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April 20, 2022

You've Had Too Many Meat Sticks In Your Night

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We are making our Youtube debut but things are still being adjusted so stick with us.  The audio this week is the edited youtube version. Going forward there will be a podcast version and a youtube version (and eventually an unedited raw version for those who choose)

 "Everything you can imagine is real." -- Pablo Picasso

This week we just returned from a birthday party where we learned how to play a frisbee game that is like cornhole but not. We talked about food guilt, how space started, God started, Twitter, Elon Musk, politicians, They, who runs the world. being Present is the only option, straight bike riders showing up to bars, Bobby went to the baseball world series and one of his teammates' sisters (who was his age) got fingered by her boyfriend and Bobby was in the room, playing with friends, feeling scared in school and always changing the subject, and so much more. 

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Okay, let's Strandja Hello, everybody.


Welcome to another episode of not Well, I am Bobby and I'm Jim and we are here. And we are. I always say that still legally




We're still queer,


queer for the moment, we're allowed to be queer.


Now, don't mark our words like if, again, if the buses pull up,


if the buses pull up, or if the principal of the school comes down to my classroom, I'm gonna pipe down, I sit down, be quiet, put my head in the books, I'm gonna study, and I'm gonna pass the course. But you're hitting the books now


having a bonfire. All I could do was bury my face into the pillow and scream until he finished in my eyes for the fourth time he collapsed down on top of me. I was at least happy that he was happy and satisfied.


Okay, so it says at the beginning what the supporters of the don't say gay bill, think the they I can't read it. Honestly, just to be fair, like I couldn't say Do you need me to help? What they are teaching at school?


I didn't realize that. That was the person that read that. I've heard that voice reading that so many times in other memes I didn't realize they looked


like a porno. Like a porn.


You look, it's the lights. Yes. Shaw. LED lights. We need to cover you up if this is gonna


honey, we need a Shaw. Shaw. I need what's the Shah? We talked about last week where you try to say I was wrong with it. But ani ani i think it's showing in an owl onion. Bonnie. Now, what are we doing tonight?


So we went to a nonbinary birthday party. And, and we played a frisbee game. We played a frisbee game and we lost. We actually lost them. They won the vase one because they cheated. And there was a little bit of what we call this this there's a little bit of this where you grab the Frisbee grab and a little bit of a shock.


Like push your partner's frisbee into the hole. A little bit of luck luck going into the hole. I honestly think there's some homefield advantage there. So well, it was pitch


black and Bobby was high. So we couldn't really we're not going to win. Let's just you know, we're not gonna win. Let's just say went into that. I was like, well, let's just let them win. Because that's how it is. That's life.


And it's it's their home and we just didn't want to like make them feel bad.


Exactly. Literally. They provided us with cake. Darts. And the most amazing snack you'll ever have. Cheddar chips, ruffles, ruffles, cheddar chips with a ma'am, everything dip. Everything up, ma'am, stop. Now we have June in studio which might be a mistake. I already regretting that stop. I think Daddy's home now. You don't hear him


that little now, so we had a good time there.


We did. We had fun. We met someone. Rec. Now there was a question of who Rick was. We it was a mystery all night because Rick had a job. Now have you ever heard of friends who just talk about someone like like They're well known? Yes. Oh, Rex, come in later. Well, Rick will be here soon. Rick is at a job right now wreck. And we're like like Greg, Rick.


And Rick shut up and Rick was wreck and that's all I'll say about that. Right I mean, I'm not trying to be rude but like Rick was Rick right you know, you know wreck when you know. It's a four letter name. So Rick reminds me of somebody who probably


know what was that about not judging. Rick that


reminds you of somebody who might drive a tow truck


as his regular car but


like I'm saying because there's always like a Rick's towing like I always say Rick Fleming. Rick's towing like Rick is such a like worker man named Rick is a jack of all trades. Yeah, like to be honest and rough heart rough and literally like asked for coffee after like 10 minutes of smoking weed. And so I was like, I'm not really sure you can smoke weed if you need that much coffee. But anyway.


It was a sativa


I don't think it was because he was complaining how great the coffee wasn't.


Or, Oh, yay, city had cheap dollar Amazon coffee for months. I was like, why are you not splurging on coffee?


It was very interesting to say the least. But here we are, and we're better for it. Shout out to


Happy Birthday Happy Birthday stuff. Okay, so we had a non binary birthday party and to our listeners. If you don't know what that is, look it up. Look it up because I don't think we were very good at explaining it. But


it's actually like a very interesting like, I'm just gonna go really hard.


I was gonna say we're they're not several times where we were like, not rushy. Not


she but it was like, you want to be so respectful and you want to be it's open and like, but it is kind


of hard. There's moments where you're like Should they? Why is it though, like, it


shouldn't be that hard


society? Society, you see the lumps, you see the possible breasts, and you're just going? Well, she, it's a shame.


Now, if somebody were to ask you because I got asked this and I've had to answer it, not surprised. Like when you say what is a woman like the question I was asked to the senator, but what is your response? What does a woman


Oh, I think a woman is defined by society and changes with time. And is more a self identity than a societal hard yes or no definition.


And I can, yeah, I just think it's a very interesting,


I'm like they want they want you to say a woman is someone with a vagina. That's literally all they want to hear ad. It's like, they're really upset too about and it's like, why are you focused on that? So I figured you check people's pants all the time, honestly, some people, are you really a man, let me see that. Fucking whip out your body or not a man. And there are some men that I would do that too, just to make sure to be honest. And just to keep it. You know, I work with some but you know, it's the definition of women. Like why did that come up in a supreme court hearing? We don't know what we do know, racism.


That's what Yeah. And so that was my answer. I said, so why are you asking me that? Because that has nothing to do with the job. There's also some people that are like, I'm just speaking from some other folks that I've spoken to. And I do work at a place that is full of all kinds of different people. No, no, because let me tell you, let me just say something. I think there's a lot of people that are misunderstanding the whole point of everything, to be honest with you.


I don't points of everything.


These politische Excuse me, are on our YouTube debut. You're gonna act like this. One thing, there's


a lot of people that are disrespecting that a lot of things of everything.


