's funny about you I have a lot of you are Harry as fuck, but then yeah, I mean he's a hairy boy if you're on our YouTube You can see the hair right now live on our patreon Speaking of patreon. I I no offense, but thatcher is gone like I've not heard from him like nothing. It's bad Well that oh, I hope I don't get investigated. I don't want to get investigated Like that one day you talked about him and encouraged him to smoke some crack and I'm like officer officer We were just joking we weren't joking fucking joking. Do you want me to get down on my knees? Well, you're gay, so we're gonna rush to anyway. Oh, yeah, they're gonna beat us. Can't wait I mean I can't so okay. Well, I think that's a really strong opinion I think it's a but I really was like I think it's something that it needs to be addressed and maybe maybe instead of like maybe We need to be more educating educational Yes on dandruff issues and And the different colors of shirts that might hide your dandruff the best like don't wear black Don't wear black. There's certain times of the year like winter I get a little more dandruff because by dandruff. I I it's just dry, but it's like oh Yeah, because it's dry outside. It's It's in here. Oh, oh my lips right instantly It's like I could say the same thing actually about people who wear chapstick and people who don't because I never do I have never worn chapstick really in my life like I mean I put it on sometimes But like I know I've seen you put it on that's what was like but like some people are religious about like yeah I know daily I can't be like that. Yeah, that's why mine are chapped all the time. I don't have lip issues That's pretty lucky. So I mean we all have our thing, you know what I mean? Some of us have dry mouth and can't get blowjobs. Some of us have dry mouth and can't have nightmares about it every other night Some of us have had dry mouth probably from medications that they weren't yeah supposed to be on Okay, I have something I want to say First of all I want want read the quote of the day, okay Winners concentrate on the winners babe losers concentrate on the winners I'll read it again Winners concentrate on the winners babe losers concentrate on the winners. I love that now It's kind of a thing. It's a play-on-play on play, but basically if you're a winner I'm not worried about the right, but if you're a loser you're always worried about the winner I'm I'm with those winners. Anyway, that was a little PSI. Yeah I like I saw the movie. Did you ever watch the movie? I I you to on prime my old ass. Yeah, I liked it You didn't watch it. Oh, yes. I did I texted you while I was watching so this probably wrote it So my question to you is what would you tell your younger self? Oh? I know like what would you say? No, but like okay, you just graduated high school and you're at your prime and like you you know You there's so much hope in the world or whatever time period it is that you felt like you still could be you before hiding Which was high school for me like after high school. I was kind of like yeah, I'm gay like right, okay So for me, I would tell my younger self like there's a lot of things I would say it's kind of scary Wow, I know because it could change the whole trajectory of your life, too Yeah, it's like so you almost got to be careful. Did you want yeah because in that movie she wouldn't give in she went and she was like he's Whatever I know and I was like I was like it freaked me the fuck out cuz I was like oh my god We don't know when our time, but like he's just doing shit right now, but he was so goofy and cute Oh, I I really hoping I actually bad guy I thought she was saying avoid him because he's gonna kill you right or like there was something dark that he does I did did the whole time like I can't like this character, but I liked him I think that was the point of it. I know know it I was like and then it was like you found out you're like oh my god Cuz he kept doing sweet things and you're like what is he gonna do is a browner? Yeah, Yeah, like is he gonna kill her all of a sudden right serial killer Well, he did pop up from the water a little that was weird. That was weird. Okay, we ever see cock no, okay And he had long hair which I wasn't necessarily fan of I got used to it right it was like okay, okay We can cut it and they were in Canada. Yeah, that's what I like. I know I like I love Canada Canada love love it's not here. I know me too cuz it's pretty Yeah, I'm like no, they're just and you know they're gonna be nice people not big It's right you're all just kind of there living your lives grand berries. So I would say to my younger self Stop giving a fuck about what people think And I know that's like seems kind of basic and quick Like but I would say yeah stop making everyone else's problem your problems Stop giving in to this is a lot of things. I'm telling myself all of a sudden. Well, that's not one thing But anyway, it kind of just isn't the same little thing like the same literally category Just sort of like stop letting people run over you in XYZ way Period yes, you were like a people please or my I Got away from it I remember I don't like disappointing people but actually I saw like a clip and they're like disappointing people is actually the first step into Being your authentic you because if you don't want to do something and you don't want to like so I have a hard time saying like I don't want to do that Right and so as I've gotten older and 40 I kind of said, okay, I need to just be like I don't want to do it Yeah, I want to be honest right right like I'm staying home right so So that's