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July 8, 2020

You Can't Teach Someone Common Sense

This week on She's Not Doing So Well: 

Bobby & Jim talk about some fun and interesting stuff, mostly how dumb people are during crisis.

  • Bobby is happy his boss is out of town 
  • Jim is unhappy with dieting 
  • Alabama has a bunch of idiots having covid parties
  • People are refusing to wear masks because its "political" 
  • Wear a fucking mask idiot 
  • Christopher Columbus statue comes down 
  • Why do we hate Christopher Columbus? 
  • Rant about how dumb people are in the workforce 
  • Does a degree even matter? 
  • We should learn skills instead of dumb calculus 
  • What about trades? 
  • A bunch of gay stuff 
  • Of course some Trump dumb shit 
  • Bobby Has dumb ass coworkers sometimes 
  • Trying to teach someone about racial inequality is exhausting and we can't imagine what it feels like for black people who have been screaming this for years. 
  • Trump loving family members are a mess 
  • Rewind History 
  • Black Lives Still Matter 
  • Once you let it out, you feel better 

We really appreciate all our listeners and can't wait to see you next week where we have a retro episode with our commentary. The first ever recording out of Bobby and Jim and its a fucking shit show mess.

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Unknown Speaker :

Welcome to she's not doing so well. It's a podcast. I'm Bobby. What is this? The tongue is my tongue is in my bro. I'm gonna try to limit the box to 10 love it. I'm just so awkward at this God. Hello, everybody and welcome to another episode of she is not doing so well. I'm Bobby. I'm Jim, thank you for joining us for the first time or for coming back and thank you for giving us five stars. Thank you. Thank you for getting those fanny packs. Yeah, fanny packs. Thank you for participating in the contest. I'm surprised it was successful. We have some really awesome listeners. We really do. They're amazing, huh? Yeah, we're being serious too. But we are because we are we do actually I I do wish we had a little more interaction. We need a few more rants. We need messages sent to me. Yeah, I mean, well, to us. Well, the reality of the situation is, you know, we need more people to discuss stuff with because we can rant all day long. But I think it's more fun to have other people's rants because then we can kind of like go off of that. And the good news is we do have a rant today, we have a rant from a listener that we will be reading off later, we have some news stories. And that's going to be kind of the episode this week. Cuz Honestly, I mean, we were going to talk about like, Dick piercings we talked about. I do want to talk about dick piercing. We can talk about dictators, and we're going to, like, try to have like, a subject I think and a topic, but unfortunately, I'm not sure. My week went really great, actually, because my boss was out of town. And by that, I mean he's on vacation. by that. I mean, you're free. You have freedom. And I know I'm sure there's plenty of people that can relate to this, but like when your boss is gone, he's kind of a dick. You work so much better when he's gone. Yes. I'm like, Oh, I'm gonna wake up for work when he's there. I'm like, this Fuck, no, no. Is there always over your shoulder? You're like, okay, yeah. So I mean, even if he's not even being mean, to me in particular, like, it's just the sheer fact that you're there watching me and like, any move I make, you could critique, it's just so much better to not have to work for your boss. So this week was really amazing in that aspect. My week has been a mass mine has been a mess. And like, I think a lot of people out there can relate to this. So like when you're trying to watch what you eat, but you have every other meal being eaten out. isn't the right you know, when you're eating now, or when someone eats me out. It's really hard. It's hard to lose weight when now, it's like, Okay, wait, so I just did lunch and dinner, you know, in the same day steak escaping Japanese hibachi for me, like really, but don't worry, I had a little smart one. The Morning a little like, I started. Well I always Yeah, I was like, sugar free coffee me and then I like went out to eat for lunch. And then tonight I had a fried Indian burrito. Oh god what was that called? Coffee roll? Listen, I tried to sing hacia listen Katya roll. Katya roll. Katya rolls were so fucking good. I mean that was good. Like Really? But you know, it was like 20 points cuz it's a deep fried burrito by like a big old so that was my week is just struggling to be like, how do I balance living in the real world where people are like, let's go get something to eat but they don't realize that you've already been eating out for every day then you feel guilty and you're like and then you feel guilty and then you look at pictures from the past. What can we do to stop this? Nothing. We embrace our bodies and embrace our life. That's what it is is breaking down to this. Listen, Melissa, okay, okay. You are trying to diet your whole entire life. And what we're realizing is that you're literally the same that I'm speaking of basically me. This is my Talk about hey Bobby, listen, I'm a new diet, any diet and you diet and you get a little skinnier then you get fat then you get skinny, but you're really almost the same the whole time. And you've got to understand that your body is a temple. No, you just really need to embrace yourself like look at again. lizzo is a perfect example. Somebody was like, fuck it, I don't care. We need to all get to that point because then you won't feel guilty for eating out. Now. health wise now, so you got to make sure your health is good, but it's a balance, like your blood. Your blood works always great, which means like, it just hasn't caught up with your lifestyle. Oh, sorry. That was rude. I mean, well, I mean, no, no, it's