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March 9, 2022

Your Truth Is A F**king Mess

"Well, as a matter of policy, we try not to take advice from anyone who praises President Putin and his military strategy.” - Jen Psaki 

The amount of dry hacking cough laughs from this week’s episode is enough to break the record for being the best in recent memory. Jim tells us about cutting himself preparing for a hookup and discusses looking at your own backside. Bobby reveals the sexyness of wearing a CPAP machine and is going to start a CPAP facebook group for the gays. We talk about assplay and how both straights and gays can benefit from it but also how to prepare and what happens if you are not prepared. We talk about our delicate and sensitive 4th-grade traumas and how they come into play in the Science Fair for a hilarious moment between Bobby and Jim. We wrap up with Jim calling out a local twitter gay who has something to say about dating apps, all of this, and more.

This week we talk about: 

  • Manscaping 
  • Cutting your Balls 
  • Swollen penis 
  • Preparing for a hookup 
  • Best hole 
  • What makes a good hole? 
  • Have you ever looked at your own hole? 
  • Popeye? 
  • CPAP fantasy 
  • Straights and assplay 
  • assplay 
  • Shitting on a D*ck 
  • Prepared hole 
  • 4th grade trauma 
  • Science Fair 
  • Raisins project 
  • Participation award 
  • Gross toilet experiment 
  • Report Card Comments
  • Having more Male friends 
  • Show potential 
  • Talks to much in class 
  • Pat Robertson 
  • Christians 
  • Jen Psaki 
  • Selfish moments 
  • Truth or Drink Game 
  • Twitter Gay ( @blacklanterrn ) aka Swolecialist - gets called out by Jim 
  • Gatekeeping Dating Apps 
  • Overcompensating 
  • Young And Dumb
  • White Gays 
  • What Would Marsha Do 

Raisins Brand Science Fair Project

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I'm gonna go on Grindr. I'm gonna go on Tinder and find this guy and we're gonna have sex. And then we're gonna get married and have kids and I'm gonna have my life side.


Every priest is gay. Sorry.


Oh my God, I feel it in my posting.


Which raisin brand I thought would have the most raisins


calm and g


factor found. Wow.


What did you take warning?


The following is extremely funny and inappropriate. Listener discretion is advised.


Trying to help myself look skinnier.


And you don't. That's fine. And it's all about the feeling.


It's all about how my heart Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of not Well, I'm Bobby.


And I'm Jim.


And we're here. And we're queer. And we're ready to go. Now we just got back from the bar. A couple bars. We we act like we're never gonna do this again. But we do it every time.


Oh, it is kind of sad. Because like I just woke up this afternoon, right?


You have a weird shift disorder like taking the medicine. I'm on individual. I don't ship disorder and


I don't mean bad yourself or anything. And


maybe your whole Oh, my whole your other whole show. Your butthole Oh, not your pussy hole.


I was gonna say my front hole is doing fine. And rethrow Oh, well, I Okay. I think I'm sorry. I had a gentleman come over last week. And I touched him was preparing. Oh, we did. But I was preparing. And you know, you get me you look you want to like getting ready shower. Taking a peek. You're like, Okay,


let me see. So I need to like straight out here like, well, I


can't go to the fat. I can't get rid of these tickets. What can I get rid of? A little bit of hair


and you have a bag on your face? I've got some fat titties.


Are you really gonna come for me? You're gonna come from now that wasn't like that. Yeah. Anyways, so I'm like, oh, trim trim time to trim. I'm trimming trimmed. What do I do? I cut my balls. Oh, nope. Right before the guy come on. You're bleeding. And then I'm literally like sharing at the last minute like the guy's about to arrive. I'm running down. I had to go. I gotta trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim, trim. I have my What is it called? man's name didn't work. Didn't work. Trim if you went too fast. You're right. And I have a saggy. Yeah, you have a second sack of a sack and it's hard to give a reliable, same, like stretch. Now with big balls. You got to really stretch. It's gotta be like you got to take. It's not tight. You're gonna hit a bomb. You're gonna cut you're gonna hit me.


Oh my gosh, the worst. was the biggest cut. I mean, you would of course yeah, it was like psychologically, like, awkward for ANA and like, Oh, honey, lock for a little baby powder. Baby ready to go for that day.


I was looking for band aids. And I was like, this isn't gonna wave ever bandaid into your ball sack or


your penis before? Absolutely. I have never. Well, you


haven't you haven't gone hard enough.


I did when I was a child. When I say a child. I was in pre bath. I was like, pre prep. You Brett? You best Sam. I masturbated so much in one day that I had to show my dad my penis because it was raw on the side it was like swollen. I'm not actually a fan.


Whoa, girl. How much in one day


I think was like eight times. This is when I was like 14 you first discover Amber when you could come eight times in a day. You remember when you had come in like literally 30 minutes later, you're like, I'm ready to go again. Um,


I miss those days, too. I really miss coming.


I really miss being young and fun in VIERA. Now you're just old. And I have a CPAP


once you have a CPAP you know, it's over. Like you're not getting any play in the middle of the night. Like, oh, no one's gonna wake up at night and like, take that mask off, baby I want to make out well,


I didn't have a mask on I want to give you a hand job. And he's like, No.


Once you have that on, you look like a robot. It's over. It's bad.


I'm ugly. And I'm fat. So like my cheeks pop out of the top of it. And I'm like the chipmunk and I'm like, I'm like trying to take a cute picture of post and I can't yet so sorry if you don't see my CPAP yet because I'm trying to get the right


every pic you've sent me I'm like, Is he okay? Is that fitting right? Like I'm not


if it was too tight at first, that's why I have blemishes on my face.


You look like you're going through pre pubescent again, like you have acne is just the mask. It's a


mask, map. Mask.


map map bottle mask format. Ask.


Category My God a mask. Mask. You're welcome. Thank you.


Hi gay, right? And I'm sure there's a lot of gays out there who wear CPAP and so you might fit into that


I should find that I just started a Facebook group called like the gay CPAP ers for something and be like, let's see, let's see all the CPAP guys, if you're a CPAP or message me and I'll start I'll start a little click and we can mass rate with our masks on. Oh, that's


a hot button that noise you can't really make


it's really we're actually does make your eye like I tried to Alexa turn off the lights and I can't like get my voice project because I'm in a mask.