No, I mean, I just feel like so you know, you just politicians are using these. Okay, so I figured it out. Okay, so these politicians are using these. So they know Christians hate LGBTQ. But they're also like, these politicians are like the worst people in the entire world. They're horrible. People. They're sort of like, how do I get more votes away? More money for money, I can pin because the Christians will vote for me if I'm against LGBT portion in abortion, abortion, they love they love abortion, they run on these wedge issues just to get elected. They don't even really care. Like they're not even they don't this is true. So it's like, sometimes I think they're whipping up the base. There was something that really freaked me out. Well, there's a lot that's happening in my life right now. I hope you know, and I know like, I'm talking a lot already. And it's not cool. But


you're gonna do this on our YouTube debut,


Trump voters, and are still Trump supporters. They go, Yeah, you guys are going crazy some of this woman. So what are you so surprised about? He's doing exactly what he said he's going to


do? Well, and I think that this woman, the dangerous, you know, edges here, or that he's trying to undermine the media, trying to make up his own facts. And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that is the that is our job.


Yeah. If you look at the issues that you meet, so Elon Musk is trying to buy Twitter.


Oh, we're in on that. Okay. I was. I didn't know who you were talking about.


So this this newscast, though, accidentally slipped up and said, We're the ones that are supposed to tell them what to think. Now, that also stream rolls into the next thing, and I had a moment a lot this week, and I've said that like six times, but it really freaked me out.


I know. We're talking about Elon Musk. Well, I'm


moving on. Oh my god. Yeah, I


don't know what you're talking about. I know. First. Second, we were talking about wedge issues and politicians. Then you played a clip about Elon Musk that wasn't about wedge issues. And now you're talking about some other themes. Like right now honestly,


this is actually like kind of


a wave has rode, the Bull has rode away


they're gonna see this twitching my eyebrow right now like it is twitching and I'm sweating they're gonna see my face and know exactly how it feels. And as we knew they were so fun discussing here we are like cool. Like it's embarrassing already. But here we are with a king. I have a whole setup I wish you guys could see God's God say now. Okay,


so where do I need to go back to let's go back to wedge issues and politician right.


So that is us. Us they use those wedge issues against it


is really sad instead of having conversation, it's just the same. Like when we were growing up, what was it about it was like, you gotta watch out for these gays. They're coming for your kids. I literally remember being like the teachers are going to turn Are your kids gay when I was a kid? That's literally like 25 years ago. And now we're just it's the same thing. Don't say gay, you can't talk about gay in school, you can't talk about it because that'll turn the kids gay.


But I also think there's a real problem with the fact that they think that there's like teachers that are being like Negroni a sexes, right, right. No,


and I don't talk about that all the things people want. It's the straight kids that make fun of us. And they're the ones can you tell me about theory that I found this in this I could have written this. I was called a faggot. As soon as I started kindergarten, I learned about anal sex and eating, etc, from straight people making jokes at my expense as a child. So who was grooming whom exactly a teacher that had a rainbow flag pen? Boom, I learned everything about being gay, gay sex from being vagina vagina. Bed from other children. Not Yeah, I was never talked to by an adult about it. I didn't learn how to have gay sex properly, until I was in college. And then I had first Well, we had to bring that up. Okay, we really had to, this is not gonna work. This is not gonna work. We need it right here.


Yeah, we're gonna have to figure out a way and we're working through some issues. Like oh, girl, like it's really hard to read. I'm not a lefty. So this is not good. And


let this camera on you every time you turn, we get a side tip view and it's not


like baggy so I'm like, Oh, look, I'm in loose clothes. It's really my fat belly. Oh, honey. Oh, sad. I'm like really? I'm really struggling. I really am. I


can tell I was gonna I had a question. So we're going through this time and you're like, I just hate everything and really you're like I feel guilty every time I eat. That is a red flag for me that's a high gay moment because you can't feel guilty all the time.


I do that literally everything I put on my every bite every every piece of food and now I'm just Well actually builds there too because it Catholicism Thank you. And that's true. So everything eat though it's like it could be even healthy. And then I put like say it's like a salad. I'm like, I'm gonna put just a little ranch


branch and then ranch triggers. It does it triggers you looked it up? You're fat. You put too many tablespoons of ranch on so now it's not a healthy salad. And I know why is that every


shame myself like I don't need anybody call me. I don't need anybody to fat shame me. I fat shame myself. Like literally I Hate. Hate my body. I


hate like tonight we split a piece of cake at the birthday party. That's all I've had. By the way. I was like, why have you had you had no food? I watched you have like 15 Chips and dip. Some carrots and half cake. And you're like feeling guilty about the half piece of cake. That's where we're at? Yes. Like this is bad. I don't know how to fix it. But I don't think that we're the only ones feeling that way. I think I know so many people. I can't eat that. That's not that's bad. That's bad for me. That's not good. Oh, that's not clean. The word clean honey. Every time I hear someone saying they're eating clean. That's called shaming. Do you think what's clean? What does that mean? Well, it just means you know like good food like it has to be organic and a half white and it has to be you know Kenny a white Yeah. Oh, see white rich mom food. Bitch. i There's nothing unclean about Doritos by the way.


Well, I mean, let's go on and so but then the same person is putting Crystal Light in their water. It's like exactly what is Crystal Light Exactly. Versus a real powder versus crystalline powder


and clean.


But you're clean. You're


it's all a racket. We've all we've been made to feel so guilty about everything didn't wasn't fat in some cultures like why can't come back forever. So why are we still back when it was hard to be with skinny? It used to be so hard to get fat because you couldn't afford food. I mean, times were tough. So


the you are eating well, if you're fat you are. Well, it's a sign of abundance. I will say this though there are a lot of people that eat like really trashy food though. Like and they get fat. There's a difference between like, oh, boy, there's a difference between like super super, super super fat. Oh, no,


I'm you're playing right into it.


I'm just gonna say I'm gonna have to cut it. I have to say there's a downswing poor fat and like more money fat.


I think I can see what you're saying. I can see. Firstly, it hangs differently different varieties of food like yep. If you have if you're just like a upper middle class fat, you're eating well, you're eating steak. You're eating big materials just name too much. It's too much right your portions are too big now now if you're the other side. We're doing the KFC family bucket when KFC finally bucket macaroni and cheese. We're doing Kraft we're doing five sides. Yep, it's it.


Pandemic in itself. Oh, no. Is


it a pandemic? Okay, so that


also seriously this is something I kind of read what I wrote like it's bad I'm switching we'll have to switch Yeah, we can switch we didn't really finish but we can switch What did we not finish the politicians? Yes, we did their new conspiracy theory is this okay? You have a new one great. Can Oh, I saw something that said nobody's listening. It's like don't look up. We have about 10 years left, like legit people are saying that giving us just 10 to turn it around or we're done and major tragedy is going to happen. Wow. So then my, my ass was like, Oh, let me sit in the basement and play Playstation. I can think of things good. And I wrote this good strategy, new conspiracy theory. They know the Earth has about 10 years left before catastrophe due to climate change. What if that's why COVID happened? They cut the emissions by 20% and 2020. No, just hear me out.