not I feel like I feel like you can be bigger and still be healthy. Yeah, I mean, I can definitely be bigger and be healthy. Like I have a really great like heart rate I can do this. I have high blood pressure and I got tomorrow I don't wake up tomorrow. I'm gonna be coming into this computer room and just like recording like I found by dead in his beds and you're gonna have to delete all my shit. Actually, I haven't had a I don't even have a plan for that I need to write my will we're gonna find a lot of things in your Twitter and tik tok history that you don't want share, honestly, ah, as an adult, like, by that I mean over 35 or 35 and above you are Yeah, I'm fucking like, there's nothing that really is crazy anymore. I'll tell you what I'm looking at. I mean, but I'm not even looking at him. Well, actually, but you're not gonna tell us because some of the things are outrageous. Like what? Some of the vpl stuff? Oh, I love seeing those dick prints though. Sorry. Who doesn't like a dick print? Actually, females. That's why they always you know, but it's funny cuz gay guys. They look at Dick's and they're like, Oh my god, that's so fucking hot. Girls are like, Oh, cool. Um, yeah, that's like, so what's your income? Like, so could you take three kids and like a picket fence? Like, just don't get pregnant and just like, No, that's not true. Well, there Do the dishes all my life I'm ready to do the fucking dishes. No you're not you with my job Michaels down there pre washing every dish that goes in the dishwasher. I don't want to hear it you're not ready in reality though if he would let me just pursue my dream and podcasting, I'm talking to you, Michael. you pursue my dream of having my own a mobile company. Uh, however this is called a production company and I want to have other podcasts underneath me and produce them and I'll do the fucking dishes. It's so it's a trade off. Yeah, like that'll be my job will be dishes dinner back. He loves that shit. He loves it dropped off there. Eat it. That's true. True. He really it's part of his thing. Yeah, it is. It's part of his mo Well, it sounds like your week was really fucking exciting giving yourself things xiety and guilt trip I was like, great. We our weeks are basically Oh, hey, same. Yeah, like I'm happy that my boss is gone and you're not happy because you're fat and fam and femme and once again That's the problem and that's why I'm wearing this shirt that you made. You can find on our website www dot she's not doing swell comm slash merge slash merge slash slash merge and what does it and it says femmes a must. That's a plus and we need to add some more Asians are great. Yep, blacks are amazing and that's not bad I want to put every like stereotype is that bad? okay you know what? Whatever I think it's not bad it's funny. No it's not like Asians don't all have small dicks and black people don't all have big times Asians, you know have big decks and sometimes black people have small decks and sometimes white people have and sometimes we shouldn't racialize dick sighs Whoa, whoa, you're onto something, honey. Yeah, because our friend was posting about how we racialized sexuality. I saw that it's worth reading. was good. Yeah. Okay, I need to because I think that we do, I glanced at it and we do do it. I mean, really, this guy's like, Oh, I want that BBC all the time. I know. And you're like, what if it's average? What if it's smaller feel so who cares? Imagine if you're just a normal guy. If you're a black guy and you had an average day people are like, I want that BBC and you're like, well, it's average. Because average is what most people are. Average is the word so most people are. That's why we call it average. Like, I'm in that 50% that are in this range. More than what I'm supposed to feel bad is it's ridiculous. It's tech talk on this dick talk. Oh, yeah, a lot of talk. That's gonna be my Tick Tock. Tick Tock. I like that. I like what is it? It's porn, but it's, but it's like, you use like, sign me. It's like Tick Tock. But But no, like, you can still scroll like Tech Talk. Oh, but it's like it's it's like Tumblr like how Tumblr. Yeah. Yeah, why have I not done that yet? You really need to get in on this like sorry for telling all our listeners what we'll see who really listened to you thought this podcast will make you famous. What's gonna make you famous on you're a billionaire because of dick doc. Oh my god, let's get the news. And now the news. And now the news. Take it away, Jim. Coming from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Okay, go Tuscaloosa, which you can only imagine what's happening in Alabama. Nothing What are they right next sort of Mississippi where we've got the Confederate flag finally coming down which we will talk about one of our stories. This one in Alabama, apparently students are throwing COVID parties are weird. Yeah, they were like keg parties. No, now it's COVID parties. Now it's COVID parties. So everyone makes out and whoever gets COVID wins. Actually, that's kind of what's happening. mean. So it's people who test positive for COVID-19. They're going to parties, and they're trying to see who can catch the virus first. Wait. So yeah, this virus has killed like 127,000 Americans. They're now just like having fun with it because I think it's quote, not a big deal. Yeah, there's so somebody, I didn't know that they knew they had people, people who know they have are going to parties. That's like assault. When people have HIV, and they don't disclose there. Isn't that like an illegal thing? Uh huh. Right. It should be the same fucking thing. So they're going to have it parties and trying to see who catches it first. And they think so far. It's just a fun little thing. You know, it's not a big deal. It's just a virus. Everyone dies sometime. It's not a big deal for us. We're only 19 Yeah, we'll be fine. That's what you keep you keep hearing that. But