I don't I just think of like you getting murdered in your bed and you can't scream and so like people don't even know you're being killed.


I know. And like somebody like stuffing my well actually it's a bit of breathe if there's a pillow stuffed on me, because that's the new thing now that I have the CPAP I put it underneath ah I can go underneath the covers now and sleep. I like that


I love and I like that


when you go under the covers and sleep do you always there? Yeah, but do you put like I live here? No. Yeah. Is everybody do that? I think that's like a secret everybody does is like they they create their hole. So didn't go into that go under the covers


like a seal in the Antarctic. Like I don't go up it


never works out. It's always gets hot and then I can't do it. But now


and then you have and then you fart and it's over. Oh my god. I knew fart I know when you dutch oven yourself. It's over.


Yeah, and when you have a CPAP it now goes into the machine. What happened while he was drunk? You you had a if you fall into the CPU fart, it goes right into the Pap. No,


it's not No, no, no. Yeah, I do not need that


thing that like I've seen like tick tock now that I'm on CPAP tick tock. There's some people


tick tock. They have it. You would be on CPAP


I was nervous. Like, I couldn't breathe. Which is ironic because you weren't breathing before it. No, but like it pushes air you have to learn how to push back. So when you're taking your exhale, it's not easy. It's hard to push back to the air that's being shoved down your nose. At the moment, you know, I'm saying why? Yeah.


How does this work?


Your body just gets used to pushing out harder than you so you like, I don't know, but keeps your airway open and honestly, I don't know. I think I might be working slowly. Anyway, I don't even know how I got to that point.


Where were you in your 14 into your CPAP how'd you get there? I don't know. But I happen last night when I was dry. It started with me cutting my balls and then you went into CPAP like I don't know why Yeah, I don't know where something occurred that like I had to say something. He just had to let it out. So back to your balls. They're healing my balls are healing and and the bottom they perform they got coddled they performed well now did you put like a little saran wrap around I just want to bring something out by the way. Oh fuck so this week I realized I discovered the perfect hole now for our straight listeners let's describe what the perfect hole is like oh like perfect asshole. Yeah, have you ever found a perfect hole? Oh, um You haven't I know you haven't. Because most are like damaged old a little torn brown there


are some like most assholes you find most asanas are not pretty they're scarred. Now when you find that nice pink one that has no scars. Yeah,


I literally looked down and was like, Wait a second. You don't have any blemishes Oh, where are the scars? Like I'm eating that hole and then I'm like I'm gonna stick a finger in and see what happens hot just went right in. Like


some people are just blast you don't I mean, I think some people just like have a good hole just have good holes like where they don't have a lot of like issue. It's crazy to me though. Like how do you how do you get fucked on the rug and have a perfect hole? Never have a problem? Like why rabbit Fisher never have a hammer hemorrhoids? Which I've never really think. I never really think


you've never really think why I had a hemorrhoid before you Oh, everyone has had them. The whole American country.


Now sometimes I wipe so much that cuts my butt.


Well, you probably did tear you probably tore fissures.


That's how you start right?


They start from like straining I think good thing I don't strain because I just let it all out. We don't eat enough vegetables in this country. So we always train. Really? Yeah, fishers are so common. Like we have friends who have had surgeries for fishers. Yes. But I'm just saying like when I saw this perfect hole I literally instantly it was like it's over. It's over for me. I'm done. So yeah, I'm gonna come. So explain the whole though. Like it's pink. It was ready. No scars. Everything around. It was clear. Hmm. There wasn't even any hair. It was all the Masshole it was all like as cheap colored until the exact hole and then the exact thought was like a light brown. Just light not dark. Not poopy, nothing like that. A very, very light color. Yeah. And there were no lines going out from Man, you know like no long lines like no creases not wrinkles right it's no rain gritty like I know you're not gonna see holes like this very you aren't you're just aren't nowadays, a hole like that. It's hard to find that for me. So you got really like you were pumped. I was beyond pumped. I was like, I was done. I was sent had been sent.


Shot Google pretty bad. Yeah. Why are you looking on Twitter? Because there's somebody here that I want you to see. Oh, I want to see that. Well, no, I can't find them now, so I'll have to wait. Anyway. Oh, man. Ma'am, ma'am. Ma'am, ma'am,




Now let's look at these holes. If there's any no there's no hole. I'll


see. Search.


Where is that?


Are you in Save Search? Because like modern old are you off? I mean, hello. Okay. Why are there no Googled holes? No. Well, that would that would be that would be a good. I actually don't know that. One thing about holes is you don't know


what you're gonna get. Don't get hole. Yep. I mean, it's a little swollen and swollen. I like that. It's fine. It's fine. Yeah, that's the vibe compared to mine. Right? Have


you ever looked at your hole in the mirror? First of all, gay men have always had I think every gay man is looked at their hole.


Now. Can I say have you looked at your hole? I have an actually like, what does it look like? I'm actually not like


that. Depending on the day mine is okay. Mine's okay. I


actually thought my owes me a lot worse. That's what I'm saying. Like I thought I was gonna be like, really just like, I leave a torn hour. And it's not


as bad and mine's just like, sometimes I'm like, Are there tools there? Like it's not now if if Popeye has a man if he like closes a lie. That's like my whole Popeye. I know. I pop I have


an idea. You like spinach? Funny.


I like those muscle chicken.


I'm just Hi. So that was like a moment. Sorry. Wow. I don't know. It's really really funny when you tried to be funny, and it didn't work. I'm like Britney Spears land. That's like a Britney Spears.


Oh, girl.


Oh my god. I'm a therapy. Girl. Fuck.


So your whole is like Popeye? No, it's


not my No, I thought it'd be like this. Like this angry looking thing. And honestly, yeah, like yes, yes. Thank you. Yeah, I get it. Yeah, I got my face. ugly face Nice.


Popeye hole too. But there are certain guys I look at. I know they have a good hole. Yeah, sure. A lot of them are like Twinkie. A little twinks a lot of them are pink. A lot. Wow. And that's a revelation. So this whole time that you've been liking pink discs. I like pink like you're really getting me ready for is the pink hole.