what what would say to myself like stop letting other people influence you and all that kind of shit So what age am I telling when you were most happier like you felt you had the most I was not ever most happy I don't know I was most happy. Okay, so like was there a moment in your life where you're like, man I could do this or like we're a motivational like movement happened where I don't know or I don't know What would you tell yourself like? What would you tell yourself about today that can get your younger self to today? That's kind of how you got to look at it. Oh, okay Like so would you say You know, it's gonna feel daunting and the world's gonna feel like oh, I would just say it'll all be fine Honestly, the reassurance is like kind of it's gonna be fine Like I can tell you all the little details of everything but in the end they don't matter because you know It's gonna be fine and it will be fine, right? It'll stay you know. Yeah. No, that's actually like I mean because honestly if you tell yourself too much then you're gonna alter your Yeah, I'm kind of worried about like what would I say? I don't want to avoid even the bad things make you grow you remember them. Yeah, you're like How did I get through that period right? I like lost a friend or how did I get through that period where I hated my partner? Right Like and how do we get through it now? Right, so like it's yeah. Yeah, I think you don't want to change it to but don't change it Right, that's why I didn't really understand like once she said he dies I'm like, yeah, but like that's a tell on yourself because why aren't you handling this better? Right, why would you want to deny all this stuff that happened? I know I and take that away Because you're yourself is gonna know all those good things that you got to do with him before he died You want to take that away from your own yourself? No, that's heartbreaking So that's why I like watching I was like it's kind of a weird like got a little mad at her when I found out Right, cuz she's like finally like he's dead. I'm like. Oh my god like wait I thought he was gonna kill her best friend or something saying you know, you know like he's actually a bad guy I thought he was a bad guy, too. Then I was like you're a bad girl. You're a bad Bitch don't take that away from your younger self. Yeah, so yeah, so I have to be careful what I say So when you think back to your younger self and you say, I mean, I wish I woulda maybe you don't wish that because right? You wouldn't be where you are today exactly now for some of us That might be like that's which it up sadly sadly sadly There are a lot of people that more or less mostly the depressed ones who just can't seem to have a future well and honestly I Mean the same token you could be talking about me, so I mean honestly Who are like ready for a complete change and don't want to be themselves, but that's kind of sad Yeah, like I think I think it I hated my past for so long But like now that I'm in a good mental place. I can see I'm like Listen, it is what it is right. It is what it is. I don't want to be a different person I don't want to have a different outcome than I have right now It's like yeah, it would be cool to have more money and have this sure it would buy Apple stock I would say we're fine, but even then like if I had a million dollars, what would happen? I would be a different person I wouldn't know you know you would be a different one move in your life though This is what really this is the meta part of the movie and the one I was like literally every day We're at a crossroads of something so like today for example all decisions. Yeah, it's gonna be like okay What are we gonna do after this? I'm gonna turn left and we're getting a car accident correct and be paralyzed correct Right, so every movie you've made has gotten you to the point you were at right now every fucking move Every move you make every step you take I'll be watching you like this is turning into a song This is a police song. This is the police. This is the police. You're being arrested for having high thoughts Oh, that's what's happening and my stomachs are growling. So I'm like yeah, I'm high Because you're hungry, honey. She needed a little snack. She needs a little chip Yeah, actually that sounds great and I have something else. Okay, good. I said potpourri. What the fuck? Oh, remember when there were little dishes Remember little dishes around the house and little satchels like that I guarantee you You think potpourri is coming back and it will be like artisanal potpourri like I grew these flowers drive them in my barn and Then spritz them with rose oil, you know like it's gonna be artisanal potpourri It's you really can't smell until your face is in it and then then I thought it always smelled like artificial like I was Well, I'd be I'd what the well well and as a kid there were some that smelled good, right? But most of them I think they got left out too long or something they smelled like I don't like the smell of pinecone. I think of death. Oh Really, oh my god them and I smell that's sad I know that smell gives me right to a funeral home right to it Do you know the way that you can start to like the smell of flowers do something good and positive while I'm smelling it? No, get over your fear of death. Oh sure Then you won't mind actually I think it's okay to associate it with death But like why do you have to be worried about that and it's not like it I don't know I guess cuz I just really I don't know cuz as I move forward and like I said I was really thankful for like my 40th birthday and like like I've I Don't