will you? I mean, it doesn't shock me that's in the middle of nowhere Alabama. And it. This is what they have to do then. I mean, honestly, they're probably all voting for Trump anyway. So go ahead. Hi. Go have your fun. They are go to your mom and dad's house. Well that's the thing is like, are you gonna kill your grandma right? And you think it's funny cuz she went to a party to sign it's I'm joking, but I'm not like, it's disgusting to me That is disgusting that people have lost their loved ones and you're like, oh, let's go drink some Smirnoff Ice and get drunk and, and one person there has COVID and they're trying to see who has it. I mean, it's like this is the problem is we look around the country and we're like, okay, so numbers are going back up and who's driving it young people but also are driving it. This is a perfect example of that. We're having parties where we see who ends up getting in to be fair. Oh, the leadership that we have isn't really a great example. I'm not going to go into it again. But I'm just saying, there's kids that are watching you on fox news because you can't handle anything else. You've got to understand that people are looking up to you even if you are a piece of shit, okay? So when you sit here and you mock this virus and you're joking about it at your 6200 person rally. I mean, the shape that's what I'm saying? Like You're mocking it and then you're like making fun of people wearing masks. It's just politicizing wearing a mask. You imagine being in your 20s like, honestly, like where you're like kind of stupid. You don't understand it. Yeah, watching the president mocking like, that's funny as fuck like, Yeah, he's so bad. Like, I don't know, like, I don't I don't know. I wonder what goes through 20 year olds minds their mindset. Yeah, they, well, the frontal lobe is not fully formed Dina, I mean, do you know what I mean? But like, do you do you? I mean, I do because I remember being a young 20 year old 20 mass when I was young twink I'm not even sure if I just said master. Yes, both. I feel like a young 20 year old right now. I feel like a 58 year old three Corona celsus later, so it says a Corolla. What's happening? Now? We were making fun of these young people. We are these we are them. We're still we're like, we're not throwing COVID parties but like, we might as well. I mean, here's the thing, okay, like grow the fuck up period. it grow up you dumb bitches like grow the fuck up and I'm not this is not even the rant. I'm not going to you're fucking dumb. You're fucking dumb. These kids need to fuck off period. Don't give your grandparents fucking COVID your asshole this is the problem is like they think it's not a big deal and they may be right. They may think it's not a big deal for them, they're not going to die from it. Okay, that's true. But we don't know the long term effects of this, like people who don't get their taste back or don't get their sense of smell back, or are foggy and feeling tired for a long time like so you think it's not a big deal and won't kill you? But what are the other effects of this virus? Like, you don't want this man people young people are still dying. You don't want it and then you pass it on to your grandparent. They die. Yeah, you really want one. I've heard that there's like glass that stays on your lung or something they call it like it's like glass. It's not glass, but it's like something that forms it's kind of like the ground glass opacity. Oh, you read a lot of articles, Honey, you're so smart. You are though like you read articles and you remember shit. I'm like, I can't that's You're the newscaster. That's why you're our lead news anchor. And I'm just as dumb bitch that's behind the camera like okay. Okay, take it away, Jim. Well that that news story probably leads us into the next one though, in all honesty because we have changed very quickly on our position on masking recently we've seen the state of Texas is mandating them in certain areas by county depending on the caseload. What that means is they could do a blanket statewide mandate I wish coming I think it should it should early on, we weren't really sure we didn't have the data we didn't have studies saying like okay, so do these like off mass help you okay? But they do Apparently, they turns out they do for 780 percent protection if everyone's wearing them. That's a lie that keeps the curve down that flat and that's fucked. It's like that is what's flattening the curve like that's what will flatten it, and keep us kind of still sort of being normal but the same Yeah, like we've do, we'd have to tone it down because I think what happened was it was like a madhouse release. Who's gonna open up first who's gonna be this person And then all of a sudden, we're all open. And it's like, um, some states didn't even close down. I mean, even myself some states in closed down. I don't know, even people like me who were really cautious about that. I mean, I started like slacking. I was like, whatever. I mean, it's fine. It's not fine. Where you're fucking me like after, yeah, you're kind of like, Okay, so we've been doing this a while you get what they call COVID fatigue, where you just are tired of it. Because why would you not be your whole life has been up ended. You can't do anything that you're used to doing, especially this time of year when you want to be outside with friends and everything. No, you can't do it. After a couple months. You're kind of thinking well, are we able to go back to that? We might not know yet. like Trump said it would go away when the warm weather comes and has no leadership. That's all I gotta say. It's about the leadership. It really is. And then in terms of masking like he refuses to wear a mask like Trump will not wear a mask. He says it's not for me. Well, if it's not for you, then those wise 30% of the population who are competing diehard Trump fans, why would they where they look