I don't I'm not yet.


What if the government knows? In what if all the world leaders know we need to get to Mars ASAP or human existence is at stake.


Now, how did COVID tie into that?


So i i Okay, yeah, that was a little scattered about talks. Lame. COVID when the when there was COVID. Our emissions went down by 20%.


Yeah, cuz no one was traveling. No one's doing anything. Everyone stayed home. Yeah.


So is it possible that the world leaders and I don't know who the world is Illuminati? I don't even know what the world leaders even mean. So that part


down let's say the Jews, it's Passover. We can't I don't say it. Today, but what


if they're like, We got to do something. And we can't let people know that this could be a problem, because we need to just like, get people sick. Is


that horrible? Like, kill off people? You mean, get rid of some slow it down? Slow it down. Okay, kill off the week.


I know that sounds very like q&a. And it sounds very out there. But it's just a moment that I had that I was like, what if like, we don't know, if they're doing what they're supposed to do for us? We don't know if they don't know. I don't even know who they


is. Well, that's


I'm saying government. Government's a mess. Like NASA is like a like, what if they cancelled NASA because they knew there's an asteroid out there about hitting 20 years. They're like, we can't let this we're going to defund them because they're going to freak everybody out. And it's not real. Kind of like don't look up the movie. I feel like that movie impacted you. It did, because I do think we're at the end of times. I know I say this every week. I'm not terribly doom and gloom, but I just the way that things are going It's not looking good




humanity. Okay, maybe for humans, but there's like we're on the verge of a nuclear war. We are burning up our planet. We're all I'm getting passionate, and you're laughing at me.


No, no, I'm glad you're passionate. I'm just not worried about that. What you're worried about? Here's the scary thing. I actually don't think there is anyone in charge. And so you're scarier. Yeah. That's why you're worried like, Oh, they're going to shut down NASA because NASA has secret info. Who is they? They don't know. There is no, that's true. The government is so scattered. There is no day the world leaders can't even come together to stop a ridiculous war in Ukraine. There's literally no they everyone is just out for themselves doing their own thing. And there's no one watching out for us. No one. Our elected leaders are our pawns.


We'll just think of like


it's literally just money, money, interest or pain. Hey, you ran for government and we'll give you 20 million dear next election. If it's all just made up. Everything's just made up. Yeah. I'm not really concerned that there's a giant asteroid coming. And honestly, even if there is it already happened, what 65 million years ago and still there's life on this planet? You know, I don't think it's going to wipe out all life. Now. It might wipe out humans, but Well, that's fine. Look what we did. We didn't do anything good. Get rid of us. It's fine.


So that also brings me to another thing I thought about and I'm just gonna tag on this, then we're gonna go to you tap it right off. tagging me. Okay. Okay, so, again, tick tock really gets me into a weird place. I'm I saw tick tock. And basically, it made me question, this is what I wrote. What is space? And how did it start? Legit God or Big Bang? How did God or the Big Bang happen? If there's was nothing before? So think about this. Think about before God, if that's what you believe, and that's cool. For before the Big Bang, if that's what you believe. That's cool. Right? What was before that?


There's no measuring, we can't measure it. Time started with the Big Bang. So that's where we have no the singularity that it was, we cannot go before it. We cannot it


makes no sense that when you really try to think about it, like just really think about what that means what you're saying. What you're saying is that we had no concept.


There is no time before it was no. There was no start. That's what I'm thinking is maybe we're thinking about time wrong. Maybe our human brains have to have a before a middle and an end. But that's not how the universe is. There isn't a before Whoa, we had maybe there was a singularity and it's constantly a big bang a collapse a big bang a collapse. We have no idea we can't see before the Big Bang time doesn't go back before it. We can see to the point of or we can see within 100,000 years of the big Bang, but we can't measure before. So we know there was an event and then at that point everything's you


right now but that's I'm saying like, what event where?


The, the great expansion all the heat energy, all the energy of the universe expanding?


Where? What is the universe? How


did that start? Right? That's what it was a singularity. It was like a.it was all of matter compressed into the tiniest of things so small. We don't even understand how it was together. Think about what you're


saying. Yeah. Does it not freak you out to think like, literally, I think that's nothing like yeah, so I'm saying like, to be here, sitting here under lights with a camera and about to be on YouTube.


We should see the lights above us. That's where you're like, Wow, all of this all of this was from a dot. But that's why I'm saying like the smallest of things that we can we


have technology where we like have a phone and we can communicate with people. It's so unheard of, if you really think from the very beginning of everything. The you were talking nearly 14 billion years ago before the Big Bang before God 13 point 6 billion years ago, which is that even accurate? Like how do you know? Because they go out because I can look back in time, I don't get it.


You look for the farthest thing away from you and see how long it took takes light to travel that far. And then you can say, That's how long ago that was near you. Because you're like, well, light from that far came.


Okay, maybe I need to explain about what the Big Bang is. So that means everything banked and everything


exploded out. Yeah, states have started as this and everything is expanding the whole universe. It's been


it's counting, we're going okay, that's 100,000 light years away. So when the Big Bang happened, that was


100,000 years ago. Yeah, the light that we see from there is from 100,000 years ago.


Yes. I'm not tripping. Oh, no. So you can't see a light for a billion years.


Yeah, even when you look at the sun, what is it? It's like five minutes behind? Like, what the light that you see, this actually was something I was gonna bring up. That's, that's interesting thing. So when we see something, it's in the past. It's not something that's happening right now. You see it happen? No, it's already it took time for that light to get to your eyes, for your eyes to send the signal the neuro signal to your brain, and for your brain to go Oh, look at what just happened. That's in the past, what you're seeing and what your brain is processing already occurred.


Well, and that's what makes me think like sometimes life and itself is all you're in the you're live. You're watching us. We are all we're living in the past and everything's everything's in the past. Everything's happened. Yeah.


I think it was pretty recent. But like, you feeling that? That was in the past? Yeah, I'm not touching you. Right? I can't I'm not touching right now. anticipate the future. You might go. You're touching me now? No, no, no, that was in the past. That was in the past. You feel it now. But that was in the past. That signal took time to go from your arm up to your brain and process to say, oh, right here, he's touching me. That was in the past. That was in the past. That was in the past. That's so weird to me. Okay.