know. I don't want to say this because this might be my last episode. You know what I mean like that scares me It's scary. Yeah, we can hop in a noober and then this is the last time we ever made right that would actually be great timing Honestly, it would like if we just talked about it and then it happens Thankful we would like and then it's like we'd be we'd be famous famous Booked in famous. Yeah, we're gonna be that's gonna be us. They're gonna find us in the archives like five thousand years ago We're like Van Gogh Vincent Van. Yeah, like five crazy like him. I mean I could honestly I think he didn't become famous until I did it. No, he thought he thought a piece of shit. He hated his work I know But that's the thing it's like, you know, we put these out in the archives Who knows in five thousand years from now somebody could be like I'm gonna research two thousand in whatever fucking year 24 See what happened and then we pop up on it in the archives That's crazy. That'd be crazy though there and we're like, yeah, oh my god gay marriage and the people are like what the fuck like what are gays What are gays? Yeah, we cured that long time ago Or the or it's either that it's the heteros. We don't like and well they could this is the problem with them Like being like let's find the gene that makes people gay, etc Right because what if they do find something and they these people are gonna be like Let's get rid of that and honestly like block that gene. I think it's really I think it'd be kind of sad Yeah, if there were no gay people. Yeah, because honestly this world is really I mean, I'm not one of the gays that can like interior decorate or anything But let's get honest like the fab five on Netflix. I mean they can do it all they can do anything style you Yeah, get you a new little fix you. Yeah, fix you up and I can't so you're kind of useless I'm kind of useless gay. Oh my god. Yeah, you should just be a straight guy by all rights and honors I'm kind of a useless like you like hockey. You like just staying home doing nothing. You're kind of straight And you look more straight every day. I feel like I got a skinnier and backwards. Yeah, like I Always wear backwards hat. You're straight. Maybe I am I'm deciding for you because that's how this works choices. No choices. I'm kicking you out of the queer community You are henceforth. Oh my god. Can you imagine? Bad ish like I'm first of all, I don't like pussy. So that's the first there's the first problem It's like I'm a straight guy that wants dick. Can you be new? Hey a sexual you could be a sexual well I'm actually in this middle. I'm not gonna lie to you. That might actually be more. I sometimes I feel like I'm asexual I well that's interesting I felt that too about me cuz like I like it but I go through multiple month periods where I do not care about I don't give a fuck right with anyone. Nope. I'll see someone be like, oh, yeah Also look at he's cute. Yeah, and I look at porn, but I don't really know I'm just like on it scrolling and I'm not really like I'm gonna jerk off right Where I know others. Oh, they can't say they can't it's like one hour after they're like you want to go again I'm like later real go again when I came four days ago. I cannot write When I have a big event coming up or like a weekend out like I'm not coming right before. Oh Sorry, sorry Chicago We won't be coming we won't be coming before we go Chicago We're gonna have big fat loads the first one at least the first one and then I need a three-day recharge Yeah, and after that I might I'm gonna have to do Sunday morning right before you leave That's my move let's go boys. I love that's why we don't leave till 2 p.m. Because you can wake up late Can I get a late check out? I do there's nothing I get a late check out. I love a late check out That's the one so obsessed with a late check out and I remember that day I was adamant you were like no they said we could get a late. Sorry We need they were like we can just put it on your room then because you've like a bitch the loudest. I was like, okay, sorry I Will because that's my mind. That's my mind. That's my moment This is you on the couch I mean it's it's it's I something else I do too, but I'm thinking I might have to heat mine for my sundry Okay Cuz it's kind of angry. Why not angry but it's kind of like questionable. I have a sundry, but I have this last thing before good I heard a word that I don't really like at all every time I read it I get grossed out But I'm asking you this have you ever painted? I feel like a messy bottom invented that term Like I'm a messy person. I'm sorry Word painted have you not oh, no, you're not gonna like it. Is it poop sparing? Yeah, it's like when you're a bottom and you go like poop on them or poop on the dick a little bit Oh, I don't know. I don't think it means like a full dump. I think it means like you're not cleared out like that You're not cleared out. So there's gonna be poop. There's a little paint, right? Which it Listen, I can't do it. I can't think about it. Like I read that word and Someone was like so what if I paint or something like that? I was like I Some people are like I just really interesting That's what we need and some people were like paint on me and I was like right they want they want a bottom who paints on them Okay, here's what I was gonna say I I'm gonna throw I can't like you're your whole dandruff thing This is the same. This is the line as well Painting versus not because some people like I don't give a fuck just right over there. Yeah, yeah I'm not out and I'm like some tops are like I don't cool come