at you and they're going well, you're not going to so why would I? It's that simple and the time of crisis you look to your leaders and right now we don't have a leader because he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know if he should listen to his health experts. He doesn't know if he should be joining the times in terms of what we're seeing with the racial protests. I got Sabra Okay, I gotta go I'm the thing is like, I want to say I want to keep I just want to be like, yep, that's Yeah, I don't have anything else to say I could go on and on as well. But like really, but we have let's just say this here. She's not doing so we endorsed wearing masks and we really feel like it's important to do and I feel like and this will be my last comment on the mass game, but he's not done. If you don't know how to talk to people who refuse to wear it first. Just try to make it seem your that you're not attacking them and just say that it's about protecting other people. Say I'm wearing my mask to protect you because I don't know if I have a virus and I want to protect you also just point out If unfortunately the only way they're thinking in their mind about why they would wear a mask is economic reasons, just say if all it takes for us to keep the economy open and prevent businesses from shutting down is to wear a mask then you should wear a mask right? If you're that concerned, that is all it takes to answer that today. If that's all it takes, it's easy, right where the math is working. That's it, you Fox when keep the restaurants open, we can keep everything open. Whereas social distance it's easy mask or mask. Next story. The statue of Christopher Columbus came down in Columbus Ohio, so a city named after him statue comes down. I know there's gonna be a lot of different thoughts on this. Yeah, different positions. People think it's a racing history as I've heard, which just I have a long sigh at that idea. And I wrote a book. Yeah. Oh, history. Oh, you don't know how to look up history. Don't act like you go up to that Christopher Columbus statue and be like this history. Oh, I'm so glad to read this plaque. Wow. This pot told me that we discovered America. What's really happening? Why are we upset at Christopher Columbus? Yes, because he practiced and preach genocide came to this continent and acted as if he discovered it came back to Europe and said, Look what I found. And it's filled with savages who we need to convert to Christianity and turn into basically white Europeans, and erase an entire history of a continent that was already filled with people. That's the problem. This whole history in 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. We all learn that. And we learned that literally, the new world as it's called, it's the new world because no one else had discovered it before. And that's literally the history we were taught is that he discovered this whole new world and then they're just like offhand, like, Oh, well, there were some Native Americans here before like kept pushing West until they round up and we gave them like new lands and made treaties but we kept breaking all the treaties and killing them. Yeah, but like manifest destiny. And white people needed to like discover the West and it was part of their destiny and like God, you know ordained this and it's just one false storyline after another I'm fine with the statue coming down because like you said, when you go to Germany there's not a bunch of Nat Nazi statues all over like and you still know about the Nazis you still know about the Holocaust World War Two, it's you don't have to go to Germany and go, Well, where's that little swastika? Oh, well, I don't see it anywhere. I guess I can't learn about history. No, you can learn about history without statues that glorify genocide. And that's the news. Thank you Jim for the news. We really appreciate your hard work and dedication. She is not doing so well. I think now is my favorite part. And now the rants let's ramp bitch, right to fucking rip somebody apart. It's time to fucking rant. Okay. Oh, don't fucking don't squirt at me honey. I'm gonna be just sassy enough. Okay, so should I read are I want to hear like I heard a listener called in and gave a rant. They emailed but close enough. Okay, I'm gonna read the email. Hello. My rant of the week is the following. Why do jobs hire people who can't do their jobs and then expect the rest of the team to carry the weight which the new person should be carrying question mark. Brandon, thank you. For your question. To be honest with you, I can speak on this you can you already talked about your boss a little earlier. So I guess fill us in daddy. Listen, people might not know this about me, but I didn't finish college. Everyone. I did go to Yale. You can tell but bitch No, you can't. Because here's the thing. I'm really smart. My point is is that you I see over and over again, people who have college degrees come out of college, and they're fucking stupid. I'm glad you can read a book. I'm glad you could show up to class. I'm glad you had the like patience to sit there and listen to fucking dumb shit that damn you could have and you could afford and you could afford it privileged enough to afford it and get in. Yep. You went to a good high school that had a guidance counselor that helped you Fill out your application and write a good letter of recommendation. It's amazing to me though the people that will come in and they're supposed to be, quote unquote, the smart ones. And they're dumbest Fuck, and everybody else. So I'm the one that's smart behind the scenes. So I'm the one that doesn't have the degree. So people are like, Huh, they don't look over me anymore. But at first they were like, Well, I mean, he doesn't have to agree. He doesn't know shit. Meanwhile, I'm carrying the fucking workload and you have all these people that come in. They're like, Amy, I have my bachelor's