I feel like, I know that we talk about science a lot. I know, it's probably not everybody's favorite topic. But it's very easy


that we're living in the past. And that's kind of how I feel like with our emotions,


time isn't really real. Like maybe time is something that's like, we don't understand, like you said, there's no, like, maybe we don't maybe there isn't a past, present and future. Maybe it is what it is. And we just think there's a past present future and maybe there is like a way to gauge it.




I think it's true, Honey, where's my audible? Like,


I don't think it's as linear as we think it is. Right? And it's just like how we experience life too. We go through phases, and we relive things from our past as we get older. And all of life is like that. Like as you get older, you're becoming more like a child and you need to be taken care of.


I noticed reflect a lot in the past. Yeah, so base your future. Our earliest


memories have so much importance in our lives. They have so much impact over how we are and how we act right right. How you were treated as a kid how you felt as a kid. You always think that you're even talking about it you're like, Well, my dad didn't do this with me blah blah and my mom blah blah blah. And that has shaped so much of your life right like I live the first five years What about the first five years of the universe how


I took that out of my house longer than I've been that I live the same amount that I've lived in my house and yet I'm still


you're still in? Yeah, exactly. We all are we all do that?


That's how our brains are I'm actually like a sign of growth like of growth or like all your you're trying so hard to make me feel smarter. You're like,


it was like, Yes, this tiny time is a sign of sorrow. Yes, yes. Now Oh, okay. Now, here's what I'm a little worried about. And I think about this a lot. You know how when we collectively we we look back


for the human race or man yo him and


rise. Okay. So like the cute and race is like, here's who we put in the museum because this was a great artist Michelangelo. Okay, Rabbi, ma'am. Davinci. Gay. Okay. And right in front of us right in front of us. Thank you. And, okay, so we've all like to say like these people were geniuses, they were great. Okay. And I would say like most people would say yes, right? Correct. Like, probably 99% of people are like that as a good artist. And I'm trying to figure out and like, 50 to 100 years, who the hell are we going to pick from this generation as the great geniuses, artists of our time?


Now? You're asking one of the greatest hits of our time, power, we're gonna make it into the hi gay. Whoa, girl.


That's a girl. Yeah. I'm really just trying to figure out I'm like,


I don't think we know. Well.


Here's what happened. As I was driving around, I wasn't really worried about who we pick. I was more worried about how the hell are we going to agree on anything?


I don't think we pick. Because


we're a pack owner. I knew


everybody in the Hall of Fame.


What if they pick? I'm like, who's they? I don't know. them. They say them. And


I mean, that's the improper.


Like, we can't even agree on anything. Like it's literally always like, 50% believe this 50% disagree. And then it's like, how in 100 years, are we gonna look back at this time and be like, you know, what, one direction was a really great group. They were a really great boy band.


I think you'll have people like Whitney Houston. Okay. I think I'd be like Adele.


Okay. Who most people leading however a lot of conservatives like gay icons, because you're gay, but I'm telling you like conservatives hate Pat Robertson. Will the conservative Christian 700 Club guy


like he couldn't go down in like, a little bit of a history book?


Hopefully in hell.


I say where? Who's gonna go? I hope it's with where he thinks he's going. Because honey, he's in for a rude awakening.


He is waking, you know, I hope he goes to hell and gets but daily. And I wouldn't call him because he


doesn't have to go to please taken so many times in his life. And he's like, Yeah, we gotta we gotta, we gotta cut the guys. Honestly, Muslims that are most of the most shout from the rooftops are the ones I've taken up.


And then they feel bad about it.


It's another murderers to comment on them because they're, like, so embarrassed, for some reason, because they are


speaking out. I had a little running with a straight man this week. Hi, gay. Yay. So girl. Hey, went to darts, as one does on a Wednesday. And I'm at the local watering hole playing darts. And I look outside the window and there's this really cute guy running by on a bicycle. And someone else who plays darts that I am also attracted to. So it's a complicated issue. But who am I not?


I feel like there's a lot I mean, a lot of that I'm attracted to.


Yeah, it's I think it's an illness. So they, Adam, Adam was like looking out at the street and was like, Who's that hot streak guy? And I was like, I don't know. Did you take it upon yourself to go? Well, Adam said I wish he would come in here. And I was like, okay, so I said, Hold my beer. So I know I go outside. I opened the door. I walk out here. Yeah, hold my beer right. Now. So I went outside and started talking to him. I brought him inside to the local gay watering hole. Yep. I said, Oh, are you looking for a bar? And he's like, Yeah, I'm like, Oh, cool. Well, this.


He was straight though.


He He's married to a woman. He goes, right, exactly. He goes, okay. Yeah, I'm just looking for a bar. I'm like, Well, we have cheap drinks here. And I brought him in. Everyone was in shock. That I'm talking to a straight guy. Yeah, question. Do you have a question?


Yeah. I'm just kind of trying to figure out who goes out on a Wednesday night riding their bike and like, I'm just looking for a bar.


Well, I can explain. Okay, so Eric, he travels with John Deere company. And he does analytics for weeds to so that machines can identify weeds better than humans can in the fields in the cornfield. Pretty impressive. Yeah. So he's recently he's up at Cleveland area. He went to Cincinnati and then he's in right now he's in Columbus. So he's staying in hotel in Columbia get his number. I have his Instagram. I


taught Yes, I have all died. It's like CFO like let us look at his wiener.


Well, let me finish my story. So I bring him in. Everyone's in shock. We get a drink. I buy him a drink, blah, blah, blah. And, you know, things are going well. I would say he's my dark partner we play. We play a few rounds. We know each other, talking to each other. I you know, I hear about his life. I love it.


He tells me your life. You show him how to throw a dart.


I think he's a bottom he's got a tight little ass and he's riding bikes and he Yeah, BMX bike to like one of you know, one of those straight guys like California. Yeah, totally like a hippie. He lived in an RV in Colorado, that type of guy. So at the end, he's like, you know, he's like a little drunk. I'm just sorry for like, I hope I didn't lead you on man. My wife's not here. If she were here, it'd be different.


Whoa, girl, we gotta move in some


more. But I looked at I was like, if your wife are here would be different. You know, I'm like, I thought it's because she's not here. It will be different. This is kitten. So basically, I didn't hook up with him because I felt guilty because he was saying like, if his wife were here, he would have permission to hook up with me.


So we couldn't do a text message. We're not we want to be involved in some like, maybe watch.


I think she does. She's a nurse. I don't know what that means. But


she likes to watch and check blood.