over. I walked around all day and I like I Haven't I took a shit while I was walking well, and I'm going to Florida this weekend This is the weekend I go to Florida. Why me and Mike are going. Oh, no, we were going for forgot about this right and then It's pig week Fuck so we're gonna have a lot of shit staying really on an end of the year escape pattern I've noticed I'm gonna end of the year like bender Yeah, you're like I gotta get out of Columbus you have left Columbus so many times in the past few months I have and this month. I actually September on you have a lot of September You're like I can't do that week in that week in that week I mean, yeah, even planning this trip. You were like I have these two weekends in a Wednesday. I was like, okay It's true Also though speaking of that we need to also have to look forward to painting speaking of painting Just really quick on a side note. We have a very suggestions for a city We should go to that's a quick easy flight for us But we want to be like gay and look whatever then message me. That's all yeah That's a good suggestion because in March we're gonna have a trap Maybe I mean yeah, yeah, actually it'll be nice. I think that's a great time. I'm time. go south. Yeah, we have to I think Painting though. Yeah, it's a no for me and when I read it. I can't have you ever painted though One time on accident same but it wasn't yeah, it was on Who it was with Corey but he's great. So it's like he was awesome. He was ready for more ready for more That's crazy. I know he saw that paint and then he wanted more. I was like I'm gonna gag God It's so bad I just want a second hole Honestly, like why can't we just hit a button that's like well, I guess that's called a modium I wish right under the scrotum was another hole that wasn't the poop hole right just a little bench little pouch Little little little scrotal pouch. Yeah, like in the taint area. You can just have a little hole my scrotal patch Oh fuck my fuck hole. That's a pussy, right? I guess We just wish we had pussy your trans, okay? I'm queer. I knew you were something fucking queer now that Trump's gonna be president. You can only be gay This is gonna be controversial gay. Okay, the queers are getting out of control and that's all I'm gonna say Like there was something everything's clear recently everything's queer. I forgot everything's fucking queer. I'm queer Are you girl? You just like a gay guy like you're not queer You're a straight fag hag. I know it's true. Actually a lot of the old categories have changed category is the category is Andries I do save some um, oh This is actually this was I saw this last night. I was like this would be good to play You do at the if you want to talk to you what it's it like what's it like? And it was actually I don't know I'm just a person I'm a person who sees the world in the opposite light than you do That's all But I see the exact same world as you do. I assume that everyone is gay unless I've told otherwise You assume everyone straight unless you're told otherwise. I see a beautiful woman on the street I appreciate her as a beautiful woman, but not as a sex object Do you feel jealous of her? Why would I feel jealous? She might be after the same man. I know I'm not attracted to heterosexual men Harvey, what do you think homosexuality comes from? We used to feel maybe we still do it's the overdomineering mother in the weak Boss right well, that's that's gotta be garbage. What do you think it is? Well, I mean I grew up in the same household as my brother. My brother is straight. I'm not um You think it's chemical. Yeah, do you think that environment? So anyway, that's so cool. Yeah, I thought it was a really I mean you're like it's like wow I've heard about something else. Okay. Go into it. Sorry real quick. So I got trapped in a video last night This is why I'm saving it. Oh, it's okay. I was trapped in the video too You're like some of these builders were built like in a year and we're supposed to believe that the people with like horses and buggies Like literally went to the quarry Got all the stone. I'm kind of in a deep dark dive basically a long story short There's a pair and when you really think about it, you're kind of like wait a second The buildings that are here in America that we built right yeah, especially the ones that are like With the old like Greek statues and all this stuff. How the fuck did they do that? Seriously like and as fast as they did so there's a theory that this is actually the old world No, so this is the old world they went over here It's the new world new back then and now we came back to see we call it the new world But there's actually buildings and shit here. Oh, you know I'm saying like some yeah, but I don't know the facts Would nobody said that but like yeah, it's kind of weird to think though the buildings that they build sense like these capital buildings They built in 1825. It's like what capital buildings? Like downtown Like how do you they build it well because all the immigrants knew from the old world when they came here? They knew how to do that they had like the Italians were really good craftsmen and Mason workers I just built a lot of churches and then they would helped out But these are like if you really look at a structure some of these it's like incredible. No, it's really it's not the size of the pyramids I know that's another thing like there you wait to go see that. Oh, it's a dry river, but it's a dry Um lake and they saw okay, so they built it underwater. It was like started at the top and he like the that would be cool But it's like a desert. I don't