or a master's in like business, bitch. No, you don't. And so that for me is a really like sensitive subjects. I feel like I'm always one carrying the goddamn weight. And especially Do you ever feel that way? Like with who is in charge of you and directing you and trying to tell you what to do sometimes? Yeah, I mean, there's there's like, like, there are certain people in my office that I'm like, how are you equal to me? Because you're fucking stupid. Yeah, and I'm sorry to sound so crass and so fucking mean. But I mean, it is the rant. I just, it bothers me. It bothers deeply a difference between books. Smart street smart 100% and I think I'm a hybrid. Okay, so I got so book smart, but then I'm like, I can't handle Okay, I fucking hate school. Sorry. I fucking hate it unless I want to know about it. Yeah, so a lot of college was stuff I don't give a fuck about. So for me, as a forming adult, I was like, fuck this, I don't want to do this, right. I had felt like that I knew people in my college who were like, this is not like, I don't really care about this class. You can't talk someone into something that you don't present as interesting. And it's hard, especially in college, when you have a large group of people listening to one person give a lecture, it's hard to connect. And so I feel like a lot of the subjects that we present as necessary needs to be in a smaller class probably, you're gonna drop out you're not gonna pay attention. I would have much rather you teach me how to do finances like legit finance, learn about fucking calculus and do all this bullshit that I'm never really really unless I'm an engineer I'm going to do but how to balance your credit card right how to get out of debt. How to do taxes how to do all this circled in I don't know how to do taxes let's fully admit that I mean I use TurboTax most I think everybody does, but that's bad. Is it? Are we using a computer program? When is it people like it's not that hard? I'm like you're just I users heater program. I have no idea like what you're told no, I have no clue. You just know. A from B and C to D. Yep. It doesn't matter. Regardless, irregardless. Oh god, he's making up words. People are fucking stupid. I can't I really don't know what else to say to that. So if you can get through college, that's great. And but a lot of them are Tia. There's a lot of people who get through college but then they can't get through the real world. And that's where the street smarts come in. Also, I'm going to say this, you should really look into they should really start bringing back like technical schools or like trade. I was just gonna bring that up because I'm going to trade. I'm not going anywhere. It's required in buildings to have a sprinkler system. So I'm not going anywhere. I have a safe. I'm safe. I didn't go to college. I'm making more than people who went to college. Yeah, you didn't know No offense, but there's some degrees out there where you're like, so you went for four years and spent $120,000. And you have a communications degree that you're not really using because you have some other job unrelated to that degree. Like, and I'm not shitting on that degree, I'm just saying, there's a lot. We need trade schools, but we need to go back to that. But I guarantee you, as somebody who has a communication degree doesn't do it. They're like shitting on the degree of themselves, they probably did it. Oh, cool. You got your diploma. And other countries Think about this. So other countries where it's okay to say that I didn't go to a four year college and there are trade schools like in Germany, they have schools and you go and then you're an apprentice to someone like if you're going to be a welder, you go and work with a welder who works on construction sites, who works and does welding as their living for two years. On top of the two years you went to school, and so they train people to hold these jobs. So of course, their technical, coarser, advanced Of course, these people have a job to do for the rest of their lives because these jobs don't go away construction jobs like you're saying We're going to be building buildings for a long time. And they're all going to need the bone by the same shit is going on. There you go. And also with the whole COVID situation, you are really seeing what jobs are actually important and what aren't. Now, yes, you have people who are doctors like Michael and our friends, you know, they went to school and their degrees actually like working for them if that makes sense. Yeah. But then you have people who are like, I'm a communication major. I'm an Instagram. I do an Instagram for blah, blah, blah. Well, I think there's no job for that. Now, you know, what's an essential worker? That's really what breaks down to is they have a central worker like colleges. Yeah. And you know, more specialized stuff. But yeah, Cut the bullshit. I think we need to, we have all this money going into the education system. Why can't we get everyone a skill that is essential? That's what I'm wondering is like, why can't we, if they're spending $120,000 like I'm saying, like, $40,000 a year $30,000 a year, so they're spending quite a bit of money. That's a good idea. Why don't why don't we make sure everyone graduates With a with a skill of yes plumbing. Yeah, that is actually a really fucking good idea because do I know how to do anything plumbing wise like my broke my sink a few weeks ago, and the hot water wouldn't turn off because the little handle wouldn't work. So we had to turn the water off completely from the basement. But meanwhile, Plumbing Companies make 100 they would know what to do. Yeah, they would know what to do immediately. But that's the thing kids are giving people. It's real Oh, I'm about to go. I'm about and that's why we're having a rant I need to go off. Because the thing that really pisses me off is out, you know, when you're growing up and not every