I literally I'm like, check my vitals. I'm not sure. But like, check my vitals. Basically, he told me his hotel room. And anyway, yeah, he's like, he was staying right down the street. I'm really sorry. He did use burp. It's that meat stick that was eating. You've had too many meat sticks in your night. Oh, wow. That


sounds really sorry. Oh, we're gonna now. So yeah. So since? Yes.


When? Today? Yep.


Someone's going to the Hilton after this.


It was a shared in in. So he's not, you know, you know, companies putting them up. It's not that he's not affording like middle middle class, low middle class. And I am not low middle classes. Like, honestly, it's my alley. Best good. Best Western. We can all we always did best western growing up.


I did at one time in Mississippi. Harbor. I went to the baseball World Series in Mississippi, for high school. No, I was in eighth grade. A Little League World Series.


Oh, that sounds like a trap. Well, just


straight people. Yeah, that's a trap. And I do remember a weird situation that happened to me. And I know that this isn't about me, but I just thought of something really weird. Were you hearing Oh, this is so bad. So we went to the baseball thing. And so I always I always played my age group. So I was younger in school. So like every grade I was at, I was like the year before, like I should have been a year below. So when I was playing my age group and travel baseball, I was playing with 14 year olds, even though I was in class with 15 year olds. Does that make sense? So like, so they were all in eighth grade. I was in ninth grade or whatever it was. Okay. So I remember we go to this Best Western. It was me. My mom. My dad didn't go my sister didn't go. We went there. And my friend Diane is also the sister of so many plays on the team. And she brought her boyfriend. Okay. And this is before this is like right before you figure out like what postseason ducks do kinda like you know, but like, Oh, God, you fingered her. Like, that's like a big thing. You didn't know. Yeah. He so her boyfriend was there. How old is Diane? She was my age. She was older than me almost by a year. Okay, so I hung out with them, not my baseball team, because they were like my grades. I was like, oh, let's go hang on the hotel. I was at the pool. He literally fingered her underneath the blanket right next to me. We were laying in the hotel. And I don't know why that's sparking my fucking


way. Do you remember? Like, what was happening? Were you laying there like he was he knew it was happening. And


he was getting now not really, but he was like doing on purpose. And she was giggling like, like, in a good way. Like not to stop in a bad way. But like, yeah, like, Oh, my God,


and I'll do it right now.


And then he later said, I was fingering her. And I'm like, Ill first


of all, so they were only a year older than you. Yeah. And you were just like, right? So


also, I'm a young closeted gay person. That's like, trying to feel like he likes me, but he definitely doesn't like


Yeah, but you like the idea of a straight guy getting excited. And that's all that matters. One. That's what you guys trust me. I went on a little manatee trip in Florida.


Now is that is that slang for in fact, people?


No, I literally went to the Crystal River. I swam with manatees up looking washed. And I like this was when you were allowed to pet them still at the hot springs and natural springs. So I'm like snorkeling with manatees and they're all around. So we have to go back to our hotel room and we want to be like me. It's because I'm begging like to be in Mexico. But I love manatees. I'm looking right at eBay. And I'm in the hotel room alone with this other guy because he was on the trip because straight guy and we're like laying back in the beds and he's like, cool. He goes, Yeah, man, I really need to jerk off. I was like, oh, because I didn't really jerk off at all. Then I'm like, knew what it was what you were like, but I didn't really know. I didn't know what it was. I know actually didn't. Did I ever tell you about the first time


I jerked off. You didn't even know You're in the shower washing yourself. No, I


anyways, so this guy, I'll tell you later, it's scary. So this guy's like, jerk off. I was like, okay, and we're like watching TVs like see if you can find like a porn channel. And I'm like, typical middle school and I was like, my, my mom's on this trip, like in another room, obviously. But I was like, I can't really like be the one be the kid on the trip who charges a porn video to the hotel room. And then the hotel is like, yeah, there's a 999 charge on this room. It works. And I thought it was Yeah, I was like, No, I don't think I can find that channel. And he's like searching. And we found a slice channel, Id find a channel scrambled channel. I know you did that too, right. Oh, what? I used to find scrambled channels. And I would watch them and get bits 32nd bit some of that sometimes you would


really like they're fun. And you would think so then you would wait another 30 minutes for that moment. Yeah, like it wouldn't come


you're watching the scramble. You're waiting for that screen. You're like hard. You're like, oh, scramble again. There it is there it oh my god, god, this is fun. And so he starts like doing stuff over the blanket touching his crotch and I'm just like, let you stare or Oh, I stared at him. Did he knew he was just giggling horse because straight because he was showing off straight guys always want to show off. They don't even care. But yeah, it's fine. So you had a little fingering I had a little rubbing. It's like awkward when you're the gay kid because you're kind of like, you're like, Oh, I'm not supposed to like yeah, like,


I don't like this. But I'm supposed to. I'm supposed to like this. So now I've got so in my case, I've had to be like, oh, yeah, bro. In your case, you got to be like, oh, yeah, bro.


I got a jerk off to Oh, yeah, like, we


just got a jerk. So I was actually talking to my co workers about this today. Like it's a grind, okay


is terrible. It really isn't. It goes back to the don't say gay bill. But it's like, I don't trust me. Like, I'm not trying to convert your child for hate your kids. Again, we've already talked about us. But we don't need to hear about your kids ever. But like, we're not trying to convert your child, I would never do that to your child to have them go through what I had to go through. Never, never would never wish it upon anyone. Even my enemy was the most I know everyone's like growing up is awkward. teenage years are awkward and like, it wasn't awkward. It was self hating. It was deprecating. It was trying to walk into a room and every classroom, we're trying to walk into a classroom and avoid the conversations of anything sexual. Anything that could anything that could bring up the word gay, or anything like that. So you would prance around, you would prance around all around, trying to avoid all these not pants because that's really gay. But you would briskly walk around all these situations. I just, I'm sorry, I just blacked out. And I also want to say something


had happened to me today. So I was having a conversation with two of my co workers. And I said look like when I was in high school, and when I was in middle school, like I always had to avoid any conversation or anything. You're like, constantly running from everything when you're a closeted gay person. And it's horrible. It's the worst feeling to feel like you're constantly like hiding. So somebody comes in the room, another coworker, totally a different branch, a different section of the co worker. So like, he walks in and goes to the other guy that I was just talking to. Oh, man, you switch teams in you, oh, man, did it it, uh, and I immediately immediately went into survival mode and was like, okay, so calling What do you need? And oh, so what do you like? I mean, I literally, like had a change subject. And it put me as I was telling the story about high school, this happens, and then the guy leaves and I go, that right there is what I've had to deal with my whole entire life. And I don't want the kids of tomorrow to ever feel that way.