know they could get water there. I guess they could build No, like I'm talking like billions and trillion like I mean who knows what was there? Maybe the Lord dried it out Yeah, but it has to have been underwater while humans were alive, which is just not enough No, but you I mean the things we have to trust history and that's kind of funny if you really think about it Well, how do we know in 1800 they didn't change everything? Well, yeah, you use primary documents. Yeah, right. So like I imagine though But like imagine like say I mean think about it though Like you could easily distract people from what's really happening by saying let's eliminate it from books and then in history You're like I didn't learn that shit. It's like did that really happen? Yeah, it did. Yes, that's concern Yeah, think about that like they could have changed in 1700. We have no fucking clue We have no fucking clue the truth Hmm, you don't you don't buy it. I don't buy it really well because we have trust We have a time before and the time after how does seem to fit in how did the time before and how did the time after actually? Coral you have to have primary documents from before as well Right and radio carbon data all these things too. Yeah, but what is radio carbon data? Well, it's made it up No, we didn't we just noticed a pattern of these well, right particular carbon atoms emitting This radiation that we said well that's a hundred years ago Well, no it happens out on atomic level at a set rate So then you see how much of this? This different form of carbon there is Versus not like regular carbon and then you can compare the ratio and to calculate the rate and then you know how long Yeah, how old it is interesting. I still like I still stand by my theory and I still stand by my you think there were people here win wait I was Getting really deep and then I forgot what I was talking about So you were you're like I stand by my theory and I stand I think that like no the history thing Like I do I mean I do really think you could easily wipe out a history and then be like these are the original documents Why can't you make them up? You can in a contained area? So what if they control one state and like but now with the internet? It's getting impossible sure and that internet. It's really is impossible It's hot even China like they have VPNs and they like hide online to find I mean So it's like even in places where the government literally controls the internet. There's still ways you you know it's kind of wild Yeah, kind of wild But that's the whole goal and that was one of the original good things and goal of the internet was to preserve things and to have easier Free open access to everyone or anywhere in the world You have the same information that I have like because in the old days like controlling the information was how you had power and how you That's what politics. Yeah, exactly you control the narrative Right, which that's what my point is like so what narrative was controlled at a certain point We said oh, this is what the Civil War was but what if it wasn't that at all, but like we don't have anybody ask That's does happen. You have to find more primary documents You got a really good deep go to the case one more letter that confirms what we've been thinking But when you find something that's like oh wait You then you have to update the historians have to like start to discuss Kind of crazy though. Hey, what does that mean for what we like history is really kind of fun. I do like I get very important Yeah, it is cool. It's important, but it's also a perspective and you're like okay Well, this is that person who's writing down what they're seeing or what they did right? That's their perspective But what again they could be a freak it could be a little different It could be a little different and probably was oh, yeah not fully But like the the main topic of the stories like yep We took over Whatever but like the story to get to that takeover might be blurred out completely like like what happened Let's just say in the future after apocalypse they find only our podcast That's all they find they're gonna think everyone was gay Back back here. Yeah, cuz we talk about it all the time. That's we talk about doing the little gay thing right? Yeah, so they're gonna think and the gay culture we talk about they're gonna think wow How was that the primary if they only find this? And there's no other you fucking imagine the view of our world is just what we've portrayed. That's what they find That's a really interesting way to put it Yeah Perspective matters, but then so I could be like well history that can't be the only thing and then right well It's like right then he's like this can't be it. This was it It's like the never-ending loop. We're all in a never-ending loop. I love it now also, okay, we can go to sundries I can tell you right now. Let's do it. Okay, let's do it What's yours? You want me to go first? Okay, so this is cuz mine's dark so it's mine Oh, mine's about to get real dark not really dark, but like it might not it's just deep I Literally was on the internet the other day and I realized something that I hate and it's really stressing me out because I also Think it's kind of country of me to say might be But like when you're gonna put Thoughts and prayers or where's my thoughts prayers? Where is my prayer worries at? I need we need some extra prayers this blah blah And but they don't say what it is Okay, and then actually I should just read what I wrote because I was probably really high when I wrote this and it probably is like amazing Okay, hold on one