Yeah, I love it. You have a pink duck. You have a pink Hall. Without a doubt if you have a darker complexion your ankles darker period. Yeah, that's how it works bad. Slug when you see like a rod chewed up, asshole that it's a little darker there. Probably a tanner person.


God I'm reeling. I'm like, telling you it's the whole time I've loved pink. That's what we have instead of a winner and balls. Regina. I don't have balls


that's weird. No, it's a boy. You balls in there. He's country. That's a cute little soon. You


might like vaginas now and you're going to be confused.


Seriously, go for the back hole. Go for the back on the front hole. Now.


That's a good intermesh session into what I had to bring up perfect. So I'm talking to a straight friend after I had a little anal encounter this week. Okay. And he told me he's like, Wow, that's awesome. Um,


wait, so stop. Did you like go into it like, Oh, I got some asshole last night. I did like did you give a lot of details? Not a lot of details. I just like explained but he knows that you got an A hole in the asshole. Yeah, okay.


Like, you know, I he knew I fucked an asshole. Okay, okay. So like, I'm like, saying like, it was great. You know, I loved it. Blah, blah, blah. He's like, Yeah, like, I just have trouble like stain heart if I get a whiff of poop. That's literally the words he used in the text. Okay. With a


poo. That's disgusting.


So I my question, I go, What do you mean with of poop? Because I've never gotten a whiff of poo. And I've been honestly me either do anal or how old are we?


I mean, it's happened. Wait


a minute, you said Well, what do you mean? Well, I've


put on a deck before oh


wait, because I was gonna ask you about this


one on accident.


Oh my fucking god. Whoa, girl. Jack. Well,


like me I think we've all pooped on a dig. It's fine.


It's not fine. Horrifying. No, I


thought I was gonna die like it deals with. I'm like, Oh, this is the hottest fucking person I've ever had behind me and I'm gonna shit on


now. Okay, so we have the whole there because there's an option for pill and shin. There's a chance I would say like 5% maximum. Yeah, it's not why they're taking Pilar fucked so many holes and I've never been shit on. Never. You must pick good bottoms. Like I say I pick a good hole. But like, you have you ever fucked the whole and gotten Shinano actually. So we're just the shity shity bottoms. That's why we're tops. And that's why I'm supposed to be a top. And that's why I'm aside. And that's what you're saying. I


just give handjobs we're not supposed to bottom. Um,


so when in when you should undertake what happened? Tell me this story. You dumb bitch.


No, I Well, it was like one of those things where I was like, Okay, so like when they're pounding you out and you're like, Okay. Oh, you do feel like when you're okay. For the late.


No, the straight seem to hear straight. When I get a whiff of who am I with? Okay, no, I haven't had a whiff of poo in 20 years


when you have a prostate and this goes for the straight men as well. Amen. You should use it because when that prostate is getting hit, you're gonna Gish I mean, if you're coming and shitting at the same time, it's a better orgasm. That's why I'm like listen, that prostate is meant to be yeah, like I actually feel like that's actually the real don't let it just sit there. No. And that's it's also as you get older, so here's the other thing. If you're afraid of your own asshole, and you're afraid of catching a finger every once in a while you're straight and you're probably gay. Oh, wait, why? I think most normal straight men could be like yeah, I'll take a finger and see what it's all about. If they're comfortable and being straight, but the ones are like I would never write their guy better or a lot more rate of there they're so scared of assholes period. It's like like that thing in there. That thing in there that little prostate a little plum? I mean when that when that Dick hits that you're like oh, yeah, but it's like it's like a different feeling though. It's like a different you came in like,


ah, it hits


different. Yeah, it does hit different and unis. Oh, I've shown the deck


so we're not Yeah, it was like you're really dancing around the sun.


I know. I don't want to talk about why I like to fly. Let me set this let me set the stage. Let me dark because well, I don't know about my body but he seemed like that plus was like romantic. shouldn't want to who cares? Anyway, I was getting fucked and all sudden happened. I was like, oh, obviously we're well what position when was it? Oh, I'm always on my stomach. Babe ass up stomach as Ah, yeah. Oh, okay. Jaime, like Okay, now were you did you prep for this situation? Yes. That's what you just.


I don't need your disrespect. You're the one who should on a deck. So did you prep? Yeah. A much


a lot. Actually. I'm like kind of Michael things. I do it too much.


You did like an animal or two. Yeah, like to you did to animals. I


do an animal that I keep refilling it. Squirting refill. Squirt refill, squirt refill, squirt, water was coming out clear, basically. And then in order to hit your prostate correctly, you have to relax. True, but in relaxing, it makes you feel like you're taking a shit. So you're bearing down? No. You know, when you're like how explain this. You know, those shifts that feel good. Shit. Like, admit it. Like don't be a hetero. Okay. Like when you take a big shit. It feels good. Come at it like straight guys love that too. But when you're like, shit, oh, you feel it when it comes out? It's like that. Yeah.


It's a little like, yeah, it's almost. It's a release. Yeah. Okay,


that's the feeling that I get when I get fucked, but it's constant to where I'm like, but then I feel like I'm shitting. Okay, so that's where the promise is. I got to relax. And I was like, man, like,


you don't like make that noise again.


Ah, I'm getting pounded. You're getting rekt rekt out so and so then it happens. And I know it.


How much does it happen?


Not a lot. It was a little a little dabble. There was not a lot. It really wasn't. I was fucking mortified. Yeah, mortified. And I was like I am so so he pulls out or how did you find that holds out? Reps the condom off because we were being safe. Obviously. You? Yeah. But at that point, it was probably a moment because you could just like, slide it off. Washing hands. Everything's good. Ready to go again? No. And I said,


Oh, go again. Mm hmm. Oh, okay. Well, that's not bad. But


I think I had I was like, I need to do my process again. So I like prepped again and then came in and then it's over. Same. Like I'm just gonna be like, oh, man, oh, wait, my like, I gotta go to the whole cleaning again. I can't I just it's something inside of me that I Can't yeah it shit inside of you. Right? But I have to like have it clean? I can't I don't I it's got to be like to the point where like I almost had


I've never heard of a mid sex session douche.