Whoa, girl. That is so sad. Horrible. So you panicked? Because you were like, Oh, this guy is just calling me out for being gay. What and I don't know what to say. Well,


and so it wasn't even he wasn't calling me out. He was calling out Kevin. But then I was like, I don't know if he knows that. I'm gay. I don't want to have this Come Why did you say switch team? Why do you say that? Kevin was trying to like talk about he wanted to date again and said something like this and Kevin's


Oregon word but the other co he's making a joke about Kevin being gay. Yeah, basically. Oh, we and then you're like your exact I see what you mean. Yeah, no, that's pretty much America.


But they don't but a lot of straight people don't understand that fear. That feeling of like, in my heart of hearts and in my soul, like I am so scared of having been out or safe. Yeah, that I will avoid. So how many conversations that I avoid all of the many conversations that I miss how many times that I miss out because I was trying to


wait ended multiple friendships in high school because they asked me point blank, are you Are you gay? And then I never talked to that person again. Because I knew they might tell other people and then other people would make my life more miserable than it already was. And so I just stopped talking to people. It's horrible. You shut down and that's why it's like if you You can't even hear about this or you can't go to a teacher and ask a question like, oh, so there are gay people out there or a teacher has a partner that is sacked. So like, Oh, I'm sorry, can openly say like, yeah, yeah, speaking of geography, me and my partner went to Machu Picchu or wherever it's called, as I was called, Honey, have you seen how near those steps are? You can't climb on? Oh, I'm


not going to Machu Picchu.


I was like, Mitch, honey.


I'll be up there. Like, I mean, I could barely do this ion.


It's a hike. It's a hike. But yeah, I get what you're saying. And like, we can't let the children of today suffer like we did. It's so inappropriate.


No, it's like, oh, so dramatic suffer. I mean, I literally cannot wait. It's still to this day. Today, I experienced this. And I said, Oh, my God, like this is like,


that's how I feel. When I go to Florida. There's certain parts or certain restaurants and places and certain states where I walk in and I'm like, Oh, this place like, no, they're these people are all the same. As literally how I grew up. It's exact same boring. We escaped it, thank God. But then there's still places where we


live in. But then we live in Ohio, where it's like, we're not that great of like, we're


Oh, no, it's only sir. It's certain parts of Columbus that are okay. Columbus is a very pragmatic. Other right outside. Yeah, you literally go 20 minutes outside.


Would you say Delaware? No. Class good.


Delaware is terrible. What about Powell? Oh, no,


I think I know some Powell people that are they're open minded. But I mean, that's where the line is for sure. I mean, it's really sad.


It's really sad. I would say and this my friend said this to me this past week, she said, it was Sabrina. Sabrina said, I am proud of you, for just existing in this climate, it must be tiring every day to wake up have to news that yet another state has deemed your existence offensive. Because every day we wake up and yet another state is passing legislation to say we've got to protect the children. We were the children. We 20 years ago, we were the children. And we could not exist safely. And they are outline any mention of our existence now. It's it's horrible. So I just, I don't know. I don't know where we're headed.


I don't know if we actually even know where we're headed. Because


I don't know what you're looking for. I'm just I always okay, here's what I'm in life or on your phone. Use me whenever you whip up your phone. I'm like, What an absolutely gorgeous day to be fat and gay.


I just always have clips all week. But there was a clip I wanted to play that you actually liked as well, but I can't I'm trying to find it. It's the one with the guy who said, Why didn't you tell your


travel? I'm Arizona. I was just in Arizona. Can we are there it's people that are like we're rich. It's like you don't even live near a body of water. I don't I think Chingford is really rich. Okay. Republicans who can't afford a boat will always confuse me. This is I wanted to tell you that he was gay to me. He was expressing that to the family. And he thought that we would hold that against him and not let my children be around him. Why do you think he thought that? I don't know. It never would have happened. I'll try to pass a bill against them. My kids at that point in our life adored my my brother, can I tell you if I were your brother, I would have been afraid to tell you to? Well, I would have been afraid to tell you to, because of stuff like this, because this is what you're focused on. This is the legislation you want to put forward. This is what consumes your time I would have been afraid to tell you to. I was afraid of people like you growing up. And I grew up in Hickory County, Missouri. I grew up in a school district that would vote tomorrow to put this in place. And for 18 years. I walked around with nice people like you who took me to ball games, who told me how smart I was. And he went to the ballot and voted for crap like this. And I couldn't wait to get out. I couldn't wait to move to a part of our state that would reject this stuff in a minute. I couldn't wait. And thank God I made it. Thank God I made it out. I think every day of the kids who are still there who haven't made it out who haven't escaped from this kind of bigotry. Gentlemen, I'm not afraid of you anymore. Because you're gonna lose you may win this today but you're going to lose


I hope I'm not misquoting but the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. That's true. That's what he means you might lose today right now. Okay, so you pass this today. You will not win this. We're still winning. I know the majority of the people you meet today How do they really feel? Are they really uncomfortable around gay people?


Not really. I think honestly. And this is just the truth of the matter. And from me talking to people who are in that camp, they're scared of trans people. And they're scared of binary they are, they don't know, because they don't understand it yet. And I get it and like, in a way, I'm like, okay, like, the only like, I tried to explain the way that like, Okay, so let me explain it because they like me as a person, because then I tried to explain to them, it's what I choose. Yeah. So you like me, I had to come in here. And at first, I didn't tell anybody about my personal life. And everybody had got to talk about their husbands and wives and all the shit they were doing. But I was scared to talk about anything personal. It took me like seven or eight, it took me to COVID, which was my like, eighth year in Columbus, to finally be like, I probably should work from home because I'm with a health care worker. My partner and I, like lived together. I had to like, finally out myself during a pandemic. But how sad is that, that that's what I have to deal with. And


you know what I mean, right? And think of how much harder it might be for those people. And right, and so because we've now had representation, we're allowed to have marriage equality. We are, we are on TV, there are gay people on TV and movies like being gay. Now. It's seen every June, companies pretend to be pro gay pro LGBT, till June better not really.


We have a new pride shirt coming out.