moment, please Okay, I hate when people post need my prayer worries warriors Then don't tell why and then the next post is anyone have tips on da da da or something totally irrelevant So I hate when I see a post. It's like prayers are needed. No context nothing was like prayers done prayers Lord Oh, and that's what they put in the comments after it Yeah, and then five hours later. They're like doing a viral TikTok dance Yeah, it's like what were the prayers for a bit right first of all one of the prayers for second of all You're fine to be doing this little tick-tock dance. So like right what happened to that didn't say anything Thank you. Yeah, here's my tick-tock. It's not adding up like it's not it's a cry for attention. It is a cry They're like, please notice me. I really need my my prayer worries of your prayers It's like why am I praying for a stranger over the internet? Bitch no prayers not done. No, there's not done. I know offense like I'm not praying If I prayed that would not be a prayer my also Lord okay, so the girl from high school Who's not saying what's wrong right who in ten minutes from now will post something different? Ask for your hair. Hey for her. Hey for her like it's always the girl. It's always like it's like those girls Yep. Yep. Yep, and always the ones a little wider. I think wider ones that are wider, but worse skinny That's the ones and that's what they're praying for Be back in high school with that little skinny body Listen sometimes we peak in high school and I really feel bad for those that did So I'm only going up from here that I was gonna say peak at like 50, but you went really Seventy I'm getting old now. So I need to make it to 70 be like a hot seven-year-old fucking fuck boy Oh, you still could I think that guy you fuck down there was he's not he was not he was like 66 He said I think it was 63 I think it was 63. Maybe he was 66. I mean You always say younger especially at that range. Oh, wow, maybe I fucked a seven-year-old. Oh, that's why I'm like He was a hot 70 year old, huh? Things you learn the things you think about after the fact Oh my god, honestly, it's only 30 years It's only 30 years do you oh my god you were an infant now I feel like I really feel like you know they say your life flashes before you before you guys this is the flash I do feel like yeah, you know how it keeps getting faster. It's cuz the last last week I can't this was earlier this I think right before Thanksgiving. I was like it just seems to be going I was like I'm 37 right like I'm 37. We've done this for five and a half I just talked to like my nail guy is like 26 and I'm like I was like 26 26 I was like I don't even remember it. I don't either. I was drunk. I don't remember it I don't either. I barely remember 33. I was sold straight then 26 and I wasn't gay until 29 like officially that gave me palpitations, right? Like I just straight carry a straight curious, bro Girl you ain't straight curious when you're getting your dick sucked in your ass eatin every fucking other day when you're unemployed Sundries last little detail not needed sundries so You're just saying that to me bitch. Okay Sundries so this is kind of in the line of That movie okay, I'll ask okay just kind of like was thinking about the aftertimes and I Will tell you who I was thinking, but I was gonna ask you Who would get? Pam and June if you and Michael both died Like who do you think would take them or who would have them or did you talk to someone about that? We haven't really made those arrangements. I don't think oh, yeah, you have to yeah I guess because if you were on a trip together or something something happens. Honestly, this is gonna sound well I Know neighbor Jackie would definitely step in and step up. Yes dogs. Yeah, but also I see you. Yeah, that's I also see Yeah, I don't yeah Maybe maybe Shawn just because he's a vet. Oh, yeah, yeah, but like other than that I Guess I really don't have a plan. Okay. Oh god. Oh my god Ew, I see where you're going with this So like who's gonna find what and like when you're gone when I disappear and I can't like have my things in my certain area People start going through my shit. What are they gonna see that they're like? What the fuck was he doing here? Right when I when I helped we all here's what we did when my Jimmy my Jimmy from From school the one that passed the one that passed in between summers in between years I don't like your straight boyfriend. That was straight, but not with me Which was so hot. Oh, I know It was like insane But after he died like we came back to school and we realized his Apartment was gonna be like cleared out by his family. We went over before and like snuck in somehow like I think we like told the front People like we lost our key or something like I don't remember how I like try to we climbed in the window Maybe but like wow we went in and we got we found like, you know We took out the condoms and bags of weed and bags of like pills and We're all hiding the same secret. So that's what's so funny And there was like some porn there was like a couple pictures of like some girl or something You know and we're like clearing and we need to clear out everything actually do you feel like this made me think of something Can you imagine if you know you have a father that's like Holder than thou you you he raised you so proper He never would do anything and then he dies and you go through his porn club. It's like a lot. Yeah, yeah trans choking He's the type that like he only has sex to procreate right yes, he's like honey not tonight not tonight But I have to read and then he's reading the the