grows up the same way. So let's say I'm not going to gender all that's true, but for me, it was like, Oh, you need to get a college degree and you've got to go do this and this and this, but nobody's saying hey, you know you also could do XYZ and make a shit ton of money and not have to deal with all the fucking loans and all the bullshit, but nobody says that. everybody's like, well, you're not going to college. Well, what do you think you're gonna fucking do? Well, you know, for me it was I started with radio, which is why the podcast is kind of full circle for me, but I wanted to be a radio DJ. J you work into production and reaching out to people and talk. Yeah. And I did all my creative stuff. And I was like, well, I gotta get into my dad's trade which I knew I had that as a backup, unfortunately, and fortunately, but no, but that was always encouraged me to though. Like there's always sprinklers. But I don't think a lot of people have that that same a lot of people are told that that's an option. Hey, to me, if you don't want to be a doctor, you can be a garbage man. Because garbageman make a fucking shit ton of money too. Right? They really do like it. They're essential, right? Yes, they Wow. And what makes always horrible like that. They're literally cleaning our lives like people will say to you, and I'm like, you're the one making all the trash and you're gonna say trashy. Oh, they're actually the garbage man. Like, yeah, you're the one making the trash. It's your trash. Where are you going to put it somewhere? No. Wow. So it is a problem of like in our society, we look down on a lot of roles that are essential and we look at them is like, I don't lie. I wouldn't want to do that. I'm not doing that. Just got your degree. Oh, you didn't get your email. You didn't go to college? It's like a no, there's value and dignity in every job. If you are working and you're I'm sorry, but like, maybe this is the Catholic background. And this is one of the tenets where you're like, there's dignity in every work. But I've always looked I've always thought about that because I remember as a child to my mom, like, oh, like some people clean houses, like they do other people's, like dirty work. And I was like, I don't want to I wouldn't want to clean houses. And my mom's like, why? Like you're you're doing good work. You're helping other people. You're supporting yourself. You're supporting your family. You're paying taxes. Why are these jobs considered not good enough for you? Why are they bad jobs? Why like why is doing cleaning up? Like why is being a garbage man? Right? a bad job? Really? Garbage person? I don't know. A garbage person because I don't know. I always looked at garbage. Like that's, I mean, I was like, the carpet you Yeah, it's gross. Right? And then you're laying you really think about it. You're the trash motherfucker. You are the trash. We idolize you. So you're like, Oh, I want to be a fireman. And I want to I want to be a doctor and I want to be this and it's like, Well, why don't we look at all The essential services that we use, like people work in a grocery store and stocked the shelves. I walk through there a couple times a week and put things in my cart. And those people make $9 an hour. But right when there's Caray, all of a sudden they need to work and they're a risk, because we're all going in there, but they're giving them a $2 extra bonus. So they're gonna make a little like, you like owe the government extra $600 a month for the next like three months. That's it. But here's your 1200 dollars. You're done. That's it. That'll get you through the summer. Right cool for the summer. And I remember in high school this like a little story that I cannot forget this because there is a Vietnamese classmate whose family owned a nail salon. And so of course, like we are seniors, and we're in calculus, and we're all taught, like when they went around the room, they're like, well, where are you going next year? Because it's it was like springtime, like we're graduating like, Where are you going? Where did you get accepted? Where you going? And he told everyone like, well, I'm gonna go get training and I'm going to work in the nail salon and silence like no one was like, Oh, that's cool. Like, wow, you're gonna continue Oh, You're gonna Yeah, you're gonna go work in a nail salon. Okay, because we're all talking about our colleges. Like, that's the ultimate and I'm, I'm thinking now I'm like, that's a good skill to have because when the shutdown happened, everyone was like, I can't wait to go get my hair done and my nails done and and it's like he's standing at the ready he can do it for the rest of his life he has that skill, right and i don't know do we all have skills that we have for the rest of our lives? Meanwhile, we're gonna get back to Melissa. Melissa wants to sit there and go, Ill like you're just a nail tech, but you're the one that sent in the goddamn seat while he's fucking doing your nails so shut the fuck up. Sorry. And I prefer Korean nails better but k town was so good in LA Thank you. We got our nails done in K town and it was like life changing. And we watched k numbers on the nasm was good. Those were good. That was good times when you could actually go places. Yeah, Cove it's kind of ruined the traveling thing. I'm not gonna rant on that. But I'm just gonna say like it's a fucking bet right now. I'm telling you right now going back on the whole like mask situation and where your fucking where your fucking mask don't go to goddamn parties Shut the hell up and sit down. Thank you Thank you Brandon for that question because do you see Wow, this yeah like this is what I'm talking about this is what I need from our listeners is to give us throw us a volley like this yeah volleyball terms so Oh, that is up and will suck and I'm a setter so that's like your setter. Yeah, like or if I were we talked to that daddy earlier