We love it. Can't wait. But for trans and non binary people like that is not, they're not represented yet. They're not there aren't characters on shows or movies. You don't see them in things where you're like, Oh, that's a trans person. They're all around, or we literally just went to a party tonight. Right? How many people will be like,


okay, but I was sorry, that was very respectful about gender. Did


you notice? Oh, yeah. I mean, they Yeah, it was very interesting. Because we don't make it clear. It's like, okay, well, we'll


just be saved. What does was call you that because you are a person. I don't want it


is really not going to assume I'm not going to assume it is simpler in that way that you're like, Well, if we all just don't assume we all just don't get once we get to know each other, then we know and we're like, oh, cool. Okay, I've I know about you know,


it is it's like getting to know somebody new. It's a new, it's a new thing. And it's that's


why people aren't comfortable now. But I think my whole philosophy is literally if you are open to learning. We have no beef, right? I'm vegetarian, but like, we have no beef, no fake beef, no fake beef, even our real well, I


have my coworker that I have these conversations with all the time. And today, he shook my hand and said, and he actually called me after and said, I don't want you to feel like because we had a very, very extensive conversation. We were supposed to leave early, we are talking for like an hour about this exact situation and how he feels and how he feels it's written. And so I'm going to do my research this weekend. And I'm going to actually read the Don't say a bill, like, I'm going to read the bill. Because that's what he said, like, read the bill.


I've read it. Okay, and that. Yeah. So you know, you'll read it. And it's literally what you think.


Right? And so and I don't think he's read it, really. And that's what makes me the I'm like, I go you're just spitting to me like media stuff, but yet I'm spitting the same. We always end up coming back to the middle though and saying, but it's all up. It's all just for this is this is always all about a political game. It's never about the real issue. The issues nobody cares about and politics, like all the politicians care about is striking your fancy in your interest to vote for them. So they're gonna say or do whatever they need to


the right is framing it as how do we parents rights, because we're coming off COVID When the parents felt so slighted because no one would let their kids go to school and they had to wear masks at school. And they had to find babysitters for their kids because they couldn't go to school. So parents feel like their rights were taken away. So the right is now going well, this is about parents rights. We're trying to make sure that you have control over what your parent your children learn in school, you're the parents, you should be able to teach your children about sexuality at home, not the teachers, not the schools, because everyone right now is so pissed off at schools from COVID. Okay, so this is what how they frame it, they frame it as this is this is about parents rights. It's not about gay or straight. It's about parents rights. It's literally it's how you frame things. But deep down it is literally about let's not talk about LGBTQ people, because they're scary and weird, and we don't know anything about them and they might be grooming your children, which is an old trope from the 70s that gay people turn to turn your children gay. That's the only way gay people are coming into this race fully straight. I'm like I've been raised straight. No one ever. No one ever groomed me.


Trust me. If I was being groomed it was the grim straight and it didn't work failed. So like that theory is I watched straight


couples on TV shows on movies, my family, my aunts, my uncles, cousins, friends. Everyone was straight around me. And yet I didn't turn out that way. Right? It's like a whale reel. Yeah, like so. Nope, no


one's grooming your kids. My aunt actually posted something and I was like, oh my god, she it was a quote and it says kids, our kids are who they are teaching them about queer people doesn't make them queer. Teaching them about straight people doesn't make them straight. And that literally is as simple as it gets, like, trust me, I'd


be I would be straight. Again. We had this conversation last week. like it'd be so much easier if I'm a lady male so much easier if we were straight on a little fake Christianity and then Honey, I'm set up President of the United States like literally like it'd be because I like I will not be present United States because nobody will take me seriously because he's a queer. Oh, because I maybe have a little bit of a feminine side or Oh, because I haven't sent my mouth. Okay, well,


sick. Sick. Hi, Gail. Any housekeeping to do? And we're going to Austin next week. Oh, and Happy Easter to everyone. He's resin. Hallelujah,


I'm not done. We still have some things, because we're gonna have to cut something because we went on and on about the gay stuff. I'm just letting you know, like, when you listen back to this, you're gonna be like, Jesus a real No, but I feel very ambivalent about it though. I do too. And I think that's appropriate, and also be like a sidecar. And then we'll do like a site well and know in some of the space that we're gonna have to cut to, we went on about time, but anyways, but that was good number. It was good, too. We're gonna have a number. So as our people know, I do have a stepson who's turning 17 next month. Don't What is that about?


I don't know. Just like having a stepson makes like, it makes my vaginas nap like it's still trash.


Oh, mine still does on the daily. But he had he's on track. Now. He had an actually my stepson was on the show a while back the show with Michael deburr the past Michael de Burgh and that was that was in the past and that was in the past. And when I started that was in the past. So my stepson had a track coach named Scottie. Now No, Scotty moved away. The hottie Scottie was a track coach in high school. Now Scotty moved away and lives in Chicago now. Scott is on Twitter. Okay, all Twitter are regular Twitter regular Twitter. Okay, interesting. Now I follow people that you recommended from local gay Columbus Twitter, but I have so many gays from Yeah. And then exactly. And then I started following some people in Chicago just for fun. Like, oh, my recommend okay, that person is this person comments. I'm gonna follow, follow follow. Today I log into Twitter. Oh, no, I found Scott. He's all Twitter. Is it so I found my stepsons ex coach, ex coaches track coach his alt Twitter siphon attract coaches on Twitter


now Did you always know that was do we know he was a gay or do we know he's a straight or what? Do you know what is


unclear when I first met him earlier until now. And now I know. And it'd be straight baiting so it's full guy. Call every hole everywhere all over the ultimate. Like the one thing like there are so many different poses. I'm like looking and I'm like,


Oh, why they get on their knees and look back a little bit. I'm like, Girl,


like no one's back. Like that's not how I'm gonna cue like you're gonna be on the bed you're gonna be stout and cake flat right like literally not sprouting up like that sweetheart. You're not going to be on your knees looking backwards like I'm gonna be more well you I'm gonna push you down. I don't want to hear you. But yeah, I cannot believe when I found it you know how you like logging in? You're like do I need to do and then you're like, how do I know? Oh, the face I knew the face immediately. I saw the face and I was like he shows his face on his all on his all he shows. Interesting. Okay, that's cool. bold and brave and the brave new world. I think the Gen Z's are doing that Gen Z is more bold, like Zoomers are like face stick whatever. Well, and