Well, when you show him deck sometimes that's cuz I'm not gonna like, risk it again cuz now some stuff is slid down. Dude I'm saying you got to keep it going through the tunnel What did you have Taco Bell before this and that's a possibility knowing that my diet has not changed in 25 fucking years a little rough since I was 15 Your poor digestive tract is like we're getting fucked again. I used to eat to him sandwiches at like 13 years old and drink milk and like something my dad be like, I didn't need to ham sandwiches. So I was in fucking college. And I was like 13 eating but I was skinny. I was in shape to ham sandwiches for me those two ham sandwiches a fucking Shitload checks so you might as well just give me the whole goddamn bag.


I just confused but you had a mid sex dude. Ah, I've never heard of that. Normally, when someone's just on the tickets over like that's it? Well, and then you're on top. You just deep throated your beer bottle and I'll show them on camera.


We'll show you. Yeah, we'll show you Zacher oh it's I can't go that far at my throats like I get I can't my gag reflex is way too tolerant.


No, I can't take a big Yeah.


So okay, so So shitting on deck so back to the straight from


the streets are like but the strange thing that happens every time that's a problem and honestly it doesn't I'm trying to tell the straight guy I'm like it. normally don't get shit on when you get fucked, right? Like it's not right. Like now why would we that's what makes me question maybe are women and women aren't doing it and I want to ask are straight women that well I have somebody I know we can fully are straight women really preparing for anal sex? And that's the question I think we throw out there. We're gonna throw it out there this weekend question. Question. The week are straight women preparing for anal sex.


I would say yes and no. What does that mean? I think they go the first stage like yeah, I'm clear. But once that, like plunge in that hole here, it like starts pumping it out.


Oh my god. I feel it in my pussy. That's like, oh, that's because you're shitting every city You're shitting Carla, once you feel it in your purse, You're shitting and listen, Shannon You're shitting Okay, Shannon would shit Shem sits on a shamrock shake Eagle. Shingles sit on a shingle. Oh, that's from the military on a roof shingle? Yep. No, that's like no you had corned beef on a piece of toast shit on a shingle. Oh, off to my grandpa taught me Dad Your grandfather was a My grandfather was a military man.


We should do an episode just on our grandfathers. Your


grandmother was a pilot. Well, my grandfather was a Marine so suck it. Mine was he was in the Air Force. Air Force is the least important branch. Oh, tell that they're laziest fun. That's a wrap teletype rack and such as Ron, such as in South Africa. And my Air Force is like the strongest Air Force our world listen, I had a friend who was in the Air Force their requirements for the exerciser tests are they've got to be smart. But they don't have to run or no do any no


they don't do the basic training they do basic training but it's not like Army and Marine was smart. Why didn't you get it? Your face I can't wait to replay that on Instagram and you get that whereas I did I just don't know how to apply myself I was it locked away. And I get on my report card talks too much in class really harsh shows potential. Yeah. So there's a tie here that I'm like you saw because that means I'm smart and they know it. Now you want


to go back to a traumatizing story when I was in fourth grade. Speaking of report cards, I got straight A's every quarter obviously cuz I'm a genius. Okay, so we know that we already knew that boom lotto. I'm filled with COMM And magnet COMM And I got a report card that had the teacher note say I can't wait needs to interact more with males to develop male friendships.


Are you kidding? This is Cabot


fourth grade for just Catholic. I was getting bullied by adults in fourth grade Catholic school. Yep, literally


at that point. My


mom's like, like it literally said, it said needs more male friends. And I'm like, that's what I'm bringing home a straight A report card to my parents and they're like, needs more male friends smart, but he's gay. Like why do I need more male friends? They hate me. In fourth grade. I was getting kicked in the balls. They were trying to get you to priesthood because either well in eighth grade I was voted most likely to become a priest. So no, I'm not even kidding. Oh, all the gays now. That was my word most likely to become a priest. I'm like, Yeah, I


saw how much you like deck.


Well, that's why I was well, well, I'm gonna be a perfect breeze. Oh, cuz you don't suck dick. Be a priest bitch.


Now that's what my girlfriend used to say to me because I knew I was gay. Probably. They're like you should be looking to priesthood. It's because I know you're never there like you'll never get a woman So be a priest, right? That's that's their alternative to it like, Yeah, it's fine. You're always you're that way. Oh, the gays always become priests. Every priest is gay. Sorry. I think Oh, is that a statement that I just like make that statement how every priest is gay? Because they're so fearful of their own self. They have to go into priesthood to try to justify the fact that they love sucking dick, but they'd rather just suck some Eucharist and the blood of Christ


oh my god, I don't actually think they're all gay. But you really know I didn't


I'm sorry this animal is heading so girl.


I can tell you're really going like a mile a minute off the rail. It's also my math that I take now remember individual I'm ready to go back to you being APNIC every night and no, I'm not nuvigil


Oh, you like me slow and tired. I like me slow like you imagine them. I don't have to do intermissions. Like hello. Okay, well, that could be fun for vacations. So like Austin Dallas when we're coming to you. We might play all day. We're gonna play all day all night. No, we're gonna take an interest. Oh, here we are. I won't sleep probably in the air mesh like I don't feel oh my gosh. Oh, well. I feel like my libido is a little bit back since I hook up that machine. Yes, you have more energy. Yeah, it's amazing what happens when your body's like what should I do with this energy? Yeah, like it's like I'm bored. What about this dick? Get this ticket. Why don't you go mow the lawn fell


back to trauma.


Okay, back to fourth grade. When you go I already went over my trauma. So my trauma in fourth grade was okay, so there we go. No, fourth grade is actually I think a turning point year for gay everyone. A fourth I think a fourth grade is where the gays become the gays. They know that point like Oh, fuck, like, I don't like Sally Warren is starting to get a little excited. It's like one's getting all excited. So I didn't get all A's. I know that's shocking for everywhere. Oh, that's a buzzer I'll be playing out at that time. You're so


in the edible and the edible has had


Yeah, I didn't get all A's. I had A's and B's Okay. All right. Now also in fourth grade I did win the science fair and went to county level where I got a participation award. county level what my project was. Is there really two scoops of raisin Raisin Bran and I counted all the different my hypothesis


I can't right now that's literally that's a participation level certificate


either. Check the serial


food related for Bobby Horace he's like right so I


took the cereal and counted the raisins out of each box and then put in there which Raisin Bran I thought would have the most raisins


counted raisins and you got a trophy or a certificate you probably just


got first got first place


they're like give this fat fucking award he counted raisins. Oh, girl you kidding me?


Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't I went to the county level. county level.


Do you want to know what I did for my science? I went to the county and went to the county level as well are so fake I hypothesize


a hypothesis BAM hypothesize, give me the hypothesis that


there were certain bacteria that live in the toilet tanks. And so I did. I dipped my nails in different toilet tanks to watch what type of mold type stuff they would grow on them. From the toilet tank water of different toilets. Oh home versus like school versus a restaurant and the ones I had a lot of people rude nasty shit. Like more poop more nasty. So like work or bad restaurant? Honey, I went all the way to the fucking state level. I went to stay at you. Oh, yeah, Betty, did you win? I'm a state. No, I got a certificate. I mean, no, I got like this. I got like a 36 which was like the score that


you could win. And I thought I was like I was in fourth grade. That was in like seventh grade. Oh, you are at the middle school level. I'm so fucked up right now. What's that? Hi.


You look like real? Like I'm dizzy. At least we're getting on camera because you look like you're about to pass. I'm like, like literally, I'm looking over like I was just laughing on


her like moments, my blood pressure now.


Do we need to go lay down for a second? Oh, let's go lay down. No,


absolutely not. We have to keep going. Okay, so also I'm gonna play this clip for. Well, I want to talk about a few things. But this is the first one.


Thank you. You say, Well, Putin was out of his mind. Yes, maybe so. But at the same time, he's being compelled by God. He went into the Ukraine. And his goal, his goal was to move against Israel ultimately, and God is amazing. And that will be fulfilled. And what Putin is doing, by moving as he is to set up Ukraine staging ground, is Putin crazy. Is he mad? Well, perhaps, but God says, I'm going to put hooks in your jaws, I'm going to draw you into this battle, whether you like it or not. And he's being compelled. And watch what's going to happen next. You raise your Bible, because it's coming to pass.


I added obviously,


those I have Yeah, to the evil Satan laugh. That's actually Pat Robinson. I knew it was Pat Robertson, a horror Christian 500 club or whatever. But it means people are so fucking dumb. Can I just say it out loud? I'm done with Christians. I'm so over it. Like, if you're gonna take this dumb fucking book, which has been edited 10,000 times over the past 6000 years, and be like, oh, and every single book in that Bible was cherry picked, like, well, actually, we're going to do this one. Now we're gonna get rid of the book of this person. And we're gonna do this book. And we're gonna put this book here. And then we're gonna rearrange it to here and here and here. And it's like, and it's been translated 10,000 times. It's like, it wasn't written in English. First of all, no, it was written in some language we don't have anymore


it was written by somebody. He wouldn't even be like, Oh my God, they're a Muslim


like it by brown people. All these white people have no clue. But it's gonna


be really embarrassing for them. Like when Brown?


Brown she's like, I'm here to save my people. They're like, No, you're black. You're look like a black man. I hate everybody. And that's why I like and so every single every cycle every 10 years, we hear about the end of the world commie and we're like, oh, Jesus is gonna come down from the mountains, and it's gonna take us away on his spaceships. Is it God, Jesus is calm and g the earth. I am so fucking tired of this shit. Why don't we still live through it? He's like, trying to justify the war in Ukraine and be like, well, it's God's plan. And he's going against the it's real. And then God's gonna come down and save us all.


Why are we worried? I do. You know, I'm saying that's where I sit and go. These people are so fucking dark. Do you want to die? Then there's no heaven Damn.


It's just it's not worth listening to. That's what I want to say. Not worth listening to.


And I would agree. 100% and but unfortunately, you're listening. But that was something that was on the team. I'm like, Girl TV on TV in these rural, rural, rural, rural areas never been two years later. You can't say that word rural. Hi, sober. I've


never heard you say rural roll,


roll. rural areas. I was pretty good. Thank you. Oh, I feel like I'm stupid. But yeah, I mean, we'll listen to Alexa my fourth grade. Where I had my trauma was when I got as I started before I start laughing. I know I'm switching gears real quick, babe, cuz I heard something. This is what I never even told you my fourth grade trauma though, right? It was I got A's and B's and I went to the county fair or whatever, however, talks too much in class and shows a lot of potential or doesn't work up to his or her potential. That's all I want


to say that trauma or is that true?


I don't know. It was yours. Trauma are true.


I mean, I feel like yours is 100% accurate, and more like advice than trauma. You're like, you're not living up here. No, that's why you do it. Now. It's Second of all, you're not living up to your potential. So what part about that was like, Oh, my teachers been me.


You know what? You're absolutely right. Right. Cuz she knew I wasn't working. I didn't do shit. I never did homework once in all of high school to ham sandwiches. I'll say playing baseball. Bam. You're lazy as fuck comes in the ball. Anyway, okay, sorry. I know we just like did a circle and a three year old unquote trombone least that's where we started went to raise ends and then we went to like, other things that I can't remember now.


Oh, when's that pizza coming? Are


you embarrassed? Are you fucking embarrassed? You know who you are? I may have Trixie Mattel No. CAPTCHA Jen Psaki. Jason, is he adapting or is he still innovating?


Think Big here, Peter. He can still be preparing to invade, which we've said and that continues to be the case. While making adaptations on when, if how, really as a matter of policy, we try not to take advice from anyone who praises President Putin and his military strategy. He was what happened there. Feel better is paid for. No. World's renowned business travel and health experts. Senator Ted Cruz has made that point. Don't tell him I like peppermint patty. So I'm not gonna take it too offensively. Senator Cruz, I like peppermint patty. I think the fundamental question here is what are you doing to save lives and protect people? And the former president was suggesting people inject bleach. He apparently reportedly didn't even share with people he was going to interact with that he had tested positive for COVID himself. He continued to provide a forum for misinformation, which probably led to people not getting not taking steps for it to get to protect themselves to wear masks to eventually get vaccinated. I think he may have avoided your question.