now. Yeah. Oh, oh, this is official. Oh, by the way. Oh, we're like, um, what's that? season three episode line. Season Three. But here's the thing with the seasons. Okay. Okay, I should have done numerical but now we're so far fucking in that every 20 episodes. I'm just gonna call it a season. And I think it's actually good for listeners to come back. Well, they have something to kind of like, I need something to look forward to. Right where he's not like 850 episodes or like, Oh, fuck, I'm never gonna get through this. When you have chapters and like, yeah, that kind of, we're like, okay, we're in season three now. And three. It's The new C's like it, we're gonna come out of this, we got to start fighting. Yes, ramping up promoting season two. So there's gonna be in season three, there's gonna be a lot of voting talk, there's a lot of I'm gonna bring my friend Mark in if we can get them in or we have to zoom in, but he's very political. And he's very smart. And he's going to talk to us about the different candidates I like, I want to I want to know facts and I want to be very like factual just like with COVID in science I want to be very factual with here's what Trump does. Here's what Biden does and I want people to really listen in here and because guess what, even though if you vote for Trump, I'm really can't fucking stand you. I'm sorry. No, you do have that choice. And if you go that's that's what is it the civic duty or whatever the I hate that like we want people to vote, but we want people to be informed while they're educated votes you need educated vote because he makes you laugh because he yells at people on stage. Okay, not because he like did some kind of like Mic drop during the fucking because he's gonna be an asshole and a deck and everybody's gonna see it and they're like, do you see what Trump did to Biden? Biden was sleepy and all this. Oh, yeah. When he comes up with nicknames for people. I'm like Trump's number one thing is projecting So when he's like, I think Biden has dementia. I'm like, you can't hold a glass of water. You can't walk down a ramp everything you every time you speak it's word salad. You can't even say a phrase or a sentence that's printed out in front of you on a board. You can't read. So like when Trump calls Biden demented. I'm like, this is projection. This is literally insane. Yeah, this is you, but you're trying to project it onto Biden. And listen, I'm gonna say this. I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of what's happening either as far as like, oh, Biden's terms of policy. Yeah, like, I mean, you wanted some more. We wanted younger blood in their younger blood. Why are we listening to eight year olds? I'm sorry. I know. I 74 and 77. That's our choice. Here we go. Right. So 77 Biden. Yeah. So I mean, so we're, we'll see what the VP choices because that's important part. I don't think Biden will try to do two terms. I think he's gonna say, Okay, I'll do one pass. You pass the baton. Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. I don't know if he's gonna make it. He bet has been in Washington for 50 fucking years. I mean, The dude's at least he has that and, you know, every side has dirt. Every side has stupid shit that goes on. Trust me, the left sometimes is way far left where I'm like, Listen, honey. Honey is lightning is losing me. I don't need one Middle America, right? Like, I'm fully for everything, but sometimes they go way too far where you're like, Okay, like, that's enough. Um, but yeah, so we're gonna talk about politics a lot, probably. And because we have to, because lives depend on it. To be honest, we talked about in the last episode. It's um, it's a privilege if you're not worried about your rights, and we don't have that privilege at all times. No, we really don't our community is not I had to try to explain this to somebody at my work today. They were talking about the police. And I was like, you understand what defund the police means though, right? Yeah, means fund other department. So then he said, Oh, great. Now the police so he This is how the argument started. He goes, Oh, great. Well, now the police are gonna have to deal with people not wearing their masks and I go, I go well, that'd be your side of things. I said, my people. That's not my People and he goes, which he does not. He leans more conservative, but he's not. So he's got some people and he's like, well, your people, the ones that started the shit, I go, excuse me, and I said, Do you want privileges and I really had it. It's amazing to me. Thank you, Brandon who sent in the beginning rant. He's one that made me realize that I have white privilege period. When we talked to him literally true, right? Like literally it was a light bulb. And it's embarrassing that it took me 235 to understand like, what that exactly means what it means and privilege but he was saying the same thing that I was thinking he's like, I we all grow up different. I mean, we all grew up different and like, I can't help it that I'm like, the way I go. Yeah, no one would like nobody's blaming you. It's not about blaming you. It's the fact that you don't understand how well you have it and I started going through the examples the name thing, looking for apartments where the receipt thing I will never forget that conversation with Brian. I will never forget of keeping your receipts so that people don't think your ceiling never fat is insane I had ever forgiven today. I have said I don't need to receipts at two different places. I said I don't either. I don't need the receipt. I don't even know Mercy does have the time I just when you get it. Yeah. But Brandon said he brought it home for me. And it really Yes. And again, if you've not if you don't know what I'm talking about go into Season Two and look up. We're a lot more like than we are different. Yeah, that episode season two, if you haven't listened to that I really highly