he's looking for super long dawn He's looking for a lady boy. Yeah, look at boys from Thailand like Ray, I mean So I think it's actually kind of funny you say that because I feel like do you think actually ask you do you think? Finding like somebody finding something that's inappropriate or like off the wall Do you think that changes their opinion of them like would that change your opinion if like all of a sudden? Like say somebody because there's people in our lives We do look up to like in a way I think I put on a pedestal. Yeah. Oh, no, I know yeah But for me it would make them more human Because it's like just like I have things that like probably people don't know about or think right like what is it? All right, you know and then like they find something and they're gonna be like, oh he liked that. Yeah, you know I'm like, oh they have that too. Okay, cool. I think I think that it gives you more knowledge about them So they're more human to you like we're all human. We're all just another story about them like oh, I guess they liked this So yeah, it wouldn't really change me it wouldn't change my opinion for the worse Interesting. Yeah, I mean, I don't think it would me either it would actually confirm things probably like oh if you knew no shit You're like, oh, it's gay porn. Oh gay Oh blah blah blah the priest lab top is full. Oh my god, right. Okay weird, right? It's like that track. Oh, he's on grinder Okay, yeah, the tracks. Thank you. I'm validated But at some point I mean I feel like there's gonna be some things that you like find out about a friend or something You're like wow like what if I mean, I don't know I guess it's yeah dark. It's like really it's like oh, it's interesting that you say so Your sundry. Yeah, so what is the sundry portion? This is just like a subject or is it like is there something wrong with what you were thinking? No, I just thought about it because I was thinking about with penny I was like well I think my parents would take her because like she loves being with right and they love her they take her on like three walks a Day, I guess is what my dad did Like it's great. She spoiled spoiled spoiled everywhere goes to every holiday. She's spoiled everywhere She's never left alone more than three hours Ever I can't my poor dogs are here for nine hours eight hours. I right when they're fine and they're fine Right look at everybody's they have each other, but I was just thinking like where would she go? And then I was like wait What do we take June and Pam? Yeah, cuz I was like well we have a backyard and like it's the same size as yours I actually think it's not like that. I mean I think you bond together with whoever's like sort of involved in their life Yeah, okay, like we got to figure this shit out. Where's June and I think I think the people who really like June and Pam like would be like We're right Jackie we would be like okay Yeah, and they're obviously staying together and we could even pass them around for you know every six months. I mean Right, but you don't really think about that. No, that's stressful. Wait. Oh my god. That's stressing me out Yeah, but we have to because it's like it's right you have to you read about it all the time We're like oh that person just died or you kind of fuck car Yeah, and then your friends are gonna like we don't know what they want And it's like are people gonna be fighting because they didn't know something that you just knew in your head You didn't say or even worse. Yeah, like that's even worse like if two of you go at the same time Yeah, and they're like both one thing. We're like well Wow, well, but yeah because everywhere we go where we could die we go together for the most part right I imagine though like Like you can't oh my god. If we were just like when I was in New York. I was like if Matt and I die like That's that the house is just empty see that's where I think I would my parents I guess when I found out the news Whoever I hope so I guess I don't know if somebody would even call me That's what's fucked up is like right if your phone is so you go into the ocean and boom you're gone And there's no context like how do they know where I'm at I guess on Facebook See your sister would find me and say hey someone would be like that's when I'd say hey Do I need to go over there? Hey like yeah, people step up in different ways a different How to bring would probably immediately be like some people will break down completely But then they're the good ones at the funeral like everybody has their role and sort of you don't know your role until it happens Right, that's true. This is I mean this is the weed talking for me personally like yeah I'm this day strong at the funeral role. I am too. I'm this day strong at the Crack a joke if you need help same yeah, I'm always I always like going between groups helping them out I just orbit yeah hugging hugging like I cry on my own separately. So do I I can black it out So it's like so it's marmaline. That's a good. I think you need people like us there See but that's interesting though You that or don't want to do that need us right cuz some people are some people are the ones that will be like I'll go through our whole closet and fix or you know what I mean like whatever it is where I'm like I don't want to do that shit. I don't it'd be interesting, but I want to sit at my role Yeah, like what's that mean? I don't want to see all that your backs at the funeral But I think that that's a really interesting topic and I really feel like I know I'm high like I'm fully fucking high right now Like I feel like that was a good sundry.