Now. I wanted to bring her up because she is Jen Psaki, Saki, Saki,


I'm not helping you.


You have to. This is your thing, baby. I just didn't really I think I think she's like a really great press secretary. Oh, no. Worry. Don't be scared of me.


Are you okay? Yeah,


I just need you to help me with Gen sock. Hi. Jen Psaki? Yeah, I just think I was like listening here today and I was like she is so quick and funny and quick. Yeah, quick.


I can't emphasize quick enough


you're quit quit quit you could be the press secretary. Now if I check I'm sure enough for 10 year the press secretary I'm gonna ask you a question. What is your stance on the Florida gay bill? I don't know that's not working out alright, Chelsea Yura? Tell us about your heroes hear I don't know what is fucking happening take a bet where's my pap machine fuck that was I mean I'm


What did you take how many milligrams


I think we need to go to go no, not even close sweets. Since we eat. We're gonna do the game


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this game that I played last time okay, we gotta go okay let's do Do you want last call extra dirty on the rocks happy hour or? I don't think this is really a thing.


I want the yellow.


No, that's a simple one. I went to work you know, you get you pick yellow first. Now which one do you want? I want you to not look at the code that NASS sees last call extra dirty on the rocks happy our last call. This is the truth or one so here we go. Pick one and hand it to me.


No. Oh, like this. Oh, that's the one. That's the one clean.


What's the most selfish thing you have ever done? I'm gonna set my drink. I'm sorry. I have no idea.


Selfish. Yeah. Oh, I think I have.


I think I have.


I think I have a problem.


What was what?


I don't know that I've ever done. Something like that selfish.


That's like, that sounds like somebody who's selfish saying that you don't I mean,


like I, I honestly can't think of anything. So next next question. Wow. Like, can you think of it? What is a selfish thing that you've done? I literally cannot think of some of them where I'm like, Oh, that was so selfish of me. And maybe that's the pathologic problem. That's


probably why. Yeah. No, but you're right. Like


maybe when I got a blowjob from one of my friends ex boyfriend. And so I like,


but that's how it multiple times. Multiple times,


multiple times, four times, multiple times more for


oh, that sounds like it was. So was that selfish to like, have an ex boyfriend? Yeah, but friend. Yeah, because you tell me preach says no me preaching but because you you want to get vantage of There you go. The situation which situation by letting that person do that to you? Hmm. Okay. Yeah,


I'm saying now. Yeah. And that's why I'm confused. No one is selfish. Selfish is like you're gonna do something for your own interest. And it doesn't matter who it hurts. Or what what even, you know, I


like that. So I wanted to come. Right. So yourself, so I got a blowjob from the most convenient thing my friend, which is selfish. There we are, right. We have Yeah, we have an answer. We have an answer. Ding, Ding Dang. Dang. Whoa, girl. Next question. Okay,


so the other other one said, this is gonna get really nasty. Oh, God, I'm glad to have what's the stupidest thing you've ever heard me? Say?


Not sure how well I'm not sure I'm allowed to say this. Why? I'm just a little concerned. Why and effect things.


The stupid thing I've ever said. Hmm. I was affected anything.


I would say the stupidest thing you've ever said is you and your partner are not going to be open.


That was a while ago, though. That's not bad. Huh? Why is that so? scandalous. Okay, I was waiting for something was a while ago, right? So long ago. Oh, your turn.


You're so fun.


I know. It's fine.


I love it. Okay, I


hate me.


I mean, you hate me. Alright. Question, Bobby. Have you ever ghosted someone you were close with?


You have? Oh, absolutely.


Tell me about it.


Well, usually when I'm gonna cut you out of my life, I just stopped talking to you.


Tell me what happened, Dustin? I'm not talking about that. Why? He goes to me. Oh, did he? Yeah. He just stopped talking to you all the sudden, out of nowhere, literally.


And then I just didn't reach out.


Wow. Now is the last time we hung out


three years ago, like when I first met you? Because that's what started at the Art Festival. That was the last time we saw no, it was like a little bit after that. But I mean, that's what happened at the last time. Nothing. Like actually got taught. We had gotten in a fight about some things because Michael moved here and he wasn't used to me like, be having a goal. Yeah. So then, oh my god, I'm really bad ad.


You're in trouble? No, not yet. Thought. No. Again.


Um, what was I saying? It was really good. Now I'm pesky in my head. Helped me. What was I saying? About just now? Dustin? Yeah. Oh, honey, honey, till we get past it though. I don't think I finished my explaining. You're an asshole. Now, are you embarrassed for me? Yes. Why are you


locked? Honey? Oh, no. We're in one of those.


gymnastic halls fun. No. What's the other question?


All right. What's the most annoying thing I do without realizing that?


Yo, in your your voice?


You piece of shit.


Like no, that's not even, like when you like, and it's actually kind of like, I'm not gonna use word cute, but like,


you should. It's like a cork. It's


like a cute little cork. It's like cuz you'll scream when you're really laughing. But it's not that. Don't do it now, but it's like that. That's fake though. That's the thing. That's when it's fake. When it's real. It goes real high.


It's super high. No. What do you mean when it's real?


That was a fake one.


Well, you


really laugh that


I wish you could ever make me really laugh. That's what I wish. But it's


my nose bleeding.


Yeah, you're having a stroke.


I have I think I might have gotten laced


or late. I kind of drugged the bar. You drugged yourself with an 11 milligram edible? Oh, yeah, yeah, that's pretty strong honey. After three drinks, that's a lot. Actually. Not three. You had a leader at the you had an hazy IPA. Here. I didn't finish it. Right. And then you had a leader IPA, which you did finish. I had one beer. A leader. I had one beer day was two. Then he had a beer at a wall. And an 11 milligram


edible edible. And that's a beer and that's your second beer. Right? So I really don't drink that much though. Like, you would think I want to have like


your number five for most people's a lot.


Is it? And Sam? How many of you had today?


Thankfully for you, I woke up at 4pm


Oh, it was two but it's counting. Counting. And Putin's counting. Payton's count. Putin County.