recommend it. Because that's the episode that changed my life so far in this honestly. But there was something that I was like, Oh, fuck when he explained white privilege, and we looked up at you and you were like, Oh, I thought it was because I lived on a golf course. Yeah, because it sounds like this fancy word. But it's really something that you're just born with your basic because you're white rights. I mean, it's like, it's that simple. Right period. And it's not we're not saying it's your fault. And also in that way you can be white and not have great opportunities. But that's not the point of it is that you're it's not because of your race. It's not because of your skin because your life. Your life may have been hard but it wasn't harder because of your skin color. Exactly. And so I was trying to explain this in a nice polite way. It's just so fucking tiring. It is tiring and I can't even Imagine being black and having to explain it all the time. Well, even explaining to like, what is white roll? Yeah, why no white liberals who will be like, I'm a liberal. And then they're like, they have no understanding at all. And you're like, well, wow, this is a lot of work. And no one The problem is a lot of people don't want to put in the work. Exactly. And he says, It's uncomfortable and it takes a long time. Well, this is what he said, like our Auntie sir Auntie said, during the roundtable, there was there was something in particular that they said that you can't just sit like, now's the time to really fight. So like, you can sit here on your Instagram and be like Black Lives Matter and even say, How dare I even have a conversation with somebody about black lives, but when the fire is hot, when it is on fire, and you have to decide between maybe your family, maybe you decide between your job, I mean, like there are moments that we're gonna have to like, became up and just sacrifice and, yeah, it's crazy. And it's hard to it's something that like, obviously, until you're put in that position, you don't know what you're going to do. But that's what a lot of people don't do is they'll they'll get to a certain point, like well kind of back out. Yeah. Oh, well, I guess you have a point and now just, that's I'm gonna focus on that. Like if something comes up where it's so inappropriate cuz a lot of times I'm the guy that's like, yes. And I look around, I'm like, Fuck, please get out of this room, you know, you're talking about it and you're like, this is so awkward. Like they said something so racially awkward. Somebody above my paygrade is talking shit. And how am I supposed to then go? I'm actually you're wrong. And you absolutely shouldn't be talking like this. And you really should. Just because you're in a room filled with white people doesn't mean you're allowed to say this stuff, period. It's like, wow, I know. It's disgusting. I'm just gonna said, I'm hoping again, with COVID with black lives matter with everything that's fucking going on. I really hope we circle back around and become a better person. Better like society. better people. I'm not gonna hold my fucking breath. But I'm hoping for that. Okay, I'm hoping I'm hopeful as well. I think how can we not be anything but hopeful like we have to be helped. That's all there is left because otherwise we're going to spiral well, that there's no alternative like other than to be hopeful. mistake, let's go forward with this. We can do it. If we've been through before. Let's do it again. And to be honest with you, this is gonna sound cheesy as fuck and I don't really care, we are here for you. And if there's a moment where you're having like a legitimate moment of like weakness messaged us on Instagram, I mean, I will literally just talk to you, I don't really care. I don't want some people too, because it's really easy, especially with I mean, I have mental health issues. So it's really easy to kind of start sliding into a weird funk and being like, like, I noticed, I'm drinking more. And so that's something I'm using as a crutch where I need to just get to the bottom and be like, yeah, I'm fucking scared. Yeah, I'm anxious all the time. Because look what's going on around me, right? I can't, you know, and it's not even about me. That's your thing. It's not about us. Now. Everybody has to look outward. It's a lot of people in this country are just very Oh, it's all about me. And it's my rights and my data. And this is my I don't want to wear a mask because that's I have my freedom. First Amendment. What about other people? What about other people? Oh, that other people are suffering. That's the thing that we've lost. We never had, I wonder no effect. do wonder if we ever had it? I don't think I've ever had it. If it was that easy for Trump to get in office and for it to go away, you're like, Well, did we rewind Ryan history, keep rewinding back and leaving what we all you hear the phrase like, I don't want to go back to normal because normal wasn't good enough. And it's like, is, that's probably true. Probably. Yeah. I mean, that's the rant. I mean, honestly, I think we kind of got a lot of shit out. I know, it started with the one rant, but I feel like we've covered what we need to fucking cover this week. Yeah, this is like, this is what a rant about, you kind of start to get all these balls that are in your mind that are bothering you and you just got to go. You got to get it out. And then you feel great. Like I feel fantastic. I do. I do too. And I think I think the listeners do too. I hope they're listening and like speaking out loud in your car nodding their heads going Yeah, fuck yeah, as a reminder, please subscribe on iTunes. leave us a review. And if it's good enough, we'll fucking read it. It could be anything to I don't really care. Get creative. Okay, I think that's it, Jim. You know what, Bob? Oh, next week's episodes gonna be amazing. I see the podcast. Oh, wow. Transcribed by https://otter.ai