I noticed are for the millennials though, there's always like markings so like Island me when you're jacking off? I can I can see your tattoo that I


know I always look for the tattoos I'm like, so that's the tattoo so it's huge or you're


like oh wow and then you're always like surprised because you didn't expect that to


be for people think they're all Twitter's are like hidden I've discovered every alternative person all I got to do is


go to union and see all of you in front of me and let's go on Twitter and you're all posting our hole in the bathroom and it's like we get up did I


tell you about the home bathroom? Oh no. I did tell you I forgot I already told


a story oh you already told the same exact story I got union


Yeah cuz we were like talking about another strike. I found a different one. Yeah, Carol but the straight we saw straight time but it wasn't i i do and that's an illness that I have. I do have an illness or illness though. Like it's the it's an illness. So you know how we were used and abused by straight guys well makes us want more. It kind of makes us want them because we want to be loved by a straight man. We really just want to be loved by a man. But our idea of masculinity is tied to heterosexuality. And so we look for love from a straight man because a gay man can't provide because a gay man is not man enough to us because we were taught a gay man isn't a man and that's our that is our that's our conundrum and that was in the past it was in the past so it was in the past. And you are passed away right now. Girl now the Z wave son Do we have sundries? What does that mean? Oh little wrap up. Do we have sundries now? I


did write one thing done just gonna get clear the air in a real way so we went to this campfire tonight and we stink like fucking campfire. Disgusting, right? So you know and I was talking about this we were talking about smells this week as well at work on the smells are very interesting. Like for one I think you'll know the answer this I need you to like let me know. Why? Because you're like under that kind of fool. Why does smell make us gag? So why why do you think that when you smell something gross that it makes you gag?


Now probably not. What


is that like reflex? Like why?


I don't know the name of that reflex. But evolutionarily. I think I know why. You told me why? Because


if it smells bad, it's probably not good for you. Yeah. So it's your body.


And you know, if something is rotten, normally it's not going to be good for us if we eat it. So basically, so it's our body's saying don't eat that. Why would you? Why would you got Oh, that rotten milk? That's kind of poison you don't eat that it's bacteria that you don't want to eat you do that


that involuntary? Because it's like, so you're doing this, right? Oh my god, that is really


overtime. It's like, wait, the people who don't eat this nasty should survive longer and have resolution right evolution? I think so. I think that's it. So because back in the day, we didn't have refrigeration like there was a lot of run it around like we're not bodies. We're not vultures like we can't just eat anything. So like humans have to go and be like, Oh, fresh meat. Okay, I can eat that. But if it's a few days old, like you're gonna get sick, or you're gonna die. You get a you get I mean you get an infection back then. You're dead.


You're gonna stay this you staying on infection. You die when you die and then you staying now, not a tie that all in a bow. I also learned that a bride used to carry flowers for what reason? Why would a bride carry flowers?


Most likely because of body odor? Yeah, I mean, do you think back then there was no deodorant. People can take a bath every bowl stung. That's what the veil was for as well for the pox marks. People always had measles mumps, rubella, people had all of these viral infection really get pox marks like chickenpox. You had your skin look terrible back then acne all that we didn't No one washed. So the bride will come with a veil so the man wasn't like oh, that that's an ugly bitch coming down the aisle. We used to like we looked at nasty and we smelled nasty. That's the thing is people don't. But we did but they didn't use crutches we're probably sell for. I mean, imagine how horrible you had to be back then to shave your pubes. You had crabs and pubic lice?


And if you get civils your dad,


dad. I mean, you got gonorrhea. Tober your follow up? I


really don't think that they knew they smelled because they were so it's like one of those?


That's a separate question. Did they or did they not because they love the smell of flowers. And they still had perfumes. So they saw they did have things where they were like this smells better and rich people would put perfume on? Sure. So we didn't have deodorant, but like most people knew that smells like pigs. And the Romans would that would be an insult like you smell like animals. Like you think it's all hot money from the Roman era. But really, it's every I mean, they didn't Yeah, the sewer system like the what was it was just running water which going down the side of the road. Like people would just empty into the streets and then it would wash down. So I mean honestly, you should be very thankful that you're in the generation that your friends thankful that you have indoor plumbing linked the we need to be more thankful thankful that homophobia still exists. So let's worry about the gays and let's not worry about let's worry about abortion and the gays and focus on what's important. I mean, really, we are really bad. It's bad. It's bad. It's bad. There's no way around it like we are in a time where 40 to 50% of people are really really pumped up. And it's not us. Period.


We're gonna be looking for things in Austin. So if you have a nice


way, thought about will be on Sixth Street all week. Is that where we're going? Austin? No, six straight suck. Thrown can I say can't say that word I can't either see because of my gay list and everything else okay. 6663 Because at the SEC. Yeah, like a little I can't do s XT H sec. Six, six. I will say that it will be like the sixth of March. Oh, it bothers me like it bothers I can't do March sec. Don't be like smart. Well, why?


I don't like the grip of the part like I go Bobby Griffin. Like I like kind of like someone will mess up. I'm nervous. I'll go Bobby Griffith. Like it's not it doesn't sound right to me. Bobby Griffis but I'll be like,


it does sound gay. Right? It's


Bobby Griffith.


I'm probably Google.


Thank you. And you know what my preschool teacher was right. This is how I'm gonna end this episode. Your preschool teacher was right. She was right. She predicted that one day I would be in front of the cameras. She predicted the Bold and the Beautiful little and she knows she that I'm on fat and femmes and I made a baby. I made it. Miss kumbaya Chandler come later. Crumley Chandler Crumbley de Lucia.


Tucker, stop time talk.




We'll talk.


She was a bitch to no offense. Miss talk.


She's probably dead. That's the thing about our teachers. They're dead. They're dead. Just like lay on


Titanic. I was watching tonight. I was like she's dead. And so I was the one a lot of us were not on the Titanic on the movie. The movie? Lady is like been dead for like, it's like,


oh, the old lady in the movie. Yeah, like it's been almost that I've never seen all the way through. It's always been 1990 something 30 years.


Wait. Oh 717 Yeah, so it's gonna be like a year alright. It's been 25 years. So these people like up this the people are like in their 60s in the in the movie dad.


25 years later. Oh, I've Cathy mass masturbates.


That sounds like a really good drag name. You. Kathy masturbates


to come to the stage. Kathy masturbates. Come to the stage. You're trying.


And that's what another episode of not Well, thank you so much for joining us. We hope you like our YouTube debut. I don't know a little bit of this little bit of a little bit of that. If you read the party tonight, you know what this means? And it's not what you think. Thank you. See you next week. Have a great week. Bye bye


we both I was leaning back but I was doing this same I was doing that I literally covered my stomach like this with my I'm not give me please. Yeah, it was like hold blankets over. Oh, that would be like to be Yeah, like old ladies with our pathways. This blanket is to cover up our fat. It's so fat blankets, that blankets and they're just like personal blankets. You carry this blanket around in your book bag or your purse that you would get it out.


It's on the podcast.


Everyone wants a fat plan. at work right now


that blankets are at work.


I started typing and she had a little