Should I go off? Yeah, like I'm angry. Oh, do we really want yeah, get angry? Yeah.


Are you really angry?


Yeah, I was pretty pissed. Okay, well go for it. Find it. Oh, boy. And I have to login Twitter. Oh, no, I'm, I'm like, Done. Done with these fucking hoes and I don't even know if you'll agree. And I don't give a fuck me. Yeah, you might be like, it's fine.


Oh, okay. Well, what if I just, I know dumb question. But what if I just tell you the truth and like I like I'll tell you the real up. Yo, don't care your truth. Honey. I


have a lot of money. I know your truth. Your truth is a fucking mess.


Now, that wasn't very nice. Why you being nasty to me? It's your trunk. I'm not just behind it. You better get straightened out, bitch. Yeah. This is so me. Everyone's gonna hate me after this. No one's gonna listen again.


So I'm trying to find the sweet and you may have deleted it. I'm not gonna lie. Oh, really? Because


I've got fallout. Well, can you give us the jest?


So here's what I'm pissed off about. I had this dumbass muscled Whoa, who lives in Columbus? And his, his little handle on Twitter is called Black Lantern to ours. Also socialist, his name's like Matt, he's on Instagram. Everyone knows. Okay. Oh, no, it's not. It's still here. Oh, wait, I Okay, so bring it up. So, socialist.


What's How do you spell


SWOLECI A lie. That one. That one? That one right there. You're already following? Okay, so this little fuck yeah, he's an idiot. He's not even attractive. But he has a good body right one of those. Oh, really? Good body fat his face but his face go down to No, he's not. This little Black Lantern. Whoa, retweeted something and commented on it. So someone said official petition. I saw this official petition to kick the open relationship gays off Tinder. Okay. And then this dumb little twink goes Hardegree some dating platform should be gate kept for singles only. Okay. This bothered me so much. And here's why. Tell us why people do not understand what Polly people are doing. I understand if you are mad that you are on a dating app, maybe and you think you're hooking up with someone and you're gonna have your whole fucking life planned out with them after you hook up with them. And like, I'm gonna go on Grindr. I'm gonna go on Tinder and find this guy and we're gonna have sex. And then we're gonna get married and have kids and I'm gonna have my life set. This is what people who've never done love. Exactly. This is not what these apps are for. The apps are for relationships, poly people, and people in open relationships can have a relationship. I have a


lot of friends like actually, to be honest. Like, seriously, like, I have people I talk to that is not sexual at all.


Or you just have friends or you formulation. Right? So it's like, yeah, it's like, you talk on the app? Yeah. So I have a problem for me is like, I might go on there as being Polly and I might talk to someone. I'm not just trying to have sex with you. I'm not trying to hook up with you. Okay, if I want to get to know you and like, date you that's something different, right? But they're saying like, some dating platform should be gay cup for singles only why? Why can't people who aren't single date but people


who say that are the ones that have never actually had a relationship they don't understand. And that's the problem


and some of the comments. It's like, for real, I have nothing against open poly relationships, but it makes it harder to find someone to actually date on Tinder, actually date. And then the socialist guy goes same. There are plenty of other apps that can use other than Tinder or hinge. What are you talking about? You can actually date someone who's poly. It's like, what whatever relationship we're looking at if you're looking for a monogamous relations then save that in the beginning. Go. I'm looking to date someone who is also only dating me. Sure. That's all you have to say. And then those poly people won't try to date you. Because they'll be like, Okay, you're monogamous. That's cool. But if you go out and you're like, I'm looking to date someone, well, guess what a poly person might try to date you. And guess what? Oh, well, that's on you. Right? You're right. These people. This guy. He doesn't know what. He doesn't get it. He's never been in love. You can tell. He's never dated someone real? He's never actually dated.


Right? And when he does, it's like a two weeks fling. It's a little twink. And he doesn't know what's going on. He's hot. He's 100,000. And apparently, a big home deck.


No. And I actually have heard it's not big, but apparently he's a top row is do you look at these pictures? Honey, they scream bottom? Which, to each man I'm trying to each their own?


Because that him? Yeah, that sound? Okay. I mean, he a lot of backs. I mean, okay. I mean, there's some when I see somebody like this, yeah, you know, no offense, but like, there's something you're overcompensating for. And that's something that you're like, it might be your deck, or it might be probably more your personality, or the person realize that you don't have a big dick, and you don't have a personality. So that's where they're like, that's where the muscles come in. And that's fine. And that's good for you. Good. Everybody has their own weakness. We make people laugh to feel better about ourselves true. So it's fine. I'm not saying


you're swole up social, but


let me tell you, honey, it's not cute. First of all, everybody has your opinion, you're


gonna, the the only problem I have is the total misunderstanding of poly relationships. And just like not even trying to learn and being like, Oh, I'm a part of the gay community. No, you're not. No. If you're really queer, you would try to understand the people who are poly and I've texted, I sent this message on Twitter to other people who are poly in Colombia. And they were like, Yeah, this is fucking crazy. They're like, this person is toxic. I'm like, Oh, I didn't realize that.


Well, when I look at the picture of his abs, his dick and his legs. I mean, that's the screams toxic. Like if you're like, like, if you're like, look at me,


like, and he goes out to a, you know, he goes to all the bars around here Union a while all this shit, he's toxic, but it's just, you know,


I made me also How old is he, though? Young? He's young. Yeah, that's part of the problem. You know what I mean? Like, some of these people don't understand, Oh, my God, honey, the love of your life is not gonna want you to not be on the apps, they're gonna want you to like, explore your sides, your sexualities, and your curiosities.


And that's 100%. True. It is, you might be someone who's poly that you're like, Oh, this is great. I want to do this, right. But the problem, here's the problem with monogamous people will have in their head what they want and what they need. And it comes from society telling you, you need one Harris and to fulfill every role your parents tell you, you need one person, you're going to find the love of your life, you're going to be with them forever. They're going to take care of everything you need, your entire personality. Everything's going to be met by this one person. And that's really ridiculous. Like, you're like, wait, I'm gay, though. I'm not even a part of this. Boy. Do you and dad even like each other? Yeah, like you and dad never has sex. But like, oh, okay, okay, dad takes care of everything for you, because he bought you a house here. But that's us, gays. We want that to we're learning. Like, this is why gay marriage is kind of like, it's great that we have it, but it's also like, do we really need this? I think we just need to be normal, there's gonna be like, recognize one of the option. We want to, I want to be able to like get as there are monogamous gay people. And that's fine. That's great. Good for you. Do it, literally do it. But those


are the same ones that then go to like, but they all have everything on the apps, but they're


out there. They're still looking, right. And that's kind of the thing is I'm like, why can't we just be honest with our sexual feelings anymore? Why can't we talk about I think we can I think that's where it's going. We're going that way. But there's still people like this. Who posts about it. And yeah, it's really kind of like, What the fuck are you talking about?


Right? But then meanwhile, you're gonna post I don't know, I just don't act like you're looking for love. When you're showing your whole on Twitter. You don't I mean,


like, what are you looking for on these apps? Right? Because what you're posting on


Twitter, on Twitter is a total of I love your page. If you like God. Yep. He's not looking for a relationship. He's a whore. Socialist. Sorry. Come talk to us. We'll talk it out. But hear it. I'd love to hear your side. And that's Jim calling out swollen today. Swollen Teddy's swollen titties. Whoa, girl. I like that. I'm sorry. I didn't know I like that. Because I think it's a real thing. And if you're gonna put yourself in public like this, and you're allowed to kind of call people out if your display


fully agree Hardegree or whatever. I'm like, No, I'm done. This is like, if I had just been able to talk to him and be like, no, there are literally probably people out there who want to date other people and can give you everything you're looking for. Maybe not that we're getting married and that's it and just us too. They can't give you that but they can give you everything else you're looking for. Why isn't that okay?


Right. And it is and I think it also takes a certain person like some people You're allowed to want to be with one person that's fine too totally fine and so that's where you need to make like that in your profile right? Instead of cutting down poly people and people who are wanting to like explore that's 100% and that's on you honey not on them.


Like don't go he's like these apps should be gate kept for singles. Why?


Oh, yeah, same guys. It's a gay cup for black people out there to


user preferences. Or preferences not racist. I mean, he's


a nice dude. I'd love to be might be nice. I actually love him to prove us wrong to be I would love Oh, socialist. The fuck is that? I'm sorry that names are like Matthew 614. Whatever


the fuck on Instagram like hi, gay. All right. That's great.


I mean, honestly,


I love it. I'm done.


I'm done. Oh, I have dry mouth or any of those little mints that you said. Oh, fuck me.


No, they're like the best blowjob mins ever. Are they? Oh, that's well, I want to ask them for yeah, that's all I use them for.


I do want to end on something. You know, last week we ended on a little note like the commercial. Yep. I don't play this movie. Talk about next episode. Ready? I'm at a point in my life where I can no longer say that. I love all queer people. You know what I mean? Like I love the owls. I love the bees. I love the T's I love the Q's. I love the IA solve for x pick a letter any letter? I love them all but them Geez man. Man, them jeez. Especially the white ones. W W M. W what would Marshall won,


y'all gotta go. That was perfect after this shit right now.


We're in a play that that was something I sang. I like spoke to me.


So that's what I was saying last week about being queer. Right? I like the word queer because queer people are inclusive of everyone in this group. We are not fats or femmes but well, we got to be inclusive in them to know I love them. No, I'm obviously we are you're both we're fat and firm. So we literally are but I'm just done with like, yeah, the boring white gay guys who want a certain guy, they want to settle down and have the marriage and they don't want the marriage because they don't always cheat. I love the serial daters that are like me and sounds are so happy. I'm like, literally, we did this a year and a half. The other guy happy seven months, or like sweetest day, seventh month. I can't, I literally can like you're about seven months, seven years. That's coming. And that's not right. Both of us. That's where we've been the same. It's time we both 11 years and I'm just telling you, things change a lot. But if you don't grow with him, the relationship ends.


And that's why you have people like yep, on these apps looking for other relationships, whether that's a friendship, whether it doesn't have to be sexual, it's really more or less like you want to be connected to the bigger population. The bigger queer world I would


say don't put everything on your partner do not look at your shoulder and say you need to fulfill all my needs. And other if you don't, I'm leaving. That's crazy. They can't do it. I can't do that for somehow I'm not gonna look at someone and be like, I'm going to take care of everything for you. Your hobbies, your intro, your love interest are all the same sayings your friends, I'm going to do all of that I'll fulfill all your needs boring. You're an attorney to me for everything.


Why boring people?


No one can do that. I'm going to be on it no one and then I look at straight below. And there's relationships


No it's always the people that are really hot and really have good personalities but they have this block and it's that block it's that block it's that block and it's they're not sad they're they're so concerned. Yeah, I


It's a toxic thing that society taught us society is trying to make you believe that one person and do everything they can it's really fucked up.


They can't and they tell you


they don't need to we have we both have very fulfilling relationships with our partners oh seven years


right that's a long time PS that's a long fucking time I mean you know this person inside and out. Oh, we know the insides Well, you


know you're inside I know. Oh, oh, you fought Oh girl you fought you fought right but like that's what Yeah, it's like we know these people very well over seven years and it's like we're doing we're going strong you really can't like we're not turning to them for everything no


and you shouldn't do that and that don't do so if you're getting sorry now and you guys cannot do anything on your own separate way. They'll be like oh my god Bing and I'm sorry. I think you really need to like evaluate this has been another episode of not well,


he's Bobby and this is Jim. And we are not well,


we're not well and we wish peace to Ukraine.


Peace to Ukraine and peace to that hot ass President honey my god sorry


I'm not trying to make light of it like cuz I'm a stupid white gay. But this is a hot hot heel. And I have a shirt on that this him we know he's got a big dick. Oh, you can see in the video that I have. He does a wait what yeah, I'm gonna say Oh, I'm not sure if I'm gonna Shema.


I need to see that seminar seminar. Szymon a dick. Oh,


it's nice in sweatpants. It's been an episode please listen, please share. Have a great habit. Have a great week and we'll catch you on the flip side


and I love you all. Peace is gonna cut that